rimestoMeaame Madefonithe -,e do u r î o r T ae * . ... "oiento, M the *em «ai th trldami icwiii vayapr. l'en ieei gardens versathoelmg up Iii fowers, rom hluh Christ F ot tenoe an rs.1 o ai le unè4 tilStbpM~ orfr- I hâockstii. ivue ange thesgwore M *1e eavh vacarrle ad np as ft Set Itï eththe 11111 id t he va t wa etgam euitvneds a atders vere cgahing est, w forlne.bllterSa Te, tili t es Wani a=fordiug a liei aet and th . Bwe athsia et a eand aprnaiL stooses &IaLnghe sthn' * esls t ba tmasherockth epleEdlequlpa shreOoIn. the.r vesueof tes1 rnglngthe lr oante for 1 ws d asslng graI t s.rget it1 Nroduot. PlasueSbo e acSett as et hrausi -ee moi sudabutedsud vsâ ion nes eawng lody t &11e oib loacei luxur Ointobath u fising th casm 'wtd enepa eoenlng shado vefbean *outo pretual mev, lu 1e gfo andttingn ooet lîkges oft propht reasure àoie.d of gnlemen tlandfishnks la eor a ripeple ilsturba1htome tananet. -the aiov ea t heaiansalk cîaand ode t aide they trike te.msr-t the band ns ar ani b thed tom, and liade IndesorbaIo ulok Dthehcâlisrelet sniit haen Upsa t6e bea oitld Hermwai t.he yel m oemet a snow an e CIO,*t »ttngsupf the .knota white drely amànet, tna clia ofh lareb1tie m*6ohalli Dvess olswth a pp inoks l or ah wbae drer tthe au arne la 11-e ama ots ofo1 CTib he fereoiflifof tha ic ftieys t titi. pr-e 9n cfthe ay, lu Iarndth10ela a t he arui&fl'sot nlxa bréeewes ofthe iai e mnitf batrouhthe bloco te On ert *ami ondIssut there q*fn ma lattheilgbot shlp 11th %hSofthe sioi ls epng moiQac night. aremenlt,.ea iP geh al Ge marchntse. l heal ite r pheal a b death r. Cloe egColàta and ercky angrgae. aus arevln lhe p«»ssiitshetnow the tsto, wbte core rie aiesrkthme. he oheii d ain fuëedtre&lui 1dee hm ntha teba rnml, .of e a iherouas Gaat Soundise t ln hroug b he1liwte aWC='f fals lappte ith.tl" 111e a pishtol. STar ii. ealibeat Runep. ilcUtesalle adi'pl birs laknodanletteiOS, <t» ackhe ma oveboard £0 84 The tailg am 111 mal weafth. osuds uhoUtem the uncovered heOW sprpgy lot1the a4til beari. He baS lW0 w mand-one for the I~ tfoC le »S. Nliombi S am he 1e ois »d*5 turl&te waters ami 11e Tii hé uhers.hast vaveç aRqto 0 The tosu And vbile the cordage . ln ut *the, *%ià tÏ iiew galnluths vbisperiag muane t Win" ma ,em 7 >RK 1 atieê h look ie -erpus q tba 9 0à, aîe M amaF ut w Ov e hb" s.t rieW~ ~r*Uilm whlgpat h. cai, I w~, ais btru.-f bos lm it te M bs nooutnpr ' ~-~- ~ casul AWibd va M* b *MOOth bat 5bet ali- Abe-, te I oe tarh ist vsaIWtà t mcupg or t rageiot jea a i et' ic o ary Tcx Ii wer-nitl ou I ~ caSIve nt am boaav&mi*,s." 1lethO cu ukr aip etOls, m ai Oi?115j Jie e lertva m ele"11 PitOtpevthmOequokItet foà uie&iJh tithret afa"ssket, t lne st u aheoli.Jsiecut hc Me à", «. tw" i tote et bm 1 M pI fr the colletost asit Wonsud faet a l- crot hoarylteskt e m a id ta "a e1451treMUd te. aoesibou shsd bue i u isiilet É4-Wo.%1 M at ou- tuid" rlddied t h O1,b lare 10. rgr tcon-atr zli ulet The' Tke aid es . the iase& uaroo ui ous qetonte Pht~ um l.o ilue a ppe eel a rre bMg i he *5 U M7 to i s ace; pfr~~~~" -otigrat4, hto ouvnvn t il. aneua~ u~ dOS uos h 514ulye asia si td l 0 Bbaf-ý Z.M Qhw *Qà 'h ort làidilt. O * & tLI o . rightEue&cMeituerY 1 peii1 i lc~ orai Wge oun. vii. blIo ve 1Obr i llo muet m o i a» ai4'eW I&enbas ee' labbo iab'l ra p ouet » 1we Gr h1 ta.oasalI u amieXeC~ 15011 afinf. Whe 'ise ik sieoite oel O, vbrs eabid maus havboom iw iei10 51e & iO taaudo e t, Yh e y vuso mave noi ho X," = nd oapi y thede onhb auOp~ o u h mmibsa11> 0 b Va& Chr is *wliq ofl sa b ~rea i e f51 l am arunicomlaiod ccier. a mde &e tt: Wbl dsf&Z lght l hln ii l! leer,ùfKid cù bIWg 515D- BesIlmUN i. he os aet1e ni- ried ~ up W ovoi I oet b. s telbO w awdeCh15 lvsýrto yeâ. Q I a u a S Mi uar set l uitr sgae ami on- l -th jogng th wt11 a am tbt de o.vi5 a aom j. ur â r;eUW U aot* ia a ».. y.ioi rlci d s l 14tny&a l t le r Tb e m. . *ru+,.rougb - IWa4 * ~ ~ ~ ~ W _@cmél1#' it b - .ate ica ec f toube. 11 va la>O r ins t bOuesOa u recr ea vie & mk,-elery appe sti e cout. n i eb a the ev h ee l -. f o 4 u t i* d a veico he or omiea tub il f o am e 0lb Mtteir erm n ocs lu laa at, imoied e »R« u dii O musa supo sevhg Iushe wavport aivaye make ie they bave a11eavs hier.ft outty 2 mai in a. N ve a el i o tug J& Charles,-eh iii m l 30e01 emo o h si 5g. abb, y o bat s feui byou. »Mus 09 »Uha lb. oh Uusal ooke< OfmeUgnial mi g laiei'& Thre. di-a e ftnm W» io t . 51evolMrs. te- eta cf * are am eople la@ yen oulihiiuk you, cm' thP nt Uek 0f vhie -i la ITr ulac Uc hClomI e eau »&-s aUsau1o the_act the n d ugtt angw a o d lime lu gtltoouk teep ts o t he caputetoet le asit roen gao s _w*1 upn them.lhe4tge arter, "atie r ulsalutes, ai bol-o oint c e voan t e "sp eaes "f ou g oiethéiO nst 10 vd eR simiont u- Tue i dul e mmgit keod. laugeh e s.ri' àte, 0 omoter uniembo a-e ,is te l P aotli dt e Ye be lb.rnd uen. a *,u, sflwunieha ln. atalute plaint> asyShe k à ey a filAy ou ever 1u069oe f he v ok11e> b d lie tttk ïae î?r The i»tiami 7Tedcb oJ t img up w». > Pa i- on f 4 betvOI'Iohto 1s t u 01118 fale e ornll iccuc l b an fevi as a t ,epmâràed n y a- uty al smaiucl d ied evey ocb- Med, chist.*.Éiifp a uat et làuly.Orptheoyor reeryba crrdt ud oiii e eo u tér- ero atmg, lve e rc g u amy art,v on 1e agehsru t he x pc. at pS. 1O1111 hé» en. l t n cati, Thene I a ve Uges. Brn e!liee siilaeloin ar e la u ry, evehu el a ter' Nov,. eM steu eruo 0 itbl h ristmubetd.Bt & Mr m cbl b kstc , s muc b have l i irsea beam an s ionumemnt Gr cfl b& ig vom a n am t r i1 a" pI atect .SothJames 11 e egs- ai h e auc Ihe la e crtes. tebuidn mana bve ue strcts f 1e mev ai» culteS isul th«%11em eango it11wI withl dip laes g iot e v i b a tsrs lub of th e . A Mi! for isavi> vilaeare akimg ohe paco!le i-u t nec ie rib. thesaii 10ata e i s h h St ne udpet OCm ,bvie mau l! 1T hed ortOtio of teu.btsejlàg , -- but Wh ~ouàpldM 5t netot h vith s has baril£ emough nov fer themomfl- - g 1 i ut th cosen 1) arioit1 ape* ho 0" Ru* luone1 âe Ire,1 t1e A i t akting. No itt u M«tehevr Sec~Frah oenovel yisoe o utestoau s- quiet. bus arer te a'd a wlit,'e" lcotg ever erelj"ike la vblcî bas*i hýi Ë alréOfvut hegtM b nteIdaacget &Irin O saim?" Bt ws-415 t he s51*5*8 li Of trub l.,0"iMg 4a iun- sev urIOM * ZM o teVenha zne , .. re rell d a r ile e lu Ch a esr au4 ~ ~ ~ ~ o andA iUt nu lua alrs a Smlieboc par ettue fopucrlien» uIn oU£0 eauseb.f me . euBow - mises n yehp .iai lime te " ome r xee lieu m talia e. andrlehf' f svsyvtthlu 5 hOr SSC 0 i e, ae fooiugll hl 4ahisil*i l Ami Cmke hentr i ros »,te rtup ami qu teteUei yos. <00nt ý4»tiuIW clon lant rcrdu rvteu u, a g o 1 avh e tound out _qyeMpo'e- . eaus hnthblng the tem peel ut or a e an e pl h you. would. th a" 415 a i niie u , aTdee ,- e oe et white he4r vo j "ThO euividuai luiue'tion ihega Ii.n lii. * toohav tne a904tbey si y, 'toin mu ket a ru l. W he acmmii oft e g tio f geLtétn els e , -ami co uteaid iieel-o o t-f ti s wor i& h & otets o e e . bs lo e 10 d fl a oke J e s id o hï d a e mi e .Bt 111eee"t, ig so b l do , u t ho uharl fr La elCam ,na Christ ~lit ~ t .lg bl, t ouh b>and -Frentch- Butte euthessef s t tbuni foar Baest cs~~~u totayw-b vo4ld11evii-rke o ie srgu tdeat.Wld Touitfa tI 111 flhifP'lh iSlufelowth Chl thlby rç ramfeollI- l 115ODCa! gl u Alut l it ot o h o l t a fl 18'hi aho e o nt nt 6c u n h y uta s. T t i n e esel aib rlng uhm a ti u elavV ui siteoliali- laoty (po p ai v ri perYbcor orad -, .ofaou r unhervs ptritnl a abt 1e as l- à.a n g a n t e 'a e g*1, U b r do o u dr aS< thrf tian etil A il n n sru e o r ai Q ue a ist li e rne o 1li ,Sen tuc odo tù, b a hal r M_ as spite-et ank sck noem t. 1have u ful kiasgo awe. plt ag bsvece o & L j MO e i 5ohd bs l U for 1,5 hae l ca s«e. TBude nl .Te in tfl- fpeeor «ëlf' aul 1n t he e anro g of tehe uhta- 0 Py I laaugen. Aan -fr te onWho vil ff ar t&in lh pi « f ed s ue.-tic »agôor ibue-e m ngd t toI'.Iotlawso«d-odel t Sad epmlsu'.t e.t ise> mon", leut whj niahiv.rPOolrtsubmetlefllof -havlu uIeigit bshadl noifi nw orteoft a posuFaim bot o aain eaei OhIlm v eemIele m-tlartc o:8 nelero, o o r ats hi abeut eve'vOt. ýth WnMth iasetti 111e 1p ou bat a voicoLsne tOut Wluieu s*ar rute b aÂftIVIIn t aMbe 1h yrd, okssîtion ' -Agl mg vii11 hauigsi.hat ag XoiW airere il c ksour e tîli flasB huu Oit 11e 51i15Ourne Thsc up gp ~5V1W< ber 15 eUL u t eau, k .Christivagd mbmtadea>' one ai!>bal t an Thfl, ý&You w * l 'astor e n i lltes ol5e t vel of e 0111P. rlb. -&*,*yUa. I a so sPace Of ce b. Mienm b e .br ietO 143tr. T« tO Itt t EspUuiiI 1 rr>PO el.. [od l u(s.54trtonle bin o r ed os-n BP t th5 ce rk ~ 1t h n h m l l f eB S <Ybii g i.the g551h tOut - *conceied ht1i it <on _______________a *lea C&boutviela irt ortIAepI 11 Th ,bg itine hY Y 4T U ut.& r% W e & mgiltsg C ase i. g hta e. li s -as dse »bl* inanto t Uo- Ch it. o nOê sr I0w muc rea e li E4aeMsona i ee Il- enr-- fi h r a t ê re r e'e? T# t .e -a d Mg Ç rita oo , an by drectonlthied. UnT i pS'O~ptJ7 jo. tYtIAN, - PIANOS .- A N 4 $EWt~VACHINE8, Of bust "*&u, Lt igwpritpces and easy terms. TfERUPY Cor. Susse' & Peel its. ro thosewhb use South Amenria ~Nervine. A~~ goyet8 Tir" Perma«tly rdy ~~~~~o A!~~U~ ' m e ws MWr o.mplailt" tG UmES. orm DINWOOUT. Tisehertom, O ipesheof ~~~ ha elol agu - on O anl gcsd neomnàr aayl j, mibv a a ii ~~iie ooiiffi do hem geoc.mclo of ~dLdwbI5 Mp -kined staff thast gives beamtY to age * As# ~bos~~SIe4~ l~e~he4id net despalz Sher; 1j* me' m»ý v lusoi Utry Nervibe.S"B ~ usea, sili 1h.. isSe.,endis awm sufoîeul .1~U' .S l aMr ltk6h51 her end Vas mot yet.: mail .Uomktweivs Rsttes of aq~ v 's lb Uie4Uiii,'illithea.rsurt bsa ho is ~. sI th5, eso4ltb crd4flat.break- 'S' _____ u<lbs.15beU ia .tsuo e à& Ieg odefu u b Nûm. Diiaoui preiaim. m"eof id 4People titrougi- wbà.d 1mai1thal it i elou ag ém tiley oomedtisoldocte-' dbume Why should,we hot th. êeelet, amd ainetiqu, Md lier.otth11e cmtry? ~ais umris,, viielier lte ee op«kid, els at lhe morw, ~s lb. sysisuable ~I*L itepaISpdlluvievwheW. Wk, ts» part la vatchin gtle, of v0 iSthicen- ~iw w th e t i i J I! 4' ni; 'I t I h 4 k4~ 4k~ lit