Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Mar 1893, p. 5

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g IWIWW mm lu u- ci UIU WomenasButton a", Lamcs ot st utW otmabie fot bc a.3io oz ON wmo "sh'ine. âi- Ccme direct to 1-W sud choos AtUfo~~EMn1 IBrom. jfrom th - bWgeg t sd chpest satock in toweL. It z NOTES CASHI Ouetrat L'ra eude to Parmers mniothael Who are 4deiroua of ehsoglngtheftmort. gsauusud having t lit oasttlasité, thi avry loveit rate. The olonOf eitemOug a mortgf'50 ltg Var'y mahl la tovinp toi thé 9ving afetel by tho redu.oU t01lu-I te-t. JOIINSTON & SISSONO Bigu of the Mil Saw, Bottom Pricese Ecngtiah and àAmerican ut"r, SoiauaCuera, Esso, Butcher Knves. Cow Chainu, Halters, Lanterna, Fsaning MdiU ire snd sinc, Wis- ter Mit4s. - 1. Axes,, Axe Handies, Cross Cnt sais, Buck SswsI. -og have Ohe opporstuaiy tOborroo aIt BORA NTON GOAL you vantst i bo redaurtle. Don'i A"d buit aredua0ai5LAOE5ETH» Sàl" proorasti nate. bas make ToUi -pia -f---?r . lion promaptly.j . E A.J & 00., J Ceu- a I l Ia. D eh.me Real Estate Bought sud Sold L R n oya myes - 'p tswé on commission. methist aehoit mSna" 8uLgi RA R AK, oe Ricaic bh tulb.i jutof ethl* llue» bpidm lui. Du.Lli b GENERAL INSURANGE AGENT1 och¶ute uTtuad A *h Admlamisulàome. 7 « fl hastDr. WIhi.ua ogaiu. il H. IIIHI"KIN &ABmDr woMusic-Fonomea v.k, cone. lu vuuum~oerumî nMécas Arpritd. osament cf lit. Joa BaL ki-r and Broker, di=tinof Mr. J. 0. Cor.) Ta 0ee lugitablo ami fauralsas catertasmeuls sien 91 KENT 8T., LINDSAYs OM~T, 8 atm. 'pi4,n elt amala SI Prlt'=4ni2Bla Llndaa. Oit !CLh. iUL-ui.1j. PvT I Suue îTm. Bd25 "Smint hIBSup vuappmrs vrappst 1I..EDWARDS & 0G O ldaSoming1i at oio L 'WhyDoeWna. d a ou 8 USonumota,") e overB&a y" Irnporters ana Dealers. LII. 48 oivo, sIt ai, Truetepu - lufes troms adverttalm. *nA i wurti franlug. Thie lasu es y v»y to doerais - jioui tome. Theo sp lal te beo utits mrkot,indlt vilo«!y foioe. p~ agte amdin tu lia vppanaif jeu loe. lte amd opm. Write pour aImas. astutuly.-92 Iy. EmraiBm-Mn, M. Ofl&Uloran la Pms parng lor hie patrne lot Suta. . Sehua ue eue-pesa oIe, sud mre oe4 Il mied by binuohi; br . isfeloun.YaMU 1altet purebesai4 speciaities at Whole. hchvigelmIo l won 6, Opa, sale Prioes. his noma i uh. ezbibitad te. ou Kente - sadirei by a&U vho»wmv i..Hoithm dm oo tnd a faeusuppîy et pouh, v.., t ", in slecd aout INaiIa, vieh the Mnst fîitidioma cmn ho uieL. Barn Door Htngea, Wire Naila, T»WAuI>uPurnx won 183.-AI Uncle Sam Bain Door Rafler., omalgluable exponSovo bave essors& elimiti Stralp eandTee Hingo., aabei cf a beemllful meuh Tva 012ADI e3 Enghiagh Hooke and Hoopu, AyUA4 f, or distriution amenurlitaisoftOon Zinc anat Galvanizel Iroz, aubuclra psjlayng lu selimne. for Txx Waz. Bolte, Scrows, Clincit Noua, DITte vork la 14 leues by 10 lncitai lickmsud Knoba, U P. Butta, cout"&a 100 Pages.boueanGlealat f sull ai Sina'o mmd Duble Glasfli lhatmlelaali cf vicit sue mulablo fer eint,&nid.udw î Gbulfai. Euhit mmbrot ol ilea smmu pains, ili à ni Whte àèa, viietrendorte It lpoustble oroceute girs lit GIYK us A CÂLL. prsuluu leteuMy vit.do nt mo' pp n uadvins. Putce..Low. largo Stock. aDuo n oeiLbu haimsm é oumusi. Tua Rr, J. W. Bia 1B.D.,a of Hamlton, J. G. EDWARD8 & C00 @isa l.mo«araymrnsf tio ZPvorth, L«e te 1.Qumst. m.lidist Duers ae mr. oeavy Geai.. PalIs, 4ohuroi,2z t, lIolaimR«ublMd. mivit 01 ia , Irm mule, tCattlS<e Goodao.ee@fpy lts@mm. of, laluthé a 0lu, speabk Bickomnllha! supplée. im teluhlitsntaru.t t tapenauei.bg tse Stan olteé Auvv. suplutmiof tmTW ~ .se s .velug.Nosdap simng Ur. Bell la te tetr ultse as.. abuub, suijol 9BIi>AT. MAlWH si, legs. uTqo mai aéls aMd pverful er dalnt mT"ai etumo ad Wolmot anmsal àMORUmIlrabakm ter &O 1 Tvie -» flà dlt s ire ther isarm watt ulmbet, êot a 010 upluLiiWIt0"tr &s..~~.veso. aimealph. AptMr Maa 1u O ma WsN eor uesre n.~ouslg ' tneoMd Uu aoey th Uf«~I M u"»pbu% "T" rlaaa ouu* MCÉ frEoush LO ~' - u19»amuz ftalolpiel. r 8 t bu i"q i m Ulii ilo es ithsez ose f oua i h.Tee * t * T em. viumioshuiasemi bii ThlUtf» mueussd &at ad aiplOi %P Ai-eM 'W p, ho& . amise L Vuam %l& o tluss e u a m xC6out. wj1 éwoflubmw ;e, i i l ., Bs ihoa fioul., ,1 .1 .4 Tan ~iT~ 1. -m tal.N.v Tou ~i ukuhdr li om eumNI6 ~ Nut âI& hgàm -B oa& i5imm ?oM Nâlp- ef Nwoam 4auu>1..1 l.p »vubpd,Ù* on i4lriNi.U leeien -1mbpu u .k U. soi ruon ie Onmusmm &#Uts W, e eOa- "Da1IMll, u -He. . O. ala,- rIbo Ul mer av.stinLeou 6oulàr yTu puora Uim LoYellis. Tim LauIA IinumaOoo T-Wa absl aunl "t b.&1 . femtoobovenvut la ou mesm = but veoyIMlupsle à Whgi MudStl btant bol h b Whvitut poi l Lwte gipsmeL. £»stevaipiauo in bsmlfer lte ooomiasbp m n.s Ii.rhqlaar.1 o~ous. itlàt ar-e te ip Io.w hels lt thmamla Mmu. I08 .idaave agrole f la IMte the lus»tImmsof te Mvsp & Chlakedmg pieum.. AN EUe iuUaMm Dan.-Thm ar4.1 Brookiys, NKTy., aun liiY lae% a. Frimi Wbsllop, s guilemm Whvit a se tlaswua s WeII.hmMduiruuttlb111 um.1 LWl 1 hi" ugballea baýud teaa l'lte public écboole bars for samu»ber . d puSe 5.b.11 lmn desy elà Tomysusp f or Nev Torit of1 @d for thu Pmut olen Isbas bseu Mock inorlutha largoeosmumicboues Of All DmIsi= edg o.as, leur4moe ami foui lougitre. leur .etvitoix ane ushisdTbomi .W.,a .1ewvomiuesugforeusu 0# T» ua j m e lispropulid«on .the MuvertosSua. .bng thae ldastTb. dtoos eted boam a .gmpilliou etadasomuo; the case of dealt vus oseodte 11W«. Mmuy .14 tri, de tu Undma eztsmd tisat yupstiy te Ma sous Ov SCOTLAI.-G'smplm m Mp Ne.1 40. &ici& efSoolhsud, held tIb @»W "si At aà...," l intaoir Iodas*tam.ou Teaiy eveag vbsu sum sujopable igue vus st. 'Te taon vwu cuovded vili theb. mu oume the osimp lad tir Mniuda. Aedng Judg Ue8veym pil lte obi aitnd valoone the vimitors lu hie mimai ihappys.yle. Tite relalul in ialthe lflovlug"ookpoil: J. wat101 au. ons mit" huamor Simer, jIs 1ge Jeso, minD»na, .An. MrvJalo, Na i Mls i.me. aqeyu Mmd test, buS % motte a bonq Peîîp, The scoomlnaumta maieplwpad vT ~" ~obi'. IJ~ '"ai u .Love. Dunsg lb. a .ing O at ta M estsd ta aetlsen addms e Do. à,i. A. ool=@ obla o ethsie camp. vi e aramovimi viit h I tamlly te Momîreal. t.ubloit MU.S&Ot test- mgly replis4. lit.msmsfthbsthe tolI oomgrotusted forthe oavaulog'. auteutlmaut puoîdadtisit vmsuaàompletO suecuil. 'h. P esdihES vers ChUS! by aging t" as amp à co«odîae AuhiLang inea.sui SUteNatonsi Auth$M (,AMBEIDGE ST.C C!L cf.FRInAT EvEN- r.,m.-The Sacred Concert of thia FridaY evenlng, as the toilovlng programme shows, will finnlsh a choice Collection Of music, and aufted to the seaaof. Of the Toronto quartette tw0 have vislted Ulnd- say before, viL.: m Mason and Miss Howson, whlle the others, Mr. Godfrey and Mr. Camipbell, wlll be new to a Llnd- &%y audience. The tollowlng le the pro- gramme: 1. Ofgan-Dead March ln Saul .... g le Mas. flo«%so-;. 2. Hymn 118. Tune, Requies. RZum,,uihlu CHfOIR AND CO-NGENOATION. 3. Prayer ....... 4. Solo-t'Behold and see if there e anY sorrw hike unt5p Hie souuw".. Haudd~ Miss MAfN. 5. Chorn.-"WhOflI aurveythe wondrus cross"....... ....à ...... 6. SoIo-"He vas deesa ...... s .3 'mmssHowfoN.; 7. Quartette-"SiXce bymn came dealh" Miss MAsox, Mmss owaoe, ME. GOnDPRET .AN Ma. CAMIBL. &SoIo-"*The Garden et Frayer". - Voeiwi Ma. Goflmw. 9.chorus-"0 SaviOUu of the woeId.. OM . -air JA 0m Io. Solo-,,The Roy itS..... fimo Il. Solo-161 know that My Bedemeuli es" mmLaM e~ -u ads AND MIR. CàMuBuu. I&. anthem-"IdSd Klndly I%ht".Comtt OutIour2R ~ Oent TheP 5evEhu Md uwr4"~uuI~ Cuuioeam wpeam Mor. Us wM»ubi thebapts1~t, daMia Euve Mi qud5.AnsopB the 2àd 3 onaem e.et imieia Cdoua m X mia rsesue ulvusand u uugho, or . Ni.W v aui 8.soh la Ù4m$s Mr >os't foi Oh. imoffn. ImleaueMt mmdus teraMenu he ku ije o.llmour of botdy, .and eourte 4à ol«» bau sly t a lp5e old uip 1usd e. .mrvssvetls.vs.uloae ouàan uda pM sMa 0mf the lu liaohpl mThote bWab Ltho DeI»tfmIu01 bis .ng T.owol beay.àdb,,PlSte1 u.lplaMq, uisngth lb.o gLoodymmbAne vordiy sudnergao te Srmr uldn. «r a b,ba b.vel.mv opédot i a oin-Ua Prvioii of eLgodayApi 7h sd 1h mlfa a 0P. etIs nt s'. rstes. oult u suderà lmatotho e1es ire . -80.1. Md7. aviii rb hsld ouldySuAd 8» 't 8.30 1.., lu ho Y.aM.OAaon =k vuommu luely sto u omp-).oans.euh su )&dlml, tuvitely 0a tend. f gdp Keur&Co. havdeopetl ouriingllteom. le ock fdrum es gooda gptm"u:Iablm àvu bou 't8oug t--inbsI, ned orth lm dou 1oe.Sas it t mdryvi.Lu te oaa ifrsdb . oehL"o "Oix ts à@ btuna coltraichin mtiu Of@s foorlaly ova fu nd h4sud la? vtu ..upletsly nTe 01%is y. W. ÏApdaine o auev. MehÇvC.-80enhe l h w obAy lad,,f.homly suudeuot sulpauaU vn e.. bumbmmand lied t1.1.17, an vnllalmgt bsubakeotbrm Tu Î.DE mi bL.De ave, buTlklghems WÀDu-ti i W. r nfhorme by XL hoapep o h e uido ouba . a IPioolîThe aipt l oehmpdud v.lt f bon«a mih m b om oult. mi fonu for mvinésovns% banda bftm mI la mdtli goa. meaTurobedCotla ulbeilu oedrp . ThAller hn oremierohpar mam of Ihom b oug a âne rae bmsi sudtahisfo titra. moulue.Mr of Jomevil. poi a&Bd tuvel tIo ure ioslibru. vmlb ple me, puwrheMI I teu mbsviiitbdse" s.fr b ps ti w l Op étf i b f~fwl dbel..c«,>y Sida, Carpe% , e i mporte* illl ý f "Ilikiw cg.r.Il* h " eOV " 1A ? E ET N O W LT 11: 111 !AUUIBab 64 pu llleof loinp le- OBPSUO IEPU6 ÀSU.m" ;-à;E a:'*UI4 n d ALL' WOOIa. G~.E3m1~Îu!Âsuts W uu-qîoia i.petlo d oui mmense range dr- *LAO 00:16.~a.valu.et sui e i.but t tianmyuhlag eve, oIred by um before ~ybuyI=ig Uese goods a1 the fount.ainhead am' the ol1d. cou~ntry we can soU themat s3traight Ganadian who1e..*- sale prioe. MU NMW AUT UBLINS AU E HEu! Alm uv Jute ad 1W SMICKTApN8TRIs for Cu- TAIÇS, OVXiEB eic. 11W CHENILLE CUIMAINS l il Mthse ppfflur shdes. Alo su imwnenoe took of NOMTNOSAM LCECURTAIIB lun Crsm d White at puesr&Nogiug frou50. t $500 perl ANOTHER NOVELTY U N IKEMP OARPETS0 -in additii tos a wge Mol«. f DQUSOLE POLD> H IF Crpeés vhih vresoppulai with us lat aea.nt. w. ~wejeswecive s are i RVEESIBE RucAIpETSWITHImUINT PÂTTER5* ON A~ BIEvhib o of.at mue prieu tihmmam k for thse old mako,. NEW UNION CAR--~ PET8, NIWFLOOR OIL ClOTIs, etc. New maiaORBETS, NEW BPRING UNDEBWEAR à omplets tock ot IES' WHITE UNDER WEBR, ia ste or sep ara". pie..- SPLENDICD VAL U-.. PRICES [0W. AITOTI LARGE SHIPME Wl! OU' WIDB AND ITEIVY SHAKER LANNECLB j xeived. aeiia at OLD PRICES-ThE BPeT VALUE IN CANADA. FOR VALUE IN CLOT91 IG, )LENS'FY ËàIIL ISRINGS sud STAPLE DRY 0001>8-OlT ÂLL KIND188 WB ARE THILR&DERS.- WARNER & COY, The Great Bankrupt Stok Mon, 76 and 78 Kent street Lindsay. GRUCERIBSI 'INES, LIQUORSi ci&AR~ W.HOLE SALE AND RETAIL, Huitley & Palnier'as Choice Englisb BI5Ct& Crosse &i Blsckwell's Jamu. Jellies, Potted Mota Pickles snd Sauce. Canned (*oods - Peau, Bean, Tomateos, Cor, etc*, Lobstes, Salmon, 111ckerel and Finnan Hadl.., Dried Fruits-Choie ultanas, Valencia Raisins, Fig., Apricot, Ourrant, Otc, Table Fruits-Layer Dehea, Bunches, Custers, Blacks Baekets, London Layers, Dates, Table F'igs, nj*.- tallized Fig, Bhelisd ÂlmoD d. Nuts-Filberts, W minuta, Almond. Preservo..-Krrrnslde, Dameons, Plume, BlacisCCrants, Esspberry, Strawberry, Table Jolies ituet-Femrsma Hamiton "S8tar" Brand Breakfast Bacort. Rolied Bacon, Héimu Woeceter Stuce, Frenchs Gaperu, Bpanish Olives% French Olives, MushrooanCatsuip. Harvey'.S; auce BOTTLD AUE AND PORTER-Guinness & (Jo'. Dublin Stout, Basn & C(Vs Pale Aie& Libatt,& Lmu.-. don, Davies', Toronto, àle and Porter; Dow's lotreal Aie in pintand quart. Goodonham & Worts' fine Old RYe and Malt Whiskies Baxter'. <'Bine7 Bree," the fiiest of Scotch, Whiskies. Boe'., Jamon's, BaskmilYs, Brk's Old Irsh Whiskies. Heuneffey's, Bazeraoe Germier, ol& Freach Brandies, (Jhoice Ports, Sherries, Gins, Ruina. ALIl of the. Finest Branda procurabie4. JODHN DOBSONfz Corner of Kent and William Streets, Livrdsa.y, LladuayDec. 92,1892. Grocerie)s & Provisions CII.; W. bave luti reoeivd a oie stoompig Sugzars, Spices, i.Raisi.ns1 Currants, Candied Peu je ]lho.-W. koep lthéIageit tok of <kocorles l in d"y ily 'l vauls tb pweuesi A WORD ABOUT' OUR LJUAB8 W.b~*slwqSamIe es outh"adsg ril t IOOdIEg poe a. onsicoci lot yuE > 0bov tima kvosM~iawa thbi.otth*e W"olcuaty A BOIRiANxlZÂ IN GRIllA, ROOKEIRI AND 4aou. * w i ' 4, M", dm MeÂo gfFamy Md. Staplo Gow odgmu =àbâmmâ àmtI go- 4jMd SLiat loy pdicm u 58 VersHait BELL a lor Drmit al» la sud te o]& te on 4av. je te SMai- lis sovzLrim lu NOVELTIES IN LACES& bqb4 fi - ý lm, ô tao% a i= im , lz

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