ê ¶ .$ ~ 1891 Business In ont ruisd pnsla W ottsoppre ohé ,.au t pttru»PU ni bhj ave 817Mem tut4ub Thé cou*ide gr làtof ouib l.. wfth yOD? k1e bashm uh la 1s» aggreMate sia ato ai1 Thié lucrure bas reduw ed b.percetw of wcrking expentes u4 nead cqr ah11ftyt7 to umbb h,00 Vwtlbré- fiabie auods té loy or IIIU Ml Bcb asubstautial favors aue an evidence of jour confidence, aud show éà appreolaticu of our efforts 1 ser"e lu the future,as in the time oue bey, ve a.!! edevor to marié the trust you repoise in us and 10 Prove Our businss c urse lu general ha boai nt been mlsplaccd We as!!try sai bertofore te make ever outumunr a friand, not by saitl wordi, but h anes)sd juil dealn; for that way *ies 1prosperftr moi mutWa Oursat lato keo> p pwthlbthes. EvYMneed lu rovement linah. appliances sud tools tu"edlarour trade à ansd vil be promp%17 adopti cd by us. Favorable cbsrnflu nhe markcet vill e taken advutse of, snd unfavorable chac mI~ld so era4aipossible, an provicid for. Our «erlenoc of fift..u yas la direct tousohiththe peoMeof theidlmu< ,district., our i sning s. jstW. *wurkmenl, oui large sud bandsomell furnsh.d store, ouctalumg a splen- did and vsried stock of goode ln everJ âne vs bandit; Ou~ I equlpjed workshb, si1 to rcoormeud, onum ouse luis o ou. tinued favorable notice. iWe Invite aur mauy frieuds wboac <suer. oui support base nablc us teotk our preseat position, iWthe é :à~ $udge our course lu the pensIsas a esinesgtofo! u ur eticultu lths futurs. Britton Bros.1 Foot of Kent Street. Lindsay. Jân. SOh, 1891. Sutmo'rte eame1*5 FRTDàY, .i &NUARY 9921lm à union cf h. arm. mci a cnm uo h" àAunionDo- u e ver, A union cf bommeas sd a unies of Lamdb A" th 10.4ah, BHamou lUNION, love." ON PERJr. The Qppoattion speakers rus b atheir national instinicts are revelllng lunsianden, abuse sud vituperation, After te con- vention which comînatel Mr. Baurn aai Fenelon Falli Isest Frlday àIl 0 bracung vintry breéee a vitols bour te Purily t he plaqe aller Lie 'anuitocral" bal depaît.ed If vo are rigntly luformed iouceoftheb apea4e, notabil Mr. MoLuugla sud Mr. Barn spoli etof te "puijury et certaIn parties in conneotlo i ttthte voteri' liste. As umaliIbeir uttcnauocs vée genèrsi etns tances bsing <ieu . Limt weeks WÂzw n talue aua - mmyof the r.sulte or thecourte o! ravi- sien for North Victoria. Tiat a*beb an inex ofthé . Mount ef 'ýperjury doue lu plaoing nusom the Aupsi liste. WMilOuir réders kbsdly tellwm l a revtew Ibereof Lot usaise estthe orclbillty on oatb of "h uneMr. iL J. moLlu vho vue @ -s mts inanute tht mu k. J. 13. Déscre or Mindn; J. IL Kim ofbo .kJ IL avEmq ef Oobooouk; Joha T. Gilmou of Galway; J. Lyle of Lultciwo.t; Jas. Wilsonasud obt6 Ooubsom emu.K.. mount; SauxuoretDairymple; AI=. Muoaenmory sud J. 0. Kilo of Deisce; 13ugi R47-Jam. NoOfi, sMd Dr. Wood et Elden, vocULdéiae."vM üthy 1 Mol belleve U) b. tsueéAt OuMM » v appilel aéid lb.eDams of joeph &ovs AS evuer of piopeiry84. Sbire"à Po%" Msiamply gave th. es"t. f la byM. Broya. M. aMeLiqo&aOP,' LNOW GOING ON. ¶ I I 4. 4 Dot au 0 th co POODlichargées ins UNr taàiutp vequlbave boeen pushol aguiat Mr. Banron Lad he not uuconditlonaly auuresdered; and th" 114 net vlsb to lace thSf. Mr. BancS pp a ots ofthéb. rIal sud aàlthes i .vit ite hogave sileac or we diue" vho ver.lua»Y v»Y con- uoed vidhe e.tria A* Bily Welsb c Stembepe; George Robeat. t (mbray; the Smith"osboys of Bor"Meiih; W. B. Warreeof Vnonm Voils, Mmd _""uy es, oninn h dkd . W. bave lS cvrlyo. Mo youi qv b" ,du bo knev Liee pouti a. for letb Mr. Barrasc sW dune oVere Tua termes et thé vlday me-doebv eve esc.l et tu66 ulme M. -lm MOI. ~, ~ v oeoe &i.lapai, 8 0 to 330.; Congous, 15 te 330; Assams, )olagsfcom 16c.; Speoial lino in Japans at 210.; lioice (Jougou, 330. Rote.or otherwise will please call and settie at once oontinue tliithe whole of the Stock is disposed of. UN DOBSONO 1 "gsMMdITiit -i Thons tw , W u h MM âsnd. w r - mm show tlueN-"n fer " 11 1 The kem. lb relM ooru eadesY about IN " D bell sçàao. sMd wheu 20 4t etp.rjury" Ain tdehm faceà* eabcorom*a 'f41f5DQD5 jwrht"su ]rysoe,8 Ibik for Oqe Doflas; hoïo ....Th. »M hecresuirote sd #4 hms80.;Briw japoeI8 fom l50; Tho show wwdie, "Tub e h.booie w.w s0) atu 'Vote feu Ruphe"-te ah.advilesof Thonue r.h theî sessetbus O.tu Th.rip>pe w rul. Mézy eleetors lunlNorthb*kttrnahoeI Who rv*'totes te ý fi meI'WM Ï oorc> temp*ed hi ni.e. rroa's "t& ue -hi. oe as rsseve.. ot"za7 iaiam adiu$3 Aled la es0dees of aggutb hi. *;Yvet e ep is. "-0-, i wOf KwVEarM«'s IMonde RU*iu 1bM a p8rty xhuem ooui yýî, am i prith,.ir AB u ' ti debted to* me LI te forreçi thé ridinaca ore . WW blce ~~w r'>' - sben i a" buy itP hOa. eSit appérsr omb .a time vu. bal eaçeqgh This, prouh et govemuent gang. lajeasr at aay prise. lu "18ali bevrm. t~da $W*by aide, you Tories., Ihere ls îghto Bsop ioyo v.au ii l. sovcal eleeto,. have told us tha the Do botter piani f t aitcaot injure4ielher ciothe Thi S ale is bonsfidet end wilte Marh nêtI a d Orers hrobalosWr e 1lmmbste m hoce Mré h oad ades idumm or skis, no muitt.'ý hov fil»eor M votd ferdeicite. Try it. eewaire bf lau- Sushesé. Bot while thalltg truc of msmy ~~ tations. 'rat $hm W. oe Otheon Who undeubt-J.r n i TRa 'y N t h Vittpplug mode» 'au t.,t"We lélé1hf' mcm J O 1bf* qé a or0 éfco t E LEOTI ON. »,"± m 8asnop.amdMudmafhlj -The aaoucim 4lbTa WM rofo h bribes. The etber litplanha l.elota u orh u reft ue the wotW fe wld muoh UB$EETIGSBooth Victoria, v* i bld onFebru- a~opt ite romyPUBeLIC MEETINGS iie~ h. Ernpiffe ah. LipOay. lau 20, 1892., vote their owntvu *wol obM M uope prof«? 'M*W l0.* efuthe bah.bq date bu b cs se the write aue b cgiii s'usoent I *bonby pli in lte ilutslof Bt eccvedl for, id orthe iat.o ,e r e gob&The «sua epeotati boever, th"ia Asm ot itraéitrsald, "11 vIMWl! be. ea ,. rcr.s .1aubee vcrv doUai Ba3rrmor bitS ~IAM H.LU J 'S LLJ end nns naietk uoit., frtuicReqe~lý..11 0"11vetp lot- *- 'N wiord holesq.sed adoug the in* . IAlO baie cadiah. f inbsrmBi ____________________ ~fer the Thnossu U e.b:a ora.- - ~ te.d rme.cdy. Woo!d ybaslisetas authpls'.dby ah.prepi ethucau Mr. Barron is scekiug tb creats sympa- i Bil ý-mir>qoN-M&y, Je u ~cfo<v e i itl ie tby lu conollon vithit bs belug uscte; Usry h. I1 a..to<eeU broul t.ah la b Dr. Wilsou's chaitable , Q U OH- O , OMERMdLLE- i alys . qeWe have just ru~ SU.. Tâtne xaineth fit. Il Mr. Ba- ueRKIdaJaa-uary 201h. 2".*bcme àelte te meb n vs ât uisfed iththedocsio ofhoupa tooteiore n eqmu Il S ugatrs, *.Spices, Rais leMg o bti th the eoflppin of tâce r- redsd * ,, v.' i. OuàEZitLtNOakuooit abge ut> u trt om iesi»coude Etc. We keep the largest stock of consultation amoug 8. B. BlakeQo., FENEION~, 8çulesatof Sturuimelk* ?mom bave oïlb»B 18s19get teaI bcdp J.ThA.sdT, Jsusr28oh. aetp tgfu t he <c«M# Mid thieNgbt Wi Hugh ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2=1I d'crQOJ .BnoTa.A oh c th.e eemsud ibtugu vere Stewart, D. K, Andersan sd . J. Mo- GILLODPU-W,, ELDON-Pnidsy, Jan. <tli ahtebe th b r ta I*uihlinit VM, doidé ý t ý"Wop, e uà7i29h. as la everuâtsaket lit..ah.n, htita @Ponge an v s eed l t tre u-h .1Dn Oc. he o..théerwien md the vpor, te.loied ami. Spu e u pt t lo eta of the ca s. lmi. -h d.pied.a d the b tuof d tth i b ain gF D 0.1.,, Q.O0., told us il wui nobqatonaary Jdnr A. MoGillivray, rapd.Pct ep T cases, whsre the otier aide"tbrew Q CnéOf Tronto the aeuge" and that k would look. , i..'viii ad t, W RNÉVILLIC and wm a aeau W$ve aeladon 10 amnonce W. have always made Te&. our leading art dile Thuilore thoueren r. > 1RKE IJZ meetings on MONDÂIt te. sd ademi if lira. William that cor stock vas neyer better assorted ths .8Çh11 as Ibde ve. ~. ~~«-asd TUESDAY evenge. Twl.M od &',rvat..uo de-parteil faorbl ki' eaý,éÈàu tèqob ýor1 ne out' la ium.cauWaeidqthe 18-bhtui.t lr1ýw1favraly tu tien vith thie poisons! changes noue vers Meure. MACDONALD. M.P. fori MgO. b.d bain 1ID for ses. menthe ws u a ; tieed Bu M. arrn ar, sd asma, COOBRÀNE, M. P., NoithunabeI ro brtuhome, Liff )rd,tohua rute'soliuto ouly. BotquMr.2 aise 10s, ad waland, and <thersbouides the candidats, ehis vlllsge, lu a te gpiuthe adrantituoof .111 uc t go t a &loat; oiaddrecsithe eaq.alags.mdcleeee bebroie ei fuither, bc valve aIl right of appesl, and semodae haa dcmdl'butd iua y4e la~tia.. A B NANZ .I tri aooept unrcssnvedly the decision o e. ute méi urnb'k viid"i eh bosaWs salp it h rt5Ugn juosIliug D@esaselvus ighty reepéotd Ly Ife teouis ere as simple as Mr. Bar- - al vh hsebal e iseur ofknoig ber. ron and bis friende vould bave nus b b.. Mr. Bairen or bis representative vii h b@ ic ca v bmud,al atare r ci e dld heythrv Upthespoge? iauel ais .armg.friSs %0a t.m, r 1. leuar rdmtimevers This deprtent is replet. with a vauiod ai lley..~~~twu vltunne t lu 7b Mrye metarv, lva ac hna and Glassware are all new an( WVly'i n1 ot th"y appeal, reverse th. Meetings vijl!beginat 7.80 p.m. Ti- àsf, b alere coooome.. fer" judgea? dsolslou sud reain the seat?1 Iu ladies are cordlaly auvlttd. uyinputemv e Nié u ca bsbr ame sputamthera vould b. no râsk. Bad A..8TAÂOKt Mrs. Tw a b 1E5mm Mr. Barron appetled he vnuld bave been s. r.eany. Oum of his ocmiSe 8f al iowi«eo 1M et s oldhaseios ovnee t - . W. WOOD, M. D. A certain uluiter netfarUr om Smn $1000 Tha voud hav covnel z~u-President. BDaOUUo ihmbAipul kt on a =e'z4~ sseappsal; sud b. voul bave stood synt shov of reverslng thes decu. God Bave lb. Quoes. d hametflitô "I have a n eler.*. U.Blsha sMli 12wvasoee, and it. ao ui. et. es Legrit gW"my of lawyerisagried it vu 1'What a vm..wI,ue-ut"Mkd 0ornesat Bhowle-Wby do ffou swallowth fcym vruir, u olruittom h-kowlobu mp o thb11I., i te. 'h du op gwhisky?1 It doesntquench ycurtiu, E lA l II* deanacglna lb,. T.ykewacvbtj mni ro the Staîe,"vu th$prompt dosé I?- & Provisions XA.. ~evda ohoice dscomprising insl Currants, Candied Peels, Grootmries ini Lindsansd therefore eau satisfy your rnts to perfection. £BOUT~ OUR TE AS. :icle at leading prices, and we, need flot say more now than an at preseDt, comprising ail our popular brands, so well and ws throughout the. whole county OHIINA, CIROCKE'xlu-RY ÂND .AS8WARE. md extensive assortment of Fancy and Staple Goods. Our id beautilal designs, and at mach low prices as were neyer of- md ini Lindsay before. BIlhIIfl f11111! IflhTlTIllflfl x«eeQmhIl? won, I should L UN'IUI hflUUI N UIhINU 'hp 3nhsEt dda~1.111 1awearlmng. 1nu LUUl 1un ru, lns-thel bu@vsryNI% .> »boa't %0 Ume b cornefor a peat att«e " Wb:ct k on à, m mtwr-o .ct uject, The.idea uppermost ini & rtc il is Bci es~ mimb la t. o methrno d s vioeble t the. voy loweetprie.. No trouble about deciding ua yo a go ouaoeab tagetdeiof #=thule l deoadizig what fi mwil do the. beat by ils Ihe iua«*flftessrOf au h ofubsa. AimtsWIIaL. TRATr'TO THE POINT, IS IT NOT P ue fwo&a mmf=Mtay I it vlu vhae the Qooda té,ake th piouthat willbaok li.statement eer me àI d rAb aeR "ý' e_ m. ml~~ iialAs Mmy ~interesting domestie changes talc. Lh 3mr W bv C.&:-te, faciàtaIs Ibs emats by offering our large stock of *~ ~~1ïý 1 ad,~poal . Fancy DMud0006 m f* é1plou.PrimM tbmet the parse cf ail The.big au « M "0 mceasiWhs t éckm»st. bey y.ur ~ Pur Qoala, caps Olas Pbole89 uisCapes. I. £ . ~~0&Si* ~o ti e~ a w bq ulltie. «ta prSpectvepurchmaer bêdk a" )U LOTHING. Oag 'ibr «Mon f every conceiv- pfltlino cf the .Goodu. , os, margins ruWe DY, 67 Kent 8t., 2 and 4 William St., Lindgay. I 2 i q v t I f; ihi~ mi ~ 1v I f i1 I I 1 a 1; t Il il I fi a a 1: y e' b a w t! h p il ai w ai di vi Ca mi w: ¶ aJ~. ha hi Jo ce 11K O' miii 4If~ :1 Mi IL