cou Taft POWDEII PUREST, SDORGESTY lm3 &W~i. no M. Aumoula, Lia Sb jt aux PRIDAT, APRIL 29. 1892 The kligrzme' Vespe.. wrium s/or Ti. W«er. Whet uond fallu ou the llent air, And ia borne by lt.e voung bimuc la the tsu . ck. e ta the otui ckya Dehind ! pi .tise! Wua it the oaaklag of a boi«ht1 Or th. marmurlag brookbt'a amin.1 A.h 1It '1 noue of lb...,'twa bum vous O harki 'Tme heuda&en.. $11 m a cesratit er."W And the @Cho la borne alom- 'Reciren ig mi home," '"ne à comas h15 Wth rioh oiter valu liehe omq, "ýEàrth la a dueret dreu"& *A nI anome& h&. *.* ..S.1. "iieiven lem yihomei." Tii.ou itoh e t White dismtie lust lac arais- sov, i1.t s masly veo$a.le board, As la fuile on tle. cvoung calm; And ho roae aoni luaumn eaet loue, A chapteran ad a uache. Thon bath nuite lu eaMest prayer, Sucb ii. pray'r a. ona oaly rime Prom c bamom Ifeeling lie nesi of pray'n. Wheu deep afflictions rase. Tbey pray for country. haome sufd e, For the demi Traumuialo iole, Fur the ]and ln vbîoh ibeir affectione icel Fer Rugimndma mother sol!, Which they cure foreci ta leave bchini, Aud the friands %bat wcois Geaita %hem, 'Andt u seek a home chers hbep cash ejay The evouiibg rver and hyp. Bat Maufor Amerlos. lDO their j loi; suppliction& rios; For thetaund fur whlohlhbey bad clet Itialà A thoucaxodkindred tles, Andi cho venu ecforli bo Ibei bous, Wiere ne fieroo perurcution relqais, To moietit thein for thoir retigiom scie Witb cpi.s and prisen chaîna; But wbure gimi "Preedomn" uball iigque., And proui 1 'Libirly'a" pintons vive;, Tnough the road beho ep ta s atioam fane, And lotit c'or many a gravy, ai chou at lengli lie preper la 0e., Thill tie dsrkaeam ln despemtng taoc, Thl nuit, once more lai an evenlaig hymu, D1iiH e hobued ailutacS Bo thfemobrave Pilglus relier chos- To forsake &U tbey heud mut dear, Thn le becl a tal c t ly doMus M fais. Ian<iode munt holyoin. Tbey pruyed and totil anamitruulei bord, la the wlîd (vesta of lie Wst; And 'tint trough ails noubl eola, Ourlcotnt lel bst. Nolind, April 22Iad.'92. a.8. Y, Guun. Misa <hov. and Heu Woc'k. Evngoeilus Grave StOet til leave Preparlng ier Diamond Dits; Ber muber louketi on, White fat brother John Stoodgung iuguti caadelag ees Nec litho 1aise Urove, 8h. deariy dld lave àAdes acostume tedis; Aud motC. ho, mie ale Whte.ver tie chili Ber akîti tea lus cari Jid apply. Thisi fine afteron. Wtth stick«sud cii arome %éedieu @h wualoiey lendtmg;- 'Tva. faut NI&vyBine, %ô rici sud no lino, 0't cich abs@evu Osgrly .benitu Nec lit te epot 8h. gsntly di drop A faderj bine French cool uett drees; 'Ttréé boilai in e, REciaed, andithen Pt p t. drye An Amrucîred quit. ho iealmlees, Tic aelabbors artuni, Bave ail qaikly looai Wiii coudera viti diaemau b dos; Ani aoc they mliue, Ani neyer ricasa Thouese pe lastand voshlg cMd Mn& The moral lunght bots Shoil vaincu cicer, Il "frfetale ecooniprare; The &Rente are mail, But nateui Ca &Il 12e the Dicmond De lide,...and hai. The proposaI ta erect a memaral tu prisa. Albert, the former Lbnd Of QAM V14titrl, Ou tie hrouaideoaithie World' fartet 040j~ cughîte omeut clit gIeacisi apprôo* ttcm.t couli flot ouiy b. a&lolng ouratecpte tunt Power tecurda vhtob, for tie commun fsa se Of Our ruges, ceshould ailvayc slrive ta o istain the kiodîlleci feliagé, bi% ii hunliemor be a deubly pieainit oourl.ay teulbh@Qeise h0rmit, a thorougily iod mai ncspMeeb comen. The oeuoto ob &nc smmpnet voeubeedesbave an &dîeiarppmtim. ln tie fatt liai beiPrima.Conbon cvu oue of Ibméeatlieaît oa aprecist, the dnmigio said valu' Of Oxpocitiona Of hie C alsn-e,..ij Mqec.,. lic aosul~ ans- lilwo *4'Nale tmar "M ee" m4** Ilme eau . L s i. os l m" t . liii M i m m , a ê apg oIl d i*Md.Ê m ou*0lb.Md d ama tue h" cait m, à aia. la ueeuwc tis h dit. b @u ttr wà Wbes Te b$ abm u puir éMmm1 i b part e ~ boidy; me *uIMs fls ibis wofl roi mo Madap er. as vimmUU 1 m L ehé duw ammo*t*~ok Tt .ol oe 's."va u i ge.s h * ubok aeear ixilis kbef .QlI r b re f h 1ae Wu"4?e a etim siutd»«4be mbke. 1 anq. a oNu o pa is eswàim &»Md It orne. eor usesbt a 60 «tf».t» " iai. éûsama £ e N ié,th64 » Te es oeaptt10 a divIShU 'Toil hhiEs t goplump h b-1"I aommas ud %l.d tgieevla- sepetntendeultfor a job and vws autoril shoed lbe , du15,ma. thn miol, ereasg lb. labr o leuo: -mnd - Bel apPileatcaVould blie WStd thde.e.t.ued bthie â l. i ée. songaipiraion.. he b sbMUdlb Sveto Ipet TBeaoY l*as obcrred. The1ohn Imllg melle b.iedons I saul.d book l uo e, r od glesai eliile2 valêed. Thi.e mmoe vas mm o elily lie csatatio odéliver the mesge and bâd book, I uib Wida poil itude 1te imk tele to me, but1lut I1 wIuasvomi- £oz0but a short dhasesWhobe ieoeeam slJjy, Bo q~Ucifdoos e oletu log on the friands villa chou Ivwu engiu. pusci me ba"Wg op th th@ epnion o = «oD1 ut aof.*b* boatdln1 ouidewably. office. lé vws golq hlottéfo ot body.. O ne day,,,tIhe the: " icboard l, cm lie onou uormd the 0mg-- esCht round$ up UMM" weu a505t bUS beam vdinton eminutes or WldtDUB'Slits »% N5>RI&. r tbey are camlmd thgo ornt on à spaia, viorSe s en owlualy mteie i lame ound cih a no e queusinmestaion. The m* t luteressm 1.k liat Iumes O 011il a% thé auperlnseadestts oRfe..Of "Il IEu le lb.the ane ho los, patlmer," had elit Wai.l Wbltmaa vuas oufo, r. mur"e 1 eompllcd viti te.roqueit, md Raid the eonduelor, cli *reumt polilu- wvter ailerma oos so. I yeus oqo, vuatld &i.y vaned me htca esmuiat. ecs, "we'd Jacs.sme gel ont of bhe. we rpell n ýgà @ps M6mot agent for a dur or twet à plue Weve «O, amills et meoae.nMd ofujth e nlwpe amdfun bp oëled eauort orsombn hi siat, Nruaand d ' on t' gitàe belote hhey roady and lager *"1o goeclp ur"y 1 i va t h how il 1 I d have lime 110v ont of car remembnaee.Dt andlhlbê of old age." Rise hogeewu ta goand paek op my trip, but lboyseemed 1 vslcltolahlb. oR.. mmd laid tbe imlf an d IM book, and b. told the glo thimk mah a d.Iay vould eaberally dispacerbo'itbcd clpped thé train. stol aI e O me, ni, s l emoeibut prejadie lheprospe'. ofthle.rond, 80 1I Why don'i you b.ual day &bout litP" am tbugi b. vertlklag a baward -grabbed lb. paes andimade for lie train, . homsvered. "Thet' noWbna for glana. ovetavelled roèdà, -aloe. The ubteb 1 eaaedcaleh eallaer a bief lhem-1l'à tohoteat. hob.p longamy mcutJa>g Pola& vus au cuver t h Ae que.- but excitl ohas. Then my 'gu'e,aa fDac." liOn- the ratlroad m a Ilit, basan 1Iwua sah of th. eonduetor vhon I "Mr. Whikuma, ime id yon cocuse h "This tiain don'i stop &t'Beaufort, thld î itai. HMe ja, f.Ui, ad for tully wvilepoelry ?,o Young Sller,1 lid the emnuntor, ase io a minute b.oied t mein round.oed And in hic e rpi,' iosali liat itathe pock.led my posu and prooeeied 011517 ortoî, lien maahed fome the office and lime cihe vaosw a corpest.r-boilde, ta ou hic rounds. 1 could Hke lh have jelli ch .engloser: "Gait o 11101101Brooklyn b. coold boy a bit of propetly mckd hlm chat [vwu expsoted h do jecflIof1Gié ant of boe.belote inluthe cuburbe, erees a Ude housupos aSbout l, bat bit ooushunanes vas co anolb.rit I1I :1 vib bhm oiM bandes .lith. place at steru adlotblddlne I dld flot dae. Litr ébat It vWu eompaftlvely quiet su averace-rofit ofs about tva hbundred 1W. veto vapialy neancs my destins- for a wvile. 1I made a iseble effort tb dollars, Md, tahtmg th. mone.y li nar- ., litou, amud orneitg huid h blidons, 8.o1I underatani com@"£lm Ofmthe dlels-ifa- d, go docu la Long IsId ud nd e ont inforai a braie. an of my ptedioameni, tions, but boon gave op IbheSIenipI s on tbe sooke, *umdlaiz rsaumg, and and ho v.'ay ktndly volutei l uac5k hopelee s. eor lv. lais of freigt "CId vsloig thé chipe.. "Patty Dotr so 'slow clovna aUtil, aiexpress eam. in, and a oeonpi. af trains *41 think ie d lie I ever vamhdi Beaufort snd let me off. I presume be pausd vitioni me"dent.l. weu begla- tla cn t.mvhl.g eaduuls," lheoutld, dld sot pltif he ca o jrduoton lun ing la hiai I vas igettlug on tae, hetvas vien I mmv a ablp undew MSa li thé aplati of lie teala it vwa ch eigil buiness, cbn he saget relnrned. HO and hui lh. desiro h decoribe Il ezseely for my uapiaolleed aee h deteol. Tbe icoici mate emievora lien @eor ce ho s ueed to me. I triel lien aJI brakemau .noouragedme, hoaeer, sud Mkuk ea1iilo o rth@ eu*chair Cie oMffc ailed, ai I have tîitd stnc., but have il se tiées ppeand th be no omuer miter-fforied. n.ver pot besu catsfled wchithe remit. native, eben. ce wconarly abreasi of "Whil, boy Von maigfil?" b.euei I Éaore boom elle go decoribe à locomotive b.platnont, I lotgo sud droppei. aiIsaeds B b poraos o ctla I I hai! Baver vaust Cachange mot Idi Dot 4t gait guaway, but vhen I mkaotoorl. sdi ta chat I have critten; but th. si dialan sudhi.omeasslan vWu sametbtug Nezi i. looked ' e v ay- billesndud t sea bas alwsys eluded me. Tern nier, actai, and as I roidse aen sd aver lé vsnled la iuaw i I bcd uloaied éhat chou I vas living in SMevYTrk, Iuand soexed ca me I muet bave gatberqed op 0w i. th go la lb.e Battery of au aflornoon and &baout &lahe spllnters Ihere vswu ite "No," I .uscered, "mml o yt." mt and catch Sb. mailitng voesl by the pialform ln dffoaenl portiom$soaiM'y ans- m l 701et1" holueaabre, Great Sott,,hoar; but I coutildBaerhput dov. ou tota.1 wI& stiti gyratlug vien 1h. luit esu, vat dosSectiorns 8#889, 87 sud paper sml caris about hem liaI enllroly car whiammi bi', but I hoird lh is hld Bd ai the Bevismi Statutes ai lie Unlted piesced we."ý-W. B. Garrison, lu Mal ma's" îmeîy varaîag: Statue, andSection 2. Ohapler 8; of lhe Lappiacoîl',. 0Locok oui, youag ean, pau'hi tour Lo f April 8. 1878, cap? yaur clothes 1",1Iwv@ about th coutesu my ignorance, Bad blood braede divers distrescin« disomues. It vas a rlohely aId slation, lb. vallu but ho ctoop.d me. Baidock Bloci Bitter.shuanibotte and fresoosi cllih ed t omgaCosa. Empty Don'& vaut. sul more preolous flue; bloîches, cith avery other symptom arlctg oiiokea ooape. truit boxes, brry oheste gel list criéter nloadod belote soo. frein bad blood-808& and watormelon rimdc ccsllered about lie Sossber. Sho'c beea lb.thecasevr--- ptiorm ezhaied a tadod sud deprecataag lhlrly-slz bonis, ad e're lhable th,9500 Noting oratge* more disese.,diseoiort ci or, sud lb.eoaiiy visible Indieataon ocf ine, aud distre.. lathon cnsipaion of the bocols, lif. or detb voe liehécearme of Ilies The ccv cas nloaded tmmedttoly. ln B. B. B. vo bave a remedy sutoe la removo buzzing drowsdly In the bot manchine. i Whou 1 reîtned la, lie office hbciled and cure it. -30. 3. plokoi my way th lie office and pretentei ,mv sttealIOn lca sbillaf 98 coeCI hui a oey cod.uaale lite agent, a tai, look OChleO80d On aàcasbibg Maehine. MLlbua'» AromsiboQmiine Wine forifies man cltb a long neci, oarecorn locturec, "§Tou carreelmi liat bill belote you cal. 1 tbe ystein againat attacka cf agoe, chilis, su1d sa iff bat that looked ont of plaie loeted i, I hop@?" 'billes. foesr, dumbupue aand Itlis troubles- *inl. telm i macnh rural mrroandinte. "Oaîîeetpc i? No. Wiai's ciongi"' 25 Ho cas absorbadinl a nome.r, Badmitî "Oh, a more ille; liaS oomeaunder Vît.~oda IaboIIo 8 eain o duM heW- cas came*tbelotesbhe toee.. Atî thé Interatate Commerce. Lwacnd by ngcmenafr iýwao ruesbre longi, hoirever, ho tbtew down lith etOV«hatganc18 Oeuf§ yaU've laid ut@Wa. oît.poad formalcnad, ees ui., tpaper, terni my ltie,, sud Iuvtted me tla hable tla a fiue of S .oo, or two y lu slald.bUpieBule.h.25 maie mniseift aibome. Tien ho un- the Pealtentiary, or boh-tict'sa&IL. mmis. Yuok.ael%,Alb'etOnt., eus bý Boe chat ob" oulmi % . à uuls a ofrssuzlercomplanat, allerpur. cf sufer. § wbô;ý,d o qée â. mig Iêe puY 12onstai log. by ucing ive boWloai 9D.B. 8h. sali. "The varia enougi lekilasune, Istetetat. Commerso Lac cil thsaaaeves iecoanam t-08 bust' Athelienjusice. nd "mof aiapprentis- b.epcîsocaall hable le lhe pealties lu. lIon ébat maies me bot. Tan esn'c pisi pondi lieieby'. Ignoranace of thé law is Pair Vitor--So von have relly decdi up a paper eltimnt .eelng à lot of 'ti'lac exUce forfn;listolation.' Thal'. aBot thie»ml vont ouse? abousthle brolcmo loootive sauees sothili lu'à it?bLAnd's aea O f ir atHot-y"a. Ycue, c. e piace4 lhe anidb thtible tespOnalbility lis mgaiesbrandy yen bave loivmrded so lava, a malter la the hinde ofaios ri stat* muet. trai. dispatchers hu.p shouidrgi befote Prohibition SC*le. ThaV'. motaer Min. Allerronaitnfhi. lave* adverll.emenit .ont thi inbtnevur a stugle, colllay dememaor, but, ibasai Gad, ce, auoa >- Iro ut'a iiJi o 7ol ciilia word about station agents. W hy, laread il sue# h hlebfr h me0-1 tanbdg BuicIta lie pape. s persoun olI hini au magi aubboitÀee géos nthAIt." h oser weul lirougi 1Uf. cAlh bis @ye gîond Ho mPrbug Itemisie "andibogan Worumcause mue tel"Mesauong olil- la 1h. rail and a dealb- grip on Cthe verc- pami the tour, muulmring 80h blueh: ire. hemam'a Worm Pociers preveattlia log lever, and haI lie train dispatcher "Oh-,D; no; See'no heroista requlrd,d an maie e hl e t andgit m esy.-t-L bai to put Ea ail iss pèresignes opplm ruau a station-no responeib&Utsy attaebed hbond be i1ila ait vieot te koep ftom ta lic position. Flues ire laid Up for "Wu troubladit i ootli sadauie tetmlng Orly lta aïcinle aigut. Butlooka yoo, jette ami penîtentiarieo s aaflrtvo; amdIlone oi appetite but Wione I hui tak ai lie ca. oM blat lIs otiing-huî momrolyl te muiy dom ofaiB. B.B, ppetito ami ieahb ,,Amy tra«l rcm o liéaI su cvery day routine, isturnsi.» J. B. Thoinpson, BothseaiaOnt. englomeret ada»sp mare lias bal lie lines Hoe caait igit oi lie -cxpress book se8 cien malt on tseline, and liaIthe only and topped short. way la alitetion tooa h slow fisg or "'Those quatls," ho hllered, looking at. TE CTRAWAEDEIR, a& .tp10ga t h boive a rock ébrouai me ceploranglu. 4"Ton examined oauha LUWBAT, O1I'AMM Ib s atop ovll sfa b tanbird as tbd lac directs, thisec lbat lth iealbar vs ai1 iuoc chai hole--& ici nosboom oaptured by a met, paunai, à b y Jeml paildTami mtm p e lî y p t a m t c c li u * i g l- h a a t r i s c e ir o r tr p ? a u h n o v a i e 9 m a y a C u aic ig e a s i. s utA W u " t =aB1 O i ' mcviuhpiei'54ofe 'us-tisl li*i a OpW , 501-oit stpped -rigt- baccapplàs mmt.he litABI Is, oppomt.'lis Rea mIaýt . luto c v& § I s n l A j e u g e l a l S h o w d o c k l it h m tbe o p u S o I t , i h a l h o m e - pst, i I l e b.v eon ledevote l i a1111e si rncse mmi a " àa img soe mer me. ~I i lime ~ ~ ~ ~ on w h te uui a es c d ui -.For a moment I 1 aedbul a_ reau learu lhe termil .polan mige lco&m*ai soiuOsi rea- l oni!ms Itemdsaea ~ meuc~â ct .~t »ostlg polmelimus omusted lea mét. thsùmoluetAUeca-omma ieidi mory. 1Hello 1 lhee'à %bai frigit oemu- *O. , tas a lat. Tell 'litot st. m ing ar S oIti o sig thé o Rsi do r 1I et 4MMMl e.-* 0@0. Isle pI lago sereeu teii Eshte li*0 lotod fe t Md Whobe i solsl orebilla-pon eau eboe*ont amy uvgii« bai ta Bu. *0dms" "MmdJ Itelit iuy'o gi." mi as aitavli eId ontlet BëamniardUMyearer Ma ubfto~*e m. drev. Mm# vasmstaMeMd.wW* aivauéouI. a_ * walMud Eu amnd: - Lté. . tm r,Ir Mé« u M"t lune "Askil Il ho'.gt auyhbg fow go. 98.- Tics Mft W" Io1051Fer 1 onltihequueseh le trisis f- palois, mu e Wittl, 'mai bu uccem Apruem litlng postimarquirs hat slSe1mL4 i"so,1" litpumycléuAoC~ lc i pm ha q eIbsIlI a _ W»i i um4 a P~555 O ,U9~S , a-" 0 itMas4tboi #s - b N. Tp Ile.ajpSPftI NO 000'D a49 « gm m e ~~v Lamn r; dYbod 'S8«tft Io kespeotor of Person. 1. 0. 1#mos*mu" cmïc,0 uvor)mulb W@ are Dow pao ýpaaa'ifer Sprteg ami Sommer traie; bave a ueîr (tdf rat ge of effl ýo1UodMorsco~ b , 4 mc. 'nlmei>, dise. oos la ia prisse@, "eeiuuesud hnetu«.as.ave airutA e s drese *W a lu 1011IL W.F«uo% mefl suad menutie mn.k4 i" (cWîadrou. Dre..and mantie maiag done wie b ler goOule J. omad ,, t I are purehbaadf-re or nos, saa mîtisiation gUaarai heed. Young m-Ueoe- tr h4 mmd hirdMamija i emi a~a ov, co.1,eea.cai' bca. Gue ?7 atm aliuo faesb. ProffiajobI emougi 1<,k.- . ewm ~aw4y sain e bst)raie mcao ho due citions tiaid. Chromo. cllou htài. -of->r IIevIro 0. % oo vol. GOOD jl -s as OHlPai choe pou don'î geltiseo, and býWItr prie« UaOr.i527. !or jour pruduet. 0 iVo mceaàoend. Oum INW4 No. 8 ýmcm, m un6 a Br. Moiard Irvin. aseec«ury w z so-nEr.&Moe hU or ai fl55tc asaCaI cmi. tts Brtain. AprAl ôté, lUQt-i5Oi-d aslaudo ciuA MoistA iAn omp Uaian. Dobo.' __________________________________ block .I O 4.Col, sserstmyJohn z lee, L 0 0 y o . 1 0 mu * R o w ay - - e « " a Alu srsn, City Hairness Shop, Lindsa. Affa ICR e iUMUN5. 126, mm":tAon JAMES LITTLE, - PREOPRIE¶îoIR- eer Wood tUnmop. ENi t, oe. HAlniMer n,»« W&Mr Land thIe g-oo. t ubuàn ho nov rretu. . &B My'-' o l od cuat,a c A J .n à aum o nouva.-Grampm Camp, No. te aus moddfwhkmymMnh ,In My , Stock of Hames, Gollas, Whips, Trunks 410 <ile MEltbsIl, àSsuy. l ame eth, OhifbW n ~ * oa. a~nai ,i.î Sam cmNo Zd n 114on second £om le <5. VW51 «l Oeg A"an Ch affl ienplanalce n ln ae ulr-aqekI, dve« mm bea'.blou ak. arig mmte ,: m wrkl Jrs bxpert.asdvormuc. other emmployd. Thfi, u-nsLe> U SizmusdM teui..dr 2,.î hufm, «k, p Ce. = Ob@&" than My place la tacnL My eie2,8e'ý -t- g I O um Woode uu.i 1 .H.iw.ifiangve my «UoZ» Bnsbmmâi. BM"MMU. pI In lvoUr ordm asionce ansd u,.'(i. * oporiuulv. Bepalhiptmply doms.Damfargottbejulas.0v mem Oi.awBOAUVX 11. 1106,Masss au tAI"mmm i Ad?. I 00a1r* Vmes U M a out tut An Woobol jj.- 7.. O. A. -HetI..onm or, lent and Cam=r g [idauy. Dee. I1db. IM155.MS lng roam ma opn iy 6SuÏ,ta 1< P.M -Young mmulvuja usicome - C. R; Caihoua, OsG en. e.1.' W. 0T. U.esuaIm uiaae verymcnth lan - pr .Ii the.X.O.Arccmaai8Mp... Eve yth ng or Lte Gard-. Tu UOuma c oemileWi- nun m e'elak .a. INertérur, 5eareanv. ~lam ,odm nm eatenand U"brl FLOW R (uR STOCK, OF FLWRAND VEGETABLBISi>D Tiome al, carer nt aad voila. Iwsaon the o.send ad SourtI Suniy et 2 iow complk-te. Remeimber we are direct importers fron' , a'ulek,.. *. Jouwy , s. W. AMmoi.eed growers in England and France, and can give yoU a vafW e'- 'an. price and quality. OtJR MANGOLD, GARROT AND TUR NIP oas ~ ~ »mn vnal ONPOh tIU or "a.lo have long been kpown to the publie, and this year they ar c t,--rth n B. N. HOPEMSa, ever. Market gardeenrs il ii td our aeda the' best, aad otpri celi Sutai.,M nd are right. WVILLIAM MoKUEZ, WOOVUl.IE. NT. B»X mL- iX .f.A' n. . -rM 1 'PIriac~ ~ 1' T F aFa( thÉnest strame. Young Piualuss fao W;aith llb gre.. BSu 61" e for asvie. Priasfr Young ehock lo. For MARRIED LADIES Only. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FREE. Addreu The PauluianMedicalApPMIanoCo. 19Qamen et. Ema. Toronto, Ont. Metion tht. pober.-21-ly. la the mosl popular pippincott's àe ulmd I&number con- "la ACOMPLETE NOYELI Th 'Jary <lUi>num,1UU1 eontaln Thes Pamslgof Maor Kilgor., By Youug &. Mon ThAI bwary (MQ8n>umbu, uAl contaiu a"y the Royafut By Wllam W6041Ll T,,e MarcIi (1802 numier wliB coun A Soidior't4s Set. BY apa am bsRing. ror labe bc&U Beokb.lum and Nowedmimo si. cees 26 Oee..I& Oe meaw. abmolcie.i rst it" "etsa" haPqMo. In thanking our"numerous custo- mers for their very liberal patron- age since coming to Lindsay, we would remind them that we are better than ever prepared to supply Builders and Farmers with ail kinds of Hardware, Paints, OUa, Vnziùish Glass, plain and sand 2518. 112 ,MLlndasy. Kowlâon Bros. Real Estate, Inrunc anmd Fixcancial Agent., ,5750 viiibuy tNro btorMY mOU brick lu smt lumo. r"ull, 0 $4M00 ii purchasone of the fin. cci voslimesà* North Wax, vili lt» ,$170 viiibuy Ilsorey brick ivlllg m i ilt movenlenhly ait. » u ns uNorth Wa. $12M wviilbuy ei'ther of two Mrck ivenh*eg, 8 aMi 9 reous, in SouthiWoa. $50' wiii buy brick Cottage in South Vanlue av$mXua & rcosiou W. bamein" Md s te rumolid biei, buta P"1 et**l pat fi ocu, aIpie"eMdamio Mmss I. uASli the o f m557 tuing pur. OMMs. ClmaissOnturt 1 AME. 1>6.. < f' mpi aI lic stremuat I e. ma Ocapimise aa~i~st nimba aI le' - - q -*%MA-à-q -&»» %, %. _ -q Cerner Kent a~d William 'le. t~. NEW Se J, PiETTY9 -A-, m GOODS!e Is showing New Gooda i1n Wt-dd i D&Ri tge. 18- k, fuily guar.îi;î.-.-d w i th oir own sramp. GodKeeper,4. Gri and Dium-»nd Rirng-. W. chc's. rhe boat value in goletti iled coies, wiLh any Aanericnit rsami v-rntr *&a".. 6eeaw s pesiewatuain tilver Bcrew Bezzel, Ni-h Uruiv,-d Statu Watch, Co'tî movemerîL We li've ail the nmber i i he cee brated BOSS SPECITÂOLE-3. No fa.î'cv prices on our -'ý ex. "air Repâir Triude in Watches, Clockis antd Jew-elry ie stiit.hea IidgesL in town. S. J. PETTY9. Next door to the Dmley Bouse. lient street. LiaduY, rebuary111h, moi. Organs, Repaired and- T'unedik SATISFACTrioN GuAPRAýimrriE. onders by mailprompllv atiendod te. R:. N. SISSONS - LINDSAY,'1 'NT. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS TH4E OUIDING STAR TO IiEALTE. A POSTIVE CUMREQI STOCMACH, LIVER, jC-OWELS Aiz) qLOOe>. B.B.B. acts on ail the orgar s Qf ti. body to produce rcu-,il2r acr Cfl 10 strerrgthen,, pxirify and tone, and to remove ail impure accumUlat!o:; of morbid matter from a Commoi 3nl to the worst Scrofulous Soio, Thousends of reliable men and women testify1o its good e-', - the above diseases. lu it flot worth at least a trial in your c.L'ý ic $x per boutle, 6 for $5, or icesthan ic.. a dose 'w w w LIUMBERI -QQAL 15£- mmd I rut 3"C * .fmmmhev, w. -'c *AND a w,ý us Ire Clay seweî Utici aid Asb Floor- ligie cf i I g. M. iaeW i IL) ho lbIlStiefuu Bwek rtà"ý. ýý' ý ïîw," Corner Kent and William The m The Jewelg--"