Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 14 Apr 1893, p. 1

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*Oum oulem gs m-7= J obuppd le".s. ~i Per Anniim ~ ~ NE W ~O4 Our - ~ 4 ~ O.~'*~.4 ~ il i ~ k ~ ______ cO~~i~04 '~< ~ ~a... W 0 Black~ Dre 9, Colored Dreus Goods, Silks, H,»nriettas. Cashmeres, Livings, Timit*e, and -Btttoni HsKI D G LOVES, Silk Gloves, Silk Mitts, Linon Haudkercbios Silk Handkr-jea,tjbbosupLacea 500 PARASOL&, NO TWO HANDLES ALIIg Priceà to suit everybody. ~ ~Je Crum & Co's new Prints, French Muidins, Ait Muslins, White -Muuinu, Victoria, Lawas, Embroideries New Draperies for Curtains,. Lace Curtai -ns, special value, new designet in Table: Covers, Table Lim Shirtingâ, Sheetings, Cottonados, Cottom, Circulus, Pillow Oottons, etc. Gaents' -Furnis3hînge Complete in 1il linos. New Collars rs, Handkercbiefu, Gloves, Braces, Socks, Waterproof Coats- ,Special Value-Everything new and tho Jatest styles. Everything as represented. Pricos right. Solic iting a shar. of your patronage, we are, yours respectfully, KERR 83 Kent-St., indaay.- COUCHS oAND Orne door «m tof Simpma ]Houa.. COLDS. Can be. easily cured by using our ELIXIR 0F ANISEED. Orne 1dose neyer lau.s to relieve the most severe cold, aS cents à bottle. Our PEPTONIZED EMULSION 0F COD LIVER QIL will b. beneficial in aillIuog troubles. Easyto takeand viii ot disagree with I the mronu delicate stomnach. Put up ini large bouties 25 and 5o cents.' Corner Kent and William Streets, RHEUMATIBM It la po.ltively aatouialiing the. effect that Higinbotban"s Rheumatiam Cùie hm. ounScatica, Sciatlo Rheumatium, Neuzalgia. sud aul kinds of pains and ache.. re; - ing*c Gene: r13 I2,. III! III -o For Baie* j DRU..WOOD à&ROSIS, 5.1.3008,J. W. »0% I E.. AÀmmi tsok et09 ae gt vuam s Thl" Ialvuihu. rai Store Goodo, .T0jLli mt.4 laNthe 7. «o ce &UmUas -a l par mge 0"fy&UiTA.spu. nom - 'Veaors fon hivIl libe recelvoby the «4«6- ffsise. S*e mêlE DAY Or APILlu&e ALIXMOMAMa D4Wu IlsSt $da&Y etApei, 155.-US. Insure in thie Britiush- M.W. P. OOp»zt l'O . Gkil, oeommuesues.UPboom Aigu 011, - -51.1. Ail muSa himblsih Ibiehi ~pii s. uo6..-et.ia. 'ASO bcd W~eam. 'il. mnbssnibev bas for mies qsmmhly mi Ausmeb 'rIesi clous item mli teuton ailler, ani muSai lot emmi. a - JOHN WDDam. -794 BIUll fr UMeOI, Du. 1%,11M Ied by John Cuis, Puais. Pau@, iv em Vmgo 7%1W dmvota imi i. mm 5151 h 1t lmb"rImgà" Uibm blou b rge <tIOS«Un Liby vau(. UX) Truety by Nigsem Neuu 92m; ftala cesby tene RueinWebs 67 y Rm. EcgW5byvPoem »L M SbyJadrome y my Oi WDurby JAKE" IL XOmiR. Cpm, Apsl1 89i, lms -81 ML 06 Ae METHERELL Book and Stationery Store. WÂLL PAPEIR Ail the Rabat des1%,Inu]Elu&HDal uint- zomalooms# oVM s suéBmrom & Ceilng papers, Corneras and Deoorations. Prim. mié 817Wol asti cilsosUnesm 5 aren a. 10trulate.lswgcodmE& e mmbteul pssa G. A, METI-ERELL. Knt a6, ouftele P«éool"Lais RADANIS MICROBE -, KILLER Cane il Lffumg ruls Raadam'is Microbe KWft CuesDIbluI m rop Radam's Badam'u Badam's Badain'm Micrb.bKiller Gmarauooéfer Dyspayel Microbe Kiier la a Pubge Blood Perlue. Microbe Kuier IbAdama icrobe ElWo ÂbwhiiCam IbmsSm ~belie LU LQkJ ,JmxElH8, ,JG - 4,CUTTEB8, h lb pmeS.<put Riz, '0 vol XXFXV,-Whole ýNo. 1882 f3~J ~ ~ i e Vie me nt.I laési.badoa gmlntta abeailo wh s*#a...4 99-W- 6 46.?6.6...o. in s pilnfr elMsV -gae condition w ha150» i.bsésh Imm -mg~ns b.,syur hsd atanda17 bandeshigb. Z7, a -am. » lt styl" 16»mnvua. d uMd quaity b.eau- moi, a i ~ 'iJ1ku eose, Who lu laI: giput mad we M uéviine dout guâueé es athe tiIi mmetiew- r, au vl jasé forrvio ta Se le slr l umwau - ft eau fami*tl"Wu aiea. wm u hwaum mgail&- .* ,. ~ ¶ b~.. ~ The 1sA,.pim dbm msd th oql h:t th at l s a B oBUStuat .q*g ei 1.eu. Attieon chie bug«m.tion IN l @100*O ê ih "#» hfl b ok usIu é bt liii ela"abould b. dis- p!uWeaetDM. Ur., 4 c"_ udMN ooi 5à* o46Party mnirstg 5MW. KiDebo.Yb.vuty' à al e e ml,inigu t .lid boom pubiiabod dotrimeuts1 te am-m mm# wetà fioh m N P sdodm. thbé cbsmeof et he ethe. iib uiy paplmg îm sl " ws &i.m. 1bek laie a.ont@asi. Wan. J£ot. Q OiàMd John ab$ >'Blé Mm Isplmp ué dd,.lb éA- Dorien, Q.C., cou"ssfor &bu plaintiff; shbiBg.send wUth. 5. w*ditk I&J MoLBUbiifcoloriai ferthebmdefodaat. *~jL ,1.S ~oSywEIbO lUU~ Am iI ~41aT.1he bIowim vetthe grand jea, Kr. el«Wy bwalu se e hlb«à 4.eskw"dmo, Sel.. ofMid.. boi" f orommsa -W. L B» o dM~ h ~ ~ bemeq.u$~ I t guetbsemmtIo a le. crofl, Et. Bmtsreorth, A Ospb.ll, J. IL fild.letobb. VM poirée la lesi ùmimd »s ud .sdy, ITou.Chanson, Re. Oimdados, A.- gode i.Poe' Vvrt Peur~ tborewh mobi tl, «V.«a.elf or.o itthed l &l. .estm 1 . 10. O4rm.gl., Jou (3rley, Sr., 0't peBtua M tion ç%omes 10 lb, weak and ulgOeMPM 0.1,rfsb" i.gis declofome vetoD"ah, Tho&. Davideem, Val. Dodo, Tholos 910 se~Os m .Ut om'ion~ *.I ~. o oztiUud conclusive. hI tte . swr Dsv, Thou& Gimutesu, Je Hamiitow. Amu. geaiNOt ith,~ y ~ pmoib. hroxmsbite te puas or excit.mmnt HSWhaUJubu RouitJ. IH Harem, John go xtaiséird o t is à c.a make on uel eJ roaoiu, Jus.d.., J ileeoo. leWL.tis -don. vkË the. P-aliwàfflatu it dinra"e. Stéla D4lt*u. Bau Suddsby. daoepA", ~ Vorite' Prfoription" 'a ib is: if it The eost vu mt buvy, evlmg ta théIn. la11.1proonmânt the grand jury attri. 00*01e l zttI»»"-aoto __ocr,_'nyo lmt fotmoftemn ipratbutié the sbucuo e o cie t u. thee oucty le (V Mm) bol.d uu aia 0beef c cr, e motematetlo ilb loesing prooperity aBtldintlligene ofe 59 a~u,.'~j uim> i t~ah ~your money la retumned. (an you 1>y ~ j j~yevrl.poi.Ti ere utc vl nul g,~ ~ ~~a e pue a* any better proof that a medidm ne ortanypas sWed i eiu o lsmme u oapioetdiots ~ '*~*~ wil dal what it promime? tbm dp4nm.arBarrit.. enon bmh&i prowed educat tona yaum aela = 'ta'.an irrvtigesorating 115fr Nicacaa va ooiLu -à» action te compeltin Omads, shioh preatrt vorthy niodolu *0 '»= t M u ý M b MW* ul, a soothi"gad regèin g d.femdsut te girls dlmohurge etfaurtgsa. the. ostrtm hmdef tyou eider. laste llgeos Bom su".dL!h N*il s &vne aacertain remedy for wlà hisvu à so. mes.Verdict for The îoIllfmre,.hébm i.tltjuron. ee0. azzazn~ug.a~, the. lb and ailmonts thlg bce# a plaintif Nsiulaols. ua. Cho&. Baàke, 5Aloi uike, Joe Brovn lx IL on. In 111female complaint » of Ta NgDLs.Iql> AXLwàTva BowLusey Em . . obt. 1. Beyd. Sain Bo«@haw Ft»loon asuo.,qde*biéaar. very kind, periodical pains, internal vU bot br4:m1ibî on thie court J. W. Biiynton, Robi. Caldwell EmiiV, Wi. RugtIf. ITtdayc ao -onutor et xWon, , NEgWT0N va Scu&ua.-Thiusels via Ou . Ooitab, Frsnk (Jan». John A.OClark, Wa. n-.. fi-itoino u jainbar r brought by kw LeonaréNwtoSosie. e toim Clo ampbell. Don. Ca.mpbell, W. 1. Clarke. 1,don enatonan anl chronoip &ainît the etetuton ofi théla" Michael lIsse Date11, Joli. Drgsnu, BliDancoy, Flot. LI D *Y'eakneem and ireularitiei, k la Traoey. hIt pppsre tht la the.enammro here o D x, Ww.Davidson, D sa Daugain, Rot 411 hrve and comfet u 1891, thora voest.. mertoeou moisit thia Bagîmuen, PbllIp Enipliah. Robt. Lsina, Bd. a éaningiê, vewrkè oIs1,1 The mortame vireWoig fer thmir Brans. Wm . Win t. Euglio, Joo Furria, o evry ledoverorke! imoa.y md lire. Tricm emploeo Artbue Dam Faim,. R. Fry. Wan. F v;er, Walter mali, and tb every weak, nervous, o'Lmsr,, lae ft tItu«.ovaueictor, te p tcue Fierait«. Thu-. A Fbhirxr, W.Galbraith, g o ..3 .2..... and ailin¶ one, it la gUaranteed 10 a loue fer the etate to pay off houmortes. Dan, Glastono. Oso. Groin, Joa Hp.sllp, TO ~D L.WU<W bring, heath and strength. tir. O'Loary vaut te Mr. Newtonsamd ld eiTho&. Hamoili, Wm.Bollesu, Jo. aopki.s, Barb lé tthe t e t .np ipê4 fup a PPoU Mon_______ b te udvence the. «m.et*1375 00 on a W. N. lBpp Je@. Mortimor, Ge.o. Pool, Jqe morapmnamde by the exoctore sud Mis. Raueny. ,8.m Bmithson. J J. Scott. Wm. net ry niait Drybg mIIR To everY oufferer from Catawrh, Traory on a portion et the lsudueoft1hé. matI. Simupson, John Tai> 1er. Cli& rhompson. atnms eo lm ou t.00i-jeas à mc.n athow bad the caseor of K. ewtosiem clam in u a vidoethat ho au6 u" l 0< USO4 dri '" m.. ho log 0e latos »miay mmployod Mr. O'Lmsy te doe ay etof<everi±ad A. Dallure. sué» a.oustadnd namprAu k aitheeolgoi., surifor bhls; lhai be vu male. ni noctuauaea Catarrh: e 1f Ildith h*soourity effurl ien Imia bbg I loft Giltow on Joue. ud, 1888. sud vent GUO. IbGJ. ansd pixiamentlli' w.'I teom. Aftsthe iimonoy vu sévasoé by Mr. tan. thé. Orut jear sud munned thro. hmndreé, 3II4~.psy you $6(o za«»caSh. olby Soe. »te MKr. OLmany. 1* spp.eihIlt Mr. deUas. 1 have nov, beudo the. fsim. a hlirilllu d FRIlîIM l d OLcry Itest»ofpaylu cff thm Peler mort- gooi stock etf frming Implements cf uny evn. tiNuA il rwus. - aum". sppreptlaiod t tieova su0e.M&rg. Ibavealai,.tIre. gaood horissand twolie goné Taie.',, avinq a suaplelon tIi t tumatt tcahi &olde ood &st ofatpoultry sud Girls WAat.ed vu net adl righi, vroeo te ont of the Lemn pige, a&U et vbioh ae pald for. I have noyer IL rTTLE BIRIW.AIIN. OMM b - UOopalu sho halé s motge o IM u ttit. ad afalluro la cropo, nor have h aufformé twslimi ltisviouel nams oit ai iVeAier sévlslmgtItan lIai O'Lesy lai l. temony, ésmage fSon sy caus. .Signeg. - Vilw, ftne e» f aor , Iss, tho l aékli f thuy lad toesvué Il. Th" k. R. Li.nGmiu:n. ged gÉrII ply te - ust e pmaam ptlysiviemé ber 11*1 lbey lodmol, sud Wahuad, MVu.,Ct 1892.-82 1. haelflas. à a us , W& fil, i1 retiaj.ea mlIb cerykolijosMallpulatore Wiîo Are s.u»O m. alot r e 1h. Pmolosie; lths vau etthe était NtUagz n - sud resi mît rial. ue. ha.02W O " Whout Jasa. L. Hughes. Orange Grand Magter of ÀAgondf&amoieuese.ou vith lot ouaia.b. hodviumi bar lIaI b.h é tovuar" éthe. Oatarl West, bhs ihe folleviug, iuttlg trg baf a e ns mshbi ae d umo «f ira tMonu o« e puba ,80.0evordth e l.commuication iu thm Toronto daily popera- lies. II delratmPvOU~ iamê OSNan *ameaimscmoay a p~ofîl rn~fitsu 8mo et the popers artm IDkine politicul wPPII hoî.éodd, t à«aTilmslgI em cpils«t oflbhetact that the District Orange J mrh g., las the, permo'cgeaso libteproperI7 wu îmI etaleot rer e t ihe Grand Ledge N5em=t the uv off' soolcflieMM-etha ie @.oari lasthse n receuîîy ai r etOrmng.villm. Permit me Al »b à flao:« atH1ttss mU el foe b" leaethvle Ro ui 1. ~~ ~mtuoigtsvers prosemte tuth te- w Oe rooi u at* beuai osRoud.ed ve loi i. lbQ vWuge aime eul oaly h"é s hmsy iemmfrmemoftever Grand, Loige wdting *te politicianl, onm te a 0" ai m..tovrVA ta I Ug. «Ibod 6é ;ZLge..WM bieo w aI g igsilthemailge te Kr. Newton.réal leaerSir Oliver Moweeithe other te a las, M Md. ci m ct uteratinrouSw. epaulae mappir t mesa o»« okm eJud «Amut su imiléa oomMutIf wt O u eul leader,. Ur. Daltoa McCathv. W ne301131111M. lb. pointaeautlala a inb.hemale.âmer. .2Tii. Mosat resolutiou, oud.moing Mr. R lOH-ARD 8MITH. vaieut. mu aos »d4ssilu&.- lis w. Me l.ueJrs. on ic twao fr Md oweai, vu anbmitted irai, sud I promptu ,~, , ~j~I~~ esur. &Bisant su d conatttonslly ruimd it out of ordor. * Fax va O ~~eez . à. cto a' hém ilca thSeC veecluoltion wu ]Fm vabonEra. -T, fim wuhamdedli 1aid., 'ihe primeiple osmualtei bt4ugiiy P.té e, xecutr *ofth e@auite snnobjootbonable, but 1h yul rnis oui musi.of lb. lote Jan YFusfor rietroof » éolto hâ aevdnl a mort~gmodeby e ag uet lundiflaisaidte m p olitical capital for m»v lViw o nef od te the lmai. F fr 19 îvWiii». Tistmrami-L Ldgs *asl f ANDIOWTo A1TAIN O d flt Thon 4 4rP" ob rme huhte iefrso M N F C UR c iAslsWoSk tum t& eUallha W& ir pwob pelleaeadtiolllméigrso ay u i I ~ t~ Uootu, Ahhnr O1Lsiv mebu.sst a<.mThe.mombeso e e .0'e miuuia helweu # La8"anth mc ( t d, Zrrmoly logioally bu nsmed in résolutious rditt h em. u ie3o E.omo te im e lvu.r A sh flostbeautifumedkcal book PIS fe it $10e uo h M feM amt o edtemover oethîe i.mlution ceWin u nis. os t a me . ath i 11fh ts r. rt e h uil e py o ff 1har é. & àl i FonP " « od m ato ,b t » ob - NeruveppRforlthe Impoeàcyest p o nt Of te améil suW an le eliminste thm refersacea MAN FAC «UR NQ itsergmo tapp urte lai Moe. (Jsn* @te a epeelal voe, but hlit tilbond of snp. Pù~UR'IE BS, I S e waty, l jegg r, :Ipaflte . An9 @"Mr" lb. tull perterasédtelos hi. ta doe. - 'raleecele, veusbaatente pt iabnter.bt hroaImy tahé a aMnât 5. 1 thon ulgé the notion ouI of eider. s»d Leadiug Hatteru of Linduy hmZut«àti X&mlge, e.r_ Z pertieofet lut~ iSthe oni.Fée m"i.My nllng vu appeaiod sgaraar. My relin« anZMbruh.Eeg> visw e iv« yte« u mulli nooal îlmt te ontire Grand sud ~ueborugh. ~ I vea. ,muawbo uouldktnow theGmrendtb ag, Ti v eld.ve y Lod ané»dlb.emalter droppmd. esiu f Md1B~Sdemie as applied to Married0» 117 liaiporionofte ocUt unir. Tatacumte ave .Iitb taisdeiert 04. wle wo-Id atone for pufoUiesand-» por astiolnt tv the art:1011p6tans e v mb a mde by poli"m No. 96 Kw6ft j * 000K sblcb vu ff.otmforImanîulatore Whse m. mnemea tené Fourt Doo Wos of aly iii.for Iuirnusmas 5eIl - ---0m h e trandsuLodcm te suit thear dosigre. Un- g t al b sntfree, onders.i, e the edthou aee»10819 0 aMin 11e9t gp.laltui sut M runasey ler, n. a fsv Oraungi.n House, u uhop bà"e",o. l. A 5. mm àiueil for-t jToronto vIns moral vioion ia 8o ui.tite make aSpecialty of lt, OCaP RIS IMEJIAL CO.s> WUi, .Y.: o»v uv.Tl u~tbtey iry tequentiy te moa speisouai Pus u. ênieen. P N ih i555fUM555555C5uuageg iuî yDWo ! ~ ~ tecapital by msumlng tuât &H mou aebond but I 'Gnimnebouh yD.'odo siiqtttetu vos, The ,iettes out9ide tle order ing. twnhipetofszly for 151U17 dom te M ei i uM is ebaud ina apoor attempt te hom in lle month a N Merh&Icrote masdtallo@4sué tlsy sesfoiled. 1It apperel th th DeW et tât ses wuil mtm teelaOrangemea'.pnfuelpomte dr' i 5"ghb"il Im t* asl.ose lis* mils puble th: pieudéiigu otGrand LodRe sud Wou ur loer pot"i1pIqgby Ibmhe ,iulanly appointed Prium amý là-- th athe ~MM, R& ouc m ansvurouli . glysuttate pu.er CAIetWugitoUbv asfre thersndbod oret su RA S& A S"_______bSik.The hoswu &ermml a My Wm mik 1 . rge I d ii slÏ0iPu sut u ie s o s à Wh s outions w oir ? e a t my p r t i he Yot t u h ldaoick ta mevere" W* kmWave JUIlff rece16..lurueeé som &'X beautelte belve 68a4 )TALI ,OFIT rily maeoi Ps tig peuhf ji I s, 1

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