Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Apr 1895, p. 6

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4p towb.i . ho na1 bmw. A d a, afie, Ouce Osisvwibgt. e mkb er Ipe uttr vArwo.4 ho"i. lli »Va oebak. 1 bave, kmloMs lo a "y for ovs. G.4 tu'51!. and piyme." "«I kmev hie latiately," meQ1 rata uui 1 -ila about hlm i muru t iha" e - iseiL" Thm**0thé, wod, i iiW"h le bh" ioui.àied te Lord Penlyn's rooep- tdon Of hM ; anidam ho mutmo thet., auluai vhut U.bea t h piol one mlgtha"e bom famad vi., fret àÎàà o jhrvi me bupon, or edue ..ico tellYou," bossu, "1mw velou" ilafrbimatmlasto me. W. hav»irisi eveythlng lu our power te guther mme kovi tus migtItu* tovari f .din- ms .ôo"s hs ivorld be llkedy O.bve renom for hie k,d e*d, afti tis limaik vhs ilut. . If ym =aewhl nimiiais- hibm h.tyn, a i om te at ho tr* tudsm, mnil nov, ho bad nos remoyed b&M 4.k Perl[y trom the .lherli s. B m, a0ecom- tinued to ftx bs glm ;;OpnPenïynt tle. b 6 atmelé hkbs mm fae a o of "pd» a lueoba asmed te x- promo àlb~ IfOuIdIcf etcemrnon. 4'Camba o dto himiaif wvii the. soe va sWu: Ig"urambg4 vhst mytery wIeobrePIbv tao, lime viien lie vus on him vay tto tber et th. rebationship thuat hat oxluled le- Iveen hie i ahtotier Maut vho bai lovd. ai ir sdetrly PWh hait klomd lier, vonidcrlngs as ho di as0, i wuva the "ba s a h. vould over lot hIt. preusn lier lies afte abs 1mev Of iat le bai kept bacokikun bher ut -their lut, interview, she sai to "Ani nov tell me what you havé dame tovaris flndiy.Mr. Cundalis nuardererI' What, stops h ave you takea, viot have Zeu employea te .seurch for iaI "lIt le thougit." lieAnsvored, 'fIat- there la smre man. novr in Englami, *ho may have donsi i, -A àman iorne naîne la Coret, uni vho vwu cmatsaaLy ebbtangmo ronthlm." "4Hov la thbslàllnovn?"tý "By mone btter. thal have ben ounda amongst Candalls papota! L-Ates aknghfr.money, ai l ionese e, 'heLuning bi »Mf u n as let ai eoace; and viti notes In bhs hmmivriin = m n tht iferet unhad beausent "4Corot, Ilsho sai. repealni the mamie 1hotself là a vhispeu, ott" luT, aBe apumi a li N linmu lg nos . asasin." "INet the. sassai, Ia&!" Penlyn muW. "Wbv do yen t" aIblsemt?" "Beass bvenoerkuowu 'àm bocause ls humeft lb.Masu e alav itaila my ireant vas famlbiai e in ami tbil anm' forts camnt lie 0." Mydarllng," iho sai, "enpâce hu mach ýimparteno on oa lb. Bmobor vbal fst" Of het i lhey ste, Mi 1e v f t t b avé over uny bearng ou the active evmW of lite.t " i.asbo famtus," ah. anssueei "tufhtav.When thbeMrierer li dis- covrodlh. ever l-Il vIlS e aie that 1have knovniim. 1lam as meset li as tilt 1 amn ittu hoe. Bit ibe wumbd? Whoeva7heP Ih avo ea" over uni ovet agaa veymu -r I have ever knovn, oasi -Yut 1 camnot .brlng t.. m Êy mini uw"o of mil îls aie n fil lý atlthlai *erul- piand mi bi e assked :Ku àI lest Mmoveui y tler ho b"la"y "TOmlia," ho 5.1*, rtdu m mng the b am aïoi standing lrber , ville b. 1ev thutt lb. Urneiai moneuoewhem evoytln msib. told. "Ts, b. bai "-«Who vasho?"l' he usbod, mt Ing te ett, ille alftac/me so bsiuey."Whovwu Ton) $-Ob MIlhemald, "lti seMuch ten10 *111Yen beau meop.lhomtly vile I1 e Mal ?" 1 "1Tell meloverthlng," h.reoplet M iilten." Thon ho *btld ber, standing tlIre 1fe le face Vitihor. NE hopreSesdei vISh blésto, ho Ûli ive ne gum as tel viMai li Il a 'ul OMg haer, f«r the maie no, lgn, ba he» lut is h he bI Mun, aodl loto hse . once i*0 =*ouIE<I y and rev ber ims morer t e vhum io inou"assi h ba @ d15par reeuihltter ihut b. bal vrl - un te laiuof hie i.ath, " . ep *ealiy forafow moments. 11b. hd akon long lInthe tellh n in the Wliort of thLs summer aigu tbad cme befiro he fiiai damdibme bai leart t verythla 'tThet vli cme t tell ou., lia. Spakte ma, and tmu ylii enterglve, me ferbibgk lpi Il fr0. la6%e ven lutsW vo l"» "T!ou mid an bourt uo"l' Îe repfla, -tag ne heei of! b sprayer tfortorglve nes, 1thal droamu s ve.ile hutWm of the buuin. ýWhatVImise vusMaul? What, if ufter ail, I have mmonthb.fort Ofet lianW ho mardrei ie, bave "poen le hMuni let hlm IMus,ald hae selreeÈnlzei hlmà?" -Iai111ho muid, 146 «yen gay tibs le Meto lb. man 4le *hom Ydu bave pilgials yonr love aMi- falubP Do yen MmunlIi Fy esspcmee ofbelnt M )'Ton di nohlme," ahi "WO "10 fini ont h.mrdrr bave dame sothu "ùî*D boom ilacevered. ~ ébhý il bolé b " l mli «am what 1doM' euime ilirongi My rie PMU"elababc à'mie o8@*0, aniV oh.à*ai .: "41tla es »tut jeu beuhigo MW,,lit *la lime tutI Ibere asuliDobomeni W* M noef betvea eau. B&Efu t 101 enhdoil bv l M*---uol. y por eior vi vi ho boMa ,y.broe o ciWnot havoý lwooi.him moto. The-then-,aujeaa voatioa, .1 omitteida. Mdt, the OUi mam ositumetoff ftevor. Au- Ousrm a Irw.e- b isa .frit. me the vOua I bove-abe wva Vite thing *orth rne maf'. love bat-no. matter kw - I avonge mymeiltBut fromthat day the old mm tureciagant me, andi vould soer we ut hurof me agala. ','à or t io assed. ani thon 1 hgdfr-ot.Walter, -for iay muter and I b.d 1.ft Les T«oe(the tlva viiore had aIl llved) and had gone olsewhere, tha--t e oldmmswvasdÎad. 'Ho hai Ieft ovrthlsg 10 me,' Walter vrote, 'and' thee lnm mention ot yos nor Juanna, 'fut be assured noîther of yos shali ovor vifop et i" F.' mside "you ned tell me no more.. I knov the rosi.e ."1You 1mev lb.reu?"Sonor ufanta sat looking flxedly mi lite, "'Ye kmow tho ré*?" ",Ye& S. o are et." A bovildersi look Uame over the 8panlard's face, aid thonà, fler a second paus,ho>muid: "tY... Iam' Corot . _tvau heo me given me by *the. Mostil-amongst vhs. Iilayed osaa bey, anditIlkepit. me. lu l9ayeu, thon, Lord Penly», vis hms etthlbisDobson to lok for me Pl' t'Y« - w. found your bttera to hlm, and fret. one oet hem vo bebbseyouye tho .la Engluai.W.uboughl ubut-. "Tilt I kiled hhm Pw e«Yon threatened hlm- lnoee of your l~te. We veoj itnedlthlnklng Estook 1fk=hlm pecklt a letter yult- tu1bWaid airdallidutghe few gaveit te Pedlya. tn à lina: 4an "Kv ma. OsoT, JumUý, 88-. Englami, egited te heur yen are la 0 1 a ppolatmenî as èèet fobr Dom Elguea In London. nov I sW 1 ar a.e moeromu. frocs, thon Ioartimtbeswhicb,, Ai latbrvab% ftmyeUo isyoSi yenbave ura t m.aiJsaa 4ery me yCrue uyev.Corneaadioseune vhom muno vi0hae14t aboU the lbii pe am" 0W4tliun. "qeIr j irsase, W. C. "P ,j-IV»abpo« 'JuIm uacoumM have livei te know of your gooi formte." asgitaod ý?éu'hatvéi ia ha b e t orMy go"fortunecouli think et kow happy It vouli bave maie y bebovel lae-seWho la n»w la w muse'e1a May Day IRUgh mmr hoe amcrbei te ithe interns des"ar" my frbeisbave o lindis murdorer, andio 7mOët p ardorn the uspbcl.a i «Moto ur fnd laroadhw-- Our lot- tors.- But Semor 0uno lot us for- that and s kal botàfnln lm, YOU, ynuaareaxious te aven" Waôlter, andi Ibel mum thut yen eau g m0. &I uam perfectly sure. Amd before long 1 shai stand 1". ho face viii hlmi. Thon bisadoot. ls certain Il' Again Lord Penlyn notlcod the self- coasuanei culm of the, man, and ugala b. oi houbmSeffthut ho spoko vlthi muh au air ef certalniy tilt Ih vu mpeosi bis to doulit hlm. For one moment Mie tbought came tlebhsmmini tilt thls~~ parent calinm, Ibis eortalnty o r log the murdoror, mlght b. a roi* o- sumied by Gufihata to prevont, suspicion khlinzuonhîm. But on refloctton ita t:beuÉhtuiok flight. Rai h. meos lhe meriorr ho vouli nover bave reveal- ai himmelf, vould nevetbave aliovuditl te bo known tilt b.ovws Corot, the man againsi vhs. cîreumutamoosbaît bookei as black. AM CMU'l'tbter vu s ufficlont to show liai wbici ibe Senor Lad told il. about th. frleni.1 .ship" hiaiexiste&beiveon tbemvaa trus. ",Yen met kno* moro Iliu any f vs Sonor Guffanta, as no issMu e4t Inspre en ihi9scb doico of lad- M.g hl.Ri*ao M myln Hondur- aswhoma now ba nglU &,M "-To my knowlie mrn. evu aa arn.ge suuet fiite mwhmode faÀ 31t;"t Imbav "Bwtondx _%Pt rn h la uk, thoo*ë w«ww n vayihot, et l Metmoho. &Mer lu,' 04 hotlao jW VM 1b iàe - idfmam eran 1mho MW ener "si boIlr'. e tsseaull sughm 0mam. .1ld 4~la urder el au Y,,madI wb e aeb*timau.gevi ho i &W b met lii a od _oblg t a"lesvey aum n w ewhait *.actai ID. nyour marcliP Kuy1Iauoteifl b. v" tilt li tae ierlng Lord Peu- aemtrsbat 7Y« km*vPllWute bave lb. garddnu emor ellouai *'You muy telS Smev bn miIerytimàë. Hocoui -findinlu ilsowm have Wd1 ym ; 1 lmit V o M ablthélim ulinue emneetànlk betweu lb. lee i a y wuy. But vhtI have ho Of m es thbla l.Park&a m od do I mmml do by myteif" ne pauss a oni'àgadon (mahob.eri- moment; thon ho sali : "It muybe tbat bruibls~~oy enouýhblSd wheu von do- tel hem, tM y viii .1111 ailp vus t1Mk aI am tse .huaob vslm iou at the. sonor sh1u@â "NoDoIl, conuilhit.. Bas the latter souli "Ye,it muy b.sas. Wall, If the r t@Ulhim waoug moro tianlhe hadal- vont to'aupm lm s I edy UmameI toa, niD lbsavu 9hey, vint ow t doovvandlisn is l lisoeiovm vhere I go, ,I1ae to b. tom# tuthl.e Ire revards that vouti corne 10 Rotai Lepaato-tliaila vhi Iam O*e Mau *ho touai tii. annoter, wua net hors làabisosue,'We1 InalamIforcsi te lie content aMid10 vek, aMhb. you-I have aoamrn4lam.e como ta termeluit, "In lhe dark." yonus vint." 1 "'Yo mut vait, my oiDol..,4 Peaeynbovo d mid m mouisyes j« mcMuswatt,- lhe Spaneurd mlL"a It l0 ehtaib heobialvymsb. Wutul ion tilt Ivunt your amishac f et hohomme, a"iilt~he r Wcmn- hougi 1 do soit hink.il probable liai I hlaued: évec vaut IL. Yen eli miuin t'My businsshoeas 'agent for Denm et*MaI wvas Corot ye 1me, ai-. ~od(gu, avoattaymr"b.t etflRon- Ibsugi 1 bai many thmes lb. plessur duras, wll ot ocyme mach as pro-, et luclgai the nnit table te you I mont,~~ lbwoiM m i.vl b. devot- do »ttIIIi hutye n ib.ableay ai o te h One putpouo iO Iilsgtilht boliete fini the maI smok. u a=oIn ý." visaI fin i hm, flboon I promime vos "I 11pray tilt yen may b. sucoa- liat yen"lshah have lb.plea ofe ora, fi.' requluhilm, sthat the rewari ma" ",Iý shaà b.sesifueml,"the Spasiard cois.e yen. That in If 1 do not bave mmmqnn*d.qi If.t-y. b rea hlm suW~ny upon IL.mo- "4Amà %iM *W, omi, Iviii a*iyou uinpelf, nasass te prevoat bi a&os teie do È&" omint.ý "A* mmayhhlng ami 1 vil do lt." I <'Awid vii are yen dsing ev»W.e 6«Y«,, av. a tard« a bhini your »mri" Dais aokod, gilug hlm a 8 bom,"Smorer Quikuta ali,"hsleai- morefamilar te blutaila bs proiomola- mimon uobtalfei 10 It r?"hl * Smb m,' ta __ ho MI& e - o ai bvetrcLitm uhimyW M'=be. lms ou rm tfrnho lacd arn vatlug. ofthiIshe.mm mmibr ros u u6 *aua' ss i t atg in muéh gate le the ai0e stes.But vb, do yen gui, Signe. This lamet umai âkaeo»n o» tes uit. Il ladap ~ever bywiting." uni oves uho p.lhsre psrtiy over-. "Te e tos imth a b eridDob- grevwu illi e." sul. verygroaloul. Amiyou deo soé WVbero are keya Wtlias. estrase? eDba, eam ou a m.. "oeme&uw, ez I1kaow. Se enVeu, t.n.tb. vu,- "IAM In a eurposeo.ba?"ami as ho st , mi dvat, so, is &WrIeyes wvoted iivery la-bjlu uely ulit immier et a slhl toam S.on" zàmsuàmàe latre incliasIis Ibt Sme ney n imîh« abu th hm G*F" wulamer Doebm* ut b5~b a~e meor ol."Ilatm as iiaUMMors ers, ho bi stZR 1 Iot. fou& .Thezvbm tbey ajuZito làqwm thedetochivo vii aue fou& 1I mmua*Yscýta give me feà mt uwor latter 4qe muh wrqd eW houer ba o me !ilag rus emi res* ho bài"vlelbpu>- .iwf. enterthai rtY B t", m m emua ai"0" et y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ à 1 y dhu I. erleioaiiWeg u* '<I del4.1, Pnla*hg Bu m i.emane %*à% I vida yen wveau telune your tes-v ob.site rnoking etsombi mou."~d dhimor Wyet in Erd M c lay u» fI vm un1.11uyn otbmm more ai viere 1 e <e nilu.o mat. but remautaber lia" 1 have a ohubtiaT" ls lordishI6ý4 te:j!l adtat- &ld I" &i.* Ootâàeaum«04e, 4 Is et Lelcouheat al vi. ew e *a *"Wt ti bave missu Il"hb.mid ho Sus uspec. » te hbl.StN "voubMe 'i4mamy a 16 " ts mULh liai u u U Mmm. umyetMIgiel, are ifibatat-f-t.*podm otlme la lie osi ellier ma. Yomuare tbfieouae utrne8 cigardvettes, Mdd a- euty mlii mor ilred te vhuw t va.utblmklmg ie*, vohr rn av t d. ut hsluhetve orle r r l Ise oet p- lbho? rmea ! b L ord IiPM-a-b*&s. Et, ml«hbch be l a.5w. CRLAPTU XVL vu i ooetay et orelmla S "4Tico my about Iim S ssmrd.Ouf- Omm<dwrb. __f - 4m5k~ed oviefoov teph14 ti Ih;sUZ5le ho uc1mOaIde 1m S a.f0.bs 1 oeé~ don Veste er5a dm bsàiào bakt glyWI. - lry tms GLasîet - P" and mmuei ~t.! Tes a e -hot.q frl mel p t al o x ie el bi e th I t.;m 4 - Ir y« M«a ~LO& I twy yiii*me. ltthultmfiailtb- -Rb mw4 fl ý OMsba#mgbe t tie 00 amis mten hé m t vinas uu- - w mrnw face M, vw3iomaui 1$,dui "t aeié iàmhW vecurued le 1kg 1he Idea cornte bho mindtht-it Ivas h ho emîi t have urne thedeai. nh ba cm%'or oit la ma mmmnâIes Mthera ied coae luIs is Wona soa tfeelIg lovonsbot. ofborodut daîmset aul Osie vorl, culitutone moment hau 1dm aa t hlm. Tet, IL ~ ~ lIe tehu aff lsiewro versmglh mi u ~~Sb eos8mumsIth.e' Opium, INowphiae aor ~ uabbarmOms subs hmutl ~ Pu, »uee UoouMII YMIMPend Casor ou- .1b PUs.&l i* u O f5 i.thityyeuw non -Aby Igns eng.tbm. ikugia dest@oysWornmad alsys 5. < B pvwmtsvemlng Sour Curd, *os~ trouoeBee% mmmmpoatIoei sd latuI.ncy., ~oefth.hou, rgIt3l S t«tho Stolnach Ma b.w*s. ghou db7and satural sleep. Cas il, ~ bII~UiB~é5~.* j ~S*~~ILt -O~.g.ka.h~m'T Ioe.MileuOf Vb161*ULOUSI. hq. ~daybto diIk~U~,bVfUU~~ - - qgup -' ioe buwUWI a- - ~ - - -~ .gU.81U.u ~. 5.7. Kom, OImW. At Caatorie. ku.ul.LÂA. mare, LN. M Our pyIYWkmUbchildren'a depus. secs bave spoken hWby et <heur Oxped. -ý la thoir outoiS. pracico wth Caaorts, md âlgme a é ù.-m haome our utimI .xpoW swbu la kaown .mreular postyet#w.am o truse. oeus thé mmitert Caclha aiwoniu te look wM< * ~. s~ @~b ?Xuwwy Sbtf Nw Y.oek i. 00 8 itl 0 e i e a se* J.e PETI, k 4 '.5 4. amythiig ic. lb. ay or Waubm ,ClcLhs Jewclri ail Ail w. ask s yn.r attention, aud the chances are you viii b.uy when yensesolrprices. W. take stock mu .Aprîl, and front nov until then voe wiilseli Goods cheaper than e<VOL CoÏsideriuig the bard limnes ,ont repair trade lu good; bring yourrepirinc alouug toeus Ail kunda .fGoods in our ine made t. aider if required. -the Jeweler, 86 K.i* 8~, Iiadu.y, au~ the D.ley Bouse. THI ANITOBA SCEDOLS Woa'à fMIness enlàpueiansd make, hie haïr sleak sud gIosqq but the 010. ENGLISH GOItOITION POWDER» ,wil 117" »- Mo Mud iotik -iier Ïbuhlduse this grand ýold pe«do. Ton. osafed il . 117» animal i n"Y bind M westhe., A. IIGINBOTHÂM, 74 E.ui St k» VU*isE ?h Imi~ DREUGGIST,.LIN.DS Y. Nou ofmivPape ini th 'ITUR .w - Ses Sel ENTLO vu. penlyn." Th1%eSpusalslpsmsd his bamiacroft ,:May 1 y*4 eu inqfrt Becas-bcàme Ibi h1gt boau 1 wfl W.le. sreetwbem was speaklmg vIlli' "Yeonumy rntoasnrud Amnov». @i, let meuds yn vb.youkuaow &bout mils unhmbpy Kr. Caudai)and hl "11mev mcuébebit.l. Tobogua -your M1er litoibr-ai dt ySm have come 10 pesMeMobis torisme." Lord Penlyn ataaidandMidmi "-Yen 1mev that P Ky 1 6* bowyoye lut la moi n.coaar for me togay. i la muffloentat'i1Ideow evIl. But lu lmDo of tilt tilt Ihéve cmo. te "Of viat bave yMn cous te tal thn ?1 "0f ismurieor?" "0fis aurieor?' 1th. other repeal- id. "'Oh! SenarGu utaSl l sible liat Yeen have aMy Cue, ]0Il possile tbal ye= *" "Uvon ilhb.able tofthe.ma vbo kile hlm ?0 4"41amimm sf11i." Lord Padyn starai aiMiliM as b. ~gke, Mud aiim ville lu hisetalin Mielxoi It aonhl4 11Meave etobi etreagovistor. Tmd v-,ertu) einomit wer, aut listebLe etraght at Il. as he q» 6à .O~ of import, 'M ur tî,am pe lieu aslbuhlivi pamg. sot..ot'dhway InllAdt.AMfi ubis oShaeesi lir vus Mmue-tlng liai tmi lie orlish Ià wusbora et cor- Se cm

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