Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Aug 1892, p. 7

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e ~ TA ~A ~~n2~EiE& Vu ~IUW ~kIJ<U TII v ~y ~ ~ >tTle-m eVu2n FiIq : 9% &tMorl CWhylb bsa o ain# iku hevoaveuofmtoaib, Oallilgand. soe'AU are invited Vo Grand Diaplsy of ileïy, Diusud, Mantie maklnz. 'a 8. àl tu S mt.Dt severcy sio, maiI bnobise- i fthber." Tfie trouble lu n ine han- rnhl) etd ad reaclieci y Y". - mre-ait f C haauThe chars4-Ut.o yo e erl ic , s d I n w th rdand nlWm y-nine lim es ont cf a th O on ue anlioritie . Eithir m a t tm e n d W "his wvasin lb.efors of a vbit4 povier, 548m . imdbe. e e t H lop % bonshuy hiedicie hasat aIicue k ,and Ikbuwse'mud lao111*1 on rool1ins amount tle pose aI once o llf&R aMemMatii, aiwe pwhty acomnl.The mmas idi a"ibeu thephxiia wo siIfîlenough i hoc wenmabo thoin for smereudcr tb. verli umunhahilabble. au b h',doo ho aie tho remaUas4 M(!, i .to.'%i> mmV: "rumon au àCthing vi etobcoearniiPrvre. b hloAogÜÎ,v UU not«iWoy 3,am.mt. viaPoieo blope, ro brngm-ti evsigk aî, 1-- iîoa<> Chre. Ian iai eunte te neih. PkiéceÏrooi..bi fcifAasivhalutalubs s, vougmiiol WI.> . fic h m ~ i aman O S, i h t amo tu tn el g AI n a o n CeS. rm n m n y i t e w * tt e ' &1ýý v ;ý i ka nd 1 m n datn* 1. If 17ne.olve tla hec oinm a C lirlu- i> ion idc oigne es oM Wylu l e vitmte011e uig h. uS 5117 lu B unom faps tav esaaiyu ta li _ _ I U _ o-Dei jt«..ùeu Mr 1thee aly in Ui vh t 1 ms' iwaeun~ ~ - e-a trou à-? se Ineaody mie&U dtt in ond, an' de len14-1 b fn or à*48 Ib N. d bie te. au p a 1 shupposal1n ha vebm opr i, bnln m tla i il. fliti 5 L T o ,at ly klul09W» ui I 8 U* t id M1 r d atsud m mheredicamet, bng meJunsChrist.- Theiîlua mmmvi MSlb.typbo fmiv. . sshas alu'0 dvaypmioLa. te le-a11 emi ~Lp nimkommte 1 But, Say$ omoeoni lin heaudionce, e.7 ('l l4fdSthI îiqfl*~UwiW djou proveoIta"ve ame lu a ruied cai-r0084&sreei leAk IM"«."d. JMom b a ? %1 m à pesv.l, 11 . cbel, ~o ovems hle mémuaéiqg ~Im mdyu aybveyor hie E01"- __ 4a5u>Js#., cd w~ M ~Iteb.flv~uWfr th* lb. lithat eh. ro h .d a large sud valuable stock of 5iLi.n~&um onu»Li rOeaé,o,.ad J4 fuljvued 10 w& uiioner anse. ~. O *1 dam haIag Iv *h1 lu,. La, tuetCiy styles in drem aisu Ui4ms w qap u em l aS mas iiie gbm to &Le n. Femnsfrom a dlateace aitai upemés(Wb DIT moo.needmt aà,e offed by s. Jè PzTY -The. Jeweler n SPE0TA0LBS st about haif price. In BROOCHBS, new and low in price. 99, 19 nmi.... ~ Ushê t~t Yd PPS' k ru b ilanS Md mye tahe xq.aeeof the mua r- Ln dulg h. putc Tiihe resa: ".Bàiook <dhObuawumuv" un@hr -4v0 .O~il~.e31hl a bu beenpmrn a ing dung aemenis maie hoalu h. aithu e -b.se gEuh> wa&de bui ý*èMi la Myng an ,absorInal prors for hommTHE AIR*AK , & IU*diJet4M. o h preaohed in mevûdto» . Oo C orn a it w bd premlaed t 'Utmdir uato o v'gioemornuaoh-dth p. t a"or butfheOhI1ithf1iMx.*W. au te aue peot.d k.k <mature of heoa hêtu¶? anerlb. ,jait te Rueia. TIn audi ?s m e ,etr d erewi ùof 0unte l auiececf8,00th eein a te reeuou rilut e theeyY" ,1 k Wjhi ~ealne, nd -àryau ées te ines n pimoz la lIul aI; Leeds, Braiferd, Sheff m.a dom of vr t phdi bidbl UO C f~l a hé wore enorMU.D Tla OU& 'U Muno ohlgYeuai have avaut it h eeeyt okaocd befon u2 er f&o nmal MYéiinym»w ,pooe bl reeOoaUsofl iethsy mmadin that emiary tv here sare ivelve quarter of a oeniury bhaa usdi*mehe »wav ov12 fl*flUUou 1yekulia hi nuae hall inl Birmingbaq It vW the larget o 1h. texi vhtnh. mud: "Ilflsw adgrve adeby c-h rae f ilre hiE lnvention a lied ccMa12 ari- umsa1 M eie 1llgious meeting ster hold lu at toe *.,go te.ide-t e."in a &W# way tra. I ganc ijou record u ons JAES IMTCHELL. à.n immense cmn.,gpth ,'Ut'dt8 S" Y& feîMeureaThiss levemeuts.fii ope, 1811AMInilm 89 crnsigthesn abler'lay 'Io d.o I kn.v vent mint he br amtti: h rra ai tgétethin-h ________________ hall unble te1aiaend my failleuvata met îav ,do I'now, il about Ibre. mika avay Te i ba *aanaedt h n h adrs, la d"iiig tLeu"s, 'the 6aua&uoeinairatien o toent, ut Y tOa USE ajrss asid thh a M.Tamgé 1o.oueieIgo back, I would b. eived?'V"Ob r, Ibm.preaohig aitEut Ham",pi ed, f onmnt b t .~_ toantnîîuîbered niitude The preneurs oreman, '<you dou't known whare 1 beau ai the biwl Thaus mcn cf the infreuetly thé beo ivrngof grety of'< __ athe crowd va. e gréat thai h ribm e have em ; yen odo a'î k vhv a I a cpee rcm veryau n g *»w te 'uulthe eleciric ourrent came t Edison one aurm- frwhaoh thc presoher epoke vu aliat Wnee e .latil hivyl epefo mgnstcvimvuemer Sundayafternoon as bo etood vith Prof. etm une L.Atrh ai r. ei o kaoe aUth.e W'quitiu 1Ihava odub- iaiihey ahotirooketu, sud tJiey lesatBarker cf the University of Penusylvania este(l himaelf from the throng and h bau m ttiid." What le îhatIutter among th. roies from the ahore, and these poor tel-vatching a majeatia pisos of mechaniumln_______in____ drevon nearly to bhie hotel, Dr. Talinm. bagug'le-ôf God ? Il àh nv, h iunoIrs t love ;ot mbint he boat, and tbey p'lie prtion at the Walace vorks ini Ansonia Chriathtriert tr back na, h istb fouad th. los&.1 nightilyfor the shore, but just belore tbey Th-ito h eohn urcieti erdrodthe tdriverl te tu ieudba vekedOn.a l- Whon Napoleon tlg ofgin nt o it hesortey wperapei ndthe rau instant almont hy Bell, and the sugges- Hay greeoniiy puréhâd theestouame Naw att ht.ow hallagai lie(lelieredan- an'lk tee ;cf gomng mb ot t a ndhe hereyibm re sdathe fhee r adrPlextelgrah cae po u<7mnb eP1Efs3rtua4enoiur- or addrenssou the oppioite ide cf the Ia ,they cmii: tieoof teau't gsi there; ifcme t buidIlC,~othi hoevo adh0n11l yuknev vhat lh. Alpe vers you veu dboiesalatervardo wvaeeiupon 1the beaob Mî#i<>n alerâesduring Tb proet plsureQ to heeir 010 previaul oratien could liaien ta liai lalk about it or thiuk cf it ; you ca't Oh! what a soluei dy il vu-I have Edth ughs Erison ceid bthe hn to ~ ~ Uiesemr a o b1i 1,s wordl.4. He thon vent 'to hi. hoiel,1 gel yoiir ammnition vwagons over the bela bld cf il by my broîher-when theUe tbm scrcw propllei a b wue lim.su o an.wflh smedt adlati.om where t cdoors had te ho locked te ke.p Ap.Thon Napoleen rose iu hie tirrups ivelve mea Iay aahefo o heflit ali svimmxng lm aquiet pool, Diplos ut~~~~~~~ Ci o, h iidt oc ierWyadVanghie basi iovarî tke Mountainese d ho reasd ove thora1the funeral service. and Westinghouse lad the fini cug- JOB. B. PAIREN. S (' t IW( wteto red t pore loan e a l 1i: l Iu"T hy cam>e Very nashore-withiii about- dive. I rseg the meeting iii i t w vnderful paus vu laid oui vhich basing distance f tbe shore, yeti did nt arrive gsinc h i rk hl nariwy LidaJi.T SL-8 Mia persontood up and asked for beeu the vondermuset .ofil the yea rAcl Oe n i8d0 d.ear tm *ill, and they told him that a colieion bad LMIEONTAZIO STEA OAT COXFANT. orayers. and a collection for the Ruaian -the weudarmeat of al ongineerc. AM d ame almoi t toth.sor of God'a morey, occurred, aud thon iieeemied te hlmi thatiti Clin suferrs w taen.you tell me there are euch mounitaina of but net quite, not quite. To heo eily ai" uhould ho possible teivent nome mechani- TIhe sermon selec for publicationtibis ai between your cu d u Qed, there lu ne mont *ved le to e omada atansuha h i ntpu mery. he I eeChrst avng ie To-day I offered you the pardon cf 1the cal âpplacïe which vould give an engineer week~ ' rmtetxLk158,"vi baud toward the mouatainu, and JE hoa oplfl adn spardn s~ ens lu the unsecf the throttleand 'the re- ariae and go te My fatbr' him my: 'I vil orne over the meuntaiuc flot cars vhat your crime hbu heen. lvr etre hsie vri Tiiere iii nothing like huuger to tairke o f thyin and 1he bille of lhis Iaiquity.» Tbough you say yau have ooemmtted a VeirclevrHoiudiisdeoerl energY2odtanf, bmaxg.skilfngry min oaa haody énery ot ofa mn. Alitngryman0" 1 h erebail bene Pyrese, thers ahal nocrime againat God, agaînst your own so.,anhxumuaadbteinail ful th is haud, e tol eitlier wii porn nor hand nor fot. ano AIcr0 a utd in h apcity of ilthe firaet o, h There hia, lnun many an arniy defeaici, 'Mo A'ainci your fsllow m n t,aie oircntuteîualtîsvietetia oo netcomuh orlak f axnniio a for Aga, I notice that thîc resolutioa. of fam*l.agntthdycfudmtaat of th1e air brake. AV Y' nt)ia ick o I of lnea. h va thai a s h or the Vougman of the tbat vu founded in th.ero o f brivbtever your crinàlo happened thai netlong aftervard h.o DAILY FOR ROCEESTIl the fire onut of thias young man of thje te c orrow ai hie miabebavior. It vu nol hem heen, bore is pardon, fu~lpardon, and1i Ch àzad he met an inventor wbe Strn miepoue iî er u ~*maeps ical bit. Il vu grief thât ho the very moment you take that pardon vu iii o Stdormfaier. i iua o our e vonl Paher broouhlmarmathought Ibaite ohim liad come th. inspira- Maga unt New Steamer marî s biis n timeru hungeinaae quicy* 1 bt "M athr hrwsJ laion for the perfect brake, and had such w ~ -a r k.ai' lfe i m u, i avf u ry er i haeard iox thng after a fat ber bai doue everying abu t you a laya - "My s n f ri faith lu thi. inspiration that ho had workedij. J N work 'lliemon awul cy eer ear onfor a child bo have that child bc ungrate. ou. It is ail rigbt. You are as u mi i i oui and bai secured patents for hic de- O THK N trav ller tells un that ln Âsia Miner "A foolish con in the beavinoisa of hie Oh 1 there la joy on earth and joy ln beaven. iga. tnhuesi:IItc aeaWImu Oe C9Iurge arn.msudPari Hpeai thereare teois hicWeeatifughouseingsati:Fat1,'atooachave 5a ésam.* ouarrivai aiG.T.E. tram North, theu re ros wic har rut lokngmother." That is the Bible. Weil, My Who vîîî take l.Ples mrcachemne for a railwagv brakre vhjch will eu. sB ud IlWat. very inuel> like the long bean of eux lime. frlends, have ual came cf us beau cruel able th. engineer of a train to, apply tbhe ITUHnING-Lesvu Charlotte et 11.15 p.m., cx- This in ithe earab Iree..Once in a wbile the rodigaîs? Have ve ual maltreated our A GROUP 0F GOOD THINGS. brake from the oengine la Ibm lui car, and eept Tneod5li .ai 5j.. and Saiurday at 4 U pm. polredmîced todestitution, would saoi t w h a Pallier orlovpoint peupl, ter? Andasuch - ertSa lvn, vill brlug a train toa a tandetilîlu or s nifax leorkCCetraland &UIIb diveigfa line sM tiiese carabe, bui geuerally trhe carabe he no mkiîîd.If He bai heen a srageif M malThomnalys., But They Âdd Mnoe~làime than tlbond lmte11knue m n Bhon o onurid aU IlWdve runlnorT lis soken of bore lu the taxi, were blaforsaken us, if lHe had fiagellated us, Oil fl to onee&Comfort. do." Sgot »lub n inesModay M W5dnod atn<dfo tlirîwn înly ta the svlue and bîhuy crunch- Ho had pounded us and turusi us out of sagc Im t erclte h "Ah, but," lb. older inventer aid, loi ud Piday aI 4.90 ar Loneo.Wemd (l1 thern with greal avidity. - But tila rsbi thîî> mosil vouîd o have feelcomfortable asw bslok eyat cannot makea brake vhich will do theesTzoETCESAZDBGAEC11 ytinm wîtho i sa t be m. Su a o aey ns o defl -u rat e to i To change the cockis from eefoot b the t 'luon ifringinguponmy atents' l' Aens D oTErn G iuee he lrg t vit& arnd be wie g¶ab -gins te oî ihoi lFiers Ivugoc idadoîher-unlese you vear anatomical sok& pi niaid vill," r.pîîed Young W.stîunÇ' TEm Aget.Ko labou fth ard.,rifS amdte wn raughsbclx yet how many cf unefor our vauderinga bave T vmr mrelso adt o rk eand fouihi amif a f a ous Ma »I l ost rfl ü udmm uo h abaut. [ht qzu. lie laya : "Tîeise are nu c'Otonanever apologized. W. apolagizo for vrengc okepmoeumrlaio hu tkbesad fvithinufa yar he badn. biMa uopoert l mstemer ni t eksou.. ih tul a ricli man's @ou b wear; th i5is mnu kini done le our fellown, lbu oteeof us perbapa juat harely enough. ____________0. I. NICOLOSON, of lînsiucos for a Jev la o ega i- aecommitimibt« ihonuand îimes ton To dreas yonr boy ai comfortahls ai y« GW@Im-W Pm.U o. , GIL>EESEEVE fcding asiti ; l'il go home ; Il go home iouad rug ganlde adnmo eias yourself. GLESEVýPS o I will ie ae go e yather." IOI 1remark atil furibor, thai this resolution can afford to. cight divorces iu tbirt.y minuteis. -am0o41 P R.Agent. wbo iry ta throw a fucination, a reniance2-.m eiv eueuafeigo hm- T epc h lbac orfe.An incandescent lanip nthout a filament TrOut Vahey Ng6Vgàtion Com- a halo about sin ; but notwithstanding &ll dicknest. I do not knov bey long this To have a pair or Ive cf fresh gîoves in lu the next electrical imprevement vo are pay, LmtedL.) that Lr i yron aid GorgeoSan( hn, sao dyotug man, bow many montha, boy manT recorve. promised.- lu rm ard to il, h l a mean, bow, coniemp- ears, ho bad beau- avay fram hi. father aT o Tfind a colar thai file yau and thon The projectile tbi-awu from th1e Royal 1ss2. TIXE TABLE. 1892. tible mmniness, and putug food and fodderi ouco; but thon lin .omething about the buy a dozen or two cf Ibai kind. Sovereiu will velgh 1,200 pounda, and that tutu h. tcugh et abordof iiqoites iai radinget m tex thatniaks me- th o yaur Massachusetts 1,000 pounda. Camme3clug on Thuraday, ae!d h rto thexî wîdula ibe ou f a îniu vcry h tbikhov ofm extck. a nesof me To tbmw» the pointa of your collam's (if yen 1%steamre por >usim"sfo mn n wtnn nti ied kavevha tht eeing is. ofaray vaha Itn isana cucm hm ua gardon ai Marita, Ga., thue is a oor I)ttiif-gn fr men andwoinen itended kfromhthetat feeliy-in. ilrmayy saoa timelasome àvolunteerveaunfinome1 lauttll sfootower inaneIl S Tet5jRinche to e b. omîiud daughtmc f the Lord AI-.:frcm hom e o ruo eiimes, surrounded by w mom otas so a otcmihmng oeg ou ds dfi i c « in cr ' E S Ti R 1 0 N miglîty. And ieheIis yeung ina?> resolvoi mverytiag hrigbi and pleasant-pîenîy mrigwhea yen are la a burry. aoegon m uh.l icumfer- pyn owe te go lioiitv, i w vas a wise thing for cf friands-yon have saii II would gîve To wear vhat la hecomin , te yen, irr ence. lig eve vyI . spocîieo te r twor ,tfyay A blooibeel mmarnug 15 inchis L insyaduocye him todadthebmoui>.question in whether the verli ta he home o -uight.This cuag olr fwebri vudbatt i eullth, 14 inchlune cirçwxxerence and ailna n ooyen vs yl follow hlm. mma u oomiokfor hi. fatber'c 1boue. oi r uiii&Xbelug. oihn4pudsleaarstyfS.oahw«l Satan promise larg waqes If vo vili Il is the old hommead, bil a tranger cemes To have night garmente thai will in { eîgig4pudl uist fS.!mlIrClw7 serve Iiiii, . but ho olothea hîs victtine witb ta ibm door. He finde oui father la gene, the atmost degree of repose-providai, of Tammauy, La. NTVBO.Ng POINT, ag, amlie pluches lhem witlî lîniger, and motbXer isjeneand broibere and isters &allcourse, that beddlug and ventilation are" b. Grasahopperu attalutheir greateai nixe in WW r un as tos"an upufurti meras: wbu hey tari onit tode btter lio sets gaie. 1I tlmiieYoung mai of the tbai praperly arrangod. South Amorica, vlimre they gçw le a Lsobaygn St O Sdmmsd .10 pm. afier thetnI l the bloodhounds of lbell. sa-cid te hi.nself : "Perhap. father may be To have ail the clotbiuu leose and ligil leugth of five luches, aid Mteir wings Arie4rinuy .6 9.00di.5 .0" tan cornes te, us to-day and îîotnises ail isad." Stil h. sartu tefini oui, Ne Je under the fervent hoate of sunîmer.spedeutsluh. LAve Lindsayg4o»L1.46 p.4 5" buzres, ait oinolumenta if wu will only h omosick. Arc ihere aay bore ta-day To walk alovly, keep in Ibm ahado, carr A nov mail bag catcher consista of a pair A latur baysen thstame wlO ls" serve hlm. Liar, dovu viib h0th e tIbmhe omesiok for Qed, homeulak for heaven ? ca scii ubrelle, avoid caciîing drinks SBai veejas unaitlifioaly at oe epoint, EoPtilng StuOn 1 n, whtn fIbd m .steam r-lov and noaJjuted ibal ai-the hag flies inte il By t 8-20 zao riL pit! 'Thevagonof sin ie deatb. " Oh 1 A sallr afier havifu been long on lbe beasi discusioue--all on 9W diay. IhopM. IuaTareontoame utona the young mxan of ibe texi wus wiss visa umia rnei lei his fa er'c lieuse, aud. bish eigtmmde 'oam uoa hme uttereil the rmolution:- II will arise ani motier trie th pruu muadeninte ogo 1 aieeAed5,Wî ed. ftically cloue and hald il in place.SigetctsbieiLndasuEbage go teu iy ttiier." & avy again. ah* cadi: "Now, you bad Thirteen years mgo Mr. Carloncabout The longeat canal lun1the vorldisl the one 75 conte, robinu tickets $. lu te time cf Quesi Mary cf England a botee ay st home : io'i go away, vu in Buffalo the plus lumber fer wc ,viob oxteuda from thc frentiercf ce1lngtsticets ticets 0eentds. u trgo en persteitoi- came to a Christian wemfau io ot waut you le go. Yen vill hae Il a keptitilseasoning iu bis ovu houss far tire. to St. Petersburg. Il masurea lunail14,472 igiceots belveen BebSfi pan sd Sturgeon ual liiddon in ber hone for the Lord'. sake greal deal btte bers." But ih made is years, and thon broughti il b Warsav for mila. Anoiher canai rnnulng from paintl40 ont., returu tickets 50ceute. ane ut Chrlat'asevante, aid lie perseculOor h lh eee evn vyl.cofin to e made iimedately. Il vuas Aaracbai to St Petersbrg Jelu1,434 miles Faml.y tickets nt rmdnced rateaumi hoprooursd mii : Where inthtaheeio?" Te Chrai 0 ho armd lbi motherpraing7 font 4incios long,aim1e viseaiil b b. îIo .B<th cf thesevwerd 'T>gun. hy rocePIT010,BOC HN sdo b tinwmnsd "«open thai îrunak inthe nexl roa, à"itb"lMaie hlm more - "roemy and comlrable " *pithite het IGreat. £rra"Mgent. eu be made an fr averable »Il you wilI se- tbm boreti." The parie-Ho veut fer oui on lb. seaaid a luide and black outakie pIl vwuMr. ÀATenese ventr m aBelted a u~fetermefor EXCuuEIolOf frt tam100 ta prsP.. han wuxnaa cTii :"You ddroMud bSfei7TVN 0 oCro autor cened the trunb, aid con top of lbe uorm, came up, bh onau oiesita very Oarlen's intention tb labo the coffla home, for dtermbnlg lhb&pe oofbrces. à aur@hrtripe et bm boas. FeCor. spyboU linon i the trunk ho cmva glus. Hesais parilous duly, and,ýb.ramup the ratilun, lu erder liatit imghl be "iandy" vh.m device ceUMa #là, 17Q lp late, iaving a J. W.LAIE, "Thor@ la ne beretic horm.' "Ah 1" oh* iand amii the chrouda of lb. slip lie hoard roquirei, but bis vifs dem bc10 bieIl -ta ered body portioea, oue ofilslongitndleah ii, "lyou lock ha the glais and yen vwiillite volce that lhe baibeard ln the amai remainedin la armeaac'u ue=.grO@te- inÎukdblnoadfnèe, .&L »te ibm heretia 1" AzsI take up the mUrrer room. Hliedeita vhlutle ih off, ho iried during the lait ton yemirc. The ilum in l f pplemg 1thé salle t cheteelli of a et (lo'. vord to-day. I would thM ta .rally bis couge, but ho could noéet-aitheb.eccentrilo mm vesplace inlu it sU i appr.aozMesoi adtîb imteai et %seing te Roial cf tho etlm h#voie hho eAr la inthe aeu t Teuday. ed. - !Pan F ACob E,,Sa. v. mièt &» oumieb-os-ur wanî, oui dtar a14 nI mitu a. At tbe saus tisa1e edr vu g veifer- ~i, bige n h waaintu, ont s@114orlest oandihltou, » Md,-b4s 4, at Ob vre*k I. bcoffiu, lu October 1882,Mr. aom£r140 Pim»@ Bac SeaiMo Ba v mght l» ba vin ai6 Ibis yoag havebeen, vhat a vretob I amn. Help Mea &W contrabei ,hhkq Ci &odg~ o;- '~ ea .rmUi va, id my;"I Il riasandgoord G.oî Q&" And I thougit inhim, vhon u reu, a & , ,1 sllaiî- bappying oW ather." I asmlg -day teh my ocm b adîpvlhbiét~iit.onm i- aiio,<qteÇ us brio asemblagete, artmIbibe liaI vu forma witlubT6hl u u rTn&EekeLto Thegue ai tu po tir etw omaits vo may have te mr ofa falhot'i gflfor a tombubu"Ie heof a minil-M 'fonthigb, 1,M0 ~e og, hmres ri TnlrekeW y i a n e s . l- Iyf & # a p r e h au e i l b h i o v i , d o o r s , a m Wi 7 8, 7 5 f e . f , 5 '« L a o" t oir hi emloyr â lily upon btche hu4 tahii. hei obimyoaid ovez thé front door tIbmed%, sSaf, Bre ntiEfulua n ar. i.u o tainainmbnge anevineuso Ilatsi Hom vweel Home." The Monumentmi Vi 0fMtoPsPUS8. crn I rk market, or v.uelgolbqr laboerr tx,,,celu 17M- wol e molegt f goiug h ni A lad at Liver holvent Ont tb lu& bt foroe> j ~ ~ ~ l of bma ai eam, I av ifà. y, Mo the grir eho d flalimt;h e ml -net1have ago n- a,& aie a n auothra e i ao i 1l u lnsies » 1 h k lm els.~gisv The Jeweler, 86 Kent~ street. Next door to theDaley flouse. Llndaay, Jue 22nd, 1891. ['H-E ViAWADTORIA VRER- IN COiINECTION WITH THE ENCYGLOPiEDIA J3RfZIrIXZ fTC REVISED AND ÂMENIXED. hos~ IT 18 TOUE FAULT ibai the boy doeant uniersiaui th. moaaing ef the vomi lie hem oeopntr0lor-b. wanothffAdM 411. u lc& lias basa r.adlng about. Yen meos~ ~ ~ ~ b éqimuuiuilelsîerupien svbis you were resdlng tic pape!. Doms à" PWet .4W .aufluns -aiso fuIm lb. fuit Iat yon don't know yourselt 1 Thej troh ouMe for. bothýyou amd, Uic boy vould be obviatei if yau oîly bai a gooei Eaq.epia lu the bons . Tou om-'t affiuuIL. iai 'dur onnonUmeift ad jou wiliae liaiyou eau, bc yau $ver tn poor. THE ENQYCOoP«DIA BRITTANICA R.viW daid -Amended, Io th.éc soeoema 'einlbt~o uerWbhgmsniinteresimg lileratnre @va, ludo m CW piss. 7c ;R vJ1lid-omting te attract and interest vou on c '(f .fgîôi ci :Mr, It eoaothe b. mccicollection of histories I. 110T ogaàlIb'ov*1 là, 'oki Sf soi aimodern limes. Are Tonite!. est" 'Eoeyslo i BriOtâsob BerIsed ai miadod yl te11 jon, in -ler I*aboU,,Is laotamy one yen maiy ish testudy. Are Fou b~l1u &u znhm ahnve4tionat àAuin 1the Eti.yelopoedia la ready ta your bon. w a- 0 lu il fI.es, "bulagu itheproper bsaiing te voir ee, and theure For ou lic. a sompleto and sabsuivi ecount af the entiro subject. In ehet, beteiyon vent amusement Ion um ile boui, colid iustruction for more con oui mmseata, or qululi nrmoabout amy matter s to vhiciyon are ln doubl, "yael icmuas lu Ibevs books: of gratifying jour deie. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED Its savez thomumpes..are Md i vth flncjpitures..ami Il ocîtains over 8,b00,000> worde. The Iuformallon oompilod in ibis" Cýolopedi" repvee e cîreful work of 1000 cf th. abîéîel wxfes of theIlisetooulh eentm!y. Al ailier '#Cyelopiedla5" are lvoba ive te tweaty joan bobuni 1the date.of the issue of ibis grand vark, wbieh vas eompltid la 1890. IHOW YOU MAY PAY FOR THE BOOKS We offer to deliver to your addremas complete set of THE ENCY- CLOPpDIA BRIITÂNICÂ, revised and smended, together with THC ~VIOTOBIÂ WÂRDER, for one yesr, at the followmng prices:- Encyclopmldis bound in Oloth and PaiPer, for one year $26.00, pay- able am foUlows: 82.00 o' délivery of the firet five volumes, and 82.00 Per month fer on. year. Eneyclopuda bound ini Pull Sheep and Paper, for one year $31.20, Payable as follows: $2.40 on delivery of the iraI five volumes, and $L.40 per mouth for one ypar. Xnoycopoedi bound i Hef Beal Morocco and Paper, for one year *OMV nb)- >-t'-dIsws: *$2.60 en delivery of tlirafr8 ive volumes, sudWAOPo uuatâfor oie yea. WhoeG.l'01 Moun is Psid at Once. me tIiUdIOUEthmpaïsid ime of deliveryan allovance in u*A.4bà0othMt f« S"1.» i»tud of 2&~0; the Full ILibewy hédof, Mie msd th. eifad e3WMorocco for ýolid silver 3 oz. cases with American movements, very cheap 88e our Ladies' Watohes, from $4950 to $1000 .These muet be seen to be satisfied as to extra value. Ils,. mies1 E.«MI E 1 )OU 5. J. PETTY, 1 .

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