Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 11 Mar 1892, p. 6

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.1 i M i lit N ~' i t? w z, o the station jeu have dlsgraod, MAmiI hoi hi viii ennobli il one@u more. As Puter ce""ed mpusldqho vived hk baud te bis effEerg, ud lbey borte btp"a. en ftront tbé roou. Thu priaiet iD ot a moird;- but Ola curmd lftdy and bittariy Whîa lthe dark vllaaM"bëd ime Pets stepped foward and tcdk Eessiad'a band. Thoreauatsarl ihs brt @j#,ad bà isotiier lip trombled. 1 «Fair oousin,",'heoad laalov*, sot toisa «I coaid net prom ise tlb.. tbtousemuid' nt yod vich the Dû.m et Tala, te, I W ovin thun plannud that eum bould de lb. tbing. But it vii Mt h ieUwj badwu The omteai gaed .op, and Sa auru Ihanks vis upon hou lips ; bmU»l. gsh tiond tartod forth mev, mmd s" eetd..u4 1.6k tls. joyfib1elu*o osUIdamotepu Peter impmri".d ahi. upu iàbeuemb"e a"d thonSave hie htai 10 lts I md i di ,ho "4 atieI wm " ak«m estti e " -1mov by tbhle 114 ela î b vith bis tOso oncobd, aM bis euOe r, "jou bavooUo toyeurdiebtht Wh. ho, thetW hot Slv, eese lu à Moment More the slie doSr» thuova open sud a deMiedf b.*0~ auto came rushins lu. "ît" lop se ried, "jeuaie I 11is soine theue doge t" LIbes OS 0 "Ob I thoj offer -n@ ul t ofAtlh.U novi tDovu vltthehdogaf . Rold IlIt wva idimir vho spoh., aMd evsry arn droppdatb.7 huard tha" voe& It vwa différent Otho»lb olsT01*01 d board the fat moult usé bors. The d. started es tbeugb hwdbO badbluret at bis fot. f"Who art thoul bu géaped, taàgii turther bock.' u'0iga-DakOefTulia-" spoko th. moult, la IoDeswhlch soundod étrange for hlmn, b.- cause thoy vire s0 difféent tront tho» ho lied bien wont toune, ,j am' tby maitort" .As ho spahi ho tbrew open lthé long blick robe which enveloped bis porion, and cent il upon tho loor ab his test, and thoro iia y, a hugo pile of wadding and staingi Tho vqgt rotundity ot porson waa gens, Mad the. étrange man nov stoad la bis ovia fai form. Ela. chin-that prominolit h-vis no more lidden, and ho was but a mmiii man- net rnnoh. urger than tho bov Paul vho .eod near hlm. Noxt ho plaied bis band tu hip head and tore away tho tight ukail- cap' and the ring of gray bair cime iwiy vith it, lcaving a cluster of glouy haïr i. ing ceown o . or the ieuk and shouldorst ,"l'reat floci of Mercy 1" gisped Sîvotano, stîggcrlflg bock, 'litlastho EmpororI"l 44Aye t" criîd Peter, turniig bis darhiy- flasbing oye upon th. stiggérlàg duko,«Ila jr Eperor. Paul, go and eaIlb.h Thé. boy bast.oned trou' th placo, and wlien lie returned ho wau toflewed by a party ot tbe Impérial Guard. "Mercy! meroy, irot" gisped lb. dk., minking dovin on his knios B3ut tbe Empcor answored hlm net. Ho oily turped te the Sgaîrd and badu thos se. oure tbe dk. ad the foui priant. Rosallnd Valdai gazed upon tbe trans. forînid min untîl the. mtrange trutb vorkud its ay to lber troggling mind, and thon ahe turned once more te Rurlo. 8h. pied UP into bis fice, and 'ab* smvtheb. oiy imilo vhicb rested thore.Tho joyful trnth came ta. ber nov, and vith one long 1ev ery of frantie hop@ and bi. ,sho sink upon ber noble lovr'@ boaom. 8h. ceuld ne apea-mbe could only oing ciosly and more close ta ber iowod protoator and vitb her besd piliowed coe by tbe huart thab boit for ber nre.ned sul "Ol1ga," spahi tb. Empuror, if tir thé no- bleman had ben firmly bound, 44jourr&une of iniquity ia ru." "Xn, tire," the dke red, in umble, 'UupplCating tanez, ,&&,y net m. In thila single tliing I mîy have bien wreng, but lot my mail, consmfinig love bu somu pillhatien for my offense. Oh, jeu vili not cruah me with publc abîme for thîs 1 Yen vili net outt ram yon aneviho lovées jeu voIL" "Oh, misrabte min t" utt.rud Peter, viti b look ot uttar contompt upon lh. buse wretoh, 1"add net pirjury te jour ilroady se. eumulated crimes. Hîrk y.: Sou'. menthe lincu I kuovi Ilîir vîm eonspirmcy ii uy C&Pital, and I knev theru vas uuch oet ili, toc, vhioh vwiinover roportod te me. 1 ro. 8olved te ferret it eut, and te that and 1 iniant ta mnla meng My people vitheut thuir kaewingme. Se Ibâd thst robe aide, and se mitn led and vîdded that I ooold uven hidi my chi in tii steinlg ft. I asumed thu Sarb, and my av mastr.at.arms did norPat tiet knov me. ()ns la a vihila I made uMy piîgo assume the. gsrb and b ien ln Il about tiie City, and tien. ail thougit et Suspcting menie.ucnt off. I havi bien ab th. vork, Olga, and 1I-have found out &Il I souffht It was moesaccident thstt rt throv ai rw B~idl7vr th., W eo hUlL om»tvbi tqb b Ipsparut t-'l ex.etsd es a1 IRAom ii udos, ie I. 0000eWin u eI.. verpua"ed M tbulvarloiU Mdegastgu3dmeAd WMthl.i lse dtPrmeto duo pasoce vre aaou'bidaebrililisat, oOMay, aMd thoe Mkip ir' ssit vie muateret muile el, the Qnn.uike of Meowo, jmknet et1he Emperor' -fuel; "d Peter drev bswaord m ad Ihe glitt.ring9 blaeuupon ]Hurle'. sbeulderm. And #A.b. dld me ho saibl: "sArise, Sir Rurle, Duk ofo Tula, s»d roceive liv jusl titles and bonded instru- monte 1," Tho youth Mro0, paie sud trombli'ng vllb tb. étanege excitomeal et thé moment, and thon the Emperer handod hlm a broad parchuent roll, vith ita bemvy émueain d vignette bearing tho armueftîhe d ukodo. "tNew," cried Peter, vihoso bnov vis fiuuhid Wllb the jey ho himaeif vis malt. lng, lot tii. rest of the vonk go on. Cou'., boiy fithor, vie need jour help le perfora the reut 0ethlieoremOnY." Rjude vas pale ne longer. As ho toit th. varu' baud et Rosalind lrembling vithin bis ovi'n the rieb blood mauated bis brov and toupLi, aud lu his dîrk es lb.h étrange ievelilght dauced 1k. refioctod sud The vord wvas pokn-tho bond et union vu a de-ind, atter ail, Rosaiind Valdal bW bmeoDacheu et Tula. The vidow. @d Mother vwa théo Ont te bilas Ihem-and tho Emparer eame next. Thon came Paul and Zénobie, band ia band. "sAhi," poke the hippy Duehesa, e. ah caughl the auv light et Zénobie'% se, and thon turned te the glovJug ta. et1Fini, "yen are plai ng il thoe etfLove." "4You viii net objoot," whispered thi tair girl, hldtag ber faee upon thbobsom in ter mistresm. .1 eoNo, ne, Zénobie." ",And jou, my mauter," poko Paul, gailng eagîrly ImoBRuri's fac,-" jeu vili net. "Y amY." 61No, ne, mny noble Paul. If jenun wlm ber jeu have my consent." But she@vws von aireadY. Eut there vas et oeemore te came Conrad, Cont Damonoif, smemohal paie sud v.ak, but jet on tie ure road te Èimlth, mavcd sleviiy torward and tba tb. baud cf th. joyous bride. Then ho rîaohed forth theo her band mnd toek Ibm palm cf Runie,,and as ho thua held boti their banda ho sid : --My lord aud lady-and, I mu3tsmj, mY bet et friends-lot Ibis moment atone tor ail et darhness bitweea us ln th. Puat BO ,eu happj bot-and aly God bles o ju. Ltmobu mcoobned &MOUS 7jour triends;, and lut the future prove boy gratefulI1 eu be." «IAje," odsed Ruril, graspiag the CunI'. baud moroliruiy, 1'lettheb. ItUe shobw bow grateful vi e caal bu for lb. bleasinge eft lii heur; andwvile vo loch te God for hoip vo viii net f ail te remember in oui prayers the author et aur joj-aur neble Empeor-Polir ot Rusis t" And se losod lie saune e. Il mbeud- vith ono long, ieud shout of- "«G.d bilas oui Emperar 1" Peler nev.qr fbgot that moment. 18 lb. long yeaiýthere&fter, vibere bh o me. tiso lie e oudS of passion setti. upea bis seul, b. rememnbered that scene, aud Ibal about. It ue. uaci the brlgbî spots la lb. meuorj of bis youth vblob ho cher- hhbed alvays. RER HUSBAND'S NIECE. "Geor'ge, vbon diiijeu gel Ibis lettr ? aki MaIlle Headorcen, e. the glinoid labo é bebbad's acs. "On Wiiedmy,» bu miii, vtb sous' beutaln. 'Andi binlm rimay," roekiugly replid bis vifs. "Yen cirrlie Il about in joui pockct for e u@# ttva imys. Itlàb trous jour aise., Panny Atvood. Sb* liftINew Itork jisteriay sud vlbu hbore ou tie S o'lecho train Ibis mornlng, sud I.lablt' put 7 nov. Thi is ose. atof aflirs, bc?#I Il? l tvis cMr.laula me, mluth.,"tlb. raung fermer uegittnlly mdltei. es vui a hanime, good nalarmi teflov, slutr inla transd pluabin spo.eb. Ht bai a vhip la bis baud, and bis vagon, lomded vils allk oeue, vwustanding auth1e tue. mys éeub oug af l s MMittca wbIe7'.née.mué ~ber,' mmsNudur. semmi, bot "a ouc@ mersm Unte tter. " Ob, pasv," miii bhkushui vilS on Impatience unUSIal vitShlm.49 IL '1 must bavi My ilPk aI uver t stllesof lime. Wby dlim'l"be em e te rolndea most ourveat.t te unef' 01 mpp à**% ibave tavsl bers," nm ,%à"du le stayuthiewu*%veesn &MMOb u Iebis ieuM ber tsaS viltb ber -é trOnk et » mme dtmsulore, l'ilvas. ture te preiel I os e - dul merepul eut about iIb tm jeu uam.Tbeu elb baot te ahéuri, lb.ec0o10estae Ie.,b mmum jour Ioemmé, d goeiom MlY hIvu viWh" sds.&mili b. tosndtrt. IMashuni 40 rbugmd vM aq" be tIme railngisuplegMd lèe lmtua bi himiaO h.84mis havi wsd te be tUnev Itévii pem aim h&kgsj' Use hd eoew llngly al i.WeB -ge. thoél u eteln bulo ste be W tw 0" 0" bamoMt esnj.~ u 80 st@Ib Io aoblug lb. 0010104 .e w VO *lmPsi ?Mys udv msOb Cw do*% béeP ,elaSbwo. b liseab- ý oki tuoll4g drus. NetAg4mevus ompact, h«r .omplelOinbeulthy, ber air aheuI ber deomm Uersetpcoeod. Et Obuek vrs dimpici, bur mouth "micted recoin. tieu, bersoit hrown qejea deffoi mu endiuvited IL She bad volkedlveao brough the bot un, oeur a dusty road, but o'u venu bardiy havi tbougbt se, sà* looked me nat. deansud ploci. "1,Yen me My Aunt Matie, 1huppoe.?" lie sud, nla ae, iv t voie., a mle. iuk-o mng among bsr dlimpleu. "Yusç," lMraHindersen said vllb mn *Sfort. ",Your nlu tergol ho givo me jour lelter unîl io ismoring. RHo ould net nult jeu boceuse b. b.dod eivor lb. nilk ovor et tbe ether raliroai et thu heur you noim@d I au sonry yen bai te vaik."I 4,I ve.nt voed & bout ," V'repied the visder. "Nor aos1inla shurry abent ay irunk.", 'II sprainoi my asulie," Mis. endorsan sai. "1 au' mfriid I viii net bu abeut for tbree or four daja" O"TuatIobtec, bad," commisuratingiy r. Ioiaed Misn Atveod. "IB suos1vas juil to coe. I cou do ever se majy thingi for "Yem," grmiy asinted Mms. endeamn "l'il frit loch aftr thatinki," the visiter ald bmikly, obeerfufly. Sho reuoved bor dainly looklng ouflt, and thon tooh off ber munIs a ae. sud stockiug. 119is h ouiderîbly mveiion." @ho sai. III amnont urprisod,» repliid MmiS.on. doimon. *'You'l danda baIlle et liniment la tie cupbeard. yender." III vouida't put liniment on Il juilyei," misdy[WFany. ,"Have yen asu uar et l0mA10 4"Vory iikcly. Loohkli halmodîcine bon ln lieo upbcosri.There'. a Uttle of every- tblng thore, slmosO. Fanny teuni tie muuar e ofI«d, and thon seme linon muitabi. for a bandage. Shu put the mugir et liadt la a basn, addiilad vator, saeheithe bange la il amb. viapped il &round the mvolien auki.8h. vent about il lihu a profesional nous. "lThat fiole very ooolicg," Mms.Bender- son gralefn i al. "fieér. 1la othlng reduce. a i-vellini like mugir of ioid vaten," replieFnny. "Mi wel the bandage eveiy nov mnd thon vlth I. Juil yen romain quie« deaiu, sud doa't bother jeniseif about anythlng. Yon bave ne girl?" "No, my chili," Mis. eudurson ali& "lWu cannaI mford lo keoe." "l'i gel anale bis dimmer, ' aannuncud Funny. "'You'l-got-Gorge bidinnor fropeal od Mmis. Hqndermoa. Fany noticed the tu oradulilI la bar ton@# laa;hed prettily and suid: "IWhy shouidn't I1? If yen vii ll ov aie te skinmish around IlI manage le, fini tuina. Havever,Iisnm't nemridhnor lime« jet. Whou I1vient te Ibm kitchen for tho basin, I savi yen bai sprinkled thb. otbo. Shal[ I iron them 1" She miv tbe odd imîle thal cime te ber llroi&un t'a lips ani correoîly IntorpretedIl. "'Maji. yeu thinh I can't lionf' ah. piossatly muid. "Juil ven wyul sud ses. "lBut. tho dnoa jeu bave on, Misas At. wood V" Il"- 1W. sobotei for service," complote4! Fauny. 1"0f coano I'11 put on oanetfjour aprena. Whou George Hondorson returnod trou' bis ersudho huard snous one iinging checily lu lie itchmn. Ho stoppid lu sud iv bis aie. lrenlng mviy e. ieftij e. if aiu bai mpent lb. boit pars et ber lift.aILl Sis. maie mach e pretty pîcture Ibat ho tod smliiani loohid il ber. "NHov do yen de, uncie?" a tvlmkic of merf.w.nt in ber broiAi syoo; thon mhî vent amd in hlsi m, standing on lipteo lado sm "lu gimi yeu'veoiam, Penny," bo nid vith hearlines. IIsuppoe smat"six. . .l - -v-y I.d92 -et-m-t-jeu a.-ii q.usgsf madatuebU ~ ~4 *w~%~ - ~ ornA tatdô iý Uws Ipm gbq* é "t donI' hav»i art of1 'qrMlg.Iob ecu doit veil auJs* over, I have a b 0wa oOe* bit.If Il!v"rlb f ru 0- el sye4t lb. cllarvay, it vau r~ht0p~~t**WI*»h IL. 1 came bore t'eizp7 z 1 le qPe jeu; tonrde lb. horates, lo et6 " mi» wllb i'noe Géorge, Mid te ushe uyseitsotul snd-veoemne. Il ja e reMot' ' #ng te lot a. vorh, or bave.ane fan,'by l&jIi go rlgbt bock la Nov York 39ra &"aIle esons » st dowa la a chair ad rnd . o&Wby, iat, wbhat le thbe materr' ashed ponny, fier brown eyea videning. "I hoe I did't s»y anjytblng t"-- 'No e ot, jon did't," replied Mms.Bon. dorson&.bicon voie.. "I amo rying bu. cause 1Iam u auimuof et ysoli-becauso I have beau se nnkind lg jeu u nMy toughîs, I supposed liaI jeu veu nnoy nie, and hindoer me; tuat yen wouid bu boîplema, sol Bob, fiuit fanding; tsat yen"- "ut yen îbink miore kindiy a1 me nov, do jeu ot?'laterr«uptedkFanay, ber hindi uovlag cir.isigiy over ber at'. iair. "Mois ertaluly I do," ropiled Mms.KHn. dereon explotivily. "That lau'hy I confis mylajnsiiee-hy I vint to nmale amnends .-vby - "4Don't mini Il, &=tg," mI the iveet, forglvingsyupath*o vole.."I don't censure you, andi ils 41 right nevi. There amy--andin lufiel, tbur.re-lials, 'fnivo. joua, helpioss girls lu Newi York city--ad lu ocher clllcs-bat I %m noua one af tli. If I wus, I am &froid I *euid despise imyseIf ail am' gai yen haw come, Panay, sud I %mi be sorryvhen jeu go," MmrsHender- monuali, sud bomuant it My prejudicos ulieWd me, and I have boom laught s lesson. Hersaits 1'1 mt b. s» hasy in ostimating pele, espiqiur bekue I havo met tlim Vnaak HILStaufotilu tueit Freé t Pru TIRE DEÂADI>!PARESIS. THREE EXPERTS ON BRAIN PARALY- Bis DESCRISE IS SYMPTOMS. Civ RisaloWo Change Cnre-OveiwoVked iNervonsOrganiationstuiake this Jast and Ujusi AJJke Lisible ta the fugue- Nfow te Tell a Parotlc. "Do yen reombor theeianciod faces, the furtive glances, the. tt'mbling limb, aid tie sîrange ujiierieus berner whicb Thucy- dides didscribos ijie Athenias' wen that b*gly ,clvlllse i rae final bocamo aware liaI mn incompréhenaible sud Incurable mslidy liad iàrdonly brelten eut mmeng them V, -The. speaker vwu Dr. Alun MeoAne Hum. Mlon, peuhape tho meat fainons Amenican expert ln diseises of the brai n dnerves, tie Goyrament expert ln the histeric Gui- beau cam aid tiheid cf Newi York's pro- fosiional specalsts in neurelagy. He hbu mnaviored a question by îsking ene. It vas .ntlrely natural thît in my morci ton the seottet pi: mais, the strango nov und demi- ly cun aof contemnprury civilizatien, I à ~ ,d go te lie expert by vhem îucb a&e- vanîiy parties e.sRobent Garrett, once pro- sidtsnt efthle Baltimnoro & Ohio Railomi CJompany ; John McCuliliî, Bartloy Campbell, Tony Hart, and nov paon Suan Ian, b ave been treatei. "Profesienml cliquette," tut bannier vuich tradition malalus between commn enan thie mudical pructitiener, ftenue Dr. Hamilton, et course, te poak et thone ad thers cf lils patients of vion the. reiding ulamih oaviitb profil. But. for thgb lemak itegeaii iitd, tic myuterieug ave it migbh dlispol frein the minis of, those te viboni th.feancof pieiblote lýe faineat proopeots la the volDr. Heaulon did consent te make Ibs htemeuts t'This plamnof our nover civilisation à nelt infetions iko thil vonierful mlii? whlob Thueij4gu sdisoribes. It icon t sîrIhe our fon elmoa devin oven nigit or elutlb 1w vicM@%ý la tb. marketlélée. AnA in myoterlque &AuIl appeaito tte- laty, ias nauread iesptoms are nevi tho'ougily viel auderihci by the expert. "B1ut thereus a qnoslienably s fascin. tien about it, fhem t4io pycialogical Peint of1et via ei ouaî or tereu'urlablu in- au»;fremet > as a.vellas by run qti ual essece vill icol à lI 'ictl* ,ne malter boy bigi ai ho. humble his Satin in life, boy viii or bo* quiet Mie previous habIts,, oio aI ý'5enai otaor gonedrmpems, b et ~. slgce o! basru -, yetthe svtul hng il fer,, pl te have beuut e dïa > bavebmaddis irmaîl. lAvbeuo'etomb -~ ~a fer ~~ *0W Ul*y* sqýr.ahcenfusion existe linbohpflic "dn,"1 salA Dr. Dana, "about the moiaing of persiyii or paiOsi. lore amy bu a par. gml,,sly dsethe mlu ofet ny part ef he$edy o e .mouluieof ail rta et lhe body . So tlero may bte s paraly.. ii ftemus-Am5 f a prtion et the body, or atotal paralymis oe hoemu soles etfain rsof the body. Tîslast inof ten calod "Nov peresîs, the. popniar name et wbich und od eleoi'eteaing of the Ibraun,' is tie teru' ipplied te a stage of the milady vihicb remit. i n tuis genenil parilysis. Indced Ibeeynonyme are vierth remembeing . "IGenenai paralysie cf the insane, "Progessivo paalyas i fthe insane, "Oeneal pareisiad "ParalytLm demenîi. "«Tho peculianity of paresinh ibt is oemplicated by insanity, and while I have spoken et 'aoftening of the. brain' as being the terin once popnhanly applied to it, the actuai tact is tuat a paretic's brain becemes, if anything, bardenod, as the. eurfaof e tho brin tissues becomes inflîmed and con- gested. III do net hold that paeis han imou. rible disease. Whie the tact, that a Pa- tient recoeos may ho thongt bv sene te_ invalidate the d..tgnosis of nareslis, il, doma not toilo'v ta my n»nd, ton 1 believe cures bave been effected. "Paresis in coinp.aratively a nov medicsi torm, and in populut parlance the vend bus not been in use muci, if, aay, more thbm ton yoins, I believe. "lIt in a diseaseofaithe brain tissues, you etysao the mind tissues, tiese enter pornions et the brain ln whici the muit higuly devela rd cenebral precesse Ono. The diease bas ortnnat ly ankJopy- aicai symptoatn. Fotunatey ais, it h not hereditary. That is ee ot ibm peculiar. hi'es. "'Altbough there may be a pepular im- presion to tiat effect, 1 do nt îink sc. tors have alin victimis te paresis-the ac- cent, strctly speaking, is n the final syl- labe-lu greater numbom hýembers et ther profëesion." Tus is a notoviorthy opinion in viow of the roll et su4h names as Bantley Campbell, John McCullough, Tony Hart, Hawley Chapinan, Chades E. Banchette, and W. J. Scana. "It ay be thît much un impresin was net unnatunmliy deived frein the pubiicity tiaI seemi te at tîch to the goingsauni doings of penple (in the stage. At ail cvcuts, vile pareals is net known te exist ameng savige races, it does deveiap jîseif evon arnong negroee. Cases cf this kind et paresams are ebîerved nrl.btit tbey do exiat, in negrees viha hav ndenly chaaged their resîdence tram the calu' et the ceun- trv te the bule and excitement uni novel dissipations ef life ln a large city." DUE TO OVERWURICED t<ERVES. Iltla, imdeei, a milady aprînging frein an avenvionici nervoua aystemn, i deady lin. rid'nt te the oxcitement cf car modern civ- ilisation. moberaid gedly aui virtueus pen- sons, vie bave a weak, nerveus systein, u'ay in this viy fail î'ictims to par--aie by asimple innocent indulgence ina peasurea vWc do tnt. operate te, the prejudîccet persoasof ordinarily strong nerves. "But 1 mould say liai the chiot causes et paresis are the excessive indulgence of the passions, exce sarve tise of alceh el, bu- siness excesses cembined vîti vierry, uni those diseases whicb imply precedent in- rulity."' Dr. George De Forreat Smith bhs been ciiled in e. an alienist ta see Jehn MeCul- lough, Tony Hart, Sciai tn, and other et Nov Yerk's mounnully pranîinent inustor roil of parebims "lIt slai mitake," mid Dr. Smith, '<Le ia- for,u e n many seein thougbtlesa'iy le have doue, LiaIticheblight ai paneas implies mn antecedeat moral ibigbt necesaariiy. The very immoralities and indeonucies vihicli bave oiven risc te Ibis impression bave in a majority et cases bien tie symptemu mnd net the cause et tic ihseaso, ani thtact istbonoughly vieil recegnsedinlathe books a&nd by the expert prictitioner. "îlt fis afearful incident te the contemi- plation cf horrible miady, but eue nover- thelema to bu conaidered, that mea have in- lupent preusslong boitre bir rienia sus- po:t h, aid ýhe gauideg aatien ef the mns moral nature sd tic graving de- pravity oc ilata&te-viiclong mftervard, viben tic diseaehuasan dintlahanther etiage, are mysteriousy1alnid to as the causes of *poonSomad.Scauf l'-we inl r aIMty only the symptoins -tht tie frigbt- fuLi plagie wuaslroady at vork la bis brin. "Tho reml causes? Diffloul te particular- ise but easy recegnisable and weil under- etoei by tie pructition. Overtaxation of tbe nerveus systernin he h.ief, olîber bj, excessive meutliwork or excesmive dissipa. lion. Nanidnirnking, by veakoming th. bloodci ofthle brin, amy liai dte pu.- omis.Se amy, sud isai ott- dots, tb. dium ofhet bcblood vhieh los vorked sueb bave. among mnmlin i ane. mdinval "SBymuplos? Thoro uae some aurious - -a-teooobsonvid lu conactoion vith la cielonsParads. You bave a triend on au moluiulenc la bom uî ebave noosi sa m.nrbid change etflhabit ami laite ; lu bnsl. -m priait. 4 alleone.ilapersoual ldlesyu. eç&Ws& -.0ono at In fdimeil cmba 1 uil for that. But bas -ho devilope iml. mborali te? Ki1 eptomania, Perhmpe,,-eo Inieupotea wbich a 7Maror b'mqp O aum bave beu unspokabl sokîmg b hlm?. TWis a lebds 'l>o ym - oesve a fxily f the cyubàà et; as medultobug or lb. cemre. lb m enti, a sui un spem o& ô o apni; 4d ; lb ips or dlstrhosf th e eéMuslsi i ' "AXl 1em te tietrslneV ethe b.pose. umllmer veuxbu momeutoas. lu te,fa hmleof et uu~ D SI,. .dChiIdr*ti. I. tuu~Bas iilumoi i»mI Verni, gives s'Oep, mal prcmelieG WU~ndon bu ~VUXIi Omràioe' 77 Nanrmy SWei, N. T.~ WINTER MILLjINERY, DRESS AND MA.NTLE MA.KINGI Great bargains given in ail departments, especially in Winter Milli- nery. She is now prepared to make HATS AN D BON N ElS in the latest fashions having secured a first.class Trimmer. New Cutting System. Special attention given to Evening, Wedding, and Street costumes, and made in the latest styles. Ail customers from a distance waited upon on Saturdays. Ail orders promptly attended to. EOOMS-OvOt Warne & 0e'. Dry Gouda 8tore, Doheny Block, noxt door te- A. Higlbetharn'aDrzlug to FARMERS, ATTENTION, Rfavlt oneo"M the Affncj et Vlctoria Raid for the KÂ8SEY sud HARRIS Companhea. I amn prepae o b up1y Frmera vith the bail Farn Implemenat aScs aid Ternis whicii Cant be Beaten à feu stock of Zl ai elv on band. I wUll &Wakesp on hmnd Orgae, Sewlnit Machines, Walhing ma"h@%s tc.Inmuree sfféeted in th. bout EnRlih compîni a.&IBa ag ent fte saeo m f monument@ and beedgtones, both marbie m ganite. Cmii and au me butor. purchasinc ei*vwhsr.. 1J»Me V. STAPJLIS, Victoria Road. Victo Ria d, Nov. 4tb, 1891. -7-26 Thoe is Nothîng Like IL. Those who have used it say that there is nothing like Eilixir of Aniseed, for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, and al Lung troubles. One bottie will generally cure the most severe cold. It is pleasant to take, safe, sure and effective Put upat GREGORY'S DEUG STORE. Organs Repaired. andi Tuned, SATISFACTION. GUARANTEED. B. N. SISSON, i-A. » - LINDSAY, ONT. Boots, Milliuery a nd Tea, See Our great drives in FELI BOOTS to olear stock. DRJINSS AND MÂNTLE MAKINO- IN FULjL BLA.ST. MILLINERY in great vari*ety See our 30c. TE&; it is in great favor. I&M »StI4 Jan Nk8M 5 -~ THE MANUFACTURBERS' LI FE & ACCIDENT INSUBANCE COMPA.NIES. (Jombined Âuthorized Capital àdfLand other amses...............0.... $38OOOOO J. W. WÂLLÂG Et Agent, Lindsay. Districtanager, Peterberen e IRL¶ITTJRE IIIGENT, o Oabmet Mae T 800. s i i m 1~ Il f t il 'I g v 'p a i 'I i. 4' E ,& Il' 's 1740-« ffl«g by mua promptly attended to. . M". GQýTO Te LINDSAYO ý tr"o te ahow it.

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