Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Apr 1895, p. 5

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$258E APrROIEO IflOSS[D AtRoamomabis E.ISBW Rn NOTES .lgimae qàu fein bng muISi smnwwaus tii. v.y lomee t ae.Tbioui of amiuhl a mortmte gel mon suai l ompukua lat *0 «Vin gofftM.b th» »"W» Oftu-a tei. A tm z<ow TE? *01<K ESau Yon have lthe oppouiUllt eu. w ai yon vnau s cté oid cla. Do procaslfit5c. but mals e i»Ptua- tion pc0fltly, Real- Estate Boiight stBl on Commiol.ý GENERAL INSUR-AIOE -AGENT& ii Hi SOOTHERAN, BaiAk'r and Brokers 91 KENT ST.I LIROSAY, OMT. HOUSE - O*-LE&t4INB Tr IE laiHtïf&e&0. "William Johnson's" Paints made by himîcit L. 1 lu mv ". 41 the 3011Bmws W0LENNANAt 00.1 Daiy arelChuIN4s xil.wo= Il ors. Clippers, Curry Combe &'Ho'rs. Brushes. Alabastine, Jelhatone. GildeMm White$ Paris White, Kalsouiine Brushes. Bottoat prices. Are You Going -B id? It wilI 'pay yuu ta gst imy pricOs on sTrEEL CUTý and out and,:Wire,:Hinish- ing NoMsz- Looke, Lat-I elles andHR lgo,gGlass èinseëd 01 & Turpen- tinel PUre White Les.di nd.rOd. Lowest prioosi Cai aib. Convined5 Kalsomine, Alabastie, T» .n iOvumnm W byNMr. Nuisai Whiting, Plaster Paris, i ela i Ubot o,«tigg éUài leib.-tit Oâ.CimE, of Tam4 ovin lalae 'Brushes, Carpet Vlt, atm..' 80 Yoaemiuim i ailàexIe.el Step Ladders, ssoImi Paints and Ois; of ôaIl kiP.ds. et tbege bouSe, lu th? ei IIIIT Mr. Clatis lii icelrve'sl Laduay by Ihg N EW STOGK - 10W PRIGES. teatvuavbiOtt îcP o - I yu MM a," ImmuijepW.W, JMou. JG.EDWARDS & 0OO ýw 5 o e-nte i. 1aetW. il Impotes of hoisi, lvy ma me ay Ml"i StSni *di. lis LavIl. UrqluiilOK lu te bgM MM es the S igath a. m afomat m515pas. The I"oDalIp . .. .... andEmpiee t TuuiayApeli 2idsay MU. ABdMW - ai-84Ottama Icesà W ALL . PAPER chopti a olm ite iliaI ai mai dpttmmua -te hie rnau Iwill offer Wall Paper of mcule miii mSche. le seti oui m il kinds st a great r.duc, y b& l b ii mmaml.'&Mr tion in price. oadSeoIeak, laiysummmiold mt0esthii FOR f Md"l lsPtsbe msisi oluIo»lYliUI. THE 201MN.Onlpi'il ~la mli wbe pap«Sin c-eatVari T ai M"6 S cy.»0" s musaiby M SIXTY wybeiow regulaf Pu.cer.. àU, ii.plkm irny"l ay ue&%à wg av- W-spl-m'Mr-. DAYS My 5Ct. PpenaOfutIbeau- j .amm 1- -U.*WM âýqAM à cae es,'MAu% a "*am Bock and aIlYsoe Ou te PeulOSesI et gai i-eou pu EAiIAUU1 le hsekslu.-U* m.stlê a b Ip .mftlan S-Wdlu56, Mue N1 lit nel b seMK cm A se.mi Jan. soieae.polu. mp am om .smum e.lIe.5mii etlusl talle Tomhbo ma" WO5 py ns, MMe b~~~~z. É.i c. u t i ly ot". lu Resu od01% ln, 7««. b fIMet SW4 a trnLe.s te île ou.Avebia. su bc"k 1. HIluz; Mas ULetDrousmais bernai. Me ID T ww&a*& e, m.Eltbsl1. WM wuse, bsg Iba , a bisai; bernaim "n aese.t@& Lais..bgemM te.Fox .11,Ne. ., Duc. tidE;ble ai 816at l-84 IL able~ ~~~i apaimnlaIwI ai M easisoer. HIgie Ghehsu -m vkemuby a ULecmI S&ooac-J. IL Lag A. IL. LL IL. litho Aehl Aiea..nt Le gwelles illa geuai di of omaive foiesd aid m m.a hifl megiatae.m bel w4hty am IIeMs time. He behnpgutsal dsb.Iei tokhtu EiUocIo.-Weseum"SItue pesel MylaleMd ds.mm M ?. iSe amiupu.. ids MnebN eue«. Mce d Oit. Ssii by E. leet . Luide -45.11.- 014 wbwhnseagiU»muesIeag ls Ht. îlump ceiN* , am la= $t Tiblbm.wiv-mabenm th eea% The isue.o e.lsmakt. Thé lhn is oush ma smoeaiesof t4 a4i, .111miSMM Md e.dWaWleia Me. 1). ». Bu& of etT elfeesoelc at. uai Oa~elsbu Msas t iee usov bc*ita.*6saiemtmi laeeao AvrBoxaui-Lait lou", unie tl - cf list e Mmdes Utof ie Ous 8jq ai9bt e - - -« m sMag llesmirbu I 84 w 9&P 4s»e, is. ls, be P« l9g wA ~be a niami msehlsel«M .1%&là lsabiSie.tiiNdlalm soIalbal a atiuati« d.11.11.Dma'tl ta allii. AsiisiSà'& UkUdMc.go nie*s bsk1urne. thoc hW atàouklg oe amilajnge a ii tut dler dmal mss.oui. us a ub"sitieceg. Il Wml la ou a u mmise p ".prno * 6 ie mm te i i. Nw snow Mdl* M nm ., -Dr. ie la fdut 0., id &W114 .Psa te Ida au.$iMd aumn bi P.vKwas% 'oms a. jia. Md GINGflAMSINS TICKINGSi COTTONADESW. s*s. Wb, V Iivo m ark.4 h.m tilw a t pfi m t hai viiipfei. th e.ko e à s b yer* Don'O . buyti yon: haie our prie.., fou w. an bomd to do -a bg Spring brade, aad hkave mark.d Our EGoods stai lwyloy m*Wgn. lem - mastu ir-i - - Hosai Wb* W.- uutai lx qfiMt . ledesud e a im m »MWi mishme 1w t.rsp ett d eutt - eelp . A»ly t T OMO u*-lt sl.ma1 day.~ ~ k fuigbiasl T brig s. ti Tie coiai uAllyu 01luet, elàiD. Oý»&la te. tmt, ime &Eliio lns lesa mbeas footo mmtiao lagu" lie Shape. entihe slip futof1e p OMo gilics Mmntof51 ta l o e la s tainyo Wsiseif . mres ai. e u AIEr e us orte51 Kwrasts if spom lis egrtstc . et and tali e me guis l an lawf heminerthe w .Esco unene ns àù .cm~pd m aleeel ei tpolrs-. m.utmM &adrnommodestaarn .1 meku aoàlim Orïeipi upisysie. KIWe bd, CTiON.-Ifl e aa fmt o t 1.1 uereocurawc =heff regretsoai h otcMhae ure satisTM>î@esthe rt e o Im aillfor Thogh a roI..l r ! tii.piter r. sentence. l BrookdW. i. Bardlcy ple their âiîta d G cW.oMýmuodes ba un aI Ibmdîsoma cfth llie theIlhul tbe ud e', a oor puet?e .eO lMe 1@id c, t"s. whlch4ines ae lnleuttobute Urid f et .-ÂI ho ren t am ltan o D. W. K.heI% Brook W.J. Brdenh "a We obuai uamnalo tho le dope. Rmp . Ti ÂDI congkmulhem m leadr cilaib teigbusto r bol iel I. Auta flme hu l#mu& lump a iTeysa e m mdeà"Ug lulmm. l et 0 emmrnus.re a" .Ma< l iWUglu ti ied O. ou nlo,'r.âi vumsa theo foMdcmnom ele tbboaula ni s us u mmii vbmis ter M4 m DU& s l e11la a u *y tom nllsgus gd pibmmaestmmklueumm bi a à nOmt? l UFei e4pteof~ tisioatuleisaee sim usaI ile t oh iu l ii(Y ktis.mli. Ts oai ' *l eunmbai nmb s.. sa Li gmiclu.sie "u Io0ns t m liloisamipus noIce lII a m i bsnfaouenimli m Dmie 1m. iilu. I& S"mW1 mdui aei tl*y l o utm s. ~ ~ - _L. à-u âLsh ato os ef ~ ~mngu. lfl z exeumvl? mli Ils b. GENTS' PtTRMIBHINGSI Se.our new stock of TWEEDS, * JHAT&B ib althe, Iatttstyles, OAS.TIES,; COL LÂRS, ETc.- Se. our unaered Shirts, & ail ie, 3,for-$S. W. huve oomm.noed a Fnday Bagiu Day »e, b b oontiud every Fuiday during fue, P.MoRTHUR &COQ, NoUe. tDe posm. oce WllS tub beby glv la l.PaetfeeéP b llsus.ombaWeU, as., l t fhge( Liekiim bbom lti bdkw ioi dby mulml ml.Ai *b w t ~ 1t5 aiw-sàidipuelaoftip aa 0hbo saill meai MeKueatsMu mi daiflmiaa lIe ml 'lUbp >we 10 b. pnroBtOto "M l1W. bi Is m sM»tt!b. soUMsi Vil...,AUWX lXogmIZ[U A ~ ~~~B3 tt ICAR W MK8EZIU. DaMai at T«oroalobie 2td daY eohé., LD.. 10. BmtébwWalet a LeMds002 daY, iftb Mai01. sIià vW ,opo.Uii. 0e =ue Willam inte vuwthe b.mareObulês 515, limia., et lbthé- tôp.i.Sas phaset ol.e 10AXU . L ZL.MU ýMaa voe. or lm t ,o. Jasll .O.j 2" 1 ataie Il-"64 te Town of Liudsay. osel fsemaie aI pabie at M oucy 09U" loa.a a»- e . i eh M li evi dl Benson House, ini the Town of Uàndsay, 'iL .edasb a î ttseme Of, Is SIlsvtg ps. rat ou ils au*b latoeh4l"e suIlaioa or t mnom ube la *lb. lemom o o09 oh eI s! u 'fSanail5la Ihos dIftmstpans.,i% Mo ~hmh laai mlIite .la the Ilà celUsUt on tâme béaubiet lie it a Rva, a rioU ds.elplIm et w"ti amW pra c be osho.aoeoAit5ts lee »ualanel; vilmi s umoial Pm Mr yb. fo se aorn. bt Oieblseorieatsl, m ais.se moselatapesloh oui..l la t me OR Iladiaimilata u ehIP ceh Ops.béiug smus et mbe os" piubs et S »boaifour m laM blasu" 'I' as miii dei .ce esgfAM lsei i tiéme>lmo lot.iato cii0%amit tmylvo Mdi me MIsid0 l o t ltMubertUM,ui.lb I R *a0m OsU se- I ange*, Md loIsteOal7w O ta"i lw.WlIo a mbe &M IomousEoh eu sshtip e pmiJ au tg le M et eautea myli S »=dt oh te oh maI e h ltv*0 m oh G- n-aea uses hil lsuo'tpllOa e et " 5a eselalul on m smplsalU me ml eigwasL. on lIt puo"slvinaa hmge ue-roc i sllmugeiU *e mhowais gulue b ilsae mi"iW", mihlm msb e m MW, Mi4Ébîldghlr4@u£mm e a l.I là y s I l eel m yl tur ot, s e m a oleesi 1gbvdl 1i ila ulye.. d b bo fels v » ls som b ay-me Il lulolasi atiyaU he mont mo me saumuie o Mua laeyW qqWi, - 11W*la juime min i m» B. patSl lbâoit «md eloaso 5i.mofs e *pu«petoax *6 eamu bp I ,e1s111 .&s&Weo- busisulbmes. v 110e tu Milmm wmvu e n. mi ea bumi b 0 W.~~~lI a i O meundl ea lfi va* PASTURE. Fortier's. "Shi. espe are" -THE FINESTS 0.CDAZjG*j I JUST TRY T, HARDmMOUTHELO HORSES- AND PULLERts CONTRtOLLlED WITHl ABISOLUTE EASE. RUNAWAYS IMPOSSIBLEL ulmMmiiniila mow c.peme.1 by lcuuinde Who bave purchasel BRIT'S UTOU TIO SAFETY BIT..M -w- Mmq,5bllOI#30'hoaoM OSTri MM& ktlieorldg a ans about te ]lBITa UT RAIOSAE~T IT ýnandits .batharmles sud hxnane po'eriu no ln lbdunng h-Most icinS oiseS mut onfling the xnoet stubiioru pullerg a e ch-roe.oruaways. The only bit luthe. word litha M 19 dvcated, used and sold by the SocietY- for thceVS1IU ThbAniliS '7e Hiq"aSl AutIoril. DR. L.P. R1 7 CuECK PLACE, NEW YORKC6 ir nov . f.w àc belu pc.'tkeic syomai puncip1ea. qm lIma -m y l la mlkoii m,...lMafaU"elb iaiut efeutWal mPra7v::o-,uts& b but Id r",.6" bwAUOM db ribii", r a'>est onitivabor a. tth. We jgL a. ofthemcem ithiuan 13. .,o.alblnd mahine &.ObOc~ fDli B.uorlk-ea&~ero<'rCultivator wm mli. VOB. U S1~,L ~a.9UL MAG1LLI, ai ais mi t oty, mwbsre -qtmpba ofettiiau ~ hOUUW~ fll bi *6 s I. e.a~ EVER- OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. i- the 1

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