ne' Na$ameaIemmnéw TIm seof wlt.r toodu ~fl l% i~.~réh ls4. olialip 11,1G" l s losdIe sudailWlte o"de MOTES J Sa,. ddS.SON Mau -Of.,dNbthe1 lute naCaÂSE » pli FOR NORhAhU8 Ilà hTI aIIOIL PiZvmI.So rIDÂTT ,On aight h Fio r mm d eboi Ofagsaitud e Iftlusltodoti h lb. VM ylovat t&Ts. 'ltb. oo s* aoigaotevm MOU ))laub ol h thé ffuavmgeffeodby Ibm oduotometl bauhvé.oppSfoIlOl te bmn.,au! Fou want êBt h@ réduesisSu. &Dem' poorudsin&. bas make o yu &U aN. lion poeli RoalikRtato Bonghi sud BRd on Commission. 6ENERAL INSURANGE AGENT, J. He SOOTHERAN, Bankik ad rokor, 91 KENT 8T.- LIND8AYs ONT. Undfl .Oub. 9"th 150-114tr. _ @uzildea> c&aide DrUf a»e M J..EDWARD8 &G0o This ia the tesson of the ysr iait Farmors aud C&rPenteraMeP»e fouithéSpringe sud Ilane on nov buildings. Give ne, a cmli and vi vWi b.only to; g1ad to give information sud prcson aolthing in out bat. Stock le large and complote Mud fully abreasi vith the limes i0 tooff u sier bsf 7, ora"Mi OINO fose, J. G. EDWARD8 & 0 ]Di ai..luHadwaos Esvy Ui.. Palubi LOCAL JOTTING& 58EA dra uUiA Tm Smr LMM af4ris5Mataib 84 W je ««W@ou. demm bt i diS.4 Jaut GLM D uNTZW'ITet iam', Bsuliful £Md and poueauca»uuli Tzu m a uTao.fovqpul mu fo oui butiut mmst -%hm miau bttWM b eosna.? DuaxÂxnmo-MlU EsOWl oilmuigl iwaptloedh a r.lg a om 0 aud 1noos1gIs uadly MM à u1 q» tpa lus "dlm upsu *0 1 je mle.mséba i mg.-à-iotu& l tte aI ýmutomo dwoWmTuàWI' 'UNLS sud 25 '8uallg e gw~o. Toiuetad you vii!nous bb This a ai, - e iM««d h Md a *0 udI il j OPMu ot MoL cenna.n &O Bottom Prioes.e EIsh u &Bd aeriun ouly, Sol mure, s, Eaaat, ]Btoher Oov obailus. Hltesleaiterus, Omlug MW ire .sd zincs WIa- ter Mitts. Am.Axe Handies, Cross Out Bava, Bok MWv& SCRANTON COAL kW butne"n a9 DL&OUUWU'S OAL MoLE NN6N à00O, Euduw, On! aMd mu iSm fluAisTxua » SucE-A 11fouSOk c au au obsaput SPa" os.."s la le. pilous fbom Msd a& am Uftium .boving bonh$ a lume mgok ai fatMd! i .1b.uliasil delvia = ,Bd =4mbod.. u mmatie ldu lM. $Wb&tvlod mi sud lampon lb. -a Puacum or à wA NOtI» 1ted Yukubi M"s gtla.. o. K br. ýJobuste of l~'~quiaUhm peMi lst tets lboe to atb w mmNdu in th Omou.dimae. ftam V»m u un Pmvi 180.-AI immu e ofabi e* T»am Casâm AW>*L. fadlsumiau Umuthon cf e1q aubses.psla a mvamusfa« T»m Vi. mas Tb@ vo a 14 IdlUohe y 1Olmebmi, earialmlOpmss.boud.sud a tbumtl. laiillailmiou i vls ib lt int la moolbmola teavelb asu&$" etgmlsmolplZe- dlea» iadby. 151h sud 17%hbnebisy 'lb$= mull vl b la i ul.Oablg Se;uihis *moo, ta» vhtc tIla 0«4imll*ulu.l.tlal S 45-Scag n loue S0-empimtdIuM byg»id,1b &81.0-g mite.memobbdy S l-Duos murt i s.d 'Vls.igW. oira s Se ~ ~ ~ ~ ah 0417 uWiso. I N b~wam eu ~%M vS*rIi hep - Un-7 ovine te lb. ,Mr himatl*-vuthe. M. J. Su, % ol*b %.A o00i"bhS t b. Mabi cuoi. smaads a mumlmomeutallu te Sl. .. Nves BlD, Ibeo .aise tte ea a thw .. 'lb. a",~ . Do0woy b teo mul bapip ého letesi" à msbot te h. ni oblaoh tnloimuaiml h. supsels. .im Pepm à l e sdu O ,la cmis lAoAn muutf-.i pubis auesm Wmlib. odt he 4oëd op m os ou Tuas. dey ovn@& mm"i cs.a4e ue ai 8 o'doek,4 te ibo m utsla emuotl W" th O bouapropen o smimh. t teh Sody.BbotyomoMsd Pc.po W te lbn tov u LlaiaiMd mumdins couat? aMetb. .ooosstmly Uie bmd. 0 obes la 8vh s. mlu teiai lu 110 pmupult a,-*lb"te f»t Mtmd tibs usmgb Taon vusum àshodusasmi lum«Muiy melstoals ossidmin4110 tlaéhq%,eaaam 100 ftuef -1- opletuu o l lu idiomesfée TamVuu uiimtoh abovsjsumlam . Buol pi tUm b@o&admf the beuba estmua kffo tebbopajalu baivouu»wmg" 9» PoM "lMa ftsoteeuh thon pms m u ptladate vs .11mas ito -It- fimamtk. Tbét la Tt& WAUluMd pulus a bub of 100 01,16 IfpeulMW ytedate. >OIiev ssebu àeamm .s05a - g1«5om* uuaq uSMdvdihlu omeoeaJohn Math ututou ORlot14. sinem O,. eulo., vul i ufla 10a m t.ovbis -Ï- "- M Aus eo oocoui tds&idl. hem lu lasý. ibey gav*. Ilsomute Il. eOu msýmiet tb. hilyo Ma. lb. oldo vbo ap upaim Me 1h. 101.utidovu. vbll . mu at mmUR4 " Ibkhb me"b vu ou lava& imvu w 0" %0 MW hu, foed W evs abs"111.imlw vI vu a wwAisla etbu ale. illeU"évu *thu"o sucfly ilit MWte66elMol19le ael bhm vMesosmia lb uoiài a do. amudI ie euhfuha Mtm "ae bu eaps to tâis m"ubom It'le. VisM" liua vu Wlaitmualsi"tas%, lb. MOvU i ammy plss" ms t yst l pie eto ael ne Iais vomm cla y inluh« do*b tebie. M&l àb lys yooauamllu le : ir% MUM M#" M Mense l.lmIg bos vmm Obsa C fret unttato laet &. svtl ae V" w Ukaibu*lb osoii musias mm "mdWaal tea oui hhs vi tat iwiIm vin! amubr b" et m11 or 11mb dihe b.tmntble ouil t 1 dudtl Mcui mmdag. Mh bai s isesitha oumbd du Ma.. mhs sé ud l .1te lb.»mas 09et lI mtdmN élmsveou tad1 veau -e SbuS 8" loias.evi lbt moe m a te hé. foothéls@Wau Md ibsa vsat bbuse membilit*s 01oivIe m shsidy uisUmi d féllielI"ab"sa 'lb. buisJobu uh h* e ueaq l cllivbe lest bisne t u @am= mbmapu .bisa Md chliàu ls t. vuh l et 15. bi loglm = = , 81vesasus Mi qs mai bu hi..H. mis,10 W ab 1- ud*i al draugite F*o ia d"s, *0 "tId pu» et mg8% lb.ymapal los if s.maîthualohwumd md iai "a&l "U m M*di Voluà"%,b. in 44 Me » a usRWd N&4opol rl-m"jwkla «f * OsiSa. 'lbTU i plset Veimuisluauhh hisdra. tebtwim8 et Mtmai11 Uàbuqu t SPOilus &C06 M bout St. ImiAs"ly ou Doegsls Vulibba tumoma mmi luS you c.a vui. Pl , à Co.,theb e si.l .pteuet boots sd *0 mUs e»t"'iuS zoupwoimm. a bëaud mm. b* of lS m.alOzIO luhoe. oubuah M MNla etoOmWmlatb Veow% $ai Lateq..ThiI sskils. vIsa bi -& 0mS v. -455iv. À opsdalMWsuof LO LNo. 110Ovu le hoid Porn '. a Ntuudoy 111h fuat$ la lb. laip ma * N 814 te surag fMd&&oiA utevita.umeut a muiol, iBis"Fmi po" M o es.vith.eiil>u. dim vw .o.ionqu e i .soolahouu th. vols ui aula»atlug Owmwy ibra Of Ibm boit.'oeld vasllu laM ot ocly«dabe blut plcatmi d gemabe. IN. oti.bWood mail. kus lae mtelW a l iatsmute a AM'à SuosparlIa. WbVI10i..m for othm stg li ouIott e SpùamtaLisentm a" ail hum uitou ult dtloue ui. u bsi.. of- ouel blslm ou. v m Beu 'sy hU ve Imu by Im wGeno.-l 1 Ur. àoui * ieWUlaum.ob.Ime sdoi v iaUgbb.scd Teo utoWome of blîblali; Zr. sud" &u ha.mBss itzh fibsouma Mi bla tutm.etNEetof loft this v efr a viiu Saur et i60 NadlloiwmE. y PaàluM d aOutebu isse. à a ma.-aaul!y fos.14«v York, oud t)» reordet aroieus yce tbt t tb a malfiuut.z Mýus. Eau or.. aà$ pu th vintlsi u Tououto, Eau mi n Use Y",h-fihmd&a. aummi LUnda hos il! 1, bd.ips4b? je vii. 'lauLu zuu M à» xs vEDAx NIeut -R.î.tbbih i ùlég i -ts uavoubla ovdl.gte~r be. Ur. Caupbuli eteihui. te Tmss eu laadb4T MW" et hgsB. 'b bis mbj"otby mâou Mpahlaet Ohbu toe »4144en .m; e ltt amitÎsa ilaemd «Mo of Oh.mce si.tb. u»mouluet11b pofi. 'lhe ;". m hài la wu tvom *mbm1. donm. M sfua #W kilb*baous1M. 1.) @4Whm W" tahtw A bym trou."osé9et be PMs ooavu rauS1 .tu evumuabc- is omufdbsus v gusoM P"db4 i ullodea l '.4'- MS. amm w~ hpkrupl stokkm~76 aMd 7S KEn»IBsIl my PteX0 S urf EERY PUONmes thyrage fro. 40e. te *54)0perpow. ( COS-WHK-rB ~CUAX. Ttmin ua rare ésace tonmaye oelolane or priug fiom a grad éaortment Of Pattera. &t = y iagpris. .'ua- a,.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~n umud .u a ve reysdae much admied, aud vel they might, be, as Our range for this a... arn ompise ai th.nevt ad aatest demagua, ubhile f« uality# width and value, are& long ways aheaCf cf iurer hnus.W. er. always not efrUSandome =- ILY This year vo surpaie even ouraelyes1, Sme pur PrJnts; *leading pris 5,7 8.,10. and 121o, per yard. Our NeW Shaker P1a.nnels are hero. Ân4 muat, bp mme to be apfleist.d. Euch ueason'.é pattrnsanar handeomer than those of the. provlous one. W. showvdaimmense stock of the neveusud bIet at close eut prces. STACKS AND PILES 0F NEW TWEED DRESS G00DS, New Grey Cottons, New Shirtingu, Tik. inga, W bite. Cottons, sheetingeand sud eral staples, ai Our veil kaown low prices. Everything nov, lea, and freah frm te i mille. We oonfidently »Uict your patronage, beheving wo have the right goodsataithe. rlght price., and eau givoe one and a&U hem est sud reliable ylue for your money. WRNER & OO'Y, The Great Bankrupt Stiock Men, 76 and 78 Kent street, Lindsay, X MAS 18921. NEW YEAR'S 1893 Seasonable Goode for the Holiday Trade. Huatley &P"lo sChoico Engllsh Biscuite. Crosse & Blackwell'a Joue, Jeilies, Potted Veste, Pickles and Sauew. Csuned Goods Pesu, Beans, Tomato., Corn, etc., Lobstèe, Salmon, Mackerel and FinnaHacMe. DrWe Fruite-Cholee Sultanes, Valencia Balaina, Fige, Âprioot, Currats, etc. 1%bleo uu-La7w Behes, Buno, Cadoe, Blaok Bs kits, London liayera, Dates, IPable Fig., Crys- t.slliusd Fige, Sholed Âlum de. Nute-Pilbe. Wmluuta, Almonde. ,Preeervee-Mumalade, Damons, Plume, Black Carrants, Baspberuy, Stravberr, Table Jobs. Ikat-Fswua's amiWlton e"Star" Brsâd Breakfas Baeon, Bolled acon, Ham'. Worcuste Saum, Frok'hCape'r, Spmniah Olives, 1French Olives, Muehr;omdaap. Harvqires Saucei. BOTTLED.AMM AND PORTE-Gaineu & Co's Dablin Stout, Basae Co's Paie Aie, Labati'. Leu. do%. Davis.',Toroto, ale sud Porter; Doe Montreul Ale ini pinteand quarte. Geooerham & Wortï fine Old Rye sud luut Whiskies. Baxters "Barley Buse," the. fiest of Scotch Whiskie.. Boom,4 JamuSs, BushiW@', Bark's Old Irish Whiskies. Homnnesey's, Sazerse, Germier, oLI Frond Brandies, Oholce Ports, Sherrie, OGins, Ruina. AUlof the %est Brands procurable. JOHNDOSN Corner of Kenti and William streets9, Lindsay. Groceries &Provisions ~-:RoII 0& M F T. W. have lt rodda choke. mbok omrrn Sugarsi Spices, Raisins, Currants, Candied ,Peels, R1@ hi» àW* b~thIrgut t"okdoGrooeis in Llnduanasudtherefore- oan saliay your vmilt e rfoeo. AWOUDAOTRU BS t. ~ ~ ~ ' #x"q 4 Tscilsdu ~i1 at hdigptIce% msd w. e d fot iay mores u bas o etuU- us ssathi at Pueseit âpdt. a our pojîular branda, mo well »d 'N ~w~oe~& I r~ tiw~n COOFMBY AND ti Enqan tileG"od. Oun sus ev pics svr.neomet&f 1IMc y so am machi Il