bd ~ il ijý BRoo M rnacle o.. verbe@; IPubies." wurcof iL IL 1ev.. igil pri millie Jerernial the., a ft 0.ut î s ' ymbol *than ru Ie pre»c 'idrethi-of drops Irip~ ~ Go. Thi 114have dri enieiaid ~kIy~N.. lte tire e'adepmr. te have ber .zpM& .dian gia " euwis, ay tha. alnoug Ouro!1gages -e th" t thi StiIIg-9 to Sk wSh The l t,~n.Maa- Làord o goierai mines o foreigne of large brouK-ht bannere prineely brouglit and jev en tâte, NE perfect w<.vrth a sue i %as zeciit ai d Lat 1 et Bit t tel Austria the vie wOrm 1 THEV& Itle ti to Ow = the w press. charact collpte 1tubies. thBut i hinigs p oints laingl The ru IL 's Pl Hio"Lth a tub:. Sir JoI ttnat ni bis cet, ETpctil lit &tielci tule S;uI hoiv 'V of tu higioti tuine, il you cai maucbl thle ~tur te îi: nefsexil undur Devez itait.e ST Mp 0 wmmuso end et the md.--.g ~ ho ub omet white humus on et um iun %vos p g4$u Oa dow faruo;t4 , chief shal t~ boat; aidat living "ip. The. spiri JB' EV. ,wa.up u look at t ýpectation c minti e h rI. of S