Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 6 Jan 1893, p. 5

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t t 0< y v t" Punrfng thA laiat two veeka ,thousands of Ousiomers bave taken advantage of GUR -GREÂT SA1l ansd bave seour large9portions of their Obristinas and New Yeassuple abrgi rcs W. bave stili Thousands of Dollarsworth of Overgocats, Fars, Blankets, Druas EGo)o, eal"t, e,,M iI.sand mii. eCothoe loe of, and iniend COftifluiflq ililsale ai StraigtW oeaeC8 until Ove- .doliar'd Worth in sold priceé W. have an elegant stool of DREBSB GOODS sud are ofeorixag really usefül linos ab 6, S. and 10 omeî per vard: vhile thle Wter qualities ina ail lines are bein.g outtasaihwolaeootpis. Why psy old.line prioes for Boys', Youtha' and Menus Overooats when yeo fflmae your solection from -Our memmoth stock ai Wholegale Cou ros WE HAVE STILL A LARGIE ASSORTMIENT OF. MRN.'S FUR COATS, LADIES" FUR, MANTLESoGRAY AND BLACOEIMF8 ST-ORM OOLLARS. BOA& FUR OAPS ETOO. whs e always laver than libe lowest ai regular pices. Mt aur special Osle prle tbey beat the world for value. Tour cholce cof s flue sitock of Ladiés' and Ohfldrenu Mantleu ýbonghi at 48 conta, on the. tiollar, you cen go* have aitflut whai w. paid for them. tý'We have made a big ei n u tc fWhl Grey Biankets and have stili a pile tao ofer. They are yours while tliey lua a sraight 'ost. MANTLE CLOTES ÂNID SELALETTES have been going ont wiih a rush, We have stilil s luxe variety of Prices und Qualitieq ta offer, ga n w ie the turne taour hyuwn s i aig Every artiole JIn th. Hous. is offered ai ea Beduoed Prloe We have not çsao to mention the imiller linos, but have hundreds of bargains whieh mube se ab apeiid D o not miss the opportunity of the season, Thousande have taken ad-vantage of this sale. monèý to oby attendin the Great Clearing Slaughter Sale at. TTT A T .- 76 emd 78 Kent Street~, Lindsay. You may as well 'ave some - ____ - - THE GRE AT BANKR«UPT STOCK MEJN., $2509000 TrO mlOIS MFPOYEU INOORSED HÔTES NOTES ~~ CASH PZiÂl i lIuLilsU aU'PTIEIus a trb Loue smode to'&e. mumd othmv whte datramu o a on t betI mort. gag end suli'vion theute Mi redow ite tb. very lowst rat&. Tb@m eut Of behml a mort 1 mae l a vrmmii m mun ite th* "via wefetuiby 5h. uduwlen of in. tel-t. Yen bave tbé epportulbt tebomw41a ,on vans ai thé redcoedi rate .Dou'i rouulaw.. but make topeu« , Dtuprmili. Ros EsateBounghli mad SoR on CommiWson. >GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT. J. H. 8S*OOTHERANS. Bua ur d Broker, 01 KENT 8T.# LIJ4D8AY8 ONT.- 'làI" IdM, "" ammM ' WUT U. Nom-%,m -tut Uniqa m 1 l gz n w a.sItsg unuth m o i î ba u _ _ * Mata s A WÂRMHREA.BT W* bave a Vartu bout tevardsOur numerous onatemers.Yon bave mai. um là p»by peur patrooage idrtibmheeur. W. Dow vent 10 hlp peu te mai. eUr tlmd. appy. Tlaheioiday ummà Dow bere. iutilaguéa sill Mate a lady or gentleman no happy sa a boauttl &boa Sr allpper. Is mtheibfouadaion of ooufort ami happismu. W. ehow ibm pimllimmi Imporimi SHORS amd BLîPPERS vr abown in leva. The bois geois tee, but Priome .zmmely 1ev. W.l1é11mi in wr dey BOOT8, OVERSHOE8 à RUBBERS MamV liais ami avasy iowm ami muet b.i lmarmd onit bis umtIs. E3 pbi wbo bave bsn bore hmow v. art the ebeapost plame la love for LUMBle VIN'aB BUBERS, OVER8KUES ami PEL? GOODL Oum oui TRUNIS ami VALISES. JOHNSTON & SISPONO aigu of the Mill Baws soim m z un MM. Bottom Pricese Euglihsud mdÂrSn Outlery, Sciaurs, Carvert, Ramr, kutob.r Oo Chains, Haller Lanterna,1 Fusing MiII w*r sud zinc, Win- ter Mta., Axe., Axe Hmndies. Cross Cnt Baws, BuoIt OSws SOCRANTON OOAV McLIENNAN & 00., b.yus..u, 51AMin*t whek Mwu, No.MM l1U-i4a Tii " SuaL fiie làOuai 4W. . tionua o LsBn 18 MO4 w-*h i leu prim i "mebiail*o-lst Om ain U thé, abmm,w I -tuti aima, remebi~~ Sustu im h liA à AMe autu us Itou,950aPrtas NEc W A»ora o F.SToue-Tie umier N bei store.-&S. fsigned bus opoosi a Boerandi fodstore ist? 17 ¶WAST». - ad .abg rom &hl %4 WtIim utrr@t Ltadusv, 'ire ho ivUilZI> Virn' o tsL..cS on ad a k of ai Modeofltour. mou, hos, opà bu food, s"e, ialo ill hi soit Aurai louai To-LiT 1ý-0 rns. Pro'aistîle lova% roM for oui. ATHVMoouu. E ami simde trio. -lent maine. s, oboreretS. IL U. Tcaurex.-.478.II ÀAmuêaî Lzcgmaa.41%rsite(o!f * a »VAxhuWl iu menion bohre on Si. ! Stua su., uven.. miay.îTuusdai lasva. in mont respects a Ouosas, bu. o ae iBomun Ee uo. 14a",uaMr. &am u otaF ybiung os.Týo. mmc lesct àMUTM liu» & eta& k ondil amant; bu «Iva lbprualieut Mr. Reid, ut lii mlrii.-IYOsILMr Oea. GrahiamuiniMr n ormaifor Duuamue.-Min Vary. Veo>ali le ad.laWstubg viiideservai reboissosutiai In opieits @o avSi erne or «e oui mWditàg toaiseia vi% hmovlmg uitmg of, bv iebm day. Oma"rgesreaacble. No. 19 fammg, vill iisrnally penM Ila oupy4m Doam el.-41tf. lime %bat sholi hi et the diepowaIofpaccl To M.- god e faonWbas cau laurysu or cuir t>touhmi Ruai e Ei.- gemi eId, p.r.emai bous, m ticdsi wviking fumrmerkaov of ibm v"olé. àtuba ptee "auDita. cit. b mThéep apy Silotitîati mtta. *uaiàmo'1004 . mlv ust Ilhen -ta ii* bidas'ié"- aummciIsamim-TMDeul sle Tof. h J%4 vina thé, Mékéa outaisgo 1 Drie of maminem Md pehilcsli due Muebms'mone o-oau imoabavaecmadmliaal1î ab ooeei barp.-41, fumeMd yiuiWho w aud m dedslton RmNumxAIEr. UMEN A DA.-800itisse mimge >but viaboeumai uguW @41ai Piu Amwm a bimaileou r fr hematisu iew4 ~LiENS? or laO mie., taki itb itm Mmd Nimilgla rm&daly cUMa Sa 1 t. 8dayo. lime. As ouoastia cople o!f urmga% Ia mette. upon Ibheavato.le aariabl and Ilwiaist tlin ao!f erm.gm ong tios Wori mpetsrlocs. I remous Mon ues tii..Md mouiupst Tb@ urne la lr eclui PWbp lbm qitumo lmsdas ispui.Tb@ ruaD. J. Ulao, Ou . D. Dm, D. Hurrmau, dsesmaly lotea15iit.WnuaauiTom Va Mdemi mmonor mm." PrsMisa &OU".drORIL-8-7.Rot uai migS frioud Q.O rim Msd Pro tvm»v maoa IMLO.A. for the ftm. on% lmil,,, grda Wedus îof Pébotf ladua.doJ *.y, ad Mr A brase, jpeni truseviii ao..ee, lucers la tbe OPuea ousoN a"y al2P M. J oba. Lyile u"gta ociMof lautm Ticruimvlauo. 12à, IMS. As ;ulmue psi. a. have Iivoiunemuisima te lie volue. of the Sor W@ma? P ezpaism.itl .pfuî *I LVi Ooai of Oua..hmiiBarit River G i thé ooiei. Téhip vil #Pl&miutaPoalo l obool for 18m IWhiski Palla &ig P.m. on rida, i. 131sh. A&J ias oors of Cacterce isahaRai Laie ime vulqmiLit bathibum o ns ledm. j bo~l fe ts e mtg ar. Fec A. IL lawux, Co. Bam'vfor itSia. Mr. J. Cmlid o!Torontabu miargi . A Viaxv»viWmmxiuaua-Luit iov IGila f' olm19. e bt W@caMpted a kl ovit«aic toa ilt Tha. ré atp.tfour vidovo ta NuiRa, lo laW Simoncma ty.Ioa rtticieMmd «nly four or iva vido"ura ksm orolu Umm .Tienvap«Msa IMr. whte tlasbe&r. at inuia'. oea au tUmma udiencof otheipouth Md bouiy, O()»@tguai bl ruitute for a&amoad mi I bom and cmeof.éo!iemcaî. Usap aid ùg Mnonda grouotaUN Ma mir W"omwee Mr. ani Afttr a asrlu a et ofibimilm ou KMe J, W, Witrs of OrSIfimuR. r~.. D atb uiMi ou Wr'gSimo au, prabyinaa lu * !of ulaomc'..trmlU ou WW ioý cli ~ ~ 0 l'ut=otal *. iraion ai ___In Joues et Oulii l viî..ev m"'it'îv a m chu 11.11et BaI1pdmfauoaMMPaml tesmul luVioierti, laMa ie ILoiil: .îby bau ughme Mn Ami% - vihg Oratg Gu~m&me Bom.Md usuvy ea IdUlta«S. La reoildiait mmlUN A Mant uluae lii vui LL t.&mof Fleetwoodi Suioagt thémmis paua. De. Ardu*i mi ",7pi0gW dtM aMd Bor. Mr. Deo" both ie o ir onRt nsc. 11Walngfrivou amas apemeus. Lit us h ih I mo~,r. uirl ipiéS 'b h Iboîma. Wé bai plaai . hm :micrWBeaP"slàapisa WUmUM tgo rm laut vicie'.Pohitoalub sii a ltos; li or»Pesodial bmai iudoullp omin Mdsmg.> Io@&. Eu,) Lluil iimmpietrm mulaide" diedmai asuua it. i., viorne muM e Ohaavsa U -om -6u mot% im auugito Dr. xZyii et Jouhivlllemdbhy iIWtme le m et Mev ul. -ail Obuia aW- u à5?asf uinnls m hssh ~ a d6- - Md lxTiwVam 1892. NEW YEAR'S 1893 Seas onablo Gooda for the Hloliday*Trade. ntley & Palme'. (hoice Engllsh Biscuita. me & Blaokwel'a Jais, Jellies, Potted Yeats, Pickles and Sauces. ".C.uv, ' - -a Salmon, Mackerel, sud Minan Haddie. dFruita-hoice Sultanes. Valencia Raisins, Fige, Âpricote, Ourrants, etc. le Fruits-Layer Dehesa, Bunches, C!uateru, Bleck Ba kets, London Lay ers, Dates, Table Fige, Crys.. bd Zgs, Bh.Iid Âlmonds. t-Pilberts, Walnuts, Almondas. erves-Mrrmaade, Dansons, Plume, Black Currants, Easpberry, Strawberry, Table bulles. bt-Fearman'sa R&Wlton <'Star" Brand Breakfast Bacon, Rolled Bacon, Hlane. tcester Sauce, Prunch Caponi, Bpanluh Olives, Prunch Olives, MashroomOCatoup. Harveys Sauce. TLED ALE AND PORTER-Guinness & Ods Dublin Stout, Ban (o's Pale Ale, Labatt's LoU. Davies', Toronto, ale and Porter, Dow's Montreal Aie ini pinta and quarts. derham & Worts' fine Old Rye and Malt Whiskies. Ba r' Bauley Bree," the finelit of scotch le. oe's, Janeson's, Bushiil's, Buuï kt l Irié-h Whiskies. Hfeunemsy's, Sazerao, Geranier, oIl *Brandies, Choice Ports, Sherries, Gins, Rums. AUl of the Finest, Brandis procurable. JOHEN DOB SO N,) Corner of Kent and William Streets, Lindsay. imy, Die. 22,1892. The peopl's popular 4 and 6 gang. X Cut Bmw again to the front. màao o == wI1y.1hoau pvu. U »Mbb tii eu ma cwCa"&. Wahing Mcie dmal a is Mo tosaMbiai41M.W 4P*ýb« iss kW* Wb& w * oppsihhê<Je.Nluit Strovi, JMbsaj. v.Um ma..

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