Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Aug 1892, p. 4

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'4 t; IF YOU WANT TO ORT THE DEST WATOH9 YOu WANT TO CET TH4E 'OMIDLANDFF OR THE "VICTORIAe." They are o011speoisi watéoe aud are te boat. BR ITT ON Jevellere, Lindsay. a~s Ii4nrm aind MlDATU AUGUST NI&10ML A mmsorfhurma am muet Lh" Ami *0s &&, DMUM Umm , hoi,, six ÏOHN 1BOTZIL 1* i. vîti mcii i egret Mau com*66h vs amuomue thelta or.airJhnm Ab- bott, premier of Canada. HMovere, ho hbu Rone for à mouti' trip ta tue Umm*li ta hi. private yacht; sud, lotnM hope, May return u y ruutored ta healtu. Thon vwho have beoosuze Ita ly ai cootaei vlth Cnmea piomntpremier, have unmmeslly isea mpreemi vth ici giseS atrengtii of Intelsct, il. maumijudg. meut sud hlm ogical themght. Persoaaily, toc, thsre i. a. ohrm Inthfe noble oli statuamana puoueos fiat vina one'a af- facot t o Soc. Li i bumut lieutenant Sir John Thompson, Sir John Abott la a ma ntmelearna almout tclove. Xap fis «alant aid atateumau b. 1*l restaisi ta healfi la oui -humble viafi The voutiiy presidat oRfis léGrad ?ruuk Roilvay, Sir Rom pTylei, a mabls OUi Englahmu, M nov on a tour or MWa ut. Inspection of thé. GraidTruckHal Our readers viiiremtember fihévcmtbp Preient ar fie Grand Tuuah fucnthe "11battis royal" btveea »hlm mad 5Eh Çkarles Tupper lut goeral ecotion. But, fiat is n&noiaent itory, ami vs pie. a"me 8fr Henry mid fr Charloshav long inos .hmken bho nd ifrgtten There la one pont of tateroit t.cfis Orand Prun inlutht. district and T». WAIOIha.mué mpleumnin aubmttiug ht ta thenouIce of tfis vorthyEulabhn. Tus Victoia brandi of the Quai Truck Bov termimates aStHatburto%, IfSp.0k malta uorth of hmoueo"on tuaSlisa o0umtrp uaklta ttmbéer, m"nusà4,Md farmtag Roui. Sir Henrys "bleCanlis offlom .omss mure hlm go pat rt a 0fieli pay'botr thau thé dov, rough loa touta branch. Tuhaiy usii Nçorth Victoria ad abuna. o vwood amitnd usir aiiu. ber;,faim produota an mi aaM&lug»; hb flil-sPAR" tupu b, t am& ii ~u ea TE.W~~ ' esMly4 =awre aa : It I çDO- ~~n.I 'la a secial rm ~h~t.i a m 1 Bld yff N-U W. believe u F VAuitlwer ue nysmp" VieW. lt lI W hmv enm fSrk.lg L'wt ymr agoP titedLssal5 toWB. To.dsy it lm m oare P laeve«ry clty sud couutry store, miof the largoit m'ml-1 mmZle la fie curesDy. eil.0 - O&. GRfLN0 - 1.MamfrwOebmU 1 1* voum imo.rtaay s. NotoMy vouli ht b. profitable in It»UsIfbut by b.o.uta a fWeer to the manalino h vould grstlr u*i hr.uderlug more profitabe that portlou of thé oompauy'm propage .The. frlgiit ounaluerah loiabufrom the. Hall- burton iatrin au .ev yImmhuas vil b. Profitable Imoonsfor i&y rattva. The. om.mtîoto f a âmes fromtKMa. Mount tiirougii the rtoh mim .lu Lutter. Worth to lEMi d udu P the. QUi River vlhey to Stanhope Mmd Bierberne would a&Wob. a mont profitable uvuat- ment. Tii.. routas bave alrsdy bac. detatis by T»z WÀZEE mid our reporta ver long mgo laid bel ors the. Quad Truak Oompsny. Therres, do vs ersly de. gar to Malik esErHom?,&u m, Md direot iii.attetio pote*dl to théI&.mre WhIl the ihiL.uIahi p0iiemtla lu hautre luto l*0. etàulm olu*Hm nsfuoma lmumtoa ha Ne Bruwictk to Moue ton. Thu vlth umn Povewu ver the Iat..OOZoDlaIt. 8AMw.in Loup, owalng thé. Tdmouta raway, a" otarua, 1 l4g povm e rthé iaterol@am from Momotont. Halifm M st.- ehmotiier an il À Oaatao -à tathe. mvould b. opin ad mitii. Quai Tuk pàSla aa momme wnger posIton Thememm e union iy bot OBIT tU» Dmbo bwado tb.NProvlSlmgoy. erunta or Ontario ad ifov Euuuavok a heuiBot aite"thème uhome. preutiEutfarimo., la hespifflvtfl *6i ummm*dlyapl.5 displaysi tovards Cena i b, u na t" e, ibu. odmr Pa.uln turugiitutuCUITy bouadauv ommeI, Le., tiiat et 5ault Bt* Marlà-O goveumnstheu a mpwoal Cabinet meet- ibgta Hontroala"mi isohis im afr "h Urtui statu h et taS clois of the Prenant asa.on thé cm&" anrebt. af tom on gâea lVaisépa.dueg ohwgi fi. Weflw MI ma liiltae a MM. tisa vouli b.a bo& iel.W.faisita -e fis vlmoaf mcii IUsosraactio; but aUpposln*0G ovsumst liai ta. formation Dt laoui posmomion, refosi from aivocomment. As vs vieved 15 tb u ues las oome on in No. vember ai Preahiot Hauzl MaU lmt cars on irame farlilng vhoflw«suBot toih aie rbe ab er th" dts. h pol« clsa u a o a bluffgamme mot &nus navigtion lou., but mev, viie votes coi be mais or lost b, Ie It la Oflar ythe duty aofis0 ou&"im govemment mot t. recue on tac& ou the oontrmiy ths va havlng béesudelar Mud fla yomg nation bhving Motug te hope for fiaüm frfier osmoseutons t. fis Uni"t bNiStt hbemom.oui boadan duw t. take vlgorocsa acion Retltaionon a Unerl pion vs douim aivime, for ta $moedopsutunsfats aé i vs woui b. wesy "apotUbg thesno t. alite *i facs"B« t loe mevamp, ver>' W ma m éisfit flopeople salop tiiromte fSoms eit *0 cuaai a gv. mm""eu vW".i uhuib. abellu b* >I vi"s<hlaIb outIldècis hbdb up laugolyOa*adla99L IM a plu> b. puoila Camis fiS vilmduos flo ImprtaMe.Thon flp vii apsa- or, "put femrva nm hse »Jluglm ai SeingPreuu OU uilmn lt U Au it l â vllayiilmlnbud mdesvea oasoti f properl mUM.med If ** Uatul BiMtaas o t u uk ous hunissifafloma sep to.mooeov01s. " daol b &à *battu etbIt dm*,.& a mtlm ou 40kIte bu5t *uv mèflighrm Canada, but decom a.i. if *à vmi wor u. s t. ii.um at 'dabouti .,5 C dms i 'tut meu- éémit ai fieMd hmIe. ts. M vmb. Vend *m foumfe *0ommuy *» l. uae n OmUM@"uuqrvuse.. s. ~ am h tlufln)ouni": f3w* but orav raaeomm laconluo *9a cuo vauyelierea=ldby ea. tut. lav. Shouli 8u"ifoliov" fitiiM. mives aubjsoted ta pou rWeslmmmt h MMs mot imprige tii... Human natur imaugisustiirougiioutthoOmnila peope look for digMils l"u cton om t'a Parta01thoir govIMMeut TO TEE EDIOs or TmE LIVEIPOOL OUlE. Sm,- u a.tt ou om. "a ti1To viiti Wby atiittheii ou.ouuafftthu. thmora the Brlthh Empireviioh'a paver, vulth adinttelligence ha.bera,. ami le tho n*miar. f the vorli, la nov ani sd daauly tIirtmi viti ex întou,nulb tion bfie Ramiers of tus elght>' lulimembeul afParla. mont, *0 .nomines thsmuelo f thée Irlai roman catidlie cloi'y. A or, viio fiahouhodedt fi msyeot the e x p e u e o * 0 B r itta t n P r e; a is m a, t , ýwîthtadin the ItWmE Bgt blai Why 1 inSmpybomeet Ihmu Pro- testant fu.edom vari., it hm omms ta tiilm-fmlK m dEa"Ii, "M ot to mbmtt zI;ors.ý, ILS. Auut 8, 189& ii. above mppssm lu a iverpool Cur. lai rosly reeolvei'rom ou aul fridSsaatoîDob$o olmv ta IEuro. lb mereily tdimu"taJohBo luahMt byauMy mau MW>. Foioer m esmomuhovu to the gue. orml pubis the. Umattn fepautum *U everyFsvpartaie, a "ft" ma i plc unfortumat tu dantemusvyuni. Te oui mindi h voUlib.mmr sonmm adi hummems g pubismotios ghmvoi theItniomia ostiM A dMmats mie0 f* mumbor latsdei te b peMis. The ewt iont cdi lamye *»n, vowy, ami Tb. plmrta bath EntisusaiTas. mu'BExmkzatioms tiior. habeunm mci avut.The e -s ppeauné autmci mmr »iiMt th i. Md M, i a conasqueothfe ruetahave brougit Àbmais.te mmaohopewulhuart. Tiie tff 1es ition, lu rega dto .x aiimkadmiiôMU b. to promeuve ms eve a sma ias pouie mad bot have on* poaaeppi!. eztusIFMs y aidth0usut Thon vho tht. plauhave Imhlsta ser unmuoS or teachsu ummmm imy ocomale thenumelvo thiio la the.fi "or ff eau lui dmtion Deapuht Llndaapha. dom»rmuabyvRl ths ! - A rn xm inaiona bt thesva gruat pluohtng ou tue moumnc. IHav. hua a u r m là o m s t. ai A 5 üF ot mdi anspluoksi i. fie uméa tvould b. hai âtpamel 500TL1D AND TUS UNI 0115 T,' go TEMED]o" O» TEE LIEPOL 00011 Six,-Nov that vs hav e iretourn from tue Oukaey m8 Shoelad 0o1"= Md th~e ct figurefr Qsenock* vs osa -slmt ftotal tr.n.gf a*f Unnlat s&d Glaitoul "vts ta soot- lau& Tii. total Gladmaba uvote vu «&»80; fie total Untoalutvose9"%,0 a vmgmajodl fin.héviol, coma Qla*sl ~bm hvebug re for flou. tuA or oms for .v«7 5,000 votesmt me 0 tonm4 a m osr, an lmr sèmtyevsry lt00 otoî ftue rýeloute tb* "txu.tht *a . ". mbeus i OM *ni ai >. -bs lomht have re»""aitue -tvo o matute ni ver yMMteitaaddi to *a6eab"&e- omm., Tiie àbovsmeu ab, our i uasm. iS-ou Dsbusiýllbe's -vpol t. ym. GladatMlmu a ervow far bolal membeý@Ra a in,ta oo la * 8oâlm evlug t k nso ltulbul maiom seam the Gladatnbm have a m u at. teWfIhh stk u bels lua - -L ý os StabpbUlp .esh isa1 . "Mtu Ldwl pFlpls the. the t"ueal m1~ a halé ràBe it the mcii ,»r mme lé for allu1 À ny rex glu WoMay not ropti>'for su>'One. widLes h lzy il. Manufaosiid omi> by thl CALFURIIIA Fil SYRUP CG-, "x viNanckO, Oau A. IIET e " ru iZdiq Wtiit a mou*Aitiie mUitia have b.. Salis ont tau.Igit statouiaterulterle of the Umtei statue o mppuema IMarr thon.. in TeausMie ii. luenaptuuuia teu" Me aikifl.ifomoble., vin l éhe butt ters ers fteuuimiasukwov lu Bu"aI tizroor ne » lgitt foua aud uhitia or NevwX<rk Stats uu4r aru t» scupuiabout av* hmursiuksM. Tiioughtfu <mtu.nlook vtth mduuim <lame.tovaristiie futurs oa*0 iiUtedi OulALbor ai captal - ab ver. nomoo fetono ie itaueu s the. Umms ae namry auil li. Dmn tht tici"aorasthiagi - If WFM. miOEDESi iPROPOIN> 15 MLV. theToronto WotltwttiMMa h. vesh oqlbng tbi. »m or W. Mashsis f.,usdy radmit a KlukSuIibnov et ToomteWh.Rug ami Mo"4M&usv the mtIli bsu tsdby EMbi nmuet f oi. EL Dswiaog, Mr.Madkon- Wl. i. ànot kmovm iietierSr MM te oama ofpublp Mf.veuibave aup etWrioionfor Mr. aoksmutenov, ho be. .4 mnohmmonii"m odtaanily »v e E V.M houM hoiedWufSaSot orthe port 1 oBo vienom kt, vs»hmov owms butt autiiforh u tii pattm l wad out"y Tii. Iett.eferusi to appeu tatu hIUs aMd ast foth tu but "qMry mdau tana Mr. Mhummdla itemu am Tiiers a lrudiyr nem MmonttS- ai for fisIN eevues t*s prmt - a Midompestu Miata-e Amosg thon au- 9. y. DavInA. W. Roua, amiT. ML Dalsy. 0f thonMr, Di a h l e rJ a u lu a U y » P efflhsmt but 1la umisutooithurs ar objoo.to tpooluai bozh lu hé Mi.z r. Dals l aà s MOMUsL B lat hrumos»i tho u r 1dalug rivaluh la bevumpautr la "i. i tmgW vih vouli roder the. .p»mng et the mesSMr. Boaul 1mmie.a go=obut flops Humai uuho CaiMu e ;L;a;sron the sa. 1,_rouip f SIItéIba. Tk.rs o 1,Voi Mr. M ks av » riv aai la u mviStiies ouki b. e »mm la tbs vi"-l Pmlbmut mrsm p. thambe. SWlantpog madtue Nor utWat vSeu hocu a msvua" m* -àlys", thuir tateaiMOU IV.WL*tac$" s1i àImim ositeutePmqlimomt.Eh .v. doshm Coleaphm IW , owau~,fsJu'Ntts~ -!à woloi a Th W e otsdBa è" f kii. W Yé è*M etl6l U. p1eu tkwm ïý sr sh 8 f ~ ~ ~iéistlg aPart of extra value in the Md Dunma * J.JJ~~~~% Yei -.. M £ W l~ ~ ~ 1IoeOSand Henriettas. oui contuats for anl the abviI )dl" du- Wi the manufacturers months ago, before the lat àan.,aiv~ aeth dm -1dt-el;our auptomers alldamses of Staple Dry Goods AT ESSTH NPRBET KLL PRICYESI Tne biSac of ou msoa of SmumrGoods, Pm~ols, etc. .aeofring at gmet reductions, cost flot btlng taken into oudeaiu Th amutb.ceae out to make room for oui immense laU Stock w orp As usual at the close of a season w. have a large accumulation of remuants, wýhich have been nieasured and ticketed at a pt'lçG to effect a speedy clearance.,. Remuants of Prints, Dress Goods, Cre- tonnes, Tweeds, Tickings, Towellings, Shakers-in fact, remnants of ail knd-at about onehalf their value. WARN.ER & ooYY Tho Great BankrUPt Stock Men, 76 and 78,E.ent St., Lindsay. Groceries & Provisions JELR0C1-1 MIBELI M W. bave jiuu received a ohoice stooompn Sugars, Spices, Raisins, Currants, Candied Peels, lb. W. he .largpsl uS"oof Grooeries mhIdiu nl sdtherefore osa mati Fy ypur vaut bperfection. A WODN àQ ABVOUT OUI TEAS. We bave alwayu made Tea our edn article at leading prices, and we n.ed flot say more now thu tiat ont stock wu m me better amr tha& at present, complrislg ail out populai brandu, so well and favorably kWuowntoughout the wbole county A BONÂNZÂ 1IN OHNAi COCOOKEY AND GLS SWÂBi]. This depstuent la replete with a vauled and extensive amsrtment of Fancy and Staple Gooda. Ont Faut>' China andl Glauuware ane al aew and beautiful designa, and Bt sucb low prices as were naet o I. fered la Liadsa> beore A. OAMPBELL JhbvDeomh MILU. Going Out of Businessi Sale. W. ae wblu fo~you B.qideok &bout l or you wMl profit. ,ou su opportunity of gai.n a oug. grep a kmveêof butga m any of Our departments. Thq re w~pIg oer ibh oes siesbest qmfalbes sud inviting puce6s. YOIP. fN USVERY LOWp FOR, THAT 18 WHERE WFo KEP OUR PRIOES. -fomi os Gw odimutsI-»»w quikly labo your pmosssin. b~~~~i" bh UIQL ftaqowtion of our 1.11 Goods thst we are oertBiIRY ~,.4 ~I~* - ,'- 4~' i~ -~ ~t - IP MGaffeY * ~ eýfl Z& 9 " -- 4 I 0f3 a UhPirioess * v fw a ., , 11 ,

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