~ovet QI W*uo *. roper induoemita, eoffore& The zt the 9ag d go u - ----- re&p the, !t. you share it p 'I ?he0' tato u ijm y i nmeigo 8th is fuliy kow.The m ex- Our anxiety 19 not ýto save to the ut2noBl; but to get the goods. off our'bande quickly spsi bleu We are not oons;idering ,who.t the goo00 oost or what they Bhould s it lj BEL FOR WHT The WLDRING- The invento!y -of Stock takren two weekis before. fire. showed. that we had on band $22.000 -worth of Good.Tee a e' BskWoreied Suite, K.u's Tweed BuiýySi tiYu5 sdBy'LSPont aesuite, Md Ohidres Io, sud tirespiee ia d at o esY on masudBore$ odd 'Jdos1,Rbe oie nldngalteb NnIIh lSu4Gurmn Msb rbln I g i uibn g od Sut~Cle. ICf.U 'iv .Ail our Nov Spdng Hate were just i. This klgvii i 1 rdesreid owhtw bave b ofe« su 1h.piek, f oui dsmsged mook. Nowfo th Utimnatum Ou eputàtion .,Wi u>tloti uoholid s loi of dmgigo There if n -Mtt-1g Of prles This big stock ust be Oleared sold over the couniers ili go under the hammer for what iheywaii brinq. ?biu st* l.is :%W CO11anid. Uoomnlg. Thèe, re enopriées t atsie The. vaue z. jusi whsi ve eau .gel for 1the goodo. (Jome i If you doult me vhat you wsni-4-ake il! Corne Dow,! Corne quiokly! See what, there is! OOVOE KNTSRETILINDSAY. ~~BEALL..LIlNOSAY4, u mw p T.&- >.' MAR »s liaslarger t, el' in lbroou». *Alon -to Oae umu4-. -0 toa~me fr inouinlon -,A~ numit saOOoe Th.. E.niffm KAI&@f.ON que, à wa h A&e-u 151lamm ChaM. uthe of Toronto. the jpstl'v'- tom j~,celebrated msiufacteot a '~.,la bel ~- '- Iut dà 7.es laçe o ait the Bay, on rlday, O&l....454 lait hie adOt on ufirsI Pg. MrN. G-w. ltIWI bts mng of Loo x Fonz Tou LEÂP.-The town x4lms a is, ivau g W.das-cuncfl should conslder wel l th 'Pronti ~ de U0 bat WOS~ hB god ion that la* Dow belngs o ptliSDtly * atady~ - vhrovr ~ on them to purchase the old building 'Vi dv x * 4. ve bu ueaslutward known as the Oortery imàwi4 C5. Buttable place la required la conceded by VOOEOW 1 ZiAXOUUI. >~~ every one that has gIven the malter a The ~I ui"& et > &W. àtiap i*t moments consideratfon. but that the mlCi 3hlb,l Vminb p*if building propoed tobeb.purchased le lér ofm ai hpuai site OBAgetotally unaultabhle la the opinion of a largel 9.1. WU m'otbts W, D& b. mlsanbamajorty of the nfeepayera. The building, *éd gidip.Ma teit purchased aboutit b. moved to the test * oolhgsmu of theb lot to gîve a breatîiîng space for thé I___theUnasd Bais,'u tP~>~es It now belng close«en, hie Street - i uUsIi P*b âO cofrUe, an operation wbi>bh tla etionable ai »e a oestand. «TJo inke Il tuOqIhlIpthe d hou -oIsdIn hdb ~ta..toiU.0k m."DgpIfftae.»off ads.reùPunes *0 am yj W" thirty-flve or fdrl7 Sflnywhen It WaU j sOpttoot built the ,dtng w à on, u h Open" S aebffl atuddla& Anyone wbo rememberi thou. = .Ub0&DÉ OtthOt»oli ti»m eues, will kmow Ibat -the f ed ~~~ praÉn hsuw#Îmmooes t. bilito keep the=t warm woold b. n0 1 esg"u flaShm@w bu i nu» ama8 11.51. W* 111 0 bt enuniertema7csbu 54 w.n mu~-MU E »teme sl U W -Ua. » *'.ks mtbe éluf. ~ it rI051 i bu Vingin h odaýb *1WM ~ AlSMd altbUuhh tIle cosIb. nm", te snsw ail .Ithe ut» le "mIli* W& «& u ullm m arnaip rpo qutiîL-- ba~ fIi 100088 "Ugm6 o% ma1 M psibe umaéf, a'e9ha f IIbOf"dM -' '~ -- -7-'hblaieIss al h cet110 L~m ugI N~ ~ ~*u bw a MWl to Rosi. vae,1ro.sUm44.uu30AIh~ -~ 1~y umismdug atm. eau. VII b. 105te4~~~ht a Issu OR yuws, if usoery, 10e silable Vo. ~ JOHN IlOUffoAS, *i~ laul Uss. Ax umtel.0.0 ue.G Euktl.W OARIAE8AND CUTTERS l10~fl. ~oSk t . tu m iotju wof RANNREY ce INNES T. m W.IANU N W C W.~ ~ p M. HW.êL. o(esaoUh*. nom S0M COMMRIÀJ-. Offs ou te usOsAWas * Oset de 00o8 *0w0MagWisu40 ..a. doa~Sbol ma ...... - - - -....... .-...1so.o» , Go,. Gmode per 13 11.4.......... I1t o1s 0a1- epar 100 'b........ - 1 86lo 1 100 ... 1 toli .i- M 6î e 10 a41 p w bu... 06 0 t0 0 *42 ove. twwr pw 9U81.0 U ~10 40.......... 0 esteO 110008 do w............ Io 0.3 ~4poeIb ......... 110 n....-- ... .M M310 ff l .-...00101 .......* . t 01te# n *..~. I00bosé ~Yo i'10,0111, ~,f~~US *t..**~~*~*n. lel00 .. . ..~... . ............ este ali PM 0 de faOo.e o oJ %* e.. 0O4o.ee Utêl 80 M M .o..-- 4*00 f .00e q...tue le ooM. M 1. , M - Holua. ad Lot for Sale. hgh, md Iwolhoutwlth ai modem improvemontg. t b:I h e I o n " o n e q u u r o f a u m r , o r D A t i c u - lams pply te tbe ownet on the premiîeeo J&MES ATRINSON » p. "puIa mi pftuw bl pdsls..8KlgY, -d- W a alom l M j &k TW.1,2.. .bter.muli om SAorPl"eImM ui$m'Ct Rouds Loa be - - . I. bounDeblgng1 .udnge ,d M UÂe m E1 IN os ablokdo-bsawht roetan wlm-mni orweis lm m r s i« zoil sg1es*eme b.ntiewl upoeuei1 tbu hm v1M.b.11 exualMdof" o.1mw. he ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VA flAto bud elblgtoteudoJALL I T~la mD&WWJ SO . »dalok@v, ear.hà 01, 1895. -88.4. the.h J~ 1w.a -B-n. omu ui~ st ee, "liDow, -Oe heuf8.lIen. oA1011110p. * OhIuue 5w0tU4 LU ~ ~~o zoom&1h b i5 au su44 * rn l .qulP t WaBaeS, t .. Theoughbred stock fo r sale. Wo baveS8 good ubortboin hallcam., f2 rad and 1 .Mais. hou 04 t dmSouie0. Sb-* Travoller (lmp) t1030 byEM. Ouuk*haak, Sootland, Imported b7 Jihft ~D PP; * a Ivo 'voSr old bail. s,ýed b7 B"* IV«d«(lup); a bm«m of falrly good wOrklflg huss a" a numaber ci Chetr White.mineo. Prieu ta 1ush witl h he Cora n anti un eor wrilo. No bmfu no hain, la our motto. ÊMECRBEIN BROU. Bex 27, Amgyle, 0Ont. I HERATH BUNM 00. ~ aejusi r"osielaesupply cf ;Ihol Sjusla Brand Paatry Flour 'OýROWN JEWEL' la quacle, .Ièh, and txteentb bu. ~~~~c e ,uh h k ier briated '8s"Brand iPou&noemenit OTRMM I 4,Wo Dd TILE.I be lot, a ~&Khgstoe v 1,~ s 1. heaoe lSking -for firé gooà' and fmd a.ny.- lut- xiverything not Côme at'once 1