~*i.& ~Prim m*s urim oromu BUG-.1st N$e, UITZM$~ B b»' ado» at" ptgRtu .% lw e U . . 1- 1 SI Per >~~L VI,- hoJe No.1867 Yea, but fcd lt with SSultsEtuumbn. Feediuthe cokikils itýand no mea oa affSd u> have a Qxqh or cogdacutel snd lmdiug te casumptloa, Iuing aroual hin ou and HIposphum. sbm~gthoei Weak Lirngs cheks al Wads gDiseusesMd ls aremarkaM FloshProdaoe. Alnmoa as PalaabS as Wkate&. Wste * 0 oed0f wotnd et& muItimbo, la 'a tt l 1e ouvsuip, sud costo0f e!su hc an ujdaér. 'the o uai v bo for mie on *0s prmhsu. esnt. Appzà u L Om ,Lot 5 'n -78 NOMo .b P.0 M%:,.Oi oft 1Novombor. on. lesrllng iHfoffr. Tm ownsr la requete uprovm plopeny, psy xPeume. sMd loobabr avsy. SericeouLot 14, ou. 5, Aun OMO IuProved Chte, White, lied by JH George à sons. crampson ont Mmsa, Improd UuDo'k, NUWi..ndsle deat, ]No. Il& brng byl . A. Esmaa DunnliI.,ont. Au Ai pwwigeeof elitbor mmn O-eMusMpplWUiu. lesme, 084to b. poli 8a o f servie. _ AN J*OC a»c 1r r. 4x L~ cel. Our Boo41,oud oUo Thero is lnotbiaglh ih. m I -pu '», la himot ion. Tkis is probably the 1«t Xmau we. viii offer Fou bargainu ini 'Our Present place Of business, aswe are detormined lu retire a Boon am vo cane We Buy Ohap, We BllChe,p Niow is the tlime tobny nov goods at vory doiiéto manulao- I (omrnonoing right nov ve are goinog to give bargains te anl I cornraut the gooda are gong. ~Whéi~e~6 W~5AiJ~ e- f mi~ i~nmu~sjg Io it a, Xmas pcesent iu Purs-Corne to us. la it a Sflk Dress-Save your mfoncy by buy- Ing here Probably it ib a suit of olothes or an over- oat. Our going.out of business- prices will suit yous What would plemae botter than a haDd8omo set Of Laos Owrtains and CurtainPoloe mpâe. BE OUR'HANDSOME JAP-w ÂNE SE SILK HNKR Oither in Mon's, Womin'a or Ohild.. CarptsCurain, Undsandl Draperlis Art Wuýed la 1thia rut h lMILLINEBY «~ turIe in Our!'i~ 1' 4f~ ieoeiefs1 Gê~ita I W s haethe home aad mcm ocell uam tîeckwoar ooC If you ike to sesDremGoi,>as.gin dm.aty doigm neàt goode, and a'! in the bust approved »ud m ,èt ImiârV& au early cMR.W.e e tierminod to make M M.depit y« QU0U teltbe peaad iith Ourtc Our ClothiDg Depirtmente offer te gemahst posaible, Puyeru, in vsrleI.v, qualitly, and pri.' Our Boys' 0 foot beautios Gente cal! sadda»Cure one of Our Nobb They are elhng rapidly. *and MANT; W. intend learing out the balane of Our Jiadie' Cul! early and icoure barjaia. .ER Sign of thb, Golden -Lion 40 Kent St., Lindsay, O0nt. OU R N F.Wu O;qE T TOY 1 Eleotrie lYotor, and Battery COMBINIED. PHoce $1.75. Educt. jour Boys in th.eoiguimo-uex~ DWb' miss it 1I h l tho baut Tay ln tIc niarko. Evoryamb<rious bol mu5haveonoe. Instructive and entertainiog tu young snd .Id. Perfteoiy haradmeos WiUn tu to, fans, etc. In far more powerful than etoan. May b. obarged t ta n foi hours. E very motor guarantool. PORTER, TESKEY & 00., Whole-.alei'anoy.Goodt; tôt & 4U6 St. James àtrt oetOilU"1. Treacher Wa.utea à tombe, wécitod for &S No. 2, Op%, for RUL k Vaie prserred. lUt, JIEW oodPLS,0(1(ioaJ MMa.Leossous. Oràer pur Wood an0 (oal RU FLOIECE N»DOXBLL laispuporEet.fO ?Oromo, Colage o01umo E .so te ruelvo "0 l ai h bu »« Uaddeu, 1Lsmy tra$ Gis ~tfl tsiSepistbr es eonapiat. Uniny g ..g Bb-t ,d-t MÂRBL&GJii T. SEAI4, LHDSAYB Wb* bus on hand e ry bout quaiitys Ord laa BiwaP I.s Mmd Ba vIn b. lrmpfly d dta. dQU~ IULL vi r; ASY. i LII.y, U~ iugUoe~ UB.uj4f OrgaasPI Sos Bw PIianos, 1Organs and Sewing Machines For ihe fext 60 days, from 10 to 15 per oent. lois, (amord- ing tu qualîty>, than -any other agent or dealer in Lindsay or Oounty of Victoria. Wr Wu LOGANO Generai Agont, Lindsay, Ont Boas for Servie. l'.lmporlod hebimr.Bue,, "SARNET' n lle sPt for mrvios durtg 1bemmes ouLoiS8. Tomm% rie., ce.me pliaitimoel Nouai Hanta, f 4I *L N.a" E Y.k. et 03901R or Sle., ne M m brbu -4 mie a Yole 09 OUIa, vol b»b«4=l e. Applv ib teo ono " ý16 nrpmesor 10 Wllm JinxE. n umoBNNN LINDSêY FUTRIEE bOmdenoo, m ]KEeti., £o lai ng 0Oum o f t» »wv oPer oms. Ailkuada of Ladme an d Gentae foransd Usimilie reod sudmade 1orde,. Almo Wahlng up f ur sMd imftstlon ?sm Ohbatmbm* being 10e~ ~ B laeisyl a orkmmumhlp and laimmtyles guaraleotd. DELLA P<)AIe% Rà KENNEDY. Lumbijr, Wood, Shinglos, SLath. Lime, etc. Wubè o lrMlnd bits customuga that hoébAu on baud th.elar<et stock of goal DRY HARO WOOD atown. TON STRURT. Telophome (3ommunloatln. Lluday, No.8,S.1892.-62.1v TENDERS FOR GOR» WOODX. Taudes mriae dr om Ccii veod. iiM le resImI~ b.underslrnel unilaWàDNEaDA ="Wa, i8W5, at acc. uer 10e dobvur>' ti zoo Cords cf gocd, uound Beech aud Maple Body Wood. tuu te1. isiivomd mo boa IlasRa mm la ]P*et l i au lr amleas Ui 1lEsd.mn~ - T.; ~sustygf.tr. l~w, fiae. EUh 1508-40-I ffughan L Go. s ~m *liuh, ~ SouSia mal W.ut, w~ ~~*00W alun ~y day. Lsvphus lot ~ool4~ lu wbs~ iu~. ~Uaw~gnu, vo an uak. ~ lumn mml - lataru~g Sot 4 4 vo& S<~. lEa1CeEI larai for bale. la Naioa Towmblp,150 éaoem utuastel vithi one m :.cfWoudvl 'le 11viemoiîfog futr m a. uitg sviflagam oi beet dlay lum ro orobard. imalfruit sud veg tble Jg&rdS, bua»n boueMaisron, woodhoua. ki ý%baah bor 4«h4%, ehol Oxu, dttvlnghouas , s;W se,. d$o«"ltrm utump- sud "".ones, v ol-ed mIvt ce.faU pougbsi, lua agoou te o f oultavren eOn ILOliy rtv ut rae bu homoums Ibtsud Far. ruonsreopouvey, omml oroard, aU OM meue a"i sîumP%" faIthgod, ul le muid la vIoks o cast 10 sut nurchue, saIa beaain. vorlttber pswtlusr. Addreu 0. Y. OLANKE, Oit tb. prou..,Woodvio P.O. E[«cEACEEBECS, Application to Parliameut. SOila sboe ivec;ith" apoluction viii h made by t* Ourpe on of tbe Ooiu% 09cfPeterber. 01b lu the LORlaltve 500mb y of i s Province of Ouarlo. ailleboa eiseson. for n A"tto mamnl lI M ft a leabove Amombir pommed lu the ooIl yOsr of Est Najsoiy's relge ohsptered M3,bjy providlng ibat ths Oorporstoa ci the Countt ci Peterborougha abmli bave the right at au t me aller tbe pmu-log of thn e so 0Pma aby-lav le abandon 10e bride l trio Townshilp off lt',kouvm - b.Piron oe PlVtlug Bridge, asihat iou sud itar the psm.h.g of any imue by4tàw the tount>' uf Poeorborough sue ibe Oounty of Victris shall tbereatter no long«, hi Dltu 1érot sud usintain scid bridge, mor b o u tributs to the repsirs, mal.tenanc or reoonsluotLn of th bride. RATTON &à HALL, Sullciottn for Aopltconle. Peterborough. du"edCeombor 101h, 189-660 COBOCONK To the Farmers of North Victoria. lHvbugroouilv pmrbmu e sPlour NM hoem I bMi la dluta fout iof th. lsieer improved lt 'e, lur ELle, vw» a capadtirof Eh>' barrels of flour per dav. Ouaratoed tWdo Iraicloue Work. 1 aun nov Prepsred to curry on the Fleu, Business lu MI1 Ile broc. bas. The hughes market piau paid In euhb for sU kmndacf Grain. Speclalplus for Fleur ' thé losd& a hreo f your pauun ls l olitsd. J. HE. HÂARVEY9 Coboeom kg D"o. S , n& The. Pubilo Ohool. ieoed om Sk JumSun'yf. lItnsHusîsad*o CIeua.-Magdo Xliea, Willi ieHuaWIauIsKoffst% libul ne W LteU& 1111Su iLolieOakem, Jame heisAlIce. NhtesTvsmhy. lo ue.-Arbm5sioa. Ose. lgàuAh Imm cCe.olbert ànsm a". ardu, Iloree Potir, Chls Doen. o, er Cus hauts atio.Sirley cimdouaa. 39 ll- syeumlWeddua, Louis Brookm. M78 «Z 'mHxa& ngts, (G.. lim ter a , HiÎ6 i 1 , Era Sa te w rt~, Tilas ea 94d umoJh%.Ir, uEte Cale-st, iwd te sé, N.Molit..,hl ait us Cam Imi .BfrII .Xiamnv ose.,~ aI *% &WNolo, Iath Parkr. O" Z"MDOUYP«bt rehlu1 r IL' EMIL?. Roee-W. C. SwFuzer, T. H. I[cQctade. Deput o m ee-W. S. Graham. Wm. Adams, Robrt ord, Reue-.l. Chambers b>' acclamation. Dy. Love-OD. Brown, W. Hall Conncllor-3. Curi, J. Graham, M Xsybee, J. P. Pl'amer. IEzxLEY Roee-George Laid 1ev, Edvard Lytle. Oonllors-Williazn Alto.', Jame Bell. Geo. Blanchard, J H. Corneuie, Alexander Ramo. CAaTWEIORTO The old canuncilhi acolamastion. Mr. sd. Mrs, W. W. Itivonman, Toron t, spent Chistasu vittL éMn. P. Forber Sr, Lindsay'. Mrs. W. I.L Matthown, Ottawa. le visiti ng et bar father ta-lava lMr. George àtitthe us. Mri. Allan S. lisodounetl, barrister, bue ne- moved is lau cilice te the rooms ately cocu- pied by H. B. Dean, 0e-et Cater'a store, aorth veut corner of Kou aad York utreete. Ovlug te te pressure on Our, colunus a numben of communications arb unavoidably held oiCî te next veekl. Amoxtg others the report of the prestation sud address te Mn. .îllau Smith b>' the preabytenisu congregatiorn of Bidon Station ou the occsion et his lenvirg for Chicago; and the outertaieut given by the U,8.S. Lornevlll Lut isaude-y ee-eing viteînenor Mlllhrook Dan. Thompon, eue of Condnotar Ryloy'e populer tratumon vas blovu off the tsar plat. form sud senlously irJured. He had sffized th. Interas sud the platfonm beiug alippery th» etrong vind bleu, him (X. Wheu foundi, thé train ba'vlng bscked up, ho vau benumbed vlth oold sud badl>' brulsal a&bout th. head sud body. That afght becvau talion te To- ronto '.4 e mmv>'recoeolg. He hie many vam risude la In dea>'and made himesif very popcWerou the oe on ot the recet Ttsinmem's bal home a 1ev voe mgo. acomau stsman "The Noordisnd." Now Tork, for Antvep. vu as a'e od Ques-a tova the habor of Corki, vitit a bri huht on Tuemia>' by the steamer Ohio. The re hcdaàrogh time for a tourdy@ oi.ths rôing dâa au lIehéaocld'.nt occunre&al.,uéo i rlolen, but on reoohng Cork hapbor ver as brave and order y su if thu>' héd dis. played commos euel lm f danger. Dr. %wte Glen 14.Pille have esnned sa trust reputatica vilarover omployed, ÂAaa sr»- toute and blood builder th.>' ane urlealled. Thon lucres..the appotite and promote"a belthy performnce cf ail thé functiona of th. bedÈ. A thorouchly oclentllio prepuration, tbel use-u fiii te affect a cure If directions are f4ttlfly cerrieo ut. bothlag harnfal lu th*u oomewuttim .The mout delicato symtcua vin1 blé beaetod. A& tor Dr. Butlers G@WesPim M Mdtakesno othe.-49 1>'.. r m be I boay vWsters noteab>' Our un :erar -Kt.sud lits.4lenil lcachera .1 Tonale, Dr. sud lKre Foley of Detroit, W, " ofOals. Kingston. D. Shier cf SUileatColis ' Ur. and Mn. E EOWUUPIUN.Wlekham. barrister, mI )mt *mumeNen. Smxeand lMacdonald of £Ibmny NMT, Miés TrrU of Toronto, Hamr tu"epteN.v.nlot. .W. Nulle of Nov 'V~,SaC. J. illeB.&., principal hfghahoeà isNulle of Queeu'a NUM Md Misa Maguir ?mat.1~S'MUet oSPelerboro. lMr. IHai * Wo le# l' u liaMks of Toronto, 4 1h11. 1 .M. l Msd lia ],U£Sel% Doual Sinclair of = of Somerville, et ,dWlcl, lMr. #a mm iToronto,..8. "a e -N40 o Bepfft fur. the voe indzig dat.urday ight, Dm .24, 1812, froua Lindaay obaervtory- m a I t . . . . . . 2 1.0 . . . . s ond ay j L vee .... . . . - l ' .O ... F iida>' & Sat Wsmut dayrmoaof 25" 07 ...... day Coldest U u .-00 ? ..... Burday Th.e fk do 11086o GrOëteat fui ol rai» 't 1d ay t0 0 Rais tell o 0 a)il u t Gratest fai (f taoov ir 1 U av. 2' 2... azSow fon] ou 6 tdaj ToWa tainanaxd metedaonow .-.0 30 Tao&. I¾t-&LI Municipal Norainationsa. The folloving nuuminatiuns !.,r munièilpai honoris took laceso.on Mond tipImet LIN4DSAY. Mayor-Dunoan R-y, re-elected hy acclama. lion. Reeve-RB. Ky li.. re.elected.- lit depcty -4. L Winiters. H Waèltprd. 2cd neputy- "e. Oraudeili W. à£. R',b.nu. P. J Pilkey. ioancillorp. North Ward-R T. uchbonrn, J. Loveil, J. McWiliiams, Jam. K-itb. J. W. Anderron dhool truee Doo'd J. Ai drsc.n. Ronîl Ward-E P. Giloizy J Hi-ad, Rubrt johuston, John Pi-are@, Peter Taîl>'. S3hbool truteo--G. H Hîephi. Dr. Barrova P. .. Pllkey. Zast Wsrd-Robert Blain, George Bryau, 'W. B. P--.e,tJoeph Kiliaby, A. D. en. aJus. Stapies. Sch;)ot trustte-Jose4h Noum&a Hopkins sud Walker re eleoted neeesud dopaty reeve by acc!'aaîf,n. (Jonn. Cillors-Johusîon Eie, Audrew Robfrton, WU. N. Reoa, Thomas Newman., Jâmea Byrae. LAXTOIT, 1)IGBY AN»: LO1eGFORD. The .14 council re.olected. SOUEBVILLE. DBUvo-Alexander Morriaoa. Jaoere Wilson. Deput> ev-oliu, Hwe. J. l. Harvey- M ycllgeH. P Pdue, John Wilson, Robert Oewald. George Runmey. The .14 oouncii r.. elected. WOOItVILLE. Bee'v.r-W. Cameron, Di.vid Annis. Coun. ililorsi-Jseob Brue, Donald Grant. Dovid Amuis. Normas Perguson, C G. caWDbelm Donald IKeNabb, J. S. Moyne, Henry Robertson. CARDECN. Roev-Joln Alton, George JarretS. COUD. ollors-J. M. Chrysaier, D-sniel D-ay. Michael Rosly, Abraham Jacob. Duncan ad clnnis, Jas. KeKey, Patrick Ibran, John Marphy, James O'Neill. DALTOX. Eueve-Joeeph Thompoo, u .10e e4 eby aeîamstion. Voncilloro-.Joha Oarley Sr.. John D. Fleming, Mfichel Khn., Ala. Mo. Donld, Joseph McGaugey, John Nicholson, NeurM'Young. Rosie-Dr. Coruvail, Thoms Stephenson. Dig. n', un-M -",ýwhèËe-me -qNý 1 Ku-z- ý C-ý C-ý ézip ê=>