Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 24 Mar 1893, p. 7

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Olt. D.TALmAg %q@oij THE sUmJaOt. WbI igsto~S5 K2 E CxoOo, Match 19,180ev . -?olmage, Who les aow lib tis cr QMa _ _ &rot visit. Cid Dot prenb £a "se. T. é Y«oOI* ê rarrd for the. P owv~ ier.*6mi. «r-U t e t1UwwolUS bu Mît" Owengdimcuru Prn tieom si 5ere 116«M ie me sud My houaswe w i ommve ihe ~u " * la h»AitmhWb Abaurd, Joissi y~w1~vr4IW~ .V g~me fur fqmi* religion & .;ia< w4 1 aslarcter, amui youW i t bu t.kedb' spihsafaara oooeold vih lb.heam7 i?' 0<Ithe1&sarW0< of O ô Om.il.w.1 gris à tatuauian, tend Plturne yv y Obh1 thitswuEflSa mm dayi.a. .1.srih maIon op with publie a&atu; yonauareibe "«e abesia aSivu »Soi a. .BemiIag arviag-oui à Washington, bts .Wellington, the Mo. ogwUm vh. ode i *0hf &W, os n ie.o oW t Ush<'n of the Iaselftieh hast, you vi f.YnBhSS WUShVU iwth "Oh," y me as>, vers too rie bave agre:t Maur questions ta e uîs e u t bea l t1lOo M" ! .buq eImua>bmroui, 1thâté yon hav wili aiean imofor eligin. Bt l.et, the b"byngfr dweha'ueuoi.a eis, with theseanse m'ios viLlawhie o fob. d.Tb* b" Sooohéd e stt,.ty 70 My .pffltns.w. Do. tb ocaindud the sua and moon to b b ad or II B1 for air f mxeiy Belu a WI o ifo aia Yis la a' w arsknis of light on the parade gvoind OMI5fA' hrjl .pi rnb*b'Y ~ f ~ el the heavens, usya, *'Au for ntp snkmal 'M1m', 5tC~fA75 ~~av o uipoab th<t «-*1a ilottae, we will ure'.the.Lord." i MUIsireoibu 'sibm L60gi*e" UI itefore we sdopt tise reuolutlon of this old r .imishratm'sbîo. he mgî.m er asr iy ia lo dldiér, we wantte be ertin Ite à . ewsou1Ithtki a pkiudoae titîa ,t iu hp arm golution. If religion in soins t pe hi hsirI ilr a7syug smmge My piano ont of tune, sud los Lb. féeis0<of.au u beg ms wt e.111 uslsd ill boi boouast. if«)am iartes M fuy chiidrea aing thraugh the hall, andiasuipt MD, Wboy lail smo. you have n&glis y f . oh!r proié apr o aour the blnje aiaîdput orsi>. on the door dmpaà !hw gravit&nc.yo e rilt poeat .Ilay labo ltir pua àdor tsel. I do lot waat in luMy houue. I an. J éuo te, y10onrttâragae ii wo &,eho h wo a gve six dollars ta, her Jeu.7 Llnd warbie. 7011 fot go ibis veek? Perhapa th. storinq twOflLy y.ars. lhat Wealid mîtku 29,1 1have aever given a cent tu hear aurons o f the last loirdas mal, hai bonsthe* prayera for you. T!iimk lif ihei! aa.Wl h religion spokec rlui eiso s njlit Im W. g er yoq Bythe e.uiory aiof ac.tlà*la 4o.rt din aîîythuîg for î.ho diting.hall,. er bad botter go outadame vheihé the yeurchildboud weim'inckedlvia h the tbm nurery, for tihe parlor, for theea&loopung Ietring hbu defaced. Yu liaitbbtt.er uhat long agloo -mi mo sauve, by the c apartinenft? go out andi se vietber Lb. gâte of th. lob ln whioiî your own olldreà euithaiae It ie a great deai esaler te Invite a dia. Iis losed. Yru liai bett4r gé and sée. if vote b, n1,ht a der U.mi* prabec-ing o ré' Aggreealùe gieat titan to get rid of l4im. If casest cd a sermon la th. aprisijins the ctwogrilivoa ina etla .sop ttoo #sw. yon du tint mautt eliïititt you had botter ns a s& 0O young muan! go ont ibis weoe bearta tisai boat with love en long for Y ami ~ ~ . Ctt onfrafo oiga s ont, snd ose your faîlser'a grave. fReligion did velfai-e, cani by sise two graves la wn a great M. hile. laso atta we.î tao ist g a uci for our Chirstisanaostry,sare. we yoas, uw ithe living< feilîr aed iot igir Tiiomias and Laly Abnoy rit their place not resdy tbis morning 10lb. willlng t. re. wîll find your laut roi> 'e, I urge yuu in Theobald, atid waa t'> atay a week, and elve it ato mur cava houaehold? If we do the disoliarge of.% aur duty. atikyed mIirty.five yearas; nd if religion receive lu, lei là cone througb the frontT asbrRI ente getw ito yaur !ouseiîuld tie probabil. <do<r, Dot throngihe b bsk door. la otser oPrey"à iy is it will atsy thero forever. vords, ao Dot let us amuggle it ln. There Mr. John D. iIiaWîlnlbit, une of sie Now tise question I vaut ta discutes. areas grest snany familles who wantute, b. gineera visa have beos anking a survey %Vha wil ro ondo fr te hosehldreligiona, but thuy do nal vaut aaîybody an Aliskan railway vii o i a itigeE IVIfL vii ~ii snd o tohu. old utaide to 6mev it. Tisey wouid hae mortf ngStrait. sud oounneot wi a 8aber 4Queatio11theti ert. What did ta do tor fB.d tode" ~if yon ctwghî thonsai%ta4nily rosd, huatue akiug posasible an overi iou a itabrnîe ?fvt vr rugt' proyers. They vould no"iang in Lb. vor. voyage from.hiii. coury ta Enropie uTha CI îsaholseebunme? bu lf aiifor fturthir isigihors would hieur teauliîd Sai Prinnulajo. E.ostatua tisa Tisewhoe moflehas ams~iae, b t h tm. Thor do nos bave prayere wheu they suney-the momîey for wiih wusrimud eouie. bauli to.day. The. mur for mortsang bave oonsay t a dinîter giveis hy New ïor k oapita!ist4 frayeruantie. You were itivted inlu Soins.- They do no m ot 6m uoh about the nobil. Ilonry U<ae& aIn 50h.be.cmA waher aley yu mat md ioneto ne or t Y ot the western trapper. A iraveler from Vancouver, li., -tnCape Ptissca fAe ui, to reeninato rm the Valgins alois g as ov«ukeo by Digit sud .Wales, tise poittof Alaka neareat to Ai rdag, auti lie juit we1 -th:ug ib tarm, aud eho W" a cabtu. Thîe s ers on Bering Strait, a distanîce oif2MM(1 tus chapter in a plain, astais itforw w& rarus a.hng np around the "al. ne Atthat point the work wau suapended 1?huit you a&l kucit. IL asaouwt waaalarmed. He bad a largo âmont ot the wiSLI.. unie jnryer morming by mornlamg aud maney with bita, bu bo did not dore, taFise projeet of au aIl-rail trip fit niglit by niaiht, for lie bad the saninasuDta ventaie out into thé nlgbî in the stermi. Country ta Paria iss a dazzling thst th, aïk pitilonnfor, aînd lie isaditeuaime bleu. He did not 11km the. looke ai Lb>bouïmbolti. viilb. a natOtal inclnation to prolnont i""' fonr wiiiula te lb. gratefial day afttr d'il Afler a ile tube father, thse Weateru trop. tube *chante ohameylool. IL la tndoubtet ,ud yetr alter y ar. 'l'ise prayer was longer per, came ini, guis on lis shoulder, and truc that eigiaeera, though ordinarily that yoii wouillike ta have hsd t, for thé wben tho traveler looked him ho wau &bill hard.hoad<.d olams ai inrt, nay li. ni bail waiîgtrt wit 8n0, or the sa'ois oî r atlrightcd. After a while lie farnily by tieir entuisuns , as vas Ferdine M7ouka nude r hed ien or t h e Îcho were whieperingq togütier lit one corner of de r4easeps ini the Painma Canal proje moknctîdedoeîsor to muîre rooroknatermi,and the raveer tlought hans- Vet ln Inese dsaof giqaiitio planai tite lengonrs. Vu aetioehtre-s #40!nov uMy tines. om v ish1a n d aolieveinentist ouiti rathor lie niaieini 8iffne %ith age, touîîd it dîffi- was out in the &ternsand an thehiglt ratier pat of raahnetsala condern a ache cutt iefron tiîcr kueeiitug. The ohar thon hcre." But thie uvartlîy mali came an vîthout a full hoaring of ii a merit., or At whiuciîtlîey knuct la galle, tire Bible oubt b him sud &&id: "Sir, vo are s rouge adjtsdge it inspracticaulebcae oaitliavu of whiuli tlsey read hat penlsaps fallItema people; w. set our livisg by hunting, sud Inus. pecees, thse parents are gose,Lise children wo are ver>' tired vbeas the Digitt comas; As far as the emgincers have travon mcattred noi-tiit,mit,south and weet; butthat but beforu soins te b.d ve alwaya have a the propoaed tanueeîley have foui util acueîio flashs upon your mcnsory to habit of teading a litile u of thse Bible susd availabFe. TOP'bgraPliiliy na difficult day Wîa tintmnrxu< êud veîlngmue. aving prayera, and I think vo viii have our voie eîacauntered, the grades bail-g ca ciaé-u iin%111,fîtlîr's lînusle dubasuiiag or aie. teaisi ustoin to-nigisi; sud ii you aiaas'lb.. sd permittin< an air lintor tin uuoh utt iloatitiv?'le it Iniot ainoasg bise uioabsOaied id ave li in t kind eobf g fyo ii uidistanue. Geologicaily tihe conadition sel reriîîsuîîeaYott wer ormat ia devotionai aètep ontide the deor for a lîttie vile ~1 t have beau equally favorable. Ticetn as scoiie ofthelatisecr senbara of your wiliibe danois obliged ta yen.1 neer says: Isîieî'~hane wh vue kneliig vtlu 011 Oh 1 there are mans y (.Mriatian parents Toa les quickmnud anywhere, ab tic tiiivî, and you dsd ietl us' our isead v ho hae ot halflishe courage ofite theb.bottamofthse straifurniâthes 8 sou A ci 'sly as tisey diii, ast YOL1 iooked Westerns trapper. They <ldfo t.vaut their and aolid fouudatious for piers. Xor aroutid liuusd yotii aw jut. tho posture your religion projeoting to cons Cnlausly. tisere au>' danier fions icebergs, for ait fatiier ituai iiother a-sutiied whilie the>' Thoy watî d like tu, have i noir ' 5 o arger ailes are strandeti forty anilca îs'cre knîeling oit the floor. Tise vitale hvngiloienai u h buInodîrm l one place a atone breakwater voald hm ucelle hli soppatograplicîl on yonr memory the Brutdofiantiry themoye 'iold sfronta b le buit ta proteus the pies trom tai the vorstwofe ais <yt savonîa oonid aram thiL -ow .jistat kîe it coFîr hew uob the thirty.irst of December, ton o'clook amalica iberge. i'w .itd> as avey it. * u oiîrated fmch p. nbc'd mtvu.i. Ti.'wud 'here ilaoeeprobable oniroe et dit yourd vit a ta t lLalcones buok uo.daîyfron t ier die, and have their familles parlaitculi y axai.touched ision in the $an Fiu yuitvise ty tlix te oes ated aasu.. ith ttho n tu o ry ont lu lie bol4 cisco interview, and whiuh would pi ladivoitinu isrt sther la to, < iii f ouu wrds et the soldier in my text -. -As for tain net ma, masoh tuise comstrudîi Fiflir istheemohe 18ti d' l I o yurme csd my household ve vili serve the as ta the operatiais of thé liais ; w cîtildien s . ethere. IL ila ite anie old Lard." htitetIeao f elstin prayo', opîitig witb the aine petition, Teews nm neta ie ni.Tt ala ytmo h otte cloalig witis the saine ltaiikmgivaig. TteT hohvsel yccata i., .Te railaate f te Uin as bm th pos fautiiuy panvers 'vf 1840, 1830, ufroshin i.odeasi sa atrang;oyi mpreaive that ii cru Stina dsani edsonda i tn prou your aîlcmory as ubougla tiaeyv ers îttered soeets morte like romance titan reality. ofusie lua isr trou*d;cnditio bren yueîrîhîy. The tour that sanrîs from your I hssoeime no iive youaibm t ouc truction might nstieb. eptsd ta ra e70 1' anoidetaen. lueisi? ut. f!7 grat 1 ndfatbe o thed ue d roading in tise fartber Northweul?F iuaiy anturne .,. hu heltiyon taay iii tzue cdet y rufthrad rn.aides, ibis probleun voniai involve nualon atruggle of lie. Yen onsc eatrd fer a esothor, living ais dmervlle, New a»rscy, etoofcutrksbtthdi place, andlthat memory jorked7011 baok, w onus10 llakingridge ta vaînes a a rvivali, e etofmin cf olir rc btled suaiyoiicoud nox ener.nuder the miaiitry oi the Rov. Dr. Fislaiy ciî ftihiuule Caa at a b Tbeyamehme8 impessd wih wats. I1islafait tea asan The broken prayer cf your faiher bus Tbey came ons. mo insp resed c tb he halowev er iai.ts e ftepoet lid nmerae recl pcn you i han aIl you lever la> a mnIair bcy rsovedanibeh veer, bistheiattis onewc tise prjat i nisd iluShakespeare, sud Milton, amitiTe n. salvatiou of timi h iircu. ue carsed to e nt ai edpat mysot, nsci anto Youbavegouco 1t Tie youug peope cf the bouse vers to, 91v1 t- sd .b ittstdl eyont anu d st oras bame ss. ous oer gof or s-au e'venlg pa-îy, but my grand. As Mr. Hutchînson saeMaga imor unnt n ot&cosi uaigu aioyer mother mnid: Nit (levm ê Co., Drezel, Mra do a momensius, omy ut insghour ha. lNow, vho. leun eready for tuhe partirCo., a mai aeC. Seber1 a Jewis b boni doplui a Ibis 0nmisa isad it enor cmensta My toota, for I have saam.tiu& of St. Petersburg sud Praguc, are luteru oincintaints subra ie irons oiodayvery important bct el aa." Al ruadyfor ed iu exti'uding tise road fmcm EFat Cap for famniy devolion vwu an ecouomy or a ~l. an abrran shaesou.Sbrsusoeo .lgSc vase f im invat aîer' busho d îhem, "Nos-, I vaut y>n to r . Sadeluake, on ths Great, 1 berian roait wumemnofer vluine Ion are svav liais evualgdisacea.of 2275 cmiles. Tioes ould %i i tink tome of us are' oommug tetthe o c os. Cat Icm il îe ure lawa tbtic s îmg h. torm0< sau aIiliroute (votu VaMmWs cluaion t hat the rt-mi ois hiub wvain la frjoIvalto eion udIthil opraliae Saadelnsks of 4021 mile%, vhieh won ottr faîter's houa. voild bc a vo7 a;fpprit- 15esuntib aonses ii. 711fTh eable Ansertouanstetrevel b.yri l Itiato religion for aur homes. t ile en t tb.pa0y bt Young5 aytaSi PyUshra o iSU s i datq ta hush l y s 1 n ate ry u Md$éwyt i airbr do m , h 1rayers dfl ot daiagethhevuidmgo shr =e utuî irisofu et ia agisItiey emai Vitiail the ifqfl , aiopesedAl te no0 jrobabilitv mmiatotgeit wilthaar mo ser vaTtp.j*.# If meas ftlas Om a dbsotu 14eà 4ginç sud flghling yl bnts ot f se mis siomu Mtiatl troub"s" We msy pray ta eh. tooraing, "'Gîve us this day ont dsiUy.Ob* 14 #read," and ait dovu lu idîsme ansd e 4* det; but prayer ansd bard vark D u~tihe dive a livelihod 10 sny fanily. ?«p> 4yY« tellgiou paya tor both vorids. lI*f amstar mau oeof our hoasbM,,o z nfot b. able ta torimanate a prai. enssuthore astePhilhip mry's Pryr~ tMare are Moflufs prayers, sud s,.h t'billipDodd idgea ajs'. i *ré oot 5pmolCiuto onlued ta tbe doussîo irls "#Oh 1lot »y$ o Il Z drn- 40t ts vlée éÎmée ""divab M*b et qaU ou.MJIeust, 'a ould aems, othe. Wb" the nzblu'vbande sud bietpll buts b vebe gaognevhat ssuu d uao-ui. alk > ou tiosa m'i>îd ha taae morea ua h ten0 19elrm . th .foron-uo iacl e -o ~ihse~utmet 1j » hi &4'1y>ud a te viin u"a sissg lu tb taide. This a notéeo j oli !"sportant vbeu tube>' retu ID pathe yfor but even So tbuf s "' 1 Me .Belote begiusulu; te mlka bbeugb 1oWieaig ofthe aides, utidèr.ced.undorpt- toust tubasg parpsu a laeomia i exeding>' conoui- crilàu, ni b*secow'sa uides c b. asi' svopt dwl vth LiU ttakiug n =;tb.eUataide ofthLe brasait, a t rirougi ru ibm eau b.i nI ivo. the uudder sa nos îJy.; iàa puce 7yot- ef nioti tise aus-'uidrkd Lestseau b.oc«relut. ii i, vipmt4-tbe vhoieop.ration. Dot omoupy. lier, in metisaniuutefor escicov. lu la l t aLet to degan tise volo bord wiîihoh broum Birai, iben fellàav vitil tihe ioth. By bit e he ie4nat iliihave aettled, 10 a couidierable eh Lent, sud Lise vork caua pro- 0en esai rapaaity muoam».1 y 100' It a r Oeuppodeti Lait tsemilkcr's haude Buta, ,,,< paila are perfeail>' cicn. There as-e armm Iti.i hr chances, for nsik ta hacomeoua- 114nt taninaed. t rquires ver>' caroful vasi- itésm lug, mcalding, and airiusgtua keep tie pans tAtie avet. Tige simple possrlug iu, sud eut Nau tg, *,oaiboiting vate- lu mot enougia. The>' W '> alould h. kolas in bolliug water for ton ueiminutes ab hast-tihisahrougbiy drlud iai d covcred. Mllk sea An open pans ohmst iSu, reoeivea dust amdlmpurîis fa-rntisaesur- ile.g. "nadiug atusosphere sud tise ceiliug.Tb fraWlk-rooîn mhcoud b. tuoronghly oluaued sud visimevasbed, sud its windows eoveted tia viii fine asettlug., sce Anaixher saura. of trouble la the ciasbn- lance Imîsion by odara. Milk sud butter ire ,y 1 peculiarly recoptive ai odara, and a&Il taled sourcesoai heso ahouid b. rsnsaved. IL sudq asauredi>' requit-p constant cure sud effort ,jet. c, akedairy productionas"firai-eias, but L"'i ' te trouble, wvile iu bic maLter of cemuness, visetisr there loie icreased aie vaine or naît, pride lu aue'a vork mnd s br o ases of dntv rovard anoeonstomegrst aSt. ougit ta induci o ne to keep tuiinga avees; 'mmed aud pure. i1 iL tics 10WTNEY RIDE lî?<XUSTRALIA. the \Isgt miles on Hoîgebaek ant Ous ieOux Uteis an Ordleury Pesa. InP Aumurolis, viere populàtion is sptase anmd aud distances are great, motiemarkabie )Und feaus ai entrauce lu iorse-riding are 3is creiited to the. moumsied police-lesta more Lite remankablil one instances, takiug lit. np. acoumt.ail tic circummtances, tlîan those ave a"oonpiisied b tise vitners in ie niiitary t:ride betveus Vienna sud Berlin. Troaper Paver in Februarv, 1880, uxidertook a iffi. arduona joxirne>' acroos mnout inhompiable Iran countîry' inipuruit ofai a orse-stealer nuined per- Johna Sinits. Titis zoulou& office- ýto traveleal 766 mils lu twenty-six days anid vatxboub changing bora... Fu- one ogy. stage of eigtgiiymites lbe visa holiy with- out valet, sud the cantay>'as luasuai sent a Lad state for 130) miles that hlm tva Uon horses liait nothng teet. Rias ra sof iail endurance aaho bu dgd fions thaLate- rail- msent liai ho dial hbirty miles a day os Bie. vota-oui borse«, àalag long dry mtages snd lif.drink. ae în ae Ialt it 1Trooper Wilshire oamsuther occasion =e' rode oigiity-five mils in lwexy hoore on as ns boatse. Tblis @Ms>, 28, 1887, Ivo ýis dsvesaster Ibm natives &Ld "stuck up" jg Eiduna Stubian.Tpsasamni nltraveiied 2milll our days vbe ho beard that a& a camirade usmucd Shirley isad dled of ler- thiri. H. dial Dot have owadausius ut. rondea sdulenmy ot fresb vctmr, like the apGermas oEicers, but lie hada brolUng sam , b ta endure, aisibis tw alitai, 6"muIg" d, a mrub topenewuato, amu vassoetmsco- àm peiled te akerded aimle out cf native ty veUs bstoaêb. coi ue i wvtr.-~La Mi due à1y Neve Mbm î4 inmm rp. u." ovecgbleue 4/ babbbig boa* muet vus sonlu.. eM gWUm*-,)Wef mnto iU@hgA lie le uo * .rcputeume -b auve hi. vi"re.a lm«MUM u11Pretoea TOME mslàtuto mEri t. oian lies "aiensd On x~h4a1î, in o th e ods p àd~ hAs, il soa l aenat sore daa*ýo li ugs Id ott bgins- TVay clihibed té tis tofsa aIl treavierioking àa ciig la ie de aet, iaviiig pi'nvioiuly t1bîsen ei sat acensd hanîls, no itauno vîili spot voulti b. visible if the lbaves isaulti paru. T1%e negaes oi Afi-ta, irons wbim tise Hsjrtlas are direact descendante, ha-te i bllud adioration fus- the serpent, au Ausicais naîne of! viiain la Nodo." Tise native flaytiau vipar is consequeutly the idol ta viié h Ue iayuà# -. aegrece anake tuheir sscnatlcs, asutheis- fatheA before tbem adid ta thse Afrms ukes. Iu tic Vondoo religionà, iêw la' bise syno. uyunofai ivinit>'. Tise priesas af lb9 divin. iL>', therotore,bear ise usinme oi"*Papa Lav" (l renci, papeloi), Liai.iii, fatiors lunlise service or tise iaw, or ftlinluhie service ai tisegoda.- Tueir assistantsa are calîsi *'Hooatse." Bath tise "Papa.laws" sud tise 'ifeogana" Wear tubeir wool>' hais- bang. iu i long thick hraids, and by tiiatoktm, Lle e nkovu au aght ta bc menaotmd r~acter. Laàtise clearng usai visicis bthe a sesmo liait cancoaled tionsels'es stood a rougi ai. 1crt tise *boufour," ou theo top ai vilch vêts placed ttee 'aubagni," or tabernacle, lu visicii vaàs couifluetheii sauroti viner, or Igati '"oodoo." Arounal the sabigusi sud ou top of tise mta ereo pilmd a aumber of braceetssud amuulets ot useic wbicis tbe -Paipa.L Âwe vere ta biesa duriaig the cors- nsouy and tins endov thons viti anystule *Vartues. These ansuletsarase soid ta lie asegnoeo feor large aus anîd are oaiied *'hoongaa," vici, lilerailly translateal, ueans mascot. The primats Whso Bmmli thbe ongas obtain groci in- fluence oves- the minds ai the believera. Iaish larges af tuhe V'oudoo cereoaues the '- Papa-La w " akes the rsoie aifai it priat ai the sacrifice. Ro in aas:sîed b> some. favorite vomau, vWha taies tb. titis oi ".Namma.Law. lIt in ber duty ta super- inheî,d tie cookinq ai tise victime. Noix oui>' do lbey poison p. 'pie anutinlocu. late Lise germnse o cataieplie lita in os-dem to dispose oe! huit enmris, -out sbey ven go satfur as to bury peapi; alive and take them puai utglit lu ar.ier teps-moLlo. upon tisea iheir horrible cuit, Ou' tiis aigtof Dec. il, 1889, the sacred drums vers beaben at 'iu<k, saditiL as moi lonag bèfors ultroe or iour huittdreil negros- tnurs andl wonen-had gatherod fititise lear- inîg tusar.a tres. ai. ou. op ai wiici saithLie twa mn. The cdiviimties voie londiy ivokuti vii the. &id af tise tbree drums aud Dy' an u i, triangle beaten by a steel bas-. Theso soi ,es caasaîîuutedl tise tirât. part tif tIse cenemon>'. Tie>' were folioweil by tue dsinkiuug ot tala,. a kind ofai cîeap p n..s Tite victimu, a cisilti about 6 yrars of ago, put tua lecp by somO >hulaeiyiasg airug ansdtcaiiedthie -cmuf vitlsout horteis," vas placefi upon tise mitar. Thsuaibt-gais dancing about lie mlan, or ratier tise wiid coatortion of limbe sud bsodaes, ta visicla have boots gis'en the names of "1BausbouIi.," Chic,'" ICalindtt,'"etc. 'l'ho daucers howlved Lhiu sonitotatic gad of Voudooisun, lie vorda tif wvilciare nome. vItaLt tothis effeci.: "Oh. poverful diviniies, question the graveyard! lu vii telvon tt>' vwici give< yoiatise mst. vttitns, doatis or oui cuit." The aegrneâ rapidl>' becanse tntoxicated frai. bise etlecis ai the tafia. Tise menan sd the womausu in thuir freux>' tore off tuheit- clething and dauoed wildi>' about, thoir black, uaked boidies aIiuing b>'thie ligût ai torches oi 1cr, which bcd haule[lu* thie grouasalabout uAiu altis-. 1Weheu 16 danceou aseiaded tube "Pàpa-Lv" smincît tise vietauut y the haciç of the aseck and beld it ou high s w i ~le ifbansd, -vwiI.teh .esoe ag a Chant »acunvialise tus: 0EM bEwpEbh-ehl Oma N onne, ha de let Cage.Cage, do M isw 094Ma lisA, Cang6.lit At thé end oit lie sang uhe «"Pa elawv" phuugoth~tie mored kulfe bto tise bisoi tise is»muuvitlrn, and the cbild's bioa feUlintuos a red venat el e b=tseHooga asm, o md vitis the b addae ~M!me-Lsv»pezes i t around se be em 9 vec'orne presmut. Tlse fmtulc furteNhé thtue n7rou becmmn tub eu nu up. lb ils amior e q4î~eS vus m allMd taith tubh *àkai iiutsiie * nd ehm~~inuVufl Wb"Uh r mmaleaiMdi cgtoach#iverCure evls Taxie has o.ly recmmitly boum untroducsi 1tthi oeuatry by tbejroerieiors and mauufaçtusau of thse Great thAmerican NerVI ýOPWMandyetitilsgreai value an a curative ngeih.ln oo àmb ew of th. mcmi learned physiciens, who ave ot brough*its merits a"d'value te the knovledge of tho genoral publie. This medicine ha.mm mpletely solved 1the problem of thse cure of Idi- gestion, dly$epl, aiid, d.inpoque of tise geusoe" nervous "yStem Ithini a o f *e greesoe value lu lise cure Of ail forma of fatlimg hatsto w , àne.Itlwrueu*u hi. by thse grestnervine lonlê quaitieé, whloh l possesse, and by lts gret curative powers upon the digestive ergans, %u tpusoh,< liver and thse bqweWs No- remedy -compares with tawoucbrfuily *Iuab Nervin. Toni a a builder ad strength- ener of thse life forces of th. huMan body, and aà a great renever of a brokon-dovu constitution. It is also of more rosi permanent value in tise treatment snd cure of diseues of the lungs than any conswnption remedy ever used on this continent. Itlai a marvelous cure for nerv- ousnesa of fem#les of ail ages. Ladies vho are spproubchag the critical period known as change'in lifé; should uci fail (o use this great Nervine Tomie, simoei constaatly, for tise spaco of tuvo or three'years. It viii carry tissus safely ovor tise danger. This gmet strengthener and cura- tive In of Inestimable value to the aged and inflrm, because its great energizing properties viii givetheux a new hold on life. lt viii dd ten or fifteen yeare (o tise Iiies of many oft tiss. vo will une a hal dozen botties of tise remedy euhisyea. IT IS A GREAT REMEDYFOR THE. CURE 0F Nervousnees, Broken Constitution, Nervous Prostration, Debiiity of Old Age, Nervous Headache, Indigestion snd Dyspepsi, Sick Headachq, Heartuburu and Sour Stomacis, Feamle Weakneas, . Wih n ederness in Stomach.' Nervous Chilis, Losa of Appetite, Paralysie Frightful Drearns, Nervous Paroxyimis ad Dizzinens sd Ringing lu the Bars, Nervous Choking, Weskness of Extremities snd Rlot Flashes, painting, Palpitation bM 1h. Iflesri,%Impure snd Impoveriuhed Blood,- MentliD«esjxmency, Boils sud Carbuncles, Sieepiessness, . Serofala, St. Vitus' Dance, 'Serofuihous Sweiiings and Ulcers, Nervousuegin ofP F M4ls Consumption of the Lungs, Nervousues. of Old Age, Catarrh of the Lungs, Neuraigiat Bronchitis and Citionie Cough, Pains in thseHeart, Ltver Com plaint, Pains in the Back, Chronie DiarrhSoe, Faiing Healtis, Delicate and Scrofulous Childrez, Summer Complaint of Infants. AUl thons sud many other complainte cured by this wonderfui Nervine Tonie. NEBVOUS DILSEASESe Ais a cure for every ciase of Nervous Diseases, no remedy has been able lu compare vils tise Nervine Tonie, which in very pleasant and harmiesa in ait its effeces upon tise youngest chiid or thse oidest and most delicate individuel. Nine-tenths of ail the ailments lu visicli the human fsmily in Soir are dependent on nervous exhaustion and impaired diges- tion. When there in an insufficient snpply of nerve food in the blood, a general statue of debiituy of the brai;, spinal marrow, and nerves le the resuit. Starved nerves, like starved muscles, become strong visen thse rigisi kiud of food in suppIied; and a thousand weaknesses snd silments disappear au tise nerves recover. As thse nervous system muet supply ai tise power by vhich tise vital forces of the body are carried on, it in tise first lu siffer for waut of perfect nutrition. Ordinary food doci flot con- tain a suffictent quantity of tise kiud of nutriment necessary to repair tise vear our preseut mode of living sud labor imposes upon tise nerves. For liais reason il -becoines necessary tisai a nerve food be supplied. This Souths Americau Nervine han been found by analysis to, contain the essentiai, elements oui of wisich nerve tisaue tn forneid. This accouaIs for ils universal sdaptability to tise cure of ail forme of nervous de- rangement CzÂwmovn.LE. hl».. Axsg. 20. 18. imo&WaL=nrr. ar Bs-anfey. lsd.. Te 1 Gàr PflStml*AmarîcusNedine Co.: amys: -*I hsad boss lu s dlstremed condition far fuAR GET:-I desise le a»Y ta yau that 1 bsave auffed for many years vush a very Seinlos tisses yean romS res ouuaes, veakseu er thse dimeefatise tonarls sud uerve. 1tried eve-y Stamach..Dympepula. sdand aIgestion, untul My mediclas econtlissear of.but utstgdonc me becltiavas gone. 1 had been doctos-tng con. any approrhabie goadunutlas advlaed te t try~ ~ ~ ~~= yor<ae at ueicnNtueTnsatly, vith naxarelief. I beugIoe ule or a sud ~ M Lionaia er uu- , - 'a" South Ânsntcau Nos-vine. ihue e mouse "'o rl batt*s i t I uaiaiytis «Man ur- good tissu any OU vos-lisof dactorntg I ever Prlie1fWiotidertqI POU'B'5 10cm Sthe utOln- dld lu my li». I vamld advice every veakly peu- sci sd gena e-os ytnIf eves-yone eont. unethis valuabi. and loyeSy remiedy . c kaev»t tevauaifiseed idaye vew botles cf il lias cured me completely. r 5. A Hassa.Eu-reas Motgas X o a. condes- ft te gramâset medicise lia tise word."- A swiGRICURE FOR sir. virAs' GANCE OR CHOREA. (JRAwFOiDSvII.4l»,I., Jane 22, 1887. _y daugister, eleven yeauu oldwuvs everely &Mloled with St. Vîlus' Dance or Cioreet. W;e gave her thr.. mnd one-haif bottine of South American Ner- vine a"d 4hé e sompletely restorod. I belle,. h viii cure every cameof St. VIW Danoq. h have kepîtithilbumy fWmniy for (vo yeexu, and amn sureItlet thse gretesi re Idth(e wvend f6r Ind getion and Dysp.epeland for ail feéorcfKvousUo= rdessa"iFalllng. = thU, from viatever eause. Joim T. Misa Sais.ded nd vor M befpre me thi. June 2UL 1887. usu' htauweeog10 Iton si ~d&, iasyouug. amtise mu- tom, oMt 101, P 1ta use tâb sprectoos boae à u e at a iatIL South Amerloas tops sudtu yuur ehesha. isyfli., ui y 'uIOhsns~ V; IL& de mal S at É"cmý Il DS

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