Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 27 Sep 1895, p. 1

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Om" 'No ur~ 9010 N5UD~aiS W.0 Y.U~.4. -- ~ as. p.. SE ~ semis - IfANTLES, 8 pi'lURHSiS md I1K? GOLF rCAPgS. etc. Ou frý eshw vsud echas. -wbIl.ourpricms.iRlbe fw UN "MANtiL. Cà ametment is voty me. prdoceb 1 Mtploelines, W. an manties, Golf Came lN DRES S GO complot.. W ba. a loothmaohc DRESS GOOIDSt oained of tho IaC *pricos "ýwhih cal and fan range-of pric cas impoetoedby us mmss, woare onable v.ry mstedill in -1---OMM EL É xi 1* k» ut ui&4 4" for I emplote, umikqog manthe làtea 1 a bute stock ofthoi" adiégor mil c. icà.lWb" steasàwoil for lour a"sis owv voYfui n d. invite over' ltend ngpqMihaser to, ch of new FALL AND *il4TER a in theolywaaidea catibe * 'of Vwietlos. styles, colOrICngd 1il maugeo f 'oorýiogs la every pruce, mzoc. to 81-50poferd. from the manufacturera" u by this fer spediul va nos..*"bu as sisted gUP n O pur aio lack Dres EveryDepartmeut in-th ouBse Fpuit to OrerflOwing with M Bargains,' t.whch w. invite> your speiai. attention befor rchsi.W. M"v flot splace to mention othet linos this weoh. buta ILace tbrogh otç t-in wluatov o n irequt. will atify youmasthte< vale what Oer. WÂARNER & .c The Greet Bankrupt BlockKe '76 and 78 Rentai..5Liudaa7. PFUR Wf8» RI Alare Welcomo b,***. oui Futw e Exhibition, .pt .t ié~~4*Ith, *oé0 ManulacturrngFumirensuad Loadig Nattera.L"i $3 'M -'--g.' Na.?.. iion us ~s~R ~ i 1.41811 bis.., su. Mu yusbse E on- e. - sot MI&uso -4.0 4. ~u .1 Liadsay'a e ~eae~.y. 'to. & ?éterboro. w. a- s IdmdB l~e un.o.m.B Sm U'muBU lb. suhgfs uwlaa ai bis aMIlBy t UWl p m *14 ~ - ~u usai ~' .4 Watar Sw~.. <15W. Urs. ~18bt~ eumi~ our.u~ ..i*I.4 s0. ~ I Esulous. ~~ese b ~t~~ueE. I '~ s. ~* ~ q~ &.4.0,.*,jOI bat i~, ont, ~ S',. hu %oe*~.*mrn~uqb4.fr.umL ~ ~ ou .,~Mt~~pmuOulsSWb4afr.W50i. ~ ele I niwwi i, e.MO u MmlK0111 ewtoe . m liri. 01006 E.WI.a Ua.-11 0 siiE.ULel. U m. ou. a.wayb 'mi, unoUemm"v~ ~ Ueo Mus. 0 q btm ud. waU.ms tm. loA 0.aqgloel n ss.E mia m .y o. mua *-I baeU"mua~tenotea Mug 'batikdo 0 tMn, @afuriMStbdw q"UmWb l t wtuo flbu ut.la>*- »itsnu vu lu, - ~al*". mm Ilmi .mmia fpbhudlm u MtnaOao Mm IUS ooo» dàllb&M~l b0Uf l udsdv @ ý"011111tmflINuf10utl aumý * s ton * l uem 11lo bwàL ft mm S-mi.Ma'8.1bu 1d un«If . m-W "am o uape film et *0 boqu ê moud te kooig a a fb ddtm&. g n kffliOr ta0me5ih" Um m tb"(«lo le npMyasV Mdlo etm niam*0a asr itdme o- j , .1.1 I4ea b104 1lolmail' " .1 Oeew." tlsd) 'tom l. P.&&OaS. iLiii.? Give W- G. WOODS teCOOtract Of makiug YOmr lii. a, comfort. tbis. winter. fes Dmeiur Om ela mml.1. iogms.I haamilmrOumfSr. tutam 1004h m klth Usaiti, be *5aitorilettl mmbu Sla %hofeil smom 'd »4 me amp ad TIse aa oi m bu -mm .iranim a emhbs=Who m M ISSO n 0 " 1 Cssite1 __MU06 ai4Pr u Vo S~IOULDER WHENYOI SUIT, IJLSTER oi If yoisvaut a loi ct< assotment o t MÂDE T OZOD ER,-! * materiuls v e e lefi SERGES. ýSCOTCH hUJ 0i» examine m oui TROUSE.RU4eGSo, ,OAT. of ýP-A NTS' ,e41 lb.Wtc.~aier votate e ilobm l &a mniseal*a6ls Ume J~ we diN. 0 4îe baidEI vIe et *0 lm MA .Ri *s lut a bmu~eml W mm0 et- ~ us. ir.omm f» iJrCNAUtopAIM pa1UOEww onia"~umtms ti*w r i<TESSIL " us léa ta Vewhv .Oflbs o.lierS Laiturer 050aitwai l.ulljdiIbl .~ .* a sie . IjutI~ I m.awoek OMbIl, Uet., b Dr ft , hr 1464b' ut1w0 m et ima1.mr. %o dAelm# ;Iiet mm " - *2 -fli, OËo*W«Im sUai.~~~ use.la uChoseme. jmu £dmles~iL imue' - iu a smata, V* " t oom-lm--roa.L L. SeN, il# %Wmam . msece lglu tesmomeru dL0 L vo. -à«hasg, owy muteri vicarl Mdi dutrip e mous Bd 10551? ra TEirz O, dâmm& ê Ltadmret Y i iltshm 11.5 Ver ?poo 'a pu1w4 aaguu lae - uUo 1 i~~~~~e,~~* iumbol"ar111«-adB C,. sa b Presssj N Uo i - haa 'tb autI. 4 ut 11 1* ve t-ait ff O 04 .16me Pose it~ ssibb -er od oeau *W, a. dwit»mor s0"»adwn As 50mo a Ia oie' .6pe a olsta am418 151kdayif i lm to ud t &dM. mises . fS«dr t. p eas. ils d aéfe0bëë l imme ap uomelm.t et %r a o eeaa beMde a m<g l ogm et m ilr i W £5b@ *Wbi àM or l*am 10h.Mn)1.b dy a eths eneluima A" fortmua4 by»p@ut gruceObdti. e ad W. 5e awdt l auud, rth*Mid m S" e U l~e to i1%»101110%watIbo ~'mmlii. » '"édM4ào Pri r lO4 LLs§ .lMwin esb. aImte n om etm ~U~Sa iPu ae sedo e u *bah 8190 *ie bavbemau fîabtt-Il." Mam m leerol o. avsmaie a homw > Omsberme*~ e m lbomi I du, *0 hli ami >tai ue. T$w mob. rtVaises par' a MyunTb kswe ps ayw Iusoulise UWiut 8%ora M, laaia-heemagrandy 10 aie uha mth uul bvelu. av e @Wd »ràI .e i t 4517 lés&'W tb i . o uSmI- DIsbueisset« aimo s 1dp ai Wb" tq ali ve have for Lb. enuble ean mc1 PM 9t e. Tbn i ýia ms u tiei f aour native land, o*a iLas~la . To te .the. place at the ognuiê~ wî.. ti~ o artsbh Whicb but few em underataudl suos mLhu bI' lulpuaaci It urosi ho a tokeai, Indexaitta t"ila ie Lue"hp us niib gf the loyal harts that therelu 4deii a*t UMd0]%,Wi4r. mSa. m. l, w me" r No OtIt the pah o te M.aspic tue. 1 000400* u W h Ipeibior"&, aJe.s onou - eMlLe-i on- hes-, veIdise, And the flag of the aid coentrie. What muet vo haive for our emblenlatbenm »- Ta o knowu throuichout thre w9rd To be loved; ta be féaretd reapected, of mien. 1W hrver that fiag la uuaturledl Shdüld we lilch a'êfttztibn (ta niake or tur> Itroors u eigliboura' aipau led rt IoIne a0V',Abar"nor a Man * ter Muait b. smen on the BrIUu lagZ Por the bauner of our Domùiniom4, TIen aay whait aul It bet -The maple Leaf on the allier dise, Andt the flag af the oid countrie, G"t, Sept, 14. IL Spuuoua Bowziz Came, y thankful, people, corne, Blaise the .sang of Harvest-home: Ail l. a Iay gather'd ln. Ere the. winter stormus begina: GoD, our Maer, doth *provide Pat ouf W.a t tabe supplleit; comta GoWs own Temple, eau;. B Bou e ag of Harveet-hom. Fruit unto Ris pralae ta yseid;, Wleol sd ares therein are owu, Unt Joaraarovgrova; 'IeInIwtb a wondrous pover. ual Rarvest-hour: Gwant , O Lo» oai Mie, that vs 'Bol grialnoaîdpure may be. Fur va kuow that Thou wllt <orne, Au& wtlt -tale Thy people borne; Prom TI field vilt purge aay -Ain tiialdoib affend, that dor; AndiTTua. Angaa'choigS ailest lu tIe lire the tares tacnet, Bu3t the fruiful eara '-a store la Thy «erme evormore. Cam tIen, LoivD of meroy, cous, Bld nesiang Thy laarvest-baans: Lot Thy Sainte b. ler= d ln, Préa-bc "MuWae , IYfoinéu;SD ;à.gthe goliben Ioot ;FraIsTbeTe. for everuiore: ICme,ivthI al Thilie Augola COus Bl Msag Tiiy Barvesthbom& Irolss, O proise ur Guoui Kag Hvymne of adortton stucg oo e mmerci«. attil endur lier tàîitul, ever sure. -ie iO»I<a aliE endura xva titthfTt'. ever scre; Sud il. miler momsbv ntb sbhmgwube « t gt la g,. àer"l s e ure TiBa AMd i M mm - muIe Mbs - - omi & -Tm mm àu',@M suiias ative aid 15h . ........M8 ... . s 44 470 . Su0a T. 5"1.. 8a0 Th ' ba ht a"01CL. la foue ettb<I.pSesutsetf iavetorg, Mai et Ihm uIc ballas.tb.y b»lv DtioBt5i smnvlhlig dal t u.hinge îlotts fi autbbo asu-uste imea, Ibo Poalaxtat vue ikt' wmes e Put îlt boîbet il-ta at" àlIuq a on the t.Auoa ao l&bm6 ~~~~~~f tit alewelfrbu,*. euh mal u l popoille sa. N ait a vtdrae. Trio. bdasai 10 te Mbome. IousliCbies.me» tibis t»n ~adu veau mo. sud , b**vsePede wus MM t 18O Esoii esf,,. iba:. GOa pso et t*9 maIn peialed «iam etu 1 ho old et"r at &dws p@luIog aed. mov hb. mt lab* m..sa1lm.et a yjesug floait. a ose»e g& et lbi rid" M o h b..te rrtduoria s.vdiy. ouifa tbe tj.xof t tne uvbuaie aduleimS eta u.sîttuae of vit»us5- UupV. Essai Tlable. fu Pt1 og i *si . ig l>§&ceuof Ibo moen Who bkW 0 t the mu.s*of a te b"if Il us hae"S à liti. Iu,îbctr ditwtI& Lpfa luli il ie atkuba .vldIo *19-w h% v dmu la.ti uai trst f smo'rtrain On owoug4alct pis PMI.h.i- e' Wmgntussi ut~ ~ k «lhbsaogr me tatteith". fi- wyu kveasse.Md th^ Mm .Sorereal kwit ibs QOMeWb e WCofithefIlb'y Who iuw-aà, M M »6th isl e tait.i. Tton a" àlim *8 mm ubo bleu ouil. he Mau*as ea ba methe b.of thîe baiv hatritci 10 JuuP .upchq mm I.by .1-le nbe eeai - - 1adbereW --I.-CU-A- b Im àl sli 8fUIaa ae kicos i'li ois sd lthe ttagme Idt a i ude àou Urusuli M». mile la t»s minse ç a lyaut-- oei...' el. lstubsiRer. repuses th, ?non# 'toto? HuetaM tO k is t. » ma ulb "i eft i rb v s ouia dues aitie we anod ien. sd j "fW riiMibm 1 .. ve tIsse vl;he bmiap oaiàa mI.'w x delime Telcta ireN.. mIh éu d ialibles aricb ame.s hu marni I Qus~a Om t.aehe Bau, le. Ne.4. aysbg efe. eoer île-the e utile.a Or.met d Ma*t"a" lossce &:hs. &bdathe 0wIs oy ea 0 Cuty c<Roue. k«W euibuie l dsby @deotite jh bakif preéaitb- OMM .te$% 1 u'o. pe urilst weuph n@b y thae aide fwhe bots lAr.se im atas%«bu-, O mateisu brakemàu cta o eit éoeIt teaa Ittt J.W.Vlstsrs. ef i0aIIIUae. usestvtou »ai»e.a»d se t gom«Thesfoui sid Je" ba Wdglm, Vasuhas-" u ,kMWeelathevisg tira us oeh.o». e, til b* leu e. ils dosasseS ttahssiufabmauhaus.a muastim abetithithie ordPes IMuMOMllatI.Iula< ils aousmWbo v e s- uamâsetilsloa oui$"M"louiby aO ettsin COous taochoiera in IM OMOM 49 Ofb»M. 9*»iU'aa 11bUUU4#i urope. b.irs..baadfhuibtil t.. Aiti ov Yonk, 8.pt. 22.-A L-udon sable MIuhtlu s9m»se M bPL v ~ Iter alcs. Embarg lad ber terrible th* 41110*Of t l V cuu s Md 1v eIders w.tu.îl Md . I&at-oovsred !bat ovus lk B 8«euub_4ýM 5a Ml aulOr làA tIsa lonbinde omped t he. cent agleatthe lane atab etow trbokéeomtb BWilaIpublie lua I4t1v deidatd to bq iater h 0 1 is fbe gbisse putialw cabal hiI..abr-ml th*. plagnmaunIls aB. Hopk6ote, as row.mu k. u ta s. T i as ic v'îy s sy I 3umau~ ~as lU. sTheb a lep"fscupite iyqu Tlone i&MOM zwyb adl, epoe sb r eousahmS i bou~fl;Mr A7.bi . Lie"s. Papar et av seu plit uhein. Is SeIbUb e4M OiN. bâ àlýMiMUb ukLim asaaaoc bowthtii.the aIrsla 1)1*. Terote, bustuat 4ai m 8ý aiàbifwa aCousîantîl.o, but un itlI I§" *6IS lb sI FfabM#* l db*~itmsilat aid»., taulieadvisceuouthwani 8.mui M W» 4mt 11.00ua 100& 4 daeuseglhilAutre"laempire. th, aigu ohm-, bo. ele en s >6tWe4 *0* l b t N.i1 iâom theIlpropotion aiofdesthu tu ersaps"'-"IVt 49et Yhmuh 0 onu l b O Mnué Wla ur ta Vo lais, I us uiNftpudams t k. im>am" " ics bus been kue va beair* bof.,o'e ines 11004et lliUJ . A. ' kW elI.ee M b.pmaat ofthe ml ot 18815 but Volaiotla d.,sti M«P ai~msMdgm m6M amqwowyogéîmobýdecres <. àppumeitly FotbrLosk'ms Mdwis apmq s m lu,vw. m5aOn«te la"e aun ?i. stuts; lt *~ ~~iy »dSVS.*e Ih.m det agl Mt hmn a slixît bost ,mported freux numer. j bwusms~ 4 3. asUiv. lus5*pUBst létu ji on a b lotamal i îut, ud t tIe Doigtt. b hm 0.io m sa*misse et au ma rmuutey tiso i Tlis ** a uîeotM 340 . a beVS* mtalnt.Se, piobe.ty. ithé ileua j bu u. (5ofr'S hu 5.. ~ Os MU 0100à inipeo . Uaatruataiu, bovevs, Ir u, ON i Reb ut t M iila » V esu P ap g. -an dl @unu te o m 1 3 m*O bfflbossusàaperrMesi §ltxUro a Euraps U" B b14 oewnum. Dh1. 5511001 ni .1. imUa l 41030 'ueMu ITM 4~iss Wduigu-thtt.Mlht.b&es *0 uno u U'*lbkvtQ»ý melUsusolm isupsuxmente chiot OMOr le a bgm4ê51 w" whM U me 49 hon uSde17 vrdly ,beoatomeobsîolua 1l0à., theim 'wvfftPM M M al on»uabuaist&Mmd gkli UttO Ild«a Md Muoud, h Mp uMor otl a l t Md, liesa toufetably laseme butors BugaEt bers, obus l e .pmulmge ne les usé peter. ,the tad.imrtiil os wI iwul. itaindiltisal. luI à«. of à sliIilWy bnmem earde u.nmgo; àmd anime a goopel Jef brave limprodenes. * ven poosiehvoehave: bealub -andllove i-msopp *ould taks tlem me t11.1w ePlt. aIu 7 s mtasd lape@sud mot on a et boak etock Ms uitrivY Wa-u g». -Mdmiet1mtuelMeorfiso, tls ro hm5 uSOM» obls afvmd thmu eI oM balidbsetai e bornaiThn A lappes m aut Ibm.. vhlsh b*opIn aints muoe t pull 10peord-maauiff l~ b sm"ljiq cff hig. TIai EVta ttonew er WOU- sl èkoesbe mes. 11M la WM vu he i*8. lé,sil. bw s IBma* ma o m w S bave Lus la 4 t-.' I I jî 'i ~ >1 t y 't I ~ 1 k I k ~ '-I - i ~, -~ j e- .7 7 qDu»waý Y9 1 cuir ~of- r a ilit«

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