* avq"w ~e,'-,* .'- ~ t 'd ~ 4 *.*.àIM,¼ p .*-~ç,-1.r,' ~ r7~ - ~ , ,- J 'esi 4 s, ~ ~2$'( 1&O~D» J 's- , ~.- e ~I3L~ TNXt QV HIS LItTTEP re tu om6m et. M4AaWW e.OusS5*M XQ prou" Iom OOD, mS 1W, t v bAr=stjvF6.2 ëb = Oz ot for 'nt DR ast de. ori ixtnm4borwesi I*ialn." tirle e am rot. f er tiese 5t1g eit of oUtr sud lmenty armi uwU wlslci long ltrvai Pblig ni usQ laly oseaplsMy sUme dtsUst Tiseré luais i tebe doms &Wd muite ly souileiset mayni siiariça!qgs adume ,,sesible o I selooe ual ts a. patience a1 .11 'th~e leurs hmbas U'SMi leau$fM 060 flormly Wiro* .jorv Uem fiîi is short ramai du 0 f aavis5a 1 mouiti Min laberSfor ber, s 0ésevabr itg tisatIl tise lgit corets ssahu a rou mark." ,1,bavebe u iu eule tala i te meat uts micistise habite &Wsultérue nf i m 1e are tsrwoyea;Ad as th ie du- 4i es et mnîcis I bas! arroui ta dfftt tisa lulk aifsw tiiç. fleutute leLeve P~ltIaiLite à IRE-NOI&INiTiON »OL WEST ])U*-, HAM WOULDB MY GRBATEST PMUZ; 1 lbe ge-eram 01o! aur osuftciIon i vI li flt a bitter pang. Thoreione I prey you 4o toe sus t hat lt lu despoudency ai ýthc eltInro t pasit efforts, or pneterence for ignoble eu»e or orditi toiti, or indifference ta yaur mt frientmhip anti generou onsaaaetisai' bats sm. ho uachtie vltldrawalo m tao. IL la due to bath of ts uhat Yon bu d kituoi my reauonu. -.Ir*l5restve of tise traie queftoos 1h 14 Im'portant lintise interest of our country tisat tise liber*l Party, oeu Il itfaîte win Ibm eleation, e uentiet matalauAMu lncrme Itiis Èrhuuin aordor toe e oUI rient disabargo ai tii. greal genei dottos devolvtng on lt-dtiles t tua Momeat rat Inta tise sisade; but mouet the leui se- sential te, ithe public goos!, 8. Tet, plalny$ heIssulae ii cstise Party bas isagisifit tede&ia forthtisudsg- maent a teelectorsie le tlaatof Mme.- tnlced Eeslpueiy, or absolute irec trade ith tisa Unitedi Stetes; an liue wiia lis euliesaaintalu.d am "tise sais psnty plank " ever aine.hiraiu put forward la 1887. 4. Ben; Ai liai lime lu Europe, I irete, andi alter amy rtn, iully utete t talesd- ing monMmy viemu ou ibis head. It mau agreedt al nsaitise condtians Phoulti change, h voulti clearly h. n*y duty, mises callei upc. to aMsai tise se«- ptitueuey, toa use kuowu uheueneya; but tise dsir. mes expreasesi,. lu tise party intet, thai they shidutinot lac thon pub- lie lied. lnviusg sdecd ho to ed tInaew mtai ni rny bilnda, compatible miiib o»nr, Agd hapins agatnsl hope that soume taraet rene ruismgit amellorate A SITUATION TO ME MOOT PI"ÂIJL, I yieded ho this i. atey, isa aprovinciat- oectiftln -au iamsupuant, aMtiur luth session wu# sppnoacing, I ubonght 1h rîgisi t evy t o tisa rldIng assoatitou, au a badat for fliacueulox, tome bmiel htlzatiaa of asy opinion. Mold BUas Mt te Hurt mes piende But, on tise statemagt ef prosobtuani pea 1bt liiIts Publcation moulut, ewsn thems B5E DUTMIMENTAL TO PARTY M-M. ESTS, MY L=ZREIwu8 E14I 1IÂCK 1,oÉ À FrW DAYS. Pendlne dtseusmlionu on tise nattér, tisa .1isbolu4ou bau been proclpiaieé4; me sAc »W lu thse uroge ai the eletia; sud I teel bouad tii tgay coQldeme ho you aloust t-day. 6- F-vft ie etu es!, by tlhiina.. ItIon et esoeuttal political cousealops5 1 te imspe" urin, our triade and flN Jpolie romins à VA46t61uà coanpleîqus* flu ton anmcih i la imposible, *h1u, tie libiito of an Istdremu, ta gîTe zaussis mr l'hanigoeral concluions, ouittlaung mas qualifications et tatemesi adinkIts of sgumnt. Of ttce Conclusions aeme are ilub. inature apeculatl-ve, andti aldemantrabt; abtii tissur cstisatioi n. o bcli e jmm ruodulleslor uiharded iiy peUttl au a MI, t inentai ai mOUAi suooiueroist am u es comté coualderetiaus amg! iy evsgt4,igqWS beynoui rhjeut*ad our COMlOL.ý' Tiey are stai tebc by nom m ed rsttcally, muis mai44 h. assurd rI~ offilias lise but for'essçtp la pe on douiul namibers, about vWtlh,,isut tho t4ms ailoedil lieuse mg» b",-b.n moert prudt ttiseseec. $0a misprsuhséd, tl-ma jetêt e llom>,m wwwesaels; v* l.tub41OMM toi si Mrsad euh ib WM komit, bt o b Mdlvw dorWatU v. %mthy tga$ Wb itah.git debaugil eis#te b. £id cr siens eth@ Publierai tuMW meeau. i-Weegeetit tu oru IT as titromt 091fiflu suepbyluomte opie;mli *s isla, elg fcs sud pa"tiuIs oltz *R~l IaIt rned 11lieb urobade tiie; ou ru @10* pri ieoenl» e aeral e * e, er 401Woed eaasht.uol ait coie ler pronsassofessedfp. - "bidd<;fu psssum mi"ti ofh it lo e »"r fatonugliMr o Ou rai *r liui , uuuutg a - udlype; olainlu; ur vi.a MMna lacIs an4 pan. opuot ste tsaImmée as t8lstund r moe elmu ht 5Oy5 pophulatin&185mora dMigiOuha séitur and aist r ioua ituosed iii ta suIw80 seuet yanentesu.; n br«tgef ald etspar1chidrOUsu RI. Yte S eveu l hdeupacr ai trecs. 44 ' te a g ondit in U j;e Dotedontt dsut rauspe t er actan tiscail ru P&e ur es, as yand aiuoudevelopeel hmbod putop ueilmoalgsd riicuM fai anorsd hosnrble, vtfon aad suiire.t courage, mergyanti eternme;ofluh tii besanPOt.i m hiechlian sU» aulsfo oura tho ap~k itoqaaarlfn i~N4ruiUconditns ai lanol lit Oft ho me adontialas frotua rotecsIi dreai, fasCse ti iivitacunlate , t Spirtourettr add ameiti auriss, toien iad y ecti romaineftr@us, deupiteot. v vocëale peut efre, eme le or eu semlep as ecmlghatonce haeopeti, the & tt le a te onorabehdigulle Uani eral p0 erte gldand ah ous aiiseou. oint PrimesItInlincisre ativakne efo 99Caur Iaprai. n cnmkrvlto Ai nui, ate i ti retiv lu rtale Of thoei Qwan colonialdaofîcoloal pro. Theinctru sudof oedionisbts Toes I Pansi pOtoclantu tahotie Casirl aryt mlttaading-tin andla, I eilte po nete scutai 4rospet tt se ople wo ti aOf t uggle e dmis tisers iera apsrly lu pppod, and Muchtesaîr Cu- chir l ast&luge ota tue bacit r4 -f*r a trde ft eImpose pros ues WbYuleh shahedi oiy rkosinîcofluthe cfms 0 the Oulndireord, 1piicl on r. ouy bepis et m tood=ah l Tise hncresueot foeflgu maultreti Who lsit.4 isbaté Mii. a siff na ar 'JP&aUmeut se morkuiMay cf tieorti; st.eber utendc&aii oramyprs t . CIew»M «N et feau 611d, ant 1 aaaue tiser paes, eone olta atnelle il ve dO*ienatlu hie greet and est ton;Mise enst aly detokisndu todcesrai h is And#; qdo4,prietat 0 tl0 d ma bs lison cuete ugesindameiC sonesrixrg I blp prefuld ; be moners eir Wther vIb ire!.tiiangueiit fer eveing;" x1ïer Maaetdeory famyneline te tise uggeied enieiesbomo ea nulte 0=2 Pauee MI7.1, fo el; isai, - cauot 'yotht le V~ ia b iis ta oiti beei db asf mowbl sitah fsetol y- a-eldaill l *miÉ ola ter ou, eomercWinde- b~ ~ ~ i Iswt-b1iIguat the. lii. tr.ds qtioc hrvolres that- sttieWoua jI, for whleh yon 4M, u witb whib o edo« 6_1bol01« tbat quer- "19 u vas. $hsv.s~ (40V 4U BSloiIS leqIn 0 nUi UO W Fi, sydster lad rs > *1 i. tW>'orS en ai s10tu,te b.pý l w tboul t- agr th our s lev .,0lie ka.bbe àd u e io prfsu àlhio li *9*rItvl lx- *ties ult tV4e e .$P~ r fet4s r-i fro the =git r«ud b7Wh ' ouse - dm t #06,14 st4uo, q r#s at »- ever 1mporlt uuig» tý#*"ela .v*eble ta b.- us for revenue purpoue. t- Atbln, differla rat 14t. OI' 1131 Su red gaado', o 'a çiauu slao ,producod si = orin lb; tet@srvewuld .pd a w14c *, door to fraude on thse tZauou. fhs 1goode ré 01 thst clam botwo*ha t. wci ouatrle- a door which co*1d be bi,.k p.rfecti gr bsrred by 1àt~uo, vosg>4ua &» st rigoronu eurbemexlnetlonc lt the it comittry of orilu. .0 re Riom* a COsuMas Tai#t th~ le sin ataly prectical snssu dosu .ubétau , lyIuvir., inet ouly difet- extIol dutiet, but À. COMMON T&PFP ~.Unreatleted Eelptohlty becesua, lathsum kIta redeeminsI foa$rm., *DU?7ICLT TC DISTDiGUIBil URI OMMILUN. %ION. Andi Commercial. Uulo-.Utamul g a *COMuiOn tArt, ^bolauhag hternetto.a )f cuternboumnuegaaid lvling théetotal dution A bet'ween the. two',.outrWu la opwed pr * portions-lu the.mmr available, porbffl dthe. Only avUllbie plan. lIt iuch mom .likety to 'b. amcptas! by i tbe 8 esand l$woWu alo lvea4an. Stags ,lr Cusaa, luboth tié tlie d u the ven0315apectu, 0,cr unetilc0fRe ricprocivt; wbljw>. Whoelali1w teoscmrntg ni substantauttaoeutl ,verenv iarlfw"ud *provtde .1111 leef do'qt*4ebr for our re- venue needs, and *wotld greatly hamper ttrade by It. utringeuit cuttowi exeaian&- tionf. 17. Perussxesçe Ili the Dew relat4on ln of rhigi couseqsnco, bath dfret.Iy c4ad indu- rectly, te thc agrieulturailnlteteat; and la ab"utely emuatil n ordet to ecure$the 1,11 develepment of otisi' greel luteusu., te preveut ueedles Uiuster tg lusportait Industries and ta rea. uima ofthe boue- fit. of the plan. Wltbout assureti perumenei some con- servative predictionu et cyli, eue f&llaelum, would corne ttue; for our uudu'nable uàtt r- ai advantageu in raiq Materialo, labbr, situatian and facilltiea vould b. unonatur- ally handlcapped. Na màneuaturer, >oolçlpg te the . cai. neua,1 market, would U ~or aeoqeulargte bi huscpital or busines a uhéscountry of tive millions atet ii rlk'ü belug eut oft from thse country of .lsty-ffvo millions. Weuld AiniMt .@v4r VM"~ftop.. OUR NRIGHBORS8, UI8TEAII01 EN- mGAGL40 IN MANUPACTUM REHE, WOULD TAXE M X LIVAM IT L000DS MAàiUFAOTUID TIE. m Ami Our raw materialo, ilstad ar behg. 9finlusbes on tise gro;Uid, would lu ouported, to e h. inWW oabroad. Uncertaint.y wog *A1rne çf4tal and Paralyse enterpriue; sud' thoeeor.e 1re- 1pbt that peuta.pu .ontw te msuc- ecens. 18. Thi e « r" vs<4uirsmeu$a ether fflicial conditions et. tise tiWDcottes ae Dot lde0t4oel, "sa Winob - 6"u eauh Is a ags e r IirfOn Iiicer.. lîs9419t 1» e0@81wi t g r# onatar for a yeeor two.. tWoqal4bil'uubl for eltber cautry th lAu Ils'tartfer a 1012g t6eu. CMM g14li.4é, a*tpaated t&ri t mUai hbrefora be provIdd for., ID'.It Woul st be, pmtio.Ms te ut. mit tii. decias 4,tgp Muai baigeS tga joint bom4. ;êè a . . AI4 t la tis lut *117bossur ImC à tu ho t rnlepufl toe* -uon- p 1J ot1*W5 U0 iaitubo1st suiy er tial te seau. hheir suent to thse arrange- fment, eum~nt thon be ovoked by isbui- nu nUee1meînl claie. -71 Ti.dvatqe t 1adjuating, 1.7 & era, prehenuive mttlsmspt, 6sU uuMP4o91ddlfer. osffq between thse two countries would ho Os Véry gteat ho bath, and might adhance Bo the pbba; lbut on tie sas. reoung, tueé % dveaims aise lue.-e e ud greetet n than to hem, s a mnnaitherelors lie uefely techoned! <on to evoke the desired sentiment, I Au uwia t gSsiihoweyft, tla.eIo *-latent t amy bu, ans ud etive ha um- Scous.iou. eud unormulated; dlsgsdued in smarn quartrs, doabteti, deproceted or rs- pudlated la otil i.rIksly perbapu (should iparty Ilnes be drawn) to h. favoress ratl> Iet by 1AP«blfrano tuaitby Dem eai- ye rosai, asu ested and i wdepreed, end ovidently câleulated me te attreot thse pôl. t nier Imagination sud tire the popular beari * U ta tranucend . alilparty Ilue, andte hbe- *corne Indeedt " rl national sentiment. aTist feeling lu tiat sman day, sooner or Ilàter, a political reorganlsatlan of the. *continent abouti aud muet- take place, net by force, but by the. iree consent of Its in- Pb abitants. 1 'Thiissentiment, 1 believe, wIillargcly s co1r oinion na to the. plan, wlsicii, accord- ;jug,~,pay, on the one baud, h. lavored au t t $elaa top in the. direction ai political rergmzton; or, on tise aller, discerna- * tezaaued upan th ii ailtken tbeory tisai Siae rejectîcu would be uho bout step ln the. 1saima direction. * Ai%4 tIi.re are obvioua forces and aueth, > o&la our nigiiborusu a U popuWa poi- t tes which Iorbld n atogeilier to <liste gard the. latter eoatimgoçy. Trsty Wowuid Be Usedto, Bi About Aunex. TU teaty oece rnadethe vantage grounti it gaive would naturaly BE M~D FOR TTf ACICOWMRME. 0F MTSUlIER- IOR PUPOSE; sud this political ensd wonld be a great factor in tise consider- ation by the States oi Canadisu mira Ut- on changes la theq joint tenut, or as ta the, maintaissance or tcruslnetieu of.tthe treaty.' 23.'T'he reorganisatioa te whieh aur leh orslok lu, af course, THE UNI- Fc4~I0N 0F TIUE 014TIENT. But uext ta, thongis mucis less wariuly thon, palitical union, tisey would laver Cia- adieu ladependeuce; and i h laquit. îou- sible tisai, W ,conuection irithsmach a Pol- goy, ativenlageouinernational arrange- ment uteevious meut imnportanst pointe, flot hers broettinto discussion, uigisi hoà secnreti.. lin&N. te Agree wlth Laurier and Cartwright. Witholat oneisa leagtby recapitulation, you %%-Utmeu, by contrasting my vlews wiLh tisose of tise preffnt advocates of free tréde witis the States, sorerai seriens qesetions et dtttlculty and i dltorence-tor ssxaauple, undotrmity ait arifi and its con- trol; defloeneuy et revenue sud itusupply ~-on mmii I AIL UNABLE TO ÂDOYT TIEflIOPINIONB. 25. But orne large tep le remains, arising ont of or retimor undsrlying the wbole statemeitiste bernofaiwieb, I1lied hapeti, ustil the nuis 01thle dissolution, te reserve for oral discussion. Yeu wiliidoubulensbave bierreti my opinion tisaitise pelkcy of absolute flm twtra litise States là Intlimately con- nected mioti, andi catmot properly h. di- vorçed mfaothlb question of oir poUtila tutiro, mmib tber#tore, t usat fora.inta tIse Party 1iel4. Wiulo ot disuislng nîy riewuthat oveais have sln.ady greatjy uarowi4 Our apparent range, and Impsded ourt aWsrut irmee4 et &atIon, IIod by ts uggo&W tbet our futme aboud sot b. ustU(a w0bave a10Owd 1$ t* W sI*tied lathe peet, p hap. uch taniser î$bon . .î. reuu)by eooidnt or unwltUsgjy, by Il.ý aibouI ti tala. determlssi, s. Mr et It roumains vitiuOur ewom oulsId f1xed purpse, asier d»e dbmmusan sd de. Ilhbebi" s se uomes rs plm te 1'ualTbsg « their lot. TO TEE PAR BR, The. Osita omer Gt0 4M vrs if- -« tite Thbtiy Centse ObBeset M»' im pteux"Fruits-Tth uaay et Usa ~smeteMd str oes eum si' otIc Nia islt utoore'tbe 1'habmtou of.1the N MNatu mooy bave la lie lufluce hu more unlklatj ilaslrte4 tisa la omecls ltt tsefutmoraln a~op. o abie Ist~.t - bCaoai ve aad ut4w.Coot romet -AÉ.Welland will do welî ~ ~ tun ees end none but aau ohP»ot twu to guard their interet 7% Umarkt for Niagara Fruait. TorOutO lis the chief nrarket for the f ruit pv oii.»WasIubeluua. HamIitoýý BI4t~ w*t*11diql5o and towns t&k0 a certain arnoui lý'direct, but Toronto ab.toris by fattboblrgw potion. it laeasy cfaccm bY MalU f04w0ter &P4 the beat d1tributing centre. The. Can'dlan erower buasoi thq Bufo arketi.t opeto hii, and rigîh here lu wqr. ho .uw;o f unreetricted r'tci. procity'ecor n . The *Niagara district ja the. acetheru u houlder of a fruit-produciug *ro that extepdo s far south as the Dela. W&M.r and West t th junction of the Ohio audM4iuhulppL This fimat district pr4ducq ~le pare, peaches, cherries, currants, ai the oint or berdle, quinces, etc. The valle of the G.ooffl atoutprodu3ss more-feuit thau northern New York can consume. Fruit pour. ite aBufali, [rom ecut. uouth and west. That market is gluttod tlirouzboui the season, and the American fruit growert are Iorcod, in arder to extend their market, te pay the. Canaxlimn duty and get acceSa to' the Toronto amarket. Frnit t13sont cren from Delaware to Toronto, the producer paying the. large cour of transportation and the Canadiau duty In order ta get rid cf his uro- duct. The Buffalo market is open to -ther Canadian grower, but ho does flot use it hi. cause heofintdu it already occupied. Under unrestricte4 reciprcclty bc wouid find tie Taronto market largely in the saine condition; ho would fid bis home miarket thrown open te the immense pitoduct of the United ttates, and in Toronto where new he iý secure, hé would ho crcwdcd te the. wail as. là. in ab present in Buffailo. What the Lou Wasld De. The. le. te the Nluias fruit grower i9 uareutricted red,'elty were adopted wou Id ho uarnething enormous. Thi. in perbaps beut shown by takine the inpors figures when fruit wau eptthe frac lst and compar. iwg them with the. figures whea thse duty wan on. The lorout. iisanu bouse returnw show s ollowe, the figures giving the amount of fruit iwported, the value, and the duty coUlected when the trec lst Wus not in vogue « t .18GW TO DzSsI ON COMM.EIciÂl 18.bDo et sunppose tisat these are, wltb mue, questions et yesterday. ,Long *goiwhile leader of thse Liberal ptb' t , Ime uay duty te, examine Iute a amijllur design, subpsited» by s poliical 1) artçiteçt o! nome m~utationi. 'Itsonglat thée FOIJNATWION SECURE tii, LMM ~DEFCTIVE *&0! the EsTL- iMAXEM OF <OMT INADEQUATE. 1$ seêmes! te me tisatiihe propomed struc- *tare could ba orectes! only on tisai dlfferent fouIld toss. othe Unes, santbt lt arg- or oiwbtch bai beon deunibesi. * or 0s t $'tras coscefed tisat tiipeopl er, neot then prepad.pl Agi 1 wI as anab e o propoeatise design lor adoption susa party plan. Iýy lewa ramatu unchangedti t-day. le. Tt han canueti me DEEP DISTREIS TO 11171ER FILON MY POLITICAL 0Oravely ditrusting Msy jutiguact ai te 1apitAil unsareti, dlftlculies unteli, sud cowneqencem un! oreseen by them, 1 min- tcèrely ywish toh. found-au I have carn- estly -striven to tuidmysei-ln errer. * 80. But inlute eur own convictions-, rigisi or wrong, tisai me muetialter aIl, h. true. To put forwarti opiniens me do net iiold, or Ignore difficultias ie cannai moire, an deuy or conceal tise tendencles andi ne- c ulte ai policles me indertake te propound, woulti h. diahoneai andi uisorthy. Andi therelone I euld not atidreus the. electors ai West Durham wmhut spcak- ing my mind treely on the pointu I bave advanced. 31. Badth ie electionu been deferred te tise nuai sud expectedti ure, I uhould probabiy bave toit it right mithia a short space se te addrcss them. But I de net feel mysel! free to-day te spcak my mmnd. Wluhout being sà presumptueus as te, Imagine htisa uy judgmentin aentîtîcti te weigist, wisen unoontirmeti by that ot my uoltlcal finonda, I yci recogulue the. ox- tensive aud effective urne, to c carmonly mnade by the. adversary, et the aligitst divergent expressien of opinion fronthtie isupubleut member af an opposing organiz- athea. 1Uy late relationto tk ie parîy cuapiasits the proeut appliction of th!& remnak. Ansd Iisave ceuse tg tise concliuion, con- tirmedt by tise judgment af leading men, tint tise publicatien ai lieue opinions weulti innicit mucis more damaguoan =y triends tisa these lht injury which Mnay reSuit traein y ailent withdrswai. 32. Nom, whitequnabie te fight under fol"q colore, neither eau I endure, at tise Tory beigisi and orisls of the belile into which e mnenglul dissoution haunez- psctedly plunged the. Liberal party, te, take a dltlicult tiwk, or te turnaene hsatile gun againet tise mcll-loed lnlends, inumoue compsay, whether ns couaratie or ceom- mander, I have nailedsi o many stormy seau, anti foiight go itiny hat engage- Mentst, Who$@ general course I appreVe, ad miose shipu I wlah, nat ireekei,- but sale in port. 3.4. Whaft then in tot for me te doe? Thiis uly. Stuce 1I cannai heip, te hurt as littie as I may; and, theretore, te go dows. with rny oma uttle asip, in silence, bearing for &ho moment al cansiequent rnigeonsirntiau, anti lesving, tîli the Ides et Xatch hW peut, tho expianation of my action. 84. May I h.; yau thon to treat Msy statement, madie nom te yen alone, as giv- en for tisa time in sacres! confidence;-7te accept rny heartielitisans andi undylng gratitude for your past klincues, andti t iei me biti yen, mis emion deepen uhaa I eau express, an affecionate fanewell. Tour ta#ithtul servant, ,, EDWARD BLAKE. TH VIE)IT TàÂE Year. 1887........ 1088......... 1m8......... 1890........ 1891........ Quantity, Lbs. 36,W8 185.019 319,878 124.319 138,267. Cherries ansi carrants : Year. 1887 ........ 18m8........ 189....... Plume 8 Year. 1888 ........ 1889........ 180........ I.Cunoesthon ere u' ipotations trois thse niteti States untiltuie dattv *as ralien off, Iu the. iret y*" tilerciaiter, 285 busiiels wene sent tao Torontoe frocs acrosathe riv er, "d inl 1889, 519 beahel. Tsen tise duty mas reluspouod, aussine nmort quinces camie faoam tisat quarter., - The. abuvo 5t*eients s!hoiv how tUic Ceusdin prot=ii rechief markett ta aficcteti laY frus trade in fruims.Tlsey show that i.e vus ctowded ouite s large extent, tnd iii- jared snateriaUly where haoisat a right to ex- peetthe best reesrns, andtbati. retura ta the pelicy efthtie present Governmcut immedi- itely restoed tisai -command cf the home marXet wish usai fruit growing a profit- miiludustry. - Now Pib.. Are Affected, Tise effeat upsu prices hy thus proserviug the heome àÜkeifor the Canadian frait grever laj e-t.give hMnlin thematter of pemeah;fer4 Ins tance, an advan tage of froîn làt dosts per bueket and a corresponl- i«a ativasaugeluéther fruits. This is the ovidmnas ot tise , Toronto importera, ani mlbe tola utisoir own werds: r. T.Clectiru, atJ. Clei4sorn& !Sto, 'at n «e Y;v whiscaala and retiii *«lnu, sali die daty had causesi a rapid 'davlopemeut a tise trait production of the illalar peniniala espoielr but alec in the sore die s tiot lying hotwen Toronto Mnd Niqura. Hoshougiit uhey lhad ton rv muai pescaioSe, wanted the duty re- m"ed athgetér its - b litlange quanlti, "iCd __ - __es ai 0on an peaches b5t asse,a, M hautespay 20 c 30 cents miorg 9 WM o.for Canadoian irui WMThe dtfterenoe 'fi *bu V"bw4!<l tisat, for Amnenoan frasi %Î* Mach b*g'-iemas an édssey oai . Imm,,flrbstçperbasket. Ho boughl direc ram 5*p>I.wYonk state orth - îb st~ê~ae.Priais peu basket Quantity, Lb.. 1112r. 29,4e9 =3.144 519712 4,760 Quaatity, Bush. 1,810 t2,973 048 Vatue. $4, 747 18,219 21,694 10,872 11,577 Value. "12 1 2,-213 1,6w7 618 Vlue. 6,632 1,636 Duty. Frto- Frs 3, 5 2.; 4. 1-id 1)i a -v. Fre' Fi en' 18 9 (P 10 Oto $1.25 ta 1Oo.00 S St'O.90 l ou t.~aI Seout. Iy ei DOUi aga" ~mm* 1Hors. jobbing SI. Per EVERi qjaabridge Park Lots 3 aric eointa.inil K Ii, e a tarîn of years, if i ternis, etc., at>ply April 27, 1991 -~ Imere, ali tbsi, ul tic ti)f , 7 , i 1.ý of bl 'ý11 calltr, t, bi c Parm for For sale nr to rie Contain.,1 'o,0 c1 For fuil paitlcu (g prmss rby !0, Valua. le 1 Tho 'Ey'uuteri; o thse Fait Ilial r), Li tise touut ,f V~ aae. clenreo, bals, soi c!aý losto; Se and bari : tA &ýc, The yproperty iH tise Vil : ge(f e tL proîeniy 15 J (t 8 Weiit same F,), fi '180 tS AÂdog PIn nmit, Warrled I 'r*ýii àlarîpo" aiJ-_. On Satiîr - Lin&u.a from thIlt t-1 ii Stacv, f71(- *', 1: ' person re! w i - WE2I be s' ~ - 191i For Feli tificate ..r Jan. l"> h, --, « Tea c Teacher wb; - f third-cla. ccrtral zeed, L ur tJ' eps, jeu. 20. k-' Strayed ltO- , i Con 1, F 1, ., c COLT rul'etn iw te prove tri e ert~ SwoY. Penelon, Janary Atc Public Aucc, Il, ,ah Ce.oi f Bd auli> ART, flixt. .11ttmv Fart Eic Fror a luit]1jet.e p Jan. 18, 189-2-l Comnforta The t9JutI we,,t tise 120h ('on. Me r land ie wt IrNt tien. The-' &- bosfram eI,- Ifh, vater; frimne har pair. A ~uci te bear, obuve gardon.if3 4 l h ainevEr fat], - ,&lce Sjtubtt ha ouse and cù,-..1S On thse prenucsa or Jan. 2;, h"92.- Piunonr t.-a ]McDo Q i countv utfY' sto, i dîsy of Octwbec 1)r rail t' r c .n John Ai, 'i d dciii), are 'r b 1S9 ý. Io F, rd t-i tie., ac ti- ar heid b trni judaEe-î * Every creritîor tise sane bf-fr.- Bous-e Il,, I., Februarun.'.* bcbig th io te Dated tbf. i b r'-, Repent fcrr . Jan. 23,18, ?he yack Grateet w faie Zai 'f inl Total tala ant Tdp liedevil 28>0put mu auAubsilu"dfh Quantity. Yeux. Barrais. Value. Duty 1887 .........2,352t 8 5,412 8 94110f 1888......... 6.291 1,280 Free 1889........ 22,413 36,161 Free 1890---------..835 2615 332 o 1891--------..2,970 51"147 1,18810 This shows that the Canadisin fruit gror mai la 1889, under the poiicy oftunrestricted reciproclty lu fruit, crowded out oi the Toronto market by American farinera to die extent of $36,000 Worths, which, when the dut7 mas reimpouesithe Dext year, dropped ta just a litie aven 2,000 Worth, while et the. uan e tii.th revenue was lncreased by oeme uadreds et dollars. Lot use neat take peacises. an article lun which the Niagari& peulamula fruit itrever is vitaliy intoresetdt Yoar Quantity, Ya.Lbs. Value. Dut',. 1887 .......... 222,572 $10.499 S2,22~ m88........ 10 ',791 '15,094 fiý 1889 .......... 8 6 2,348 Frte 1890 ..........,059 2,45.3 32 1891-----.... 539,607 21.266 5,:uq Hmr agate the detristent te thse Canadian gremer .u markediy apparent. The Niagitra peninsula produen was ont oui of the Tc- routamnat te tise extent cf *,35,000 tI.e finit yean et fuse t-ado hein&, in force, aci although iast vear a large number of Amnen. oaa Peachos meremont to rorosito, it was t cause of tise abnormally large crop ssakiug theii we wiiiing to sel! at uny price, and, as wiii be showo later an, the Canadian grovor neceived trom 1.5c. ta 30c. pet- baskrt mare than thse Amenian. Thse figures for otiier fruits are as foliaws Raspherrie.., gooseberries, biackberries aid strawberrien :