diss.tiord, leavng *. lady 4w« ber maid. the brlde,.hurlsdly. The mt&id ob.yèd, r.oving thé.puibre cuiegarment, and bestown til OmEiÎy lapon a vlvet ottoman. 81h. thmo aoo ont tii. heftvy folds of ber misltresa brkda Veil tting it fal &round ber 'snowy disi llkaa white cloud, and permtting à on. pleoly to coctai thé ladys fa.. "Yorir ladyship look& the vry pictnie of a, bride," whi.pered Kelly, admtrn*y, *hen she bail sproad ont the ample irain et %h. bridai robe. -,' "'A"d youloo vepn 1k. a ns. - t "11usji, 1elly,» returned the lady. 4«W. malh. overbeard. Do y«u net hier &W«b o f contusion uptairs 1 1huppoe.my eoape bau beoii discovered." The maid assented, u the trampling oi fot and shutting of doors was huard ln the upper corridors, ancl answered : "lIt muet have beu discovered an heur &go, my lady. They are only searohlu now, because they can't bear te hink yeou hae entirely esoapoed. But here ornes Wilson. I vonder hadon ual uspoot wbe ve ar." The nat moment the footman made bis appearece and announeed that Mr. Wilmer would lbhappy ta ouLady COb.Ws in th. drswinï -roon. The nain loc'ked astonished ab tbe Irans. formation wrought ln the lady's appearance; but, wthout noticiuS hlm, th. bride pausod before a long, paneled mirrur, Sav, a haty glancs ab the radiant vision eh* preseted, and thon, irith a tataly stop, foilowed bis guidanoe te the drawing.room door. He thon uliîered her Into the saloon, Siving in greaaIse 10 the devoted, mald. It wus a magnificent room, or srée of rooma, in which the bride found hrsel-. vast saloon, divided by curtains of crimson suid god velvet into three elegant draving. rooms. These vuirtttiins ero festoonod with tords and toaels of bullion, se that a vlew cf &Ilithe ooacsawuaipermitted to the c. ontpant ci ither. The walls and oeling were panted in fresoo, and life-ike figures scemed to bond dowîi from abovo, flinging garlande tw the uewly made bride. A great chiandelier, withi a thousand pendant lesters stuspended froni the centre of the ,celling. The windInwts ere curtained with lace and crimson satin, and the warm glew over. spreadling everything wvas enhanced by the gorgeous 1Ii.trn fahrie covering the floor,1 iîiu1ffluîmg the footstepa of the intruders. There %verc twvo occupants of the fint dnîn'ing.roum. One of thçse n'as Mr. Wilmor, th. pentle- rmn fer mwhom the ladýy lad inquir. d. Re arose and came forward at her otrance, bis conuteîîatc expressive af aaîaniabmusit aI ear".Iely "$.r joumosher et ithea«-' "tem i mI anily ofthie-.M assMer 44 an,' daola e l.bride, in b«r kW, assMed tenu. "My btiabaad JqtMr Kugh Ohefls, ef Ha'wk's $KL*' ' Kvr. WiImr bu&= epao uMd siart.è "The Ctbeu aosvre f«erly fritada et the Wlmin-v.ny deoetd frienda," h. nild, trying te oool thé fuan ber an- nounconseatiadarouws. *"I baea" . ifriA.adahp crlgnsted in. a love afar be- iveen ny »ie.and MWssDorobby 0selis, Who vas a great boa uty lu ber dlay. Ohé muet b.o ld nov, if living. -My unble dW. befon. thu tîme appolnted for the Maffiagi, but Miss Chilfis alvays romaln.d single for bis sae. 8h. vas very fend cf my br,the in bis yontb, 'md shu wnotu me adebbio f eoudolinco afterlearning that mny poor mien bad sueenmbed to the isalady inferitod freni ber father, tb. late Mn. W lmer. Per- baps Yen arm oore ta oi ýMiss Wllmer on account of Misa Chellis ?" mm. Barrat bailbem vatching the lu- truders vith a lien, bawk.like gazs, and as the velld lady arose et tbis juneture, the ux-geveruisu came forward, oaught Mn. Wllmor's aria, and vas about 10 vblsper momithing ln blusear, when se.*am startbod by th. manner of Lady Chellis. Thse mystenions bride cf Sir Bugh took a atep forvard. tbrev baok ber veiliand stood befora t..m vithfiashtng eyos sud lips quiverbag vith indignation. 8h. vau ixoeedingly beau tiful, vithr an let clerfiickering in and out af lier dlean obels, with ber gloriaus dank eyes radiant vitb a ligist, a baugbty scoru ixpressed in eveny fçature, and ber sieuder figue grevu snddenly repiete vith grâce and majesty. If se haîtd ooked beastiful ln the dul lilht af a isingle street lamp, vith ber face schaded by ber dark bonnet, what vords coold desoibi bier appeanance 'nov ln ber swoeplug brIdaI robes, and uurnaended by ber claud-liki veil? Thon she ba~d bien the inuperboiîaticn of night-now abe rnembled the gioniaus and sunlit marning. The ight ai ber face a cemed aimait ta paralyze her lieut. "Adah !" ho gasped, retreating a stop in bis atanisbment and bowilderment. -Yes, I amn Adal," naid Lady Chellis, proudly and fearlessly. 'II amn Adah, coa te honr rightful honme ta roigu as mistreus, Mr. Wilmer." He did net seem to 10 hebmlaut sent- the viil of this wite.robed figure. euc@. Ris personal appoarance vas decidîdiy l'Yeu have don. vehi lu returning,Ahah,» unprepnotessing. Ho wuas i and, apane. hi sabd, as accnu a ho could fied hie veiue. Ie %vas taîl, and appeared taller thnlie .',And yeur compno-who la abce1" i. vas, becftuse of his thinnesu. Hie leaturea The mald vithdr.v ber veil, neveaing a »%*ero ail sharp, and his eyos-oî a pale, un-camely lace fuil cf banety and goodues. certain hu-ver. miftiund ud say lu "As I suaspected, exclaiusad Lb. ex-gev. lheir glanae. .Hia fareiiead vas hig bobl',erneus, viLlu as sugry look at Kelly. Il narron', and vasa cverod by a thin and vau yen, thon, vho assst.d youn mistresu sligbt <isplay of by-coloed bain. ta uscape. I might havi Inown botter than1 Hô seecmed ta e omiffring under samo ta trust yen, vhen yqu pretended te believo sudden mand heavy bIen', and theugh ha ein. lu Miss Wiline'. iîîsanity.".: deav'ored to amile as h.e approacbed bis Kelly neplisd eîîiy by an oxasprating gulest, il nas easy te ses thal 1h. suile vas glana. af defiano. that start.lcd as veli as forced and unîsaturai. angcred Mrs. Barrut. '-Ledy (hOlis, I helieve? " aaid Mn. Xii. Mr. Wilmer breathed mare freely ou dis- nmer, ini a pertxînbed voici, and apparently coveing that bie niece bcd neîurued tlelher scarcely cousciotus of what lie mid. home without any othen proteolor an de- Tho iîuysterionm bride beved gnavoly. fonder than hier, and bis vola. vas harsh "'Ailow me t'> intradu ce te youn iadyship ced unpflousant as bie densanded :, M ri.IBa-rut, the f riend and companionaofeiy "Wbat aneans aIl thl. musmmery about nica," renîarkeà tise best, as the. visitor youn dresa, Adah!? Anjene ta olkaI you Iurned lier bead ln the direction cf tb. nov wonid conclude aI once that yon yene second acaupint of the draving.roona. net ini Four right mind. Why, yau bave Mrs~ arra araa, ad acnavldg.dtho ricked you rueif cut like a bride?1" iîuî.àrodutios & ro nd acoedgoev en e- Becaue I cm ene," deulared Lady seqrouiibya ooudadevn .Chelis, in a clear, sweot tono, that aeund- 8iî naa»io manstllye n, udeu e i1k. tIhe silvery meiody cf a bell. id witls a certain order of beauty-a stylo, 'Yau a bride!1 Wby, yen have neyer bnwever, tTat n'nuld nover appuil 10 the lied even a lever1 Yoti bave nt seon for admiration oi a refined mmd. Ser bold, six yeas. the face af any man save seIl. black cycu, ber rod chouks, full lips, and You have no acquaintances. Yonr friands inelegast figure, had sontiug of cearite. and your father'. friands waeld abrik witlu nos& iii them Il, anîd Ibis coansenesa vas ar If tise>'ver. ta moet yen and knev mxade furtber apparent by lbe endeavors ta that yen ver.est liberty. Yoes a bride!1 feel and appear et lier euse iu the présence Yeur brain bas glven vay at lait, I1.- cf a titleci lady. lieve," sud Mn. Wilmor spolie sincereiy, so The bride glanced et hon but au instant, improbable suemed te hlm tbe ide&aoe- an'd thon, with a quick gesînneofol&version, Adah's marniage. l"Have yon been van- Iurned toward Mn. Wilmen. dering about tb.seets su i that guise dur. "«Your iiice V' nipeated tisé velled lay, ing tho heurs yen have been nissiing ? I le lien ata8umel vaiue, and witb au acent of vonder yen vire not--Well," hi addid, inquiry. pleased witb a anidilezsîheugbt, 'lit nsay "Yes, ynnr ladyship; Mmn.. .at la h. as veil, eter s.&l, Ihat Fou havi made cemipasion te My iie, Misa Adab Boite this esapade--as' veil, Imusa, fan me. Wilmer." Thia goilîg abont lu bridai attire wilI b. "In-seyourn eoce athboume 1?" lnqnred qnotid as cose cf jour mcd freaka. At first tho visiter. visin 1 dîscovoeid boy you had ap.d AÀbadovovirapnead Mn. Wiimer'stu% vitlu tie nid ofthat. treacheneus cneature,"' a h.vy frown coîtractod is brovs, maid ho andlh. peiiîted ta Kelly, "I vas angry pemd sud denly di4trossed and ioo&essoughi ta have--I vwu very angny. .1 1 " regret ta ay that m nioe ba dis. suppose yen have b.d enongl-aicf reedona * ppoared meut sînacountably, but euîy Ibis and t frfioidi, havon'i yen r' *vury morniag," lieexulam.d. "But Imbve 1,41have ne'. beau te My j e yt my krq *sent mosîcfnt iy servants in searéof , fineds, sal 5dy Ubellîs. '"X knew V"1 an bu avé aimo empioeod a doetoive te tm veil that Fyenlbed forealled amy eommsaut ber ud biug ienhome I epeotbercation i miglit make t1015cm, sud lIaI lby lI retenu ovory moment" vouid ouly returu me te yen., Initia of ý ? 64àdetiecive in soarcb cf honr?" inqurid that, I have beau te gît marie». "tihe veled lady, a tbrill ci exultation Puis- Mr. W dîner eilihd inoredulouly. hIg through hon tonex as ah. nemombereti "nn «1t4fret *b"h.nd thîah.site as marnied. "thIsima as well, and p.rhaps.b.tter, as-, "lYes, and hie cannot faau te disocvW ber. sfninte *d with tthe Euglish uariaga Sp1;îa Was yen vîsit intended for usy poor alec, taflYours.lf. Yen have bein abtaul*i Lady Chellis ?"' hime about, tbre. heura, mr vluO p-,~e Titi youug bride bed s*mont. sag tisaiporle, te mate yoas iu8 t "Indepti VI sald thé boit, ioollug ai&4ier yen venîtihav emenobllgiuI te Inde Pn * uedy, and ondeaverng t4 puere. vh ltb U5ema iiqg » miaa y= thon s hlir keen ayis lbrough the vi shroitisgber tta~i b4WlkW"5> a"d #*miJ» fetunis. "My aisesedosaui o e owapey, t h à*W&O" ýj ÂLdy ChelUsé. 1 bave 1%«em <r to daét soeiWv e ,AU *o* sttsIb UW=tI~, è« du er*# 484 »cideaiu #auom te Y*" s*a-0 tbWat 6 1 r piemuna. ot )«m 2 , tVA > t CHAPTER XIL IT 1la lm" -MWe oo n ne'or ait and wcll theïr loe, But cheerfnlly M&ilhowv le redrees Ihoir Ild. Dar* vas in ber ovu privat. roorn, the front cbamber aven Sir Aflynas chantier. AU aronnd ber ver. ividences of ber father'1 loe aud care." NI~ The pretty bine .111 Saugiuga on lb. valis, lthe suusy piatures, th. costly orna- ments andi bijouterie, litteling tb. tables and i nanthe-pieci, b.d all bou chasin by hlm. Ho b.d bavid 10 saunud ber viîb everytbing cheici anti beantiful aud nothiug bcd been deemid ton rare or coslly fan bis danibs. Asia nosubî, ber rom vas a pr loct lalny biner, in wblcb vas an.ra hast bI pretty trmea.s, aid a&U the dalctr' appl4nces of luuuiry. TlÏ crowning beauty of 15. apârbmo*mi va. Ïs lange, de.p oriel vlndov, ooiug ot oponitlue lavnudntbtaard tise distant ron. 1 m ao~crtaisus sbut Oeft iIsile * tret 0hcbovas furahod viiî à loeea, s"d a Mov"b1 bol fale IsdsiwvuI aaad"0om bon" esdWhuwmm Bet. oy ýn the mpk, t b0q * liavy » =.l méiliny lauMme .ur. s *aisibýkpas, %&au esee frtrw o yomufr wig*sbmeWe mi b. iblng coud b. weofltitan m.fUf&e,.-nohlm co~dbé verse thau tei booom a pensir on yonr b.uaty. Nbaps I vas unvootanly"-ére %ho spahi s4fOb »Ult"beib* xcet Mr dvaaue in~ frasil, uasy spirit, a"d, PrqnslsdtWa b. eul " uMary mu. Ibismmiung. Tuil uwnlng Sol ly sud 1, dressed *4 v. arn exA cept, that 1I vo" a dark oboul a»d boliflt, made our escape from Ibis bouse. W. veut t ial 10a mifllaefo« a white bolinet, thon tu a meauy.londor's, vbere b ple.dgM muy jewels-thouo leftk mu by nm) godnot - *"Ecar berl" cried . Wlepalo it> angor Maasari. --Osu isexjC;ao rdia stery h.oIra. r "Itlai poigficlly Usne, as yen are about t4i id to your ceu%, Mr. Wllmçr. "Bxis namu? "Sir Hugh (tl..llis, of Havk's Nest. Consiqnontly, yen soi Iarn a member ol tb. sMme family sMiss Darothy Obellis, ci vhem yen. spoke a 1ev miaes slince."1 And the bride smilid. "tProofs-prooia 1" erlcd thb. baffied gase dlýi, sa b.sankI llvd sud ghastly into a chair. "iWbat proofs cas yen desire? Tihe cburcb registir Là douibtleas open tu your invostiga. tion. But I have other proofs at baud, ,wbieh yon may se. iBere is the cortifioate of my niarniago."' Shi witbdrov tbe document frant bi, bosoin, unfolded il, acannod it berself, and thon advanoed and placed it befon lb.e 'Yes ci ber uncls. He scizcd Il uagirly, and booked eai h with a keen and aimait dcspalrb.g gaie Mnm.BarraI silcsstly approacbed bina sud Iookid aven bis shoulder. Thon. n'as no doubting tbe authentbcity of the document. The plain statemont, the différent bigusturés of tb. clergyman an d witus ttestid tu its gennineneas, and, sa ho regarded it, a feartul expression dark. oued tbe visage af tho gisardian. "'Oe'witted P, ho mutterel, lettmng tbe paper fl!frein bis nervels bauds-' 'ont- witted by a mire girl, oni Who Inovs notbing ef tlhe world, Wbo has bien shul Up for six years lu close confinement ! It is lac bard to bian." Lady Chellis stooped and pzcked sapthe paper that nas te ber tb. aigu and tokon of a bessod doliverauce froua a tifs of torture, and restored iltat ber bosam. "Onîwitted 1" rcpeated the uncie, add. ing, as bis gaze fell upon the ex-governes, "And il la te You, Mrm Barrat, Ihat 1 ove tb. faut. If yen b.d staid witb jour charge last Oening, as usual, she wonld not have ruinod me." The ex-governiso retreatid front ber em. ployer bu afirigbt aI bis dark looks sud despairing mannen;; sud Lady Cheilis after a momuul'5 turîhir silence,said : "lYen need net spend lime, Mr. Wilm.r, iiaexchangingrecriminuatious wlth the voman Who bas enly served yen o vWeil. I bave muai ta say tle yen. Let usnome 10 tbe peint at olice. Mr. Wilmer lifted bis bead, as if vouder. ing wYhat Lady (Jhellie oonld bave t0gamy ta hlm, nov that she vau froid froa bis anlhority ; and the ex.goveruesa crept nir- or, lu arder to hoar more clearly tb. pro, poed communication. ., d Wb* " ce 00ObsoImdsecsally for tb. Solda7 F et ne"usM id ornMnental articles rangamg - a sure Io ha"e jusi bat wisilunit yau, and tg #Wdwt dise.goudaa Bv0i7 Snali advance on com. *TOV E e Mmb. fndt an liecouuty. In vood cookimq haïeqoàl 6eo-edrtmg. And to reduco the nenabor vsvi ho' pries. ssi thécmil.nost favorable termes. Beors t*y is014*Sg bu bey the mat j our vile visit, sud honld have Ibis 1.11, e-i Sàd 8s.. vtiraivaaue pwpared to do for yon. Im é»goim«ýrapilby. Tir. style sud quality of th. goodu,an uclupm «Ueverymw* vanta toey It viiipuy yen ta stop into ushwroade the.gonds or buat manufaotumoe ae tnring ont. Ranmber.v a vée.verytblaag in thavare and granite vare, bath plain and fanoy Soais, a&" oaa supply anythinc joil vent in paints, paint ail, machine cil, ceail, tus papes, glas, putty, hiuag@%, sva, a««, nilq, eta., at verj clame prices. Wubrng leutiiautth. .ompimnta of tki easoon. WM. A, McRAE. KisUeRld, Dme 13t1, 1892.-65.4. LITTLIEBRITAIN. Our @teck is now complote ina *very departoient.- Good ranges and liard limmE pries. in Dreu Goodie, Meintie Ooods, hIillinery, Tweeds anad Overomtings. Dresses anmd banties rmade Wn the best of style, ayd et reasonable pocs. Pies.. make inquiries as to who it was wanted te ad- vanco cool. ou to 20c. per gallon amid the hard times. Try our Roller Flour at 81.85 per hundred (Joia. and wse. u sgr9adîI0 xr value. Don'îgive away yourmroney. We don'twant tocx tort $2000 oult of you ini a few years. Give us§ a cai sud compare pricea is al ws a.sk. Yours truly, Laiisuriat Om. IL E.Z. VEREXe FRIEE TRADE WITH THE MANUFA-CTURER No aonie'salade, tbandfer rat»s or coornmssions te Se sdded toe .prIa. of th. Goods von boy frein ne. Thoeeore ve lmatly daim that We canl give botter valu(in al kinds9 of WOOLBN$ý- than un b. bad elisewhere. Oms steak et BL&NKETS la complt-400 pairs ou bnam udclvo are-etimliimaknK. W. eass plaise yon la qacilir and pria.. Wit., Grey and. Check. Unilon and Ail. Wool 8Shehlîgs, single and 'rouble - idtb; aléo a large and veli assorted stoek of Po~il Olotir, Tweeds, Obeeo 8ýirtings, Face tUrey and Fsaey Flannelg. Gaureeje boole. Iffit, et.. Our YIRS4 spoak- for tIlef; amI thoum who ose it. It it; eqially se gond as Ilone-made, and va selu for loes Iban the p: ice cf, infeniur Yaru. Oarding. Spinningr and Weeving a- Speciaity. AJI Custon' Work wiIl rocive onr most carefal attention. 'mou hist~lb. W bm a Vile an irlomprs B&t" ea Worveu th.elad Most .ad.d.1 ratier <dis than marry b" , M1ai17 r e* rqmeied, hoa valua' .q*tt b sut d' pover. 6'q vii »Party btiltue4ai,' rderte mve myý fatberbut neoua1i ibave îried Ovr y othormeancs t, tu$papa l1viii mot uboni te thble sdou*ada vlihoula streuW ite m a a eth inl w Io feite nMy marniago vils hlm, aet, du bt McU4,I viii nue evm-w eueegy.P My bfansd'myseli froue.bis ahlu.And then Il1 me the tuai humas efforse ver, ahi u a gluoburs usy freedom r' Ber face glo vus Iis sua regain. tien, ber biel ei3 &ashd wilb determîna. tien, and ber der figure becarne instinot vilb sudidem b inasosaatdi n2rgy. 8h. paèssd b bsd oves er fonelsed as If to oieavay elatluence of ber batsh.- murnbng d uast lougt: il so.nrn ote haI papa vould h. sae if.Ibat papas et hýok tii.fatalComupact vau vrls.n onby d*arcyod. It muet h. of great fer Thweve i ad he kuev toc b*q gIt bore, sud thal ho b.d -i at Oeksaw. That papes muet, a n aolnovhdgneni vbila woald teMy father. If I oeuld onby obtala i she gave bersoif u te thought, but it vas evideat by tb. ébat kindled sud thon faded troux ber bau, sud by the lighi that owMed sbons froua ber dark ejes, that ahe.1ubtunlng, a plan bybhich to ga uofet i.papar upc. vhich se muait ded. At laslaise arase, k . ber disheveied hair vitb ber bandai d looked frein tbu vindov thongbtfnily and hIke ont Who loks vith lb. mental -ther Iban the pSy- sical gaie III mnuetconsult i vitpapa," she suused. III vili go te lm 8h. paused and star i, as a fainl, timid rap, vbbcb abs va» 1 ew, sonnded uapen ber door. Befon. she could btI a stop forvard, or utten a word, 81v Ally Dam. entened ber rooni aud advanoed a slov sud unoves: %tep tu0th. vindov. Ilde put aside the urtalu te give birÀ% free iugresa, sud theugave bina a seat upon 1he couclu, vil *e be ltinned standing. The baronset iool.d paore than over hag. gard, but thone va a quletnees about bila nov that shovid bueh. bad heon venu ont by bis patst slngglea. Beoled veary, and utterly hopeless, sas ifaI lait hi had reelgned binisef te bis ap"rent deatiuy. Ho b.d evldeutly expected 10 mid bis daughter An ters. andi aeead snrprls.d te seeho er mand roloite. "lde," hiosad tinldly, sud as if bardly daring ta put the question, ,do yen despise me for msy miainable veakneas ?» "Des«pise yau, papa," criedIldo. "Yen knowjýhat I lova yen sud hSor Jeu." She came to ia and kiss.d bis lorebead, ini a tender, pitying way, that brougbl lb.e ready teans ta bise jes. 111 avu thal I v a ears ago," h. said, "but tie.wva a fearful oînbimation agaluat me. I eeuld nover bave prev.4 xMy innocene. But I voold hbave h.d eut agalast TberaUllif tIbm ad soi beau se many chance tisaI he nigtb »verappear agan. I navet had &lseMions idea cf01nMr- rying yen te bima" 11I believe y*M, pape." III amn innOaItlIds," and ber faIha!s voici vas fllle <ipiedln-"l aminnocen of dl vrong doýg. Yen believe nie, doe jeu jade leokod bis e a.eohing oe., s4d rééd tu Ibem u uust" edreord of bis talle seul. Miaiats"Usa asd Ida hait frocon t, a amses urs ofi.tbue belif in bis ,sd-te, wfth ltas tendon motherlI tisat eiamterbWad er maisuer t4vo bin, hdrev bsb devu upon ils p W1loan sd passed hen bauds, vwE., a* f4i, nagasilo tueS, oves. bis bot foeh.ad "Dean pp,ý said géatliy. 'If yan bad t5.1 pagow vialoSyour oemube vil Thrvil J.-ltt -Lào -y,àse Rit AtLY.ifat bboum u4 teoubla up Wb forobed, -ove hiol ih.7 "d .mtlae.d t. -Mi sSolitie. vlt agnlsd baohioam at ame, sMd encuntered *ï,oab aionce so tendo,mi truil, mou ru0.,ishai b aagjhi.W brm* bquioly te k thelb.bokbug sub that arcs.la bi1ý rat "Pa1a,' ud e, Brily, «"vo min s- ocure passession et that paper lmmedi*tel. Thïerwellay beiigve tup as socs am I beomobi wU, bt Ido not intend t. vafiî a month fer lu.- Boaides, fother, 1 may >nove. marry hlm. Do nutl ok figbtemie. 1Iamugntol ry go gui rid et bis demande vitheut moellctng mysoit Bu bopobtl ln seont, father, for boaven vili srMy «"iaime ia baatling wvfThann&we I am go4 te10search for Ihat documL" "dBut il i %Oaksbav."1 "Thon 1 muet s.cretly go tc, Oakshav la soarh of it," smg Ilde, quietly. 4"Corne, papa, do a"i b. alarmed about b&. I am young and strong, and able to proteci Jeu Mud myseLf.Yen Must have confidence in sai, sud h. surprlsod ai notbing I1m=y do." - She looked ou deterrnlned that thbbron et ybelded asseaute ber wish, feeling a%. db sane time %bat e .hopesho hbit thoighbi dead were capable cf revivification. ,Ifi you sbould go to Oakav, dear," ho sald, "1yen mSainetgo &lone." 641 shall soigo alone, father." "Ho may bave bidden the paper soin.- wbere about bis desk, or ini hie library. You would bave -te b. very cautions and careful. 1 arn &froid yen wyul have your jourmey for nptbing." "lThere. pàp, yuu are getting Dervoas mpm. Ha* faith and confidence in nie, and I illfo whtI cas. If I fait thon vo vil beor oar bard lot with aIl the pati- oncs e # &y. Yen did net sloop laut nigbt, snd you k toronghly cxhausted. Yon muet leme u te,10leep." She iM d procitrcd frein ber chambor a proecytlcrf ile ihfarn wateri and then kncit by the coucb, and vith cool, refreshing liquid. Afterward the. oothed him agan with sait, mosmeric touches, bier band falling gen#ly and qnietly upon bis foreh.ad aid dri%$ng away frein bis temples thb. unI!. pain teba hadt long bmooded there." lier efforts were mccu crowsod with euo- cemn The pale syelidis drooped over the tairy eyes, the bkshes rested upou the bol- lev chookae, and Sir Allyn Dare siept pesce. falUy, as hc lbed sot sbept for weels and suontha. And thon flde aroso quîetly, drew clown the milkon certain, abntting ont the sunlight frein the little nool, and went imte ber chamboer, letting tbe lace ertain fali aronnd the siceper. Her firsi movemont was te bath. ber face wil cologae.water to ercin aIl traces cf receut cmotion. Ber second vas t' gatber op tbe bone masses of ber eh ining hair, fast-. enng thein togother with a couple cf golden arrowa, Then , after glaucisg allier refloction in a long mirror nmcbed'between ao Windows, the goiselesay croesed the flier and otole frais the apartineni, clocing th. door bobtild ber.- Sie crassed &ho vide corridor, and knock- cd *40117 ai tb. door opposite ber owu, sad thigi, in obçdlm ono a request froin viti- *ln,,abe opmed tbe door and entoed the It vas "lilwin."15as ber owu, but fi noi lwndow, no silkn hbafngnge n profusof bijouterie, jet il vua * p t hoe.lke r 1 b hiltasteM tar, as i=idoncea et feminime ce. pacy in theîimy bashete of BonUs vwool. tep f .slbroïdery, andina theotaled Pitar that la7 on the wisdow.eat,aMi t o biflodciDo Mematin. Tt.vW» the Ivivate rnesr of MWsaAM. 4me, air Allyn Dam%'s ard, te *hmu "dm s hmbasbeau made. At .tbe "Osnai of Iwos outrance Mleu kradate wlis roln4g ialobnUjy upemi a BOOTS0 AND Bankrapt Sltock vien ye au g. HORN BROS.. Lindsy Woolen Mille. RUBBERS& W. have jiut receivel a shiprnint of BOOTS, RUBBER3 -iii OVEEt- M~ES making our Fait and Winter stock comple te. biEN'S A.ND SOY-A' LUO-(l B)OS, Pott and L-'ather, M3n's Lace * it Boots, ad a full stock of fine wa.ar for mcnauan boys. LADIES' BOOT-3 in fine Kid, Bttton and Lace, and stronger qu%Utry in Caif Sia and Buif. Thrie special lineq of liired fine FdlrG BauL fW. Ladies in Birîton, Lace and Gaiters ai 12 pair. OHILDRZN'S- BOOI!3 saitable for wet weather, in aUl sizes amit qualities. RUBBEBS and OVERStIOZS, sizes for Men, Lidies %ad Chiidren, now comploe. HOGG BROS&Y City Harness Shop, Lindsay, JAUM ITTLEI PRtOPRIETOFte Mdteq u uI .d g..15 m1 am &là.mi? adn e ilOma ky ~obMHms ColIaMs Whips, Trunks and Valie ~UT,~74* ~mit m lu a . «n" Mme. eclarua "@dont à»y m e ocibmses i t b. larguai Se ubeosi le %h m q PtLaeui. t y exp.....belag lb~ JAMES LITTLE. JEM C> lE iFURNITURE GOIU r~af~ +NDSAYO inet MakeraL to abow it. WIrdr w L. I 'N 'v s... * 't"'. e.. ~. 4 Do sot h. doluded by Shoddy Gous eaIled Iloneet Gooda fioua u s Whobsaale Priame Llndosy. Nov. 28, 1892.-M4-tf