wiaotq .05 Pi~ .14 ULbr,' suid ti Word lie 1»-. Talir atx>w 44aji * a ,s. .Dr. glaseâ un luite msUV Duqn1*us-a cmoie 01 enoti. Tii. lie cut lu, and 1 had to pin~ *bout fteen titmea . train ttuean sd w* 1sd . Everyl oty lui-Un Ih. depot %vithunu, aveut 7ho IuceoJtihe plac> u>. i such aIL *ob of y.lllug ti W. egot cun Ira she pulled out the big gfer, and ti theMIu Mw£a I*ok sonie 1 i e YOU 4D THE 8NOWBALL. ft sO liaiuve B hava lfles- eci an, su ai Uou dat1ug," .h it o lb * on theI M'te us 0 Spaak o.d, -. Takes T:aleu All A BRoOL prayer6. aboijt tile this world. Lis subjet the text i) çaine to p« lives liv *God." -r Expatria bj bhatiks 'of N by affluentf IL Wa" thej it iit #ures. ..I Loy. <tuedrea?~ mjail vou Lave. seato Oas. <or Alabaît MIL. Tiber, or * aleep andi D ot knuow 'fi ~ eluiadom-cr~ *tiaougl'ts1 raln, L U awake rnde~s.vas about. -,.r exS- wàs breaki~ eI câ,i a ýdream na012 0&dream on had any il >ês ttteHud.ion. *o loo w"- beaven w __ arc), and ti ed dieu, or ~P~8ARTalheade us!. ~ ho it 1ilfg got into Lil %Vili of t£ tme inC4 brànce of of thé mai and thlai,I Laagliter ine ihie obi tà coîuduî *and frouî froni temn Wall. 1 hast thou swer carn to the eari - secret aboi vot giveu s. fàr out. and sweet est take i ius storleLand mflor e two vear th e m ain . years sui nC Anything and te ti ely upohn. a yisit toi Up reside part. - I looked great Tel2 Scotch ue there is n viSwioli, re clatiofl, lie UV God. the lare as biga hadue v er * ~ A 1tle a, ail the eai m u tire 'and took the L'm.d and ll, ETS green lea, deus, and gold. Atid I à * ring ou t anud sid. *'Wliy tii SE. rightblai itvlîoworg once fedi lived ou i and ther, *ring on b this fashi .udtoriu gallerieus. Li.UL~ ~ rlo pres The ciiiel person il But 1 away thi mi. boulie, d!es, intc wveer thi lm bil!(;o! cou ait have the t ta *Mr)d. ve bees t a Pn. 1et-iln O= (l;ui ln 't