Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Feb 1893, p. 7

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00Y~ ltsB IOTHY led aId, "a o ef abondantlylb .v8r, Ut&. BOOK là il u I r i. 0 an 0W *1. Mlnrl . bm ibtho"3daco lb.r aony w . lim e et star 1mCh. Ohors. ae lihre su trg etd ieiblfelor oweed wîmm h éi i yii.raogi 0 ,theudbleo od OaSi b. 'a tfiiou i no airu m u t ri Estvielii... TIII ei %0hbeni i aie odb 0t thé h vs ",v Our a rés at a si rea nd oi111 a"peiiiirttk oatr.e rd iliuhémmaomorm on ut m, ote tockand 1 ix.. b.N* y MV 4«om ne ontof he tup owofth e ae l a tbidWs a.r ouigbw a i smucedon.b idofoode i Lia. Wes ! oo Luhwihieiuirsmd oradv a mIîOaOd.tIDgiI el wérusal e wu eîiodib- fel' QdÉÉ n théuariclesof.iet r aem& ine éramîs ou d tay mora1nvontf199 o £ "Mai mldutght1. lu . c,'ol4 . ibm-uh"hu"' &h0 ne du&ia nd a. f u uam meaan IIm l là 41"yp1re7"b.«# aitot ofumate.1orealays te -a tieê ,w1idU i0ViPk"*JlWh' !b u pèu54ffp MdGSouth e arr iii. luoait hbu.th.&Ùbra m , ylth$ iilb eum0~aae t sm betaes u md m yidu Îulm O.au rioh ran od ame Toour cae.apt"I@w m Thle r tro oxdu m fsudSbintée éj. i »> .ih-, formome oftabtles of foobbaîh m or ame M Îoum @ sud tobu hi»d4 b. ,cd Onk% iUbti brift.d oin olb.aoed werM Jw am làtu bty Ub.* Ia ryhdp.rbu, ioaIh e oi. nai buide *- bk % I~ ~ muatrapi t or lmimd.huld revici, h ITe oepabd hnm u I u t'N mvel. o t""he lut oi vandy orn ioniagt natl déy~ 4I~V W8~.~$¶ ~ eb bgbu that te lait bu tur namt ih* It laat -4% té lien p t on re ofsod ud ae f a ?'tmm l .d.grud uduetuéorfoto l(an te-i lcllehe d moilem hohln wg À lo tf tbeo abt orn n m*ihe igmuigm sWor u *m rebsd g, ao tmmezaofbdsd iw.dvet lsaural harisrm idm hodr mbod the atiouvi hv m oii.mOr iru»ya sbo .Anl orQllng44 uhasd ol hemhr. wonç b A, n lgimbcue byvnlîo l a-inas. 4We mev Bi btle. r.arthu n. io i aham .T 1% e ombteotherér i md p n et b4 bràue d. Christa wlmCht lied 0"Iad. 1g1S aIi4WEo. TI. ad64i1uml oed sud ib groapauboob dme buoui *a Rmeu Wjt46 id aIimutruckd wo oii mmd vol sud i»%ty on ld50SS401Mb5 . ptéaap*a fl@sM g» fin down sudea n mulorlot o. Ubhl.Lbwàatit.Uy866mr e ganidte o a mo h é t eu1cin b aok eomis, whte oon o Sbat bgmm a Mm n fl u tm hoae o.ad an1.t c 61eno l t 04 lnll tDe cber, 188, jus ouid on te bandit and ii pheepioru.. ¶ 84 Saé sa wuient Taberamuk»d vaey oohic.la@lvéi mdI eine ihologur in op sathem ous m iij. aounted ro i the netiug a nge, v inlegéiveandAoai.. te " e l ner v atW 4 4 Nitow, a i tiL ngnotmrngeuimibaîe b. 3s1alàor sa idet ey n auldemiaer .Timr.e@ mlOe, rCalsCt a 4 îmageryimmo iuroughiirom ib 8àb. Iîmi%0uàmoraiiieitin Bu r s , e frie o the @ mhors, bm mcmi d--etne utmseWba,ve &MeOUD O -nufoeGb4e ptl, andiamlnd regon? Onl to rp thaine, wereaearlyail lm h ey er intud kitru Sem . Wesud othbth4é »dvon hide h.and albyreay .nlme, m*y ps a oodlmui.. ul,oi gblein .orrnredaoke e f i ofcor44d reared aibilen.mod asnm a ie lhl ielm_ iatauuohiyht-doidé'Y4 th caeydeme ofblêdme largeouhebri*u te 48 iimpploa~mimwtsmm.byee al~i àe oartheuaudtbhidh olfEhéi, e. h. liyed,9 omtcpcporulÎ,U~!~ I tmt15 bod n heo upare ali.ru e a .1 u4 lodsé,bmoq ia&Ut.ph. 06t p om u l5smlotb auibm an wreiveran d iet »yLd an. rha-Oe Ii. uiemuVi 5 dt a5 I06'< muen caerohit. crpDél.WbheuOU, Slbma. lI Pb eadMid h l"iphoe8«4u yo.4v4 a ueaglltmdmeli e, mono, D m ben, brbr,89, mo.toualled . lubmlve f.iib pciem . oel 0'. rine dogflh&noe of ie advri a, te a t Loièh beler o ýo edow o. b taàq U Imlu14*V I i W~ b aread oter au AlrodGali lcai.b«k 44l f fcpcao ug~cum.-m~u~ f. vrbih of larbabasohanged. labooui rula; I N us4rvm6 i 44ubWM70 erlg iiue hlmae v leti nr md up roer udiàiter j Mdr uvp lt iiput . di*, ».avat Mk1;, ur déiua vi tiesed thé noly, sud l ordouthe dus.4éudiv M' on ineSf-bmm- ot umme deauper and réion lym lao% tmwsbauea mm &Il uwmm dslZ:Ihr, OtpUi w44 ~ mworbie potane Dt lheiaIbm oWfuids 40m a 46wý" beir ésus cet M'Il lio, ori t i*4jof liv ablait nds aMc u thell oac tOu m tày ie, ndthéb4v e ml way, sudn8m vr mto i de0wo w ts ot t,»It ciaiss adétice isd, véa PolofId Sm, Je viSai la s Îl a oLis tel f l7 a bmie U4m .44li ordid u rouh altml usu o lot Oe a*ie& f 'Iry, r »p* et 1 ajo i rt 4 d .1.sud;b;ela the Pol *0as e ibewcu vas mbé o Bboedi er tt aré -, -.ododme tme pooL Imsthe mmd ol thne c Mi. é m h pipo o be r fanillA i viand née 5 ot,.be _pg the bruni, the iin O4'. nohe may, sti hé pal a cW nth ivsau the t u 000iMd hlusneoébrbreb is jav ibr taugi i o bde l>0 % the on" o moram vth tt b o lb lise agaodrauon, voa& ot 04or ino omi the wila b u.aminbéefh Lod adteP lé,cij aun.kww «0 o ""w lion, v.n la 1 Bainelsvo, aftis Utile Lo rd, r ac ulvamboirU samhcd thpnbce, band pub4 fi.. utu-uauw Laore dptrandaktho 1mb ao ýV au m*Aopf eptain im or n passage, " cds 1o, ar o ru theoan bi -itmau eois o taum l Dagon vas lb. ia ahdt les ,ysudoielàwoby oit M cMen aiiugn etryhl aull oftmar t imil of f o ml s JI d, Y.Il;P have o lls"dbed tbe rui cf tli d"mial1 à& uothlng divine& b lyard sud Willusoaf'caa4 b a obhjeai of dol&iryai&U brth IýpThé Mie w.al -d-ughtoe.d Oieh ny irlie au liai river, vbbliebu dw main of B".hlu&'t la hmbabucap oc mue Olm ce t ua,, beIhâ*î «ud U.d sudi, la bm - Aq .ta N-w.- ira? sas oss -4c i $ ç; lit Y4t 1, * c~ 178 378 188, ~ » 'I A -h netoW qualities * by Ulmnthô digestive et Ia bO iaa *Umi*a a grest renevrer of a UN"mied aiperlment value An lump Oha nMy consumpticu la. a marvelous cure for nere- 50M 0 whoane approAcbing Ohe critical kacwn as changPi1j"i, should net fail, louUse Ohis grest Nervine sle, cas.buat fo tiOhe spa..of Ovo or three ypars, 10 vili mr I athmméy ovrO.dager. This grest strongthener and cura- t»lu. l»1M.age msd inftru, bicamo is preaO vilglvthm amewhod u li~Iî villadd ion ys.aa tcý i4e laves«et i oN4hosho viB use a bal! dosca «r18AGtEAI1iM -YFOR THE CURE',0F Noevouuesu~]Broken Constution, Mev r ".strtion, Debility of OId Age, NervoMs Hedache, Iadlgesioiand Dyspepsia, Sick Heedace, %Heartbur and Sour Stomach, Female ykny.,Weighî md Tenderneas la Stonmh, Nerv@o as fÂpeie Psirai rIhMDraa Nerv6us' ioxyémn lwasiiasu hgigtrthe Bars, Nervus Chok4n, Weakumssof dtemies and Fapfataaof the zeurt]Impure sud Impoveished Blood, meuliDm.oe ncy B"lansd Carbuncles, Bleelsçuaas,.Scrotums, 8~Vj~u~Dsw~eScrofaloun Swellinmsd Ulces, NerouneO f FmlConsumption of the Lungs, Nervouumes of Ild  Calarrh of the Lungs, Neraldgia, Bronebitis sud Chronic Cough, pains lu lthe Heait,, Liver Complaint, Pains la ther Back, Chrooio Diarrhos,4 immHul Dé*1>licate sud Scrofulous Childreu, Suu;Complaint o fnts AUl liese sud many other complainte cured by tis wonderful Nervine Tonic. 1qEBVOUJS POSIEASIES0 As a cure for every class of Nervous. Dimeases, no remedy bas been p.Abw, eýufe vmb he x Nrvim Toule, vhich'la very plemast sud hirml in & its É&u lb.th youngest child or Oh. oldeel sud mout <llleals individmaL. Nlne-tenthe of anl Ohe affinents lu which Ohe humsu fa1i"y as hetr amre pendent on mer outEhaustion snd lmpaired diges- ticinu Wbsu Ihe19 Aà u ua.t.s-"m'y ornerve food lu the. blood, a guira atte ofd* Of, ulth assinlmarrowa sd nerves is the 1 Cap. bicoine sfrong when the rigt lnl i bsisU ppZe; au&.theand veaknessesasd aliments di m theaslb. erves recave. As the nervuua#yotem must supply anl the by vbick h b.vial f«mroes the body ar carried on, lis inte OntaItl su&fo tr vent ot poult nutrition. Ordinary food dos nfot con- tin a sufflent qusutÎty ofthle klftd of nutrilmt neSmary to repair the vear out present mode otfliving sad labor impome upon Ohe nerves. Par Ohis ressOu i becomes neuouwy that a noe food be'supplied. This South American Nervinmaa beau found by analysis tO contain Ohe "m" lalelumsuoocf vhich mer". amae la fouued. Tisaccounta à* Des uni-verai saptabillly lu he cure of aUi acs of nervous de- vaigement. CmwwoivEàa4k.41b.1 Ami. 1X ILUImm" wnàWu, or Browm.vafley. ladL. lb 0 grla .u àbraUIWs.kdinro. lffl: "I badbasain a dbu«@d condition for Ema Gft - 4e e a td«e0a Mmmb.Dy,-#" d IUio. JU my 1 1 1 a mr 1&eaiw 0.ow 1» bUsh w»vs.goS. tY 4d laadoetoiIng 0mou- mqa .udbbag W 1ji" -d b*wtàswM »M. 1 bousht oue battis or ...~ auj z.m~ ~ o mAmmilma Norias. hdons me mors MW bl .«,»ud Me eopletuly. Co 0. muoirittlà. MOCWI4 à. vci&~ fi MM Icm Ym ff. UiVD R HORU ___ ~uth ~ca'Ner- zu10ed. AI fll ure evey ofs f St. le îfSr su d am 'sure Aitls and for mil SuilrBel d'aW o .belon m tiIsJ3 l 186. C - Orna.W. WGE, N tsavPblie. whih- * e%ý ýtà«îy ý'hàlntdy. ilurèniedy ever W*e a»ýqd-O tbeva# tran of à" .u ,wer# eAk un*1. rtIt et A04aeind dbility of etth topaMhfrJemothecex- pmtbest "s as the' omm sud cour 9uiivp* destroyer. There h~l.* s dimm of l the s aolt *1ch ceau tepiet the ~AA. iAYron. e, on, ilp ,WO88IIL I mi~ Victodu '1i made 1 doms W let. igêt' qu

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