Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 3 Mar 1893, p. 4

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i0ion traiuof~ *tt(f THE m '<t-aN"pse) cusetmWu*tit n ticay li cof vii . gubey anC.. aile g*oou (ifrsne, AN 4h. tOimec ale. AR . show a Tm.a cmpi t vat;riet al i anmciMra gater in cretns. Ou ap anishe sdhnfsle.crosC suitable for Prueiltshave THE SES]' WEDDING RINGS mot with mark- ed f avor from poople of tastee just now w. wish to draw your attention to or large stock cf gem aad engagement rings, lace and hair pimi. and brooches. The Styles ane new and very attractive and the values utdusually good. NEW DE8IONS ENGAGEMENT RINGS Foot: ,Of Kent Btreei',, Noe. the plaue and whea yau are in towu in and ss our store. corne1 Reanember that visitors are alwavs wlcome and oeed net feel the slightest obligationi te buy. VISIIORS ARE BRITTON WELCOME BROSe jewOlers. etc., Lindsay. Vu 4finstig la iuP AI maof.1lens sd saul W bad A matonoDe ctu svir à Ulm of bouda msim et lam And àie ta&, armu Usa., efmsi Itle laBotimprobable tel b.0ielo s for Onaio . uylbe &Prutg mnlbo pro- vbosce rlog it.eouteng smmet. aM 8ir Oliver mnovaIVS teTorouto on TOW&dY uudoubedly te.gomersi e- *Clan oli have lim apruni on; bulbeo mal nov iolay them 1111 afir lb. Votera Lsteamarereviéel. la foroato the e na Sa'.patomua the liquor sud aslcu alumomoWi. Uhtepte Ulm te.politel olmerssivole, proestut as mvol as rossa oehllepuill bond in band yuib vo hiékey mad ber. The prohlbitlonise nluWtenaalmo vonied for air Oliveré Um. But .plte e«OFF 4'Bai Lae ton Dr. BRym." 6"Vhlkey tiussu foa ir Oliwes o "#Tobseco4(à 440 *'leuicald.clcrtoal04 "*Prhbiou - 46 4 4'Wousen'a OhnlaliTempoaaeU"io lutmefu fr air OlvWrs mo," Dr. Rieuam von by mm* «»000 mja'Iy. -bà Whîdoms Ch. rml sen I omole. siv.ll iais, ihal the ceremn f soisty ane ralliai oromd Sir Ohwiveri i.*ti *ciddulle lsas, bassetmidoes la eaoli hyforlIIbersIoomiutb& 16 X wua simauadimg ilagras emelsIm ChoC crula vone dbisiil à leseu mu i mr ehurohe,aI4eü» imoeite * pav, s.m daly, glv4 *o. VpedIgreti abt Olivera obaiocmi .mllIm 11m te vote fa' Dr. 010 aue i. oSlut %lioltdegsmI" hyuasN Moveer mmu*» sué rlmo àIl teluhemeudy ibsualiol Whe o elm mabe0 *mm*et t a te MAFUMN * vw.fa"i Ayor* Il i Vegr hadqle»vont S Iue«dS aadi «Cod - is wla slasud*uhdboyn ua"es ag ir Oit voeia viked prImai Memelme l«lo eriainsmake sure hie Dmn aon *eb e oler *4issvia, un muniolpil v@è«s' liab ittlte.letIon P4.1. aftr be mm te Vote cot la the Domiion butete.Provimu lalectiom Nov vhlle the aseesau araovnd la te sime. Thie. mom*@ha enoothe a whoee mnqm la omitsi vill f" 1k kick. suaizas iloisZUDl. Bouwvhat skiai te te.pSrt-7ooo plume of te. Northumberland Fa? lema agan, vuate.red biflhiw" med tb se pear on the ahaks of. te h tgoompamy of the Forty.aizth Foot, asys Chamlera Journal, <houbsug aid Emglck reglmeul Durteg te.batèe.of Erandywime, la th. Aàmenion War, Mhe oommay by sosrale dhoblnxm ade gret hava. in ehe ramba of the .uey, who Ibreateaed, vben tIh. goeud obtala a favorable opponbuaw fer revene og ive the markuaea o quarter. la deisao, hovever, of ibis menace, and to mate ehammeves monr radlly diabin- gulabedf.om bthàlr onunudea, they dl"d te. bail ln <hein cape r.d-vlth blood, sooordmg to inadion-la place of te. Ummeu by th. ruat of êb. regimemt. This dalnulion vas abffquuly sag biiimedby h. War ORbe s uehoritleaý The Tvemby.*Iht bol uaei to have a 1aingular ,iItlnebng &Ifeuture in Ihel. number lsdxewMwbhvan affzod mot ly on te.frout ne leuua ad onne, but aléo oath b*of thoe caps. Onmamecoo dmln yp hen UilrM stou tirawn upTulire, a dore onght vu mai. up'u eh. emoment, linea s wel] m in Erou%, ly large badies of Ireol oavalry. Thor@ vwun. mot»ne t git sq»areformation t. 'reOevWe"te h .har lait horemen; but thoommodnel office? belng a mamof re4oorea ahut.. 162 rouir, nlghs.about.faoe. ire" 'Ibo mem caruled ont tbe order witI pro.ptitude; standi gbaok te bock, they almultmmeuali l..l.1 lMI ammlt»an md te comuemo. rate te h. Mr, i ver med eh unique diabluotlon or thé dupioali nuimber hudqe Volm 0 Flil TE TilU5i The follovlag ImIer frm s eAnge- axon o loyafiat joaloet Ottava, ex- p1laaimif. Th. vritor of the arIlle sbould i ot hovever lho o omasaoel by the iemutratioiia agaimal everythlm Bridiè. There are thouasmis et mole Tanins, vho dotat ebat hlag mol jum n sncbs te.mol doms the Enllmai. The inidenl bovevcr * shaovwsI rultn fe"ma nthe Un" ellu, I-Peruan - jour exellmt journa ofPu. 1@4a,1Inome la esapi. of artile vhiob asimd me foMolil, ard agolus viols 1 dosire t. proimat motta ssgly. Tb* i Iaio»me the mremara ofSaaose.- tate Dr. Dolle Who Vante Haoglam to seul sveral onsol rmernts sud miltar boa este Climaqo aat Whoi la WBia .1 eIDue. ho uaI ithe ailéal defamieraut1the Empire Insultaiorisem hio weau e. ticlaf(modanl vhlmaof eh. Teasheami1lîmusil e ama' e oCIer ut lhes. reasona Iff t la for the potpée. of5 fureber developlmg te alrosdy iGO p»o dulun"dîmme msu rups" cet'mir sre.o.ege frisotté, vhy dues h.osay i te to asmel4SmifmhmgIslvoma Ch. dm11w sp vhlehbsithe bor te am&u MUAi, masm ia. goviwsit8eeep. Y. Ontour koppose os m iýri~eii i te denai panad svere tfl-o oui, mâl p-ew ui M wl foia &;ev, ul e me vaebmay bmme.vemaroneiteu.r frtte» lag tlitMa afile vli u -"le Ual Jeci et oCl Un l"f Our ntlieaePM vu Mdd amla om erse *014e am Wil m- ummu deai »asj» aws îl. ialaiM" vile Mr. jame k. alvm ah ifudo ey rns . uaoi qZ6Md .sIai lb ahm -uIl dm Md boues u=mi m et*$Gdm Ai joe mi rand Hta ns ia M1h Domliionm chofass cip.u*&;;àell aGaa bmi 'l!owà arty O ai niloril epOeper, Mdu " VU e gof 1om 1éflmeoi us bobaina à%th Gnos. OsérsonMuacounlaiS.wm enbosat vomt&bCoCtforgolà hiikeyf oaSU trmad e b. rmadOi ofhili'mo, bsas 1Olm a Ob bvterimiio tore a»Verly ol Mlaeunaa se dmsu" yuls. ome be i solll aosut ebmv Mt, maewlovà le.utmg e.dsM'yCO v.èr lgte cSOSWb .aboa frmapan *berme 4fi:l mp lys se rom omseelhomm, laeu enavels I r 1a". lb mele aw - ps"o oU lane bueIouas sblem Cil en Cvive otolbma$#elOW&9monma thale pae be.uao uch~ id sul, ami vlo ase musé&Ob, Md alrlellg o Îoes 0 bawa ollamime "os'i for e our abnie,'h"& 1d sud ib oe bemiel40 meuhdo:I Wme prie. lo tnpbe. ?m u bow à v e th*smoacoq%"es bd iea l mith. be 8. a aVt à IomC Nac M M se aunaiagauam 0 atMylug tvmo& 1leV a dard cnS thémbmr, A i 001.11te mIem abtenme. r non o ofgthons lb sho t agenuvo ym air ofgîte.. e ou im usilmais I 0 toeah oSIdebumme.heu Détvitm rie Il. asmewrgel.I I~~# opule h sulmil"e Weev tabh ffm4vytuip a boWe ef UmpWfMON m il ea m OA uusaiv MddwatulIy n the kiduejuIlve Md lela. da «~ aseL& U. Wa OWalIlieiiUP Md In x» é Oa'r sWet Eav Jsa au, lv tb am. ouhw UW@Cbi.ea e Dilatas% mi NgiaHi -.Amdisipmmetsao 8S. Pamiet U". JaSmaii mi Ehe. 80au ail t antbt.bi Naouv. -at LbdwwpasUc m ma oum le, end, i6a.um» et E10 IP* ausilaibibltmtm Sum la sm ffvle .7. d 1p sAte For Partloulars ABOUT THE Senlers' Trains MAN ITOBA MND "a NORTHWE8T @M *elewases olro Age muabusiam i oa Leumt 0. P. a., 460&eIl iM"s. ufl WIU iom u M&d@ m Aed-i te subi &WiOuas t :wnâBU h.aior UN3. m W"iwl l au f Il. hoU q JOReto" M 1 1 .0 . S U N 5 . aT u a L U s . Wou OV<' 1.0myb" libos ]ev uesLlLCol, dr é4big Marohilsand.' .1 .0via ThSm tWn wO. luv'. e enb. V» um -0euutm o mlb Si effl t15miT iateu,fukm f ai a u ssiet o, &pqi le" U ~YGOODS BU7YERS W*lac. boor. you Une mut .xt.seand complete stock ever offered yeu. Oottons, Draperies, Tweeds, OIothlng, MusIin~, Dreuu Goodes Trimmings, Laces. SPEONAL FEATURES FOR THE SPRINO Lowness of Price. COME IN@ E.E.0 We have something great, good and genuine to offer you. W.McGafley, 1nlsàAn ieIe o WÀOhPie ryGa og. Thepepl's p Oplr4adBgnsIOtByaanetbefn. W. have a larr st ock thon ever f tb.o.e ma; .very one warrant ed; aise Saw Jointers, Baw Bt, guage aid Files. à great wiety of Axm od Helvms. Eglish and Aniericn Cow Chains. Wahirig Machines an# Wringemu.AÂfuIl stock of BoUder an d Farmers Bardware st 1 4 l. 188-a. 18 Opposite l'ait ffia. kt-t Stet. Llud.ay. JALIRLE SAET orva counties and: o~Vlotoxia Durhom . «I ao ozosi Jmus mae te ma ai*& d DWvM4Puai V&. Toobo. Tb" OUI h l sUeraifor mb e mo~.~ji" i'5 <le apeemUiS idiu on" ubmiAi miLeaaae0SCBAMM 42 taie couat ,%. A iu ous eulor Can. BAT. fm Saturday 9 the 1llth day of 19ardi, 1893. MW la 5p ua sum 1 wudga aisi mbuim raiu-%,à"m uma ul - s bi~-Agfeoboues - <OUM à milC ile * .00 l m otbismia waben i s bu;ta a »bus. 4" ki. tf. 'amale; a fbain v"sha i is agoi s Tub Posft=kI & s@Wu hsm Ombmi1mie re gh om$' c am T o5o5,.à et a a mil ua aboul POU. .Ilm.4uBumen laObumaid elomi 2 ibu of iaIls ,orbha oi lii liaiset. oo ao.il iksl, isalbuSU musm orantoe b uImusndm' mim la ww me un& 4, "Pim- 1 t* a ydplesud a. MMM o muu nmmm 18 i e=; boas YO«U'lice P Would you abject to paying 5a. a quire for love- iy writing Paper p ME xxCgr E1 a6 1V <,C, > > Waliomakua, Jewelez4, md dein lFuey Goo& da aToya, 45 Kent Street LiUdaY. COUCHS Gai b.e sily cured by using aur ELIXIR 0F ANISEED. One dose neyer fails ta relieve the most severe cold, 25 cents a botule Our PEPTONIZED ÉMULSIO)N 0F COD LIVER QIL wili be beoeficial ini al bing treubles. Easy te take and vill 'et disagree with the mast delicate etooeach. Put up in large botties 25 and 5o cents. *wg.wyVuDwu Sue Corner Kent and William Streets, Huosier Steel Frame Grain Drili Thon à».more eier Drill a ur manufacture au une, m jeaata~o i thiha csbud N e 4, masse OmauamtBd t»e amotDrin Mai. a 4vt" FMda lma 0 neo-8 --et &W*0fd t . of és lu 411 Indu 'if *Mti.TUWI ONLT PEnE» o m OEI 881>inaurne.thrh er a etourt u ao#.r-bwitih the I149«4 le Nul.j ps lobS @asvmg .oshly msi alàIffsly tomssiolput en&a1-Su sa <0 oDe' ih W au S Du u pl.ia o~s i smis met Our miaulas areasai priais lower tha= ev erl. CF 1l m- 0"pr »4 s Mi t Our lowalagmute tSr ughlus ta. oumiry. o« m a e = 1 1001303s '!' 90 MeL'D. IN3RSOLL OnT. GB WORE me noetly and promptly- piýGIf CANAD IAN Ic RAI W yý Fui Quality Unequalled. Attention to Patrons@' The people% popular 4 and 5 gauge X Cut Saw &gain to à e front. ý Or Se. for 5c. Lead - Penoils. That's what we sell them for. ý art me im a AND a COLDS.

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