wà.4 wu Mda h ai ls Ibat Il dose« r*O makoi bu effcadom uasti he .itit C* liver cil. Gî A".%. Tbatltii8diavoador- fui Bol producer. Gît fAwkr'.'hatlttiothéOsltPUdY' frtoew rerASeyIM uof SM.Onom q. TIIOS. C. XATOHETT, 5mb uu'et ~A COMPL TE N. PK 91 u stor e ît..hUn, Op. I Dyslat Tbm sumq 099)maube .11 onllar The Fobrar08(9) uer.VU# ostala 3« the Royahat, 8> William WLaU The Usvh <(190t)fambe . 1lal b lolasbt &Il Doek.ilsm Md Wswdealoes ~qeCopies 26 etata. os10lu «?eaw. *ubborlpItune vca.Iv.d et tfisOo@ ofa kis ppm. -108 TN[ PACIFIC'Cl.l £L sies of one vay excursion parties for 'Vancouver anti oLler Paoafioc Gait point@ viii blave on the folloving dlates; Atourist iebeeper vil mv. Toronto at 11.15 .M. lanuary 18,h and 27tho -Fubruuiry 1Oth and 24iéh, M - rch 9th and 2Srd, -April th, 2OLh and May 4tli. 1892. Kaoh.party vIli b. p.uonaliy condotot abd! meffkrt:mllbe a red tea@ lb. j'or ev«m notmatlon ape >te Tcket agmal"Expm dm4 T. BEALLa LUNDSAYs BOAT for 8eztio. Ispur bmd SertalmsBoerm,' samu, f v rtyof Arah - f.', lil ii l e MsS lutur il.t.be,»-D n io l. ,ki(Ilsa.108, am :l w,'442, t'i l udu aai.IMn46diu" LOT 401 o & l, bOh 4, 4bdam. LBdv 4us#M w. <Lady Ouilowae 1M 6% kdam iToms 1IBMü iâ0oi0 otu omd as ofmoetm. Bear For Semas. lh. h.oughIed ' P.'lshmd fSoli or ~ultoud.Io nom. ro gel, bWmdibr7A. u.mm.7 til0Ont, Finit Pieu9 ineot44 *Imoela bo il t1Illitlut w11 il lie is ifor mesevi. mta * sozaen ', o 14, OvU i. Iio Tas01 I ad a pe..1.rvksA maoi ililàmd ai ouer utson beioonlugtei "a porm 49 1a41fo ù oe on otv11 teb. borqiedmet 1,To wêe s ivso si n anw ~ IWWJ Il " U W 1 - - - --- -- - - 1s g.~~~~~ *9 koih4*pvo 3otw RN v*uhlW tb 0wohlng11va amie teod lop iW ,a hmJ ou 0sâumGrb tos loeb I boa iilm î i l lie d» eM W t gnnio t e Mluai 3. ato iaa ouàmMvnu M ntlà bto a ut tg)e&Mvoel d, Milsyp . taxation o cato aidud xola 00an6i ortébt i.b4. pa*0 tc aaoua#I 4L re lm ou? oeurleg t7 dtuttlmsthe rotiof thus toutmon ayams sdegoiat anditI istr ait thealori loaste Ï oui hc.lai qbai be juat md equitable ond la a@ord' 6, That Canada viii on mmu tbhaité vitI "iashomunt»d biIbut ata uti fhrpissent rv*mNus, hlo ieh ave te be ad u bdr.olita»" '..The lmu owaa wfrasdau edn@vtou frvenue w b. trom 16 ta,18 Millon lafrlugbàq upma tbe ln abmv laid dovu. dollars a Yeur. The direct t«x saommaiv tercoonp hbvlil be quvabl>lio $.00 6. To aUmbe ail eutsitanding disputes pr $ o 18 for." fBIRi1y of lve. vith the Unitedi Scatea, or atianut te shov 7. Trît altimatsiy the bond vhlc ow ov lihat if they aureotnet e it isbnet lhe unit«a use t thémotierlaud viii b. sevr- 00yraiment etfCanadua Ia ould b. d M aI CnOadaiaoi beSoe a part uméet tfitheUnitedi Stmio. In a word, the policy of the Liberal-Conservative Pafty is CANADA FOR 04NADIAN99 That of the Leaders of the Reform Party is CANADA FOR TH4E YANKEES. Uvwue Bere.. sJ rMai la I omnins o I& e staoi E.o a uaaing a t este etiii Omé e,. John 5aldsl ofttu orNev Rave%, 30 abIflict ed 'oc Vii »ivéComs., on Wedomutay luit@ Y" hbolk syst»e t Mii. IL y. jomtti.- Mr. Blobard Teuchbour udtiR. Matobett, OAL wbatioc Ms.eu« re nWldop Vith la grippe. Mr. G.ergaDrsrk bau retumesofrts a avimt s ,mo e...à .te pap frmihe. «w. te.od trsi la WestnOntéie. oîktoredociet nBiot. se la vatobod. T'hé veit Mvioe.01tMI storete roMt Apply te m". là. VF Jov.tt.tt. Nezt vtk vo vili haveia a tevJs ta My 0.4 vini nnt Il" tla mi bout ,îw.hie J to a.w5% vo b bu it lave m etrodec nader $tfoogist.M. onacIessItilat.ly. 110k onimd ta 30 umuesi b.Wooiford'i MUr .1e.leStapbesof LeshardClark lova. Iaaltéry lotion, Ibid by E. Greory. shlpvu 114ts: viibtlng i. aMdiOur olti -ANO iy.frionds the Bsom brotheri aofCambray. Au dtort la bot" made te vM"wtabhéc mi. Willim Molay.egodat oet Ia elou. teotery la tié Murphy sobool soou, eoo, Tarante, yUl odott 1h.e viosa la SonthOpilit. Adrv's ohuro.la telboomsa.oftheb AuI bomot vork tbat mm mi de tor mooelpuor on Bnady ezt. tbW su~it do for Qed. Mulîurcla Aremablo Qouin Wise forties If the mumlolpbl nsacblmery oould ..lî b. the omy* dut lalattiolaof @g% Ue Lii. vu vltb sne lceerlo moter tIée s ouli b. Ibill-1 on f.., d2umbsud Bik@1troubles- quMai a vlag ila iexpeai 24 1 .o sattsr vbat amm eay@ t urc", yen i r. 1"th Rodmano Marlpoea.met vlthaà eau tel le o liv. by vbet ho tatke the Isurius sooldoent a short tins. Mo, hlm log Mr. Fred Taylor, of the rmtemt, I le brflua Oum P144617 iOff O Y thé kg vwa pis& caikej aMd ouaek à i~Cêlgary. 1 o nipuisieti by Dr. Yioma f et tle Eratain aue sOureMd domt la tb. tairvWest smd Dr. bIsApin of Ltamua. Mr. Radma MiessILEHardy, eofMaripoma, retoui onalthtbh Fort 1l, Mare glati te loir, Tum.day. aets poudinga a yry eo.nj ,,able v iei fýsag"u tavrably ai 0" bho «Pet@&i ine -Lindmy vf lb ba relatives, Kmii19. sud Imite Carela, Eq., et Dakota, im nov Wlam billE. im pa cul thomme .mong 014 ldoc friends for a vMtaMd mms'auna aitolbua, tIe od Uml>.d Btta. farmars.Lut harvect ho ;à e troiens randon, ud vili likoeiy removeo ceabfor a htodir $160, lTh. mmme bluter lero wltbh ie faiptlly la thé iprilap di #pougeoua .bouRît la Lindsay for 8125 on Ivo otlitapopmny hro.m1 retdt. For binder tvlue ho pâli! lut Mr. Nabe o icalIu «m b> ><là1 jas e . lu Llndul thti vnwuoiti lait givtng op tarmng, end "Im»li .y p loyn 8 o .uotion, on Tussia,, 9bua i 2d. the viole sera a ie et hii tains stock anti mpl.ns.tm.lBu1 1 adit. la anobs, eoinmm». 1 ofifl otoeîie. et& nsrry burt dtbb oeti ii.àmotiis, buta broken sprit tir hetibo be" of otberUUcmomu. Furm lum, No. 17Ib aiao hui Thot beaulifuL glon'y oîles., 50mncl ad. e"Umn chaObplmr i Lr.k. mul% . homamle iniret inl bh, ar. b.nsha eed > b. éunse et B&1,tuION KnmMvb1,614.*4 i TIsay i Ayre Hair Vicor. Thoro te mothlmg bottor *VMMon. &r ue .& A T.L . m=ms1 fema djo on* tban thifsprspaetlen for str..mgtb.ulet tbse ivu emmsos sclp ant kmoinim 1:frontiesdandruf asti MaI. u:> Ozo ev mm l.nou M. itobtu rpten..1 I asUV"mcmi. W. l10guo., erma; Soins of *0e novy ilec teti ea tblaius u t mLooe@% M*914 Ne. 0ý, 1mmslm mls ë1sil the ooaolfe 1892 totiosasudel oe.e, md ubird EUndofs"mau"m tivS voco Inmoo suo ioniy ese of their nmabei m use film suLema i.0*uas-Oeaoa ma tobamestu ay fors, If a olouti bancs ever et 8vU3 mcmliovDsbom'% tae. nt. Sammu ami of their transaction. duruis ls yai0ti. oW laub Meuy. pulie.msyrut satishs t i l v.ii ne% bfrom LU5~no. iMi fl5hlsà«ion *0mtrié toIse. imaa. ibrTh a>.1 n mmoat woo w eu op. toboocace.Mr.R1ftwsd Ivita, fmue. I>.u't zpe"nt vith jour balli. You Eovashmam KUI09 aU mND soi sMa0i0"Wei Msay b. sui. of thsquaailty et jour Medcne, mou la«M ozlu Orang Bia ;L'WImI anae ïfyou -have ote bienmah ofyour tot bokI .cnsmiy .UwW u"M btIAmI yeur druggst for Ayors L o0=, 24 zo10 nésa flursapallIa, Md neotbsi. 1% la tboe tan. bIIIOV, blo*ownd19e -16 dard 'bloodpori«, thé ai eeel, a ta u VEo&Nu * l M mNo. o embmou* ta &rim%'.bloolir i ma TIare are stili teens-T piople vi. .mJoy à=t a"-'u mm, N]g.1M0,miseson solmga lin puan othé letoi! t fmm@mi ee lb. a &M udtairiveasa ofi némtb Amaîhéer of eue ollsglts Institutes tuduts eua e ,c as,, . N 2Mes.Mt bwriWmd bu boo m noms.tlaluoblamnlg bar osrllt %"o f «*ssay vié a lahI.'.loig MILg en sppoaL.Mine Varpret Aird. lu boo M Eblu. mrsaaw. avardda second clame ertiloalê 8h. pamusonor« -'àm OPa "CmhNe- 40, moui Moud " foià .sia ai mci «* vtb, la a esduabi mxmlmtla Inilsuljocto, md ma amailcaUa, ove, nkdlla obWs vr.. P. etobtmsItv.îhrs. marismores "mthe total Mioboli, oeoray. Ju mikOI, a" anml.r Mqbl "~~' o a n ovai Elffl pavin Liniment immsaIl bard, & sIr oiv.. mtteor allo.od lumsmtemi m b es hem oui WeRm uh goï a" amIl at biss, bleod sparte.sorbe, spliuto, ring boue, OM" ait. ovS or ooiVmero .1. V vS7, attie, prii6 5m i lsis Ion. A""mue. Ns. 01, amils on tIls usud tIrat, ssMaetc. lB"en05 y s for esé autbTe*"Osm R «né nsnflalu Woods' Iioé. betule Warratmd lhe mon vomdsrful AP . D» Mmmbsa,4m.j "f or vr mw& ld ly S. One. T A- L -mstys Om i an tory.-108017myac Oa Tnudap otlet vomI tlemethodit of mm &-,-U.US.U a X cbos. t.-M clammuon buto a W?> Soap5tile le 51,1 *U T OA rss.8p.m. The atteudamoev elrge sud sa.ryorj1 0 abT . mtesoraiIMomotwe rýmm ul Lv.à.1 611.Mea Who K riam. ain 1 samitheBp. t" @)nok ..a EO= $rl50e oy .I R-V I. Mréof im-lât.m hé . IoF"kumeÀ or1c mnnvM Eeam MaCum ose ? llei, deliverod ailre tus la i.s'Rail, o..ai ent tMdiO.l le addition thon vwu vocal smattrimtematali sois, 1' ,ewran.s. a.ia ue mué asud mitatioa. Rer. lit. oumetie t a 2S 1%1 A.Lmier, oo ogioiw nedwrm% J& 0ig. n u àome *tm~. eSeisié a olatmanaunmaoôi or uam» auuuuw, m lu i Pisaeu mdit austht sosuninova tMfs fl «8D14 Mi, On.uéstMdi Wilim "ldofOCbiuosudanth e devi! vili @tir aronai obue usmo.e àcadMd &MqflV »d Iilp yen te *it a son bbut %uM OIla vUnihur WsAnmr yen? au is li m it =01144 rytht_____________ jour oejVosie o mlasd op la% Mil ye vol -MM boulateamil ant4ar M& Nabm 9,has'OfeCamsbrer pr pom 1 -md! atm »V nomes aubain bbs- "W par r on, a par. s*im berne. Thse Saws are miade from the bout Niokle SteelBspring tempere warmuted; require Do set. W. e o h.. iu stoczk ailM inaof SiLF HARI and evoylhn Lu the BJ3UI~IYG LENE, Umu A c~rwc~c~ I~ <b I~ ~C> i M - - - - -______ I G~5ETT' !PURC 'Ji L.YE nUeS? STR . S? NoS M iy U..' uuiul. 4 uuaéomw il.ouy. OutiourM Résolvent ILbe »w.Blond sud Ibm PsuifIèr &"gAimt@ Huam omd1 bltmml<( Ino s 1 h. bkod 01au eA hffl Mh al rimmdtIbè~ .P Bm .qulstts Sie Unulw, omemu,(W ~oitu bsi aMd soMp Md rulkts"ub9rhae>,ours oWu«7 iofaimeSrltbdàln, baràax, «MYm, Md pnpydisusu ki, omp mmd biloo Unva., 8160. tropmd iby tdm PoiÎ hW* à»u oemfab o uos, Boubou. 5f8. lo "OWt.Ousain »Imuss"O8 pip 80 Ç1umatosku, ami110 lMmoImI ~~ 1' Can't Breathe. minueby ho Culieuwa Anti- lainltaav. NUngdb. h f or W" k Log. WoulI urne Konsp'o Balsa for th. Throst sud Lunc ~It l iourla more Ouseaof Cougs de, Ailima, Lomobia, Croup sud il £hroal sudmi u>g Toabe, "ai>am othu.r medloua.. Se propriltar bas author- e"5> 57drugglal 1. gl von a SauIye Boule Fa a couvince jeu of the Morit etof wat remedy. LÊesBoueMo10santi#1- à PmPt esuit. DwarSr.-T, jrom.mon Ivua v.111 VU hJarn a" bwmm 1,.4 Inymif ane vblo dld mefe, od uatil Iwadvlmd to try 8DB. hiafterulmg Wba bot9% 1 vus eE.oroall ve Cartotte Morte.. Eplitoerne,% -17-8. uind"; ay avea AuWimm%4 Pou __8 -----0 aO%0 0 O6 Sdo ido ..-9988.0400.oo do do _.....-.---------"811.035 IM. 9 10066d ..........0 00 la0 d do F&14ldo m.. 0 00 %0 0 o Ilour, »W d, oum a",.....moêe2m00 Our MmsmlPr 10 va................ 200%02 1» OorcN ePur oo un ............... 1dote 0 00 OOme Pur 10 Io ............ t01240 bubsy.go.1 owbu.dm............ -#Obote@ EarlqNo. 2pur busb.l............obeuueo jorom p o ........ ............ e e% 0SU Wool ... ......mOsoode f~ ~~~ Po Pime --a. ou. Woo ....m................... O0080Wo ~iKlM 5. p b ..... *. 010 .... 0 .000 ---------. Jm. a bto 00 gemur on........... ....... -e 01 9 in o an 1 Portés.i10 te0 VhS ma Pur..a.... 2 0... a 10 Abab. _000 0 00 fusée»o». Ju . 061l Pr-la Pet 6**: 006920 1*pmp*é . . . 0 SI1. 01 801,............. 000 t.008t .. .... .. . ..... 0 00 »%0$00 DrodhWPéot .....- 00 fa §000 0"M s.por * .......1.4...ea 01 e amopS M........ . bl0 (A . 601.00 4 s>,pt s... . .. 0010 t.000 mOdomn, .w ....... 100m bu 026 auiv, hol.........- .. .. 100I te ie Veola. i. ur ........... ..0 SIS1bu,0os Tsn0 SeO te odeke O-io-% u Ice .......... 180 te410. ............8t bol00 iams-Puimi...... . 00 I lM0 wJI*OWtn.. été 800 8té 5bpall.........000 dot 800OSeo0 T<wkburm & PrutoL Boots, Mllinery ud T Su. ourgreat drives in PELI BOOTS to clear DBiSA ND MANTLE h PULL BLAST. U[AKIfl MILLNERYin great variety See our 30c.TEA; it isin gi E:; LItS liltala li. l m 51-ieuOlef 'Dl asgbt ~ o The Publlic -deairal 3reat d.vor, to tht bas beq ai the Issu eI Thisa ,&ppro' *upon'q *te repi xation t ati think, tage cl $ iicG t urer t OUR ORIÂNS. PIÂNOS AND SEWING XMF~IES are guaranteed superior ta any others made in Canada, and unsure passed by any made in America o no sale. Samples can be seen at No. 170 Kent St. West. iW. . OGTA N. GénérmaAgent, Lindsay. NO'rICu-Vmsrs. botem& Sima. , Braidoor out et thé Daley Roua. .wi'1 aeept cah fruni patis evtng me,.a»d givo iscuipts for the mare. Nu cwodit vili ho allmw-d except roospts npradueti. W W LOGAN, hi m&auBr,&owI'* York' (Change 000 ~ et Oa. ac P rb mvutm.ms piu m msa au dSUS00 iadl ord mui OR owuf'mvam Tbmre un m mn a I1have reoently purchaae WwW efnsl Ibo um, i bain u&e iat a rate on ta V»md fIc f.a imuai '.11 fom iar ailfnsm ho utld d or mile. a Uda> a chbwobsm - vavenlsas. Ver Initia r - onuurs a- te.à, lA[0130, Im4&, "osid In selecting your Christmas Goods remember my store is full of preseints suita' le for everyone, young and -o!d. -Cail an d see theni. Remiember the place, No. a Ment' MIi. Eam. J.RIGGS LINDSAY SHILOrHyS ÇONSU M PTION CURE. TMc esces Iùs Grftt CeagICuisje vitheut a pamaiel in tIh hm*"et metilahu. Ail drugst nae autiiori o s i t clike. a pou itre ginmutee, a teut that ne other cm u r n u cesull stnd.Tint it may become kuevu, the i'reprietersa iiCIt a ormS Sipenma arcm Sar leBotieFree into e.cryhome anti Csnada. If ySn have a Ceugl, SoSe Thiot, or Bronchitis, us Il, for àl viii cur yoa.. If your ébild has tle Crou, orWhoopiug Cub,*asc it p 2 "d= atirea biais. If y.."a ,,thatr inadjou disos CIOMmmtu macit. Asit your Druggi for SHILO CURIE, Price îe cts., qe cl.ti' *î.oo. 1forL1 are a=ror Bock klame, lms Sw1'.Pos mlfaster, Puice 25 ce MÂPIJE LEÂD'. x OUT SAWS 8,Mmm Wh.tao liI veumm lvy . 1-m ~u0M" of Busiu-es s. d the. Hardware Busiriess of R. D. THEXTOI le dollar, and purpoSe ta carry on a ]iar dware. in the. Me store, Business No. 22 Kent St., one door EBut of the Benson Honse, I intend to devote my time and attention excluuively to tht' hueinepii, and prnpose ta introduce new ideas, mev xnethods and ruew prices vhich Win b. more ini acordance with the. progres oftheii. 9th century than has hitherto been customary in ttus in. of t rade. I oordisay invite everybody whether they are bui)ders, carpenters, mechanice, farmers, lawyers, doctors or poundkeepers to cal and get 1 quotations of my prices. THIS WEEK 1 arn making an extra push on SPORTINO GOODS, and amn prspared to give the. very clSe8t quotations on Powder lnd Shot, Cartridge and Shelis, Wads. Primera, and every other requisite neces- sary for Sportsmen. Sports, corne and me. me hefore yon buy, and with your pernhlaiou 1 Win make a pcna plicatonthas vil remove the. coe beb fr omc yo uro pt i ca. J.ýp Luaiay Set. ut, 18OL-1798.l Hardware rchunt, No. 22 Kent etreet. 17 9OOItm OI, ijKnowlson Brosi 18chool - Books AND mOTO 8A, METHERELL'8 »ui g k&u w" Real Estate, Insurance and Financial Agem... $5750 wiii buy two étorêy solid brick iv. tenement ferra3e realizing 36W rent per annu, situa.ted ine centreofo toua. A comi inveatmenî. $4000 will purchas. one of the fin. ect realencea in Northi Ward, with twe acres of land. $1700 vil buy li storey brick tiveling anti addition@,coouveniently oit. ua""stu nNorth Ward. $lm00 iii buy either of two brick dting, 8and 9rooms, luSouth Ward yuwil buy brick ('ottaze in South Ward, Ove minutes valk from Pool We bave toirsale ant rent aolid brick, brio% voeeed and fuame dwellingo and vacant lots 'a ail ofrhet 1.town, at prices and on terme toett is ants ef any lntending pui- chant. Cailanti se oui ists. INSURANCE, W. irepreait ceverai efthle stronasil Eiz IbIan ami uirlmInmammc ompanles and plime Pire, 111eanti Accident nio AtI OWn rates. Ve #js amwa4., *0sBEAVER UNMetS KI!OWLSON BBOS. Aisi la 189 end en MostF in rcqî for ti by a. develo by evc Canac the E lahore tinue our sel under power luyhl occupi very d to.day hung from limita yond etrete cess. langui titioli. posjtO dÀrawe Ing toI We its agri tianber nobler mnarkel the Au to trac desiroi but wE we ini You a by mai under, and gl gave prospe courag Our gr the fai the ar wages qnick( age of treasu carryi te the counti Tc work, terred enta; even ward morth tien -e prou f ringi Th, from img form i over, to ret Subsil tO E L Wes t the e. avare of of rm necea oc'.cr donc that, worlc :and t tihe 4ms d i 'ý 1 li ", *1 ri C 11 w 'ý, y ~W*O pAtmom s t Py a bMegtblt gonfris etOf chà"lu ths j 1.0 i meuhuAto.. tUw ebesuE.& U WE7.llc = oc 1<t1th y 0 1 ý I.. ý 1 -moulu --- -1