Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 17 Feb 1893, p. 4

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.ftry. 11110emeot i, kald~! tory qualil» . gad ys frum -usofàasgZt (if«<m THE "MIULAND» gr.u*ur) e AND, VIOTORIeA"i eqo«me *0 ARE THE BESI ne ai **~ cost; for in the long rue our eutomprs' intoe n i rdem. tical with our own W.jeuxr. anti. ail 1 oode te reprsuutsd at the time of sale. w. show a Most complete vat iety ini al'and aniy dai of Itoods in o.r line. Our JaP anus. and Chinuo curiosities suitable for presente. have THE BESI met ufth mark. WE601NO ed fayot fr-om RINGS pzopl, of taste. Just now we wish to eraw yaur attention~ to our large stock of gem and ungagement rings, lace und hair pin-4. and brooches. The styles are nuw snd very attractive and the values unusually good. NEW DESIONS ENGAGEMENT RINGS Foot ' of Kent1 Street. Note1 the. place sMd1 when you are ie town corne in and sce our store. Remember that visitors are alwavs welcome and aeed not féel the slightest obligation to buy. VISIT013 ARE BRITTON WELUOME BROS. Jewe1ers. etc., Lindsay. Shb dettteriga pid A maulsu efboe aMda uM"sset hà" A am oe se nu e. à IWO&a et berne ss aedu t gL"e A" th lsix, Rama. IJytos. tesevur. iIIDOflnPJ or Doriaf ON i VDDJ)I T VINIA lAD OuiL 011. OnsTTs.eday Bon. Omse. MPoster, the dmmosideba.te nAméritc, deliveisé dis Bsmdgeîb peocha% Oeit,; sMA lhmwm in ea' am% oiam« lis omeradves s»d mes, wailiIng, tiluthaabo sud bowinug amo£ the Olp05i40 The ahl. revîe fthie Isar% imbue, là* fluuauihng ceautteor et *MWit dsspim te.depresets t in au ta'mla lisu tbm venid over, oad lb tut4tipiss vérs &ahi parrayed lai simule duar, . laeuee by M. Poew. Tiihe au vii appear iTUn Wauam muti vesi Md ltcsitainly bem nus datyde"sw fdtisea turmisid ir. The mebet tm#nMedt*lintteustla Mu la the reductonet tbe duty mus bras Twiai and on es'ai ouil.Ami sutudie issufolemss Tas WsAsabuag ca. ltai patotioste.- e Cmeaasla poâUi but tha m m mum us lius4Sg bosgbî 10humains e. l aieesipils.ore &0s nation shuld redum es li stlaetto. Whbasaauabmet ofanduatrtu emmlt»l à1t ors.o uid top gh pulsim Yevir Rase~ ~ ~ ~~j fit b m-, ulludl sv ma wbp beaould bhd" tlvtblth.aM le.Thel bh" spes.s teuolss Vibelumuevoulé le muuiralm . ésu ud " tum lbe mbsttm seV i muet a tasgpruteos.& The slaitrllaurset Parofles be &Ms a .aeldeeîlmle rséustusle ldép@.. ugamtIon luttherbUnitedet"Biane ità« bss bh~.wton s adstg .#4i a said isuaesi bal IM SbWý J, *hJIgcMd eti , ll u â l Islb. isl" ehuiïtrla w As tossadsel m b i t e si ts 4 m e~ o s a t VIeM ü bu u re t hu Ia huawhum ellngIls<ituFtlet 4 4 Eu- Mêi auu Soresparlle Curte* othemgwlU cure you ne vu~es msette qVal h. heite Uatedey eeul a la.18m. uUL.Tht. eseili imb ib. loessleumy et a om'eea %MWos bie tudy sud l tbl b pp.*'teed by %à" e h* sous.TOoaMeM PittSud ik ali bpul iatm"lsa mii "Il sMotbtd et va"se Levous& mou. P441ke tht. MUQetma eneThé, t.,eboawa wulut *s 6 abe uta.Aul louaim« ue .uadlIy attimi The 0 &MLEBranoh Rsliwsy. Bies-1 ia«ded ibUt tu ai the tout hail lut ulght end heiusae@"ya&U of uhat ouid b.e au elhe. tefe. rsgati bmped oev eroui, Thé. dieous voieisoid :u bd s «Phiaeamé m*sy MA BqéaMd bt. am M te u l.boutéet dlreoi .î 1 imi sy tati MY Esùbd seîtaeeepThe. amte et the mcV putjutvere flrily ehova, sud th.e umby for*aoempetlug lue oolel eechUbmd 11-» feu oppoumis *ho apoète eo" gagisu die bMau.reqmlrsd s.d a tati botbetttbat. m«Pauta-U Worth? te b. caollt aivnbas -a m ois esofthéb patletryojfOidea v6 a au lacy. vhlsh àay &u"odyappoestu lo sipopite, sud chte »im iât asfght b.d maa.ly p PRPUesptlleefotintIhre u smuet vtt !epes pisat.e"i1 baie ltrowrles " sioal eusse h.us te lbhe in w vhî ffets ppaed te sbs»Wu0P. R lime, bo. came vra ttadeifthn prjarsbotul mmeitg o0i"i.The mm iel osu u b &Mo a Sampeltsg mmet aMIiOs ile mai etteatshe IM- hat Mr ous au"se au ou Isua» gus " un M fl MW caovotéaut Aiie l thtu.s bss ueqàtm tega MeM a paît i"aibuLIt. s seil à"IsesuîSsu popsviii e@dam M leeppeIues sps.i uhe teetle. le h evmr sa illt.Mes lied. Tus beu. ijs»w maltest viii b Il--Wvlhesi<mi *"&Msiy. Aile. thât every g euziw lsas. tedea, mal seiml velus;Ir mev amto iiehwi;b tuis»àtecosue hmretulbout hstpffluami, sd a pcp.u tuete. f "tht. levasemas te alv oi A saul mm= louateeta, tue toqe ?moaut te Ils sMtrai esm m#.e evb OhWome plesam b meus eter e smland Oei»u, t.T.Waoecud M.-ea-- ahm oSu Que dMisesd it 1e ü»a larslM hasloputbmoaéis; tub .qsmttyse"'&"as ais thaudbee ous b.paei ed e umt emtes b t 0-tmfe a tetlbiua vu àatetmesae agot et lae ad "saisi amttet Mdte 1m adepO& luea e eiiMd butlme smut" roisui eeeb.uasaie p iss4 es tfo us eru poseOs 0 bmette Iéoi b i.tan.s eillef UOMesmoisi usad i y dopa p.tv.w 0»"deI *eba MI& deet mmsae pa*b"ei 1%0 assudma sesu 1maiMsd lureport Tue tollis Umtiasvis ppi e -Tue thé e -iteset l sMSee eu mu. b md Ae vii mitIs MMu teptl stebowy Vetîdeul le" mls'j. sud W»IeeMthsse et imbm tc sie hsetem sufd t 'sas. IvilsOreust,£llp e&se Ur$bbsWusemMuda eusisdTIp 1*susdtdimoeussie t th 4«" Il lb eauas et lb Oeva pOpui"su leau susuaesle 9» = tas.esFlb cuos t ssegu M M.e te Oit 00-W 15 Ma qtW meedi g s 14m, bm l tor.e- h sueil dssu dlb* iTaa Ses e st ziziits etmrisauee i inm se o w topisst te lb8*mIoe tshl*~ te ièsataaM0 ult0» »0 . a um he uthé 6omte, tibe f éhee a'4 vuaeqbl D*" W.hle te Uared u u e"mie s"Mt Maly "uIte i te M b m m lsse tl f"ui. Mt » e utitei', le.fe asseu --f lob" t.a *solesly mseow usMd dtai N.LISTER-K udesbru"bse M. 11HBI- Tues. aitueldwut brebs. péeaîed %u.d.t the 014 isalse mouiletstes brhu bte b 1bave balls-til ualleiv olse udete'ito e bave leppsd mv. 1 bave *ihomder B.s e&4%me»pm t of tbe PMU% aNItetUi e t la suisse,»foremé vlill h.e 0-u,'ud. lie. L is-w. te me. tue g lIs Priest Miciste. Wu shailele o ho u alo@g. Lusa mg rete i. tiIe.îtietve id: -1 moticeaebu -As lior Oetesis R-port b.ià luîgeoomse 0#M.Devaie potd cet mv*rv puai f-a »asaris. 0t civil emstieyuess ell ld t. teubâtrie cetalinwIteSm -.aes.em .1mb turllomio..Weald it net bu posuible te baie ithevw"ck dosemudtly hm ofetrepi. tas foimilletiume, by %l. a ofut%à@spermna est oq..? 1. Ibhemonssvols su acalvoe stis the wýid towsatlpybudon* by them sud aut ho give la ta aslle meu. I have issu e 1 bave visitet i.rmt placesfrein tirse* t il,.. that civil emalptota abu b *tesd ddolt weih %bat: moe u b. e rvice chou'd hasu boue itu j.eform 1 thiak ibîe le à matti e W of ontaidratlon. Au sttempt hawlsg Iseatmade te bld tbé 0 v*rnmetai ,à*m.le fe oi e utlhît of a tcv mpptmmut bd uaiky vo u.id :-Itille joui~ ~ ~ a *dm'b olib i luh %os@*loboi Ehilmtia DuuýpmImeut lmvetitatd. and 1 au satlolod thé% I. a veuy choit ti.. va &hall Sad ent that Ibo tIrs eueoftbht.difiemlty t. not te the stoisue demetmmt -. ibai 1:leoet etose-I de n Vmo tt slle amo t iai-ms the execotive, éspertumeur, but ibat At lile vath.e ibmthesuaet ofethe uame coipi. Mmd iteaues làe elhtota boivs b.e peeasot corpesuad ihe estve foie. tiouai.. bthé% 1bail sps ebost Ihot. à bmbseefthe skets edduosslsgtheHunoe ihie aflureom asvestmaè ,utirmied te the Moeres mb rmnec the caMiW&b1ots.Iisabit viii be Iessid thatdLbcraets l a Lb. yepert ~t te. Mj -P~. aeraidmose se rnte ibe isunue tho b.e 1 u sae h besdtates bracell bors.Toe buste deuoraite,1I klt.ve, vore, proeuued estai. u@ epst asrwutâod lu Qeeboo. okvhol st boe usuplObdtrocs the viuew eaai lm~S. Tbe uma had Semq »lsu4 A-h'aiMh.besa. fremibm cestiffler blasait.The qa.stv et th. "Iohieata tmspplsi éTUiskmies 0#ha mIs oï »Muhet they euht tee , bAt Un qumiet he ab.utm sospplsd et ééIpm ua M~.b5uisOo te .etied thaïVt I s melbaretno bm sevosulé mshsurbort tue tae zomIe Ims te sre, thug vernt&ad tbW l athe»urmaue taevoîy Îspsot et vory Umd qua'tp Thé,eoddlu.y sud eshor masida vt b" logb eris vus to» u iei, 1 huilie»i tocd et« e&berpellet%, mee e essd' sous sesubsie.I vucld ste. pol" 0eut eaete. Me .Lot the, O vuroustasud im tsapeit tSisb e utetmbfltsu--àsesiou ms uon m Ib, pt tsts u iaies.Wla ét1 reusaburboae vsp uivomeqp-t de net roemur ubeebe. itmeIeja*. Oesmielvu le e bm tset Ibat tue e.or me-vbea lb Brti" trempe *vie l4bela 347.%, tiuy dliurm«d tuat tib eomta-m miei*ta ausi to abs the hsyosei-.es tae acidleser tonivetie% voeumalle et pet metel, ?hoy ldeseed Ibmu wos tugy me tae mobsubes tlum ttou he mo-itile et abse boriitss ves i thtyIb m ase doblmd op. à ait bm Ivoîhnbutiles.et i4 amri e t *o ouqie. W* vtoeboi aie% bec laete.Odim11%i smlsmarche outs. tai@ ers e Banmd »au mbuer et osulul ppraeoils s6u84ocisevlb Ibm trea.. tu«. W* eemer aise, Ibat l i<îptibm -Brltbh esdIrieseodel là+ Metk albui om.id oua*ldons alste olmm« 'mies tic in tbm ii.. 'd mtuld &Moet b. ozt.mielsu bse the rit -àvoue riud auburn, agat phWlmu bmhetiti" estilsmi as m e t thei «Mrm. i1sa.t t., msàtedfemeset ab@ depenseet, lier. ms 1 s,, I muplemed ta bave the depueset tues5Idptsbuî serol, le show ,tou.mehvv#r en"%" @I Usemeou lb% mitt.ks tet a" Tue tOmtebmues.nom vsa ip hmVe m e, Okimu e os Taudav. PLb,.'.v I l, t- ue. Caube W411604, msoiteuss mm0-, steda.u liso, ievtw gimeass at dIurn la th.te rousent et tue '= et Oomemm lest"tn% mvem 8ls esws P. 8mal* « " be a t, M . . M e I ~ e p M . aM.F Vebtg e, M.Plit . . lese, M. . udeil *O. Dii,, hu Mmne.il obuf t btiV1à.ie*] %émrdMtei tc M"."Mbu".111 lksa bé mofbertors vie;epl OBs at efi tiià Mteis m«#;ri e 'U.wore of ot*eosahellp5la T., & aelLe*ao'o vis oa-. P svn tue rb i fuea Tht e ee! uer"alo. dis..i ba Ah.te ties .1 d ?ms*inter VeUes er eg Pvar s '.sthe m m £ This'y aled»dPu L éséspm. Lt ec a lw .dlam sieswm Thde%oy, sitbp Bte h at Disa* tellotnudéléttise; Onmvb *&lîiu'a boghp bteulm late se vad n Oea ucuio £du"@ b)» ebè vew.ud ime Upèio rde t seue$%Md bisestU WOMO uvtbpsommet ..%m aie, T.. aon tale ot b*v sdsiauem Let -b. Upod lmWiacm ulJle A"i tiffl avmbig a s b'ml t, gtbey veler - r bu .dl. &hM dh im We mvoda ti ?bl'ye aimm..1hoeru Thue theV ser <o iesme * i ud a osay sou. 0e lil o'e Aaugîy big lt.amm vui O umites, ele sus e ave mi 4«osd Srurvem t ue..u .ammui s Thot Muedutlm fndr eettr ft Lbsa tM1 Vgptoas ebes.U PrltmeOUs"bs Mhue tstcths S"otm»'ast t s? bsmuhr se LlWhsoi evW omrnois v Lbug av tuhe*ad sl bs.ut"imsq Toth tll îbs usi ut1 itblestICIIv oiePédes ehielis tàall LMv ttandt.lU in ms lb. *.un Oeed aSy ou hag 0mbit oheo..19a. Shsuld amle à mrae rus Wuwhy et omer«g . tmmg vesisarifl liée Ws. veI.8440« I jeu revvud Ju boglaadmbl«*0s utetemwM ren *t alusab rusai. bise.i Tbet u# 181 Iountrew beu"e. thuhe e e.Cé es t ase. *lMuesil Whlbàemeauistoime'ne ic lie amQlo eceflune aill 06 a ossup oe le give RACTIVE we *»Mo"d4,a ghve tu Bateenssmtbefor Pillows andi ,ook at OUI' vWindow of the se Goodai. 38 ies wido for only 20c. a yard, We artehsowing an unbJeaohed C!otton st 7ô., whioh caenot b. of thread and smoothneas of finish. murPassd for evenea of Speolal Drives- in Oott1onades adi 20c. We 01amw our 8, 10 and 12o Shirtings cannot be exoeiled. Lindsay's Leader of Low Cash Prices Dry Goode Houge. E4Ea W- McGafley. The peopl.'s popular 4 and 5 page X Out Saw &gain to the front. W. have a )arr s"olttha ever of thoe. .aw.; every ove warrmnted; &ho Saw Jointers, Bmw Bte, gus mdne Àies great variety of Axes and Relves. Eowlisb and American Cow Chains. Waý,hing Mahines .anSWriuig«er A full .took of BaildeW 'and Fariner.' iBard ware at KÇW. 14. 18M-42 18 Opposite Pont U01113p. k.ut Street. Lfudasy. Ei d b tothe Bftal AUM aenotieait. e tthe t mIbuies.y I oses a bt. et the but feuily rvom. Sympyupf getae sieuae ie. s wb o emUtseblltoe.Parmai)l ale. bhettby A Wasli Day AND' No ste *Tim Nue @>Mt e ioolm cousu -de a famili ua*hlug HOWI mv mastite ~u Iigbî SOAP Pt uta. pue tus Usu mut s~p ut~ e Uq, mima, '84~&T" -n,, - t ai resssns~uivehlameu AILWATU Edis 0 Geosa PROF, DORENWEND9 Ma weI.kaeva aua reMlble mmufstuwau, ot Loe' ami Gmt's Baht Gode VIIbe s Lindsay, Benson Honoe, on Thursday, March 2ad, 1893, vis a ompleMs sk of Letts' sd OGa"' MIN ,Toupies M UWaîs% Sultohue, ie Tbe stock lue tirely mev, e»d mufaf red mpooialy for the seaoa'a Lies. At Lindsay, Benson House, on Tbursday, March ami. Btood the Test. W. have s«to te test :now for Rf arly ten years againet a» coompétition, and are F Mimfied with our atdy trade thet car .any customesam pleaaed ini their buisines8 relatioms with um We wieh tw r.tura thaiha te oui' many friends and the publie gsraersii for thoir generous suppore Beusuber oui' stock is usoond b none in tii comay. Our am.mt at s the but ad you wii roeuive m0 better trsatouent fret. ai>'orne than frein Se J. PETTY9 anshe ewd«Oel U Lit street, Neit the Dé loy lHou-. K WOODS' Store 'Empr>a lui. Sa Do Stop bu maRrb au y Ni Arn. md lis a Upsi tle~ 'e. CHINT iOODS. 1

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