Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Mar 1893, p. 4

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STOOR tonusofasra? TH1E '<IOI.M$D" ge~ AMI ~'II)ORIA' a.qu~ ARE THE DEST usau-*1 coot; for in the long 'rua o cusîomerm' intertsai a M.1 ticai with Our own W. gm.1 antoe ail goode as top: soteti at the time of saie. W. show a Most comiplote variety in al mand mn y clam af goods in otar.lin.. Our *jom anmse mnd Chiasse cuttiies suitabte for prements, have THE BE8T met with mark- WEODINQ ed fayor from RINGS people of taste, Just now we mish to dtaw ,your attention taon are stock of gem and engagement rings, lace and hait pins, and bromoches. The stylos are mew and very attractive and the values enusually good. NEW DESIONS ENGAGEMENIT RINGS Foot of Kent1 Stret Note tue plue Mad1 whon YOD are ini town corne in and se our store Remember that visitais are always wcicome and mmcd mot foot the slightest obligation to boy. VISITOR8 ARE BRITTON WELOOME BROS. jeweiors etc., Lindsay, 151 419091 ads 1EI»àT, xa 10.aO, o. A maa mk atsier;." *0 l isSunoimom. fineva. aJus. of UOMMOnu, OMlWa abitIati dcoîtmdghîe ameslsmite lb bigotmt àsémalgfte on W.eaiay moeab bd meé* ste3 o'6ou0. Sver m the lb oa hm hnowaidaose. lIsait ve uaamosesa lbe ivblm mmli taleplue T Tulasge. Afte. ted'ck son. W. imdlarbum h edisgapeesimaui ii I buet. Os mIl.. Mms ho menai mhtei. Thei gaw si.m paikolte ovi) w4l; tiels mouu W-hl eum tr'ie td rmu Mdolaaht;Hsa Nd Ller usuMoutel op l kh l.ua" ezdtues Md ibsuotesvu Mm mmeiuca m migli le u«m"el.At quttu ta e b.uita lev&Mu i oeo a l .0isblIafellevm. TIes SoL. Mpraq iu mmmEaaer MMasmumli s.eUalb pplimm sle mmim, lasL'AIyThompas. LTwi Une. Vola, Uta, Hugh UulmolNu McLuma, Mm Noibm, ua.Hs m aW M beimmeof aulesA mum u u" ersusi liseglui 6IIowOI hi 1-m1 - i ii une, Wmuite u eIai nenieat.Huaits lut. bmu. liteu mu Wiy ue SbHl ubs Sl uw . smei ttmak e, 1abg ubolo mam an.R is. m»u pale, q" aid e,llth.wih lb ai sml sltS e lIai. #ét muomt hoaplu lieut Ibm. c mama .bue pee, berme.. etzoltonst if i gleiaml b oi rsiM h a dt st e lu 6 mot maflabavoer ut uoeo& iei. Fer pmuie01 Smo bea outs lebai ns ouaid W bPube geilWlW@pul.taeoi. Setus amuSml il ozubsiucaetofplusauttialbd*se loeda. m=àeblmg siqouduoai ibpe smae uang *bWe5tr s ab mdl!uJwé mligei FrMUsloumi tu a io n - -1oWi Da sg eve et e _à-mo Ohimo.rouva lé. S,à" ,~vJ 1.11k. u Werful.oomulmtiut s ,ea Me ba wrd dm à liu Tm o»m nainowqt leibo bmjovial In" llset VouamimWlho 4wu ueaaonc Waiuiaiy.ne 5511 e usamuioNuph Thm ulé u. 11 em4ib midis la An mut tud4u Xat"s m Mail eums t wwmisS byhla.zphis 8.im»"ihat*8 a talbs. Mdtohe ins. bt puiuie I 'Dos.a ti s&sesl. Ém amla h. déli zmotm %hm uats.bdpthml as t bd Jbds, ait heés:i.Jmebs ho d u m*tly«"hW"hmm$,iMW ai Johnî'. I 4à14 m uté viS tt. de aLf d aiù» bmacet im h e h-. nm immé. miilmé 08 ais ima baeiml --T. - ul b jvsm may ils 1lb. bunmk m.&MOqu d"-m -M he.. Ouh - lt lJoél à*elammWbah. b maut e »h in hi. à"lm taa, cm Mri. NmIe biam s1smj»"at th myn s a m tu bs ft m mo temusWl4.Ubpnmit mme "l om' tu emua himabla sW W" *us. etsemm u 08 aiii missim si, luiblein" nlsmiSe Wl wbgm- u taW*oIt.zlb a ,limd Iahbla iv @mmtheàmm telle pa boouém bulmtiviif ial veghg m la lOyatmuas ohue. mIam.Ie l je Ta "e h5.ehm o in hlHm&tà. mmisele ltmae os "dnsollaapWi Wt lb macma bsh la d , mm ais. bà lib m ave W1teUse b$ ouft b8M ls bmer b ane Oma"e ommese balu d ori es"flIs rml coaul.eerl thé uo. mv<u*m1a ob use@%buam h.wo 4*9 s.mi tummeoffl ~t a julu iI. labe ill. ohmlci abdowm té lIe ub lh bi Ip m --adulu a*0ies.. m l'O « R ,bles "AmI etnitHu.ed bqmem Sb taome mmt àlm i etb m &lit ermie beoi if Auuuaen"u Smhge msibuh aSe if is miti Cemia Simm& tulbbh Osemamt." md e na te bosslat me crommlssal a vtis ",là "ise mti am i sm-lu lea mla mIs rdmodil eielm et. m .1 fuie tm avimd u 0. m bsaitdi oe« meslÀiéeisu "- tan comame, et thetoe, eh. m ev mahel-u puehu4 lasi*mbitS. fo-enm'e lave S. allsg --l--a sashg l f bu l~e. -bu aou lui. ,~ lois mnlluts levé.- Ptaihm oimi onumsM" ' m !le ueaminih O» gasiouar IL if Ost l a M» vus mie suaisi .a àJ. mesNom 19% V"mlibdasrmpL 1"" à" by a». P.mI SuLerp o. lt ted & ts. . à Ol*0arbbdu e jm1udiwm o bu% la a pueparsu dtla. aualtem are ppea-a Idevilbi V. HIL.mm, PC.NIfL omh1 Mdl "Muos bj W. a. Ocm&. m.IL of enll Eauea --Tbat me, d»ne1 eti isDm'WédampiIOarmOfte 11*05d Osats sab mu"a bulh onerte amo 19 . LmwaeaKW.9.L ibm Qasid ~sals m bis lovadu. te SI. PeWMiladu tuC =q, iuib manul Ota ham hlsmai teisthamw .b the esaet o mty, Wl lia tàieasmh tus l be P a the isOnasSsiml Mdul W«&uWrete 1» uaimlefa *lti vilu âmm d "is W *MWful, dlmita fle Oued otMaIWt0ON m là *0. oembu a mmllmlgmueh W ..wt LOeU,..5ibHUO&.5muOs. nae " W N;ais âo.Âme% et JelmlsT"Tmasl U a" t ce"aig ea. q.Lubus l Il Dilll Andes ts. 8". Jb& . l. uma.W i.. U» Mal& a" Wla"s.C. J Wte 0"Ju" ls*mum à Wlmema &WudnB.,.&Wl*0Quem on me--aaaçn-migu muai bbeie m s9uk, *irlyet fmuslbvilagmmul u% W .«eqw s.lbnMbua b metnuSa"bub mii lclbu b. W. Ilt, WU -I4eu et eusafu 5lIpa M» mew et Ida AmaimseW"mia ameuetiftiim la wnuuessff ela ehEme,m> M» oe" me ugi a mom Sg'ome -0 mstr.&I Lit.àvu as uml 0i. lbT. MdUhs àL Bua ifIL?.,e 8li b Im e mlr mliiW"u«»lai* a. *9Walse WON. AU, 1.15. Umgbe ammeewuSim hgmi mdute ulmo =rall i o - à lb ealsumai l th aigeau"01»a im lu if b sai mlw mel l ius lb s.s.ute am Ou..49 rW 'è uIs . l mmesS. émUe Mmo u" IiSibM m- lbé. ea"ugloieosm alOMM m ta16se dmw - ë'l~W ~~ VU tm; 1mb., MJq u I. aLaI . f *4: f ,IS -.~ IL loi*th ea a rpoutz Utýet eu< a'.,cfedamogier. MAvY.-Im Limme..1m Wialm«v u amf Wnas-àwmoa-Oc. ?mea, the Iti tffl, 0e st. Anmir'. amae, Iail.' Re. Uei -M Jma.',& ATI..m IliuàmsMd u S.vvT.tir. bo aifaie p ist lot IL toià»s MKag à$.btb lev. n.e. Jobaais. &A.= et ishIT.1 MAr., Oueaulo C kmasw-Aumm -1 lIsQuam " 8ot, b, b, eho. IT9.N0Mas M&1 "mt tpmus fe amVu~e, le Ob$m0 hav-A% To er. a ?bniq, Nu $*aE1 utba<b àWby,, sen 70pom UGAMITUD-lsa dis..a" tolut183 KOA"ber. a..d 41 7,s.wmm sthu & laom lm sca.um. louipUbd*eso Sam m Tosfw dîWdmSt m~ ams ms tiiiutiteMevM IMPORMMNM Auction m Bale1 I ubcmasi éby m ROA. aSCOTT, r iaUrB lsopw mlicf N. m Wois' 39ILL , LUMUBA, s TUELSDAY& Match lsti, z8939 nhet laomumviu E l u- »A«b :- ý E0=. ~atrday,- LownuS Of iPrice. IOOKE INO E. Linds.yvs Lebdo 1VU ~~Sg toCk of now11il bttqpultln9 Goods ln order, and $look n-meoe1eto open on M~rch llth. 7/ ais le a rare Chance for good Go'ods at low prioes. hrgain Beekers Cokne Along@ P.MOÂRTHUE&l0 X. làPhaden'a Stànd,. Opposite Post Offoe. Pleasure &Satisfaction If you buy your Dry Goods at McGaffeym you'l b ave pleasur and satisfaction always.t IN PULL.SWING FOR SPBINGe DR YGOODS BYERS W. place before yen the niait extensive and complet.' stock ever offered you. Oottona, 1GEFew Sheetigel Twee dsclothlnge H:ousholcl Linens, 1muslinis Dreu Goods, Trimminge, Laces, Quality Unequafled. Attention to Patrons, We have something great good and genumne to offer you. f » Oash Prices Dry Gooda Haine 09 - 0_Orw K qv» mu-_ à% nhe peoples popular 4 and gafg. X Ont Baw &gain to the. front. W.bavea a u me*ck"tais c of t.m nMm; "m- yoft w.mated; i &W Bmw otlnterm, Bw Setn, guagi rom àiles. gra wui d etAxes dm lve afl bMA lAmerimaCow Ohai.a. Wwhing MachInu antiWrlqctm. A kSn teof BelIdes.' d i umet' lirdware ut bomolal .suwepUs w uslly th. efeot cof a bati «W1 en isc s calng ta 'th» làune. Il 38 ~~4*~ lWsc Mi.,BorltFfver, (mes ,etc., «do ' ý bbe4 u" i W btsmthlsgIpre air, uS for = =7 4 'y & lu,. r t ~ ¶ ,j Il iI'v. .4. r t; 'y SPEONAL FMATURES FOR THE 13PRINC w k -r- , 1 1

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