e -- - .~. t~. ~5 ~ ~ ~ '-t t' 't t '. 'e t um Ibsno i SIdyta"$Uk mm ibai,, hora yoebaU t n. buvii oi.w..la be, udor i de s 1vel&$ dae. s1111',3Oi 9 emlos aautg hrtaih ams liud mm, mia aad 6ml lun Iodiig ire8l toah.dy te iu Lnd îhemalper m arn.ar " Thra *vas biaise Mdveierila.no &ÉMthema;ieche ocks, md andhu he mor. Nth i oolvad h lsed usk ebeeralasl ia 8.sftulýaii ofyi Twelingu. o wllnvibe iw Thsvaé ao@Mali houa. sliin à Iad Peabaoud. Ôcl ndwt Ol they fouasd thia dorld ed. "au atrange," ho sud, ln a toue of anuoyaea "Ibild the relus, Jane, wlile 1 go lu lesté Lc roînurnad, angry sud sarmmdi te bis confederate. "*eboahm gne"» hà mid:; "paihap@ te botruy us. Nohing romaine but for ce te boat a rotreat. as-q uickiy as possible. What shail vo do?1 Wbr. saul va tdio dab ?' "4My cousin Muay have goe .fer a imlk," sggeted Mm. Barrai. un.smly. "18h. wuld neyer tbink cf beîrsyiug n. Be- aides, ah.e doesn'tuknov vhoa MlsWa Ah, vhat la ihai spock ponder on 8h51 And she poinîmd .agerly steward. Mr. Wilîuer Iaoked lu the direction ipg- dloatmd, and @moou pronouuced ibm obîet in question Le b. a susuI boat, and 5 a àtthi cuîiaîy revealad ihe fuel. ihst. h vue eccu- pied b2y a vouan, sd wu e hiug rapidly propoloed shoreward. As ibe boat came umaror, mnd the vo- misa.figure wue showu morm plainly, the exoernueexclaimed: les,, '. Mym a oin, Mms.Garsu. w. are sate now,, Mr. Wili.nr-perfmctly oef." In a tew minutes ihe keel of ibheoraftý grated apon the sande, the. rower sprang oui, sud M .Barrai maltad ber vith mmay peotesio f affection. Mma Gamao. vase1 a woman puat Middle mga. 8he waa taiti and masculinse Luap p.srsnoo; lber face wua str. sud etrongly mszkmd ; ber eyea worm demply net; 11mw bony forehesd waa shaded by leaks of ioni arey, and ase walked wiîb long strldes. She hud s brawuy aras, and &trou&, large, fretklcd bande.. Ail ibis Mr. Wiliner obsrvad vhila th. vonsan received Mm. Barraee' embraces Au instant lster, Mms Garmon riaed hersait, teck troim hea boat a long striaI et .frethly.csught fia, sud spproached Mr'. Wilmor. "Thie lu the genteman 1 spoke ot, con- six." uad Mma Barrai, following ber reas tive. 4"Mr. Wiliner, MW. Garma. Mr'. Wilmer'm niece la asleep ln tbe carialga. Mra. Qarso'îîpnshied back hen bonn,t,und sar'veyed the genitleman. uosnowly as shà gave lier baud. Th;ere vas omaetbiag about ber, despte the différenice it thir pensnal appear. mne, ithâi'enindei oei f*Therwell. O.pe. elaliy in ia ismost inter points. Mr. Wiliner felt ai once that ho could trust bar te miaist i hlmilnsis ntarious po. jouIs, pnruvi i er relations ware ulua- lihahed on a satisfactory baia.Tbat 8h07 sbould bu sr established, sud immedliely, b. datermuned. "Yon oeau drive in," ah.easld, brimilui a voice in consonance witb ber face. "There la the key cf the stable at ibe bock cf hà gaz-don.' 8h. gave hlm the key and passm.d luto Use gardon. proceeding-,ote h omse. With au- other key lie uiiecked the front door, sud adaiîîeti butself and hpt cousin ta the lu. terior of the dwelli*ug. «'I suppose yen are hary, Jane 1» mid the mistaoas ut tbe litielomain. 11iii 1gel dintier fer yen whiim yen mmm te your rooma. They are ail re&a<iy for yen. The. northeami rourn, tbat louka ont on the sa, la fon rpur youtig lady. Malte pourmoif at home. Mms.Barrai procmeded ta obey the lu. jonction.Sise reinoed lber bonnet mai szawl, snd thon waaadred iuto the parler, vhich the meatally proaaouncmd habitable. As as e eurued ta the hall, Mr. 4Vilmer made Isis appearauce, bessiug bis bleua in Rmîumuhtg ite the outer roesun. tome ad thebm inut él hef ibm sui aisooslMa le Ciiolils, drav off ber uunikamomeamâoaki plmced s pl)wunuder her himad "Oh. wilues' rocov0ro," a. mil'l8 lto w hm ytbrh4s bo.sIaug ' oui g .o cam visue. on i S&mastO bi The cotifetoertrérd fimathe. sm a%, lookitug bath deors.bhlo whI I "D e, iom ff ue t, 'M- I Wl I Kw. =14 hW led shusud, hom Meltet49 t be Mis. Gsrmb ui armund>prqoduo.&front à tinm ivn lufuel .ai m fi"ethe diuer mthe bai prepared for tuse piloner. loom. " d8 Tise.pi nrvu mtli> yllag *pou Ibm coach, butber lposition vmm hunge . Oh w vde dnily upon Otie point etfaakeplng. Mud Mms Barras, bot devu thse tlis p uas tabltmd reWratd lite tihe backgrouand. Mdai' sîrred' Sumly etroeffd eut on. band, pavused sud.ihea opueid h«ersu.. For a moment. she loobed vacaîlp ai lthe valà is hboui observimg thai ihey val,. net. îhosee etber ouan om, thom ibe conviction burei upoal. bar ibu th@h but oggims tisen beora. BMeo stite wildl.v, alrang up. boked rotand bar, sud thio ber cooteu- suce fel upon ibm faoe ef bor fermer gsolor. las aninstant ithe raussmmceofetaii mese upon vhich bci.bad osai br eyu came seronssber, asdai a tslaem lion et ber proment.position psuW o riber ushut. Wiîb a vild sud bitter ory, ah*snk bock "*Yen kno'v thst, poustW emt as homo nov, Miss Adua," nid lOue .z.geru lier toits billlux vit te Iriuipisof s petîy aud ignoble seut #"Tise ether dép pets vara nistr.em etftmpdusiinp and thai ot pour oncle. To-day vs aa niltremu of po uts. Yen are ne longer the free and hap pommer of an itmmense fertune. 'yesn aaprimoner, sudil aru had&." "I1as net ai Monrepes ?» &ho nid, vith aoîber glanies &round ilus roomi. "'Net. viîio it hbor as-heudred abee Lady Chala Paiud ber baud or bier farebead, as if le roomil ber ihinktng tacasitios. III raruembor me.lug Mr. Wtlumotbserm I tml leeoop," ah* mid. "Ho dragm aus, h suppose,ad osmed me ounte!os e boume Ir' The ox.govamassbovod uant. l'And b ho s breagst. me a buadrad mulu frontshomes? Wbeream 1hnow 1" "'Tai I asm tet ailiberty te tel peu," maltd Mr@. Barrai, with a disagreobit amnila. "Yenu aoke & damcvenies vbich peu nsai b.ensblai te do, or yoti can question our tunolo. Ho in tas rbiter et veur fate.' 441 ackuovledge no one bot misat mu the smiller et mi fats," s&ha nid andiser voice rang forth lisrly -sud rlcb' y, like îhe toutes of a ilver bll, tbrougb hli l tooUl._ _ _ CHAPTER XXXI. "u i a A oCameor vaucE 1 AV Loatit; net aem strsuge te jeu That bereoea arsagathlng more ou me. # -MooRa. Af1er a, long tîma, ad actuatat byhlith instinct. o! elfpoirvation ruhrbu San tisai et buger, Lady (Jiells anache thus litibe table,anud poueno ut. a cup of simong tes. Hor Orut. sîp et the bevemago vam giastefuli tobar feverad palate, snd,'-U aho diat eagerly, ibm foyer "asiateîaret avay t ram her liais, ber vision becaune perfect and $o uhe vas iaItpu.' HoRrtiri moromont vaste lok troas the Ber atoaishmmnt map vel b. imagIned 1ab bholding the vidu expausa etfuà« apres biera ber Same, rascbing almoat up %0te u 1dvollung, ie sot, matinug uurnar, as il 1la»ie t he aciing houi, ouudiug lik muwfeti ad goute mulo.BIse gaumotises. e ard, oîîcîng the tue or thrée.damia.i tfiaber's male, atib ton giamoAdai the barra.ý bracby aboe. "BHoy uoliiarp and desoato Itlobok$ Shr liteal ne hope et bel p fer aae tram wil. à oui," mb.mlgbm& "Hugh coulit nevr e tntmg '0hamro v if be vera te look for ime. Bol ho wil net look. h ent hlm avay, &ni raunov ho map be onubhsmvay te tise Cm F1 inent, And dmar Anus Dorutbp andi Cup sain Hodde ahi osigî .aahfor.agea for aM 4 viht it.luing miy dS pace 1ha a unyseif ne ide& vbereamus.,' cSb*s. alkod soroas lie ier oua. or twlu "Ym, u»1.he maneot, "IfMr'. Wller buw " rougbl me sus teodie, 8la intrBugis, am 0 not Sa, whe vould beui Sp nmi desti 'à Ho umuetho** »Y ope cbi uig aile" a to nm ag muppropmrtp. Hoe aet houg t. a m p ueon tisepl«fia t umai 1 Îwtib- lsu objuet. 1sam postve shati il inprivats boums, and met àm luast e à luc. 1Issu >ud" hobu%, resmon fer hi -z i fi* te àe EXIof kt be» e, ' a val bfpouw Uà.p, &' e nmomaoo't viii5lt 01WIedoi" . onas 110»b & bruit o s e1Is'av urb LadyChoRs 8.~ u bi pwod, aundi', eJlng ~111 et ie Iena I ... md ~4eup t..11e hklutfrer hgaa aIIokdu lmvl mm Xoh "i bsathah. 3.TauO~~i8 mimsiblae"l iai hugipnan. .j>,Weh r eéu. k»wqne . bjab "S o so ae pt Miprtàe i ~~ ups ~n .imoPur i.i.Okma v* uMream lve dpia erpo s puM 18u 111 bu ho au fin ifl a .smavonsbs ialo401011al pem ne btuk vnbPaýiOu 11m Amt" ln e u .<6p»ln A l ud' Bprdnfroystra ta myod,» Oin ud y« reeo. tsip n uxovrmmu nade bow nId Mr.Jpeper .ndearrlg abnm h ho y mp ld hgd p ba rw. m aorl. Î07M eiisAu; «'='.Iro. po -p -S, *bwugrem el a a l~o aopad sot ho amole .u<a&oL lth eerdspflgh06, ave yudhrUisi mtssd. "ýfl -hl et.dao is di. u .rs ldt m a lsp ionrd enV "nvbapb . lI hotbxtan o! mi.stig<,d*suosl al ie op î o.Ihaebepao tcy.î brig m toaccuaiforibs aos ou, t lugaepus aon ocuvg1 rprtc I vas s hn rii»meunimreat pou ta pou; o Iea r asa p he for «ste ooupd sey ath mounor. o e po u i Wr So is bis psong lc u. 0 ino"orplltl our 1 a. uIeas"bd ra pa uum Ati. Bth e ki oi euad m aearvdu itcu munethsi is s gc od l.'a'I . fuue am b ni bs a ..pu pemi on ffwo! ti e a ig e oira. h ie posibl tbi ii- lod tat uts4iscu pouste ber, sde. a il. i$aw 'd ýssud ntrpoWn uiaras in epaelymh hoba, exum l y nobe", the r aefre a mme fo wrdmhe rai -Ala aa str h ol on' ~ p~c ocmvld, pie t uouh on o!s hn Hae uvr aud br dgnaioi ihlletmeheano1OUX lbthe avy a, peravenbeasu c bu le rav mol obîldioRaee lam marne , dtlerl Tbmak o74msu - aroiiatd m@ioi ibtarysd&t.def« Hurn, pou sud ara motheet ea. of t- ", hmttingi onaoskebleath:id tevh 7patt1aveptuamiir up %ho nushe demade r "SI. -iit,"r; msi mot ho$ taiace tA bote -tigslyoii o boesuthe luxurine "Aa. e fpou viWb, uid i'yl-ur l' sscv esme syly idm'as vdi u eabilustiviia."1vud1k molto Wl n g immet id or snst"Idmo e t amp obarice o eca wee bl. orsi, =hovesatlenanranpotetà chmpm- bj ete Il ; o fr ta i s hmasduraionpour hte biar tiof paeoefalgisairepo 1 1p1w a bh o por nliiip'a oqut yero- t gir. e moru hshsi expai uuase'. tous rhsoo by iiashinguhimmys.Tht. muni csud te t is rm myID oin e- E a t vbséteormeou choc.., vas lbut bmenero. t .amial frUe u peru asl ibmy voni ah erud g od set ib ddhtul oe. "Yeh*m""Woren àzaot po obl h oIs ina>ot.n. la eîtro laistewrdmoa, tbwos o.ysm tous "jaemny sovaBuonc m."oe rapeivihin c ode r vide il. l ad e al, pu#pon lise methfeudaterafm 1' w pr W lbrthà o viinoairaoii ba ,xsand euho rou as c wafulud --3tP' sii buTnesa oncv ige lysdl from e eue pnn y r ato uearouit>*'IfroYeuicho.c»lmmnlordchuuopmp priso pheoa=lo p ou. le yul net mir eu aie f veli" ' . 1 viol misa e may, coiithe5md bo la alng'm ttblg u aneo fo ' auj iiere mandSer inmdibegnatihon fibm au et b. perwY, eausgi. hglmaan icca, "ubaiI ne idrISas ofuted iMuan g 1tbr1 I SI bm ar, amlIm' lmuy vlc ero a u lcd.sip ihaebcrayandr ta dhe amîm 1annd noises f, ant.iy. "îf adMir1bmu'do ogoniatinbe fthe.Md d idt atend ar pu inp acoaibidnu.fer Ye oroomomntimgneihi7e oa Abor. l ll Pm& be 'aleauod epa asoueftbu sàbooksa athe kuoer" hrued trinib, lae, aow'not tfl maia tfor wgaom ir iradsu e im purl1dsipih tctlUaipaa stla pou b pourmeIlbopes arefutle M. Wilharo resmuc. vir mo. inous uab re y«ea silf abouct tpreostione i sc asera m y«that noither S eopl se .effamig e o ufftnpuai ferne, ou ]bp'sruentl sd ul air me ccu Chall e Cptaisedl. osa sasmpisns hea U ithee sin se ordemenl, "i0f iy ou onouerus vih xaotou. h vuld on def oiectb&vtheob,.sharp oud dmbe for udutbespar. mmdausauuorthomcyI mould biool 4ro% u _1wgl -nt abaîa éat ipid oblie po spok hearlp v Andainfil pu es aeb pom4Y R a vur eat rssr alus.be boler houe ba Phmnm ots eery maens 1 o n.Bum bt virancooe lmg t b i ars.Ho elq ry ide mmd . Wal, 1 usy Ou h "d, r 'adi Mr. lmerm ta keep vib sud yardover bve eainedoe'A iuy uoare d vya" p- ris.m ýedgav r proiuteuitlue.uIap couatgi eelium up W010i 4tlew"Thalla, MyJa," niuete Lo sigl pourtbdem anmsonfmiderLady Clueilu ooa- ra d baviahs etafet. fth y ýi.eigt e i ran noce 'b amp ta d ratu noily. " a upbras oug Wti o m y, sbie or mi', as eanl a s A ilb, ou crooelUbe a v oyour fatie b 4as d pou au d mnt p y y cu e or.ut" a1 adtseaidalntyoau& nadnt h edbins yeauniesa i.pretfra a moti ibdM pr i cf tr, np. nTh la mp Il WM utmn lpu ara àopmaag , let y@ payie, u rt impl o a' dan nohabtet Toucforone" moment imapogeuivnempp. Ti. eilsth&&Bu. omibypo hronu ac ruBeufr, Adab! piaced blw e tusîte lmonvor mu apt ut ae box. nd*f uhenrImîl jur lae fahertbassiyon fr esaeo asmntda " mp .-rie 1 t ave uki'airtrs, honh immuidn."isnl' u m bsrd. voje mmd torela yo a leu ra mypabamif utpile obmiin cntentsifa evon ra so te I'sa stinha. akil t o usp de s edm mm lu eyte atnirr Ba. A e a u, d y? bisramuie,b s i« mea . m e tii.tsi u d i nr e tila Sir oZli o ui.capable oet bb "avon MIgotB8 irM i tsla 0» &às d vs loaidv vi a i rit'o et alak td e me Il = let na"rsoddLdvCeîa gl @vuiik,Ë asasauoud top ud andi ia ltbe l o igpea e, o'.s ejour accouait aim e u b h b t o caplet hat hr ned pressvre 4pinte h lt . mlo. seb."edwt àbà oi orài yxern c looknet .niha er over.in Ami. I tu am o f errsoig h eyrslp ehi e ete eet a letcur now, Juadra avar & o aa th " do n a 'Hgh bxefru t e asa idertheascoeisa m ililmueif ao a tt hedly f o w intib Chotila vii theorit.errysesutheoa-.si hnd ine hbng etvaine do ne'tlie atou "Prap lvol b evmit df r dmaifo '. t sd o..linot ioside e l hosli, ou aly gieaîouieh d'mdOs W68 i imm 1 repst "Iwh nt pR e h e hva trct oMn b . *bekii lea. ws ahtinr lfi. nf readtte, ou r vLad hia, ia i -ve erewandad by i sn b oele o! ibm Iid. " cWh e it bave auasmoftd %,pbatiif alicttem ass tomlr ollon OD"r " a ouidty, s a m .. Hiwl ouhttvi imfi Ilanoing fer fa "I arm udeda sso! eniu ui te I le vreha mi s LodTreihfiaotom d ibm bll a. p onurm, fy o t oc l euepr ut - ttïe*'n ent. Tho î 1i vls the n ouen, e ilk ed r as ibm ae ise er- aa olngmomthan aie euv îtis e a u- e aive macqa ei ae rtuhrdd e t. i l. mo.Iia &-lau seo a bid.t pnc h esb po andsimi o litu de d e surir a rmmd thes a suare ai, lura.i iithil Tha10 peamonagaBt e huib . 70avest Mi. £~~~~~~~~~~cevs Tht aobogh ouhîgtpilitte e bro er éiifneu vwbu t . nubt i rvergeîd i.Jspr i ' dfe, sudtpu appoeefcetalt o. rme.tieaée.t l bdn.io hn hi .d b lait bfaer ssiton ferk s ami * Yowae h"hsait booî e r aai tiwse uppakostai aaml b etie box.is bt ibm tap o dab, w obetamcont. terabl ' piano, mai' e or muceetainestrumenta, ne0attention cnrgdm m om sd anib ue n d otahe m r .te- luth lo oba gb: tthe ritlde mh Ia 11" i. omine5 Ws aàl sm ad oti5i em entirly tringhtatsufivoiprve'lyét - y 'amt4paxe no tenupinksgat ecti on," va meotur em andcs obead sikely onge m r» Aa t k . hi a en h v 4 pii etlrulii m cnetw à I~~~~în.Yo (lnt wut.i"' prousna n d usosddt bt1bva' d "skt 0PM I. b ive ou achoescapail te bor 0Vpat zonr othe tp a nd ia mç,o icmie m1uas eto etl o adia o va s ocrm s eud sv l b.da ,Chg ig battomnol 'W due, ër &Sdiaovem1ret l-li bi od compmI, ndihn o aguof mpion aven the rTot,.iJtisawuord Tressiflhm' vue anarthé 4iathe ini t. ono scae et t bur5sn ed onkeywlisu Ddtt ea, c-ong oad stm Mr. ut. agaiutould.bt s btresy ru oliang beriher te nocu ew. 3 h mf u hol ofotngwi. h Cheidm oribrin, itv ti ngIuoblàdsmetht.fl I I oin of Vaiastu ' e. p&et, sd satho c oetubuinss 4 n m rinut e ett m n es beivien i'llff LadyfCei n the oite h u ed aettt "lod, v a inuae at ngtiese Om vas mi thi dontol or a v iii et. or Inn g bm f orau of m ld. WS enO U si ' lnt ah o trge a J1"'su h h e u r s 1 bd viliM .big me ess v-Wihuyv h al l d ve8P! "À .open ithbre okofthe boxn d a ,< 6fmo e ns1or tmhallaani.oo ybl ' b. grsaîed of t .Edefoururtond andasavntr T a and, h jeit, e n"H o uai ne:a d & r f& W heugared giron ye mnspsub h e-Ter,"mi f t ern ' "SflltapampFÀi oishpyào snsbprl »Il ving-otisef me ave n p, te sri el hy ee i OUIUrO tmdet esaLod Taiaii rd uchaitet e all m tho yor hnoes bnus. < te pavirtIbm nuna, oDotimdIoely oua ~'ua mi7o thotlade wad a. mur, u isptu jf" u"rmocaihu, lce p n@leut oms w u ~ tdi blRu nmaht isa oogenmbitoh. pmid? I a Ilishlesiuur mnir t. Sltd n e t e nl o asi a a b li omen to conuieeda bl hnocsvenaoa ou r i ve i bae ravt oe anh pi thue- i ho .,b. p& ppo.-I us ad upn e rs udl th o tssa bu fore, anti p malhprefi c iaen ade L . rtoe he a etto itébi amurai drswer sithe or bo' imin mtiie'me o heuc lb. thechnlssofrepaibsttm 0re1e186 be me Yo wll ha ve»mod e luppoo r e , i ns hm% of ke aosIl Ide eployier.tl is friloi a pinnr ohr m sclst rme ntDO ateton -a bsinens wousl *fin ia rl'no- i n ative tend patuse , !avslther rh. - a oo&l vpn ittiap r, umeumolas I I ve.Te akg o &emt n- sos wietrb er lut q~lon m pri ab o1n ileutsuryset Is aiorê di .a,Myd e xaibaim t m n ut , I vii irs puditio r oas ber hmel, anA avepipessing a oin gold*'add fr&y le b obd imdea ah sa baelu rahru at on 1'0 e ft e'e&fi b m ES ue resm bd navedtsl rv ru thon usai; a edeolsakme n%. plu Th tmot ord Tu bu muia Qvails "OIMi O.and yu iU li e u ± > ~ 5sd bo"h.gau w Eu~tl the fin& AdiI&Ùm .*t8Of sn au&- k udo.ak<a-emd tc S h C 1tooler btse mk aponu% .4. ~fr lam pmo.ou' hini è-ul~iba frps~~iaosud 5ewing 5achiiiii aay~ ~ ~~ a akuho a ior AMerican, for sale lO to i15 per ce& w, £cwdkigt llty, thmiay other agent or dealer in Lindasy àcâumaty oVitîria. AUl goods guaranteed or no sale. W, W. LOGAN,. General, Agents Liudî*y, Ont Dy Prim. Whbat - Kind of Writing Faper do YO'U like P Vfonlid you objeot tà* paiyilg 5c. a quire for love. I y Writing Paper P )r Se. for 5. Lead Penoils. That's what w. oeil them for. Z£x 9 - LI d, c:ý 4D Wulem.hr, J.w.hrm, and donlen u Ync Gooda and Toya, 46 Kent Street, COUCHS aCOLDS. :an be eamily cured b>- using our ELIXIR 0F ANISEED. One dose neyer fails to relieve the most severe Col(], 25 cents a bottle. Dur PEPTONIZED EMULSION 0F COD LIVER QIL *ilI be jeneficial in ail lnng troubles. Easy tc take and wiil not disagree with he ost, delicate stomach. Put up in large boules 25 and 5o cents. Bw.gwy',DwugSudm Corner Kent and William Streets,. &dverttse m"The Warder. il..s MildionUn ish.t nforan he pblic tiah. beh@ hmoourod i lrgeand veuuble stocksd Wi.ntoe IWIlu.r at a bugalu, whlch ah@ viii salieti rduced pilo; &Wmie. b latenovoilth jep P a nd soisNewyork aîylo., amd la fui7 yprsputMdto volt on ha nu mroma patrons to thet «tWafodeâ,havlain a m do.m -ili ar. I*t.s clty stylo. in drdss aud mmm tie mmkiu& poola tt.m viii begiron te il. Panama tram àdistance watd *pou on Saurdm3l Cali and see. Ai are invited. RooX8-Ov Vain.à;kCole. £hmGoudab am% Dcliauyle«14azI door te A. HlgabothWo m'aDgStore. BOOTS AND RUBBERS* W. have just receive1 a shipment of BOOTS, UUJBB&ft3 ai OV&Et. 8ffOgS making our Pali sud Winter stock complet. SIEN'8 AND B0Y'LON{G BOOTS, Foilu and Leather, M-m's Laoc Feit Boots, and a fou stock of fine wear for men and boys. L&DIES' BOO"~ in fine Kid, Batton and Luce, andi stronger quiîIity ini OaLf Sàun and Bmiff. Three special line'% of lined fine Pet& Boou~ for Ladies in Button, Lac. and Gaiters at $1,25 pair. OEItDRSIN'S BOOTS saitable for welu weather, in all sizes and qualities. RUBBEBS and OVERStiOBS, aises. for Men, Ladies sud Children, nov complet. HOGG BROSel No.2nd, 1892.-1598- Ohoap FURNITURi GO TO ANDERSON,NIJGENT,a col tJU4ietakers -and Cabinet M-kr m mad»0sou siOk. NO trouble to show it. AUDIERSONa NUQENT & CO' t çt,. -' :1t~ r p~ at~7sud promnPt1! Poor Goods are dear at ~'wait.I '~Ahr ~ ~au I %e~e mi', ,~v. 19-f.ý .ter fer me oard."' Abei djme f, - àa àave a ,'iiiha damai>, 4f sho bouge, Be fo ..ldier, ggoIuti ,My pis «Y chil mur th "Zhve *agî do Spartifl h is areeabi you du i lak iLt t a greaL 5fr Tiue in Theoi »ace get ityji Nowt What %W 4eestao! ycur fat' in a Chr The % einee lJ frayels "" idý latberm iMding, diapter i -lheu Y( mane pr Cgofor mdyear tIsu you @mie l'ai books neî the Iessol matic anc " whuch 4Ed whieli ica, th Auttered rwbolese 1e. Born fatheî', h ab the titi « closel. arond ai fother. 9i vereknef ucene is s( * êtat if v'c il1Dow 3JUý would yot your meii Mmd yen Pather is clildren yer, o = dsug wî Eumiy pra 7USr mem Yfsterdav. =tgic o Mad yoti o Tb* br, *Md More, "bmd in Sh "leu, ai: etumtain àBa nie ofesu AND