R- pr juIy 0.- M bis,4 i veniflg oh. 14, 7. in suar t snob a nihtpa be gong nthe tcon 40«a UUiflo~ OIL 16 86~ e madi Canada flotet -co gazllgt :j àéarding egl;hnds k .rngg e*i adgoný «rd men." & golemfl and She *ildern tMM ns L Nig #, night amon C ülght arnid PaILoOng the 1 it 'mid .sea Wd for the OWMr which in the Coast are ail sailir -we if, with flaniing gioi &id our waj niay we!l si Ovening is ofi light ini the f e oid- age-of Christian 1114 lught."1 irp cy vi1 fChristian * brad davli Innumleral le rhousand feet bd ai-ms, and Md the Datter: fnvestrueft zd anithe ledtion, au yalue, and si %gh position *and friexid à Into the ft sang i L i the. d *ire, and ai the gods, h lolding in wbolts of puY mst, and the i twilig-ht-. S et The foui kshed,. Tli.e ,- bld and. Â - deep howl Own throughi IL, At one1 lo disaster1 Down went Âway vent 1 Up fiew a f ww 1book wou1 mot be sectir e nnk like le My7 expioded.. alf wiii vo. ~uhfor t] kit this famili of God bol, knes? What multitude a. Imon pounid id uder the the hoof ? II eeping, bbMentstruck rBecause thq l be tablec ,umet the wl v owin at th gstand b_ jing.t"The ýWrk and1 ing their1 time it Ni iovertook Mions, froi .,Id jaspar, ilthe tn mmmer aij moming as yfihied ai) Th e souli mp fromini bklmg heavE ivre been ai Rat gave, ai ïMciaîms j dpge away ïevua1ms '. w,îu be ~e ith )cent& 4. la mýà 1 gliaral- 1