lie" 2000 $l'pn ua * Âreno Wle .01 sec # la~-m wMh uui fli goodmers boi dut eomsTkm &hoenuom- pu - WE -HAVE JUST: OPENED à big bargain ln Table Unens vbialiv off« st-00 .9"cl 80 oensnsd w >anIBI 1~.. b valus WB HAVE 3UST OP2EKID son. Iaiereuinin ..l M medium pics., e bandesUnea.Of Plaldi sMd a fui! rang. of Nooeiites in Wrappereth whioh w.e ffe t 10lOomt. per Yrd WB HÂVE 3jusT opEl D sborgalu in. Whie oh ffer 1a 5 centspoeyard, jIIihthing faiBols vesi g90" ps*êsznMd uintssrsbk, WB HAVE, JT OPBNNSD a fui! Un. of our o.lsbratsd HaUt ax T'wedlu- ai the nOV colotingu II" whi .olm obi r StoId priose. W. fotunateiv seouM 2M000Cotton Bgapi àpriCes fuflY 15 per cent bslow prusetm liprioms sud 0». effe Our 1parmer PRdeos halu ohoice of four mi at ipie W. are ýmaking prepanatis$ for a biggrail Trade m ad if pcems, onato for havlmg WLI & 00. The Great Bankrpt 810k Ment 78and 78 Kont-ant., LIndsaY. and WoodviU DryGoos, arpetS, Othng, Ha.ts, Boots a.nd Shoe8, Hardw-are, Fanoy Goodei, Patent Nedioie, rois, ProviBtons, Piour and F4eed,- Binder Twiness, Crookery and (*la8sware, Btalionery anid Bohool supplies& Ordered Olothing s s peoiSltye Boot and Shoe department upstairs Just now every department of ou! stoolk is uJy amsrtem We-buy in large quantities, adsi on small mari Try a isample of ou! 118W Teas. l'oc Um v* mi mox lm s eM uslg 0 hmt. abc% hmave »1h o» aaffl.udToi a va Wpsmberet- maé hmis uhai Tho Fu er UnnMKutibl Te~~Im laelau me Victoria W. ial t lW.. Jb. ba u W.o. L'MA , a nOVAtmu iali-ib- . W ba h araiydoL ms oaaisas, MroA làva nÀ'imer fnE aeliutlt ITow»enAIlipmof awl@% s in aly ues.etipheu!s.W N bt ss»»mnEfl Ce~t vue ba l BM.i e mitMUy.Tosrt 4-et G. b MtIEI . *6eal get 6amu di"o C. &**mm --Agn, iioeiiil W. J. EEADo eL-1- a* IW5mm fat aao au ,lp= t Wmma un *.Wote uSoeu. Darb iêaMoi ~ MfW lia GREAT shoo T iîfa0IONIN BIOYOLES, p.00 fa...*... ........ 0 100.00 fSa............. M5.0 90.0 lo... ...... .. 50 86.00 laa o r....m5.0 5000fo............Mo50 Ah. .oarnd.bmsd whoésw dola, ai lm RIOS - w - -~ uuw ~ ~-3 - -- s ~ I~S US1. Mn~.VaS. 4s*0Ostg# Tf~i. ~Uaiw fi'.. i Se iii as~ - ~ id -~ niai iadmmoni W"L ail'-. ~ gjm~ai ~isnhI~i~i qn lu - ~ ni *i U ~ e~emaet ~ - - lu taie ~£5ls j. Upte lave li ~ ~ili. woe iiju min. ,ma ~ ~Adq LU-Sa USL Aawy'. Utile ONUSb ab u memtlti o - à"T*Mr y" -M« effl. uietaMl.ins s 17114viao hmkiIs ............ ... . . .U is .W. ..Wdsa Va bmail7fnl.W,...To T. »"u6. v~ ~w.. l'ouate, lmul..~...8apt. HumA Oniaal.ê... ~ Cutvrigit....4.... S, Umiamilll............. h Dmkms... I 'i -, OnlusL. ...... Camalaglus, Oestail.4. .LWNle Cal lu ~wo by a 2-7 0-21 28-26 26-g 25-47 a5i-98 Baias, Am 4.-Tie Lsiui liseno 5 4410IlNO m'hW a li*e slip mante am a b Iy ,1 m l*"bet me M am a M& vqtCP aiarsmi vi I~~M Wb*gbve vatm*- m i dsmisi T ia lm SP .00À. l* A modle Pou» ~4. p mv .~ I - ci aarv &8.,@lF Ufli wu"ah &-Md da, ilàe »obalp Glus ~MMi Esda 1Gé MM KYI% -n - om eOnuma fflO0, EleloelbaEleh T"âw é b Aw*apu-- The é Vuomi mata 0IS-,"Vallaset6 te omra tâtrg Bah% "U, elois *aI. »tau Mn v miL m"lau ttbRanAi1-*-dtubd100 *8 dîibaids, tele~audv Rayer jtai liamlie - ba e.tebe5-aledvo a i teb lM «msl4 i e a o salstor, b upMy te1 JÛ i u b. gtalas up. ' unâchm -mwàdwemâlmi1 tiappa. lïi mited la casuJ.eL os ??irda dtoori *0 boutietNios bate*0 nuithe O l a *0puWssmsmdbe pma i tb. bni amad IS mlsàuspeiè osUMlta te Mmielmb, us-e ~ ~ tb mà mvil*1h iui osh aouM" e*0dolasprmmii I.etpati .tied n. KlM, oWa mia b the lié lbit a *8,P.d011 et. a tie saiio. aie *tsmum bfltlums va tefoeelt. l. b i uom «*wd*Nvlliowve Suda alaSm*W F Isat 0gmaa u r âl"us e el m yi m - mu mm yn. aamtdm MW ! 1iby*;;9-eelbaa iam laisl iuinipvernaupomv. ~ itnlhm t. *0 malte. ma aUliBte lii *0 hie. BM *0 mair vomit bo ai hie bah. *0 usa- voI I *0 i mIe, I *0 a ELUÉ .... . .. .... ... Wê W sud ~~tunms~...........;.f D m vls. ................... O auieiq Md ohr a e0=4s, Ousan, U.k~ Oum on.hIg, h6 m lmspu . Tii bau-oa90aumol hI *0tha vaah - aalim a 0 b wb 8.784 »M »M»SU -wuu 1. Tm bl Tnii i un no s. fu bise ...................... ......8 .aea . .. .ol .i...... ......10 .....t.....i.S.. . .....lM OherjBroi .... ............*. Vsraa . . . .... . ....8 j V.i..od..............m88 via ii............... NvoId.i........ ...... 18 Nalro..............4 .........s. ... ......8 ....... ai .... ......... CImais Usiqa.......... 1 lai iI.......1.4..8.. .... ... ............ ........... . . . ......... fluage..... .......... g.. ......... ..... .......l... ........ ...a1 ..........fl OMM ..sé.............. la 13, » q.. m.........1 rNM ookta. ..N ...... uwmen àUM.........t ... NevImille ... . e... E, aow i*01 7j&. Et. , *eh 1I.Sothbu et 7 NM. wu ii ., .1 * 4 <s orome. uxwd*. ot".Aug. eVelWg Me boiS * Wilam Go.dem'a plmi ma tt .as * - dvitb ta 1ls904ss kili.g aa emplere d* MO nUainsiThou49sas, vho. hW& suède tuButtas. The UenY loi Ft M d ana 1.vundimic. a jhaNud, Ans. si -1h in re- P«rWbtm hevenI cost ofNevfoud- à" " te nu" vanabpmastatlomed tw proe!uit agalmt h.e»V lias of rai- ne*mwbsa lai avarda ths ouest -ai .otMuAWM ove, aMr ezlo1 fthe béuq Ou mue whu h ie Vnmeh posss. S*wprMbtu.d9 The niatter là regarded. m.wry aftdeuà ers Md lalikely ho, pro- voke .m«t. Important oentreveules bo- vsOsu armé BA" a" dFrancs. logim os Amgusé 2hb. ?"ýatmioba vheat fielda had à alos mg o mday aigu I roma. a aght fhasé. The '0.P. R. bau rduesd rae% son botter, absom s s tU hpaom Winalpeg The Perte ban deollned te .1ev te weo"W- reforma la Armenia ho b. under lbkbom, a Minlm camp tventy mils" suti -44 eali lake, ws aimost vlped ont fox MMa vers drewaed la a ]BU"a Fau -V vhli luis ptheiqara river Who*s rtuaig fha. a plombe. Br, a rosant trsury rullmg repalu mmd laOsMadate locomotives aud cars of liernationl al ais araunot dutiable. A fumis explIosi ithe ateel warki, Plahabuwg Tuâday, klled eiglit meonsMd adl hrawsd six.ailiers. Th. elsotianof Johin Daly, vbe le w m te. in pMlsa-wuvos noslled la *g Bl",houes et oommons Touey. Tv» brotliere, Robert sud loudhs W'awlsk, vewsdravued in ibe-Thame limet, aIý L onaSuaday, bavlsg f ales out of a boa&. Lookeut , eKetuaky Derk vimmer et 118j wL.hmhaWhth su&ks a io, wmos Sumtisoga, Tuas, *arriig the. l'h. Qý.T;IR. ýfreglt oshet Aurare, vs dsalro7ed byfirmen Monday aiglil, u of grain, MOI- tW4USS'bouaty basbisna.applied, -W y Mý -. AViloqusit, MP.,for a IsnehVsnaa vho gvetr» e i c h I d r e a v l U a l s i v elv e m n t ,i r t t.f Prevmuladaisotive, Greer abat sud 4 o,1 ý 1voinadd a blBkeypedlar la àorébmCatub n Priey. e inbeig all at pu*r Bound until Lt in »M vbsiberth. Vidiez vill recaver. TheCh. biq»D marketvwu dit sud ovéTusday, dsclining. 2c, and lcslngwihamuly a mal Part ef theIoos regalmed, the voukns.s- de ho ,liportat short seillin and bsarlah crapa MM bus the NewthWest. JiiaU anMdNbcaragu CMna" Le.g, Aug& 91.-Tse St. lama' Goutta, tua s baisg ailSorI, a&ds the queicu -HMy dman mt ritala, atumel iti the Dalloiaigutla la rogid t e 0Nismaua peuh#me»uttiimia Ippeadds.,411 tu, s-fi bbte put thequest inl *a Beau et ~Of. mi asud lu a Ice Lý0 AI Sr s onh. eýma . teid %babt fa, a wWi4, saithm wvI ebe aa giswtie mmiesi1w...the ,. o uatu ieIs~b mn"« ofet lutamitresty lme Eh ameJdge BummrniaWeaved a boit sOB»alulat. tyet scoldà Mtai n a mvhs. il moffl vii o a uwdéa luici. muao- fqubimalid hifootli cat e liaai 'A-ml limiER 1~4fi~ rd. -ta' e'. E, I. ~ 1Oa 'Tb à go the lýPht» fb - at. i ' 1 , 1 rii rooi