WOOD fe un.a «i. sahe tothe d put, nmu tô the ttle CE ritb" nt of the 9 syswm bmioeated Wt. Iiminau U.d.t -d ky PubWic ix Stomach, tStoznath, êDigioms, rom disease, Lbutaces as «s weakened hatso maiy fids to.digest isand devy, e nutrimenit c«gon,în the ai Qxoniic i. It gives cum .The Lb withd ieo s of patent emep and fomdnd o"beaeit FKICAN1qERVIIL 1 grest telief,msd have -i entire!y free froM ffllDw aufferers front an imianediate.tiai. J '93>, dMby ne the »J=e n, z893- veq - rend meuàded te me by- ýmst ay, wm £rom 1iuaYmE reterLgw»1 eits cure Stomacb. alady and NIlM