Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 10 Feb 1893, p. 4

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'v t.s.st'~". t'- r~Saiet e l.aiq tIPS~ pbIeç 4"~.bv otTh iMUC 3 ego a o ttà *ort boohnm&U your U'ade. Watches and watch r.pulrln-g W. are aid fasbloned oiiougb. to belleve that good Aud 96- liable goadà and work wii bring us custom and hnspÎiK aur customiri wlth coul4.nce Our lncreasuflg business con- firme this belief. Our aim le to exceI in good work and toh:undle gooe that viii b. a credit ta ourselves and a sau rce of satisfaction ta, thame who deai with us. W. carry aiways a splendid stock af gold, g<ld filled, cliver and' nickel watcheîs ad can suatixfy the Mast exacting either as ta style, quality or price. Our upeciai watches the <'MID. LAND" S ad VICTORIA" lead the van Made af -the best materiai and with the utmast care they are in time. keeping qualities, durmbiiity, sudi beauty secand to none and uperior ta moit others. They are made to arcier especially tar us and w. stake our repu. tation an their gaad qualities. Nathing is left undone to have the 1"MIDLAND'" and "VICTORIA" worthy to bear aur trade mark, sud.th4 * publie may reut asured that our name shai l ot be plmced upon any but watches ol superior excellence. It must nat be imagined hawever, that these are the anly kunds of watches w. bave. On the contrary thé-re is nathing in watches desirable or suit able for the trade ln thii loality that is nat ta b. fauný in our stock. BRITTON BROS. Poot r of Ks ub.auav. Mu 4'WtÉnx 4bat" ~:. ~Ii *:~~ 1:1 I~I 'i <i r Il' 1' v k ~ f ~F ~j "t ~,t 1*~ f., f il M s. t' * i ' 4 tub of@SSam m àmlca5d mni" nasuos(au il; 6, U" dnoSboum and s alese" ofuis 41u ie &m. lsd anu uuos. Mmeus. DIuSPITsXArs Z.I iS 11W 1004VA. .LVIDI EoLZJ8NIA5 05. "Remember Ibal landinla a Totonto butilss eotion sol Sotr 09,800 a fool lis other day, and lieu glanas *aI lie Ivo Sollowag plolure: &AnUule abîCAMP elaoin , 4Eng land, hui ut ble u ;71Jfor £8.40, SI- hhough an ffoft S 8,500wV ainiy maIe for it 90 yeasa"'. ID. B. 1111,DemoeuotalSoMal o us New York, bu jual pobudW S OU,- 000a villé,anmd groneaon lie lenks of lie Hudcon, nsirAlanmy, liaI epuosm' e an expeulllte v ithins he IM wo restsof 1elae lien 8,00.' Tel sme Canadiens coapl"mon ci n sion if# Thé above extrst maI siey acevoh amàov lieé dihoneslyof "iesWho voiul lea" Canadians o bWin$vethol airmmam ard lie sonlybave filles a l a rnsal yean.People mayasM vl be honui, and mdmit vIol a chl am we- limaI wbetevet bhhpel"aslehaes«M 1.10 aompetidloavitlIeh"mp u pualus Iý lbbhpopda 1Nâe. Theuswhialk olietvha muslhm or bols, pethapé bIbh; Ls. k»Mavinal" pistssons Mdl to"sla ueskeg o .de usive an intlblient pallia. ,Ov ous ieor 1 Saotnz017J Ârobblchop Ta*$ ed WI.aitb WWM ,9Mamli u oohs 8dus u I ti 'v n 'p .Ii b i 'E I t 1< f I $ I 54 g Eu d e, = lac I I th lu £m n.w Oohig Kties and Mantle Clothe *~ /~Î i. i h t' , os.,Ing 8 or P.impIs, B1otch A-nd OarbuflCI R-ingwormi R..shS I.mpure BlOOd L-iver OompIBtt A.11CUrdcbY AYCR'S ,Sarsaparlla mon ru i cool der, Dist au1 um Dob ore1 te mo lm vbsvulad fayonts hs e a4tiofl of Doulno *0 i Ibpubfi&. A as- of Oongisui hows a mutpwlslg umai- y of Semli infayot of the mam@ eut 1a4ada, h amsSlnheu«ed à@eptopoie d lesa ueddlopposai t; Md, uma hala bageof Sesilmi1k s he, unamiml oSfeeling on tie or dofthe liml vM) ol onnfor buis ceeusnolhleg liksli ho can»a agv in omdmadisa.stmmt. MidROIZA ON 45 5EZItIOY. Rev York, Jam . Oi.-Honore Mer- rex-pimWetof Quebso, vbo arled qfro EnzoiaclTtefontlb Il of v oueal fl.All ed in aen l aof emiAU h b~ pur of ouhitnenunion. ,ffd pisasi baii.," al* M. Meoloer, 66n gale smytbimg elus Isîneen tht. aouut&7 Ind a Why ahonld there le ami !rou IL Meer'. vlew-polat asttalnl en unould le tmolinlath$ waY Of au- RMUa.. Euolieusbave god sud sltlatj&esasusfer objeuig. it lM m*oam«ý ho dbsonnthés ubJeol wi(rAT DuTiNg DO 711558E PIF ro MI5 DOMIN IOX 75548U1YI Bom ulelaang peu to yho make coalleos mumllygoïa loto lieteauu7 of lths Dominion of canada.Vey 5ev fatautu ma le deasivel by snc o ohum Tlauy kmov liocetaues go t hestowa- ship, ths aocuty and lie proviaus, bul Do a osaI o hoéieDominion Govetausul. «Bia," amycmn, "Do mol fames psy mnyhlalag labo lie Dominion treum ?0 Uet&alnly lydo. Ouvonil nM04ad a famet la Canada meen moughh o wich ho avol psylng bis fair abats oflb. pubieo bardens of Cam"; bel tb. pont ho arriv a ldolioey PIVMore thhmmleïr chais?1 l ium euas. Mr.. Jusla im Anorlt asImmetau. nmunasl Ithle Berné at Stuahord dmaItle SatInal PolaY took P8M ont of bu. y.sly, la dnlice on lupoteil goodi. Thal vu the lisetion ai lie founders, t hro tovhe.burdena on Inxnules, mmd l fâmuerm, meeaniOs, ma" lie voÏklag olaumo s cmllghi&Y aupouille. Thé Saernudet Refomr tle pail mllions lato lie pAbBia tesu n atuxes on tescoiotaspc@%o ,muarnlachoit on ammsh fesibng Mcelou Iebelbe. Under lie National Polsay Ibea aue fies. Bugmuin lamuao u p m unmd; tua md 0 o0es"voou neyer as loy a ilas. Theuordullaay vesiesappadftel b. neh fmer, motonlsoulioonm, »blis, a Smède et home mal mue ml mois ahesiiy tO ibn lauamyother Pue. vbén fiee Iba "eM M osbebl ie 0"*eor Olute tin aiOmeuh blbin pale fut pae lima " e. wvhs. dsc*b o s e ie t m cues viei n OS twy " op smdo*bga e saMbou 1wsmam sof* uimpmm of snob 1 e' bas. kAi'»W msu. le -ff l mUm i éo i bllot lotht I&Met houve_____40Do t o te eow-7 wMte o mbo ** nof lmb vote hd b. muas.No.mhold-.1 am mm s iïhbb the ppule hIml 1IRWh ua àlb a ns y"e Tb@ IebliSomuj »M I e M besu laim rodued laho *lb. EwhPaulIusmMd i amins meuh twsoI l'h. voakeslt oou éverated for a s051ure vu dI e m r»bv Dgon Ber- mber doe efors a i eh.&0Hous o Loida, tha t lbwu. dlbl to Pmauit mg to the opposition 1h"1 wonld ohle. Uitled Btes. AÀ" au là oins tuthat ba" the mm ooupylag the poa Om f luei of a party, of a Sove 1 "in lb.. Bouam 01 Lrde foS reat fuaieli, adule hImelf lmuade b, a fouulem mob ? lb vu ad eleug to set free ted hamied murdcirera. Is l oue ho over betoroo lot ot zEolu.hmm.o th &Imm isof lths EJaltqd eSfea. The reaction s a dy aeltlax la iabutGladstooeh. bailagloba veut4a a bqpdee1" a m c' Theissue wu squaul blà 1*qu»OL Irland bau àmo is asauompsuud witb ml, otber put et lb. olylilmal.orld. Aporilon of ber ile'auiIeaders mre Implis, gmIel itue 1 àutim ti =u= 1» g10 uasbefeet uliU.g te snom m -u.- -Jmulale "id, " abjo* wLo ina ha* orho le oM lihSvm ii PmW ot anmal * urW«7temqammy.i Reghh o teroul takàa auasdi 9w atdlealpuimoiliesof1 uspesmI com. Ment5OUTQI.oaOSPO AImas" day the PO&m lin ormel of coume nv obuqymanor Pumiem qa. mau Who bus cvetolhi. oonneololhvili thes »Mm towiasllO uq&hb Eutïoedsmby a pulcel !ho vas f ceue, tiD Ob"" st Vrmuoomai ola Oawlo o1 uk 1badieu to tomaum md adoptol lie protnt SaiSi. ne il an. ve areS»afowmsd, la abaige01Sa laqs ooqaugllasla Penniji A few voesk&go Be,. Dr. SMUlof Baktimote, Mulaud, ceustwy -t'10e tomas abillO oegu lioe. une 0 li leadini esgmemi f"Umlel ls@1 ceveMt heoomosom itU »mb& Rhvtlsà vb vuM "qlpml" vloh" oul sfumbhesa aa.»dme ibt oi yomq mdm adW qpd mmuaWho, bava, meinslsgribttIs oomitY, .liWst hm u uiw ooushol0m &e» ne hs uembsm, of lis rmma osthollachuté. TIau b.bug ho lb.0Md"h md buthhà filas te o omUl. Tises mus Mos lypas of aflmmsla Omo& da m é olmou, uelg ita- l ioi« or be, eaml uMms ab"lgh 1 a lt Mfl of s éch i th$ tea oee~ologlm Ilisà ih lbt iamh SU5 Oeom IL@, Ile.la e. 8. Va vu s e "mieldge lie ilamuet Tas WÂAUfa b l'tau u Ibo " OM la emue" M Ws 557'1,smtsls. Theme aW 69 wkdslo aSviiil bull Retp F.«nm&Yb. 1M1. 8m4làiipa. Ailm b I ne nvita" sdteus*0 pamis mmd esoma *0 i.ceAIb, aide ahtla es mUsa mral liet pie. t idam et thé égi1 W= 13i.1.cdoNOa neay.the ShW ger a" IdOlifSubma 1Mai Bitai, 1a0the î.l.o scMs W camaRm. 3.q.un-0et b& gngeBce'S'. ~. k U R«. Telln Lsi 1 %Mb& J-M~ C . se u fl I L i enli cei ÏMIj .oMp glbc.T. KmAI-le 1,4atîdbbby thé bismuget tlb bor% e" âba MM Ï4 àail1m.un UW1 boi ue*bo, mmlsud eFroub imb h dngiel. ýma ec luas .-AILt , b"sil. Mus«sly. ttdiea q lsbauyloé 811, p 1smals mdst. « 4pesi TheWoesNothlng wD@ AW"AwàY WITNI * t.' 1 DWÂS Readg-made CZothin&< Ch«sp1 Cheaper, Cheapest. *Ma&tles commence at $10OO Millinery at Tour Own Price. 2I&is is the weather tor Ii Uannels and Underwear. to select from. E.E. W. McGaffey, The peola epoar of4 s ud 5 gau e OtBs ygam l. fonte. W. aves lrge stak haneve afthos mi; ver an warated; also Sav Jointeru, Bmw Sets, guago Mud ile.à great varlety af Axes Mnd Helve. Enlish and American cow Chàins.W higMcns and Wringemu Â& fuil stteck of Builders' sd Farinera' ]Barvate £1 ~ <I LaE~ rn'd Advertiss in The Wardu' GRAND TRUNK RAILWAYO - Im& r= mlE=OUm $JO w. eoh La >um rmw dS hu% "Ebe va Niha.v 15. vm ic lstU~s um àgeumr* mm e. i lb.W ul.V6 ssa leaou= 6M amte 14 foou. u* ma 1J =ii ai Be he trm- veuUNIMOI w aus t us Tboeeoe me. E.olea iiflsef au ma.utnteta u»ein - GuarzSteed the Boat DrW!!Made. Perfiiftt a" istataBous resulation of depth of Hoes in &Il k-nds cf soil. TIIE ONLI PERFECT FORCE YEZD i ue. The. Uor ugh eluiîùmfft of onr factory with the latoee iprov.d Jabor saving machinlry ada largely increa.sed output anab1la s s obfer the BlffWer Dril and a#2 other implâeets of oui manufao-ure at prices lowev than ever beform For catalogues, prices snd terras. eur local agents thr ughont the country, or send te ont office. NOXON 3BROS. " 10 CO.. L'D, IN3ERSOLL ONT. J. AUSTIN.Fmelon Falle, and J. MeKINLEY, Seegpave, Agents.-73-4eow Stood the Test. lie have staod l. est now for ucurly ten year g ainst aiu ompehition muid are éstisfied vith our isteady trade that cor msuy oustoase sam pleaaed ini their business reolu tlc ilaus.We via teretura n te 1our maay Irie.dis aud the publie generallv for their gênerous support. - Rmember aur stock i.secoSnd ta none in this county. Our amortmeat in 1he beet. aud yeu vill reoeive a. botter trealment froma ay one t.hau froin S. JP ?TTY, Th. Jeure«l "86 Kent Street, Next the Daley Hanse. *AND a COLDS. ânag Our ELXXIR 0F ANISEED. One vt the Most evere cold, 25 cents a bottie. VLSION4 OF COD) I4VER QIL. wiIl be bat ttdvi lo iare il ~'~&t~~a arg. ott1«s25 and 5o centr» ,~ ~e ~ ~aWrt with a Good, BkaCI Coat at $1 0.-00; * Womats t 1600; 4zAuèreia& Bear at $16.00, and Cooi at $25.00. InOpaspes, Coflars, Muffs and Boas we will give *you the ftnest value to be led. et? Co>sr. 8 uits mwst start at the prw we ask for tlwm. » e offer you a Grand Stock~ 1PBIDIT, FEBBUARI 10. 1898 L b ~~âue 1 pnasa fs 1 w tesliisle 1bli t6w em»-" l mau5oflM, h..a y Li mmol5IitI 1 1 1 . r i Ji e vercocas, A[mt Depari-' The people% popuisr 4 and 5 gauge X Out Saw &gain to the front. e m COLDS& AND

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