Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Apr 1895, p. 7

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WITII1N I0G4 INFLUENCE CF TH #My t~ ON .v l e t~m e M*f W un q! kIgun Bo Naw Toma, March 2d.-Wlbu Dr. T~ samvunded tbs fWMas etm du Aca1ey utMnsie, t s . nw« l faced inmui te "q4lt.arge as that bt umbs h grmt -m diuce tho se "m.om, w suerai th unaOB et ual te psoiee smala to avme an4Iu> loU. e . ob fes hW smusl "Twroigue. of Fîlnp,"the Wit sulefl boisig, Acte 1%29:. 'E1a*ye recivo th Bloy Ghos%?", Thé. word irbeet, vhih u.ma, a usa or spirit, baî bm d dyalasucomuffl parîance. W. talk as a1m .and frighttul, amsudla àa MvoIous o superstitions w&Y. but niteriq»"a et* a OS uWho inem = Ist' amn Divine, andevrywhers prosai;a mnonev-one limeS tuthé NiÇv Tmame avez hrord-.this ext prmb0ifhmi-va la th.e peýnug dais of ulmiswb7 *hen a o1rlons mio8h iatser « ipt.heipînenmyvllgêrb. 01 the ýj idmy odnation and inslleS tin .g'ald.- 4"f y«u Pt lIaI th corner cfa 8ateuxkynW u ibo .eu"h sermons for ussi h d l and 1m wiii cerne mand prmSOkfor ym' Tii fact ougit te be knmwn Ibat thi £Met three years of aryaers UN ea pallttngir ardubus. 1N0otherprotmuuie makes iii. tweuhlsthpart et lb. deman .ou nlg mai. If a seewuar speake prpares one or tvo#p»@_es .fer ami éal caupalgn, It lu cm.idMfd ard~u If a Ilecturer prepares one lecture foi ,jaho le hought la hava domc #el ut ayoang pastor bas tva s"mousit douier esry Sabbagth, beae hntimmsa audienoe, beside ait hlsother verk ;a tbm moust finisters »ver rerove from th. awftlI maTous mins et' Il Britiree yenr. Be. 1M - tetit vit My aged Scotch friend respoelet y rIcii, and camne ma preachu ,,tm $bato t 1S I nov ueiic. remembor nelhing but the taxI. It vu the lastu snon."bm sier ~eu. C the ftllgegsatuday, Clias imiflu te bis heavealy revaIx. Bst 1 roem ber just how' ho appearmi M, haut. *ver the pulptho leos ed lb he t of the audiet , md wth eanffltuu suad pathosttmd ercforce, &Rire them, in th. vords if mv toit, "Rao ~ ereoi.ith Bl Gasr'Th.u S or Ibis prosent dIecourse Io te ope a door, le unveil a Peruonate, te is duce a Force, net mstEclntly recogmbi aik He la as great se 004. Me late The second verseo e t MchAptleri 'thBbeitoueUm:Gtes1Idqe Spirit et Gai moyed upc. lihe fa etOf thevatrs." Anotbor appearane of theBol Ohot vas at Jrnsuofl, derng a grm 1 aut. Srangeris peaklug sevenlui different Ianguaoeos ve»rouet frn many parts -«t boe verilBut luos bouse bohard -whist eenmedlMe t cumin et a cycle, er buireama.-1 Coe trousbnd m tahe hu oab. lue Sy *vas <WbsttuhAt ? ad %hmn aikel haus et art tit rM every fureheai-, sd lmai vii 0 bl ist of vin and the dreppimg. fi a pan te*bplace, mtit Pbitéi expi m ha it vas amoither cydons nor col *«grt.bon, but tbe. h.iflancu.emid mmmii i@È and baptismal. power ef the Be 'e».ThAi s«e nu vas ptaliy n Pmt,ý la naforeslvheS R. .John SU tes w, reahit.Thn m uil souai of a rumhing,, migW ywli, am 1h bapeopleedlookmte. éy wte thme re uelsga ofa sen 1 u i iaé char sky; Y14h.UoOUUda< Sueii i wus ».great " hose, toiq~ breke oess frein th.t Me *0 h. viel mbly feit thaitle.Sm vas supersatural and, ,Pentem 4X. 'é, bat ag I"nIte, 's al.itgb ,And lennw P*rsem :te hé lléy hos.L He brosa i piaà nto li., and now ttbiroui idm1tgbusbecSmea dMd wWl, ho ýw brit the Im ion. icku e tata E - P. u «Matiempt veiild h. a .usparlsss b - W u nta c h e.tIrss G od h t lis Snl ue cs e xploS a' yen 1 be é th sumilI km. f the i B as ey voenenable fri.a¶1 o Wdsm Pbtl.depbl&a wkelamtvTie tme lb. DBi M%b-ou u is jrai Isa anaîbeae tt.iim ..tmAw 1 de me abat t ilà tué. ardi 4ttbeof*«W O ok Mar sMWw t*iu ou- * U Cl W d- rit 14 ÇUU "mmUU1t lu aumnica. Tat pve1aOle"SSd Uonan50iBte have bau IÎW»g;d4 *i=. y ewu mm* Vp1,m ur#w a h, l b e mSatkr Th& - culslt T We«M us. wing lteth@ lohMse maia punes, ltethe*nvrd Cm o aelt hO a51 *mm SOl.UltdIe eblns OIyGot .la B. bm5Vs but bélymnd hokting frotO iba thesitosml4Onue& H.lu tI hoi H m yshiiyuoIg.Mid cMlng ech ohor. * aqrhatr 65gelvil bey Wanted. . Thore thousanls who tot ESth.eS5Oe8have doeemt*g ~~ ~~ tlmmy ~~~~lu tber tel, convicting 'ometheanllol57 t e r baver*=bd *a *" àeY Viag so»,maimctlyit Msme. te thou Vitboil thlipole, but tla s-~~~~~~~~ H WBf4ai os l u oy mn mérkdista nces of Hoiy rt bt<o alsnhigt evt smof t--d.g eae.bol ensem'na e st pewprWhon a black trumpet. Uslrstocratie an Institution. dm nt briois Blaktaom espe- o - ae uWh fll'B ul"Mtbm thora luasanextrabody ef up e 0b1ame ilt.ngencepiIlgle blow the trumipet et phe c e I ii borbood ofthle sur-> mroM is, mm e smady néomd *ln acrai en I hervice, and b-=.ne, hoi eBeeru eare afrad tbat the 99 pont nishe à >eht ,00 uueamy aeamY mommne lu- *braamOtthl..udleneif taands *v,..hlut ncg e'ln,"n Md e tt% ,Il buIuau llthose ceula Botl the trumpet t0 hmiep111% = e a, alm<uteo.Ti a ih aein mut aem srgî mda i lou, Or lb. meeting hoIieslu , a daot vavr 1,e Whoe e mupr a sanig eght eut the procher and ask dfoer imaginesisi rtie ~ hu p hdbr nght hUnd, net e ont ld bsprayers. h vwu lhe Holy G hast. lauc v y to retmmd commt mev. O, oy mc v ue ti bt vas lh. malter vltlî Hediey ilmsifor coattetdiiy. t bkebveu 12100MUbsi as achuf Me. ne"rethée Vicae», the mfvmorabIe soldier, whon hoieC rtaatmt Intvihhv or lw Ommid deoteidie <It h.bea Prom-PWpt The .Mu Idbuw&S ude tmrh4.ge Jeesa * 'ure ohoitlleWultb bugt*urn e Lb.atiaqur- dl itbe seintes. E. »I ls"villileeeduYa" Turel etailaeh. nviling a corinOle tthoihts of tmimg rettase.H.o1tous eh?" Ami another saId, "You hypo. t thet ge-" olCi 1-e <a evm whsr toar Ib nover Wept, crite I Bad» as you wvon 1 nover thoraglit Ut b mdns-at O amW rm unee arm, mii u- yen vould con. te Iisold felIow." uoTmmBad "ic lua noermrird. Caiert. fodu-AiÂnd thon le becamoe hesoldiet vn the youmg poOPIS ho are niatreated gelist, and vhen a sldier in anotier "' ~ a hoe, r rcele Imuficint ncoeregiment hundreds of miles away tole- at obtaur ri ish.frbOO1t1Dgombepi raeed Isespiritual anxietiei te Hed- -re àff tto colnokp yIcare, uayinàg: "What shah I do?" ' ~IW« dy *h vr t *<b*!leu icamnelegraieh.d as tirilling a mes- gr- .CnoS a i husmnadsg as leve~r vomît over the vires. "Be- wu nMidway la *0 palbof enu r 10veeote bLrd JasCritadthon P- t1irughanmd viti no bnîgitoned future. ing feit? 15 uwas the Hoy Iaot . And 0' 1ofot forthas agedonu muid any what more appi'piate f or th. Holy id njrmtigan vi efiel tieuelves te l inla *'tongjue et firp," mand ti 'r~~~~~~~~ ~ b.l h ayi h oe rbsn elecriilty "satfilen aiong th. vines lu er honthemmoylàosehme or im i lhtei aongue of fine. And Ihat noninds me Imm giief wbmt I miglat do nov; Frein the placa a f~i~ oly bou conenl 1<1mb ~. hene I stand on Ibis piafonm lier. are traaly comis lual*. shape ofta allo-Iîenvisible vires. or lnu e Infalutenc quy. 'Yeu flmd yoaanmlf sying tO e sting th ern fbeand, lai mil the We yenueli, 6"Wi, 1 ought nt te go on thms »snh anfoo n Plt b vd ay about my-méouer'. beath. Si. bas boxes amd galleries, and tliere are other 'I su1Weud eneugh. 8h. bai bonne ether lunumberable vires or liges of influence >a oepe'# bardonslong eaioUgh. 1 aa reachlng eut tronst tâteplace linote . th a P aO l. mdnlbror -vaut h.-yoîîd and acnesa cotinentt, and ÉlW sellier u ieaveandsf1th.y are- h.-under the scs. for in> my necens jour- "aeo " b ods ru gr tthlerea u, amd Il viiilol b e alaroumi the wvend I did not fini a BLOll the "o mbm; Iey ~a a 1111evhIle amyov, ai Gaimake ceumrh.o-I. bai net beenmreach- vater, . tedame mistW ab r andou od auîz *Ing t Gospel for mauy years :hrougihaven't flniamudthe vater I gais 'eq Idn îm "ta bard s amy praprs'«V- the priitimoproua. Se as a telographlat~o" I5 aumur Iît wïdokilir M ui oePro m&ils or stands at a givoma point 1 au alsued vIiilao edurdz,'r ga. m emis mssagsinual directions, v.Nw enla fliassluM ed the chillinen, tbe moBaey mîgit bave andi yom only hean the click. click. click "lAny one ma Pýredit" sai ChauW- ~ speilsi ihein, and va ofate etlelctrie a paratua. but the sole Larcu ssuwi~fe aeules jouer- grais ço en their ernaud.God help nov oey inoeau~filI 1mlght tell you a ce aly t m o t , ei t eu vlldc l he iglit mesauge alomg the. rigît Ila sitb inI al vii a k i c e if tbis, Ùpoettint f.M W dy- _Uvieteli igi lce!W sa 99 ltnclla aloinbut îhey sourceousulaes in wI fls te cme1i upe nsimihohll ~May mot malerialise. Take, for ln- soresladmt bevl. nyeup eill uoomîsealit sn 'or onmýRieo va'1 bevas ale- goullv mp fayi ng, Ibm mesag? I guess I viii adi stancel, the Novew CnrlRaiei >fe 4tirsi sou s. ÂnDO lbyoseta I uta te gîiimgtse bo wai.éi &hls î~ tint iteoail the tired, vierever t yYeubknev vis.a5ucievflfets have ro. thlm eutfelie bnoh ous.Aiwermieu Ho. ees the Cîrlstly mstae.-'Coma ve ieuli h. continually' loobing eut a- hm ot o th-hoje.Il nd fte yo -M »I yeWhoareweay ad Iferlmnovemeut.. The roaieimut 4. liaiesamii shah you pet<bat relief vilci matothei .ei r enymi h i olstations nesi al- of cornes troisan oeusouut of 1ars. 1îdoe*vit givm vou ruat." Who Boie&l 1aij . tii, awrliemu oyrh 2'.a mt o t ju, asu1 àmim , do mot cny. Ca Pli P*1eneus i eat message vini sotifed it heaword vs muetaeyeah ce ;Tlypeople a tre vie ohveb o h r1 elousa nd wiclows,aad atsfed vine . sults liaI hd tabom th. parcieioym-ball amd the dry sys- fhereu cilhînen, IW"viii pemve -thonsemchfr eai. tewvfgor tbi. a-.. ly Ild and cannotie" a tar. Tiat aive, amidelb ty vidpou-trust lai me." Oral. lit ob m ma rnlacs. Te God'u people Wh et sbaB1 cmdiiunp, Igueu My ',Yeu knevliat EufnIn.M99Oft1h. en bomni are the imvs -ofthle nigitdl et esaewlsbet tm w h&J Nwyork Coun Idaliraiuattained a nu edvitiaris.. I am »seglal ' O ied mesg lbe fteices vhefae, ev roa knsnte itr »a cm jesar But aaou ynk toiES. and bore it '«sThe trm pet ablait rve )rtrains mghit amost h. Is~.ta Fiiiae um oll ie.n eihi i." V e tni a fashs.of lutnnx u hi h aé Pm . re o tthe so tiimW" burin end s ýeâ "I einvufmIlles Whom han tain i ut itbor * '0 -* safflI,««i up p I gues.L i moxSEt 5<ae dcunmafle Wth.esd1 18 u" Notice, hSh oyOboa <i msaev goholas vi sik Vée n nov im s~t.Thon <bors e s Nroacer, am4morcei em miîtlieinsIvétoO bCd le be saved. Harieh.' te tst.- eimtaue pracenpreac1mento.iYeusiandla itgooo.,"LoI helievlbd tonsakte lis ay jeu liaI lie uafety of th.sengensflu bae- onp bf nycoidei n h nrgtflMuli hu h te must important tiing a rad mn eknovlodge, brllilant àau an le bort vies mmd hjeu îli seoatura, lais the out, ob ed ih h oig rv s- li a imites 15, and itiiChester- mlaotI otriuno5.Lod iebstievt. The conummg eayv f lelian aid mi heerca a i viihave m nd iunte eur God, Wvie exp e e ttaî io en e t act , ~Tandroialg me viii abucndzian aron." Who soit c"onsde a cimmera-amely.tport c it.wlfte W dimod bg n aih eshaiî I Cali ut weu 1 ilii b.those fr-oeiom frem in nia uthe Inansurttion ly i e au o ua Wibl, ams.D vhoma 9=11vome>f ou h u tmabiub y ril.W*bave, va ah %Ibvrbjn, t"ai en ter l h o My îettl 7 y iotyettuhe probloiem landthtI1 m- bislite 15mil buad toaidtlin heinam.Se.Hre it gpes, 'ýWtîose mli, e W- a hie MQu ightysai tofeh e thl eien voever, viosoevon vii, ui ian, viii make 180Mnunool ho asDet dylng, h. cofamoe l a te let hiln coen." Anidîîovmay Godai s1 yenluriiroaiing. "-Thmeawy na ct f d*Ilg, o comittd àroboir,<urns onail <ho electrlc pover lt. Agmias. If absnnilng vWUha YvaNabl* PalYgIOS t ____________ot_ ft ramit ,AS dictlonariy, jyet Bne wmblig Or cou- lb lu Gosel bast.n 1er t»e [al Iremen adming oersanctif lt ;m sul, ille &Oms message, s. thattma niiLmeSaeUi. e m Ple'isn au, wit z hmbieutphrase_ Ibrougi Ibis assemblage, and threugh i at no t m a 21flOOPe @O.sld , us~ln aeno u b5lméd pose tie messan md 1 touci mIb yae peri e Bngl kmabebitesi ut. a0flu lu uou It wm;t î Hly- et Iis Gospel bmttery juat six times and shows«'boyltonrgresia*m eelm ,e. i ot Weite a milt vn t hia- lie message bis gonel ÂvAwy 1awa'y hy cience tom 1lthis couverjet dmee ofl. e l urea ea u up e 1 h. m 1And the massage Ïiu "Have anidoe for the poles eff lionreptie mia itulersfetAnieicate give the histery ,oroco#amoteioHaiyGhostP" en tii « gaoes, for IbellevolIt Vhlul lautnatmUvonu elBi& pover ? Hau Ho enabied e very pce- eust actaltrn m1i e uolhlng oe .»oa lthmli of tht;jeu te sorov over a wtdlits, e andi bdy .muss it e ~1sr, "t. bm mr o iaallitpardon fnoss the cruel t 1cana l u.seen leparays e l ubgs, le ut y y Sint, sisi ime Lord. %' hls m"1o1n6ac tvai tis viile epoisoneof ldm labl. producea Cuti. è f thé i d mication of W ie oPeft gtos Of a volcomlag terrible cohvutsiOns. Froin limeimm- ad. t m h n blmreek&çuet he mivon? Ve aPjel le theS O 1ymemuorial pîiyslcianu et every cime and ubýoema uvistrsObsvo 15 aa i >al aede"tai emenergies te th.- 11 ltiol moras1i&Up t. pro", sjaler, aid Saul of Tarsua, md Lyla, covery et cumre nthé»e bites; but' Wa ofntS!byvn lscnvra st. tyagirt,: uA i hlpei Joh.aiig ri.ti Ieay îI tcMu Ereeblyn ~ Mmlmrvbo frvotu tet imYkmRit vetn, asi M -r vaoo '¶,mL =u oi*0th %b1Ik «âOs bo~. iairval-. 1 h Immtta.Ws_______ Ml aooalmo L on, m gss ieetn Omstw 5101 " ", 'a m a bS h IJ U .~~~~~s.~wia aS ,~ Of h~ M m . .z - u. .v ve -kauw cubs hkm s lie UIely ~- ,~oeo. tek' I _ ~, w" ~; ~' e. p. -- la t I i dluClaadb~ 0f pmyb< thu ~~f1~hi55~W hb Bimch ,ui*ba~w.'k m65ht huilai *S hmlao nba a S «.in là* lb. inssar am iisg a roliwee.We have the rm- w mNE eh sji Ibai- a con-1 - sisal Bmck-Ab uny back Mesoi Mi uthae lime, appeite pon, stMme MoW and eIhnue-scldhng, 1ai to np3e4tiaoudiMing miglta urnmte, c noac tkzna. l ney.Lavor FP1a du muk-Ace à edim 48bOurs, aPPoite1 tý 41" ta, a "eai emIand gonid mgts sleepitieyaroime. 3- Ca tiPatica ofttnu ciels with 1K1 TrotUe, in sucb a caso heints no mei :t vU afet apermanent cirteep«SmCia combinel Kidney-LIver Poilone aS cent b viii do megood han dollman damllaf Worth 'dany Se rprtintcied by D. ") ioasaI fal dnOz 110W WOMEN WORK. It wi Il eccur to imapartial observera that if voensare sot as persistent li business as mon Il la berausothiey re- gand business sas a pssible stejplmg stasee osomething botter and hmqher, wiile te a man ic. la the end aîîda m et existence. A iaa starta in lite as lmvyen,- mendiant, bdono, ailteect, cierk or vhml nsS; If lie b.aa eou parmoi ail iesosul is couseratel on 5h. effort ta succe.d luniis caliing, amd so- ciml life, political ambîiin, aven love, are side issues, because hoe sees ne hiope for future ease and coiort eccpt, by meaua of that calling. A woman. en thé ocher baind. bas, aiways tvo strings te ber bow. Success li theiemploy- ment at remuncrative pay, wvich probably incremiies vith tho e mrs bu, ntil &lie greva tooel te consilen matrimony ammng lie possibiliies et lite, she neyer louea sighi etflthe chance liaI a mas May Pamus ber vayvbhoi mie couli love and vie couiut mets lier a bmappy vwifs. Thun viti lier tioe is ne concoutrs.tio f ten- ltiaI enorgv on a sinîgle oject, but ai- vays a vithldiig froua lier laberu ef a nesenve torce vliici la oaiiy callel into play vben the -mas appeasn e hehori- zon. Tiere are vomen vbose toi lu i izàs as umceasImg as liaS et mo- vives vhe get up early ta legt the ira ani cook breakfast fto imseliemd Ibeir huabambu. vie iuptcçhemchil- finm teschool vii vaubsutfaces, hurr down tae huidckvbsre . hein buslm lu cadutel, Clmaievtfigures ail day, aid vann gbt fille dra Shur voary legsboume eoookek a a dimner. sih vemen voîk mu bardsnma Md exhibit a peraistsmcy nore endurlmj Biu 6Si.mura%_ m, zevoaa .ý The aimnaga Ob" gIrL, iaesomam, ,*dm= ter, boekespenor caslder 'etgoe toaitusa lu, dieieto ber vork. Othr soem fit, ensber vmind i k, 1gAcleuis sblmnLng 5h. surfaceofe ber sky. Si. hilnks efier*drei, aid vbelier bs oaa affod a eoirbt ;oftagirl witb vbom so le hllmatb ami <beM shè sslsly bates.- et amanvienah.o bu as e, vha4; disal Mdi hat ho Ieaml; ica parw » lek he ied b i .nvioulaid et Shset bar av1mgaý CUme Aw ' Fer the nmu u0o tem uitivent. ier.m»ni frein lb.bamolî vhlcb ohm itsoaagu aa-diàim e ousset ber m.r. A youmg man ofthle saute age, usle ho l i à poon ing, nover lies 1atlers 1ethe kiai te Intervenu elusa hlm in md bis butine»;;lie la traiued te ff- quer- eomafter insineuboums-am Angeaut. TWINOi WELL S AILD. Batasé lu lhé mainme ofthbe at.- V.In l lu te»Von leao f -bsau mcoos_ -Patton. Massehl tri ovuhs, aidfetters Thormila au .bkqao wy I5là t55 wcibes «Of- u arpaise e t 1. u aa cmbalte avmof t 4ba, W balet T*o en.-mu numb tiui Tam"as om et h londsuif pat rayer, far botter" umsr. sIsoci lamesth"n vbrisva sply de. .9g É0o14-WblttiUr. 11 Iftbsueh. a"Y tr maurmoet a D ma thon by vimi be close, 1 nuit bel by vhal luegis.ouh The oii scriptural s.iristy vas efliis- suai doing ase"»ti sbrimty lua 4*08a îuiines.-, i W. Bouclie. If m an mm .for tgrestneiuslo hlm forgest reaSmesu and asb f«n ru<h mad b. vili dbeli.-Heraos Nana. En aa ion su tuan of covanie andolùcýýff&tnobdyever bai the movaice ta ova lî.-ochme. It1là mach safer Se reconde aan sueur <han te conqurbhin; viclory may dé- prive bf àetpbis one, bas recomelila a 1 bes huaabsdeserios, and amimatius lu. u~ umouhmgceleahial, divine, and. osa- av WmmWInn Wemm 1Te% L 5mi5?liave rmSm*LM à bmwblo »1a.."ea Wmm ra& i unpea1cable tortures fim mmwcftd$ wesloensth. e vsui- î**inkd By axd bnif thi e s do mo psoey * . . " lood then cores pro- mas. fummoa, etc. NIaod75 proent. pure f ns mma mii-t is a death breeder. P!Soeowo~moubd Mot hotoldbm m Z *pM gh to got aM iwrAr w1. iV a. thu n Ki a" mdLàvcr* '»' Wini mm bmw uet "eabu" lu Tbeblood as the, ensstainerohat w--4 Ad vertioB thworknanal.Sqs minaturel actiofet hu o ae m cetbox of Kdmy.ivèr Pm :%'p= wqOI17 nfvr eiy am ea homte reme~ as ho ae md ievih perfectconflues iy Ilioeof deljcate canstitution., .Ont Kiusney-Liver FPM taken woebly w effectnly neutralize lbe formation of ris AMI m ias eblool amidevent amy semdoc7 te Erigit1u Dbise gMao abetes. Por ffuri ~the. Blooi nmm oathng <the sst. especzafly lu the Spting, ont 25 cent box lu equal to Smo vorth of any Sarsapaila orUBItura knowni. Soli lyallc1ealer, or by umaoecept of price,E NIAYSOI, ÀDArES à CO., 45 lombârd Sfrs.f, Toronto. The W arder. CONFO0RT IN CORSETS Oan only b. ôbtained by wearing No. 391 "Imxproved Ai-Feather- boue Cor-sets." No- side steels to brak, hurt or rust. TRY A PAIR. AU Fh'st4cas Dry Goods lieuses Seil Them. i 111111 Wodefu Statoment I gv~ttate , bywrmtng. to the,@ Moay@f poètPCaromr inister or Oitizen o1. UAmon ~,y, Elaeb*S1 Onm~, Imimna, Je.. *Ib. 1USII halA Muiloe'. Mui~oim. C.. Onllmmua: I u~eolvm~1 a Be jeu Bey 971h, staUng Selle., bai boul et syvo.disM musse- uj fuma a mu'51 Sf ulsimose et ysua luiello.. ibreugi the lus. ut Boum Anusosu Namuma, mai ug~ ~ ~ tsskmoaiul. I wmsi y..u oIE uba iui~ hua w~ umavon p.*ihw~ O~ ~U0.~ ~ I o~li - é~ q~ I~U.IwdlbBUW 1~Ss sn.Ilq ~.OMs.l Ians vous ~ woa ostp. ma ml bte be ma libéiU Prt ofhslI ém0.i11 ruit.11,mi o0» ip sa . umiseaumt of Younmelloin L. m .màatmi o try 0 e ue iB lb. WdsIatako»msmai ou.- t»W r v by boing holpel, aà" ofp. bai tohsa Iv. botles n ml1 ri mm e The shak'ng vmt *é~45IMaiM myb oeu .dsmjseb.inalhslodL. v mm Md aides, se liaIif amy s i~le te stal mmea te nmvil moeeoe 1» »ado OU g»hi ~ àiusaouauusivîh&ymas Ob a s.siyVhi"mm'e -DIRUGGIST,

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