Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Apr 1893, p. 5

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Il!' mm4e an &OU $250ali MrOYEU ItIORSED lM, CASH UTANC E C hIIElS'BT ~8 CASH fils FOR EORTOAGIS à DEBINNIE 3?IA 37 EGS Or IP T T .O tralht Lians made te lrarmoieand othmn Who are dsêtrau. off ohanglng Sheir mort- psgesud haug their ltort reinauSite the very loveot rae. Thé onet of oht*na f aigu of the mâl Saw, - - oe MOLENNAN £008, Buildera' -HIfardwarec* KAim, PAPE1, LOCIS IOS IGS CHUENS. D 8. OILS e~GAS CLOTHEs' liIE8 CURTAIN POLiS. n ,VETwà. PnAV tià.@,â,lug offoct.d by tie redustion of KJlit-I WHITrWS. PERWI tomS. UBRES. STE? LADDE8a - JOHNSON'S JUXID PAIXT 50wTET ONBM In C A1 you, have th. apportaty tb borov -'SU Bottom Pices. log vent at ie cS rates. Don't piooiotioat». Îbas make Tour anplica. oLENNÂN & Co,, lion pioi»p1lY. Karduwt% lo Md Zm oiksh Mmeaa, pElb U-4v on commission. GENERAI INSURANCE AGENT, Ji, Ho SOOTHERANq Banker and Broker, 91 KENT ST.- LIN DSAY, ONT. imday. oat té, 1SL-l"1. JOHNSON'8 MIXED PAINT Me0 EDWARDS &GOa Importers and Dealiers. Thé aboie ulibla peint .111 s lvejeg, Try th floor oolous 1Thsy aremixai cesp..!. lifotatpurpose, have god body. sud dm u 4her ,tihbard gloamy scorme. Pot cp in usthall gallon tin pille, quarte and plnte. Pui lucde sud outoido bouse painttlngJohn- un,& uot b. surpassai Tamnlh, Black and Wins clr, for cornlmge 'sad wagoni,. Lx prices on Wh1te Losi, 011e, Dry' Colote, J. G. EDWARD8 &00 Diles lu Hardware, Havy Sols. Pointe, 011, lfarm Iiiploemnte. Canuin oodi, * B"almitba' -Supplies. 8ign off the AnvI.. PBI»)A! APIIIL 21",lues8 LOCAL 9JOTTING& OURAN L4 Dra UD3 à AMS o U GuMou ter 08,00 et P~#tva tu BUTLnnofor làOsaisl et W. J., ~lrouls, 49 lent Sot. Ltniss..-141 ltldwln, blaoksSigh, amu door TesuaWaa. »U1 OSeo. la prspaired to do aitledsadeto hernie. sho.îu1 and geusial jobbng-478 . WUTD,-ýoruetSdltb*Surgacu 'el ai Sidi Point, a ho»ue fr 6 feunid fix Pomone. Partieshvitbom.té ua vii termanjot vlth a. box i lday-.l4 4itomujRtout,îIoi Ot5 mi Neaîia relCalym sla lai lb5 a"ledon p" s0ivelsas le u muia Mie dieas Imm0d Tdteyisepoa.Tc TÈaU azu hed«»is u 41tae.book @lu'mie tadaso 909sstgasd inatrstvemote a d'ornet for Tai WàM" &_ IR% An sudhowmd bct» .Ib In homo pi)tag là imcw %kickfrio; orstissem Md -t-is- Duvox gxrm.-Ssa nd d"hop et Nigl. bot#Wo s iug sr-81L.4 Niw um oa à» te lum-The unie. hmeiba oea enaur ud a tomeet 17 anio baud Ueaa. vkus k. viiiles? on bod à Mk of lude*of lour, uMe food. cib hm ot usé, *te h vil 11 . cli et 5k.leembéa .t e m n L. UvuM osu A wZ zLo.r-A meeting vu 14de A Wb" lVu mdaoih l MyerQC MdS.I.ILClatke off t06 tee leiet ivitai lamas L Hughes 50 mesSthea, ho caimigtho Mu«i., ioutlng thc anoalns. us ot ani atilUiy. A strng rm lua u ave off Briih a ouaoo. Sie vu carnlai. Neo «r oi "sxxmaxu" PncwUm- SudU 288unlIht" SOap uappern <vuppor boëring the wod '@Why Don.ae omi.Lok (Oli sosuer thm a IMe) n ,iuerBras., Lsd., 48 otS StueT, mead pou vil nui"v b? pet aprotty pites. froe Insu miVetWl Midvioi Worth 2:cTis baun *W vay te deorate YM . a kTb tp là h. mlbut nthé imuet, Mdit iIIui Mct le. Postage to und la thé viapponsif jeu lovte end cpm .Write Yomadie ertmly-S y Tu. Veansu i zau mux @a 80.-At omWmble ocpuSme ohave wIseursitao nimberof a beutital von Mis Cmainw Axuvazfor lotititou aenethov ofcaor .ukoflbsmpayimg luaeduanus f« Tm iWV$> mm . 1%9 vork la 14 lta"ulyl10 nohas enlusl0 Opgs.bouni mileMU lu banti. fiill ïa aet alèo h areuseitable for bammln& Ba" imber ont qulteaa- .iié med i 15lupouible fSe s te I. the preclsu te ay vie do not pay u lauadvenu Do not iC, but eMd aloéq mnusplma lumurv m ua»a camp vhlht s pèeon Toesdav, 18mb June, viiluolis the folio. &S PineOSoff Velu' Dregoone. 440 Dttery RylCaadienAtillry. Ga oqu 0 Ottav 44 »QAai arce"'&le attaimeaoftInfamt. 451h WVat DubamaindTiole iaInféantry 5051 Gleugarfry aentr. OUM MN ugo inne * uthtb.prom Dnontil t e 4551 lauae or camp ileonir ,six véeoh; Basslas uete Play on. Noxvn vreU 0"oa emaid.mo t in rébt hu h ae llovi tego. TMs minumhulgilaI iw uhes viti. ont boots. Tm amuwAiv Boasinx uvuia-Lost veulea -W maiohuge e ucdve,. coeil vms hoet a fmôty@o sté eaiar hun mdu ag by-lav fer . âtiga abnste t$LIUaduYo te t*0 bornawuismiafs.tyu"W;Ai Vila Must bi4Uetros uio lie the et f l1af et Im liuêmes et bét*M e u b ài AIug* et- ade le, M l mooe si-S, roel.e et lm . érs o e lIes. te lýatu mp temymr5o. Otta5o ce W M dna télt date. 15 via«O bsuske" la ti h"fettihe villoamn"cEeuW . aFamim tiastIts ma"nase42100%alune1884 .v a t hec 4&dboate'hommc...sumo.,ol.wub6 t yI vut e Mu th lu mMmon .UsM b ra.!aoue. vou b"5te Imtableti iepu , oib 6amusai lesK.g the as lb.. voue misvu sot b ovaui sceese ,r saso avi k i wàkaioc w" o hoitit soogtl, dva o peUa ail, btmeutthasoe s id mn wu ba lab. ere ain mmi tuiasosu te baeté& O 15eme "uagkan te t e bTalvat w eh»ld ugtii.atemmpisé M è1k& tiomt vsw lalaàmothe 5lvm t 1"Bo le thé 4ltnilyael; kMcspod, sud vomite voisiv thera a t i o fl fa ti vieMa Os.aTe tt St ie saui bttseiel not MIL %cti Mhome us iita imoi eteesy. Tetavoy cmamas as vtnema. a iel. tasSeabuvils tou is l e tlas."Hofsthe mth dUth e layi;dsdesiofvethedt l maiy 0lus ot peindid . à tea a te£551 off.m TO di saS of te 451àbetaeuhamo ho laalu a el tems u te tooat sicetOr. oiean thieuee 4Iite pesW a ii iifin satione tut , meo. rou ho f h sd Um yte Drhm incof ltheglst hbft arlet Dauar o*augof s tic Sii ofiuad fui lt. Dr. Wbmtvol1so ataln e r as f Ber ofous oa k. fon tien arc, Dut ham aofthe 45h bs e o ave larongbm mHughe Stharï, e. Dtrv inon y su me sS.mur O n eouilu Mdf BsvmaaWhouos mok maistao s lws sas @usr lem a ilhorge or stoppai e bullet. Col. Deecon hmu bdai disittlaubbmmi mlitauy caume. Wimne ghm v&a e otlsmen volun tour Itou the rtankstSotie poolof 1Captais lu the lot âMiisk aI611 M sd wmetIns hébm huoes nuaaforer arenmIboe.1k."deoff Aim uu aauDimolabWvm Oebsatopo d Chin; 1 1 1 -soin somer a tuamaid Our oeMo Vorm , e% t vwutilrfasbas vOU et l19, ba a sroiy te aoovshi. Quoen sd coumty lamV usquilu s aety. Vs rM mombor vh bjss e h.455h b"taliul 1lu&15vi It w oroila 18"0. aHlmmso4 rogutar Mdai alttaise covrs a perlaiof more dms hlu&o sltem àk.ceUma e Dihio adeueilu18U, Mdihobaslmlet yex-o poesdia, d" out t tire, but bseisih per owbeuhoand the c.mmandlag oScar OOL wold ii adieu te the battaito« topou. - ne lm leu uui ht uilltfarty glori, Mid basmereil rtsed i mcuetia for Shé coi off thecoup, la ugcoria count thora ar e m.a m saeN Capt. uvule, CapS. Hautsr, CapS Wlle s, ps oltouf, CapS. Roplns. Lionts. Thorlo sualimo% Rome, Mdi 8S1ug. By1Fvea ls lty ittod for osmmeni. cap&. Neutig le M Uaflient drill matruosil aue . Muie.Cas EvanasuMd tOfU.gt sylvrest e ar Huaghes boli etbsoslotefr ad cos. ontg&Sylvester vmun .1thnmmtic front lu 1884 and i8U lu tic trmy leuim day.. R. vu drill ttucte l e 51hu botte" iunla18Uenvaud, Mai acta ilas cipbe of old No. 8 o. for ye. le 170 ok.vu asttai idj&tmbant tS olebuo te bk.onma fuom th" et. .ceOLubm aiuMajor John Hughes vmue .claiy two nsv'la the b1,011. frithe 5knstmot nlam wv o e lanm OI mecos in amo Ator 15.formmages. lua he bd sr of ite formastion, va drilai lmodul"boa csmpaay Toate, lte aea ondv n. VU the b.tmllon olaaday or t5 eMU btleai. sum et du 5 atliteymalélTenuS. roqu--r- n thore. loa àfou, jun Staeal sylueetop vu mot ont l u api otuweo .veuidbau. hm ai an ubrola@ indlutheevies. KMt Viso& omtg tlia pue mmen ot a mplSffd lotsofam@& TbeMa capav agrandot of mm la the.416tibattiisuvilà làe»ze!M O .1 lys ueidsfilh olu s cop q.'gz tw., vus a dimomes te baM evqrY ofomr Mi - a t Mto it tisSa inuu uhpuonouhsomet mieauuomwsi tht kw asoulu r »= m ali My Pme siblli hl&four i le M d aiibMevSi tic mui* UM. Ibo 0ndkmý*dShI can .télé tic"f *. U*4 ias s *AXfl V& oPudeubh* tiln g 3at t abov thebout valu y.haveAver offors, *Wr-u0 haau Unou.woS eafrCarpets, P2ooe U (othi, mli widths, Stair Oil Oloths, etc., etc. W. ~ haie =ZmZmg of Do1lE3 WIDTH HM CARPE'!. Qa.e half the labor of- making saved by bu$a1 tisegoda. AW osou. vey Ibadme patteras in reenble Hemp, Carpets, patterns coninc& utncty tourelves. "PealutpseluQtosuLie Tvels, 1owemam s, heetifga, Pillow (Jot<(ons, Tlckinags, White Quita udO~uerpne, TbleLiînsluBleaced, Uubleached sd Cram, Table Napkina, Doiloya, Tray OlohaTesOlohaSidboid Cver, ec.eto., in great vaniety. Our values inLinens caunt b. approached. Parasols Para Csols OUR NEW PARASOLS are nov opened up sud our stock embraces everYthing NEW# FÂSHIIONAÈBLK AND. UABE Grand range of qualitieS. Price..right. Every departm.ent full, and comploe.. Barpgain u verj lino for anl. WAR NER & CO'Y The Great Baukrupt stook men, 76 id 78 Kent street, Lindsay. GRUERESIVNES LQUUS~CIARG WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, TheW »d «amt ~kPptoe, t- , mi réagieud "durans M7 wh land *01 OT dtmssulm Di Ssi lv wbro.Ple., OMUIL4 îennà,A 33.;0uaztVM, 03.u. P."et by tbe gD4e maIcÂr oomA o0, Botonlhma. 41,44 Hm. le C OlaUDisos, i a UnibugweUoMad 1l0 tusdmclsmis murs b feà .Abbg ue aEuATIG PAIS eR» nd bmam80conts a r z s ressonble et Higi.abothaug's ding Utors-814 5avftDOTA» GUM uL A&p to Mma.W. NoDan4OMM Y coru Md Two .AlPuuMlou w.àrnva», e MOcete heava draemking. .Apply te Nies Dolby., 70 lent tret 88. am".eLa uu-J. Erit of(thé a of Brihon Bros..* Jollsus, Unay, *Duumamex.-l. EMaryNlo eli le grpr. o takm .wtlal et bous or go ont bv"the day. Onigos remsouble. No. 59 Dirham et. 'sst.-isti. Hoimu UmAKINGI-MIiu ose ing, No, 49 acun @ tract muntheur G. 1v Ei"op#, lpis Prsi sed o tek.$lanladIes' a.wlng et har boue. Or g' ont bf the dei. Charges mode. ets -Usi miasNaEU& bus new on vis, a larg Mmd veauable stock off the lateat zaostlas la opringansd summer mllIlnwiy. ILgat gsylai te valktavltiag an4 ouata ostumes. OeIlM me -bofors purobasig.-79.11 RinuN Am E IN T m SEI.- Ylcto.l Couanty R114 Asiecitiloc vin must ln Ta WAuau080 o ns m mmy Oiea., luth tait.,et 7.80 n'eloek. Bidmu. .1 uucb m- p«éa toblu se mmWisi emYoy musas ber "I os la et t*udmd.n PROP ELM m uu T -Ni. J" ohnNrmu 01 lot le, om% u. atj>natl- 1 te mboo. lodee the promptcatumen ofbàclaim y the Watérlcs Mutuell lmInerans .. The bast Mnd ontents e sburasdinla Meci and last v..k thesieffietut Mant off the cour. PWO ,Mr. T. A. MJdd.tim. sage h"ma obu.ek for the amaunt .of) hie Ion882 50. Tht. 5m eàwsd .dl Nr. MuersI èI elelusi. dla Mme itethe Lb..uy vina i eu. bigici thon Mr. Meahé àdl&.-.S Tua rum .1ofNormae Buachart whoe desth te emnonmosi ioder Saisit ne, .took pifce on Saturda, broathe 8à.vdon BHo., Patieomus.MessieJoàat edgwlck Mmd D. aa Bordamaompmalai the remiais &D thé way hou Gelat sd rotnwad houe e- Mon. day. Neuy camse te limouat sud Linda. ay othum mt ent Boboeygomaid ai aay. F lauc maw eeobikiie t m us sterliinuourd thon hms Norma Bombait Mms Euubeit vill remain et Galoit for the am Tma WI»U exstenda 50 bha mu. euen ympathy intar ruicg heur. Yomo lmasi-Rus'@ yeur chaneste hsIp tha 455h Dttalion. Ho. mamy sbool caUdus sin atovua us teugbt to .hes stoptin vaiking t loopingstop ammea ha %hues vmlbuta oceotiu#top loft teut et ono', Md i ught lest et enas. LoAt a couple tiy valklg tote, the left foot off oc. stopptmg vzsb the ulght foot off theêothau. The usants la mn al«tet bonof .1ehosud, sud mputi. Thon tuy l aopin u top, Le., ffsohet ptaivth thes-aimefoot, l.ft vlth loft Mmd ulho vth rlght. The ussuti e ment last, Thtu itherà vil) b.prisse ormarks torth. bust drilIIed Victoria ovny ooupmny ia csmp. 155At eh yonag lady ta br vekly £attiantostep fi . iSha i tihavem » eumbcbcs douffet ve, sud ans meytustsmwad hotill bote.. lhslyte try uauktag vlsh sMI zimugen ir1k leneD Victor" M M col .u Ùlte t «rsMach os theas.Tbs bows Md gltb lu PU Sbete -M"eboulip stop wb.s wm*ê» . It iaps te bame "OC"1uuMUt- ma Suoi atic -. ?he',Nue gj 4 G]rooeries a011; &-Provisions C~M±~J3EJLL. W. e kl ust eoivd a eh"jo.a"okoompiuingJ sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants', Candied Peei% Mo. W. kup the largeit soo of Gwooriesl tauday sud Iherore om msaisfy yMo ÂWORD ABO'UTl' OUR, TEÂBU #o* ~~I~sM& TM es osw jliiii;ý dw. amaS mo«. n ow pm nom' *. Imtpoa sU. ow *ta 1i ý : t A. O~OQX~BY ÂND * c i..,' t, ~ 4 IMC IMC Huuntly & Paluer's Choice Engllah Biscuit.. Crosse. à Blackwefl's Jama, 1.111es, Potted IMeats, Pickles ad Sauces. Canued.Giéoda - Peua, Beans, Tomabos, Corn. etc., Lobster, Salmon, Mackerel aud Fininan Haddle. Dried Fruit&-q-hoioe Sultanas, Valencia Raisns, Fige, Apricots, Ourrantse, etc. Table Pruito--layer Dehesa, Banches, Cuiters, Black Baskets, London Layers, Dates, Table Fige, Crys.. tallizsd Mog, Sholied Âlmond. Nutu-Filberts, Walnuts Almonda. .Preservus-rrm&Wae, Damions, Plume, Black Currants, 1Easpberry. Strawberry, Table lellies. itmseaerman'a ali toa "Star" Brand Breakfast Bacon, Bolled Bacon, Ham&, Worcester Sauce, Freuch Capers, paniah Olives% French Olives, Mudhrom Oatoup. Hlarvey's Satse. BOTTLD AU AND PORTER-Guinness & (Jo'.- Dublin &tout, Basa & (Jo's Pale Ale, Labstt's lou. don. Davis.', Toronto, aie sud Porter,- Dow's Moutreal Ale in pinte. snd quarto. Gooderham & Woe fine ýOld Rye and Malt Whiskies. Baxterl ' Bane7 Bree," the fineat of Scotch Whiskies. B06194 Jameson'.Bashmill's, Bark'us Old Irish Whiskies. Heunemsy's, Sazerac, Gerrmier, olà Fcuch Brandies, Ohoico Port., Sheries, Gins, Bains. AU of the Finest Brande procurable. JOHEN DOB SON, Corner of Kent~ and William Streets,. Lindsay, Lindaay, De«,2%9,1892 f & loy >1z55 al»0 and e on1 bon ic toi rai- 9 ors. 1

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