ýamTF3 ~, I j Broad Na of~hei W~"n the -u4Iooream o >fte bui ios ways Perec aud Iurnzdshinge. That ftrm is u e 4. We donot aim to beat the world, but we do claim to h 'away ahead of ail coinpetitorlinterc h r -within hailing distance@ To prove our dlaims and 68t9bli8b our Iposition2 firmly in your estimation,v WE akyut ii stores, where we are i,'OLEAiRINQ UP THELMS CLTOBINGtETEBÂK Ms the resuit of Stook-taking we fBnd on hand a lot of odd lots gamOnt5fatmOZLtsU cf linos ini Overcoats, suits, Coats, Pan ta. etc, -forMnYthadBos offerea bo clear, at prices thst Émeea doflar bill ructis lu YOI Pooket the moment y ou learn the prioes3. These are Corne and tale a hand lunbthe -Bidn Solid Goodi for Mlid Money. Every line offered a Piolked Bargain, at 2BIE;oo-S-a A S SOCIATE STORE B-Peterboro, Orilhias Bellevme, Zrantford, loronto, KiLngaiton. KENT STREET, LINDSAY. goptai 49mmS K Ir j I C9.t e fmJvieleu 1 W e Take« Stock EtW eakl mLetaudo 3. . lerk.t o About the First of April. In the. meantime we will give û«b hie lim Péta Ropnai ofn inSMd * $10e f mre speoimi bargains to reduoethe amaunt. UeaTm&ClabCo. wM D s an _____ «o"t b" -77-1." - wHI derive strength and do UMd 1 Barg?:.::a:::::Z :: . ..l..* eery 0. , ffnd«pfle Lbonh ow on acuie rbut ealh kw lé u. m.. .......ai~O ~ t..d 1i h Oup OGmd Lodp st acuie-rbut ea-h- :. : émi ,,a 48lch," SIvrae = «m ws dà lut Uoq m ln&. .... . laOu i9entlemed'mCharms, " spectacle8. Twee ~ O~7 £va pmeefingun. ef h. gr.af o.Omh0 P.p olbs.. .. .........iule#i Mr. John Regbum of us, E1 RivM84 o uslm....... 10110240 sAg.I ll kiadasof Ringa 3 - "WFo NMée SK P:«z:::.w U:ter0 Mifaot Bargains in everything i7n aur lUn. sa.w*sFoaMl"8uab .........0atta)l imua z , mwuea&e #ut MdI »«WC1~1amfpqq swfio. avilof t»va vuok tt oIë a.:end.:.::.:z'fW. JaIT T Y TusSes M oeiu. , a. 0 au 0 s 1e.WlmsKocian mma - - - - loto 11,.T T huadim» ho U Tsdv*"ai1b£ift à........0 làW fa W? *0i Mab of St. -SlDwii'ab 8 "é Im&.domlaM..T"I:::::l: 1*0 *Th.e wele," 88 Kent Street~, Nezt the Dsley Hou.. dohohe. mUIION !mffl ........................_______________________ U M U on e milubalthévolt Qom........... ............... ebt ki .,..,,à.Ce., vu in .s rie0 arfax 0ut..f, hfk aS oit im b..a. UWfa.t~Iuri IO ns Uisl, oUoMlla8 ut 1 P. W% WoendmiOwtu Df.W4 .à m M to 11 ud ils oa à$ .isb ao vfbe mure s i a U15' md ' ' iOi.. M P.A. -@bon of iU. paw *4 uI .. Oit" e"-& . -'lIn Ma iSoM bme" mItuhO ~ l im hmuedte fdel 1Hu as1kal SOi, IEZE by~58 ~~t 5m.Tiloou eupeli u aie lhl.lti hal Za *0 #Uwm naoo l&fmlus belwe itms là#&s *Ohmuel1yasaIoul niul tîsteu q R.b ub ..ose ~uw. WFU NU ~ o. '.IG~L N ~Aa of domL et mm tesivateBt m-eev jNï0 àî MwML _l_& Xétîtibotp" tOr al«lat h M To Rent. Park Lots 8 and 4, veut o1 Alber raeLIndIB,' toiitaining nia, acre.. Will be rented chemp fo a mom of yesrs, if necmry. te a suitable tenant. rot W-1 t& aPP to JOHIN DOUGLAB. Apru27 m, 0-UChier Constable. ort Hop. mCoinpIete Manhoodi. j AND110W TO ATFAINITr.E :A Kedical Work that Tells the Cauises,: * *Axmibes the c Efecte, - Points the Retiedy. ! SceLtifical the most valuable, artsticall- the: Co:bauit medical book ever .?6paer pge beaingahalf-toràe flItutiun aC Xervous Debillty, !nip>otency,: i stefflty, Developtnent, Vaxicocele, The Ruaband, Ths ' louItezading Xarriage, etc. - jEvery man wbowouldknow theGm-nd Trth,: *th PlinFaca.the Old Secrets and New D)isco% - = - crics of Medical Science as applied to ]Ma.rricd= LifeWho would Muoe for past foilie~s anid- *aod future pidalli, shou1d writ. foe iç ~WONDERFUL LIT-1LE BOOK.z jt h ii be sent free, underseni, while the edizion: bite A&ddrcss the publishers, ' lïkrII mBDICAL Co., u ao a. 3uuumhuamanuuummumaauIa lissa saaaaa 'I al a- BWEEP1NG UP THE COUNTERS. i 3. il E4~ I 4h 0 zm o- - 1- (:3-0.,Ourc:3-