TI~ IUV~ihWABE~, Uê1~A!,TBJAYAPRIL 2àai 1892 .~<~m PTION CURE9 a.& ane, a teut that no other me= a 80 stand. Thftt il umay becOI hO in-oat an moonlohSeeliSSA 'an e De ~Bolloee jutha ve c e iiled < . andudCanada- fyuhv .ouh. Sor'e broat, or Bironchitis, Use il, for ~ cuv y o If yu iîld lins the Cri,1 ~mptIn, ~ rorntly, ad reU 1 mft1Soè iltit. Ask your Drugglit for 9L,) ý ,ýcc10 o ts. &a. d If ouTI.tnmnrb ore or 3Cà a1=4 t ifi, u oItyusl ,oih latof * ~ z' ' Klî'Oglîcu fem'ofC brz , i lli&.i.ïit. ,n(lwéL . âe Y r 8Cf174 -I QuiUTsrCE T DT. amP loWDERE ad ot OBIDAY, APRIL 22. 1892. MrUATBIv1J& 8OMKfvF1ULE couNOEll-AIi the members lpreqpunt. minutes of lust meetins Mad sud Movod oy Mr. Mliston, .ecosded by Mr. lHowie, that the rosie gel Mr. Jas. Dicko It 1. 8 ,te lDctte a rod to lt.ésDobridge at gorland.-Oarri. Movei by Mi. 'Wilson, secondi by Mvr. buri-hel, that by.law No. 854, a by.lsw ta lhot thtêtlei, pouopus sud fiue. o-ov vnomi a sd u" ssd-C&oavr 1àw3 ad isud puasi ouin1~y vaou.db IMr. Karrimon, seonded by lMr. Kowie, that; by. Iaw Ne. 856. à by.Iaw ré. the auditbeho w rutsMd ami.e rad1m te.sud puW i sooudilgly. VOMéol IliM. Monimon eueiby Ur. agevcbelîl. i lbth. pu"lls toruw eb ~laIui o otut fl on thouIbthiui ou.- 10.10h ItIe, West t. f lb. Jlmount Md54 1 ,ul ai. rrled. Moe yMr. WIbuo, aeesiai by Mr. UhrobeU that 1h.eeuaty tvsurer ho owaUl.4 o write of àrm f a .lxa obea « ntlt4, cou. 4 sud oharg o towaàk Vilteuo of Ehida sud SU elbois yin ter-orant mt 1 a uba lits. and aid dulvalke lu the viliqe cI CobooaL m2lPt tienoaf Jaumes wàkelln Mdi ethers, c Ig thst crtea nlotab ah dbalsro 1 ..S i@ecotion No. 4, msiedattacobDi to.o No.I li.1 Leiton, wme prouoacti. Novai by Mr. Wisoun.seoadei by Kr. .Uarcbell, Ibatthé lb. lowug &mcuât,@ ho d .7 JJ Bvse., sttoniance on Indigent ou 12; Johs Rutuuo7. ser-vies under ,ofBoari of osllb 1v d.patberfl. 1eCnAvrgue poutmfla, etatlonuy ani sziua for jin Dîanîal'statoment aBd exposa.. %0 a .11ll68; Truiell. Torcnto Gemuru ,Moq4pt-1t al, înal,îeau of A.. Brclay aMi 0. @uat. $40 4n; & 8a4daoy, 8 mongtislaq. koItlg . D. à IL fi 20; attmdanos 'ledi4-t iolb$.8 atteudanoe et audit, S. James Wlsou, atteading mmeru lmne8'1rd of Resltb, $2 50; W' 0 Dowsou, do,' >75; 9 Danîgty, do 11.U; J Pol. ai, do .85;Aàfiqurry, P ArI s&lary. b5u500, $20; J 0 4, que, 8 menthe sain y * $15; Yeoman Sithî, giditor, $8; R 8 Wad do $8sJmeasWils, ieeveb expnsuea thendilgtexestle, *2.-Car. Moved by Mr. Borcheli, socouddibJ Mr. Wilson, thal thé oousoil nov adjouru ttu misaI et Ooboconk, os Pvldsky, April 8h,- 4zztied. COBOOOoi4 pril 11h, 1892. Cousait mil pureumnit t adjýiaumount. AU! Qf, ïiimberai promeut. The. minuta.cf lust Oktetini vire va d iooftmed. Moisi by Mr. Hcwlo. secesei by Mr. Ecîrchell. that by-law No. 857, a bylaw tu Praserv. publia monta maiudcouvenlencé ho mow retad sud puesc, and thatthe lb ek bave 900 r. pi44prDîed.-.Osrdd. ty la! rosd aud pud acardilgy . #--. *ouvq v - bo--1 a- uncuie vît - .5 Dm ow hIilaSseàaideis ioD'5 rosdnso in tbe towabtip OciSidon, lMr- p1iblOtiUo*eis , Bo«istei 5gw yaiiiam aiý1 stock ana tumatte. Re la maviai le lb. Salsi.We av so go le tIhe bbe4t met. Ma. Deimihd Maure meUs flour "&a fe4d .60 cents per 11opoqîduss Ie bm vwhai I '*as Sad bobei.aulore. TJIi $ame ,gentle- ma vini spply. first l 0h5es 4*Ms, ml1 tuimmd, for trum üve te six. dollars sch- Ma.,JemuàSsale tlatlesve ibis voek fat E.luronton, Nuvirh West Territory. Nia, William Dixon mcii lin farm stock lutà i.k, 31004 putus ver. pââd. PucyBIsoln Sudaby holà an amusisg enseiîslu inS tluîleSmboul bouse, a be baok &gain mnd gave othbr sew eture neit weil. or.es$ information %0 all skiai vas Ibeve ébat nlgbt. OEITUAT-It le Wltb regret vo hlVe te ocea thelb.death of Mr. J ohn ail tou, which ocourred on We'ýnead&y cf last week. Mr. Hilton wa ose cf thé- Pioneer voidentae ofLaiton Township, mai hdad tbroagh hudu(;lv3, and eeocomy aooumulalsd contîdeirabie weal 1h. TIi- dêoeaséd vasa s membar of Ibm ahorch (if England and a lite long cooevative. Hi. Isat drive wvit te epollua bontb cDi Fobl. 111h 1ait, ébat bis 1.01 vote înlght b.. eas u lu mpport cf t 'ho'"Major" vite 00W ro.prt..enealebA lutf reveietNorth Victuoria. The aged wiiow ani ber oniy son bave tbe deepest eympilby oft heir mai, friands. sAlMLtFI1 EMITZR.-i-bChool biac losed for the IEaricv o!Ud2rs ttwi the. teaneler, Miéce Gilbert, has gene te vîcil ber frinsa, Liudsay ai Woodvllle. May se falli écnjôbot noeded and wvol savavi rest. music.-Our sabool la se the front witb mn crama, Musii h n oncitheprogram me of studios for public scohools sud il ià plessing te nole the groat number that are Placing 0m2sical instruments lu the scooi oomu, salt -yul gvemtlv failitato tbe teacbots' duties la that line ci Ibulv wosb. MumIe la an attractive featavo of th. Oadian sehool room le-day and tlé isanltle ivriably bstts.attod &ne@ and more rapi progreas la studies. SpuNeq.-"'Besutifol spring'l la bers at 1leaI. The robins bave teluvnod ani are Isard warblig &gain thî@e so li faguhl lau mélodis; aid tbscov-belle tac, bave 1lest nons of Ibeir old-tlme shaums. . SanDaxo.-Tbe farmers ars fov husy 1 «"De4 WXLL, IISRR na ErTea-It 1la1nov a tew veoke sno. 1 viole ve lait, bel I tloungît I vould write te yoa sud relate a convorsasica vllo blai vilI Sam Hlgu he Ia îhar a lgQtawa. WOUl. cf maurge, 1 vint tleBées na tuai Bam, vlan I vws M Ottawa. Andgays Il "Sam, vIii sme slal knoc a gaîl 7" "Nuàti," soya le; ani alibough the tallow la atMat tampeasaco man, ho dm8 ho Ct 510 ma tei aglass et isel geci euh Inihpaillon. AIha edelà, if jeu sav lhe baie vas ou il, uEimu Gobautl," m 1L. *5<(UMeltalUî," cas la. Weil, Bau, sm 1. ,Weil,sos . hWbat sre ye doiv le own be s aywea! O l gor ve'r mailng ratboueamonj tbé tmp- pela."Whsbaut, s '"a areysn o og b 1146 tle réformersa my toi ?Il"No," ses ho. l'Iwogave tIens tiffee.."«But4abute tbal vill fislck the oralures" osa 1. "lTîsîvbslIb te date. crierai s@s le. l'Wall, Samn, ses Il11w"vat &but ths rail. rosi 1" Wall.sesa ha, "Fslrbslruyl buitlIaI strond trou Pens-Polo to Bobp- Csygaon, adI viii bulld itinla astaiqht lins vitl th.ecusa tem Boby Osygeou loe tagnasitc Pal. Ami hlauntt bs the NorlI Poli, au 1" "No, au le, butibls nnathîe NorthI]Polo.' O i aut 1, Itat la a Véry coula oounuy op tQoe. 'Ya" mon ho, "bat itles mlicars sud vo muet populathéIle vol ef t i ulHaglfîroade or louvegne and Svaias." "Wehi, Ibat te @Il rigît" aus1; bal I »wv iv. gréai; souait son lIaI vTMytruthtul papet, lb. tndss Fouet, foi ont aoMr. Bovlen, aMi a Bal. Docglas. I tergal vha is felîl vas, butltblnkIit. pualo. Bsogor thep en foin apoakers. Tou, lIaI sa ch vaso e esîbdra. . ouapen, lapi»Ou ami Rsfgogaw pi brd asbis poor tendur oea!, sud tle. salbeoltvoteoaime in for a tub..',Satis aloqnutiae. espon. tis parum. I And vbat about the protisîl?1 Theom ait veramuarlb fellows tn Liadsop ami FanIon s Folle. I Iblmk ley vaut smc. t10v Iavmbuit TIèelso a s ibd fer the bannis, sud money for the bara; but Ibis ktnd cf a lunI oul lIa oosouuy soins. tbtug. 1 t11mb the eounly Thetorla l&d sucugl of protemîl nov for s ubilo. sud tibie Ganlsuan telîslIeu mGentlean tIsé il t1er do't slbop Ibis piotarnîl bumîias, ilat Totiy Finigma vill tslk pl"aiE.lile Ib tem ions dal, sud vo vili abaot Sam Hughe eul glu.Bau a val relloonIsas =7 Coaverstios - ev iate.tlngose topud short andmi ihm flodci mgt.- Nov, Mr. Editor, as my Engtelami Irish sre bai sud mv Latin otorse, 1 mont bring IbIs latter te, a close,' t'ut if yen osa psrleyveo, Frmnsa ou Spraher Diob lU iii vi on a latter in ather longe mext îles. Tour ftlond,m>ý, Taiu-r Fnuoà.r te, Cing ?).W rosi ilcieui bis laid te nov bridge Bugar Baitoln Uanada. lut Ne.,hIud sud Ih vaeonr*Mthat thé at.- ter %eîsid tili ne:'- meeting. &epsproofi besbai that, ln tle 31'îvd hy ir Huvie, scoaded by Mr. vroîio f Qoseam the cîbsi pro Burchboil, that theadiboru report b.o54051. vine.. cf lbé Daminton au veli, nsars ,Nmîil that tie clerk gaI 5MO copies pille. beels o0 S rv îllcmaems for.hstrlhotîlo.-Oaried. enb rw ie o u m t M4 Vfd hy Mr Morision, .eaonded by Mr tavorahl it vthe bm est produoilanîte Eu .lthat the followlog accont. bë Buropois taites, vbeuthe lsdastry las sl:-.E. Cule, bop for asesor's bok@, beau purmcau. Tb@ beat mgr foctnry at 1 61,,z; Josph Htard, 2 hamuqier., $2 76- Jas Farnhain, P.Q', boa Ibis voir 14.000 tlile W% -sol, r-eve no e..,Moiuloagetndlmns, $10 40; et béniea lmot #mi eah as itg esp&olê 3Jhu. Hoîle, ainrîcîlor, ditte, 870. à&Net- vIlalicv, Thepsn bave boom giovn in «iNon, vinocAllor. ditto, $8 1-0-Jobs Wilson, the violntv &Bd flnplaen easly acoeasible <r-' riV¶j'r ltt'il. 19 1t; B. éûrChelI, côture by rail. The factorp pays 84 50 par lou, <"r, o'to, V7 5); yeî.maa Smith. ittaîtii dlhveri on tIlopomies or on the cars. gtiu- 11 ' ra uite r' voupt, . $1 25; W . 3. In addition t h m u thteoProvincial .I b,, . tekirju h dy ci pavuton w lîo < .i of o tv r m rt p y 0 c n e 1 o n ai ' 41z eA t- tTIv4. 8$1 50; .7sm ee s> d em a d r m &,pa pe 50 o rs s T on a nti tgiligir4ia on Cîunnon sitrao nt nCetOS asi fv. ah rdcra vî a to h Pý unappova etMr. BorcbeUl, $8.plyla sevorai ddotaillu4 enqairlos regard- lii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ o ha1.î uapîvli expemme cf hulîlvaîlon, amoust cf C d -,I c' ad to ument il the Calilcf théba ni emplnyeî sud quanîîîy pioducci M*I# -s9<SUD&TClark. per acre. The repîlea, cm tho vbolo, ara .... 0 of the moni satlsfaetcny sud enecuriagn Lady Macdonald tb ReOain tln nate. One producer amîit. a profit Osadaf. ptir bore of 4100. And m&H tle producoral on tltamd of Motre.! aia prf@uellY OTTAwA, A ci 12. -SemoabsuSdrauor sentent. This la tle movrteMaikal aebéeon publuaed tlatIbm dectiblai Ba Wlng tothé île shborbocd oet rstaC ity tome Macdnabi yl tn futurp dlvie ber lmCdlth.market Ihure le for 6aI idi etO tmbet heel.United Statuaua mdEgind. vegetablesanmaierai produes. Evea v9th qr Macidonald aNti son. Mary litonij tls Comiptition of saab a maet, proba. elum htoOttawa ton a viilt melialp bly the blest lu lb.Dominion, the sugar lhtev, ai l ev vil iPed mist cf the bet may b. groim for île faoou, aMd taIlà" ERobens, 1]t " M a d, prrus. oye ItasIf *8e M st Profitable ot woot âm XlIercidu Lup, r..A Us hr a &We "lM othvest ce the èTtv t Mqs4trosl, lb. ýo. Laboikt et the seimlooO of thal «lait, luat u.a'plaed lliîvt,&oos mdor eoI oulllv&*of. Tht. YWi, eonvinoed jb teprofitable nature of thé omterpdtlO ié Mtendçd lhe oulivaton te tbirep-51 gué@, »ditbis expectatone, abe bo kbondantly roalaumi. Thon scoema Io ho hlicdubt shat, as ba gruituai tlenisrprise. sibm iasA boduiioi cf bbc suger thet, in large tuitblOS spe@lull, te au neua.o t ue. sef. Tne moud thasb h furnisbed by the mosortr fthie fiout quatity anis pro-1 Mred wuîtb griotasa@facanmother plants bas bave beaoom sed from yosbrto 0 ear Iring s peoeditfour ot fie years, and zbj»ctsd le th. mouî s.îonillc mnipfli ou and tu' atmou't before %uy ~are 0'din àdêfed uuIffoIrààtllp iSàimoci Ici fumnlsht ho ýquality of sued deaireti. The boots bat avt, gruwi, .firas Ibio sed attalinIth" bighet perfocItion cf regularnlp of furm, f iroiA of weîight, afd ilchnrsainu angas. T- shbow wbat &Dn*immense a liace bui beau uade in the împuvuvemenit of the giar-beet, ilte15 i n ooUssaryty10 uate, ilbl., wheres lnFrance sud Germiâny, &Ume eilihîv e-al à 8o, W eie hiutduatry wais in its ia'yspercentalle et 4 or 4 bo ier hnndrsd lh,, of beerîs vies cou. sidered çery good; sow a perceutuge <cil 'rom 1'2 lu 14 Ibo. ppr buudred otfticeli. can bu mttained. Furîber, i; ba& boën ,batidantil proved, that, cunoeeeet col- turc, for Ibo matufaoinre of qngar, hua beau tuniieiMlOl adoptsi, a grt.at, Un petue La been gîvea te ait kind of ether tainm produco, snd Ihat in cotule, In the daivv, and in grain, s great mos oase la pe-oupible t, the profit vf the tarmer. Aud tibi rc* suit iB lu b t- xpected, au ln oriier tb a, dItO a proper qflah.ty Of bOOta altouuiOLI mufS b. paid to the princi>les aid IBO nce ot agniauluro. The nature and oociltnents ofte eoisud îbave te ho cotboidered. Thse elemeuls Ibal enter ituuiaanre, oither f rom the barnyard or from avuifiojai o mlî.tioimuat b. eètirnaed, loKether waîh tht ir îffeob. upos 1h. growth ot the plans and tbe development cill tingre. dienla. In tact à degrteoe cf lateliees farmint vifil ec'évoked that vili rvet apon the wholo ayutem et auriaoltuvc, le ils greaier tifecliveoes and more profit- able recuits. Atdinta oanrcllon ii Ibis tatf &os I ap b.eabi Ibat as lb. close uft he lots Franco Germon var lhe im- menée indomnity desnanded by Gcrmsny f ront France vas furniabsi by lb. guhi heid by the peaeaasrv et France, wbo oee sges 1o inveet itinluGovernwent aecootioq .And very veoenly tb. large loia pia@ed ln the Frencb market by Buseaà for a hundred Million@ of dollars lnagoli vas taisn by thesaine clama cf psople, wbo wvesready tb affer iv. limes Ibe amunI coulditI bave been receîved. garoli shoe emuat ha soms speclalt esson for en mach wsalth existing in the bande of & cose ot people, nol ueually aoled for abiuniavio lu this respect. And the rea- son la lobao toundinla Iia, Ibat, la Francs, Owing Io lhe extenaive cul tvatlos cf the euter beel for tb. manufacture of suffar and the improvii 7.18et ofarming Ihal bas ben ntvoduued in conseqnenes. agriculture la a vey profitable under. taklmg. la Canada to-day wva snuslv import enterto tb. value ci cver 815.000,000. For tsia oli bai t . pihi. liaar disa. appeava tu de use, ani uboen natimp théve la uclblue te show for Ibis large ai- pendîlur.And jear by jear Ibis drain upos oui îesosrsos continuas. Suppose tcat Instsad of s.ndlng abrcad$lisse fit ten million for Ibe purebase et forelgut mugir, we vers ourolvos tu> supply the demani trom eut own recurse, ad by Our own induslry. W. eau do Ibis. Our climat. ami scil ar. vel adaptai te e production of sugar baesfthef svai, bust quality. Andi voetehlb.ndustry takou UP héorils1 d intllIgarl, t g it b. îoiaoablg oeofftaithal va, ta lhe coursetof evloir s, vouAi b.indepon. dent of forolgit supplie. of suMi. And vilI Ifteon miLiesu axponiei anttUiy among Our fmmlsg ami labouhug elause 1sad ln thé promooet ofîle mauutssluwe of snua, lIste vouli not onll e Is rétan. lion of thist. a Mount lu eur ova enu* try, but greal ensouragomont venu mlsa b. h o te bthe developasuent oeune. -Umai prpveoty la evory irection. Butlt il iiho aait îht r Ioscom. lsI tibis. The lIMalry vill, bava bc, 1 nootnutar is Usuel oppwoun, sudtoc ercome Masauràprejdiee. It muet ueeIl-yta ra.- t . b. 1s6. e Mr. J. E., Hampbr~ 46 Bond Straal, To- rento, saya urdcook B cci odBitlas wvouglt s complots cure et dvfsppsi hbis - afbor ml *lse bai ttlo.-30-S. Neyvr mllcv lb. beaste raminonstipa- ted lust iois s oil«m&a.NationalPillane aiempases as0 rmuay for OnstiptIo- g-b. 110d ol tMTI. Good biooi vil! sow ls q»UaiY. 80 vil bi bloci, thé on@ lu abeslihY body imairoi. a? Complexion thé othS r lu m îaîlb b etebse, pialle, huibaapi oissud tim qutlp un intiersiforma es a1e, abuoses e-T sî'nlpquseoou u bioos saItbrhum, suc Every organ et thé hodY d de %ma ~e the, hiooi foir I fr11dt7.M t m saainthly servW*eiebtlooa le impure. No reineiyvasgsepotonl mau abloci-puriar o mors rmp d ly p- e nov mi ultby bicod Ibis Burdook Bled'Bitterav!itb U aj. lm. Ibm vitsllng*pevuof etthsUt. ilhpeilsa fld. As au instame of Ibisrosi vhat 1Mr. L .NefofAlgm5 IiOnt..gave tu a raciallater . -4, puago I vlm tro. blu<l wllb seq r r Nt aL u aileur My body, t%» efhot 1 1comatd balé dianet cme ts Ivu 5VI uj but~ E, am ahpMusTuf Iv.emm s I lbe. m spogrtd us. I1omtinalb.68al 1 A Representative Farmier Speaks. MR. C. C. HAUN. The following remarkable tacts are fully ccrtifiei losa being undeniably correct in evry particular. Mr. Haun is veil known ini eh vioinity, baving rcsided ber.e ver aty yeas, and l is ighly respocted mu a man of 1he stricteat houer, whoao von su asclds his bond. Ls vili b. een frein bis letter, four phyalcia.h aiattendedubn, an i las only allerob. ai given n p hope of cure that ho decied to try Burdtck Blooa Biters on lhs recommendution ef a neighbor vho hai been cured of a. imilar dimease by ilsse. Mr. Raun write, au lollova: Duan itSu,-I hk I have bcen one -cf the vorasuforn you have y.t hourdl of, having been six yoars in thea hands ef four et our best dadairs vithout obtaiuiug permanent relief, but aontinually growing verse, until almoit beona hope et re- covery, I triol your Bittersansd gel relief in ai tcv isys. Every engan ot my bcdy was dernxged. tise liver enlarged, hardened and lorpid, the hoert and digeoti7cerSgaula serieualy dera.nge, a largeabiouss ini my baok, follov.i by paralynof t1h. right lglutact the lcwsr hatetf my body vas wiey gielem .Alrung Burdock Bleai Blitters for a fe dayM ie ibscee burst, discharglng tUly be quarta af pue in two bur.I1tsIt se if 1bailreeived a @book from a Iowcrful bailery. My vs- oovcry afler this vas stcady aud the cure permanent. seeiig tisat for the tour ycsrs "ceooI have bad as good beaiih as ever 1 bai. 1Ietliil abo an boccslnl battis, net that 1necditI but beauol1i"h te kcoP =y syctem in perfect workiruartuer. I om tki cfetno more ramai e cs than whal 1 bave inyseIlpassaithraugb, ami no verdca nexpres my thankfulnehs 1côr uuch poirs ecovsry. C. 0. HAvI, Welland P.O. la "bs onnocton 1h. following letter trous T. Cumin.., Esq., a leadlng draggimt o Welland.Ont..@Pak@ for =esf mmr. T. Milburn & Co., Toronto. GmçtLuUu,-I hava heen pesuonally = iinlei wib M. . C. Haun for Itbe sud = clbava alwayu found hîm a very vlable man. Yon may place the nîmasi confidence itu aajlng ho aya vith regard.le your mlas caso h o miy occasions wilblh . elad four Yomr tolci me that il vas marveflaus the vay the Burieck Bleoa Bittera aai ourci hlm, sud Ihho benaw 1b1t as able te do à day's verk as ho ever lbit ln-bie life. Âthoug quite veli bousilli imbu nome B. B. B occasonay, sas be ays, te keep hlm lin pecrm holbh. Yomr.truiy. Tnoxa u Ocam, Welland, Ont. Thé ssdily taresng se of B. B. B., the length of lime il habeen befons the peaple, aiil t act that it cures te stay curi, lîsithe sterling merit et this à=onar ho maicine, tbe pcople's favorite bcci purifier, louao and regulator. LINDAT MARBIE WORK8o lbumatsprmplly gicu on U lhmU n& hhvpm Harble Table TopoWésh 2Fs,., Hautts]ce,etc a = iwby. vovimmuMIl shouli um bis i. :Csà mpai. prioe beforc puvebsg @lm. WOEE-nuvin ct th.marle ouambrUhigUt., IN SURANCE S. CORNEIL buMy lunelliibUme maicontens*0er tatch My 1cm waua»mtlfe* tr Moteud to-daly, tb.eah, ic baveaa chaque for lb.funl amoint, $1.9 Bi continuel My luur OMWn la oulou»- ~1 VI"voe bay *beev obigel t talS ibra lé Tu tneutmav. a zu "80,W *0a or 0b m=7orn. olahate.I a DR. A. W. J. DzGEaBsi, DR. XcALP INE, 0RU Md esiim-WUhIIm om ietarh, CO.nc uel, Iday. OMa os 0m p. siepheme ocmunicalion DB. B. S. WILtsON, LaIs cf lie Royal Inirînary, Ediuhurgh. 0' ycracfsuosetl ratie.OMficesud roid fStnor0f assil ud ludmy treet.-1756-il P. PALMEB BUBILOWS, M. D.0 Graduale of licOu! Colopg,Mentroal,18N, Phy Surgoon etco. OSaesuad residono. oppolte hotcl. I1m 4et-. Office and rosidonce, Rwuel street, second do of York stroot Office hours-9 10 10.80 a.' 10.uo pm.,and 7 tu8 P.-. ersdualte of Uaiversïty of Trjlty Coli.,T Membor of Coli. of Ph>elclmnst and 8urgeou lise physiclau lu R .okwood Auviu, Kingston Grand Trunk l'y urgeon Lrndeay District. 1784 G. H. HOPKINS, <Succeor o MoMrtn àhEopklus) itc fco-Willllam St MOORlE & JACKSON MnSucsur to Hudepll Jackson) BarrinUt cios tc. Offic illam lndtr, Lnduay. F. D. MOORE. AULX. JACF 1682-ly KSON. MoSWEYN & ANDERSON, Barrhaters, Solîcators, ecîc., lamîiiton'4 Block, Kant Street, Lindsaa. M..ney tl l'unat current rates. Joux àdo8vuyt4 DoqA.LD iR. aNnzamoi. à 13 DEVIIN, Barristur, hM.. Ccnity lr.jw.Attorney,* Clark 01 the Peac*, Cuuitîy of Virtm-ri. Offl'et. Keen-a block, cviii Wezî.,e ,tore. Lut.v J'LEAîY aO'LZE-IPY, Barruatera,tora.m-, Soicitors ln Ohaaoer, ho., . a.Office, Dolieny fBînck, >ont eet Money to lban aI current. rate.. ART14IR lO'LEARY. 1auJOILZÂRY. J3.-RRON AND iMoLAUOHLIND' Bailuer, Solîcltors, o., &c., office, Bker's Block. lent St., Lindsay, opposite Veltch's Elotel. Joo A. > BaIox. R. J. MoLàueBLtN. P. S. .-PrivaI. and Companys funda teleban at loveut currint rates. PRESTON & CURRY, ( Succeeces &o Curry h Smith), Barristors. Slilcitors, Notantes etc. Oflces-Wood &h 1.11V black, NUl- brook, Ônh., and floUsaiou Moudayu Mouey 10 bean ahtle lest rate., J A. V. Pammro, B. ., LLB. 1691-h J. WàzM a I, BA. MONEY TO LOAN. Meney lent on Mortpmg, aid Mcrlgugei ogothabud Stright oni aIS6par eil, 1731-lT M1OORE h& JACKSON. MONBY TO LOAN. Straaght Loa»sat the. mnp Towflairu- veut rates. à larg amount cf Trust Funde gor Invesment, pay- able cn termeu 10-suit the borrovor. le" 0G. IL HOPKINS, Buiriter, Llidmy. MONEY TO LOAN. A. I, 51 mid 0 eroeil. Wce Mnov omilng moncy 01ofn sI-elais tramd butionpropertite. M th.ea"ove ra*&, and on othér good uecuritiei st 10v- leseuret ué. orrumOLanN"U g oie ns uirit BARROIf àM aid Nc LIN, Buirlilcu*e.,Lidsay. Ont. A1-ualina. IMS-1118-17. Losasmsabe lessiaI eu.by mmifmg peumoa "tI.I<UILI uem viiTovn Md YVuilaniuelm Ouhafatt. OUei mp fer parbd«lsems ~tofte0~uuaI (arêm. DR. W. RKEl, cale. lehaurcmbeo f O- ~IL5 tai voV.urhuvyisdosAmo daticu. OR« md uIoe ~~c~,u 09 UWÀMel htChutai md Mt DR. BBOAD, VETEEIAET SU grON, - Omtab aVol- MMCli-o crmbrgtiro inM".&r cf O LImier, JaSuar S lS0-11 Aadne. Acmul FluncimiAiasI. oc T.. LMIDDLETON, tI iemiAedu urieAet Aget for OPMMIOotOrrs uoci, luit sab"eThhualDoci B"a 09 th. PonltOSe, n.Mtie-1704.lY BUGSUMHELL, 11mW. empu 4 ie leobttou fgot for Rusi. "%nanmutl. M anuy acur&' of niAi. md "tewor. Udm.ont,-1105-iy LranuliFor Sle. 8symisi ooe.Lota Of Farming, Gvain, md m. ber Luikda hinSmivllefor mle. ApY1a7 aujm tlm. ME. SUDDAIT Bumil Uve.--v. mm 55GALBITr, MmeTahr. a mmo trmm LhndmyouitrelaWillim str oamocvii Mr. £obnmcns. guasmll; omtnmc liro"hgb fe obome L IIDIT GOLU IIMLS Hest price paid ini Cash for Wool. 2 OENTSEXTRA WREN TEADED. FULL CLOTHi TWEEDS, PLANNEL'S, Etc. FOR A . WAlL&C a£ce,, THE SNOWDEN HOUSE, Charlotte street, . Peterboro. This lea àuew boume. snd la une of 1Ihe best equI pped ln Peterboro. It L-ie oni-eîîlent lu both G.T R and C.P R. Mtations, a weil as uuar th.e market. Baths. wauhro'rna, and aI modern convenuencea. Termes, 81.00 perdav -1670-le THE WAVERLEY BOUSE. Corner of Kent and Lindsay StreeUo, Lindsay. The &lm of the. proprieto)r of the Waverley lm tW make it mecaud lu no bote! otitoide of the cit¶tp. a2cre of the public patronage lm revectlu)l*v slct Xveri .ttention p1.51te, the conveniience ut guests. Ooed 1tmbung, contmodînus sheds, sud large yard rou, vttb attentive bouliers always on baud. MALCOLM McGREGOR,- Llndsa Julv 8d 189.-1787-tf Proprittor. QUEEN'S IOTEL iaâinrton ia wthoul a rival lu 1h11 district&as a aummer roorttor fàmilhe,and la beautifuil> sltuated A charming place for the buntumnan. the sportsman aid Iheàolherman. It lu say ln the primitive forest aid ln a boutitul little villge possesslng a railvay, telcrauh offices, aud aIl th. convenionces of modern lits. Charges surprlsingly moderato. Tih. very place to <'Speud a Happy Hfoliday " The. propriotor ia auxious 10 accommodat. aU lhe cai, sud parties com. lng lu atay a lev dmys are requested to communlcate by poilor vire. FIve houru raifromu Toronto. The holel la lunpplled vlîh evcry accommodation, and a g» cdtable h. kep t. Wfýre Bu. 10 aud trou satîosu D. 919LLM!Prorletor.-1876 Meuttvqu. Je NEELANDS rd.ID .s M.R.O.D.S., ONT., DBNTIST, LINDSAY Dy th. aid of th. nov hydro-carbon gsi turnace ho cmi umke lndoutructiblo poroWahiIllungi and realoro brcon aiad decyod teeth to thoir or4iial shape, contour and cier by this procomn. 01 roote coni bave porclai cwi agbd conuequently lier. hà au-vtal»d ar, dminâteedviti gresat lucce for mrly là yeuai, extracting 1.01h fer thoumaads of poe nwfthmUSa partioe.f aipi. Mo mm the &&t uppr.vmdappilanosu for udminh rngl.gis.190 .didaier Dr. Oolton of 1New Torlk the nventer of gai fort racbing t«94 W ho bha. lhhtodi ta over 160,00 personi and fnot a fatal cas. Mr. Neemadiurnes. fl'. Local Anae.tboecfor etatn busth. lMr. Nelmnde la nov nainS a nov style of fcou vhlch ho had oxpreuuly uafcured vhlle on Mei lait viit 10 NevYork, vhioh romoe- th tewth vithout injur, 10 th. garni or jav, the gurn hoigUp beautlfally in a fov dayo and no oubee- çuut roblArbhlcal 10011Inerted on u uthe1 popW« bhaea d by the moil t ovod styles and appihnse for their rlention aid coctort. lina- bons of parsoma are vearbig 100h mode by Mr. lied- mmd oer 20 y am inover requirod repsirs Prilou tram fil 10 608 for an upper orunadir sel. Poum o ora distance vil Plae s end pogWalcard bieloornl=. on-Xt streo4. Lumiy. noarly o hettbb UmmusOUMon Wu H. GROSSI ID. K. a. a. C. D. L ont. ]KW7ýThe poiiular GOLD and POICU- Làm 0 . 0GSymtm abnt la~t)prcélod ul]r.Oo«wti ai t ampam ArfllaulTeli h nsrbed by the moMlapoc moUsumm UMMnipasfor à--a efetc c b llver mdCeuni , aloon a1l lie n luthirs, andaet thc lowuitlivingyPrim. AUl i»b of 1001h flniéhed and tued 10 lie mouth by Mr. Oro. bmluofor aider bis permons] supervision, vbioh vili accouât for the uaiaoitioî givea by hie Tho inrodluction trou lime 10 lime of lic lm"u aplan for lie administration of Vltsllrnod Air sud osa&usMr. Grom to mmnnoce ac.utly hn. oeeéidng sucom n th leun. of theme aimetiietw& No pai , n , m id m ono lo rn gum , oonaequen ly, me The boul moliodi cf precvlu he lb. lur teeti by wDhg v C old adolirrb iemterlau a bonauàd a sludy for mourly Thlrty years y Mr. Mtnad e 1eat atention and cue lu glu byh h.tothk achof hmu buluen.No uamm ur pain hIfi4. Dontal ta .s Il on Gout.1hlm oMa over loin gdsstore. lut-St. and sealmeos o f hic vork.-19 Hlaad Loom Weavzm.ug Thé andershgned la prcpurhd 10 vweavo b.dbl. kets, fal vidlls. alsofiey flovered b.d ipreadu, fui vidan &mdmi kidscf nurrov 11mai0, tvied, plain aid faey Eug Carpet, bih »G cWmi10lc. per yard. SAMUEL HUTCHISON Oct. 6, MISO-7-9 l'elon #fs ILITTLE BRITAIt Sash and Door Factory Eahnprasae the Intereuft cf MR. JO8EPE MUNDEIr ii ýhSsii ad Door MFaoiorn Little BMRitl, 1 yllcarry cn the businssuein hle put, md hope by strict attention te, buiness 10 morit a sare ci public patronag. Eiglheigt Price paid for (*4ood Bhingle Bolie. PatioshIntendn d a b ilWdo ve11 te conaulIme aid se.svhal I caido b su l li te vay of pila bou hecepurcbhnbushoe. CIALEB R A£& LiIl Btti. laIDec. 18M5-1.1. VICTORIA LAUNDRI - m.laa~L "unboi=miaun i l I u 1,e ý rýi,' , r , c ' anThiiy . F Do j- - i h r' t 1,11. I. i z A LASASTI1NE for health, cliemilliner; ~ Ža Ageflcy for \'icit ,, a Co.. at W A.Goodwm"s Room Parier sud Picture Stor, OppoSite Veitch's Hotel, Landsay 1 -1.7--- - JOHN MAKINS WILLIAMK STREET. LINMDSA'Y And Aul S Disi Tir Wh The Gii Aeo And The. F Can The And Tof A]I Thil Bis Thei For aweand Shungib Mill bMehln*7y IPlouP Ml, Shem n rgines and Stemm Pumpat. Rae à a a a rtrueuî f Generai Patteri e tho aboya deucrion of vorki LhndaayJulv 111t1881-183. Laimalis. . .. -- .8823M.,676 74 icorne.............. 4m82,632 osf gov busiienfor181......4,OU6 Eadowmats Paiito Living Polici Hgouers Cauadafor bthévrn1882-84-" iceuh. Dy lie Atu... . . . . . . . . dAO Ueo GovuRnuntlpons, pages 64, 6, e.08aid MI. soer.M n downeut lnthe Atns- j JOUfIq 9. lacgIJREHy, LinnyT. 116 5.-IS-ti FOR [nsect Stfings Sore Eyes Eruptions i oreý,,FeE;t Piles4 Pern'ale 6 tm.P p',ai nts Mosquito Bites Sun burn A"' 1I nf 1famrnm-at on REFUSESUBSTIIUTES BESÙ]REtTAi MMTE WITH:BÙ FFW.VRAPPERý "LiS UKTilor' I ~ i 1. GUNSI GUNS ~~ Forule-double ai mgie >Kbeciand- muiule loaders. BENSON RÎOUIE, guie - maue leaders - double Moist Th *Mr2111011.011 nom la, tlregkW, àw aInch bore dcv, barm. *Weeî ! . lyflc lu. RMouéaeic ie lulev of varicu.graudes. Breech lo.,,. I Lldiay Obagos oulealeN IkoN, ro~' iUb* iot gis of the boat quality. sîngil d j:fuIar à arebr.More lthion - VIITOR'S HOTUL. u'o hocae roso he ave luit compîoted Tf e b. .aesoed clan hown Llnuy 'rt.ud machine of. the latest lmrprovcd prlzinj, Rue o Aor« e 1aare pre~dto bore gou ôfoot don toshort m t 8 entmd uàri ead«a. A I lETTONsudguNmtaiet g uh(,Gtîn3 (,ô o ____________ la____________________________________for_%ho___ a pcc',ca,. cl, -epgzl* mmccgled In a vorkimlike miLnr.er ai, reaubsh ]FOREST BOUSE, lirasi. &mmnionof &Il grades for Raie. __ "- r EVing les. LUXE ROBIN~SONi & goli Bon- BeboeygcWilliam tlumpreprueb ieaue- od te bv.hliand rcuruihod th. ummue th.eila tet lda ~prpritor solicitua ashme of public pakougol.liObn81. os ae.Wierh Bor lpar da. Boéba, 11,cr, aud slage OMO@fihit-S9 yslcanPATTIE'8 EJOTEL, DITMUO OIJMNES L3[ n Ove obou.oLnk.TI isl mcvii otl ha boe.n iffm" and la nov in lrst-oausorder f or the reception'of gent.- The bar Io supplied with the bout braidi of dgelg. Oood stablisg and attentve houtieru. OodgI!~IL~ NI oor West ecumercialroomi. J. PÂTTI. Propltor.-lSl9-Oi RLOYAL ROTELb ~ c.d3h gi~U %t~ esont; lindY -Thin Weil kncWfl khUS.hmieu enty1cupdL tt(Aýs supov d ndlelu every vay sltdfor te&c ht Kua uçe t oommodmtion of the public. Ta ble uneurpaased The t ln the atteridant ,WbhiL, wt. bot cf Iiqure and cigare, e'eod stabling ad attentive bai eribrscede ttdant, -r- " ifer - otliers alvaye lu attendunce. TITO!. KOCON14KLL, provine and statei., KLinmount, J omopli Hove, proprIetor. The iàboça promises hae cently been fltted up Ini good etrla ________________ fo l,-class hotel, and the public coin be aer ;t, Lind- t te bet acocmmodtioi as , r, ~.. rat,., ouse aruu Lot f'>x -aie The bar iii supplieci wltb a<he hest brandi.C flrIuot' ud cigar . Large stab e f, ad as .d 8 sud an ttentIv.- A IOý o,.l.. b a rc , 1 j L, ý .: ý ý -1203 vou»Is- VAUVUXI or