Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Aug 1892, p. 8

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TEEVOOLWAE. MUX UJ4S ,1 11 ab.mithat DL'i PilUle Mu& quioh Md ment ogie for e&Ilhdm@ tromesi.q on = ot oé.5 peruce.. 0 Therse oe o esouOf iokam smd d ~ '~ ~ ~ from dhuiue lays Ib fiom e11cîber 415.0e.oomblui. It inyour ovu fiit If vou, '~~ show jour kile ate, remais n au a nhW.th 6oditilo vhos theae oursta ilond. DodA à KlAmey Pille are guaruntemi te cure tbé vorit m.It oite but 11111e ta gi thom à #Ls ~~Tlq a efor saesbya& Igl d ite Md demiste O ~ or ymaillon ruult f 50 oints6s boxe. o 2.50. llimsyoboo Dr. Eu Jura Golden Pille aie viraninigolden qiofeom lbtuerlM&g paule ~ '~ Pillsarsteàe vondeflmai e tonte u&M blood Em4 1mer Mdfor tboée tteeubhd vfth douPkd& w set.Tàqm a spilo for th am ila Mré iss eie0Morni O f r7 TUiM velue mlest veehath mmd en d Aflu TMti elt s hibeiuluumd ves l. u or,%0 sWMs lekot~ - vii 4lSC I - Mi .1 ~ isi ,.mays iv. 1080wek séelà ho uqiý f the 03«9 0*6 us tet iM50 g~~li la bthirroOOildA la"bad à m il]0. leamsud W C iii ., uly 10u. i eL -a j h d lé M o t 7 t he * e" oA"m Park »U aMd om 0 mwOtOf Aibi t sho'.Wla7 àhieii5à . Bm sr. %1211« ise "' «" VU b £OVaA h am pleu n vqhe m RO nu'i = et M. m m . thippy ioma 0" là a 80 wwrawo JOHN Doe"# . e l ia m acadToo Pmtb# oti»Hop. M ----I&-etOdebeomduk. l'a= TXrn or se a 't1gwe7é bo ien dtl eld Poubso amgîn-s-o t MDaai calms w, of lommui! ila 19o baH 0110of lota t MWO=towndi Of YlcUuVlS 50 acre'MOUriOr iaem, 85 sodnt 813081,otU huea b d""'rminder good wood laid. 'ne Cmon. tVO Çà icaum tui1'Mêm asrou&diroads, u0*00l10, o.b.lhviivefMhM ami on*0emm e aI& P, t , c é of it ape eceuWf m uteotez je uqid dou Noieoflhietapomifefi as Mof-tueuto tb@n C& d~Tb@ . bamo 2 9lai Vud, a oe whos . in t bé lven, Plub le ,'ill hé W gls iimh.bu euvdb e lho t elger bave, Md bal pom«onaaOlo aiti1.0h ni. Brownu. M t,*., mu m .. .. ..uanmd uflers os £W.il, aiS joaooý 9NI.'Uodo"j Mr etoWuuraMPOd , U Mr. MUàh lsW.mag. Bol. ab. 1W tour. MeS MWTN&»fl5ONCanis L 15 111. Tiotai *.-40.IL 5d1@U.UnduiB. The date of thé Eh.. AoelOltll 1 suBe ___________ton_ a show hme buesChangea frm2t te SSiiWo ,.LW t .sablib LI sof D.epolevet0ofChiffeo.111, vlth bis obulule R I to 0 .em ot s o m& U e»of r, BEuOt. Hemiton, seut Tumi eth IFa B=vU.u A a j am lO ..* int, îlebo roe ot 8MdD a M u leoin. ouMut.ges. nu lMunicipal ConnOl of thé. oioratiofl 01f11da tlvi hting h b lter Mm .D. Dudolls r rOWUhp of lomervillienie aOtiW U. iaahgt i . Dit a lino f o l Uet futpaus LOUo8 udtot .0 1>l OflOSSODinl the TownibiP 0oS rUliiV1O, Mr p-- for îventi.fivO y«"-doima Street haown, and dacribed as 1o0110110- on %àamy ComezamliiII ata r0< on hli ouck Eoïd etam dia bunuuuu o Milim et-bu gn@ to Zoronto W] tane o fur bsns netour links morn or tarsevth relatives. lois on a course nortb, ten and obl «* u, M.A .Gaao Iit od m Tr from th. etre o thé nortl @Bd c09ltsebridge wioh L . .Grhai Vifor or i Ros ir Mr %maasquit Riverril aid lot six. ThonOS south flfty linlest veek prepré o oiiVcoi ur M Oue &Wi threts.fouTtnbedoegss vo i ve chsina and on thée 21.1 md SSad ot Sept.cfT ttemlnks Thén$ Outb ffyOYO 1degroesvet,ofT oiitneTbwon oth 01y450 misd ftreefUo MieM. FOUlof Verlaishbu om pending 1Ho dugrea..wet, thirteechaîneanmd hblrh,'OV* U lnk a fev deys in tovwn villihbie2d Mio R. @%titc more orlmioaatathe sattsra shore of GuIliPverwli la$ h ltbngt htscin ,ma' *' 1- - Aain vide, and ths aboIe dsscribed Mr. lain, vhok l a lgofla ohnttonWo ow lUne to Wa bhécentrA theoiol, MrlFysbrMkmdfall oWTILSONhoDc US MUDDWILSOuN. have bien ummerlal la Ehdon aetDaTire moiot iANrk SUDBYU retuumd home greetly lavtgcrat@d Ibis week. cou Clerk. -Mr#. Robinson of Ouubridie atreet viii TA iO otace. kludly socept out incre thanka forsà beautilul non The. above ia a copy of a by.iaw thst vill be panaod bouquet of orange 1111.. Tbey are lutin ovien ii by tkb bMusicli O ouneil of the Townsh p of Borner-yt vle maheusneic mesit ai c>!louce whîc>b on matl! m bo sld et Cobooonk on WedneavS, the. i.à. R. Coulter, manager of Gougb'u for M îvaobdey of Augut nesi; md aiU prtieBo, tahhDilaujou ing disaveil F = ' Oiedrer".erehy requsated to tahi dues 10110 hoala vIsitint ri~i aOoflO i and govre themasivesa coodigly. bldi iiigMnel oot dtec Dted lia 111h dey oci 3uîy leu. West caloi six duDDABT Mine M. fniy, Whobus boisbomeneon. pose 'Vp isr, 6OflOYll joyiu br vcatIon bas roturnei to ber sohool tabi 'l rodae.whoeehberManifriends are glad la a to wslcome ber baok.T H AMiWA R lE lsiP@,ofOshawa, iagh «o Oroid A - vi thue oo avwator witlbModeieud. ;;à râ Noils ] asPutty, Mis. Mrris lu Lindsay. Wil NSiS '~~>Mr. Langton, of Toronto, @peut à ewey@ t h@ réoetly Ivinlg bis Maed the Moarime thil Mixed Paint, Hinges, farnil lu Bidon. He le delUthld villi the 1 tin. hartîd people of Bidon. sOi Locke, Sosies, Sawas îtav. Z. F. Douilas of tTxbridges lite hor étdtOf Victoria CoDe0gO, hoa bien a guest se and ail kindis of Shelf Goods tkiia week, ut the reidenci of Mi. D. Car. tb Michael. Ile.1el Plie.," Maupeis. bot Threshers' Supplie$, Mr.% Robert Irvise, vho vith hi@e itend, bis lrBeov.enujyng a visît under th. ]Beltinig, Babbitt Metal, Lace Par al oo uff, rotrnelai vouk to resume T moi: Oenuoi Lesther, etc. Mr.J.H.AIIàD. 0oPicto On., w thié o l àguet vlth hbi itor Mrs.. novhson aMd bis a -niece Mie Tyrrehlinl towu. Hi vu greuli an charmed with the soenir of ViotoIalexes. if (agwrood4 al'souzz Dr. Bievett. (hloego, Ili., moibir Little fa' Britain boy, who le muking hite mark, îetumnud on Thuriiayitallravisit of à viObtobhi 2518. 112 Kent tret, Llndiay._ rrezulidMt. and Iro a Isue letti, Litte TakExprése m"keiBroobville te ingston, It 60mles, vllh ai@op l.about 68 minutao. dr The double track wUi Boom bi oomploted, thon ml faste? fimenis ii W maie.1 ~~ Mr. Mille, B. A, having pusdeed Im mer hohldeysieadtflf examinatton papain l Toronto * it hs home ,ieitlag bis mother and alis beforu réoumiez hie profiaston sw had.mmoter cf Havkoubury high sohool. ii~Mr, Walter BEhilott, tuoehr la the Hamillton colieglale Intitaue, Md Mis. Eloît, reluis E4to Hamilton i 9s0ou& fier es1joyntheir bolidavs ln Lithotl ian d Omémie, the e ~chtldbood'shome cf Mi. and Min. Elitoti. te __ Klauhul and other asimospherio influences are beat coonteracted by koptgh blon 90 Pure and iovous Ah ywor» toAàlittia cauion lintis e npoot May puetr mrions ililueueet tht. muisn. Ayer's acres. nailil the bout &U.tboyo.yil4fd medicio Miss Tyruhi rturni to hue holego émool of vomuhoci must lave Omeda ta teucl'm ~ sohoi. Public ichoolieh o evrbe"a Il I ouabhebud ib romn cibolu grls s vil mou RE-OPENING 0F THR Young Canada taies u p the studies of another tOil.1a ow, andast b. oiothed ? You bring the boys, - - - ~ du what price shal our boys uau tb lie Whviebu a blEu ivsmt àPmehell s leo W. . 9 lou t out. JMdm.-4&t<. Oum t a 80 miaulsbj woulfnoi RF loa. lvuey boboe vuvantelby àMmd Vlihs e akimk a os., 52 lest wawbi e' bu dambne, dy fa u318%la co" 'forevlsde 1--inm ut tinta, at wGoodi'ie-SStf ane sollitto Md msreov o«Wurmivtht bod for us te gasp the Imeuit"Gol' ynua be se griat. r.aXloelm Thorh mltme cauugiB mais la nov lIalaEny k Martiale )ru Mi, il aisy, =ry Piao@., an .14 Littolevihinbar, ismaklmbi k m naelaTuoaopiaveTmi LDIi auilon Tudoy, p, 0ion lub u &lidue, eom, roe etiu dfah eogt ahtue Aunt J.3a. H.Lamuoy.-& ffo *I«t 1oomhoUiO jcamfortabléé hlIver, orser Of Llmiiy aMiGleneli go.- 24.tf. rien mmn gels God fr bis bigh tover 1 ahlm. a îiev 1hs1 maks hlm Ocave , utIle awcut vho Catl'. ifsvAs. r. W. UHara son or Resu OHaas q., lto oalidtla ltndseY onuedmeuda. reprffulti Warviek àCo., vbolutl louers. violons hull gored M. Wu. OailagasOf nyville on I'uoDay lue.t ICgh uhivoei. rot Mr. CaUagban luDot idrifatalli lUje. ls Catbro ami bue hrotheidauglither and f Oui voitby tovusnomnae enjojing a vt itb Montroil frismis. XMi ettaur ries crédit for pasng ber emination it Clasa certificalo. ,or a elug'abumandierpld liver. motblnX gupilyerm Pill. Tbay contasno1 omel, Bor My mineral drug, but are cof id of lhe active pi1nciple of thb uI ve )j cathautios, sd thule ueo alvaya imite markud benefiltet the patleu.-49I. T»i WA»» i l pioaoui te huai t M. IL Bryson, lte of UbumMdi vu »IL thuoiholil Victoria couIty, bu Liai et bis future dstlURlS90 "a ndm 'J& -@Abb' eys be dois mot apiiroclte a imeuelain lch tbe Sabliallni f esscraed gr. W@ via i m mucceus nd properlti. Bomghlh Spavin Liniment rmoves au bard. tt or oulloumed lumps smd bleimishes from mes, bleod spavin. ourbe, iplint, ring bou, sezy, sifLfle, quesins, usoiea velhin not, oougha, sIc. Bave 850 b use cf one )tg& Wanmled thé mcm o mist mubcure eue kuovu. Every boîlle ar- atid by B. Parlné-1800.lY Lmat veek wbile the son cf Mi. Godon owuiheni of Cameras va s rvtng a hors. hke the animal ln ktoktng eai lies struck 1h. y in thes ammbreskbtagll. The boise lh. &me tiightened sdan sae. but tbe tlmehy rrival of the father peevented mors serios r no fatal InIlurT. Thé ld lu progessing bverably. Advrliiii a patent mediaina in the mulia wv7 in vhit he b roietor cf empls Bsani for Qeugbs»ld oes, t5 ta deed vonderful. He authorisai m&U Lrggio t cgis those who ocall for Iîlà amle bottle rusa, thstt lby buy ry Il befere, Urohasisi. Th DLg Bottles are 800and L OOVWO ;-à--à ilsly vould edie a tria. me =v savs von frcm oosUDlptioL.-19-17. Bée Gouighs' Provisions IBée Goughs' offer I Sée Goughs' School Sufts. In order to boom our boys' olothing department we will seil any one suit from the lot for AN? ONE011Z WUTOF11$2,20 But not more than five suits wili be sold to any oue buyer. It makes no differeuce, your boy may be any age frorn 4 to 12 years, lie gets a suit for $2.20. Isn't this a square offer. To prove to the publie that we are sincere ini our offer we will donate $6.00 to any charitable institute in town if any manufacturer or dealer eau be found in Canada to duplicate theae prices, taking cost of manufacture- and quality into considération. GOUGH BROS., THE WONDERFUL CHEAP MEN, Lindusan ad Peterborougb. ASSOCIATE STORES-BELLEVILLE, TORONTO BRANTFORD, ORILLIA, KINGSTON. ..-pmtouttb atent B±ide T H E E V E NTne ' i fdanuiactured by MOLLOW CABLE M'F'G COw Hornelisville. N. Y. NO BARBS1 NO DANGER. THE ONLY ABSOLUTELY SAFE FENCE Wlre maie. rt iftle. 1 0 @'t a'ok impossible. Made cf No. 13 SPRING STEELI vire, tmvmnized.- Will not aag orbreak. Neàrly double the atrength of any othor. Re- quirea soe tays. Ruaeabout 16 feet 1u the ponnd. USED ni LEÂDIING BRxEBE. BUuly sud quictly put np. For sala only by1 LINDSAYO.____ SO UV ENIR H MSALE DIRY GOOD$ AND Olothing Pianos, Orgais and SewiugMachns I su the best in the. market, ana the oheapest aooording to quality. W. W. LOGAN$ General Agent, Llndmay Ryley's *'IHardwarea 22 ent Street, Nails. PaDer. Paint, Olis, Glas 8, Puttyl Locke,HIln eadGarodn Tools akinds. One door Esat of BNonHue Are the lWeadr of low prices in WA6TOEES AI D JEWELRY w.:hav. IUS*PCuId smre beutifil new doufgnmwh"chw. s" ib. pli«W tosow you Neit W kw zptaltof fi"eVOLN m CCORDEONS sq~uyfor us=E = m4S p#o f EXJHÂN &00.9 Store. The Handy Reliable Cook Book< BY MRS. JANE WAIRREN, A praotlial" and comprehensive Manual of Commnon. Senad Oookery, shoiwing how to buy, dress, oook, serve and carV mutl, gme, fish, fw n vegetables. Aise giving direotiofls fot resri fiolg ag and drying al kinds of ber- ries% fruits, me", gae, etc. And instructions for makiflg in the. buti styl e i aeties of Candies, ice cream, oakl and pastry. ALISO A REÂDY BEIOKONEIR for omputing the. puce of coal, hay, or auy other commoditY sold by the ton or part cf the. ton. I BROSI The wear ana tear of holielay PiaY lias wreoked the. boys' olothi.ug. If it had been of Bessemer Steel it wouid now show many a fracture. But Gough Bros. are here to fil the breacli ana fit up the boys in style. We have bonglit from Mes. Jas. O' Brien & Co , Montrenl. 1250 suit& for boys, and from Laley, Watson & Co., Toronto, 780 siit-ail boys' suits.Iu This handsome ilustrated 000K BOOK oontain-it g 22 paes, ors1200 r buabereoipes, worth st least 75 cents. o every ostomerbuyingover ONE DOLLAR'SWOu of Goode they We-lb. présented Free of Charge witli Wbs Valuable Cook Book. *Me J. OARTER, Sigu of the Golden Lion Kent St., LindsaYs Onat. IFarmel oem. I Touchburn & Preston,~ m »Doneli & o >Wclry j iN ,PRDUI whd,1 ad OM B.dM .QO Oi5UI.WhBI~Uà ho mm Mm PAffl mvS. oaaulýâmau Pm Jdaàw,~M fft nain V emu ir dsam s . plu MM WM »Vo. Go..UGH Will do the rOst. I conoaa Ans. commw 1 aboO ti woik; yeon ipesili bIe ID 109 mse hSM mute atone h outbufld 46-t'f To Pei Nine in t 50 actes. frame ha for te Linday, AuguAl ly &IlCI LaU hou on the p station( promises Fm.rm The fo mouth-eas ataite ot Comiorta sheds ' The proF ho leadi Young or %ood brii hurches cJAS. 86-tf. Far Tht su' cont> ni 13 and I jchurcb ticuars. letter te1 M.artpý them on au average these suits as they cost in reguiar trade cannot be bouglit fer lest $4.00 per suit. THE SOHEOOLS IRE.QPEN ON MONDAY, Â-UG-UST 29th. 17; in Cr COMMERCIAL O Mo irw orT ms VolMA ve" lEEaT.u.,nAug.97=.M189 Lindamy usStOl ai Wbeal, per buablii..--- - -Il- - 075 to 018 rygé do do ....- - o ho 00 rig do. do ..--..OSe1 oc.do ~ ---- osoo do a s, do m.0.-W teo 00 mou nowpug m upioe... 2 lloSo 2 lo w; 3ise i,i o u . . . . - l - - - - - t o do s w on g b m k s - l i - - ii .. &- - 2 80109 2 50 loim à .u lu 1l .... ..... ... . oe tot le cofnobop, Iit00nu::::............ 1hto000 0 84 m a P a r 1 0 0 I o . . . . . . . - 2 l e te 4 d o il"e, ic. 1ipur 0il.-8 5 te0 w Iarley. No. 2 parbf0Ub O IooU1 P m., do .... .. . .... ....-0CU s a Peu, largdo................ 0 0 e ti 108 obte, do e......... 0 30 b500a - - ~. ..z:0:.eoo a 4 0060 4Ste umaspi dOiS.. .. ..e e but 0eIl Mr, PabeU5L.,.f. 001toi4d *h,eio-. - -.- 1 0m Ru ... m ïï se .e ... -8 le3 lb@.00as0 ié ---. .-Iooo4c Soute pr to...ee 1460e a 0 861100 de lm ie.... . ..7. e te8 a Aube. - * e. e. -- ..7 00ce tea Toronto ftu Wbt.. leteWnés lWa, r d ..=. :....- 0 à1 W ive W bO Bhm.. .. _. 01'M te $78 OfS ho OUS e..- . Oa 10420 Dieedogpoevl... -0 000 Peu ou lml.~....t 00 »uOo par hI...... ...... 06 o 0661 oom, pr t'010 0 010 Eutte-iOf.. i-.'.eOl ta 0is azimp doum10 t. 010 U 5 100 pp u..la...t . e 'ai Ti . U 100 abiugo, par doi.....5le t 0Od .wm% pr b«..015 100ou «purbgse103 cla"m, P d......îo te 0us Ouo,purbsç 5te 10 000 pw ......900 100 Hay pet.... Il e so stmw, shed 00 1 0 Wooi Peu lb:.-.:::........ --0 Toronteo Cttle Mmikt. Oatls..Nport .O b.aui Up. vads :t15ouI mer8 .8 oeteim =Mlse( a m . ..... * - 8e u 0 9e Uute* SbaiPOdhulb 38 U 38 pu b........... . 912 bai ...... no m MW 400 ......te.. .... ..... dos 8ai ....0840QI àa» O e s............ l i.. d s 000 Aing than p ýWhy try to make or patch up your boys' clothes ? It d pay theý boy. Come to us and fit him out. don't pay you, A won't 1 Mothers root col adaPted 10 ptuc the Sam July NJ OF THE SEASON, razz

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