tJZZLE. -e NID e#k~ PS tblrtg~~4~ -; ~ d ropu UDARU M FLTCa oBUROE 11ANU,àya1t bwM. Tun UNIU4lA'~** 1U&C2aIATEII'a MoGiBBDOMonti TbgoI DI ote.1 hutare meV Ibm o,0tof the gutire t;aplîaie.bai eod90MIet tte requeli t pIUWM#Juifrileidu of the tAlbtt y àiJrittlaba> ti cunadikte9410 040 sura410. à& par. wLau uhoUaUd ub0 et.0"9 hute d uduilatU uatola, fnliIypr d~ Aayêlilta Uarc h mm' uelevUt Inve go.r celiL elle appicattui;*, atfl.&per omt. e-télélutine1tiCeulwtpur let in lino, t'. 1 florute utour Ika t iBe ti riglat w pay alit uilien ai loim.sit. .Aive4 atit roh bruury lâth, àI' »&et sur ei eue 6eietr SM.e uadIAm Bgagik et t.mutwo u% t the M oP . lere tb lb es itàMîà et 34hazSEauti as th*eb-l t cuse et Ibo euUpBu3 N. Y. Fortii t u appllca&tluil furëorsSMay bu obtautvd ut t au ut the a aot aoNslmi, or tbov watt hkWNaiii. by mati ou roqtuât. Sbuad no aIotfl ILoftoek bc madeitue 111, tpiiut l'Ur atar.0k, twetumotittiw wiAyt h ret urtauttlié luit, asud ln the tavent ut tAta Ul)ruuL'etbltiw At Ituapowilel1to&flot. tht. fuit uusai'I mi elshareloiapîllod lfor fie lourplutif ni lw eepomaLiit ii oftl#IQ o 1- paridthe- 'ututittit puyable un alla tiitit.. Tata rght. lerrivid tiwittidtB&w8fl tb# oft.rltnIà ute ut part. iutaay tUme bfore I&Dl uait, tmotl colalaLttlto-ityapil- catay lumes tuat&tar of batièreui %la@W 110%ibCr »apitu ilerh. Aut Ibo dividenide of the CopBara w .>teiaq ar orty, beinniiU wlLbh tbe trxt ta 'I lurcet t ud ttI «Jt u tckwuil lie 1l1 te)toueValv rpu i rAI U<1the uar.Iy dv idam u dca'v.Wrttp lng Wtti0 noun ï,pa1 ILtaonmi: aubau' p- Il loi Proposoed te apply tue th stock Ex- ebanue ut XtàMntrentouti Turuààto fur ofli. otlqttulaLluita ofthe abu«aof theCu- Th*Connumira Cordole Company uacr- gaatilii Jo1.uie,189%?. w tih a apitil 0f une mitluwadtbllars, tui oeratO ».Volet ir ithe largest àard eatiu U er (t liFactor las in Canada. It. eai. 0.opru edttomeuwtir ilmacea but I oiratons bavi g buan su..- Caàath itai 4le t q at.ubtequcntti ,ne itiofpatar baue m aa lmUbIclmEU a1ane O4iuu te Ibo law allr CA ubli t won memm.aea ei, moue eau b. escalci wtob.cit»c eomimt et <w.thim4i et 4»lbmuam besilers, v.pnm.amtei t a mcM milid feri the pevpeOc The Company bau pâfl soiunlBee i St a(erdooutml (I) Tiie fotlaawug bIt rontlou mu Abbonttu, (4'oqmpiili i Mredilla dvatus *iOutrent ution the iejiit fii imScdpoti tibum, Radthe.Simneil*Atm 10h Nomaàzu, Jauffl 6, lu&. coutumers Cordage Co.. Ltd., Moaueu D- emlLMMIeM-We baie Oaminul ibmé boules sud documenta oOvmed wtb the *frgsulsâtiOn ofthé mComume iCo~a Com pany, Umtt. sud ame of opinon that Il hau boeu proprl I lamcpoltd, sma that ls empitali teeloft geofefl, mta.à gouid. la fully paît a> ud " D4Osubb», ocordlag tO lie prolatoaa cime «con- paaita AcI." W. aro, veuSt tw, Ccl A reprt fromi o.N ac»ucm M dàe e .aunt qd. of Ibot o ,w fl , m ei teA4arIa.uq ii5toithai d ai.vtniaeoptem t~lebu~9 59 the DIaUY's oficia, an iav 0e oule 0 teAele Bfike ntlooed oaboveg. TIle C'înauiniCordage COMiPMy le pro. baitIle frolid lsrgt& NatiImturiT of auu etand i Midr'wilinl bi void, ant ~ata bcfhhwlmgvery natirtala vmuagua avr t.compati Wru: flot Amiple caPital tue oendetol tbmd mou îu ih (aQ Tu buy lia raumatartalua lUm qttaaîtle. iaud Ott kawrprlso. (bi Tu tiunirîl tte liget MtdrS«ýj proveti macinemr,, ilium e*li temil"; SI t li hlghleut tate of eff euey. 2ud. I:etlon.îni t ulilnge»sudàWatlbmt.lng tâm naulacturad product. rd. The bu'iniaa covurs .O widemé Il1l tory (it.. stiuttited 1oode go Wtel&Imm *verY cil~ixemd outétry in lit wurld) ibat il cannitbu aiouly tiureti by local trou. beu, anud Iio amuhc£turingWtta.hmieUt ara aiaaàaetrOd tiiith tuMg5of moan kmasgoy IAla Yen allht.1,_ ti.lawer t olproducU.on. Ma. y tnatutmlng thi barpà;i.u Ilîubetwlei0la ieaut tl te Staduci la alitb bOuaimibdbund Sa imCh. (b>. NY prslAtonna"oiIls: pena.u» uve a Mlrer outiMt (e) ay P" lu celle bond Ib fl usai et Ibelr aupptle U'h*i.. m deà a5 jni'* rn t J mèeocd thé h91oMr bds cf le *1111long, but ilbed ber 4p w~~e!Ut oi xali a ÎÏ1$0W 1UkOp*1u a by %kt tag"eua , su ee»udaia.' tt&misi out ltr, hstlng for ljus te i scaa@ i" bed 1 hfý« O bw tèsIh. dbë b W eenuir air erenu$ q1- #IL duo -Md .~4 asIl - MWthc door- levlsg fameet the, Yom«Ii~t.~v aa!l àrl 111V701111 mhureAdabl, t.bebr oechai.' a pou have t a. ne~ta sine1. 1 1 Im 9ui*4 *IUN- Z...abe oo.«..ta7 "Bu iaîi thc," sii! le yusinbrcdifo»»&W teladSu1 's"'walgâwln thtIc alsm e lomoralh eoldlly. 10» oM Iiioor.e.ld fnqoh 4V15dl a M&lêld ýux MMat.0cf le wllsspali. 40e$4p avia a Theatadm eeyclibi m t bt h U~ '?i ii sài ~ma Ir 60s for a hmhid m& "4 .à* M*lta. Th* mdjoInit .0U5 d leokeb. atIi i!oet U4i dmW dmenui WM té berIda. ias *9 ajoling oom andkw*d b4domforce. "Sinceth*e ùj loon jetery em unltlng »8wfth the crridor, t ba hve bho"i0.9qulsru wàqâuog~vsii mi n*tmre~r aUtm sPoàai. "M"tsiy prevui th ie wldow trou ho10mMr. WIUI* las mot dre i t.M"iuThéi eforme ant iaBs, hiwever, m.em" !t4 comai su ausa làtto ethe nerv ew. rrowI shaàholatvet-cue--d eýib1fÏsrd>F>d*t% " es 811 tunend, snd tatlonui! hersoif 44 -Mm« - M,.!Ztt U er7 reisieIte mi h sl! Slethon roi cdirooS r lkl'1" mr.i 'fue tilas I IA*IbIIyes Sfi 1ittii p Wil, bave lour o0" way, ý1r. WilIe.. 1ted AOiOt7o ud Yiào8"ljW. viiihi mmristi wbenjv« jeu plam --M r. OWiltii," said lAdj Oheflis.5, U r. ýýMbloirfat.huns pro- jO~~U5bssel nmgi.Tt is quay et yul sjuptoms et enstioce lan sel * rs td frein y..nnrta're ber voici,141 tunt forge% if I vould thitgditer"ils 11&e u.sli,~ tlg .h e.tatcmraat at e jota vere the tlaIf-brothir of ml lot@ fathîr. Se regarded Mn. Wilmur mth inteuo ( d1m 1 eei. mny caxiiis'. AThe scod l focm0 ifér hit.mni.1woold amsn ru fhminthe mm eéinslg inbis at44tude complote lou- Ib.its.Y 015 o iId,~hss5vRg he lu btv a ignonlnjjota dumi. B nut im&lg£m 0# e.afSt£ jcagld ode. u l .55!un SopIm sU5ii! 50 153017.nd1 I hA et manlaga." Juab teenmysoif. I visI jotate und«etmeiid di l oi l ave i m î t«» v ithomi IW I mm" si"£Soi The prograiamtbon Uarrsnd wva mld an rte .w ta pwici o tilboly 1 atdeseepmau!aIa sl t1a1. tW secuitMy lemlnj, jeu muett i- Mmb& Ba -vn t o ESmmer donfdnb ai eonctori out deks7 rendermeMh mdoxoiu- o b u r~h ed aMi! Ifauw wlIh nom bhe,4 b. ex-golbrçnttuig' le her cotant of jeu WAewanilp e or eai. My hm Yen 0 toiumt blave daroc e, WappropriMe i "l* ra sm tom% * ' a cule e!qî ho iek qlei!romeupom& lermein Sap#ckng trutika aujtojo*om me fr eu av ba! 5. ila sin <h*i~ JéI> o ysa aialthy imiior, sud berlps =tSaMdi!boxe& This tas vuacomopWaai-c »Coaid vitIoneuin the chargie.091My for- snid. "Yeu eghm te ho marrled before >s nilaatldesundmur oe h ip..M.Wlmr4ce i = lgA è Ndi!.!! l rbihea" boxescontaslng lahireocalMprOPerty, tune a songez" ton inoorruptible te allcv niorrov. ID 1 wornnet marri! anemlf *, dm i ml e 1 o . mbe. a n* id&" CUI Md aucb a vroug. 1 have uritesàa note t iW1V M' Pm b.@§..M W.qbate ..pnmm h " Captalu HU.», ad expoob hlire loni- 11100014 sot macjy 7«, Sterrupic!t~p~~~id t h eddlmgT root $ Ua,7te anaidépuipoImtt, hiicas mt snsdevcr t. Adamit." spario&* &d suive bullesu he lad ixpected te 11y "Yenhavr" tie! Iic«boaSotar-. tm jit l d iyencIa 0?*86'é volbicgumit armdahemle acose«# Uul$e Mn.. dia, gasplng for hresîl. "Ye« bave vrlt- hualand ? Whol o l 1 v"maw.» isber diqtant charner, bh i d no$ ten le C.ptalu Hedull ? 1 mlii ta eil lm HeJlaMr8fr ugI Ch.ii.1 .of1 RavI& det Sq.. i 51 @,wmS u tomeSale piaii*doisbis omesnas mIauer. .B1mpaced the yot au arns. I vi» prove t bj MmisluWales.Iwuvas saried tehiu tte, d sio" et ber ferlas.en ber urit& i. W£uber , Inbis arkwus cmplt*an d Bluja--Jlhibefre jesturi!y. Rareà Sm Uâe e*lctW » n, eof y u& our. er mairlgaà* mg bihs.bauds la bitter anguimi, feeling Umsite %0 mly momehlesuailoto a chair. of a rlMge. ----- o pro@ îegm &va . mtesiythé- bandof et ritniou uing »a ébAhi!a4 Urllece vltk sun appslled 81, ehisu! tteppe l çreýb é Va iAMtass P mIs iosu a trie 8a - oOh. thea Osuis, mho.ximlaed it as if lb*M hmuékdne "lysdoe04A" Ua spl..aupiiY p m t ~ ~Ai mm~istiai ealgj1~Iao h ssan, haigard, eti mliCaol 0 i~or pwo, villalnj. 1 bandai lbbah, tumkde ilsouMW ~ l Ai! . âýv.l. l "p i a vil toit Captai. de» hbat mlnaaultj Une,0"bnam Mb Mmibéyt bu aolhg te d.oviir fortue. Udeo"n col oV.vlb lm_ W okf emse!,am! l fit nteabidet yens Mydan ear , nds Z l.r mmdi viiiàpile!hmabi!u"sobi o.uhl" nIe!thoe ." Thiort. ae on etroltIc. verM d etlmmini!. Rbs thtIuIdl! ommad7beoe ataa W lng mth, »W- *d- C 7cU aIiid Sw 1 hgte waendeebti!n pub erun*% m àw 4frets>subjeet 10 ubjeot tIi Sptau51M"05,I ihol & dosine to éiter bute poeeseaecifMI my B@el je» bdi.. %«'mte .~beS eo rder or "eor@=&e.At oce. mcR- th p ftàmy.%1ibI frO Ipeity. lMn. Wilucrm wââ.mka n OéJM7 vl *b~l.iffl mal heiqi estl.urmu"ci! ur hlmdowual and lqwitheo ycn.I h2 wflablui!te tisos .medm&" uf" ww# cipose!, iqyiilr ~ dm% y eu go toitSte immeted his ai!vrdty, éai! Pm". 114 A longs teme. 1Ibave a 'itim bite of 7My oiJy" reuïmace of hlsm merrig% . moe l'bups"Isit m omtly mil AU ibsie marriagi," ai! tle Izicilméber bond tward I The captaiu lad coins provlded vith eiii . ýb 'a!mo l àu-lm osisd. depeod.upoaa i. h vasuliapouublo ltaI Nelly. '" -lUVOt19 w obw MW. s, sud the oouicaa paper mauho lad hua s mjeia! pe.l ileà tUetp «a*4 a" ia àithufl agomn!sth oIn I ciewgmma mlIiprovo bt hol ereudt. de ln Adm's soletegli..sad hé, 'ml pgi lai as ule v» e ii mntehi madcis appourancoetithl.breaka rugiter. Thea if thatb ntotbe m . 7ilsstwmn<bip.ocsuuy li p am~ bru , dMi!j àl ltter ..boquenty ualornoidmIcboe- lbeau ouleed s! posate corroborsta iMn, Wilmor for pape or«Uttmamto. ' mn! r#.Mbopsiau tes ai baspir " ia jedgimitt ld ai!UmnUpo M'y ditttf&iB0 "lamyer wmasosmmcmad ei! " W nmasiatS 1e5m l'ameti agY*a t. 'bw;, wvotheis lI0 Modcbis dms "lui. s inamriagm nmsom.rsn laf«riqg tle prirty sa unIte lgl *5e,, tli, q mIf y& oam mol uiteag Allabrea elabmiwuamordéred, the ilhegal," stmmed Mr, Wilhuer- n eflte4ériwbdSe tre t oo mbShtdwadM.Wle '-Y«ubathb ret te provu me tluas," Cb éca 1r" à "dai!mu 'wu", »à4 boitte vie Ironh oman! n.Wuo mastIc*ar 1--!"Wl. lumu raiyitli.hv âJ~Sàviowmthwutim.-&pnt tros th' bouse miter. theybla samoîiouruf, re. Eerrisa - Tibuies siie!suVl olo*r~ , t ,'unierGI, m uheotege uproni, dasirlns ouly tor Ignorant praottloair?1 If ien chocs.tonwvihdrawu, Cp" HodoURaid» u~sd Ite Né' 4e 4#u*i e$91I m u elt ati ed!»mti po h uainte the proof, vi vii 555fl*Wilmer ani! requista! lie te liBve l ui~e vs" ow, te .11.1. arrive te vlain t hein lmifliation. Tbey mona. ll acsss i mbOUMcanphyloain&. oomai! thei loue, mas Bo ioin A. aa êmàsprprt;dure dleety t.e he ideace of Mrs.But- Yen voi! cmotdante d i. .Yen 1mevadaa: hWhI..UG %ter Md .gilbi aMI i'. ililur engI ooma, u tisfying Ieo rl jel vomi!b. %0 comr ion "iWA4 4 "aYjproostel ýpmrW, neshma!.b.topouihe w yewoiiitr of téi odging-boume by aCnming- ipam.Y~bviit u ms e a U14 um cosnme, h prldue. sly mii eie ais,&udMr. Wiaer thon met pu~ are. tu a!1Ipr"i At,* <,di i.lbi .ouaiiUebd nfor 14L t t 1raitabvit* r Rui 1. «.?eivs apump*I~asslber humbled, bel It4*Mb%î11 uu irti ohecaes ejt aréal.WImm te &&eer ~nt m 0aoi l5 Hhatt< d i quruen Mr W4imad neatlve '-f 1>VIIII ib eluNlont 14u -Abia ecently occupodé 17the baronot, saddmau "YernagieS ibis, 1 riiue V S M Wa 4dI. ii. wqw * jw*k4emc 3t l a i ocoded gW prepinj H!wi qce li r ioOmdaj.. h lniyftflmg huuettcrca i qi . Tiieadmt sau!f hu erid ne"soenoo'l hj l m " , d a t e, baU $s d i t & i i ýî 4 ote S1.1 m u~, t iha e re e d& fot e , fpr wil itatonbrVn eossforeitmingasple te- i Wgoire"luy Samitoe prà g.xg el au.~hjmristlao- memboesdib.bdte o oI.Tievnteis a a dutalaherii. g' riSeêdaW ctIsdi bu sMdt=t-lOs. Nt il r. u*~s lbuI MWIes.aI tnmeWli ma utlail rMlgr eoim on sumai oro mlfuuit p* ao b<1wsau ont fen hsimleorey feshrouli. tend te lIUv% but in l1 mAte Ni cmh01w, iéud h dm n adoi t Te eroit to0&1op - .1 &A ýmo e sid Ifsit. mmecy ber hh~o,'Rohi ilt ~ igîtW kep le uml*emima, , le, .m bd4 t tua ke is s.M dbgcvt har . R e Mtl a t h a v i nt W 441te ose. sau th o » ho " u hé e uà x " ,*6 Af I n ! t ~ ~ ~ ~ ih mteti. -t e n'Mrao*sij ~ id 1 1 ié pioII*é4,< 51ta ~ r O"s lAps Ava! asel o otin& Se ofI o vas bedu rese bai ie te mut ofhM»t.s titis m testhefait à1w M O ir ma goUlà elts!! bbr ~ettin~ lép qembut et. &*Dm144 vi "M", 0 'ino lbe ee mlibu a graadmoter uboee pheture le eeomiked i îf tp1= lad tii Gnandmothqr la théi aiove Portrait you may roeeve a c MilL oflaîr :ttber a flrut-elasa Up'ril1t teiDollare to the pprson wiie tan first am tbe afapid t Diamnond Ear-]Rlxrs to the second peruoýn A mlet&. B»2iles Educattori nt a0ommereIal tte. gfndmotber. A GoId WKteLh for sacli mother. An elegant Gloldl Bruo<ch (r',olîd 1er ad thc grandmotmer Contetet mm t eut t ePortrait Puzzle mand mûa à trouitAt a leat perwn ueeinouth. Uvum .U~ auM ge ntenclose uSAi the sam Te n Arat ent stampe (or Icabhaver ti ibs mcii' olueriplonW Ae LMruS' Roàam 1oNi'my, <raîilà's 'I~hs opmgimak on letters mugiven precedence. sothat persoîma t1Ua.u .dl~a m laflmirtunity ofseeurlngavaluable prize. orthbe psuwbo eau fid absgraunu"ter tbat la reeetved luit je offereti a Slmn- I1Ssi T' e.rlter. For the nexi.t toAte Sug wtt! le gtven a Solid Silver Ur tc .TO the Airdi, gbWftb and stxth fr e litaIreeeived with cireet ansmm rt U'moalatM hi as maaà taiIv. undreti persons sendilng correet an.qwen. eaeh vili be awrded villa a viluable prize. Names of lome recelving leadlng prl zes wil l pub- lubhedin our neat Issue. Extra pmmnms %wil 1 eofred toalal who arm willing ta aa"fr.tin l.tote sbcriptioulilt of thus p>pular journal. Theo'bject in ofering tht.Pr.' P.zrib'hbattut mimoe, mmd tii Itrodiiçe our publication. Perfect lmpartiamty ii guaranted tlgtvlng to rewards. Trlie followviia namnes are iwinners olS the leadi »C prize i r j>ur imet Pu*zEIpuzZLE T. E.-Blahey27Elniat., Toronto, Piano:-,Miss Bancrnft, 167 Lipp.ncnU tSt., Toponto. 131co1s ;. Miun Brni.IUUgoWn Ont., Bedroom Set: Gluidy MePhersos. 5a3 Henry Kt., ToSuto. God Watcb: L. B. Souhbani. O8 Maple SL, London, Ont., «oNWateh ; Mr;. J. 8. McAdm&. 42Bank St., Ottawa. Ont., *,oin Gotti'-M. Hamp*on, $00D N. Y. Life Bld. KanuItydAyo.; $10 luGold; Eri--le,1 Aeane -S.E, Wlnntpeg,lMan., Banaet Laaaa;Jeau,'ylo. 104 Matkay St.. Ottawas. Ont., Banqieut Lump; JolinArmonr, .U1.5 ain St W.,Hamilonbt, Banquet, Lamp; W. E. Girow, Mounît Forczt. Ont., Banqom't Lump:- J. L. Foreat. 3r9 Visitation St.. nteiQu, Bnet iamp:- W. E. Bawmay, 270 Bathurst 8t, 1Torontù. Out., Baniquet Lun;Flovencp Whitc. iZ."aSott.St.. qÇnebee City, Banout là , Mms L. E. Thaau,îpsun, 60 St. Lois St-, Leviai, lae., Banquet Lauup - Md.'LGootwiLakeview BouRe. BovmanviHe, Ont., Banquet Luamp;ï; r. O.Cunainghaîai. 45 Carnartbeu St..,St. John, N.,B., Banquet Lamp. Aimewc loday, a&"mecose 30 cente andi yu may win nc of the eadig prfte& Âddrea'. (D) LADIES' MOMEIWOKTHLY9, 192 Kimg St. W»sty Torout., Caimda. lui ai.4 and gcl Lai of f thme Tep we( ta ail cat for we ia las Làa thi mi on. an, Jbn fir I WinlBell Pianos, Organs & Sewing Machines from 10 to 15 pu ccut. leas, (aocording tu qnality) than énY other agent or dealer in Lindsay or cuont~y of Victoria. W. W, LOGAN, GeneraJ Agent, Lindsay, Ont. mb. K llo Lem les Sau l.pau b àà tI h. lm ela i a 4alarge sud valuaue stock et WISM àdbM & buClagob, wWeb *ho. mil m»U at realacad prie«; 41ise i latiat novoltij ta P"rk aulNew Te*k 06140%m"A je ally pipaedt 10 aitton hlimetumorOpatron to th*l amsd@Odmua vlgsa tkaits m Wlao. Latut city styles ini drdu anmd mantle mking. mp"l**se" i 11b. -ghautea, iL -Pieroiem a distaace waited upon on Sâtaibp Call agd see. Ai are invited. 10018-OveWamma ela .'Dry Gooda Stour, Doheny Mocli, maxI oo tot A. lgtbebum'a meugStome BOOTS ANOD LUTBBERSO. We i- .aejot m.iêoia sliipmut ofBOOT3. RUBB3FEti and OVEER' vediOBS making our Pailtaud Winter stock complets. IIEN'S AND HOY' LU1 GB<OTSPè%Ft and Leather, Mïn's Lutc Voit Boots and% full stock of fine wear for moni and boys. LADM 800" S li fine Kidi, Btutton and Luce, eni1 stronger quiti usin aian d Bia Tht.e speciisi lino. of Iined tirs. Fait Baots.foi LadMW in Buttoa. La». md Gaiters st j$1,25 pair. OMfLDEI1N>8 1BO0 !J saitable for wet weather, ini aIl sizes and RIDIES md OVIlI$uiOBS, Mma for Mon, Ladies -sd (Jiûldren, Dow complete. 'HOGG -g'..-,' t~4~X~ m-P. BROSil FIYRITURE ON NUG.ENT,&4 Go. maki I.. v l1~ 1' g, F lai' t'a I 41 's , i 's. 'i, a .~ "1 ~ i ~IIl t I ~lI ai, ail~I il