Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Apr 1893, p. 3

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Ssaala tu»» » y-our best remedy ,for i 1W .'E-rysipelas, OatarrËh MW 4 0-j R-heu mat ism, and 12eu as~ ~4 S-c rofu la lSa UO 0lIsvné fahb ye ;3,alt.4Rheum, Bore Eyes sl L Jw1wMa wb* ,A-bscesses, Tu mors ~~~ *~bu, it4g". Au îIL u ma s atbsed= R-u nnWing Bores piacle fme d.aMdvuma '»mmW"*0ts. h Teog e l W&s q ime. . S-curvy, Humors, Itch I ,A -n e mi ia,. In d ig e stio n u d d B 5s l U 0 O . B Iib a b b a ~ b u b u i o oe m ab f . t sis b. maold le uffde ouupposé, am ble.. s bBoitasp si.md SI aSiesigue 6 Ê1M54 ýPimnpes, Dl otc hes nempatipe te uu.Muiu~, i.H lese 0 asdosAbd tréi Lolp siegleaWileau 1tue ,.A-nd 0arbuncles hmamkwww m "-. he "à- 6 ts=. UIIsr T0%oMld don go w1ile ao ,R-i ngworm, Rashes W tà *gl uuýýb.. Quboe.Borete I m as' . %Th Va, &aesma lbth moIe Im tell bow6b*pila>tastilles abt."tvis etéTnoo. p" &Ikh *amIte g t Tb -m npure Blood l toi bit«Wum 1 esa sa « IF rs"se OU&LIUsmteê.s, a ai -Ir ,L-anguidness,Dr0tpsy jus." yaubusv'aenohMatlëbsaeipla atmddi ddth ove m e Tois 061en vl oe »&m1a1mu te .08 P" smoahi.a L-iver Oom plaint -" ulli . tb u..of A-Il cured by Q h rvehlev Ul..Bo wuafuentu R IL » whi e.rmetn ad rbld At haési u nic u uurfJy vmall @&n t te ompIa bt a U hfl o mm*ltlithe bs aeigbboebood teMte tef b T$loo W0LOUf ig& cf a aklful carfla ad witlbhoh.une, fort, mal on ths arrivai o %f îb Sat <o. eaithe b. > My heurt hm kuema A V R Sltesgattention.ofabshe s laIdio., smer, ho., l.aamla.< Iir hittory, gaase AStI ai là*bom aiethot ie S are aparilla b. ttod prins vuabs <e o ys réuslu aTubosbosud »odo« n es uvînge ame borne te me, Pelm yD.J. C. Ayer & G&. Loit Mesn. tn" " ithe dsf5àe etabthe.tell tt i bsld à da« s.i evil ogte, SulI by aUl ugg,*a. Prices Sa; xbcftlm. - lty t*@y bad » bravoiy von. £âe Thoe. ama .alto sysI wftb tâhent Ceine bubllng up fie. yothful mpdege; Curs oher wU cue yw reimewrse ompslied to reireab sud and ahêtrel <boit lot. About six amoctinAnLd malapera hiro *9peusSilotie Curs ohor, wU ~andI Quobe pou"oaIlsvsr -te the Britih afier, th.éFvsmeh.sactif hie- in Ani@s oag the hottle uiage. erv.vtls, frein iboin Fnobuam'oBay ro Woold yo b. m@ out.&gal Lisulsmut BRueminle il hie irégi. ceivea il&ameU1*wevo htrodoumlabo. Bul tu that deui oltIboue once morel je agt usd l .efollont @ priait, vhs. b. the logcambla vblsb Lieutenant R.ellIe Trada ail the mladom astis mens won ordsasI te btîte a dstmobment fb isthibomne, sud tbe Pronobm»anvas. lu. ay bave for cblidhood'u happyloi.? E T 'r tienty Rlghlandersad proeed te Fort dasel by tbs CanadienteteSte sIetakauge0, v.uld ven feol lb. Moraloq dom r;IIL E T9 . Roulle(uov Toronto) ad tois peaeu- etory of bis Ilfé,wb"sh vhope t tive fs pn is»trdvingt1 PURE lidon ln the am@soet ils Brltanale&mon futurse<dois. Thon disnt h me sud 11.1.0 te fOW ER D'IIstô .... Te me lads. nas 't t a Pceig a.Ifl .F ýzg. Telw oet:n b etaecs -g éato . oytib. Yo uth'eo gbrted. prEutitsvyblm blng ready <bey -Milburna Beet Ire% and Wi»e cbelt Si. atabed preulmgsuplie a iInbiaI 8. 8. No. 8, EMIL.-Slsading ef-pupila But, toicisad Wtao, lIlburm'a the bmtt 8. LYE su~~~~~~ad Three Rivera, ubils at Fort Pmos*botBe.ranWaMbua$. Das thsy ascursdl a truely Canadien for abs moals of Marais. FiM h« Tedoat$1 LYvoyagsur au guide adplat. They pro. Kgb hEllilat. Fonrth laie-Jas Xoes, 8 PIJREST, SRO 3ET, gBIS? ouedeloly long lise aorth sbors, b.. Joseph ibtohy, Brt auruuy, Thon., eomWilkins»,, ot Browzavaly, lad., ~q~eena~~ntt! ~holding for %ho firet tliaSthb.dorât b)uisMcgahey. AlbsrtIMoConco?, Lily Aab- "tu: u-1 hall beauta a disiremedonodition 80 en.su budos aters of Laks Ontario. What a grand moes, DavidI Kennedy. Kabî o MNlien. foi tbras vuara frein Nprvcuea.mWaskmme sas by Ail Gpoeos and »roba' , hday vas thie mter nsarly lie 708rà et Thlad clatt-Amy Kennedy, Lomsry et tbs Stomnab, Dyuapefa sud Indi"guu 36 W. z.z.m'z"x'. ortroecliles! Camping at night ila smoeKennedy, Bd Houlihan, JSoe SmithElmer otil umy bltîh mca fous ad. ed c ~etor. Sboy orilost, <bey aeulysd etIbo . los a i Biîby. EBd. MoGabev, MoriseCollina, Iooutetly mlth no rdlef. I bouglbt eo» O.an f'o u a% ihat lb upposed nom Io John Kilby. Jr. rd-G rtie Ireon, ote Of South Ameriosa N er.Iua, hicb Z t~ abs Daiffin'. crel (Picikering). eypo ih urtM' dmeoego en&i80wt f ~I J ~ 5 T e pe.Pt ao u a v mycolline, Jam es d o morIée r d i n m y $50 1 wo u h cfd )@admel smp ounil ths moranug, but bths Cllaban. Part 2ad-l3erb Handlorth. cbriu v ii dd ly poisntunt..Is moule d I'BIDAY, APRIL 14, l808. Paenoh.Ommdlmu guide ail thalt & tOw Louia Karrlngboia n, Cume Englieh, Boit 'ri".aaymakypiont s1uavla _______________vua_______________ sud lovely edyÀtrabtt vlon mUsa luthsCarlue muaoa l H h m. iu o.Wsrrted by E. Gregory, drng. The Romance of frenchmazn ay. boy, Wub ers teuusdb au an. e0h'more o:, Carntoun Part 1 if Ah gvinc- ioay. AtraboS.mi u -mon sMd m Idinaquamv he moul Smith, Eva Kennedy. j. B. Hix, Skis rativ~e aeala w th day 1.ell obis hihstory, selie bal bold hlm btoucere. (J.gh and colda 1usd te consumptiou if Wo.d(g an&d Mo mat .td showa « tva jeara betora. T*ie ssurslry express- IéOTUs.-Slaneofet he pupile ofi15.8.noloe.D.od'NoiyPnSvu Fnn..nna&' AM 8 . oe.,.iL>Drc.a mladta g on, bt aPhao ebeotel ù xcimn'9 BayFlinI Lakelnewa aws og n, bt aald bte d . No. 18, Manvera, for the month of Mareb, coiureMky snd in plassant to take.-81.i. bq itsname. 1 Fim yiutoeant<B. laidisho ntou r earrengted sour:dine te monit --r. 8Bn-.....0> Near the middle of thse1lat esntury temo vis t he ome, oanlltan om urisA Colley. Jr. rd-Prs.d Gray, Wîîb.rt The RedI River. thora liveain uthe quiet little village o of men . ii. mheOtonml ary eoulwinthe Nicholson, Bertha Nicholson, Ettie The roI river of hll b. blood, lika other mSnig. Te amll prtV et ot, ShehSbeliton. Mahal Nicholson, Noemen rivera 1h somettmmnbecomas im)pure. but Wooerham in tbheoun13tY Of Keno, Eng- guide satnq that cedar bambou wre i-Nicholson, Pranli Staplée, Sarah B41l. uchète ether rilin it only apoe Bordock land, a wi daoe lady andI ber curoay s jakapt plmaed et the outrance, me that Si. 2ad-Normau Lothaniten. Jr. 2ad- Bled Bittai. to porfeoîly purify it aud ruinera daugbter. Bath mers bigbly reaposd, t vould b.usau te led lb.emurancs e oMr «àtn, adDrkwealisdsresfomàomnpmp tth the latter doubly @ s arn1 sa mli kuma Freobmsa's Bar. About as botr'a Berard Shiohîston, Maul ie îstorge, .11 iodre fuérsa.omo pmpe2e.b mmog &il cluse@ that $abs maa the affi. rowing brought thern lot e b»tarouve a Bor ackletgon, MAgls e N1lhaemotsret0uasi.-l. sneed vite of the brave Wolfe vho bal et tht. beautiful boy, but na Frencha Bela e.Shkleton, ann i Me on» gh Milburna C od Livor 011 Emulsto. muîh alresdy won the beu. ts fhiem oorymen and his Indien vite vers Ibers to gpeet Beilea Sr.cpaeton, Ms be Wî bisht , aWild Cherysud Hnponboaphit«cm crieail bdatinitdeeda againut bthea as f is hiîlem. HM ombin bal bgen ba.ned domaKîa.8.pat2d-eelNeoloIroat and long toble.-81.4. iîni bome. Bis troquent visite ta sud ne tract of hlm ceuld be touai. Toiler. Eisbl WEbe. Jnr.Abrt d yppi urd *Weerbsoe bal madIe hi.face fariliar te *Draubt o p Ihairboa sud secoring thein îhl Hner, Mab er. Jra . partul olr. GETLMEi metionbied.wt yppt ail. Raor oe rsabrood th&% ho mas usar tb. esatea ucorner of the bay, Ibm part I.-WIoy Gray, jobnnY Green, for about furyr.I U tola d w dsetieo liksly ta commad au oxpeditio e onepreosded te arrange their camp for Lottse lle. Wîlbert Bail. Thom&@ Bal, mfent&boft turoekBloI ot itduais, eartd e Amerlos against Brîtal' ancuent tes. lb. nlght, sim ortne Sm htes for bhioStskeaLwi calob meof sudcu fourI biSter o m1 tagt Upon one cf giseviriteheob.made the otersoisgbting. ire. te eook heb. vsnncgJonSakenLwsM ula. unfad@ouoa tïehraunti .acqueintauce of Lieutenaant n., Who ldmemi. sapplisabâai bsen carritod aîoîgr, CàxiuyÂ.-Tho followt obtained te equal îr, Il took jat thieebottle te effet ceeu smreservice in the guards.and mal osng other tiig@a seueof Froidi honorary tauling la geograpby :-8r.. s perfact cure lu miceai. BERT J. REM, réal friendabtp apraag up botmeen thora brandy. Their guna voie @tufinthlb.5h-H B Fair. Win Burton and R T Winbsi. 0 1I2 that ouly ended u tbe bood.mtane boasts, ne lbought beloaî!baloe dauger. RoutI,. jr. 5th-L B Cisudonan. J Hl lieighte or Abrahamn. Both telt thal hboy Meaubime the seary bad atimyed back Tompkila and E M Hotght. Br 4h-B THREWRAWAY HIS CROTOHES voe onthe eveof sUrring evant@s, near thebats, oun t f s e fthue camp, 0 Taylor. Jr4th-Xene. Tbird-W Pitt, the gîcat commonor bal beauialn d emi o n na loq mtoblng Ohm dark- <M MoInt-pre, L L Cols, PF8 Taylor, N J AFTER YEAMS 0F TENRIN&U ec.lied ta the conelb of his nation, sud nems orcepisîl avec lbe allant laite. The Sbire, G B Shes, J B MoFarguhar, 0 E SUFFERINQ. Lieentot B. hoid obtainel a promise hoare eroskina et tb. frous, tlb.Sarap Cole, F S Roiilly, L M Wells, L Wallace AN-IrqtTN»H80V tramn Wolfe ibat bo vould flac bie hfltj. Iviteof Bbe, minbons bldno ebarm antI J A MoIalyre. Socond-L Coch NITEETN-HSO? s hsia e hm lranaforrod taonea et tbm for bîm. A fesling cfi hom.esokamas for rais. Doring the firai Ihios moniha of 8cot0h regimnnts <hat vere alrcady mak. absent frisaI. in Engîad pocamied hlm, oIbjis ys par e entr5 -H Bav Pair b ing preparattons to become pari t fthe a monder mban Ibis trange lits mouid5 l Tbjoinele 56,sW: urtonh-H1B.Pol expeditton ho Canada. Lieutenat R..endI. Lieutenant X, bal statel only a ,HTRuîa mButn4.J father htgly approved etf hice on'é wvlb fou daya &geo hm st ie id cnet iiaho bm -L E Cleudena 69, O0Willtammsou to eau foreigu service, for not oaly dl h. should *icr raturaS n t Bial aoscuebo 65. J 11,Tomphlne 64, E M Halghî 52 viahbismoute ia i.lbctin l bi mm mlita Il e hm bl d aaperd Sr 4&-H Daniel 61. M E Clark 60, M chasa profeBin, but ramore vere from about h. lime %im expeditton l asilidESnli 5 14.JMCo tirne ta time brought ta hlm ibal the ald bal col; beau hoard of sinon. WbmO 13.n 40. O B Taylor 39. J P Taylor .37. high spititel jnh ouna pmicg addrosaa ouslh. do nov if bh m ali? Je 4--b-F N Bontley 38, A 0 MeIboeol to à youug lady wbom hos considred bc- Whiat mua <bt? The. Ircadol va 34, J McFarqulsmr 28. A. O Poi 25, W J iioath hfi tn pint et birth anti sinn. uhoopi1 A mmi rush. a deslly atrugitae, caabr21 BETyo 1 »artisulariy me dsmbag a joumg efbweraminmd e ko lle toa% mrnbamn .1PiVIaâmII Lieutenant R.IL.1 4 okf e bsmielhe, ouIWTÂb. 'taruiîi.F MS Bo tir Helen bal shovane preteg.ueee ho rêtelua ddk. EcéuS la tm-s-v--ucý h M» fer acy et thos mbo bai ought ber <o seatri eothb oiere h.bue àspOWi.eeCaldmffl, Eu Dovocu.Jr TidGo Y__ band, but ber quiet vay hebme oah. d"Oatsoesr Insim my.Tbe o"«aps. Alias tialîvel, MgsTisoir a mind f etroan, sud mbse tsegave abotel d ail»M éwalur essd b" hhsotie& l usm-L5rý inm,,Amui bebt VS 0 ber baildiber iboîs hrî moutgo. Thue@sIta e leeger. sud by one th"y A»014i, VidSa MsBr ?Wb t Sesel- 'ODittnetdcl honeuenanut B. ru. Itel iW a à>u druant' P- Ôovu - O Di@im ci 5eeAm. ie wua ftirel su eider IrS@e.0as&urte ola bsebaneS mllii ely e W" m en. - mm. Jr Pari Seoal-Wmllw waeflV .dt; the -4mb glghlud eglm@eni h uatoray loly adk btril e Mthat tbeRfs. O'RgM, Viaulime a k Si ldi%, ML I Ibout to bmbark for Canada, ta pûsut aleof aithsseilpot hbeord Ihlb*a C. Oilve,Afrtd D.uM.NOsuM oue.0 bis oommaîamon tlaw OMeMicrluons hp.arl Vee, W bs ile JO. Jrimt.. oi e 4~0C. Taui- by u.,, eêI>wet W4 ii]Oel aid avait f urlbsr ouI.. fe.amGenue aetberme imd i*iA. IL' PeSTES, hoom Wof., commndtr et tbs xpellio. bisat 1lbé rdma Ws ièiPIs5* kLîcluécut BR ouillt and obtaimel mn througb abs bemt. Rie op "dItla.tBS urI«54 1'btn interiew mtbH 14-00len. Sliber O e tnem Oe T u ibAw a him loe.for ber laa.m muer mofthy 01 s , abseUmymA" todier sud a gentlsemmn. AkSONb Rlia <b bea.Md tu vuss m e,«l<g% "al long expectedl ibie, abs fTabl iff. th*i'tfu1OUhh.N& it l *15 tg om. safflW, *a pujm oma l m iham.l.. .. .. .. * e ana........s . c ne lu mas...... es tNEEEL ANS -1-aaw.e Us mmau f&Wbmmse. o ma u b to la Pm an& ne..MW se. ?w l mte bus"M btoOlm mm...... i lasb as am- a aijî M 1 -l ý Msgls1l 0 O ttls BAnme. ouua unmi. a.I.emuas .thleér a & usbatL a~ al, WéKyosMUbsL W. p<L'ui Thuelm , J. oy mmm .lilb r Lj 1 abe o.sts. he& P.a.a uuLosfl.si soaut e. U massMd ieoral hballKalstWreatosh, la ia"ac. 1Meva JaS. KilSAay, Secrsiai. Oaamam Lon@%, " U7M, oulaea lbnassu m saiqd davuraccmtioriebsa.' sows. N.james Omise Lasse, no. M6, foetings baml s thseam Thursisy ofesci memih or w m is sop. Ni. lichant Irvin, saMotu,. asisy la sscimoni la Ors onEa. Doba..' MukcoL H. S. ulisu, uls; John ImIla, L 0. O. P., No. 100 maou Z M dieu WB s %ittions bloab Rlowsnd aLs=.O n, scrolaw. t>nseu.evm' NOAMPmur. No. fI. uldlng Set.uasl lngs beahoun the d1mmd tiid Irlisys of uaab menth la Brillon'. bloci Nr John liort, cànàbuu »»or 14me taaoa, no. M. ,merale on the &A iamd ibird We mayo ab cimomb1 o7«n meMaïknop. '1x. W. aumthl *»s sany.1i CQO'OF. Manchester Uniti, Na. lot. Loyal Lly of,à tii Vuller, meuesln the PrsuttieBoy@, hall, lai and 8-d Tuesisys of ima month. J. W. Urovn, N Q * O H n r t n g o a , e rs t s sy . a ou JsemIoN, ssilm ndmi iiimai. adaya cf ssà m=iila BaUs ise . ho r. IL Miner. islary7. 190» s or nairpa Camp, Ne..d oula secnd and feurth, Thunsdsy of usM meuh, lan Aucclilton l, rai swvdI'a alors.. P ElchOi. eary. îsmm Xe"t. Oblu Smo ciu, No. 86, mailbga hall onundamiNom-. day of saa menti La Dobe' cl ci. Ibseti ual,.. OU »«ue M ald amnd1abThmubsi.ula OMPsil, or i m U lom. v. a. Or..., 34VAAaugt.no s, ýMabsl onlime omi amd fou* Tad ci hmenti la WmPes' bis. AL . D V oaban. abrolary. . .0. A. -Nealp ou cor. Kent mai Cambridge Dé&., 8arfy, lqp 8,unday, 4.14Îp..SAid. UM roosée open daUy a m. te 10 >m. Ycumg menalawaya veoomo - O. K. CalieunOsgoa.e W.O 0T. U. mis@ as inlonday eofason, menti ln lia 7. MNO . A. rooeua@4 .30 p.m. the O=@'ail overy altoateUturday ai là» o'lock pi.aà A NeAthur, Uaruavr. flu Baouuaaeon or Loosorm va Ememmortmm la Ion.' Hall, corner of lent and Cambridge arase., L nday, easlrnate Uiurdwy «s lug et 8o'c=-k.John MeUsien, cit aDgluss. A. xnifar, Pli a Aumt Engnear. Eaouuuuonor aao aIumI, smuteln l Iras Biue jalI, maimeru1mansd Wllim alisai, on thea sond amd <cari Suniaja at 1 c'clock ».m. Oae, Jour,, NaMisi; W. Aumav, sureasr. 1B011100. LauG For Sale.' ftoSerabolco Lots@aitNar.tng. GeaiWmg am-. ber Lande la SonierviUfl for mâl. Apjl t 6"y lne. sAx. SUDDABY Burn ler--i rrSal, or te Roent. The subecrlber c o «uai frsaeor renit om me- dioue brick bouse on adelaide uireot, nov ocoupied I>y biasif.lt erticUulsusapply lt te ovuer. ]RuolzWORKEANl. Au" uath, 1UOl--48.t. WVILLIAM g]cE, WOODVaiL. ,ONT. BOX lu. Breeder of purebred Berkuhires of the:fineet arais. Youmw PIg ipawasyofor sait; vth nedtgres. Bo"n siwave kepi for r alos.Pries.for yonug stock 1ev. 14tf LINDAY MARBIE WORK8S R. CHANIBERS la f» tolbNfbthé 1=1=«d êffiàû b!oleisé o a *"WIe.,ee romuia% V" sre%,"-Ruse, . ; 1 B. 1- . OM mm"U~ mol 1 i.bmpuw Efl- EU. Rie KENNÉOYs Lember, Woodt. Siglns, IÀth. Lime, etc. DRy HARD ,WOOO. ,m i s e ai llefl. #G BQWS8ON HND ~ j s v p~ hy pcyesil9 apaL8 digm aI. sbaaavery f taeoolac h ue 'Darm, Manti., Mllnry. and Tweeds. Dhm% bu ulym am ih sbars"Vo. haNé a flromt.lssDruan sud lsma akr Ir= My hulyl, gr Z. YEREXo P..11-Ubume,.mlmà iGrand Milliuery OlpenI1g March 29 and so, and followinig days. Miu Mitchell ulabea te finer.thr i>ublle Ibat ahe bas Iately regurned- from the Oity viti> a larxe and ,abuable tek of the ]agelt novoltf lin Millinoew1,andl LA= ST STYLËES Ii DRB$S8 AND MA1NTLE MÂKîFG. Latesi Styles iWalking, YimitiMgand Evêning Oostumgoo Shi la tonly prepared tb wait on hot nommel'otiolidi aîj<t pàtroils, h&vng oeurea ne firal-olau lliner. MOOS-On, Wama,&k Go>.D2Y G04u8 som M obeny Blo.&, àft ti e. A. lgaboàa'aDng sbor. WbBt Kind 01, Writing Paper do YOU likep Would: you objeot to paying 5c. a quire for l6«Ve. ly Writtng Paper P Or Sc. for 5o. Lead Penois. I7CF Z .x x d ihat's whkat we Bell them for. Wmmkene Jewolera, sud cbaiera la Panay Goodeanad Toya, 45 Kent Street, Luada.y. E. WOODS' Stove Enioru -BIEST- PORTLAND Xi PMBi ,MERNT*. IV$2,90 per barrel. ept. 251h, i892.-188.ly. me, WOODS. ADVETISE in the WARDERè The largest Oiraulation of aaw Paper in tâ9 Midland District@ G. J. HOYLE, GANNINGION. AMwajaeesIema fuM uaotmoa cf fBooks et O9M=,dsePtt«eu 1k" ad cheel MINasel sudPiese tsavsal, e.. WXudcal antle, Munie, Silvorwm Albm.,la mai hay iGo.e oy dm COBO CONK 0. J. HOYLER, Put OEceON oaugtoa; To the Farmers 1 Victoria. of North1 Ulmg rouanm irbalO lu I as Ier l a ilvbaapci dffybroa0 fleur per y.namsaled oI.vo.I *m »V prale u%0smy on the Fleur Buins luu *B IM br lb. ebW awktmailaespaid la 0" o &i kub etGràiL p«WprlesausorPleur bY t l u& àel. h m a e taiyour pat ptru g la le llai je HHÂRAVEY, YOUR FAOh*, Tam Freekies, Suebun o.ean ho remoelft SOQ~ "NS, ONTARIO BUSINESS COLLERI BELLEVILLE, ONT. represented nt th(» l.moue instituil. 33 Ftho mt wtdely £ttended Bugh.esaO=log ln tmerim . tildonts from .wodl Barbadoos, Trtnidad aid Qrenada Is nov tu attn. B aet toaddre.e ]ROBINSONI & JOHNSON. Ontario B"Uines Olso The 2tt annual orculsr 10 lut publlshed, la beol VICTORIA LAUNDRI Bs«Mu &fS, tpur Ma dsylur Wwks sert..major jobahartia- Nog le inftra th* Poopin 0# Uadsay lSat he hm qsidË a d I nt i 1 aber. aidrua. viue W& c Is nniiibe prempl ya»@""sile. lsm l anga usmIt.-1.ff. AIli INFAWLBL.E REMEDYP Sop"raedcaMiloUie, preparationu for -the mere cf Nn5al »ebiliy, Nervouis Fromrsion., Li-o mmb.ed,'Pare-aissi, sntes i.*ax Panfu x suaoom sjdons &uair rcaal«4 tisa Le c f &eBlou sai o 1%ii*Dlazns., etc. These Pille poussa emmupk sire propentisi soi sylbing hurtfulte uc mulet dihms yse TheFrare the reaulti yeueu w- luisiu sbmd analysi4aal sud aivigreasi sumee la O.heriate prectace of an gminent obyiclm. Thcao~lmny on the nneo .,Jéea v:12'romotng AssInilb»otJEn. Zaih- le, sals by Druggists, 50c. per box, ce usai pc* pmi fSo600.6.orri boxes 8$.Zn omeLIg3tml1ng Oor Cam o ~ md Ss_ »er-N- oS ff- -e Vely 4 ft*b ~ k.. Yul I ýoho*vl pd. Da :hIblill6S. lt rout lvy u 1 ý-- m 10 t:>e -14M

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