Île b i b . p=Oetor lau= =sa vbofl emp1icted with LieCaplIt le pffled b7 b.iflthl .hU contntendiob.: - 0îe l iI r Lardn sud citmur M0b fy oxistefloe. PF or MIbis jour yoars I .nffered uutoid ao0,w 1educed alnot toseletonsud il G Iiad îtren t 10dru myseUout . kindi of fod distreaaed me amd ml. thé nit délicate could b. e st( *.Within theéUrneé méntionelseviil siViCafstreatedl me withoulgovblt.. I;tigthat 1Itook « m doh &DYpnxanonv , -1unuiàIoeaumefloed the une ci Ayer L; Sawup«aî, Whiéc bias produaéd wonderfuliresuie. Smc Sia omning tb tube th.éSOumpu, yils coldseo n Improciment lu Mr condition. My appetite au 1teiéta and wlth lit came the abity to digest aIl the food takeu, my sbirength arn. proed each dY day mita era Monhitci aitlaattention tb Four duIe.The nediciné bas givea me a zcw lease oci11e." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., LoeM asMM& ,prIco $1;c dx bott1os, 55.Wai abo3 TBIDAY, HAROS 18. 18gs. An Ode to DD. Twinkle, btius, v lTe IVIY dVi Bright au stars ln midotaho sas, y. or@ of &Il gorgeons hu#, Bright sud fait, so olor sud truet Y. sre Diamnu r are »0 dit- 3swsis madethbo uit te eh..,;1 liom witontjourUbtla sé@ Dimndi par-Yeu lofou rêv adrig ta nes sobhippy dire; Dsane0ommfulo1 sud iffimt, Glitt'rioflbrilUut,=81011104atsIta Teoaur people leiimu Y$g a eVry dmt, Onward 1 Fotwitd 1mvioue là jour watk of vwulUi sud puce; show 40aèé£gu, Wmb qa7s< Your goiat pWwt as OU 2Dysi. ri» at Moosejsw. Wumnre, mareh 1.-At MooéeJsw la day ire destroyel Bolpetein & 00.1à general stots, aeoupled by B. Fiatoher, sud ather buildings. Folowii la tbe .stimaed los -Belpstoln & 00.0 stosk 15000, partmieutinaos; Waller Bole, drug stote, stnck $15,000 lnsured; Wlgrbt Broq., butéhiers, building and îtaeh #500, paialli inînured; B. Fletebea, hoaaeoid U ode $800; Elotrls Light Co., #200; tesi Clark, millnes'pbuilding and mlook ql,WO; T. W. Robinion,. damage t. pasi #800, Iasuoe< Doran's bernes 1113&Gîllws hal, 00, Inuued. The1 total loie wIll probabli each $16,000. Qeen'a Bon.în-LeàW Ded. BORLIN. bMaroh iS.-The Grand Duke of Hesse died all 1.15 o'olock ibis momu- ing. Il W&s sBea At5ô'olok Satuvday aven. log that thé oui vas mprosoblng. Tb* lanly anid minitrers t bea summon* id to the d7ing men& bedoide, sud %Ui vers presm.t at the lime of bis destb. The b -dy l iratllrdla a generta col-nI for it. The officiaI Damrsadt Gazette au-1 nonnep th. coasoîn of the deesed'a son, Erneust Ludwlg, to the grand lâche. dom. LoN4noN. Marob 13.-The news of thé deattb --f the 0- adDake af BRosse caused grsat gref at Windsor, w hore tbe deeeasd VAR a orpst favorite. deprîmntsubjoot dnmvlng. Modo. possible, 75.-P*nrîb torm-Autte Tomu.- kini 63, 8nisio Wllismou 56, -Eat Oliaprn tu4U, Hinry Daniel& 52. Matiba Clirlo 50, NWalleo hapmn 49, Guste Cole 48, Litltelo .iîta4, 3o1>nOwens 44 Imm% î3R41pht, W.itou Tomplins SU4 Borkl ýy T 'yl S'43, Lidia lendonma 49% Mand 0 'wimqo., 41, J -ho T,%ylor 87, Ida Tripp 86, Ahi. Rai1184, Louis beLon 83, Xiagt~e Sinelir end J ibm obier 81. Junior <1*prîmont, sub i b rtboete. Marke posonib, 100.- 8iAccn#1fot- Fran RotIv100, Houri Prtou 966 John Ani4i 90, Frank Tailot 85. ULbis Irvin 65. mbel Bvok.,îns64. Karmmab Owens 62, Gao Lapp 68, Enward West- cru 87, PrAnk 1Hailht 82, Melie 'W#114 80, Lillie P'rson 46.,Faille ie ces 418 Biil Lapa 40, L.'sse Ooebra. 87, lob» bicoluir 32, 1dém Tumokine 99, Guo 19oor 24. Wîlmnt Dlet ai18, Edvna Cala 14' lcîmood BilaebIod, Brînst Tosvpbtmu, John Pàtton md Geo bambero. Dat. fow P-brUmRY la thé noio d*pt»Mwis sttylve marnes voie eollel, sad lu the jounlItr.it. i be avw&mge aUsIý suses w'.lil mne ftfo i , w u Ire tw n 'l j e evqr umIV. TW mi, tOm Iv V *o4pg B M . H o bed-lo ff U ff i r Nant y"11ôb, lS-olth OMisLeli Thit-Jou BssL, J uteEuh1 ia, Ser. JuIro n f-4w hhse, "tu Dio. Sueond-Wlmle E 8 , inter eoiâ, Vîuva Acbbos. Parb,'*# d- génilesTimus, Piotenue Biatter»d AidntFaaqEthl edd. fIait 01mai -ThomaseéaIs, KmY Timmi- E. Baoàu, leobes'. QERUN'a t. lb. maillne at ui £fou', lAMd hmne's te th ibmvdaw ofaf? jM Tiey ha&e iciruséhsd a imd lunhIN vie, mout femejammd ssaitsvom teu idia ibem *Ver thé, aicos vhieh 0c0.1 imicomplts- ly v11ob iheir alter ilvasla preduoinh roui JO.I&Y sud bssithY U acftio ai iM& loorlur, Dr. ?"tc'4 Favorite Precoripîstaon ets lvita oui a Pme. At a unie vbeunasture gVes them lmremsd bardeo . se many poacu «ts have bt bsséltb fur lits sbattn& Il Vos vtmbà peur deauMbtesugo xiss ibc.,s peloiosi, agonag bubsohos. sud diu ida emmsu, iagid sud tired fellInge, aoé.pmp4ànlea vltb rouai pIMPlv ohuM md doii. h$417 Yeo, got ber a boulte of Dr. àfro'& Favorite Pron.t cr b.If poshave trmac he ab ir pataud éflne ud wvou spoi ii nsd a a o. lie, ic Ou So rmppor ou boule fer prlt.d auea'mtme. Ilaaiocu go iivssla eVéry oss Sr mouey turaed. Tvo laborenrs taltimg t. place a aimne la position on Ibe fouadatlon vai 4if a nov bunlUlog. à onovd wvméendu. lot aroani, leobine on, ond sa.h oee offlng hic uritilosm and 0000801 Irsai, sMd louily, "sunstou* liftincit80muob es a lunger to bip~. That temiads me of îhuroh votb,' sai à passr-bjp snother. 8Whyt' "ecmnie.1 vas the repiy, 1,0 mon are dolng tho vort, sudq tveaty masredolng thé san.-ecid Pausupple Juios. Serne lime ago thé lote Dr. V. Mas'. osame, et Veneuelab, noed th&%al pappie joies e onained a ps'oie-diguîtu u b. st»nc. No carefol minieof shie faut vuc, hovever, rmode b y hlM. aemly, Pro- 1ýî»r . .hittend.n, sltsd by iliétr. B P. Jailli sud F. a. Meur's, have lnvetlgsted thé malter I ully, sui sanonnos faits vbioh are hîbely fin ive to fb. succulent pinapple a prominent place tu ietetios. Piceepple juléesleaumuid ficid 0 ainspi-l je grsylîr of 1 048. Au or'dinaly pine- ajiple Vyl.d& 6000 to 800 oubli e entmt oILTb* proteid igestii povor là quite remmtbble la iaté âtoitlv. Tbre 1 0ou666 ai tbe joievil dicuolle ton Or1 f teomagrains of dieîsialbumen lu faun boute. The ation laites place tu ield,1 cntral, oi svon mkaliemedia. ius te-9 seMbJlngtypsîn mors tbmu peistu. - t *«ê4W 0= irjostSSIeSMWTe pe-9 aptle jtMse a l o a miiioudtag terment. A vell.bova meat povdr a l *ld t. b. propart-i vitb tbheiop of plue- apple julee.-Med. Recrd. Tact. To be able la Ua7 tho rigit tblug ai 1tbe rlght moment' le a grtatl'art, and sal oniy In bc sclquîred by %boue vho bave a nainul jtalent that vay. Wheu a esre- laiy'@ fathersvereiy, paumai s moment t. u"Y' fi hope ho laneorelation d<f ours, Mise B-,, quiob s Ioultht @he repliai vlîth sealmait nonebalances: "Ouy a Oonneotiles aimy anober'o by marige." Fev ould hop@ ta shov snob a readints ai qseechnla adilemmmaifibis uni. Tot lu a marc curions anamaniug vay - bis lu matobed by- à cautions aId vaman v bo, wben bsked wbat &abs tboulih ot onc of îter ueîgbbors by the nome of Joues, vith sa baowing loob tapli, "4WàpIy.1do& , s 1k. to&i ,auythlng abàut my ncilihbers; but as 40 Mr. Joues, goiem@ laesI hink, and thon lagain I dan't know; bat, mtea' ail I tatéher gnons bell tors onIt tobe s gond dpai snob s sori of a as 1 iakbhm to be." Linoclu' rep'>' ta a vouag vomen wbo ilasiiei on baowing vhat ha ibongbt ef ber pocir>', vas: 44Well, I sbould tblub that sot people vWho Lk. ibai bled ef p--&-->'---u.& vntibe» t&be vkind of vital dturbau. T. segeplion os fow fever berme le as.ulam t bbo om aviolest ll'a.se, 1 b i âmAre».I fava f«he .matesisWubiiwhiâb lb ImprisesaImIt etsue~pi .ý1 amle sc u 9t.ui 0 a?, wdu LwrN"va biz oid m ille ýbv«W. -Ie IhneVOI uaifaW W.C. T. U. "llreGoa"sMd Home àsmi Naivm. The. W.U.TU. EUIMn. On Narela'11h,, s uery lutèresing meeting oftlie union wu bl inl- tie Y.IM..A.reomé. Tre o iswe séversl ladies re.ceuý Reortu vers giveu by1 the oM -0 a tspp.I te ,mabe.en-1 quinlps mter serials uialdings s ud.d wg sies, bul as yet obhimg definite bas béss arttved aSL The pteinb of tbe union aobsd lb. rAllea ln express Ibeir eplaîumas ait. tbm propriety of bupying à si» Msd reit theteon a building, oe et purobuelnà bucoe ateiy hut.L A f.. lades vire la fayot et ultlng, if poseibie, vilh héibm EC., sued aeeenig s building sultable for both1 soeielies. The laitl lady who addrisuej th it m. elle Rai Ilvasbar désre tb&% the W.. T.U. albeux bave a bome ei tu ove, la vhieh a Yonne Women'a Chris- tian Asioslation migbti buorgali udn eoduoted acuevbat ulmiliar t. ti Y-.M.OA.,sud thst OMavas villasud ,,lady ta muboiibe orne hundrmi ilanff towardu oaeh a builing. Othor lau.. préenta eoprsicd thoir vuliingaiste suboribe se a building fui te b. ami fu th »b ume purpes. Snob a building De *0 MO ve are lookingtfo baard t. vea»uil@ a eredit se veilaa&beneît t e toWU. At prutos barste tebut tva tomoeusce40o1#111M bao, the 0.E.T. thsiMd à&W. C ,TA.U,a 'YM0. n dRevunéarih.sto doe1100,1d wbilc on tbe other badlae falntirst stkoir efforts iber. an e fnneulifmOmi hboe, sue Ilquor stones, sud other phass ubere liquor la oblalmbie Au to s ebtntbod of aluig 010OPS -for s buidina imdil vitas igsom" or tbe union te appeui 10h' s ypm et the p. opie Itougb thiel1"miPePUI, béies 1,boeawi the dutyeof te p'es sammittca o teIiimtite lb. publie throaab lite W.0.T U. enoeme, that th$ W .T.U. of Lindsay ilumit. bDp Or bauid a home ustU sM Ma-luthé mo.e is torsbeomeig mmd liaS tic unies te mx. peeting donations Mmd Olg lotrlegmels at an aly date. if l ofaionrtotmpmues frleuda mlght wisb t lt ae sugg«eulec rSe19mev ldmmm rdiàtlm.lenlthe ubjcei, ail mà" VO ha gratsfeily tresevaibp m0ie m Aul commnie-ll"nuvolIii begiveà sPèse te the 'W.O.T.U. c»humne by sddresig db gamn he GiOlulvmu e Of eGe milles, leducy. A DEuiL? Hauu.-1t voudustoslub many Pocrcol nd ihev mee Mdi 1mv the &Moau t disese Mmd the nmber of destba cane' d bp thbm nsetflabamin lib valons forma. Diseasca oflbhe ltbt, disemas.of the cerveq, diaoses of th. lange, shortuas ef btiaib, debillty, cOsuOliepuên Md a hast ai aihet aiment ase dlstinetly traceable ta lie néa of Ibispoion. Ttie pallid eeonutenscs, elai mi e#, y.iluv mhil. and lupu, angîîd wtops and lî.tloespouf urss ohtebieso auc stea ts bt arnn ravages upon Ibsir son. aliluions andidhi. Moearcsffooos cf the ulomoei, heurt, bs'ain sud aerves are proimerd a, the habituel u»e af îobmooo Ibaub>' sny cotr eitue, sud thev arce oily curod by tbe telînquîusbmeni cf lb. The exporîmpute of Brodie and others show that tobseco ezerte a mat permiel. ans hafineaunonois emrvesef %ho hwirt, lump uand cuamaci, essusug Iro- qicunt igbug ammd oppression aof respira- tion, violet palpitation ai the boesand partial paralyeîs ai Ibo eaib hpair af uerte; and,aima8ver>'yfroquouiytotal paley o! thé nervestu e b imrl vbou Il stops bpauiieg froyer and the man fins and tmmnediatoly expires. One doeor, vbo ta gond auiborbty, cave tbat P~a af mveorty m&osaisiamidsti vhleb osme unies' bis nsailes ou oarefs inquinles ibe parties vine Ioiné t.i tres nocre ai t.tiamO. The man Who iosbs bîmaieli wbbh le. baeco and buowu lits1à dose ual huut hlme ba litbey t. dr'op demsd auuddenbyp Steho hawil eyes' knov vial hutte, hlm. Aimang thé malt stlblmefeeteoftde nse ai tobseoo aroleie f t» mout, suab ne ounoet of thie ouge umio, fa., lipeeor trosI. Tiàe. are edcue and meonvieoeou umobe oeuYubd but vioescaot ce théieumlye Ib'tt assgr.ieonu. The e rl a.and desbi lua obrslt pips andineas, buti for ms'sud S and *omia"aie f tbsyluhigein ose ai tuila desd ydrue; sud heu nation t.iai thèe odiume .aU5U, kgîow Ibat ltahebeu sos.w»e b le uoblme, lde unIb iguteabus foi .tbifsSs, ad efbsumea tfstiosud, bemthi, roap, robtesîmbie. 'asiow.dInl ,'uîtc n~- eeas-i .*OMM 200m , àwwwp"wo ist. eh ho -~ '~Ny Sok g Uauoes oIIau, W I' rm&osand Valises *m'MW e m la am a~.fm»g a und",y.DEt&lUk155B.4S bl & RMuhmi- bf ou ttmâ breos> t. b 4e Thé <tst dussuof SS.0 ilvr, hi&"cy, boute a& lb s*Io* sldty sudwtmg'aoteois.t.1gp*mm iMd vthoaut lU iiibdnu ismlg frbon disdoudrc -vu ht boumis, tMomMd 11usd W.eismuu évsrbomtee. .B Sholi amy pmm los b luld IMm ublg the finitb "ite » vSii uend b .y o aplmtiom, persoaslpoStIV lftS. Vo lI a&su b. glad i. smd bhàmUuhaMd tutu. nation proli. ufuots et,& A.&.la lb abevyamsuod daMmI.- q tOsI.T, à 00.Nh C., Tamste,<bt- Do mit mli sm oWs iot thb » mcvsyts feSprqI~s.9 JUISAISas t Vm SP»""e$. k Ibe Ip~O Sii mbe met Md Met . fis aglmi wa puhmidiS as M sss,-o -mmW. STOCK TÂKING '92. Go A, METHEREIL'8 STOCK TAKING. Au. am n»v tblag steukanil.u Uftg in 16v yFm agia, I1VOUut OUa m , s 501g liUs ou sii acmia Ste Ui Mdi md ,t sat co" us I muai bavseiloanuals saiaighs«byoMd ci ibm McM* W'all - apers! I have the largest sud best stock of Wall Pae sver brought int Lpiindsay.1 Remember 1 have a largei beautiful stock of 5c., 6c., 8c. zoc. paper. and and G. A. METHEREL.L Keni St., opposte ]Part Om Res uMay Liusy, lsb. la Ion9 TmE VIQTORMA WàEbE. ImiDati, OUA8Z. e. UU0 DNUN. , oinat~ye 4 p.. SS *0 ci et ...... i e le u. i 1 w .. v- - M& ,. 002NS 1 commM.An ustm uotmpn UMM* tàgsi Inu t* 6.9%; nIl isàOM mni euUsmZet -et* &IIlfitb $m...... .... ma iss dn ie. lu5s.......... s U~oaONK= O SnMMiitrd Vii- sMi d Sou Handay ae sa*monttb, l £ssmaUflMaIdevMdNlehwifs soro. I WkB15p no ku. Lu, O 1. et à -MUMOMm OW. K Md SmriRn g Vmsmoii iai 10h v.uadaym la"Obs"0. WIL ota. W W. 02. . ,d.of *"cm"Im mtc la *9 0.o.A. ta WooS.»bNci lm -9cd t4miélOsam MM t *0.me BO offly a.oâb atoey @4 *#do Pm A a0 ci w LooomeFtom sa i Io es Hf=9 emp»mylum a muday iW@& 04 m.A. suw,moe anawy ommus Domosi Jiaman hou.mu tnes la Sus'mHall, MaMot sontmi md <hmd *Wwbkm b4aivmy a om*. i.adaya sun ke* 0& sA& elle. ism Um, W. àkmoe Jus. Gsg, Bu m 'Io au Wurmli 20» Usrmmo am su&LIL U £OSaUe aurtau nLiui b.p&Maloeteuel.. Wé bavo a 2«44m.~~tO.ma6muisemMiby L . avof, for mW&. oir nmaor boms TH1E KLY 11JiIEALTKU aun us the i hmarnel c i a D beiy;t l th e mm othor s iminCo P ei t th~ lonoDmens, D. For MARRIE LADES nIy ;leUSTRATE CATLOU violonEJ. For MAo. Ont NEW se je PlTTà m GTOODS!l m The Jeweler ls ehoving New Goods ina Wadding ]Rings, 18 k, fally guaritec.d with oua' owu s a= Goid Keepers. Gem sud Diamond Riangs. Wniîchts. rhe best vlein gold fIlle cases, with auy Americau inov mn muade. Seo oua' special vatch ini Silver Screw Bezutl, with Utnit.ed itates Watch COse movement. W. have ail the numberd iii chm. celo- brated BOSS8 SPECTACLES8. No fanov prices on -our Spex. Our Repsir Trade in Watces Clocke and Jewebry. is stil théei.irgest ia tovu. iS. J, PETTYo m The Jeweler, 1Neit door btu te Duley House, Kmt street. Lia>', lirwm at 171, 19. Change of Businues s I bave recetly prhsdteHzvr uiesof PR. D. TEEXTON 1at a nrtoth olr udproeocarry on a G(eneral Hardware in *0 mm mSo% Business No. 22 Kenit St., one dloor But of the Benson House, I intend to devote My time and attention ezcluuiveiy to ihe buainet'a, and propose to introdluce imov idems, new methodusud new prices whicli vill be more in scoordance with the. progrehs of the. l9th reutury than has hitherto been customary in ths lino of t rade. 1 cordially invite everybody whether tiiey are bui]deré, carpenwterh mechanics, fermers, lawyers, dootors or poudkeepers to eail and get quotations of My pricu THIS WEEK 1 amrniking au extra puah on OPORTING (iOODS, and amn prepared te give the. very closest quotatiom~ on Powder and Shot, Oartridge a5nd Shelis, Wads, Primera, and every otiier requisite neces- sary for Sportemen, Sportis, corne andse me befo r.you buy, and with your permis,- .it 1 viii make a peuuiary application that i ii remove the cobwebe froin your optics. Hardware Merchant, No. 22 Kr"'t ~. Lindsy. Soirt. 2ed. 1891.-1798.lv lm . - in_- pua 'D-n 1uÀ% q"r MentionO ibsM e.l-l.sd tLWU-&U W~u Dvrlue »Mib fw tmA PLT NVL Gýown under contract by reliable farmers in Mariposa from pure aboris moes@ketch- mmO& s"c.seed, the best of whach we have selected and kept separate especiilly Ibm amury 1891 mubsiviiiooealafor seed. The Passiug of MJor KlUgore,Prc ]BryYong L AID800F m~atakia~ Mbolbruai"<SSI> umbweonta P ic 7 c ntspe b sh l,48 I bs IRoy the Royalisi Shipped ini Cotton Bags 20c. eacii Tb* Nab*(M801 umbot viii coutela Have found tbis Barley gave the best of satisfaction both for export A Uoidier'nUSeret, Br o5" cuebOille z. and to the growers. Have just sobd .3 cars Duckbill for exjcýrt to an lot Sa% bv a&U Bookaslirsmà N*vmw. Englieh insister who refused a good sample Chevalier'at 5 cents SSaecom o Cu u ni& - 08 p oerar. buqhel less. Duckbill last season yielded 5o, 10 65 bushels per acre; mbotpto udM e the 00 09ib lé Pt a.p.p... head stands upright, straw la stiffer and is mucheéasier harvested t l An 'other vauieties. Messrs Wm Channon, j no Dames, J. F. Dix, R. R 1ch, .ioWIsOlII ro I Wm Lownsbrough, P. S. Mark, Win. Short and Geo. Lare grev, i last season and can give ail particulars. Have also a quantitîy o0 the RealIBEsfate, Insurance .and IPrize Prolific grown froin seed imported by the Goveriiment, priie Financial AgenL. 6o cents per bushel. Sample on application. I Pure BLACK EYE sud MUMMY PEAS for seed. $5750 wil buY tiwo torey eolisd bd* O v. e »mt teuMOe »9111n150 ttPu m =c, saisWin'lu treCO' $400 ilpwrchm eose "f the fin abut iusela su*tiWard, wih slv' atesof l1"&. $1700 ý,willbu là1 storey brickc d*e1illg md aditions, ooavenilently mai *UOiltuvetbterodftvn bricki f40401boe, 8 md 9 rolions, la sot"Ward. j *SO iiibiü brick Cou.ue ein li~up.~, minuecWuIi ram Pota loai tiosliS brlok, brieb uiweaaa aid vaa SiOiilÎ4price«isud o« of siutendhidpur. m outlsa 51 - il low~' HEOGG BROE C> PAIL wvvc>CDID Feb. 24th, 1892-"1598. LUMBBFRlb W 6"lnl amttuodeRdela bu iknds of Lumber, Veul. <tas, LIme atte. Steugles, l'le, Md Pirefil;#)." LumbeoOf evmdOOttm drydrmi sud tudifor une* Mup1f, Bi'". .. lug. Bili uid fai rca mmita o au Iii l e i. Shiriclu- tz i k t c Lm *of- .K * t __e ot e w ns1st hrt n &,m_"aan, istirt e! V OUa. Md Toit-Vi tissa7cph f l tBai'Wns Ï.O R 1 N J pZoillP! v 1~'J1 i m.4i m COAL 1 AI m AND a