Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Mar 1893, p. 6

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- - - I M htMI Ua mOucd ltalb. arched ep e t the.1alallié "M1ieDan, Therwe1oe* iM u. Md .". ait~ mal i quare mabagoquy Sia W. béï b 5gbm RIg. 1 qbépeprivate pipais i ,meavilible il q umuaMIN UV' menia[d wltbaàgeld vruib e b. tqi4ep, ei.Iepo md h. pr"lisnk.vr bl éh u t yéa hW .be4tom vhlcb .pene< >gusu di hogold baveluin m the vhu a~p b a buoa bot Oakehaw, . àhbm hie ppo eds ta S" Mydorait i sla lu .. have hoard lp iM% t-4u.a~ ..uiju uee ~m vagille vicet moire pli.. thal h.isdo-'1, n u v" elfor thlb. %oancet àoeemiuyihimg .F "ale.Look for ik."ltm s Iavhom iide had oond.& d, mdho wuve, '.We a ems"e~i~ muompanyl %e. 6" whiô i.te oeoyta l'If youPiste., Mie. lide, I iheulo 1 a M &1iemueiu Ov t 7011e UmV a couple of men-Servants amiluté-* mome BIhtde nsue~dt a »u oue Véry proevilus round in the gardensus ihie b en pelb.oi.la s ici irbl. ag, & Mté oun w t da*om y jeu mbi h u,, "oes 0 toun to-o ud 401a Mreuâ vuged lIi elIds ,. theievijki havgtha, Mquffdedber laVer, viteb lokof etloveéamd "you have doue weilI,Jarutin," snid bléj . "1 ehamair t uhl d&"ui M mi trea. "W. bave.benadtlq"ed0 »Ntde_ à ; nov l! I 4loï vroyz % u ali, busqulok rMing illiii te op feelover gaieî oewsde vhlmh I1lWb My hume.", lut lime. We viii tari as eu" cbr.ve muigwmr hdlt "W. will ride thîougb the park, pui t~hé is ieruewab ibm ibid.etfa @m.ding labe, and go eut by the lover par t rie,and impatiently .bampiag lb.ea«rsh mid Ilde, ln a low oue. "Ride quilU % Theyoutig noblem« autveiop i. hi.. uîil we reaoh the vosd, doie eray b. oohd himy avwordand a bouch ontied beard."hlm, leaped upoS hiit ao, aud Iherode 111 dont know but I dld wvnng le dvi. bhuit te lde. bertago, e.ud. ."PerhapMarail *<lll Dat"ho nid, us obi ettud.d bbios Jeu re .nn.o.eeay. TherweU UÎid ber gpunileteJ baud luntaou eof arweil, -si uie p the paper, Il 1 vere le demaud à%as, bol, jeu viiipermit me te bhome jMr me fi@ 1 oroingnMiyreveage. 8111, soert. Yen mut bh.runingmanj don- ts mie aiH sure, ah. had boiter Set il. She gri uin derlaklg an adveuture 1k. bie nid eh. wouid b. veil ateadea. Doubk Von do net knov whom jeu may mets on liés, &ielabo, hâtit a dosamservante Irih thé vay or enoounler at.your journmyle eud. ber. 8h.i esait enough, vhoever »Y lis Thone eaub. no possibie lmpreprleîy lu my lu lb. houe." b.cemil t he tourtit of jour Party Muy mort 1Deepite tiiii e.if.asmorauce, thé vomame than If l vote jour brother. Shail -Juâ« manner wus un.aey. . She half etlarbid la il. lido ?" pereuit of Min Dre, and %héat ohldiug Yb@ m naiden heeltt.d, epmellljos Kil. berésîf for hor folly, aitrank buo gl D Aradal. looked ab ber bieoehlngly, md ibe shatte et the lîttie Buo.1 B5IJarmln u mhuard teastler hie appýrovaief ettading shore vhafootatept vere huard 1.rqe. the ib gravelled walk, lev and cami.ons "If jeu refuse me,$#oliudh.ve wou e rsdietiîîguitible miehandcuiqiol, eaci u oonte V.dt amd v t1.rLt b efdr olvjour ueps ab alttIe distance, and Tmerma. ' voe one dsd alone..'I eould Dol amlp ilIf worm le go emth ase ive lueeufus ludofmdnemrn, avare of jour oxpmuro ta dangr et"helat vi o le' vsfiise u~. d 1 shallolther govlsh jeu or tollev Butesee eulatio ln. ittoutor jeu. Wbich hallbs ibe But hm oul g~theinoilngtro ihIr lido mtliiremalned undecied, vbma, Worde, oxoopt that Titerweil -lid viima gl&aolgup thé rnid lu the direction ot àod signet the document demand.d bj the Xdenoout, eh. bshld Hoadi.y, the ton. lunkoeper. Tbeir bueuiewue evidenîl, epr, adraning rapidlj', as if deiminue ef e.elud.d, and there vere ne ailiueleneUmm# makiag himeoéi tuoualnted with thb.main- te the iisraot'i dmuqhter or te the approïoh. bt tl.Itl ru.Rrdosw a lug marrlafie. Thmy paieod horslauonthet. a iegop e oiil a bever, wling lewly and aliîet sellmtljj "evtauLr Tmeli"e.nd ohmetee et feinberconealenîmmeqaalkly. "And nov vo muti hurry ou oui «opt after &bin, takig car. iabahr f00%, vW". Coine 1tl eObpe ebouid net h. beard, sud ihaib e* et the exemple by Igivlag the relu le Mei moveaets abeuld b.e creeed bj lMe ber fiems Arabha nd ber eompanloue fol- beeho..loved suit, la a bey moments t ibe"ff. la this vay tbey pasume atheamis. mm- nabepor le" bmeome lesta vl.ew. aienan aienteed ito tho dutper ebadeofe lbe lawu. 6 The travollore mirtod West Roxton, More fuarioso mev, Mm .AMrjrPI Mmd omtiumd their Jo. rney, but no lougme' earer. lu compl*et.gmoce. Euoouîag.d by ilio The coidratea, se ber gl!eadlmaPPeli%-. napekion ijunpaihy ef ber lover, 114. told meut, *eolj rteiOatedthmr mutmdl i. sométhiug oeth1.e bjoet fber Jernoy, u metm,"mmd hO o uparatd, lb. ilsid mi i rquuhtid hi lmaele nlu arehing aluhMor departing ber Edonville, sud for 1h. Important piper. 8h. laid hlm Thaooilghtlug a olgar, and valki lto aie. e ouversaiilen thé bad overbear ulewly cop and dcv. lbe vide avenue. lu Edoneouri grde ons oemuThervel Mm AÂmrjioobod ab ienlmfront behind a and Hodemjiinvln thés, an actual con- elump of ihubbcr7, vlth g!oaming oa, aielao xe aginet 8ir Allyn, and con- a eutull et pamione aîbatrmd. fBdod te hbiee aurace etthe mysteri- Porhapee orns mysterious inett avmed oua semt oanLlioenorning lb. mahoganjp him et the prsence et an muomy. Wbat. box lu vhiob the piper possibly might bc 4vmî thé causeo, It vaucertain %bas b. stop. ooncoaled. ped abrublj, loed &round hlienea ' I aeuld 1ke te bnov vho Mrs. Arnq md thon hie Smgaieuled open theo vem, an:," &eha nid, ihoughtfully, vhen te h h vbe vas plainIZ visibleo te hlm. oonluded bar rnuiWs. There le a mysery Ob.e prmee.ta atrange, veird plitn .as aboul ber vhlob 1 emanet tathom. 8h. bu Mhe stod ther.. buova Thervoli, islei.évident, but whore Et etaggmoed baok appalled. and vhen, and under vhatî clrournetmuo? "I-I thought eh* wus d«d,P mullored Aud for vhy dois élhodésire revenge ?' ThervoIl, unconscioueiy, hie amoothue "Perbape eh. la hie vif. vbom h. bas de. md blandneu of manuer gene, mmd a oold iorted," euggestedLo Trd Tresîlian. perspiration breaking eut open hie large, "It cannot hber th. là aider tban ho le tonditat.. "Alive t alie 1 mmd hon %0-muoh eidler. Ber har ia gray and ber ruin me 1 Alive, and .esr ber rivena» faco le wrinklod. I arn sure th. cunot b. ho groaued, Involuatarily, but îuelaed is whlmit. Emeides, bo ià ta. cati i4as le tblnk himeoif by ieaninîgaa t rioe. The eofuarrying agalu vth ornet wi lu ini- abook otfselug ber haIta.e udd outild oce. uuprepared fur, that heotlb iserésence. ef"Then abe maj bu his mothe' I.' mind deuerî hi,, hie couru p bade av.j, "Impouelbie," miel Ilde. 4"Tb.y do net Mud for a moment h. vaa aiment paraya& look ain . thel aike. Boudu, a& mether But oniy for a moment. a eein nvud have penuod ber seon for jears vfth The onai>g ave ulterance se amlhngtoughts of revenge. Ihave canvaum dai- As thbu utile parjoet dventurr oie Icietly onward Kate Arodtle made noetai i.mpt te intrude lapon lidla alen... lu ibis manner thoey néesred Ede LAsc, Whou Sir Allyn'e daglter ba ioévien.a célnwr.d Lord Tre.oeliian, and vbere e bai huruedti rom huai lt.eveet cld etory a love. Mdon LAk abolbd nver ieekei lovelier. Kat@ Aredal. urvoyatlit ithibreu.ved ap- precliation, then uttered a frighteed tu. elaînation. "Wliat le it, dean ?" qoutioed lido, armeed trou ber plemeantrauce "11a m ure Iate a anàau meler lylng o« thé bmk," vas the igiawimmpoutte. "Look, lde ; he rae hie bed md loh ai us., Wl o gn ho,130e? What cau h. bu tonete n :Park at ti boeur V lide glance itltdiroction iudiute mai bohi the figurecof là man atmbed lu a esehasattude- ulpan the ground onthe =vth.re ah. huit tirat somu Lord Treell- Hoe hu ais ed lie* hema. ad bai ibe mprung up Igbtly, auad vas advmaclng te- van lb.é ltui. p.vjaia avili end u«V Kit. Arms ieureti a al"i serein Buti ldo, vltb biusb.e s.ace o e mme linbe am.rlght, reungubwltàiseoGu of ber rooeent terrer asoncew meVeIa àw ntlet,eh m ore à b vô 1W% have a couple et boita botore in, Gay," hoe nid. "Durtng th&%tlime vs cia otialiyacoeuspllsb ont objuts..DW ou'se Te Lord Trmmsliian, vho dld Do% Ibor- euqhiy comprebenîl ha uoeity, thé oxpe- di on b.d som.îblng cf a quisoule air, buî ho conoed 1bit ovu convictions. reptylng that if tboy alet k mhbould not h. hecàumo i.y derved falut'. Wtbeut. waittaug bu gided avaj in the direction (4 t1hé. auslan. Tt *million at hut cuetook bih leb.., hie dkfuéglovmin bis mauner ueger mai ".1 bave feani a place bj vhlc e o am enter," ho exolainmmd. "PrÔvidence te surely befrlondling ne." Ho extendeal a hand &t eaod o dueteil Utheover hempeoft menry, arouud thé corner oftte ubouée. amEi paueetI aste a iorvjr ful p h b r vc> iý Mmpoay Re.haîtcovdenlj alread «,gt hedlb etreltgth -4 tbe 'attrMmd d onti li avaliuule palis e t veakes, W fomter a 1~~~~ve julloooaviésekd Wbb, 7asi qnrr!. 1 vIéthe waiJ bladhW%' 1 t t ~41, 4, i 't, 'f. hie m14 uïpre bèwm *Ml Die, qWy. .~iqJ em mitâffl -b "W.aseds, brce.str agl band U-Y.annr manier. î.-, **Notbttg but- «' I,41Àunsvered lu a 81vre huh hl* ol bu * m or Imabik rmt é t .m o rtbe ? Y h :1 -f hou ht ine rgomets bai eau. "Thy hve oavin*,edme oet ilg ex:%& ithat oui Bytes ehould be&mpmt,' vas tho tpons.. ")d leu reully think me me lest te malaleniy dmicacy, 8ir Hugb Choili, e seuheleve ebali I wouad acceps th. »oaety sud proteàtion of a buabad whom I galued la amanner o hich 1 eou- not, evmn tiiü inbvîheS blushea." -But I b.gg.d vou te take back ibai misérable bin,' be pleadel, his fair face aimoeî ae pale as bors. and f aly as carnent "It la I who bave te bluh-net yon. Your cenduot bas net heen iadelioate uer un womaaly Oh, Adah.ImIfI ouid but bave met yuu befare, if I could but bave kuova jeu. I nover Iuvodti! ûn ov, but I1loe. jeu viîh my vimlenseuL I feel 101h. veny depthe eofnaj hein g a convictonea hs th ae b bride ldtmndied forme by des- jeu n o v » anig et me.» year.oe aquaintance are nes requfred te toi me bovgeed and pure yen arm 1Imau rosi jour noble equinlu o=r ees. T'e danghter ef Adani*lWilmer cudbe me- "lmu thmu good, trno, eud pure. ='àlipe quavered, and &h.i ookmd up doI ave »be id ,er e lbilel ýM uspiejelboesudaus0et ibmw lia MW înldoc me e amu e h mmupa Lav hiemdoaine.h, a ~ I momd, e . etmm b w lu ami, ieitbdulezex . tdl eias gund. ver bis private pOesesi"e "4Thaismême to lundfcalo thai h. bonsoinsm. lbiag vaubl, id flde, bepobully, s I led e wa vs Thervelh'a noua. 1Thue lib"Ing, Ilde maged asiomesil ibm mroh. The curiaine von dravu acrome the windovatheb. vax-uanlupea th. naule.pims11gbrldg sud tb. thrft met te verb ta explore tbe ebmqmbers lbcrogb!y. L.ord Treemuiiu= ; l9 iffl i te M clusi anav plua wirt Ki. Anedl.ezaamiuod the baob -et picttuos i uarôbd prienwrl thlb eclier It mon beumme evldenti Ia ebxVas net ln the parler, sud Lord Trussîliha. r. marb.d ihal Il vuiemtprobable ibai Ther. vehi ebenld bave cavnled the box wlth hem ber jeara tbroumgb his varions Journejinga &bd thas, la bis opinion, tho documentva bldd.a in eomo article et furnitu te. HWfautanboure aveut, investigation oea- vluoed thom Ibal the piper oould net bu la th. firel nom, aid they preceeded te %bu seod. Bore a dosât atraod attention, mmd Ilde examlued it. vhl e Kate busiod bormelt vlth the turniture, and Lord Tre- eilian pasoc lut. Ithe h.droom. Thoelok ub vas anmd fitet up i tb lu- numerabe divisions, in emah et vlmlh on e pichet. et papota, lettons, e. lidoe coed over lhou vkih a viid hope eft Snding tihe document ibuse creil lu itoau envolopa or tied in one of th. pichet., but ibe hope vas valu. 8h. th«on ed obr etten in ber faîhor vbleb euigi pcmebly tend tu crlmînale hlmt, baitnom ere there. 13he meancbmd ivory nok, aounded the va"ieOe thé desk, but aH In vain. As e&hovis about te déiestmmd tara ber attention .Isgvbere, a packet et lettera 1ton trout mome bldden acok, mmd ibm teck thein DP eaelj, hli.ving that asnong them vmu IMonddeu Im vitln compact. They proved. hovover, la bu aimply leitere vrittom in a veman'e ba-l O"Perbape %bol have somnetiug te do vath Mm .Amry," muem i do, holding them lu ber bond. "I bave a conviction gbal ihey mom.hov bave rotorens e n e.", 8h.e untied the pichet and perueediie lter. Tboy vire a&l brie4 aan god lmpl* "M. 0." Thej verethe fargalus poaile removed. trous love letem bohng cenebed lu bualnea terme, and aivays to hd elc lIma i""wvuquit. mie, aid ibai the iten d.sed mmoreounel. On.eofthlb lolteres usgu.d IYeur doster, M. G.,» mmd n"où alwon addneumed tu 131ydma brother."1 "I1 dld not bnev Therveil bai a .ile," nid lde, hait aleud. "go 1 bave maie ont ieoverj, leue if unimpentant. Wb"i cu ah. mian bj 'l'? Net ibm piper, et ceure-ytvbhy nol? If w oe-und tg hure 1 balbelleve that lie bai plâced il lu tbe cireoetbieselsior."1 Witb a glancest ber friomi, IBd e mit t tâb. vindow and ioobed oui. "h ita morning. »md I bave net jet muc- ceeded," nid 11dm, ahuel deapairinghy, as ohi quitteal tbé vlndov. "'Corne ber. dean," xolaim.d Kit., vbe vas sanding betéo a aique Inopi... et turultarelinthe parler. 111 have explered erything but tbis cabinet. Do jeu think ituoanbe b ore!" 8h. plled open one etftthe doora vith a little diffioulîy, and bad hardij don@ no vbon tbm cabiet foUll e the ber vill aa crash. Alarmod ai Ibm noie, Lord Tressilllan bunni.d lu bren t ho bed.charnbe,. "II dld net meaun se do 14* »Ii Kate, looklng frt m 1dm te ibo viscountý, deprecai- lnghy. I% e nut ml tauli; th. -cabinet in ea very aid." 41Ne,à in uoi jour finît, Kae," sai L.ord =ralion, etoopig to examine tIse cabinot. "Is bai but three tope t stad upand vbes jeu opecoïd lb. dcc jlu palledîil, off its balaie. I hep. no ont hourd the aote&'» "Tho serisuearn prolasbly in Ibeï mura- ing alumburs, vbiu hey èan leasîlikelj le aaes, nid ldo. "la tho" nmihag lui the cabinet, Gay 1r "4Notlng butduel," vas tb. repl "The cabinet muai have blomged le lM fermer novam ofetOakaba, msd the màr- vaita have pus t here, Ibinblng -itvalu- abie."P "Yen bave fou" d Uoihl lain %hobo". gratelly, a teur guunmnang h- long mbes. "The roniantia elreumamuesattendiez our aeqaaintane," sabs nid, **bavo lavecs- ed me vith a factitioas interes inlu oui mimdi, Sir Hugb. Rad jeu mei, me la ocetj jeu vould bavepasedmeby as jeu have don.e thom1)Dot met i'ofr vbai I canuot ive, 1 beg ci jeu. W. cau neyer h. mone teoach eher thm a v an mev. I vinll ul ju hj. » Sb* ui dovu upc. the benêbts rou vhicà oe h aire-entij aril ' ,and meîicmed bhm t. a out huide ber, but ho ah.eb bie bond sud remalnei aton lamg bis teli figreagaisia temdlooklug downvp. onbe vib ayeausig mdm .rrvlSam. The hurt of the yonug bride pbàed etrongly for hlm et ibat momems. "18ar H.gh, I viii h. froubvilla yen. I Wini laj bon Mr aeul te purseutuj end loui ilibon ay la. nlg Myl dése simin. DundmglbeM ofetimRu.* uu sorc om I lteterlu mea love . ef cemmunlen. I dresimel ploasaudreama 1 knevvhy Mr. Wihmen.p m but up en a oharg e t husauly, m1d i md te fa- el that I souli jeu defeal bisedisqgue, i I aold h. dolivu r ocre.bis b"al @Ooepulant gentlemen, vhs.1 marr, and .ndov vih mlfortune as a Dort etfrovard fW hiseblvsirj.- "4W.ll rI"qUeslud ibm young baomet, as edm ~a ifreiousmitecontinu. 441ua l gd M lnnbrave, mroug, Md md mout," am tueh* Safo- JUS berseli6ep on, "acS MetfCheVallo EUard, 1 nppoe%" mmd ah.e amlald aitly "'or a siuer. 1I magineil 0» Who mei et dauger, euinouated osaclma, vhe vu noblela v" «taen ofet lmlita, vho vwu ina ibeit pure and vilbout e. rorac. Ne doubt yen tblak me foolish, 8Sm Hugb," eh. addei, blushiim. "I daimnfam H ad ni ite bomU n. i... l ,:Uhave beau lusroumatie linaMy Sit Hng bai llst.ned te ber vth biuiing fiamd qiovlng syua. Ho nov spohoeag »d aummdmn anaoned bones. "AÀdab-Lady Ch"li," b. .xclaim.d, "jyour idemi vemld oaly hbe otby et yeu, und 1 cul aIm te rmeamble it. 1have beau vild sud toc"l1sb. ave vast.d uy ptnlmu open mou vbo anrt oviby te bMy a( euite. Ibave lhved riosensly, liateprodig m o-but, miter ail, shore le good lu me. 1 bel as lmes noble lu- le" timt wihinM ". flnow th" let uSomplle.d The love et a pure and sro vomi. vou bu uj rodimipia. I am »e«vm" hutoUleemai,1I l#ve ne anubi- ti«141 hm ot *0oýp" tIo. obleve vould «I r"ecmand bave Wài e But àé h. sbcbabe ud ndly. 4"4Marrâage," eh. nid, ila a1loueon "oaoni h. ouded %m aa basie et mutnai em . m la m&b. 'umosi happy nlous ibée majlm i m e ua diburetâifetoplul an md. at suli*eA% 847 lî s. OUM ielde lu rwembered tai migmilmi lut. a grave or- rer., If v.ver. te asospt our morrpage a anm*oeteur bom as wU eli bww1 mai oeldUs ver. le urbe beîvoea us, you eoW ulim " bilte roaI! eur mm et i be dor 09 tbhé touIeder, jor dempciir,aid the. bribe byi.hI"Mstedoà. Ton migliti, pa, tian " ilabelong ter. ven-d heI,a&iduvwoul-' Aàb-ever" ho lulsrrupied, ~rtuPuui7'I an ne BàY*ri or 0IinY," te vs Ml of biùtoruà,"bi 1as ne u MW hhltouât jamn.itb -dà "Iame, , t ~th.4UNILady joi YOS W u, v b" eo.4tt ~*~for nsarly ton yearu againut au ~I~ia a agÏt.agided vlth Our sldy tInde élot mcu> ýuy cutoî#B plmssed in heir business gl Wwi v* -u011 wé àterelaiS thanka te Ouir me 1icyidd ad tii. public gênerallv for their generous muppoit. Esuèmber oui stock in second to non. in Ibis couaty. Ousmmumt is the but aud youa wihI recive - ob.ttoi treatment front 5U7 on. than from S.J4 PTTY, Or". J.weJo," 89;Keut 8tr.et, 19t tiiDaI.y Hu. What Kind - f, Writing Paper do YO'U like P WOUMd :OU objeot to paying ôc. a quire for love. 1: writing Paper P Or 8c. for 5o. Lea.d Penoils. That's what we seli tbem for. V-3 1U Cgr IE Ah. Vd c 0 ý Watchmokmrm, Jreweloen, sd dnlera in Tancy Goodlasud Toyu, 45 Kenit Struut, Lindeay. lb. o, bide, oud*Pmrouh avMn ma la& eb.ud." @id 44thèm on eden. SuaMiyth" voli Wb~ b teu hastu bave tb. vooeld dsus yessaoekp Md the romtion et naiuDaum.My aiMls pressac Wii bons fa ""ion an &0as le b.$wmh, Mmd I-I viii go tOWales, or ebroid." Iviii toovour mule," sii tbm 10e10g bride, dlg "4Tha mater ie set- iléd i. th&$ 1i I a cmol ok y, toauS me aa s, i rogH ut it Y"vo uot bu fait le Misellh o @" a YOD je aj nov butoro jeu oa ay u rset l ber. Ce,. lu sud 1mb. lunon wC=lh us. Before vo pari téover loi uni break bresd tot«aiter tb. Arab f"sion." Cncentfthe ey.. Ibai yereupen lb.n, lthe yonng couple enternd the houte. andasou<gbt the draving-room, frei hieh Lady Cheliesemmau ter rntired,- lesving grand-munia d rn-nephew alene. l tbe a 0ptei hm Ofetlb vahored birj E Rghconlided the atory of tbe MonuSn'a events, adruoeived ber-varmnet "'Dur, dean," naid tbm listlo old lady, biing dovu ber staff vîth a beay eouud, "'ho* fooliia joui E folk& ame, la b.esureol Il vaant e. Whou Ivia. Young. You muet bave misemagd ibm butinasdreadtuly, Hugh. You aivaja voie a bianderer, and A" he .deareiand mut Apited crea- ltrm in the vorld ; but ah. in preud, and doman'î nov vhat eh. venta. A Cheva. lier Bayard forao.th i TIer. are net mu et timat sert et men in the venld nov," and MiseDorotbysmniledgravely. "«Doardeai ane, if il ver. Dot forue y ou twoyoung i&- nisvouid ipoil afl jour bappinees for lite. Thmmk fortune Irve ne fais. de.icacy about rtn y note itoal ther poopIo's C8nalce. 1 sivaje bail a taste for med- dllng, and I've Sot a chance te, cultivale il "Bai, Aunt Dorothy," .xehithelb ,yeang baronet, "h voold ber-vnosuan aojbar. LIdare say teis ighi'miter &IL 1 kuovIam not vorthy et ber. Aud it1 did net tur that ah. ould metsmoneu hotter thai I anmm»d repent ber marriage bond-"» "FPiddlicks 1" mmtrrped Mies Dore. elby, tsstily. "No vouder Ada did net vaut je,«im M o sae me vius ta loi hWrgo, Ïv M t bidbeanmmeand in jorplace; I veuld bave sbowa jeu a dit- onu tonclusion to lIme slory. Mot vorthyj1 Humpb 1 ha trie jou un & 7oung acape-gnace," she added haetily, as if fearing b o late hi, by bar previone *jsculaeiou; "bat, bleus you, Ion cmn grew betherI t. ce't jeu? Lewr e malter lu I y banda, RutE . We'fl - if old Ana% D.reehy "DI 0 do otebingY" The ropaut over. th.y stood lu the porti- oe, mmd the Young baronet extended hi. bond là adiÏeu; ber tac. p.Ie a liue, éod au earmas xpruasicuappeared iu her danh orn. "Re«mber, AdaIm," he whiaponed, eoft- ly, ville loven-like arnetnea, "'<if jeu ever need a friend, cmli on me. Altbough 1 am n. Bayard, I vould glady shed my laut drop et blood in jour defeuce. And vitb thons- lustwords et miugled Io" and reprceb be vrung ber band, ma clovn the stopa and burred avay, vbili ibe Young bride Ieoked atter hlm lhrougb a met tsa tr,and asked ber own beari l ah. bad doue Wall. CHAPTER XX VIL "I nl"i LS APTi LovE Eam" *'DY heav'n, thaes aresson in ibis aspect 1 Tbat cuhagloom, thone oye.t tat pour ce That tendd body, snd thome foided anme, Are indicatiofaet ortus ed mmnd, Au&blma equal vilHainy and shain!M -8namT. Aflor th. dopirtur.etofSir Hugb freon Mnepoe, Lady Chelliaretired te bbor ovu aparlments, vhere she renîsined for au hom or ew in o l itude, giving vay ge ber natur mi regret.and endeavoring re etrengtbeu bu vavemaind= viibthe arguments thai eh* bad&7 i we declining the ptoffurud protection ef ber huabaud. When " eh.ne turned go the drawing-roou, ber kaon. sighbed gent ohaervedi, with mucb mintal satisfaction, th" %our face va. very pèe, sud tlat thon %ae dark fines under hbu avec, as if ibe bai bea en ooi.' a dolia. te comment on ihoeosignaetfmore than tniendly.intereat in bar grand-nepbew. AND COLDS* Can be easily cured b>- using our ELIXIR 0F ANISEED. Que dose neyer fails to relieve the most severe cold, 25 cents a bottie. Our PEPTONIZED EMULSION 0F COD LIVER 01IL wili be beneficial in ail lung troubles. Easy tc take and wiII not disagree with the uiost delicate stomach. Put up inl large bottles 25 and 5o cents. i *w..wyUl DBul*eu Corner Kent and William Streets, Advrtio m The Warder. EUmuéi hhswlfr l » thb%blatah.bu emuSnd a large and valuable sto.h or WiutS à, M ailm at bru, hl h iie Il at rsducSd Prim.; &aie b. B15I1 OWMh in Publ md Ne. Yoek sylesmd u fily pnepued to vals ou barurosmpt o bthÉr etawdfn. borhylg a fut ohm mIllir. LassaI cty styles in drus. »d mente makiug spelu &Us" Mtio vii .ivea te aIL.Parso». froua di»s t ed upos n u at"udp. Cali and see. AUI are invited. lOOMI-Oru W...à fCesDx" Goedes teve.Dehmy EIoe, t mtoi ,e A. jglb.ihe'DM teve. 'BOOTS AND RIJBBERSO W. havejust recoived a shipment of BOOTS, ZUBBER3 and OVEL- 911OBSniaking otr Feu sand Winter stock oomplet.. IIEN'8 AND BOY'LON' G BOOTS, Pilt and Leather, Men's Lace Volt Boots, end a faui stock of fine wear for mon and boys. LADIES' BOOTS in fine Kid, Batton and Lace, and stronger qua.lity ifl S3aSin and Buff. Tht.. specisi linos of lined fine Fett Bootsà for Ladies in Batton, Lace and Gaiters et $1,.25 pair. CE[ILDREý'?iS BOOTS imitable for wet weather, in &R sizes and quilities. RUBBEBS and OVERSIiORS, sia.. for lien, Ladies und Children,r now complets. HIOGG 1.y BROS., C>3 IILwC>C> M Nov. 2nd, 1S92-1598, Oheap FURNITUREl GO TO. ANDERSONNUGENT,&aicou KENT STREET, LINDSAY. 71 Undertakers and Cabinlet Makerse W.1 uid 9 our stook. No trouble to show ite ANDERSON. NUGENT & 008 - -~- - i *1 *~j~4jand promptly *qW«tecm lirA wt wr4 Ela, Yoi crag boa tha yu mi va£ sing 'Con i the and boas jeou aid big andt pend ,good Ihan ,grea atani But <>f h( joli aneet You life i dred .gez ËOàno 441 Jse] mnon r~oll t whe Paul it Wb thin g tu-en Lafa) cboef ivas v two. Groti four. and e As I: fore t contil 3Jeu e, What they ( and ti guide( friend You fi îfor Je the mi Nex ire a tougzh establ. feffxol that Ni un yoi <ientis and v( Qnly k Oh, Phara 'Old w1. Solotni christ tiirty xihirtv wha7i dittaste probat for vie dlasor3 icood 0: bis car Great Ilexic dlied at id the vIce broya vili iever be cùrqled by baye amd vbueme Wud d" ouneadmis'lag eOI viii*ver m&vlad-»." "I ~ ~ % cnvC, uiDroh, 'di w, e,' ~. e ItI~I~ 4 If; q. 1' r 9'l, "i I .4 la :i~ ~ t) ~! a * à "I Od Teste COUCHS

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