Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 5 Apr 1895, p. 1

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1.bM. Si Peri Nil Evety d.partMeit M OUR Dunes' hb boo creffld bY cm c'Olors.weave sMd mal Dress Gooda, o W MN new PitI, nMW Dolas. vshow nov Zmbeold Juillingsi, ew elns Gloves; nov (ottotk, ibd new Underveats, ev LA spot OUJR MN' lias received larg additi Shirtsi,, ew Soammer Ut Braces &c.9 and a ce.i T IN~ 'mev dSIlk a value; mev SHWGDEPARTUINT tho 0 ,leht sdCooe , 0 .ltC5.Te.Scs IN HATS,.OAPS -& OLOTHING we ar pto date *wî & th lb.ading styles lu Feit 1Hats, i.n, os, aneud cs sza Our ciothiag stock bas been iwxreaed by another large purchase whichv .stopened <ut. Orvalue iu Mens' and Bosnuialumqmled, and our quaties. styles and trimmingu aeguatanteed in overy case. Our IHouse Purnishiong Iepartment is full and comploe with a grand stock of Hompe , J an md Wool Carpets; best Canadianâ, Ameiican and Ragliuli loorOÙil Cothe and Liuoleums; uew and handsomo asssoruent of -LAce -Cartains in White aud Cream; uew Cretonnes, nev Art MusUîns sud Art Sateens, ev Rav .Silks for Curtains and Furuiture Coireringa; mnev Table. Damasks; LinenTowels and Towelllngu noiv Sheetingq and Pilov Cottons9, "ad a very ful sad wolt assorted stock of GENERAL STAPLES at lover prices than ever bofore quoted. We sôOlit yurinm enoof oug stock. WARNER .o Th Great Be.nkrupt BIOOk Ienq 76 and 78 Kent.,et.% ]Linda"y. "FAMERS?l ]Dun' t be bamboozld by traVelo- jing «gentaunIoading stelrne et double their value. Bfr youbuy Ia~c1Our s1ýook. a irt a poato 0sI 0 ~rat- das t Ranges filuding 23 .pieceof iunb»e&kableuniu foat40 .. 1 t. . 1 W. (~ WOODSJ Miré mu~, ISL-lS5NV, 1895. Top,'Onioni, 1895 mot INulr 80.1 huse 70. to 76 Posai Street, Teroto, Ontario, - ami aailmisn,~~~j~i U SMu. sT. LOUIS, . .i.A. ïsu lui Osphal, 14«%M> The above nmemd Company have locatod lu Liudtays with ad quariers st the Daly Romte- w. w LOGÂN- SELLS The boit Organs, pianos and Sewmng Mmàchin luthO. Market-the cheapest acecording. to quality* #Pd Rny maIce desired, sither Cauadian or Amerian.'~ Wu W. LOGAN, Gemmai Açeti Lindtay, CHS4C.UTHE,zZ XU$t. W., Toronto, vil] pesdto-.mee t a, RUTURED i any.lfa EFOXE ),such as ecubfut, spinal curvature, wl otr svelliuç boy leu s, etc. Carnies a fult stock of Tnuui Supportesand ALhnces with hîm.: Willt visit persoumlly : LIbTDBÂY-BelsOfl Houa, 'F:teay, 4 pril PErTBB'BOBO-OriOfl X otel, Batur'y &pl Dm0Mlb 100 Ou" &ml e , 1.8. meulr er i.aha W .fir uspbsi Tii m 0, 4aous 1ev , nanti 8o W» mie" i" Alnput vu The. New Columbiga Wire.Hoop ylcurm eiri a 1fov mm Have -one 1Usd' UoL&D8U~ & MuNi bd andL sund LaMw~Iat U~I~nta 41*a I~ a s 'a - ~~AV UPINIJU s-r, -' hbiflEI5N. -, il*eO~ - ---e,--. iboh hh~ ~-,- '. us., mie. ~.1 adaL UIlb,~UBh mbs~ sai. - * un q~ Lmdn isu~ W. O. . oieS 1lot f»ilpms be!lotwbemb et uï mIlm= a tla a u a. Ab ba t oelbu& b aaib. . 1U FuÂT pil 1h-E mu amanUue NaiMu BrIbeaLod"s X& 71, A.. &A.L lixA, Apili L-Euu <uhyma okQ. a.vo. 1. mmy maabn laem 1uui b. bpruantse basm tusua Ispeamesviiila lausai et tuaeÂT. men & . teNuly mihg . x« LjI.h 51.BD au Mo Afl -biismni etaM& th m -8 6161is 00LPs s ema N . 08. wSt.tP.B.MaO100.U -"#.u j os NUI.J.u.811 ab , ta Lmduy amiemu ii .4smaum uaasglu smosievuisith la glus. « olbrOaime nt. meifridiat aoday bave *0"s.tbas foiovini offoaraf« r t a ulg tom :~auha . -IL port«r; ls.pwui. dent, MUas K: Hatine.; iso..ea yMisaIH. 2k; our..550'7,-Misa L. Houghlon; ha, JO»Sa . CoanailThel aise appolad. lais f"iavmg .uuIts-iYiUBl5Rw lsi muuai à,vi inmla.imy. Il l modalymou Mondiy evenig laut, Es. Xi. le»a or I&il .mmv ofl ait Mari et taika ou1 r" SoMMadmee M e inam> issu Lev usaisibyliasbyse Mrss., 'Tb We3 a abuiaigUm ML l.tù " memof lslagga nograsS a et te.-a @»lemRulY: mi ymuim» àismet tonalvihamd lupampas. hi ussla * s ale 11 nvle vs pet taba-Mu.Jes&,o-iui viIpeu &U to hm ba usm maihjHSlM wm mi 1eesIaiAS a.a" a bld. us F m ombasii - l te sui lb uoniihm Ïlu tuuuausta d»- i»ma" f mbsu UW &uwmb« 4"1i OMM*-l ***5« la *1 5M ,h MM p»pewmat orahu" t u FsUI04M wsI=m Eiao ai -4j" uapiêpm ite bluive ibé telaflotaimémâslet a.lmo. "Wl* beu lawa mm k. cbas howt-i ban sa W v lo « .i.m uo - kg a £u oii sM oamM u u .1mb malassaêus e lb uM atmi. ualnskk b Vsue ewm ii- afis Idad t lihul tare usas- Sa laharsi ltremiu vnoWU-*ilOe saint md'us.hiat *W ii Ia m ued âtMd i. *0es m* Of %W01 ta. %0SLEhauu ASin narU iida" nuis uqus rua reisssi h aisfsssma ufmbs--. - min beldpt su fS.ria i. l (WbuaO. Ti. -*W dtw ur setO samuimm b1ud bibean ulalsi vimbe il. w OfeulIbsutN T.ukbomn rbo. (Uw I sl usa). lbmsateshaisvors lb mia .udm *$WMiel*.0ue bai b... ava&"ai lelm ithtabcO.. lb. iquty iss m Ia Mi.nwd. qumdthe lbsmala I'~~~~ d sit vUii vain «aSu damap t. uPePswty. RBahut. of'g il bhMvsgmul a" bo-: Il fraataut ite' ooà"* Ml7i 4 " v wty -"4,400 noa emomeltlasIplhu rpur bauitai ttaex ou Jas. BrWv'm -saie béréduoesi km t ha amantI-of $l0m0hte0.Moi l . wbslit às: mmunai lIa b ahouitbaesu amassai tou. R-port .dll Reputofl e!s »& s brsdeui s mauile nwàmmdluul liaI l e u ofBaliumi (Yi. for 100000 uelmt o bioe pbauk et et i» r 1",W" om daisu e uptsd, No ie t Mt. IylJkuedi by Mr. Rrsd t.,rssusi bua a Mt mmSla lajia Il the mba*lmm1U - aa"lue ~ba prtsaN ~uk talue bu 1 m a* ew sel mbssuor buusli. esI a mà~*~m ÂjpIl teo..woata"e Sm. ~ t -fr bcaus Puor AGW eh - b~tdoeeMPa -#LIgan rte the, bsb*' ldMtiiemevsmista of.the. w*ui, lc peak w J" the a" bum » of r renwaysGovn- gays lo-iiet. a l keaW question. Bach member la e in a hL% determinigtion toestand by t" .1*oa ahools, no matter what the -mn p.y ae. To yieid any suggestions la tethe appointment of a comnmission, or n»Xbga ompromlse, vwould, It la con- 11drdbe perfectly* suicidai and would nvse epprove.d by tbe publc. ne goveoenmerit fily reogize that it msauàn »adt rmtaeie peo! Manitoba te stand by taie pblic éhools system, and there lanD oeintn tion of departin- ftttaktmandae than there la ot aat IfflOver taie goverument o!taihe province to thie romlan catiiolces. -tMmnitobs .counts upon taie*hoautY au fo ntaro luthie struggie, as I)lromust rcgize taiat If the ciergy afet e are aulwe to force separate sooson Maitoba that a blow will aie stukat qa rigaits in Canada from Wb . ai-c nrTwll nver recOver. IL la fri by Our goverument that the right- Ltnkngpeopie o! Canada, wili neyer nerm the hrenea b ofo!Quebec to their way la t9is c=s and trample provI;ýneial rigaits under their feet. 41 iJe the governinent wiII take taie vey buat adlvicie it can obtain in the case andglve due welgait to ail considerations, stili there wUhIibe no weakenlng, and when taie time cornes it wiill be seen that the p>venmen wIi stand resoluteiy by the nationaZl hols. NATIONAL SCROOLS KUBT STAND. Editorialytaie Tribuine calls on taie liberablu Ontarlo to pronounce on taie sohool question, and stand by national scheOIs.IL warns thein that they ane waatiqî time to suggest compromise, and aidas &Commissions of investigatian and anitaie other prooedcormiss need ,oniy be-rnentioned, to be di=mse. Lt is ne time for compromises. The national achoolS must be maintained in their iutgrtyorthe ie that la now raging. Iâviii ae intesfed tanfdperpetuated." * XmEELD.8taningof thie pupils of a.. No. 2, Carden, -for the month Of M"rI :-Fourth claise-Lizzie McDonald, Mii2ie Sw ilzer, DolIlie Walsh, Casuie Mic- Danald, Aiex.. Frazier, WilIle Wylie. Thurd clam ar-Pat. MeNsmeel COUx. MO- Douaid, Harb. Wi*ks. Third claa jr- I.lào. Walab, Rose McGee, Annie.McG-ee. Second clasa-Thos. Walahi Jos. Walsh. First clas part azcond- Pàt. MeGee, Le Fitzgerald, Joe Cronin, Mary Fitzgerald. Firet clasa part jàt-ýJ;hn Fitzgerald.. L. IuwiN, teacher. MARIAPOSA STATIOÇ. - Repart f '-r Ua[". Naines arranged in order of moûrt,:-Sr. IV-Toinas- Late, -Cecil irouas, Florence Dames, Ethel Damet;, Wiiuiot Webster. Mabel Webster, Matbel P ark inson, .Wilbur Lane, Eddie Rich, Iâmer Webster, John Wicke t, Fred JeffceyFred Dames.. Jr. IV-Frank liane, Âmo a Chase, Perey Prcuse, Chas.- Beatrice Webber, Mary Wiiett, Bella Elrong, Magps Strong. Third elis- I ordie :McGar, j ay Webster.- Katie ]FenteiIy. Eddie Irennellv, Gany. Read. Second CIaus-Ernest McGar, Howard Ijkét ]Mnda Chase, Ad& Webster, El ton prouas, Soett Strosig, Aninie Fennel Iv, wAttia Lune, Erneat Webber. Part Il- motawue bu beu Iasflvstld i. Mr.egahp sm impnld, tlb poud. tu tas cornailt s' boufsfu lt. It viV b. lithe n9h cf a kt' e 1 bviDageounlais 141h line. Thie « a~as uthie pouni Watiîln t hasubabl a ma tut. d u .HiIu la about oeling aies Ire" pvo utaa IeMOue us tas lomperance t.. 4 1ise I els ia udaat. vaine neme ni ,f latS u t@iau .... U. Thomal SIUsilpB bu siMa hm su d lot ta lMMa n ~ ~~ M jeS Dm md moulai te lahouas umaalusthairuthlbvillaga Uit las agLi ha-bu.remoet tis ad 'L.. siep sE l" Onmetlot. whleh he 0ar N. Tbise. Las e,Xouat Hoeba. h" aO t ul at in al0bs7cado amasoiora Imls &gt for the di vb.wj ètI'e 8l w n LbM Ui teàlW5ao5vbaf llgaus jugb5o5P Vjl5 uzz e, 1=i t ~ ~ »M ýl ne 1

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