Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Mar 1893, p. 6

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M4eprl, '5w amy w. bp asà oncle of yeure a thèse. y u. This style of addra. ba ibmp'omps' ogbot Adab trugglad fer cOMPOUî% 4 vSuired ta lits hba gaiebut Mb. Ohelâs vu aît on stent nail dbam l4kmel mw med ber cltb.rad choduk404- MUAill N.d kiumed ber linNinin. "fThore aoc," the. nid, in t«O.be- tm faction, s"we bave piacmd.oursolvis upea lb. proper footing immadistaly. Duar mel, bmw ooold that, saoming folliocba".qa prt«8d j'ou wr.itffl1Yoa ad'»« i"$, are jon, My démw 1 utcl5 ho as cell i 1 motie thé point for myaeU.ras as good a mad.dootor, K fanoy, aU the 0n. Mr. Iimer employmd," the added dryly. xia. chellis lookmd kenly li. Ibmth iroubied face beside ber, pubing. bar band uzwder Adaha chunt tabceh might -contera- plats her oountemue as ber eué. Rer brlght blàok eyes ma.me.d t.pentrat e e ,naldmmW vory oul. Me audiod tib lv*o qulvetlgg mouth, the fair, amppih bravi but more ihan aIl, thb uhful .yeé ihai a% *fiaul haitated te met. ber gaze qadthen lît*bemaovem reaoliely and ortue- "About as insane as I ar," eau Min. Obellia'cemnent, whc ho abd cqoludad ber invebilgation. '*1 ahould air hâve got (Ver it, Adah Wlmer-ibat le, Obellha -if that. wreLt1s b.d kept youshui up untit ha b.d securad your property. 'Wbat, a wlld sort ci cl sthât eau of your fatharu, te b. aurs I 1 nover hourd of înyting more- oraok.bralnad liny Ihf.. Tbank providence tbat you otwittoui your guardian ai laut. 1 abould have iked'to haveammnhlmv*son yots ancouneed your màrriage." AgiAn the young brida dropped ber head in confusion. "lNow, Adah," nld thbm utIle' lady, de. cldodly, 'bit won't do to b. ashamed of wbat pou bave doua. la trylag tu hep ye.ar fatherus property you have acted lika Il nobl»- pirtod irl Anybody cils the brainq.ot a mouie would may thse mime. I my hearby approval wiii do you aay gond, you hava ILt.1Iundcritand a&l about tbe trial to your delloacy, Mmd aul ihat, but I muai ny I respet yous a greai deiai mort lb.. i lfen bad foldmit your bandeansd lat Mat old aluner t4k. yeur propefty." "Hlow did you finit w. ont 1" faitorad the. brida, ber volca tremulousaamd ber mamnar docncat. "lBy the merest accident Ibmth worid," rmpondad tb. old lady, t.aking .Adah'm bond àa ber mca, "that acapo.gra«-0, Hugb. naver tolui me a word, and Pould no& ha"e duose uo but for Mir. JactesWllmar.» "M r. ilmor ?" "yoa, lai me. taM yS o cIl ailoceurred. 1 wus aitting poéaeeuly iu lhe drilng. roota at Hawks Nest thie moralng, tbijnk. ing whaiher N' botter mayae my moa.y tu fond au Af ricinmission or have à& t R!uth, ehen cho uhould come ln buO ML jame Wilmer. Ha wanted to m *y grand.aepbew. Wtille ho valied I euioed ic conversaaion club hi., sud hoa nid ma you caro Insane. I doubtad hlm, for bo acted snd lookoeui 1km à villla-dlde'î mea My oye once. I iold is what I tbougbt et him, and tbmHeIgb nummd hi. tw thée lbrary. 1 falloced, ubinklng to exo bis raosibarioter te My aaphew. I qot tiser. la Urne to hear a prmty conversation, moi meant for MeyaMas" Sh. pauumd, and laqgised molity te a orlf, thumptng ber staff loto thé carpet, and re. "It 89Ma thai Mr. James Wllmar bail the idea ual. Hugis wu marrled te bis aisece,and Hugh suppcead Mr. Wllm.v b.d coma te viai me. Tbey ialked ai orouspurpotteafor a chie, sud Ibm. i% came out that thai tupid uophow of mine bad married a girl na"uadAdabhoRlie, vîthonti once scupotlng ber tu h. Adas Mota Nilrner. Mon, my doit, are fer. lly atupid creatures. 1 shouid have aus. poue the btruth ina aminuta, badi l esJ Hugh. Bo0Iapeffilout sud cmuiroaiad the two, tand SeltHa:gbh wo bis wilie as, and Mr. Jamnes Willrnr laiti Hacha Nouat yoeà. Ha aid îo.diy ibat ha ihougisi more blgbly ofai liasolf aow, emitA h h bmbeuOf assIstance la jon. Hlit lime4 .hIlns, MY alear, an a kuigiat of oh!.. Urne, '» blé ouly grief la that. hoaopild £87 mmoy trom yon. Alla tUaaî reminds me, àAdab thatiIf gther hall cause te hoasahacled lu he,neîynit. H elî.musyfb boa »ti talion thea uutigy libm maumerha dld b. ehould utitb.u samed i. mat 708. Thîls view of ithe mencoouragod tie ,youcg bride.Aàltit ilîsle d£lokered esoàl ber mouh, anid a nire bepul eXpve.ul.u tooli pommes1U ni ubehr fac. 66Wuel,e le h., 'eh. asheL "At the villageie. am captl le ,wihnme, but wat net oUriof et hi t eptien. 1Iprwlsd te do Wb" OM for hlm. Et is a you**, oalpor Mmd t wgtrthy ofyt pe y q'm ho la - 1wm" d 4wy datie l te qi*yo » m- bn cern enlbéldly. Te1 yomr eevmmlmmd Ton MUA be me * gfmme yo! udeuEum~e cl fui hnoed omc,.md eu j- mti "Th eto ou loti inlesys tefisa, Au euruiy, <aN, 1 hawb raumain si ..1 ,A"' ChaUla.Ton ciii have puty Opon Sisl poor, puxiouao, cho bu falein- llove euth jour pritylio.. Ton csnmIt vo thse hoari b îra lcfflisi m ouven cfeb yen are îlrod." 4"BUt you, ho buoc hlm e eall, AnaS Dorothyv," nid Adah, ratber erchly, "aie ln doub chetisar teleave your fortune te hlm or to thse beathen. I arn a perfect etrangar s. i., and if yen conidar hlm ",Nonamne," lI.trrupted Ume.Dorothy, ber oheeke reddeulug deeply. "II vueauoly tilng thse lad. 1 didn't vealy hntend te out o0 tisa only relative 1 b.d th lb. vend. Indead il you roea teiccpthlm ua huband cilil lave SbiaHto voum«d in. poverieh hl" Adab uonibated tisl resolution, declaring tisai ahe b.d enougb, but Min Chelli par- alised ln ber decoratlon,,oaylag tisarinl ibai, vay mhe oould repaythe mm given Sir Hugis on accoonn of thé marriagé, Lady Chellu proested eqaisaveu tbon ibreai. enlugi, and thea old# lady eau forcmd to "1posuesaber su in hpatience."' "1Plame glv ume ur avm, May dear Lady Cbeilis," naid ibm old lady, hn a loud, dis- tinct Voie%,Mamantfor the ours of tis eax- steward. -Watkiua underutoud tisaS the marriaga cas se b. hept secret meo longer, and a look of pride passed over bis weatber.bmaln face u Adah gave ber arm te ibe old lady and cooducted ber to tise dining. raom. Meanwhlm, Miss Dorothy andl Adais dia. ed, Md thon retasrnod te the drawlng-reern, chore tb. brlghi.eled old lady 'again au. sailtd bar, begghg ber ai leam te sm" Sir "cannat, -dear Anal Dorotby," nid the youag bride, eavue.îly. "Do mot sal me again, 1 beg ef yen. 1 oould flot look hlm hn tbe face. 1 know chai hoMmuai thiail et ma tuhi bluboom 1. Icliiot ne hlm."l Prom ibis remolve uho could nost ibsu. swervad. 'cHAPTER XXIIL »»0 VéA»n, i, TEE, go » mirWOR8T Pl Yeu «M odbofore a le ka Ibougisi, A dream vmmembred lu a dreair. -CoLuMiiO. Upon them worning ubsaqueut.le thse àrrlval. et Misn ChisllsaiMourepos, Adah devoted hermoîf te bar gumt, narratlng to ber tb.ehitory et ber «-gu&ian'a per. mecastlons, sud d.tiiiag tise many clroum. stances tisai led bc ber singular tirawrage. Wlub doca-caieye and the buruiug flush et maidonly ahanât upoa ber cloar obeeha, tise tld thme hoe o tory et ber trsi mn. ocanuler witb Sirv Uughâ, et ber proposition te hlm, sud tbm manner in cbicb ;ho b.d dlaebargmdlber paouaniary obligation. te hlm. Sb* upoko au fraukly au ah. couid oave donm e b er mtther, bad ber mothor ilvod, eomilng to derlue comiort fromx comanly sympathy, and ihe lltIlo old lady àtaened te ber cis klndling face and sparlilng myrna, iroquanily iutervupting ber VmtS pralama for hber piri Mmd courage, er euh eorgetie andd .atel remarkeaigaloUs Mv. Wilmer. 15 i. carcalynaooary te @q that tise kmouê.yod spiassar eau charmod elti ber gnand.uephmc's bride. Lady Cheili' au- purS and etatly beauty, ber modesty and aensiblliy, ber tendar riapeot for lier anti. qualad gnu, bar moeiafi tveatrn.nt ef bar haffied guardian, even her. decidad r.- fusai ever te sec thse huaband the b.d mou ciSa rke bou l aui. i>tsihu hmbm is 1 iasDrehmbWrua Il jiiiw m e 1 me- 00 c iïi 1- Ne~~~~~~~b mi 1.eeldbt eiel b bd h*'Ui bMd ;;,Mgd ZI u e aeosssa ujb -im ep 8-p hmilud r.ubis eu004 a" se obé m oùe ehhb o qu iqatMlosho lbd mubt 'aecauIy lspad te o«Il hlm ecu, sud bW ibnocu bimmtei pon Ibo graus te rutl Adwe mappemaanes ait ao*W hm, and ho b.d ~ OM- «~iul aap~m lumec arvey- Il M-oed aveui4*w, Wei~ca al .emd ulalladbiý4M'*i*1 ut impulse sera off bis dlgula, ibrustitI lie his poohet, pa -d.hli àNýdevqb l!*ver bla face, aitd p 'Lois r itlmcouceal ment. Âdah utered a bent «et aItisu ddm sudabruptlabniiso >,of. bar privao'st tisen veaevaang herait, Meise ee itb hngit. nase, and «edovur dte pansSy hlm on ber ratura te tisadcela. But hoe put àni bis issit d detaluMi ber. "'Stop Adab,hb. nid,çi, ody. 4"I muet speah cils ye-' "lAny commuications wbieb jon May club go mahe t. me, Mr. Wllmev," aiese s- cered oldiy. and veuh the air et an oas- proe, must carne te me tbrougis my ait- viser and frimuit, Ompi leddell." fis. &gain esayed sopais bm, but ho steppedinlatise paiS Sbefore ber, sude«cir.- d i "II cii 111tell ymad jeu ilane chat have to say, Adais. Litan to me. I bavé Sean si, awih us, ansd hav a gaed a el". te the mystery et jour marriage. I bave loarued thai Sir Hugis Oielle did nos evea kuow your rîgisiful namatapon tise occasion et jour maviage. Ib sncb a &tory vers toit e bclety a angeW, yen ouid ho oompeiled su leaitaiho. mifs «mlatence. I wiii hep jour secret If yen ciii pay me lilb.raly. If yen do net 1 clii apa'ead a reperns tai ciireacis evea te ibis quiet place, and Malte a social outom et Lady Chals a ilueeit v scurling up sud Oialg eyes. "Tise lutsi top cf jour degradatiou le reohe," ibmo nid, hina Sone lo f causer. ing score. 4"Yen Ibrmetn, bedhgrace tise uamm my fathar bore ido et i.bribe je. Do jon corai," andt ber velue rang threiagb tise grove cib ah ivéry caden.et a baIll -Say ebil. yen cill, bei go 1" Sih. raiéeit ber arn>, and polnted ih tbe direction b. haW coma. I ciii net go, Ada," heosi, ebstn. atuly. "until yen. bave seuvat my silence - "Tiss u e liiroussin bore aleaju,' te rependod, ouldly. "Tel jour &tory. Do net thinh Ihat I bave n'O friends ch. ciii deolare tise ruts suit expoe youu' infamy ? Lei tise wcentdecide beicean ni. I do adi fear is jucigmeni." Wlîh a calm and haugisîy maiseh turnad, sud cotait bave glidot «.cay, but ho cacghs ber atm ln a vismlihe graup tismi eau iutanaoiy paintul, sud hiuod, raiber ibm sait a " Yen (lare me, ihen, te de mny cortsi You must bave a amnali amunt et womanly rnodesiy, Adais Wllmer, if jeu are cilling tc, her tise vrj ebhlidren in the airetsu tell bec jeu propased marriage te a perfeel Sirauger, bec yen bribéc Lim te lbecomo ,yourhuasbmdand poit hbim for itia Umm «u ycu woold have palit jour millIner. Why, thora cilii h.songenamate about. i%, johie untîored, sa"tpople call sueer chaou ever pur »t» elsbaard. it aal W a»% for I ciii brhng abou titst vomît. Yom ave acifa, yeiBot a cite.Yeaa have 0 itubsut chont jeu tara net daim; a bhu bud--" "Who in Lady Cseili' protecter and doteuder," cried a umany, indl6anlVelce, filinliîg tise santc A sarp bloc tapon Ma. Wiliser's Il cautet hlm te roiax bis gipupan htia Lad Cisellis, wîth a cry.et pain. "No'xt urne,)dn. WMuser, -I aisali be o riei to aroset ta, mon. aupleasnt meuns. Il yen vanture an tise.ons gi vili hava pou arrutiîm" O aai Bruiseadi uit sang club rage, M?. Wil mei acoue, andt slunk acay tbroag iia tbadeofo the tram, veclng revouge for lb. tudtgniyhoh at endure&. Titan, etian un ay, gracetisiSoc, Bis Htai heUli-for ausith, radar bas gnose atLady Ub.lis'defantar eau ber bus baad-turnad locard bis bride. ".ýLady Cîtalis," h.osit, deprocatingly, "Ihave t. bgj.pur pdarienfur net i Myp oi Dvr tà , X; baen leareitIreagistise yimt et jeu der vlla.,,tiseDame 01eta 0ikoubIde. and i e hintie-noa eu-bd'd'prote. tien, net. oniyfrem in l, but frn t ti worl ai large, I detarmia tet e 0cnet4 yus ai once and o0er yen my servcem ate jpur detenter. I hope mauamu in- duauit jeu tuelooh klntiy upon me, for @ho croie ta me lui aveung saying ibai 1 H ph1Tb.*a'ouniiidiol 1» ejacuisimit )Uorotiv, Wvisetaii iittim distac eau eeooiatîht 'boung ouople citis a benevolés i, imadJy to cake bui prauiete hucu t tSe preu omnt chUta ber meldsia beutb. vequlreit. "4TisaI lMa't tisa tay tenheglu.n âAs -*tatie anbavlly open ber gouda.. beoswed staff mutpuerit eeusly ont at tbam. Admb isdtna vepy torE mlead.- Mý jî ffTrofe Lisu W o tes"Uw ~wwm m Wiîh a look le à"aia thug ea bestoes opou ber sleeping bais., litebans oter thse gryayired. sorroc.stuicken sloop. or mmd reaazed tisai tpon uSe ancoma ber plana dapeuddtnet un1ihbappluesa, bus bis very lite. Il oeais hai udued e«. oourapugeseabefote, tisai reflection conld have uerved besr for auj tuait. BiO sahd Oscan el ised thie d<r bâlind bar chia ltioperiedlagtiu, gtvlng intraus te tise traitaefheu' ridtig. habit ibrocu over ban artmm d bar hé,& ta ber band. *'"Are jou raady, lide 1" uhe auket, in à whiaper, wbeu mio sabd lockedthte tuer se. '4Qasfta vmay, lat%," eu hlde'a reonue. "cYuare-lu good time. It cans tua minutes ot tise appoitIedbeur."» "Botsuearly tain laue," nid Mima Aram daim, meeting hersait sud putlng on her b"i "Yen i 4ve no mlsglvlnga, lido, hav" Yen, about thia mituigiai s -ap de? Y en are net laulineitutegive ut. np nov?' 61You couid naie mitisai queasIion, Kat@, if yen hait mutn P&ammauI sac hlm insI Dow," anscoeat £Ide.4"H. e au @sloop, bust looked uo cornnoui, ue cretchat, ea usterlj axhanstet, t-bai auj hert bled for him.. Ho bas uais greatly mince tise coat- i of et arcol, and lu order'to ave bis lI 1mu"I au% promptij and ciii on- 1 wdli assiai jaen, sitarhide," sid Sir Allye'a card, sencbed aitisae ruerons ue.t- furgetflnasm etf tae uidan. 1"1 ciii belp y o a s ..n bis Hife, and jour ocu, too, t orI hnoc yen could neoi ave longaue the cite et Tharceil. Wa *hall bave a long ride and a gloomy eue, bu&. I bave courtg te toliow charevea' yen rnay laud, lidO, and coniduoe lu jour good mnue, ai. 'l' n k nac meolitim about ont destina- tioni suliobjeci." "*TSnh. for 7pur'trustInlume, laie," naid Ilde, peiing ber baud cmraaingly <'vertisat e oi r friand. "Yen hse Ican- net 44~l je o mr.,lut I abuistd beiay pa- nas§ met. Indead, Kat*,. I do not kuioc iso exa;ct seret ajeaf ; Soi I do, hase tisai papale'u.»s, happiu, and flà .ama impeiiet, and Usai I miu ave him eltisor by *ntwttng Therceil or hecomlug bis cita. Ad te.iàe jotavaay, h lt il hoa Io oue, but ce ubal ffl go unprmîacm Yen haioc Ibal mj ipoolal attendant in tau taitfulaservant as ever exitetl, and in ivfWd te um& 1Ivent tei.m aler dinalr an d in iha lu àwcea eu".- hry M ymtamepu te ae afrove noft 1 ant bave ibavu remty chou veaubould IM p pu ha fibe oadusadjoîniangtlisestabl et a quarter- be tIev-"w "Bi&% doyjen Sellerevceamstrust biin, "1 vouai trlut hlm vIllaM'Y lite," de. elarI« lite, earnatly, puahimg awaj lu, bis trucs ber tues 6J" 1er- l ciinover forget Sec 1 aurseit bis lame d"etr lut nomamer, cken Mie hai t 15.1terrible foyer. go seayb 1 iaved ber lita, u»du Providence, sud " ahoh. shah eye rute uy nt b.bau doue siomin a er-e. pay tho debt.WMounI1nid hlm about env secret jonrmey, hoe deolanoit ho vouli gocIis netoprotmoeisa, and 1cmibiq- .d fiaally to contacttet.taithul tellO cues.And r.ailiy, laa, I am lbanhfas tisai ism insistait upen plug. It ce uboulit mmt aujona oselihevay or e a Oaluba, ht cotl aitb.celfo u have a protes- ter. " The little ovoslu ciook on tise mauLle- pieu ehirnoit1h. quarter baera Lweive. Tisa ico girls &rose et once. ido xtisigutubodthtie lamp and l.d the cay trom tise room into the corridor sud doenutalas te Sir Ailyna îiudy. Tisey glitte along nnuser meWallnolaelaasly mmd 1epa vigilant catc1' au îbey proeul teanlng tlscovery as thm bande et Thewell 1 and nelîber breaibait fremiy outil tliey b.dl gainoi th se ecurty et the sudy. "Tise o e a sover," malt Ildo. "We bave etly le hocaution. DOW, lu., esMt semetftise s"mots mea ne.Coma 1M sa nulocket suit openemithebmglazad door, sud pasmei ont ietiste proiaot; &W4deofttise ibmibbMey AU cmi davi allant l in t 1r.on, Mmd Bate nid:- "W. bava ualbae ueu Tb.ornanieni. alIas tinmhtie gardon wclli eiitaunec, Kaie, no ce neet haveé op sar." Tise ico girls hepe in t thlat.eofttie.. fget ul titohe* » "ueseh llau Au ibyapproaod aIe lavent e me liii). abrabbw'Ies, cmlhg lemtiy npon IM grass bordersq :li rge w Patin#, a womua m'a gneutesili ehtefrp the miado, Md a pair of "mapmed oui 04 tbin f rous ibe aavveuig dl lie bahut 1s Me bsai muse, compre- bendi ed, car aing and, repre.u«apthe nui~ relM t q m u is.lI arceetO ber ipu asssa h »imlïnuft ithe comme, mma Au apprsim e dUebl.vgtu mr&. Am:y"pt ntber band sut trac WMOWdo 4mai-coe yo9 8 meeb.rwit zllu My bincae tee emumaepra~Ibt. am i soa~ait do chai 7.11 plem a aot ,"adt , dag. ara1imeiobu."Yt e Mr 1 cei pru epald yc tt rYare eté, sud doueel yuo piémeibi 11w11ld poe tbise ut cli nouiM,Motue, f e ixra tutu traierte sanid qgot my aycalb an. Iqonte r en of bgnUlPman,mauye o, bu oa nj i& IDtlM lmau yor n a l noua I he fo i th e u yn.titeriat, ue djoug laduthe Innkeb. romedei1 "Tha Rue Ml arin4le tse "me i ot Prtd ob a sienlmn B O o u os a noc 4,"iutevapiaDeanlmin coMly 1I U elou'pli vanst oILmuet 900ifv1mi ppait wistiae. Theronn ther baajii elane, and the hod "nSte ho h, tots oedh amsa "1 nit e in blach d che,"de colîa tI luontr." dnt tedo htyu choell y ai tseuelve eai a ser e siallon slec,."in hthIlekoa be Wolhlist".on ad to hoceli clS: 118ogbt ipathen e abs oe, l'lri aa b ou iaree ufo e. e anmu ..o u bvefor lu ornekmvndworhte,"nde lied hein. If thr 'Il dnt b au i isîp'butyenleen arewouldbcel epea Whoau ce hav smnebing of& macla o.r h a onsplnacy. fcei sud paprer, p Treu, md iiakam iîblnrsn impatnbientose -'Ilerie ojmsmboythorupopulsvein, dfolr ing lb tis lgt mgte b se= macomtse maon "Thesor frcou gtete mboemetibe ger "the wedd *a Ifnmere hoe iboa i&i lup tise llw dit oudI eu awlmi teprov tAllymu ae.o» otigofec oh laa r a mmtsdla iaeilicda 1T.o tie' oquesutisete man quhut te Myoog, sud et ut frtie aanmusav-inum Mih nressingimpaichutie soundui te lise t i ht e ufruxth mnton "Tb.y'M tai h bydaorm o t a donidoubt."eera r "Ircms wtlrain te mhey indow and " oo e thare on .Ibe een hrot ctng mmd, shahming hom"yisT e mela nyd hte ie ren. ;they b.dmoneau ia.lknt huitr a bSotchou je ume Did e c UlSm temiss?"ids hn h sud of"hN o sudbitor jourway : Isiol bav whed gect ha y oo ear rve oe."e nid11d cme. "ihoas"mîrne provdence tisai jiho asatn, ie tam aucise "Ilmawujet ive yetn trm greoand gie tsan ihat e Daonte," minsfontdingvo mu i o eraitiitl "for skende, stam, a oryaard, cnin h igiine yau au h bleu 1 lgedpon &roce and cao te i loo te gaow-I Trha nein t, tIn haloahoy tiai jn ycaminoer mavyouTise- chmio." mul "I neyerabut f Ieryu au belp h." ul h"Bni ed Ictm and vilI pr pent lMe.» Dir e. leItre wu.a sry, ngetoidence "lVit-h eu c bave e sm aued me om dspel bust rn o n.tsi el et jour fay her'u ace yci mmd." at gie a1 oo afuldno b layif ptatua ver.bmes- YeuIorehouid habavid nt i ne cat pres thy aud I oul prevemui ibis mri- o4u1d samba Therit a ese ju'thiea teel, but ifah d bis pra f auitienl hlm.1 ilemuai wafâtrmae. Orry netcak alugl e c, a Dire."adI oua ise thYcou s hvtisoen eu Thorceil bmfov but 1 am nyet'sue atned tisesroe' your fbterapecimn. "Seaoln me be comm if a vo ie omle, aia unde laint"e orMY m M fla1, should avýe beent ishoe pouaste ofm bsaudpIetomisah tiseco-idt-ig ari-i se âeauadediterpeomnt. 'Icral my :21va mae Tmémmel iemor, sudb bêl evi~broeasc ieic Sub Tet1 igohfl #Sj*e tt, mo fvn«UiY tusyearsVD$ ail ~ Ml~*0 e 4a1.14 *Ith ur tesdy tuadeý w~~Muawh i a. Wvieil<o retuira thauks te our ~y. ifa ràs a tb.. publie g.ae-allv for their generous amppert . mb.r our ato* is mtaecod to none ini thia cu*> Our moeçtomt in îhe-bmt. sud you will reoive 40 kt titusment from suay on. than from MMh, ,eweler," 86 Kent Street, Next the Daley Hanise. A Prmnlum Puzzle.* nEil» HAUBSEHEN LAPIY bau 1%» Ctmaj-mn. C»an afnd se. mak faces sad snialePa andrecbed below. Tise L J»I COePANI Wlul a blgl-ca, 3 p[e4 hlutratcd Magazine, devoted la Litera- tara nomUseLie.Fuhli etc. atot antatela appeanan<'e and pgtranid by the li elade Ol-teamm .A perfmct'lj fair an# etmate printun systoe #a tkptmd b>' t ublisiers irat ut fltlaY, in order to 4uJcklyPlueelt and Its siber publheaticu, at tbe beed of ail Osudian perladicals in point cf eireulaion. During 1893 ce pur- I.me gi-ring acay Peur Bleemt Ha.ewae Plama..L The nmt exact good faitb*îviiibokeptcilh ever>' ua ribeir, bath as regards te magazine ani premntunis. Seoenne of subscrlber le recelve lte grand Piano nov ezbIbtcd at our offlees, ilLin' ew 4»em fer Mardi. pq-W. publi* aent .'comflamalen, 1.00 pet year: ,Ludiosnut Haose, 50 eus r ; Or »»and Girls, 25 cents per year. Nomt Our adrem 1wranc M. Wetsud do not, confouud or publications vit -any alters of mmewhasi??lar naines. PREMIIJM LIST. To thse fi-etrferma ollng puzzle we wlliacard an ele! t Reweed Plaxe, vaiued at 0800 le neat> cl f" eiea 0.14 Wathe tiri, aàMSi k i>reff pattern; thm Iburt% ,a Sotife Hernie flB« . e lh, a Drer wateis te sixtt a DiEQtJUT LisP Stha seventb, a GeLa Betocca- lte elgblt, a BitvYYR *ivE, oVu«ocA TuaTfl-. tletho nmxt ten vifl ha giveh omei a boïutlffl Goe.nBitcoca Tu th. m14db e nder wl» ho avarsied a Cabinet«- <>wgan d Ith ie tan tfoeng eacha a iox eSFoenA"iT of- senior or a»y fîiend. The seuder of lette beanur latel poustaseprevious le Jane 1ttisnezi, cwillreet-ve a 0014 Wateb. Mm es'er neit .t id r eesive a Silver Watéb . ion praceding, eseis- a bebuttfsd 0014 laremoL c<mmInDiT@NS -Eiciscontstant muear k fameain uizin!lulait or ppend!. cetI adverlusm ont and IRemi ta us veuh Thirty <Cens b Se3 montMb' Subacniptleti tu lte des'",Oampana. Adircia, à&Dr LMDIS'COIAIIm. W., 166KLng SL, lTest ?Ioto, Cao. MI nt U ticelc ub.. ta l he bmpublithat ahébu semnei ageWsud valuable atool et WinltrXaii..et a BbaUM4 w"eb@ h ciil Us redaad prie..; "ath lb. ui ovatie. la ?aa md New Yoek styhu, md là fuly preprsd t wattonber nLmaroupatrons te thulw uiiu&edaUhalmg af t.a mer. ILab iy sstyles in dram sud amatie muk@& qu«a .tumla m Mb.giva. t. .&ILParomae fro. a dietance cafted upon on Oaturdyu. Cali and see. AUl are invited. KOXI-»Ove' WaaCela O'. ry "ue % fueDohemy BW*o, &max teaI A. EaMbetbm'uDama SI., BOOTS AND IÀUBBERS0 W. have luat receivecl a shipment ot BOOTS. LRUBB3ER3 and OVER,- 9SOES mmsking our Fait and Winter etock complet. MEN'S ND BoY'f LON~G BOOTS, F.sIt and Leather, Man's Lace pekt Boots and & full stock of âine wear for men and boys. LADRWS BOOTS in flne Kid, Batton and Lace, aud stronger quality in WmifSain and Buft Three speiaàl iue- of lined fine Fait Boot§ for Ladies in Butmon, Lace and Gaiters at $1 .25 pair. CHLLDRE&'S BOOTS saitable for wet weather, in &U àmzes suil quelitis. RUBBBRRS and OVERSIiOBS, ims for Mien, Ladies %md Childruza, Dow complote. Nov. 2ad, 1891.-U98. OhapFURNITU RE GO TO ANDERSON, NUGENT, & Go. KENT STREET@ LINDSAY* Undertakers and. Cabinet Makers. 0.11 and see our u*ook. No trouble to show He. ANbERSoN. NUQENT & 00. HOGG BROS,4 ~j~ty$a3d-promnptly Jr 14 jx àÀàliý lç_ -

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