Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Apr 1893, p. 4

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boa The impor watch are Brittc IatcË4esg Victoria qualititis. the Miland and the are notable fer Oses ~~har awthe Àccuracy being the fint and greatest requis te every eguot la Maa'e to have th.e excel in' tlil respect. Durability cornes n«exsd is secured by the use of only the beat materials. Beauty is by no means to b. ignored, andi is given due con- sideration in designing these watches, THEY ARE THE-BEST If youa don't Get a Mid- land or a Viotoria Men amam Utw qittora a ki VEIDAT, APRIL 21 1*8S AMI" of etuart ud àM"u o u .ada àselonome osuovi àAumiof és ..Mmd a msarLuaLis "ed Oiehe m13311 m mu.frse HON. OB50 . B, 10T52 Ài000» &NADIR. Doring the tcmporarp ab"nceou onlts * Behring SuBoal C omisilon cf Bom. *Sir John Thoimpon, hie pue s mder lu tihe Houa. of Coimmone vusabilptùorn by Hon. Gco. E. Poster. As toh. publia bavo long kuovu, t4cm Mi. Poster stands unrivellod as a mater of f iance and mea aier, fair, loglel ds- bt. R is qualitica mea cting leader have li e evre test duriu< tic ruenct session; anmd, vitieut amp dispareicmcmitoc or coutraît vîiththec roat ability posseaud by BMi Jehn Thompsocume leader, Hon. Mr. Pester ual rightly fui proul ef hie sucous.. True se their narrev polil hie oppon. enta md sov"rmiattempts toemcbarru hlm; but lu ovcrp single instanestImp 611.8. Inuthlittempîcé voite amui ou Hon. Mr. Wales, v u the empWelo gem.imlship ot Hon. Mr. Joster ol*plj dravu. Tic rforusîs houabite mmiii a Vote, foolishlp lmaglulng h mus French roman ouiholtos voulé fuinluità Oie foolisÉ,Irltihroman cMlol.uc.bms But lptheroaShoved Otcdi * bmaitp. non. Mr. iw ""w thc linos of' Paiaumeuii UWZý fneepousibility lunsci s, * * Iasucvu o.sy. *Bat, lu overssresetI, sa.M tu tee's l.adsibip vu cmeS~W soumd tacti judp«*. 4]W JonThomp«Oem John eggrt,H SOL . tisrem2"uing mmntsiomldcol artsapari i cur* otturemeem~yOeU la fa rbl ourM ijcaples ou Cleveland is meniconer blusinéluOMM. ilmule pbaà1bcs hm obrncUieus Harrison oonscruetioii pimoson lie Alisu Labor Law. To oses a na" emàcli wtic Unied etases deomdlng t. dioker ovor visiier or mota few poi Imaboesin Unicd States border twvns.reide ou hOu& am- duo amide, viether or not a tecacer, a Preoiber, a cosk, or a musichan ces. lobso iuvited tront Canada, mmndafallar peul dleplay et mosu spirit, ie pitit ai. Clevelandbas vlped oni mcli ohldei lisîeprotatlon of tic lav To CamUe erodit eis retused 50 descend to, rotaliate aqaimel Yankee laborers oomlng i. Cane. da. 8h. nov limerisi sarin luevo- lend'u ibsial national action. In Harislon'& closiug houa cof Presiiden- tia lit. it viiil ho rsuxmboed ho anmczcd B*vwaii eue of thc Sandwich Manda. Clevland liespromp'lp ropudlisd snob aotiou and hes sfuepd toc sdorce a bus- oamer policy. Prom pissent indiomblone, toc, Pi- dont Cleveland propoes tOc zuk* radical obémges lu Oie, potccivs pollcy'1ethOe Unitcd Béates, by adoptlng the Canadiio painopl e sapssible. Thsas oui rendors kuov le ths fiee or almosi frs. *admissnof ci avmtcwas, or hosoens. bsrlng luto mmmutaotuimm. 1h. balk of tO revenue e sduelgued toh iiesé rom daties ounluuies and articles moi ainsi. ai y o.aumcé by Oie lbublg and fais. lug o0"»&a Fur esmple " d icOum" Ia bor- or or feruer *bas numly .vsaryâbg be ba'ye froeetaidéew vses under the rotr revénus =mith Oe laborsi and tO famer pailémllkm coftdollarsis se ti trsasurp onutoges, fOba, sugeffu., ma, and oSier comuodltics ueccssalp aé bp tbems. Presidont Ceveismé mué hle Congrme vil, st le udritood, _puisos a policy &WWsiar O aadae. Bp îcuotng the outrmgeeuely igis éies of Oie MoKia- lesp tarif Mmd paongO m usy s'ia to Camda a brnag wfn il h mde la the long loiséd for roiprociby icîvomu the tvo matiorni. Irbon inluminé "soi preoitp" le mot "troétrado." Ommeda ha. agaluMadéagma u eicfor mecprocty orthSicmutual luterhange Of certia stof het toeâe nonfor cer. tain, of thc other, mot m ncearllp te mmre affIles, mtwon probébly O. cmeo; bub-barle aopium oocru toirozample. Theo mervatlvo party s ai edy for stiaiglit b usio ssling, and Predeut Clevelesceeule dl unélutOe suce e Itvoulé h amustg vps 1h met no ridoculos, to boer refora leaders. vi oer pou. have boeasitln u imng in he Yankee MoKislep tuand qMS L ommeroal union Oc force = team- nomalas i. ateunénov md Oq ho ru ra eielersviti lis Clouelmué py. Tic pollcp of tic deucmortir 'oi muii tW wl Mt anéa&1>lIfUi5c "Mer"pea devskx opm ,e lduto m fééiur e qulrlu hq nga, sud.a élaneuGovtmenila progresive cucugh ,ontviaêttesrii anésud soy te Em.oi osvo, Mmd-uaup chierose- rIN mie evelute a,- wa i li-ste tes w ta t <3sum bubs w 1 hwwe.t talai8u4 e rom 1tusOf ' lbu'ia thsdm v~ ifvuIl.eia10,6,e t l > t aWMisUo.é M*l* 01 a eîýâ lbiýd is "F A boli VIstaiecoe2ldo hci 0.etll op shbbt _by a tius leeel Camadfau fatus. Thc xrit vv, oU*g abom h tii oes. of tiche éldma sdPr eitlsfgup tros tisa" leanuitàon, Whou the l1""i. tulim Ml shm derniseét at ho.sho the unié,Sbd es. m Tiegui culé Dot do 10. Ths loyaflhotin rsfricd i.m ot tc ,Pudnim e porése fdisputac Teans« paltiotans, but to, Yankee officiel doou- ment& &bovins tic depicia bissats c0 tboir tamcus.Thei mdus hoomet"em vol mestMStaoOmuadesa loo pwa&m Tb@ehilrty Oiouamd s viotions lest car laNsvYerkelby lone, mardageinetoly Av.r thoumamd lu .11 Irsisai vas a pour for theic l. MBoulfthcr vers die tacts1 tiat out of ivloillion1cfamais M ee United "tutesBine Million vons mort- ggd, ville eýS atu b.ave bhef-r farin ertgagedfor Mors tm unailth ferasin the state aue vorth. Ths Globes owu reporisi.versobllW tW saSutmohncip, y, miavy sverythlng oie fariner boughtt hors vu dearer, snd onde: simaer uirouiam nes lat hc eold wus m e oep esif moo cpei, tObor e. ThseOsadian farmer aooordlmg te Sir Oliver Movat'. <Acielstatistic Mmd Hou. G. W. aminlhiî&espeehs, insvor7pros. perous. And am a ra oin. -e Hovever. even vice "li6ard time"bave caughit nmr n bl always a ooneolatlom to look t.o the United statuosuad m7ap "Thmk poil.à ne om re m it sun badly off miau the United Statuea frmer.." *u.oja ir îoar oM SEOQULD 'OR ePIO r&O go eap tikosrothy orgae or ratier orgau lu Toronto, for it leauudoratood thc omt ooucsm ovni bolli Tho Mail end The -Newa, Thé Nova cosits li. Meredith vi th the abome setamemi, doUdl ba et vesi mit the Youag LbibalOom»avfvAmmo- citiu nbanquet lu Toronto. Tme WAan. ,la "os 4dre.ecboesthtic mrn cti meut, &7, the idemtloal verds. Bat, Mr. Mersediheuoouragss ne fite. mmii ut.reiet lmoÂra sDIUom rU D'Akom MoOathp's ruenti Toronto m»oecboosud uaup opirnions, sud svory oeefamilier th ne,.md ticsa voe s"V"m'ei mcwu »IuHoNEWor f"li Mr. Mredith vil mot endorme amy O&Wa m'e ,io t optmiome. m»d ho vili endors mny manie boncai, one. But tie wh.at ficu ths chat; lier truc from thc fàlee must ho spmwtsé. 8em sai pluittol pstatoss. 1l&M. DATr, fs,.cly 1 -etUdayp»el o Imeoetp. fteoslmeg qeite pspulsW a eier«. Tilsuter ué, Ie beuitm éilupisaselvu itic eivmmcumt made le Si' sohool 1 ais. am 8. '. eGuýaiaauttml "lisof Neih& elfb" e t veSi moisdm em leud op fon u= "e WUémasvtiareI»"» ber MM" lcia iers. -nlate s1à 1 - -t.01. 0 %-- dse ikb int uW*m avgowsté lne - c Si eowusumia cere'yIw ole. uJ port ?PdM 7 me uuo pe Pt Vin W.-IL.Su osL. e. sDmi" mivw clae . bapml q t Zr . A . Wodtw% ,LUd 8 tiousst Oabmi% ,fem mlutaet tk lMr. Foe leedw6 bsu mme Si dof.1Dootorof DU emilIai t t"c ToisesUalveuty. Th. momtblj mueoftef eh"budob .1e l.d tompauan s aom yvil b. Win eta8* PIi. s" mmon on mder evemies ti 14ub ft. Aàgood piopmmo cf w --àes~ m viiihmc.A t au. EattievmJr., hf. boa fs. Pd.obm cm .1mb.fmomab. To. emi vihM efor Qocgmespedv ovne. esm l"ihmlepromue la ot eslodlUuy, .but lia io rnq be htmec in t. Tihewomblo vus iimatfc of the Image ond lkvi. mé e, 8.dl m&im d4eeuc md ayvu feJuicd sy Igitai u s .Umi and bava ,allied tiouegl. lb.. eév c b usbsad amt VU~obilldm t. Umc hWloms W. w»Pet te Imm of lis da"liof lic cm Thwv monme. Th i 1 me. o.ied bom rfilma for muni verief lb. fdecy og$st" . Th i fu iwfiltau. 4aoo tia = lmyaNtmom9lem S 0fie t4i fuy eclece E3ae et., t.elRvoolie omotor. Thce M. leags p, = »sforIMlS fà lomud. ol. et teus tek pim on se Ua 2»5%. Sea i ium elli h o ud m mumue. IMm vin ho tics1« u m .eslueWssm aosi tcf sibleptoomte t« ft c ~Yaowfa e g cf Si. 4 ibatIadms; twe Ihom Lieds.,. ome fu'uIB #Mn1o le&. oambmy Mmd Oaom. 0" Iom i y am he Muoc trou Oumn& MLm-At Little Ililtalp. on W.dmdey. Ittlilet., thils f àrM. <JlcbKI4Maof eà mesf Deou-VoLàn.-AI lishe imdém, of tb. bie'. beotici. tir. Arcobis lé ea, Mmi. Poe, on the 12hb tat, b, tiiéliv. P. AL UteLeod, 8 D. Edeud loca cf E31c te loubelis MoL..., Maripoom Lue-Les-mLIolUnd msWdmcdq, HaM 29hi.by thels obSM. Joimmf.A, Tiause Bille of Lndl . md Dors Les .1tih reveebtp 01Ope. Hoxum-l'àm m- At tic reldemos of the bdd' fitbsi, <'e Wedeoday, t5h lestt.. by theDIkv Itoit. Joi»mmB. A., Jouep du e ofOpea t.veip md Ailesdaqilci dt Hmy Piksi of lmeuy. WÂueeio.At Vmban oesTodq, ApR ilsi, Mark WuoM404 %%d 84 puai, 6imuati. BàhiuvÂr -At Octet, cm tic ii ]M t. Ur. No,... Dh.t, &W bd FM&ns an i' Udal, «ou isa, Alef 2WthI, 98 r.dc libm Zs e t ieus>,IL m»d MImaIeP. atsmgd 1 m md. 9 ...ti. lai.-'lu Rm.ttwot us Sudoy, Ai.i lotb, M Bd"oles*I lh boh" " sd V J.imo'n asiHye 0' <.~ pt~iG oods lieus rm, eu a ind epas, ih l Ia n* we bme wsoU a1flDeaw,*sIbis Spring than aIl other wî bave %gin "Ibis eaoeonted oveir ~- ~ ~ - ~ IMU~W1A~UWIkAaANU ~ As iio Iwo r6 .11k. Ibis lin. ofrn greal hiducemenls boîli iii assortmont sud prioe. Our Stook of St&ple and Fanoy Dry Gooda is replete as sil, In Ooret> & hite Wear W. cary complete ranges. Perd Bouillon Kid Gloveo at $1 per pi, qual to any in the trade nt #125p everY P'air guaranteed. You wili find as in tho ed in Ready.m ade- Clothing, Rate, Caps and Men's 'urniash1ngsi, FIREZ wiUh veiy Boy's Suit, a Base Bal sud Bat. ic 40 Kent Street. Our Stockisl ?b- IraGldnLin Complete Iu aIl the. different Departuents, an&' Bavins are the order of the day. As w. bought our Stock At a Iow rate on the, dollar we cam well afford to seli At les than regular wholeuale prices. We invite inspection in the following deparèmonts: DRESS OOODBO In this departosent ws havesa faU line of Black and Oolored alenriettu~, Dres Serges, Tweed effeots, Bedford Corde. Delaines sact Delaimettes. TWEEDS» TWEEDS. Our Stock in this dearment la now comploe. with Scotch, Iuish and Canadian Tweeds, -&IBO Black Woeuted and Pautinge., STAPLESa 1STAPLES. Our Shirtingu, Cottonades, Tiokingu, Flanuelettes, Fa.ctory Cottons, Sheetings, Towelsmand' Towelinge, were bought before the. advuce in prices, and now bought by us at a low rate on the dollar, whioh places us beyèad oomptiftioa iu thia department. MILLINERY DEPARTMENTe This deparêmeut wMInb OPEMNED on Wednesday and Thursday 29tb and 3Oth Maroh, W. have picas ure ia announcing our Spring Show of French Pattera Hats and Bonnets on above days. The. very latest aud choicest pro ltofi of Frenc icl itiners' art will ba s3how'z. À very cordial invitation i. extended to our many lady eustomers and the general publie to examine the. stock. Tue departmt lenuder the management of iss C. Smith, who in well audffavorably known ia the meil- linery business. P.MOARTHUEL & 00ol N. oPhaden'a Stand1 Op posite Poît Offioe. Prints' & Delaines. Wé want ever lady tb corne in and see ontlarge stook of PRINTS aud DEIL&INES. W. arteshowing a multitude of new designh lîzal are sa- hmndsome andl original that youL cannot fi! tb b weil paid for thé Urne sud trouble expended in 1qoking over our assort- ment. Gar Nekew an - toIIar -Departifefit i À,fa *I Oi ne.atsud but fer Spring requirements. XoUis1 Pol t* i, uits and r. ~ âned ud a t he Maur wt ~ WPRIO:cse flo\T 1119 Who ai maesi the vol the Bal proord $ton p Bosi1 SEI 91 ~ Ibid.., Jo' J.GU In~ TÉy théc ,9l for t Jo, in Did Le, pie Derners1 OUei0 nse. mIu in adi Bau poions 1 I.I.., ý 1- -ý ý,ý 1 e, 1 e , 4 iie4i 4 -_ Sigu Golden Lion. Costumes, Dresa

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