.wwàhao d0i Ont approv.i - mboat Qio oa eh sebJuot b onDuOs lm tot fo &sinwàios.Th*s ool *oh forte .glaiuO,4if 7Fm Ob" F>Sof lesr&S LINDSAY., VA5U-PoIRumb ~ 5 .....ell R~ . j-M&TO flE??, 4()qtO TO 'LO&S. utUff b' gtl Iu0te« on ou biou os et1 om Mou l o r sb,~ad uoii. Mo NF .~lt i b'w UIIaM M kS.uofmtflIwegoiOMM IàuDO out ;çs~4~~ PUIDT, IPTIIS lemi A sImmo f buuhmi làl" t à êm» lSmh glam iiumeL as 1 Im om oOum:f om"msub swm ,-m.roeym fmg tel Clabetson". Ms h.M Ou" pooptus f R.a..Wsas hoio osélons l tis ptmui eutm oso goi moOSbut s ihil gomit mb or dstom in* ooa faoetabm b Ibs. Im pom. 1 au vimirpointe, vM à*sîl461, R3muctkhe b ombvmLo 51.15, 8wuithe I>.mais, m a uto h b àhopsi Oh0gmj maR vom maiat tddbb, 11a1«don ar peuh Oha *àsou mu h. multh Ozmsu" >ifgl i m,.i" I . " ~U~IWê -~ ~Iis~w. *os~ssoe a daar - as.y pries. la Pal Du Juat E of ~Ujpr1oe~ la ine other, hs Worth striving for. Mmv Drue Gooda Boyà. Suites and. &«JO . I vs ~h ~u dalag laRoloy adGWrv.sto R§4vO bà . vMt dVaatgg». Ladies bM. urin misai os»dibei* - m~ ,é muo Sosihosi Corua n sut -olfg frea010 pan Soww prisff. oaCm eLThat maahswkt4y fot um~ya;ut -S un tier thM'r 00 t 7"" ai&«0 -aSUS Uq ja a4 of Capes. Ont msoca s laià4 k vib. a pieamur.for you tg emarna l bo sm < O i dgrno i mv % eto m W *gEigé deiia Sp te M e L m hUC m a e *t d . siotbin bp15AIM0 sO maitoà Wît0 1 54W , 1? 70 8U.. AftOtfb d-M ~,a.aiu thm. i s-BM ~t- 501, but bo ýt b65f. bi$ s* ,âtOis a.ew ..a u1hgitoub*o% er hss M* tleit'MtSt la il»a Tmo uhisai oo IOi 0o 50Part ofth . 'hyuv bmoptbsu ébis i590W thi brli &»tl 1074ISD 47, ce *a"% me"i ?hussy ome a tnmg h*ml bi à ..'. uooMi,.tahe ,Timu 1bMe -udbÈIioOm sa- . Min, tus mvu' mmO ai b ausausuo iBAbvueusnslis P1oai*éâit Sabmifriaa oa Ir~ ~~~~~tWl1 B"MUWMsam h asss *~ MrnéOpu i£UISIS aitstuthon 55i aulmhl a b.iug Osmousa. vUs 51marinerui h t m. g«e et* Ma moumui, . h.mmi th.0 go ou,%"la 1 hmêoh b550" * Thon th* îribegr"oom oti a. wsn. - £1 m SE s p a h b a ie b oue m m h o , t .4sfl Ç b m O CI ~ ~ .P U S- posm os.m b uuota I sIOi g.iis m, ooo t o s thé AB" be M tride l bl Ï40à h » .tabO » bri ogrOt1. b .W b-os mo h taio g teetet lm mmoaoiy tS e& kusvlsds Imi okth*é lud. 00 b a M 01 Ma, âMvos Imm i soo s, folb*4 tli eîr 5 tiS rt* "....3 - Imm" W p#.Al f of Oh égl.fu, al soosu, fI. bîmb iad symctIi OdUt» lieemasSt huas Pt*- leisa .m y ms. oun O h oo 00 tho>sSàIve &mihm l 001«ÀâL4W ~iu *0< oam, v ià iwbîib btfasOh rhmio u m ,lI *nit m s «bé Ir mer *6 WMu et bis Ç v. W O -tu et.weo fore UBa& '~toebw~i.1 mvaima et M W auOU. d Stre cour#,&.0< lati#ami dl iv ilvuyet uo* b *0 utIlm ù ia. mirrtal u.. eus iboug __________ dém , "nm* Of M» oàS% la tro e » prémil umil loi,,vmi tu o* mi d-k sbp h u fos -SIR5 ]Buthg bb _ _lo US havece, the 1)47a.&tbusW. ib> . -.. ý 1 .t. eeight ihOt t i Oe me of SeA. U J±'l"Mf. b. T 1M 0005 ' in C.9V ib "M =, - awisi ie ....." .am KaR4laff. m b e W.W mtoet otwd - * s vo i . ' . .. 1 ol dl l ovi l . .. . .i. . . IlN.é1 1S1m1,1 . 'u ~ a v ouno l. sIiur bim'l'ee . 17 1 bom bons -hmb asi mimaidm ______________________________ vos b Osvm baS -. umIabbg a oms. Ils poutua usmit Imova b 5* Ohm FOWI doms bi ~ Ohms arivais. Oi~î w Pul 0048 si»dl mtvln& Man I - A GOODS, 4 Umm*#l UsIskI2Ig of OOTE UIMAL 10s0mi1 fENEF dH B; Il KE 1h41a'. 0 FAt lion i Hall., 'lv."' Omiiuts. duo Impoti. Go d o o m J o o z o e are going to FJW' ke te ý&