Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Mar 1893, p. 1

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7.bbdag p,..pl * m6dtW Oum n - '-J--- e MAU iw&' AUMM u j mvgsoet a 4o LADIECS De laines are going to be the rage for Spring and Summer wear, and a glimpse at our large range whioh 18 now on exhibi- tion wilI con- vince you that we have the nioest assom1mentj ofthese goods shown in Linde say. lut e f h Mi bpuoriw m n u dm htfiq thé?su a l a dut s, lm c e arcd? & t m s I La FUR THE NORTH-WEST@ Every Tuesday dturi SMaroh and April, vi North Bay. Tic batts« on lies ian ha e i. ilo aMi .vsry intormation vii! be tus application. Tiios dslrn %bregti Cmari ouli a P. 0. TÂYLOR, TIcket Agent Exprea O2c, Lutrný Netiog, ou. f A TOIV of IM et mesur Oout ol .~Dwrham pem, damcan. Mme il-* lmprvtt h ttt liaI lb"fait - iaom havinseaimm ar av" .Ws1ataib @@e et hé auJob% Motl deu m emd, tn îiia g lth dataet aaY o rd tton.m hpa t a o I e c e a a i s ofe lis ad ioAnd or on miuynadividai tua. ou ýtareinor May isofthe day fama ioued te mu haum douîr va,.loby poosp &d.or eiIvu tolthé wWunec.d AdmlalilnsSore Tronto Oagad n o bstnuste 8siday ofi 0 paI4 toh le fllUpantaulari of tliS.elats m&d et& ment ni tliS mauni.and lie unare f lionïs, Ana Itnotion aic m heroby iven liai ste ai laS mmoansi date th. Mid £dmimitatorsnm lipz osi e itrlbute tlb. sues, efthle Wmil ise amougthlim aries otibllhi hrabo avteg ren «Ilv ta tbse lmuaio cainoUoes baibeasubivo. umuou.amidlt.emni d dmlml.ralora di l e iMableMthe amauami* o m von sireot ltoa gnsfopnone of vicefis noties&hlia Inlmblton.Isceysby tlimasblieélime of nmuad 2TONO GENUAL TRU8TICOMPANY, AdmiubwMmoni of theprepanly of 1.1. coMt, d, hi MOORE & JACKSON. balaietSLlndiyl tlm 10th day oet hbru"r, 18 -7640 - ~MANUFÂCT URING Bemember aiea that our De- at 14o. 96 Kent atreet, nearij laines are the French mû.e opposite Post Office. whioh are far superior both'n Lindsay, make et quality, finish and design toSpecialty, any other manufacture.. We o have full contrai of that mû. O RATS 6& CAPS W. alsio bave the sole lgflO7 oéf Ferd Bouilons' coiebratd kid gloves at 81.00, every, pair guaranteed. 1 If you have flot tried the o.1,. brated1 FURIS AND Gentlemen' s Furnishings, NECW Spring -Rats 6Cases do slo. Every pair guaranhed, J Direot Impoelationg. English and Âmerioa Ail Ii4 oeJ'u CARTER' 40U~(4~ 5IM~Ljz~ - E 4bitimih t~ atraamasuuicimmummn '-f WAGONS, 8LEîG~Is, B GI., 4 ~ms, I -. ~' I ole S. 187 Mun= ra cvibumuts e a im8 et bu dolewa laâa ivu a. tetLv - mi u M4 hbo a dulug 1, in.t scem . ieMsI i o»s MFumes màtmd Fuel ev. .Thin- dp Y % 1 eab~ u & b élu" for I e u l b i . lia S ge mmo ' mba, E . E toîý la pr nce nc d n t oal p- ha.be w _« ésMoa u h om nn gmm.ls9, hi lie 8utiao Ao amy tf P rla bu it i li *0 0-01-MShi 1mi t s a msSm& 5 51 I~. i mu U acevu sud rallabla jour..!.m sir. .o M. Md lkq$Sm dqh Nomd the lsilo ciAmuim Alcttâbm*m miLqla »tie mam ue, md ye mest redlo4 âmeho tt l»W&" m ubes z , -agelli pnoarlals re bmI5màýla f.mv miymd ighl fttl oeummenbsb u t bu msnob teb.ami e* ima it ormmhah ésoitehss PMU wm keau ~ mM MW M MW lielle els 0Lmai.. , ab& g.Nd Sos e 0 1m s1u u ui.. mn wI a n.h Je dbat... nom .1ad. phwal, stl1,Iuwla Pa La am hob te feulbo dneuhMclbleu bml'fhoâdn-b _____ _____ _____ ___ID___ w1BThm ait 84 he uh»NIy * am1 6, 8" Ief meMeluoleaga*t muomoae.Mi Kuýlue ta.Mdasts, 91111 1100111111 M Q *b o ul W&U aS ToChAMI.s.. Eau. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~4 N.bs< mc.cis eagt, PuVim . . I ju. a uaet!15Puni .b I ~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1?111 Menuef .mêf b fhsjeu s L mm. Meig uMMma~ I > TAUN~irndm a Losd.r. s.Os ~.ea1e." hutg slg. mIiuj wM ~~~ drn madagarni.t a CNu a Tvuu»ON --lit -pamd n l ) b w ud i - l a 4 0 m a n u et LfUT oid # *o ,àe t c s ta t h e 'b't r b m W i 4 i t h e d u , g loft liiimine.ZSWhoueidi AmmuIet the 0 foe«L ibIflasa .1 We.laid **SOOMs1 !5L 4L~L '~~ b?~au. sud'o tat l lats.the loca Utl1 ima Be. Mrsa, u .u a les.PM" ru% tanambreu l, cf d U 4mabev Mt u i d e..' - islam.1 chQumIOb*olVU.y sudMiel MMna EU»ef4ts pes. r «4%b«bs"M che lie y mTso a m S bruis umbmd hmaimes% MU" te hamesa UtUf4*t. lb.pm m.dçàstor,11111.1N. hm mln.eàý,'teÉow dhsdi, ew"ds ,î u ; *l W*--sînPi st@dâp. Don ~ on. ooe 000 . 100 0*M Co, o. fdvtonlsscaa a 0aosc I A sdru o cloMo vu uamin 000000. ton , ou udR. r o. deaio iteti 'cr ery. .Bo mli- ~ ~ ~ u or uyhos bem,1k b.lgod.*thedlaIaFemrpl nb o P c daon r. o cl n » a.t ithe iini..d ea ppiti B uycekpt.t. vo t 9te*i I l. . MdEO mu th'e m reTii PMd klW îa stidaoafc*0araim s- t le47000 ordeln tu m aile àpramobaga ami omen. . . MKa mdLv J hcD eil tue 41d 8" etl W for a orreti offl b.iaini ce.p. ment wh o oa miress imilon. i.. .uio ioo e u. sn rm or s vj AIllmtd 10pit 58c o f la hf.gsreudh ieui- p t ja. Ti e t Il. Md aooieyca'l Vm di Md lcuoM. is L.W.G atep cta t The raeo aloa.oac odeti açcrl T ~~ahen nIn l aa i. te pi H .bardta oin L.Eus. lei. a. N the MAKE s Ilec, mnIo.s mi e.i nea Iind.Tind_-Plotn, Alo.-s h.miMlce, W. 8. 8îcarsti te Coooi at b patois et lé co"icluslon s" cYu00 rewwyt lm 1 ndWmn b00,000ase0.'Ananioetat »0 matr ht or ae s w'l siitis"add . ramais I e usentail.on1 ev, H.ftheeurrleo b huhf cf.hI.Scott.be aysteiýnkotb"hcéold-jghiond Ya J'olan s l bsu ettic o Gbot. 6 00M pay you $50 in ca h." Now Tii but ualloalom fo a lmaonav ii.ntsai r as i s 1oev. Kwi .. bW gn ru it I. ii. olin -esereclil po o m . Iudc.lmorlB:ecv& h o n gis Boly spwu Boxe gli i. aa1îtt eueifotBobyrhvn sre ftcuepc Andai cma'alajoa47c.0e0r0a ar v raisinqaive prîbai andt. cor.u . Pofla sied le, John Lt'. JameiR ABOUT Ca, n who omivo h itvi-iet a .e &et b p ne19nt hiforum f coail; ns bo~ing ésen vedanitre iscor i s Parlouas ter reedesforand decîd. emttcomptmacistiv ehlric da . hetim@ laveiiomhe tcf ifratt p no . uni ns f the Iatistech Lbs tinay. - hy eyt atdt iv o e nta.. arc pait, fbthréiat' proea ee0 hna rerreq-i I Tbatu e. lra W.7 . ani&. f ratosncfta.pthebepor o THEwhchis r omo eylik elytue.rted deatm umlbeau Tivc~ierinfor iiifVdrn e No ata li oiuthleeta.eu ,000haecissiaclarkwuHi. caintedMirthe présu i37U o l ens ide t aauigo h rge ae aeFr o% B ne eta idé &S mdO iàO&yt brgtsdUh LZt et osth e arb of lmBo lu 1h.irit ftproesbyti cîvllîzbu &ou .t8)iiveM p ollrer enintein s cic co guns av ad onCatarh RinenySay:«I I we u fr te o.Talneka ne c u thie aor. Thfield.la nc una iom Ô.oneenefdin oclb aues. Aailmentdatber vuumuuuo *uuuoegt creyéi Caarh Sc10 tétai orChrit r, Conhinii Ztuz. hof ie iouale h oiétnTi.vf sca aln.T:rbyrvlceiaaedia fouis et Noevani sd aioy~oonldr.dvsy uailoertiésueme l h* as u dloo urlnnd e u s.a . il. TO - R >ieiron orb cua'fnas S raid.s matter lb ummluhrI'.gurocasi ii. aoqeeysr temd tha iac hoot. rntlaheolougoutn;Te NITOBA of theBolyMSçMt ladoing the Ina vr a. luqeh onipîeteny coHa . ri.. t r e@ceoatisemdliekbaudt cft.ansILa - elrtidtum, ofo rsae < gs n ia ODOareint butCti .rppeaofCitau ar le paindatfa, no Faob iothe r atinoa adletry I __AOU -HEwh liu eFlo, ami o ik amuIOps ely t o..ca "t Tolufeld.th e pe dramo nd n rte @catio fintmllectul holbubaui&penuat.ioln udviene. tatiry wfianlehne h uoi rpsiteai cf hr a luao ch tiemac as Tii.beacourtincaualialtoexpr&I es itaiere ta.d mofe thée mli tht mohngand"- " lamu "m-dvyBlc oertmte ua thé v ci"tatio i mo coe t hi anà m de.Il aul W ulandcdtevas2 Ulae. îd4 n mbstoa" Ti nuli e L. ouas," -r-7 - ez...lmier .. The. OsmlOmWabot bauds,@d th abc" Te a s pr uber edbéea ' niove patlir n t'he" Tii. gilofara o .er evemeut, su bos d pa erfu ly t a d ba! i urti aienJî aw pr te ve aU gmba S ucmy m v ehP; oa iera s ina us semon ud ce o n cu intt h tne ov nica.c ut", m uaa lu, aut.I W ae ,dmkpâ latoaun ttmens, rlifai . The16. rort cliea s f hin a man o y guch re iel" y d ia. c ourt désaie." e xrssiesie WE'tOT *,* ad othing nlty »"uogrs "Gir ti lu O**g* VLE TFr ae- Thoroughbr.d wu sant te lie Norti-cvue lodit.. dln 9 ..,e Lua ' Ai a Jeter otage tefollcwivg w - ne été-i. 1KoD;:en e1h t natbtw; hmyasobra Gr Boa-en.Tii Icause'à report wvs.erandai o! 1. girl No. 2. etc." In Homa.net onet aremedtit: Thatiavtec cf ti raceut A~as mat obain ooiof u. Ui shimuehsj~ ~ I dopti L niaytributad 817085 tthe cohj4 esc a ob aà a 0P o T » B u le om g oo rie s & girl iu e 1000 eau ra d a ch a nc ier cf th e deceais f th . la e eierk, a d ta avold U 1 oseDBit est mtI e Jura i so n itt.Chines.t hanguage. Tiié by @ are racavei appearanc ocf undas hait, n suceo.a r bis MdPadipe.ala a n u ttr l hemileSode ai Mlm H vorgml'e id atoi7 y mnC .Il m ..haiyeuaai hnal lected ai presant, but liat 1ev. P, A. M . ud Frteublewn appltSanMdthelisdoilcory prayer vwu ofaeretiby - pgéâtnio alien eag apopulation of0v o,U9. Lac&. Sooy.i, b. appointod te dla'iharge tie se p i LUX. RL"J 000. Tii.ilmail i. ill produotîva, h.o a Wcrsêo. Ham00o. 'Teaelînbgh ouctiesupport. Sontes cof clark pro ten iinz oua l -o a! rt et heltion ofaici-Ho.r theienat Ye lgan many s.800 persans ta the @quarteiile. meeting." nos IHIUSlehr o J.t Ecîletya ol ofLn . prsidentlis.Mm D. InSaelbimg uder religion ho tbld of a r.Rer. R. Johniton laid on lhe table a el dis. L aroea omuao ln ia o M nyeof aLizn d ay; vs présidée N . inc olt ion ho ncc !Itmessed lu wiih a îri. front B averton M d Gamebriditc addýwaud te ma.yebtai~eromdioe. Mal homuse n£de1adeetm% s grin vter i Lfoigur~.aitnagoti. The Ob Bai. N. N. Béthune ni G0 êhurai Tic 10 ormaet.a uuwJPanalon 7PIlUivice-promt, IMre. Dr. MoKey gd«ari~a ~thst wcabout te avsîflbc le "cl Oansinede anti previaional-arrangement Wa Il o t iu dtr mLamokicla;mntanj M m m it of Ubrd4s; Tii.miaen&ni..bavesa vry bod time.la Rer. W. Gatiocep ianded la bis reaignation 0an. o, î'Enm Waat.4te EIh5trturan, Erh.is e 1Caningmo.. s.Thenatives an. deterM«i te aire ef Kinkiah anti Bolsover. It was ordcred te AgmuiQ . IL A uc bcihoa nbv orsldA sole, 4"Etrnil ]Rut," cwsuivea by Mile. m nofoothoji nd rert tean aisrte cf ho laid an tie table and tia comaregation citet timlilLîdu ol..I. >..vMema la a gcud orohard. ettsteInh. own0f ',Gouidfoui diedtttedrive tientmofiahecountry. te appetar for ite in tereuet a ,xt meeting. vIkLe. ilS b.hold or czohau1tor forma prcporgy. M..Wi111o31vu tli uiredocai te éE Hctli et amy hoinreadtî escapes front'lThe report on temperanco vii rad by Rer. JU I9AL No. 8, M &ot.L drMrs, WlIaon 5fr.. boean ler adireas by itatin eg aonls anatiteir couverts. Tii.e adreai MoLei, and an Systernatio Bentficeno. iy or JORN UCUINSON. liaie;ber filliof libernbâti beeu la Centrail cun m Lauoaa, Neai M, . -77-L um Idla, %and liai ths uinnenm anticustoma afvu l at and .-intretiirandi ce regret 1sRy. BJolutn. pbi etn a odl VALDABLE Pfl O P[RTT Smanetmpermit.us te j.y jIr,.ShetiaInrthe dediooutlanpubliememeeainrewuterialla ths e pl@ dter greatly olicthecLaie coua. report __connectien viti the. Lindsay pe8yteil Sman]Pam fr Bl* a lirlu, t.teutn pare utiaethe Tii. Wedeesday miormfrg eaulon opoeta 10 the W. F.M. S. Tic e-Dort rnid shocet Di TEE haltingcelothelinr91u ofoPortion a.m. Aller aging andproyer, report. enueieratlfiyig Progreai. 1ev. R. P. McKay, Countien ofV loopa In ni;o.mmn u.nootyorg'iucinut ai u prnt.Thcénaa jraid tram tie auzxilaiea antimission bande.s.ortary of the. P. M. baird and 1ev. J. me. te.taUori lacreimandalau.lSaimenta.iut ffrit» h IdeslSmo e a mi ndPreaiyterllexpecnt, ong. ,rctttned md oayfrole China loat a »m netbeievelaspregardtemy l fanître Weineday itterneon Ico rasolutions tcire aidrensuathéticmeeting. aind mursar.eh "Choaoge s d&ay m h..cerpeta ar ourtaina, but Initoai cf tlnsadotaibhi olt.Ti rIarcltc .pebîr o gi are and kgh _ aro and log wefling bomea snd a gond cPluxurico intet in iccela. Sic ic.ibed oi ecMoiet. ThMaintà resutionhcf 9sbyteryvmeW.gain o ensdye aupnao tnedrc i hna' iîIu b athd down, ed an agtheusat bff me% fspptyMt.Kltye rsietof9&.a. a G alogwsapo mamof u rdo ettb Chm"Divsio b reuped owamt agi mmeomucae ofiaioarge;Ihousem la Caicutta seboing aPrbySocliy for 1892, rend by Mmirurenr cf H.KM. fonds, aoui aloo te contact "na p i ourt of Jilesatmi l a aim i mhogm&T a "S on lmanos ou t»oml>smutoMoa idn t palnheti manile. On NoMîlian. armlli adino th ieralservicesaof the lo lier.Mr. LOM Zlrof tesuccimeon b.aPrt of abu hves ul, bu omuealm 1.1e ici nez t aiore.raama,. et.; tieco iccasiIor àmns.Scott sud famlly, rpd by Mia. .lchanion. au thc second Sabbath cf Match. Rov. H. Loel tn c li lura. Co i t udiaulure for Fée tnler Deiantammd offille cePurci5iO apti casdavidadinlta No roc. ef ipartuentaouaAneOt~a u dedy5trunrersnaieo o 4 laaILaduaya et hé&&ra,&IU'8 AUBU5I a i te naicgu& ftrrotne nWe -eayafemnCui. vusn aiet rpeana nKno ATîhCOURT JHOUS£ 114TES TOWN 011LODb JýEN EAITHUE. for tic usez, lie otier fer thewe. ca, haU istnewr imfMtebpitscay olg or.Tefloigwr lo 11T. on Woodvtî PO. anra elocatut as te overiok a lirge cour Ijard. sgmcrgvo emiebpttuolyClogSa.Ti.fiwîgvieoti 1 a. NoUWEt à AW AlEUON, The. cen. aultilook tirougi a preforateti MmWiteada Ilschrci ofEguti oommlauoDn te lie gener4i aa'cmbly, vin., Batui'days the i lth day -&d. - "lao.;wmm ~ a . Ti coleti7 yEn. Sosnma. sud tia metiadiat bt rotation : Bsr. Id. àMelinnon. by ballot of Mardi, 1893. weadliait m 5ye t a loig a.ge Tho e o ij b M riFaviiic 8r. A paper y ! lie Ma Rame%, McAulay sed àMMiU»n r. nu nd î F01&lagebnn w ire m"ofUbigon "heJeca" I sigaMs.,Groin, Reid. Woodwillc; C. C. Vif flDI ut soonbetiavn aea boa, schant oi trac I cvu ruai by ie. Jonston.UNiasDrummond INPhaudidVroomnnon. ail on MoParésietastileci. - lIbIlIBuE uiNMILES acln.boe lietayegecarCu5of Nccctie. gavesum exhortation te Chislti« 'Tic muxt rcgulanmeeting cl ho LaId it PAUCI 1-e woë . ' of ot mu*U iorem Uslady vu tiaciedin ajecola. Tite cousu cutîcra. u.W î>îî.Rosa iei a coe..IWooillla Ou lic Ibird Taesday of April et tam la »Tc.ltui cuauaier is lie*Township et Lndlm ~gu a ru!. de nat fa.!the zeumne lite se ied nas suiMMvic".Il(J&eM. madspomak. omoaaamg 100 aore mors oaM teaLindsaaOnt, 4I b.oaxpeisi. î . -cam137 luu I ho n. es-hsn.P. AlitoLio>, property la al eara ozospt about 10 ortes A bard leyof el rin iems aahuofetUxbnldgs, lrkpro taue. t oed;» cat! i t th céder fl.,sied unrtie Ig - co4ma cn 0tact dihliaeEmrpeanaWhc MdigNomim Muoîntyre. Whiteait, Cap. Bala, 4ti NM", 189&. vainecottaoudt old ToS aard hb ri u iin ll ayte baion MiW. Plèvella andtisemaDmnaamd lasé Tlaremeruateen thlis ~t ios Limi oam Whso on&" ted ansam .l' aI bai pont.The. uullngthe meat ioauufl LnryIvn kudp- I" otl M ft b a ae e ass àmei M 0mort tl e quantrta fheiRenion»d amasLaid in Lhnscay, 74 delegetasfrontsut abIV nenos jsI aou binât.fasl, frui bauisetua.. Di -1 mm iiU105U u liin . ~~tie PU&rta j4u, hilic. wutOin 5iaaide places bel.5 pointit.eloa.d by lmMig toundale; a btrae bas 80:0 tua = va.u ip *euvisa théput helielme1 thé e MahoudeInvaion. Thei-odho ahyl ff r eta Luuxmar, ii Marct,1898. m il s t a m o m k o ei t m u e tra o o p .a f o n t a r i & e l& , o r b u . c r co m m g o t a I L s R o id e d ih lh ia i s h L a - i j e 1 1 v m u a g u "* à . < . . T A ' , , IIa" j a là IwMM voâe GU&DU orVUI U- fflue us, pofl bndeta laboui d 9» do tia houmaconie aiI- sIe D"8à- ug*e nyerpprt 0" - noti, alsto » mmwhmsmoan ado«n&Tegm«pr panagrapi itag tit Dr.Coulter Il la *0 lis_ 0 8 sm la d U'poe% oashiul se a. _ ion etf tisazare roedtta extrema poverIt, g ut lieOa i -..IU6- ,. w n wupn.- a uu.rm acre mm or m vo aWin i. o i ?m m.un m ai7! aiI g n.uam... d y LIN~S4T, o Aà 4zrýrW for' .0w ner l08. stlles le asa,] ente itledu dIl and WATCH ,1 kI*A~S i mlkTpTqTTgI CORSETS* Me Je CARTER.1 Maguah, &Pg, of th. GeldeaLia «Pu strut i 8 kÂTu- m. a,

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