through thoélkm£ sud bok té, e$ Nlto" ilgtt The Tules91*6 b.d thrown off elvâ iadlasaalon n""«I " ocmusnSd, Thé. Poée 010id pin ndored theCoeuntry, Ms fud d s" tunl sud confuslc«»sus h à8m B versm ocring for àl b Im& .AI 10Mql Ob 1mw patiotlo clissaç,o f 5 a M4 tay hsld doit on .ualb I. e4amm 09 Irsdona trois bis Oen a fsmnhysMd hmsdid by a noble prince sMd mu humble patrlodi, butcheo, madea .boldst0110 tu " thé oountry. Moaoow vA tirotêk' d id chsi Roiwu evs b55UCO.r;-4d lSisi Illustrions famlly ff oul eÎs *0 im. périai îhronm. And novw Ra"~fUd5 groatomu dawnod ;but ls *= aamo fahly up-.nd thé broad lIhb opnsa Mo uIponUbs mmpre-uutil PaSaer mqot l* tbrite. In the deprartmn th B lobed-lb suburba cf Moccw-an4 Very nor th river Mokua, atood an hunibl* co0%'ltsé éxýorinr of whlch btryel a n4aIsm o f sr- rségemur t and show cf tate 1ts IÀImos b made up for ls sémallnoaS 01 sImàIi.Nor vas st ec very a, inlafuel, but è*aly ln oos. trai ; for noir at band about i, wcod mny large, shabl'y, dirty.looklflg@trturstUt5t oisoelookmd th. prim eut, as bIesJý MountinsII uay look down upon a verdamtlui1. Amd Vithin thie encowuvas aureal as vibout. The Ive apartnsnts ln front, on@ of hlcb vwu onýy used lni w in tor, wero furnishýd Dot Ouly vihb net% incas, but with à ai ai, c of oral. ment and luxury. Backok f Ihose ugrl large oooking a'nd Hutng rocu, \afld lwo aMalilbodtrouni , and book e.111fions boa vus&ln artilli'a.hlop, and other aoaîbld- juge. Thî@sahop wau devotlod prin4pa.lly bo Ibo maufftzturo offire-arm&s.8oMý avorda, and otihei cdgod weapeing, vais mà4l. re upon ilpecial applicastion.i The gun.maker mev tood by hisa fo4e vateliing tiie white .mors as 1Il cured Up towarda' the lbtoat of lb. obI5. May. He va. a Young màn, uot\ evtr Ibree-and twenty, anad pcms.mod a frame of more than ordluary symmmry and mus- eufer dvlopment. H. wus net larg- mt aboya thoeimediumni as-,-but a single gl&na. &t thle swelllng chut, the b cad shoulders, and the inmvy tldgesaet thbare arma, teki aI oce that h. au mauter of grnt physiusl poerh. Ela foattiros wars réguler, yel mrongly - mrked, and mémnnt ly handa mrn; bié bru, whioh vas full amd bigh, vwu hall overed bytlb. ilght brum ourri. thal waved ovor it ; vbil. hia eyos which wereoef s bright, brilliant, daap gray ln color, lent a omit cf gonina le Ibm Intel- leot of the brow. Hlmiana@vas Rurio Naval. III@ father bai basenhi lu lnsh thoni lots war with the Turks, sud 1h. mont le 'ving tua mtherproperly caretd for, vont te Spai mona ter tbm bsraavsmenl. Thora h. fuind work uib hemomcml ot*4 armoriesj andi co'w, vell vers.d lunlbhetrais, hhobi ret-itt uu.dt lé ienative City to foflo hi lng, and support hi. mother. INcar l'y %tend a boy-Paul P"fpff-s brkhhi intelligent lad, Monse 6ftf@i yoar 01 &go, who had bcund iméslf te the pus. nitul.ër for the purpoem cf loarmlgtbs art. L& ladir and his yez wormeanèker %ban bis nlèàtur's, and If ho pSosoami uenb muut intellect, lheoeortalnly pcsueman u n- wontod degrésofai teom, quiak vit, amd un. swervlflg integriy. Tho ur'hud boo'nmre lime baby Ibme horizon, and tb. oly lgbl cf mmy Ccoms. qumnce thal made tinga partially visible wichin the chop Came item Ibm dniib ic th. oasis on th. forge, as Paul évor and a.nn resdova upon tbm btahs Ibat uovod th. bellows, Suddonly Rude srted bsok froui th. forge sas bi.mimd broks ftou 1h. deep is.erle inte which hs bad ileansd hoving baembis bayto10 as. utater oe proparly disposi .for tb. ulgbl he turusi towaitd i ,door, and wvas acc lte hltvhen, whm s blé moîber b.d uppst #Al prepired and utontul Claudia Noeol vis a noble lcoktag wcmaa, cms-bio o11re ha»eMUWtio u et184%lai 1 , »m7 aue Ohaaged. 1>0 l ait* là pu simsws nô d Ple;ha t~l esea y* boul lulhb «Us y wb vie I mev Ibab of your vorn yés ver nob tblahlug; aed 1 bave sMMa nburim lu desp Ioughl *beayou bouT Wrea. Ing or aouvarmluvllh mns» "gqveI,. ie a pou, ii.Mw F- ,&N. mo-eh go, Uy noble boy. XNsver did ahbougbl onter my m"md.If I hav bess made mmest tleroy it la oaly~ inlove for Ibas, and t eSsarat thon vert Dot 00 appy M In thePasL.Win yon a oitslmesall? O. 1 op my boy $mmramot te trnat bie mother vtb bis Au ab*sapohe thua ab* movsd ber saaê esca. 10whets Rurles8ansd plaesd bar band upos Ma am. t'Tell me, my boy,* sbe added lu a loy, persuasive tons, "vwhat in il Ibat dwella thus npom your ualnd." BRile rsaobsi ountloch bis rnctbeî' baud, ani bavlug gassi for nmu moments luto ber lacs h. .ald: "Suroly, my mother, I bavs uotblmg lu my coul Ihat I vol idefsottou l..If I have hapl nîy Ibouglaa 1myseif uji un- asmmig sallonce, Il hau beoauso I lest. ed yen would luetI me If I told yen cf tbem. I "Ah, w, my o," lb.euîothr repliai, ai. most rsprovlugly; Ilmothing Ibat ould lalm snob issp snd sbaorbing cousîdera. lien rotm a mind i k. younaouli mcvs me te derisîom. Spaak plaluy, sud h aura cf miy 8)mpthy.", A fev, moments mors tho jout gsamd silently upon bis mothsr, sudtemn ho an-* awerd: "lAil Ibis Ibougitt bai ho.. cf oesperacu -of-Rosallnd Valdai.'" Claudia Novai marbeod asthe board that mime, sud for lb. uhils the acier formook ber obaes. lW bat, my doar boy-wbsî cf ber have ycu tbought ?" mashai, Iramubcusly. "IWbat, but cf om@ tblng, couli I1tlaîuk, uy motbet ? Ycu bavm sesu bsr ?" "lYos, Rti." 'And jeu have marke hoe Ibrpie, lhé Iovellmeaa, ani mul.given beauty cf lhe noble 'I kcowshe la beanîlful, my oun; sud also thal sho la geci-at east, mc I think." "Thon what but love could move me with issep haugbt cf berOh, my mother,lIdo love ber. 1 love ber vitb the. vbols strsngtb -of My huart andéôw.w "lAlaa, my Rurio, abs viii navet dan. love "IYen know mt Ihal," the yonth qnloh. Iy .repllod, bis .yes burmlaag deeply, ani bie open brov flumhlmg. "Phd 1 moI kmov shs loved me be aura I veuld novsr bave ailovai my tbeughts inch range. W. veorse hldrsu togotbor, sud vn thon vms lovei. Fats h ais dsidffetly byuns lu tbe yeara Iat bava passec- i.noe Ihos oblldbood limes; but jet I aumura Ihat ber lovo for us is net oagmi, aavm as ioreas. lmg ope muet chauge aIl the eotions cf oui atura intcdueper, stroagmi ights sud "'But lhimh, my boy; yen, a ui ra artisa --sh* Ibm offiprig cf nobllity sud the yard cf a dnk sata, old, proni arhaloorat Wbo look$ upcu our station only as barsh masters look tapon ILoir beatsecf burdeu 1 er yen ,ii Suid 11111e *e .but maery lu snob a comtesoff bougbt." "At leasI, uy moiber, I vil as. &aa. lind; sud if ah. Loves me as I love br-and if ah@ vouli scespî amybud-" "Eush, my boy. Do nol cherlsh sncb hope.. Wty sbould ab* mate wlh thas vbeu lbç riohest nobles of tbe laid venul kaasl for ber baud ?» "lHold1" coued Ruile, shardt-t bis lest, blasadorne fésce £nsbedsud is bigtéye banrm. '<8pask mo# Ihu-at hast, mot nov. 1I Baller mot myseiL; but 1I dai a *colas pare, audahbout as noble, asuy brow u as ary atien 1a1001611 meuat, sMd bié-spers 4maisudami lihiul Théellghl eiéiée t h asmpei frei msemm le he aIt. 6Ton have bImme.euqbllua sv"M ateru, gociltter"' ia hé bYoutb, aller bis guest, bai amevat reovera Ihm l*s "Ajuofthat bava J, 1ma" bmo roltuned lu a deep, rumbllng tome.04I1016 lue IL""iin lis marain. IL"tIlelulh« of snb,obéa baue.Tbism soru basoin. méneosi mae I atuAild cM iy tIn. Aboutl!allàamllee m horS nyboras gel foumioe inu lb. mov, aMd 1101% hlm vlth an bemeafluism, sud then stlei te maL. tb. r, nt ci amy vay ou Icel, but I uohked vildly. The divlmq setormbllid me, ami plUmaté lue drilla valowd Me nP et ev.ry icenmeps. Mybody la notvery velu aaplsi te snob vork-hha,ahiba i1 But I1a»w yeur light, sud I dutermmi 10 sesh shelter boe fou lue nlght. BY St. Michael I but Ibi isa amontl mas tOrmn yml yen are oomfolable heme." "-Aya, ftbr-ve luy 10 Le oomfortablo," sali Ruril. c"m, moîher could barily sur- vive a vluter in nome cf the dwsllhugm vhlcb stad beteaboul." Themomeuhmade oseaavr t10 Iis, gave a seul of omeuiatory mai; ani shertly altervarda Ibe youtb mki : "'Do Ion bsleng bore lu lu. oIIy, good father In "Ajo-al proamul I d," the. meuh ta. tuned. Ami Iben, vilh a ami. bho admi, 1 elsuppose Iou vould i lb.te hmcw vbom Ion have Ihue roelvod. My nmesis Valdi- mir, ami my homo la vbsiever I may chance lobeo on Goda boeillage. At prOmsu Iams reoîdiug boe.Ilu omeew. Ther-ceul yen aiL me te ho more frsak ?" Rurileumiled, bal be mads mo direct te. ply. E va. toc ieeply interetsi lu lb. fae ofte meuh le enter vit muach nager- neos mb onversaticu. AI lengtb tho guesl aak.dilIfha couli ho accomonmdated vitb nomeasloeplng.plaas, and bavlng anavoeg in the affirmative tbm youîb lghled ameîhor candi 'ami ocuductel bin le aà chaubsu vbih wvaslooalei directly oeor lte kitchon, and vbboh wvvry velu varmei by menua cf mvral Itou tubes thal cenecl.d i wts lue futnaoe. b.le. "'Mother," nttstod Rurie, sua@cou as bo bai roturme oe m itces, *Who la Ibal mat"f "BHoy aholi I kuev 1" the voman re- pli. "tBul bave yen nover aemnhlm bmform Ruril eiau «sruet, agertloue. 4IJcaUnot leili, My mca. Bis lacs mont snraly Mauili nome sîramigoemiotoas lu My nund, butl1i llaahI evur smv hlm W. fore." «"And y S ho asum familtar tc me," luoe sou resurnai. "Tuaose S I urely bave «menbefore, buS le ave amy seul Icamnol rassubor Whou moi" Ami o Ruila pedrsd, but te ne avaiL. Af lit he badi rllia ie sb.d ho lay avas ami thougitl cf l theang ltace; anda&U lurengla the ulghî bis insus vers but atartllmg visions of lue Blae Meuh. CHAPTER IL Whou Rurilecaum dev in the monaing bu founi the mannhalrssdyibtere, a»d breakfast nestly resdy. ButUl wu1evs ai durilag luenemiliUme, forerMu. meuhusna busy villa tcughte of bis ovnan sd Ruile vas toomamuet uagsd lu sldylug lbe astgeuma'leffutures, sud poaaieriug npca ths vu"eudoubla adm mursedha m W .e e bis mimd. Ahlleemmi vasove tb. monh aoccepanidlte gmu.maher tbis &bop, andtborh ob.p#, . 0e elu. amlnng l.thae lauie Nu bbWe« Ihal ver. useM lunlb.eaaufatnre of arma Rurile vas egaged lu flnlsblng a pain ci pistola, sd fonracne minulas lhe meuh Md mlcci sieully by bis ade vaohicq bis nove. uýn ut& At langlbebyowk 4 eWslua)& worn h qed ldbbhe pistel 4so's wa o r« mu "I aidm e by1 d tbl'1 aua wepdul eu*'oe hémýma icWhàam odotter meu ' gaimb BU* iwuDot bbc by a14 lic fy ." ao yen s ibuL ed lao adisa fa bmfMdshr «Ium le imy aet. I.nay lave sema h r. te muano oet.qutosrs- Préyent.veubaupe es lamy mmomtogy sali se v yen botterlu omorei&out Reln ure "Ifs ml * asetusi bybi au fauhi wube lefo ore mtrcv et eL goe thwos vbe o bmdnolbemn lpoduea- prss. Behapiàahi mei n, o bisog upe, nd nbt subj eolpisud b. mai pisd sen eiober indtasin me atsl fee u lsurIbthefbisbaoy nev aofjh &ho wu ob enu , ed fo ism ntns eroo e hme ou lwni bmonmunuecl ati lurdu. and son. Skerb rpplli bîhmeas te t i vonrasd DaImouo ladavmafrian Stoie. 14 1 gath, Ib1m ac ih dcci o b eIsnhc vite eun mon g fi a cllr fi, u prIsoi thkIeavis lu Ruds eo i?"& elasaaswvers lu luehabil et cSlllietaIhis place to oriat aima. The Counl luimmi a abade palert hau ho- foe sud bis notter lUp lremýlsd; but Ruile tlughl Ibal migbt b. the iunl cf oemlng freiome lde co hiba var i pac. Hov *ver, bo vasssec. nmiscvdfor thm Conml'a mail remarh va siuguficamil: "4Yen are acqnalnted villa lue Lady BoalidVaitisi1" b.osai. 44I1am," roturnoi Rurie, nov boelulung te vomier. - Wall, 41r," relurumi Damncucf, villa mucb bauglimesa, Ilperbape my business eau be quiclyandsudaooi tl sI - Il in uy diiae omaLs the Lady Rualai RutileNovilesarteetst lias eoie, sMd be clampa ieisbauds le blda thel brome- loeu..But bhovas motloneg destaîng upon u m ner. "lAmi vty have jeu ceme 1te me vilu tLis information, air ?" "IYen abould huov ltaI alimaidy. Do yen mot lave ths lady 10 "lUpeuuy seul, Sir teunIjo st me a atranga qumallon. Wbalt rgtt bave yen te question me upS suet a thèene» ."The10rlghl Ibal every men bas te Pave the way for bis own riglts," repliai Dam. enof sbarplj. l'But if yln chocas mol te anavsr, belil pa. 1 Lmevyen do love tlb lady. And no 1ash y«. te renoncea&IL elaine te ber baud.» "«By B. Paul, Sir Counartongnuerues lute slau ge mooda of speeh. I roece il cilamele ResaIni Vadal's baudf- "IPerbape y«, vI i Inftrnm e vIat aims I inay bave opon lb. lady," Bri ai.tuuad, vlabmmseins leplooma h ie toejfor b vuy sbjeot va's re laImoved li. "Rmie N«4vml, e "sahMcl My tlIaI di net make myWeitNlly umntoci, sad luis as oselsa Wi ho t i ilgvery aae~uIgtlg Mdinl is 0,1 Î Mteg ai z elm> 'M'y ova abu M d WalU"m prueil I."Y, Bl baS e mot.Mîý Là.bem ivhrJm Mt Io" ~v.beam p b nble S be hmc'ggrba 14»0 ~bil~sêebrmt hW 1 MuMl, - ho 911 *1# vl 0lay, âo ,j a"Id M& u s éiep lutlb. vce, sash lad. "Yods v I hava 10os um the mt" bell. n s o lpover sov. Ienly, fi dqmnpw ve ouaw bgsbva laei ehhelife of a hlug> May, *te.h loyal Nov .au Ibs samed vsny atrange le Ratio, as hb. nev that'Ihere wvm so. thlmg bmhladte ou"la hlohhauvas net peumills o iamc. H-. kumv lb.prend sud eaubhoruDuka eienemugh te hmew Ibal b. ever veuli bave seut snob a mes sage os Ibis but for soeis dompr ue thobn bai yet appsared. lu shor%, ho couli mol underatamd the malter ea I aL.Itlolcchd iarkh- udeompl x, and ita facews in direct coufl iot vth ie atseof thb.-mairt vbom il Dow apposired te ba"vesmanated. Ratio ponierai npon Ibis a foy moments, sud ha made up bit mini Ihatbshouwld on mo acconul ylld sa tom lethe strango do- mani Ibus maie upc. tam. "Sir Count, " ho naid, calznlrand surely, "lyon bave plaLnly stated yeur proposition, andI wllu plain y anver. Icammo algu th. paper."» ,*Ha 1" g psiDamoncif, lmqickpaéssla. ««Do jon refus.?" "Ment fially." For a fou moments the Couat gass intb Ruiles face as Ibeugh b. doublai Ibmheevi- isuca cf bis ovumousesu. ,tIl i. IL. Duko's commani," bho nid It "Tuhe Duhe of Tala bods me pover cf commad, cvie," vas wushegau-msheu' calm reply. 'lBeware ! One mois, I &y--aigu lue paper 1" "«Yen but waalc Yeux bvealb, Sfr CeunI, lu speahiug Ihua. Yen bave my a»ave." "«By heaveas, Rui e NvaIyou'U aigu lui 1"th. Count cied mad1y. "4Navet,dait" '«But lock je,mInta :Hors ia My vbola futureof life bauedupoemmy bopseofunioi vith Ibis fair girl. Rer gnarilan bhda me gel this paper cf yoen I eau havs ber baud. Ami nov do yen tllk ru givo Il np no "aiy T By"u.of heaven, I'U haver younmre le Ibis, or ]'il have youi liis 1" "'Nov yotrlongue rinneaway witb yen, Sbr Count. I bave given yen my amaver. Bs curie lual cly one man on aillacmi prevail upen me le plac my nmrn upea balt "'Aid vho lineho "1 mesu IL. Empaer." "But yen vill aigu it 1» bispi Damoneif, turing pals wtt rage. "Hore11 is-aigu I If yenvenu li vm-sigm 11" -Pmrtapm he cannes wvile," anggesd Urzen, cemlemptuoualy. "Thsu he mamakmû bis mark," rjolasi 6s Cenâ, in thesaime conteamptucua tome. "Il mlgb1 mot isquie much ancra utglg le, lnues metméle mal ymark lu a mm »bot 411liagresable te yen, air," tb. joulu volarnei, vlth bis taclh nov sel, ami lus dock ve"naupon bis brov atarling moe plalaly ont. "«Yen bave coeouMmy promisean d yen hava soughtl vour puirpoie. Yen »wv bave yonr csaer, sud for your »na sae-fer my sah.-! beg yen le bicve 4"Notumtil your msnin pen tulapapoer' mitiedDumomoif, hahlng the ulsedve mil. mosly andi erumpliag il u in bauïd. I'Are pou mai, 8ir Count?1 Do y«u thiah uMafocir 'Aye-a coauumabse ue." "«TIen," returuci Ruile, vlth a cutl of aller omnempt upou bis finsly-oa.lei li, 114u0aemw bave ne farîlamdsi aga vth meé. Thora la my dern, i." ]Nensoms mometsrnad D"SmnE seousi nable le, sposk troua very angar. Ea b.d mrly à- ieop, saieuspurpome la .htslmng Rurlo' B»te Ibalpamm. WINTER MILLINERY, DRESS ANI) MANTI.E MAIKINGO Great bargains given in ail departments, especially in Winter Milii- nery. She is now prepared to make HATS AND BON NEI S ini the latestfashions having secured a first-ciass Trimmer. New Cotting Sytem. Special attention given to Evening, Wedding,' and Street costumes, and made in the Iatest styles. Ail customers from a distance waited upon on Saturdays. Ail orders promptly attended to. ROOMB-Over Wammsà o'i. Dry Q.u4a s 8ro, Dohmuy Block, n orzo i: A. Righrbotbam'aDrng &t«e. FARMERS, ATTENTION, Havbgg séae th.eAgency aI Victoria Rcmd f«r lb. KÂSEY and HARRIS Campanie%, I am propazed to auvplyFuarmer*u wuh the boit Faru Ilements at Primesabd Termu Whlch Canti be Beaten A mii atoe of Repaire ulwap monband. I1uli a&Wokmmp on band Organe, Sqvfng Machines, Wsshing Méchuaes, "te.CMdi ud esme beforp purChaginiz euu;where. JOM. V. STIPLES, Victoria Road. Vietoria Ru. Nov. dth, 18~91.-7-26 DRUGGIST & SEEDSMÂN, Corner. of Kent 'and William Streets, Lindsay. FULL STRENQTH BAKING POWDER, PURE SPIGES, LIVBR TONIOP ELIXIR ÂNISEED, DIARRBoeASPECIFIC, WOR&I POWDBR, WHITE OINTMENT, FUBNITURE OREAM, TOOTHÂCRE DROPS, INFANTS' CARMIN ATI VI, ANTIBILIOUS PILLS. Organs ]Repai red- and Tuned, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Ordora by mBlupmPllv altended te. R. N. BISSONS UtO WELL - - LINDSAY, ONT. - ASSORTED, Winter is near st hand, and ve bave made preparations for it, ancl wouid ask you to aem our stock of BOOTS AND SHORS, which you will fin4 fally assorted and go'id value. W. bave &almo a fine range of DRESS AND MANTLE GOODS, and am cropa were extra good tUnsyidr w. ouggest that you give your wiveS a share ini them by punein 1w Dreas or Mantie. Our >illiuoy 8took, though we hv a large trade in it, iq kept welI aomted. Do.'t fail to call and ee what vo have. irae u - imvqL