Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Feb 1893, p. 5

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$ 250 OW! Eotsdo bevfM "èdso pi e NOTES ' lipriel BooS. »Ma ana"nle aigu of the Mini Baws 'ADIVARMImou es mua mus&"£NO IliD FOIR NORTCAOIc àDs& IsyTfls Bottom Prioes., - Eunglith &Bd AmpseiCa t olery, gr:QmCnuers, Bamno sEIutabtir On uitraitht Lia mete Ptrmmani eboism eho ors d mr'mue ni *liunglog ilelu mort <Cow Obain., Haiters, LanteTDs, gagea sud h4vine tbolt Intomr* duo te é lFauaning Mill cire and sine, Win. ibm ppry Icent rt.The cnet .1 obssglog ter Mîuae. a mTtgrgoq 40 Puery smmcii la omoariuos te thu "aîiag eulsimi by thm reisaîlon et la. Axes. Axe Randies, Cross Ont Sereot. 5uweBuck Uawe. '<0W TUÂT mnnt n"Aàe u= I ellusMi" Totn have lb: oroPP t tbtrrtbw ail SCRA NTON GOAL yon it as lie ro uris.u Dsu'S A"bosirMa" dNel LIO5imetmé. prouroiiass-. buÀ muaim tour sppitea- Mion prouwîîvf. jMoLiENNAN & CO., Hardware. Oud andirZ.em M àk.ss Eeal Estate Bougit and. SoId D T~e~Bîx-. .1soke on commissiou. rea and Tait on uad as %à*jars, somîl ei Umio-ýSu5. Fux -4049 - Lvauuus oamussei, toit ami liait wmoch butiw»mosb«et et aiPerbiu à C.. the lesior GENERAL INSURANGE AGENLt. aI« e«fb.soletasud. eo.-îil. lies Vnous. bavinsg buugbi a la?"i teh fat Ai sud ca her lS.e lug J. H SO THE ANt parmi te maho dressessuduatts Sn ibm latemi tiles, Cali and lIspose the gouda. BatLks-r and Broher, -t ARIsTGamTS ximTew,-'ta Dake aMd 91 KENT ST., LINOSAYs ONT. aD .ebeoav:a id:miui soe. 77 £mi Lndui,, ç 0 aHflî. S os Ibou la tbme lcw. Ttej rta toi 38 heurh Md ont Tul Olt 716 warrantaitot ooaaldder4o ai uwartmm. anleste. uiurda«at - utahet fa teautitofa h i CAsA»I as ANNeL&. fer dbistolma eo» e...ai o wo smbmeaurs paytag la s&dames foi Tas Wâs. nu aTb* euS. in lomeb, b10 l1mb. iouteine100peamu. buttai, Me in fuISluau=tt frbmla#,' "se uboutmmiqb i.gusa Wbleh nise l mpemabi. for aute ibis tbm prientsute saujvie io met psy up tea vase.. Do mu dotl, but osaialome sube ipioula Sair musmsudreculb. hebaudeu s asi. Canumuu lv NuiMuSWCuvau. - Efl1AADfl~8'fll Euamtandmauffl ermiteberm m of J.G.D 00 omd0-a"? :Wli la ibisatcaI-je blaif t @thil - uiiselem vit. The Igov. T. W 3.1111. ce Lemauville pmichsin thlb.memias sud thmeRoc. N. A. MeDarui of Pleimo te #ber This i. the gem son of the year that evmbem.- Ti.e enuahle ures almi Fait' î4 and Carpeuteiare pro cm e el l Ith@ U cmii wuerly lu ogo etIuti Test. Tb@doduo*gaise cmm puring for the 8prnin, aend figunring uzodsla.Tit. aelir ud.t lMs owuom' on new buildings. Iesdiesag u.imealepsia cudrftavr of . mou. ami ibeir readerl et blyses and suibemu esphW elalu eiavectagula vMI.uàry I Give ns a c-illand ve wilt be only ., ..'aoL. xi ob.i'.al,-et at too giul tugive informi.onand Soodày à4lgbi ii o'oqisty'ormsdy Ier prices on anythiUg iD OUI 1100. mrag'u, I.eisl po grndammedit is ilerat e t becancersMou'. Stock i. largeand omot and entibrishe A o of unln. u th r m maues JllIy abreaut wî,h the Ùtl*5 o d.uumog 31. Il4%i.1 ts- 1.* Malo Qwmteî.........M m iL G. EDWARD8 & 00 2 ~............JCa. 83. lo .-. .11110e3 Iiam â eBrdeau., Hmaîry Gouda. PàisSe, *Dm .....o... ..... M-min liud mo 011., rrnmImpomoe:t. Cérr site DaU. ?ds,.m ai.taa Flls Ian n thîe Aui>. 1111S11l..... . . v.W. IL. C e s ilDtokomms......... . .. ..... .. . VRIUJAY. PU"UART17, aiSb - U m pesmw. m tours vli W<JA.L JUTTI£1NU& ý 4~5 sumo i 'nuarri Lwow-u te1ioulait 'tI az OMM. #goêI w Mov%toa 9 Reues ist, Ludmsy-U4 k&tpoahg n lhu rm.4«s DUUiluiet aNusim. RStosu S*boui»= Uosuh a s50u oti ami ndperelalucrues haindu"&heaisose belamd i er bal% m 1wou ehoms. 2MIub palalomiu uiatm"-&. L. iIsmuvuyebete Tutua Mimva Tar-Tbo a oai UIS héc. a yNsy" i f»a fur mur aboqueatlMe@uar liàt*cretlb -rMn.a: W" e ** rot à isu e t tarie-l & -dRA et t% 1101s11110 , * s Uuepredî' te ning lu ai boeoou Voet ear .uhqtew iu lm ibm d ty. Osang.u.saamm&" 1 so fstus.ye a in LaiM Daubas S. ce'. -4s1. b " W 816 00 viam a s utilgît osI taeoos. ebéar euh pw mliii pèesn Il saeor tomawte nu 1 oIMonmenralbi4w ié ia vont Ion%; 1 pv.-Addmes SaeComédi ense .W. ISU%«4 1polie G&.,77 Vauiula. r«mai, st-M mmu"lb.Iq 5dmue a nattis Cotjstrel uguteuos. l remeis îooe I ontitsle the diamasolasufuilydlsps u de" trusily boli. 1 oas. Taisu douune * e some oam i" hflestiaed bomo 1*0lebs la plie. fait 1et mstrie, 1uti ltrsinlg sud toaftvbu~ obffle la sivamisfoToi t sWau sMd Iflouse ,*ave sprit«ues Umme lu " s > bu sancves faes.b* "aam llbss es taiseqtgl m. 09 h. aitpm Msbp.h r O.uw e flm m bbam i Mi op emba de oo*. -isra fesettel ena.e M Y ss<uet. m" th a es rab , 5 op. 1 @te taae buméeli me, uoc Are, àmhrsu am aue he Li id il dS uoT. Weriboce aule a ieffos e.tce bneta lth e hu pL4 laisud et eAroSed o aygome etal.u may Board o( Ttad., boin osau .d paseudmy mvual toRou ibis cl, I thhe.ln mslthwo la lav support brvnas tte eeygaMu, Uudsa sud anim&.*b Wel es bMod essud opporluds bout i tvtoi luusl, g uit sdeulsg thbu jasio oets bm poimu.lbut"aS" Llu st Poa ypeo irscylil Iote apluiclmut o Pet. aymwenortbe arseiees i ou lec souppeourt, b.lvforbahib.alI-lauderura sud- ar ladynors ol8ul el m tecurs mi buabeleathe-eI grs mrest ut umbua moe i br aomo bmisieg a'ls«ole.he Moan Bouse mu Tbarmdsy Ngrcbluitesub bal le.tock et dm% oall e rom ettâai Ibgo evmrlgou i-b ell boadies utanla. Po. ld andmrbeuiSsit 4out s ibiProsqr sud ons bmuptlmprovemui itl:cnulb. buti la itr spmrsa.u b usg bece;egeod2 Tà.y tm,.liDitoai aturV ai prs.maii doptàate OUoi igmller . Omaa. 'hon e ih aaiBs ea yeuxmadlnf mendef Ouadebe are go lvg inoreau pont &bond ibsa miluroaselvh Ibom bsi ni"clu TounsMiWh" vua a"- simuor aMd smo.ouded Sute alngMises amilaem *Pem ithe 0boenbeaahR e %bumasrauou.y bared e le g i t h met hmUaappli imt5ttud wdater elatiluesud tbm = ienu- sibil"et te it rosuhiog mumg tr, ugumueen"efor the brav. e o e le ma' 1*1i pmrisod. Mue e& rleub lady casrecote!etmmisthb e evouha alMd bar leoîhur"seouSonday murali. MMS Petterley haes«bimda i abuansd tee ,ournq obiidrea te meurs ber tims. 1mus Mitebil sud ihuem minghtues, stier sud fieter& ef th. du""& i.MS te*a rpest, soeoy movulug fer Qiseau id the Mai tatly. Tb*is e au Iiioshae the desposisymp ttbi et the'. mtie cssmaItV. Morbast ebllnga qaiche r tru ohy Merebas oboahlm vousfr lb. boms se l'un blAmaax'! Vî-TIa saboipht1 *pei by tibe Treutu lupetou lbait ef sé. choc aid tamily off btthe MJoba Mark cIe lest bh ie b@bera it ~et bis boum. la]o. o tse obosa bly roupeuais te &motet veodia op Ie Wodm.'sday miclg btrng 0247 iI erer ibm LilooI.rmer eisbsdug le eietad . .....Osn@rnodav toesson a munis. iswu baila ibm Y. M.9,A. alttesvun erasi *»'bis Wmwsip Mayer y. ebairsua, 0. IL amant*k soissy. sud JobsnBom irmee.rar. e8080011 ceWU &p iw e ieimte ah le f» es m smw esusuis for a eubou l tl»ieobidmaila bsaareWla lu b Ri M 99 tils OomalrY.19 malybubere statttilidF!5IP 1101Mo0h.0MU-S. mmu.tu i foi boe*lpthu....-Vue iPimm"ii eti iai m laiées. MutueIMMr lasoas..eilpea, cie bai Ca11mb os the coieuta uitibm bafouuritre.gbeko ls.porer Mr. L. Luhqpuib ls deaur, atbub M. Iey IISaism lb li. Ii. Muhbeoass*Irbo$*Mml wucm.as dus »4i loimusbot, "àt Lade@Maoaito mt. s eil bm$ WM " uetu4mos.bu ibehiowset me, laima Mwne.-m a ta meuesea lii a ellsbèmou oud 'o ea ~ lb Kr.sSm15 uru~p~ ii~- Isud 35is mateta. lîau-OmTifday, iibb a fnue e llimg boum. en lris ae e seciby àu. Jobsoasud e oeplel ly tee fimlr. i, t tif W. Houdeimo. sud D. Himon wu. de MeuYd by Ire. The ira S inid tebav. Ira te m m éexpmIa of a Jeep Thaee au sim naamof ef»PO«ntihe bd. log ...... lèIy % &ibm aI lorienîig 861u» dtq, the Qa ea .t.. a br'k building. cueuph by Alexander licAuthur, sud ocumi iby Un Lendl emidt. of Poierboeugbvu totallt destioyed. tbe ire or$gnaud la lbe coller. Mr. sud Uran Moribnu.boa s mr c.c.p., tbé démon bavingaimoe emach bebduay b.îore bring dlaooverd. The beWA. icit sea atotal Ion, nosou.01 teîle ai amste b. %brava dilon seSa i rd'%, -i as i ufoira tbey wColi fail. air. NoArtbulutmilme) &Hl tbe ceutot, Ta@.bol ding wu ivmrod for «5O, Mr. iio.%Pîbur bsviog lb.e a. tente aM1umie for 8160......Wall$ th bimai ire vuce aprue n um vossocaded for tomberin utibm outb cwai, cher.t ta atablez. ou boonm te W. Tuia, tbe etboe te J UeAribur won boami, . eprigie et thle@ in unsoea ..Early on Weduosday moeming ibm alarn cas égalu m.uuded, eb a ibis Imatamo. vc thb esa f a fatai lma U*00 èé Wall la I=eela ibt e mu . brIr.Tbe boeaU. .William Walto4n 'ai aut in py Ib et wrd, we thé ou Tbm Brmadone godbd ok.vusn l su #aliebie 0" .ir,«. d Uoe ee meppOim thm e Wb m daag, bous se mamui otIba lciii bovasq.te bu devr. Thon ewu anSuer mu of .1OU onu»0 b ben mmi feoel 8800 p.. <élites.uiuSmvu>um bocè. le b. wortb *75<1; omimuaPUS The. Sm vu net bocuver tibm oetaré o iles d W.inMeiy on; uh; e mie .lslgoe . moir thé zeti Jabw IL -Uume, sayeuse us a -f et o sMaftia, osaut r, ugmi19 jOursh bma smphqui - a m@Wla tbm dry .odsM» e.tMUr. J. Carter, vu hiffl bya falus abt.uy, st cuammt bs te i m doas.boewentheibmbmlIdlmgbutlaI:. nue dl.m.b cm ho loil te bembicma mwb won mode aidbis obuW erela tioncuonloui tera nira iba.pie ia io , mele. parofu te ielbet àmvsuelog ma. etrTh -atitnpâetdq ae h ais Olutem ai ie..J*i'..l <luas. fMt aipperoi evur.o a sd rab- bers ehoespomi aki à A09%, U2ZutI S& Ltudma.- 69 if. Laius Se>ourUo~&lsWamxmum ant us tu. umsainsuaomt bout vo s evPeuhhr à u. Di. elueursn laev patset boausMd mbases, ubbos% m te.5 Fail t fstirlo,1endis ipmamd isau mmd lb.emettes f TaWa mapiewta., abaud ,saum bob et«300log " aol"10@la"mu Pmesa bm io aas duue Dm$& IatlIa , muey5 Midellty batneV »Muet ocmiois&emav dmll tamtbe mpura Ifthbe s.esu :r;zrolhs te th b. borbxfle. l.~almç,nh imee Avo'massahie a i .'sdbu eofa [uve.T.auose-7. ___ s miu i nswga LêOI Om. TÂAM% livhicla bave tbelys«M.bu a. uda * Mi,191TPRIONmt a mwefm4X t. 6L00 Pmrpair. COWERS--WHI7U lA.T~a asu a ad. yos« siomtos for Speiag fim a grand oaenta!pate. m dcfidediY ilo.sing pria.. V" f47 d arem mcliadmire& end vi h. iltb. soirnsfrta fs sf us. el th e neveit a-ad neateët desiguewhite fer qaiy iî u vle r ogwYs abea =f*,a.# M>eI5p W* w *jai &yS oted for Esudoma.iras hscrw upuee urem S»M o~ep!tatu; le1dwig prices 51 il, a810, eu4 I2io, per yezd. Our New Shaker Plén-neb,. are here..' And mu* b. amato b. appreciated, EuhPeolieou. patternm are hgudeomer thau these of the. previous fm4. W. show én immense stock of tbe uewest aud bustat close eut primas, 8TAOK8 AND PILES 0F NEW TWECED DRBSS 0001)8, New Grey (Jottona, New ShWrinat?, Tick' inga, White Cottoas, Bheetioge, and gouersi Staples, at Our wonI kuown iow prie... Everything nos', cea., end firesh from theii. nll. We oomUm&y li cit yoD? patrrnag, b.lzeving we have the. riglit goouls ab the riglit prie., and can ime oAA, and ail honeri -nd rniable v.lue for your Money. WARNER & OO0, Th&e Great Baukirupt Stock Mon, 76 and 78 Kou& atreet, Lindsay. XMAS 18S2Q NEW YEAR'S8 1093 Seasonable Gooda for the Holiday Trade. HRUO.le & Palmes .Choice EngliaL Biscuita. csse&àBIackwel's Jant, Jellie, Potted Yeats, Picessud Sauces. Oaniqed Goode Peau, Beau., Toniatos, Corn, etc., Lobster,., Saloo, Muchwe.!andd inuan Hnddie, Dried Fruita-Oboiie Sultatias, Vislencia Raisins. Figu. Apriot', Carrants, etc. Table Fruits-Layer Debesa, Buachea, auoters, BI-ck Ba keto, London Layers, Dates, Table -pige, (Jrytu tafliud Fige, gheiled Âmomds. Preaerv.e-Mirualade, Dam-ons,Plutma, Black Carrants, Easpberry, Strawberr, Table 1.lIies. Meats.-Fea Ié RsHaueton 'Blar" Brand Breakfaut Bacon, RolIed Bacon, Rame. Woroet.r&Sc, Fimaicli Caponspanish Olives, French Olive%, Muhroom O(atoup. Harvey's Sauce. BOTTLED ALI AND PORTER-Guinness (o'. Dublin 8tout, Bas" C oe Pale Aie, LabatV's Lon. don. Davies', Toronto, ale sud Porter, Dow'.s Mon treal Ale in pinta and quarta. Gooderant bWoetsfine Old IIye and Malt Wht,k es. Bater'e "'B inley Br@%., the finest of Scotch. Whiskies. -oe's, Jamemon'. Buuhoeill's, Bork'es Oi Iru.-h Whiskie. Hemnesey's, Sazse, Germier, old., Fr"c Brandies, Ohoice Porta. Sherries, Gina, Bums. AU of thi. Finest Brand& procurbie. JOHaN DOBSON Corner of Kent and William SLreets, Lindsay, Groc)erie)s &.provision W. have just, roeived a oho"c stockcopifg Sgars, Spices, Raisins1 Currants, C nidPes ~o W.~wp bipiani tdock of Grom"ene i Uuymd iherefore oaa satjfy pu * vets tw pefection. A WORD ABOUT OUR TE AS. mai Ts t adm~artcl u Iadseprias.. ad we dMM t mmrenow th*& s - ottr aun. b t pmmt oosprulm&ài ow popdu cbasis, .so w.l3 »4 - - thwb.m th wb. OMM>~ ~OXRYAND Bai St~le Goodu. C~ ~cS* as Uer. *.4.*.,.'. r..,,-. t * ~.. 'a 'J ý&-, - àdËiâý ý , 'l l li Ulâ.OJ:L 1

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