Facs Are very rittubbo lt ii faot by denyPg ^ #Asit ili &e4ê fiou or oold if ym di Em U M.15APINS1. I&e cough d mdMremedy. Np£.~ u~eb Drug Store viien you f ei Grippe or vaut a tooth bruah or à boli.of coM ceff Mu wO aMedotât busaMe right &long in. the old stand no matter vho in uiayer or reeve of this «Ibloomin' towii. Lindaay, Jan. 2, 1892. je H, SOOTHERAN, nrai Emate, sud iIoney? Broker, lire and Mie Insurance Agent NOTION. As iluiaitmakioa sregaular banu ef BEAL ESTATE, MONE' LOANINO mad INSUBANCE, 1Inte l.everybcdy ,Who mal h iv. i'usineels ln aur ef lhe above Une#til oml andI mes me. lS'Paai'eik h ving Propenils for Sale eau have ibeut adeerliscit vithout Cec., mu I maie ne charge excepi viion a male la rtd. saPmrwim viag Propenty le o ntMi viii have their wants attendcd la sud ne aiette madeutil Tenant 1u provtded. ggP&tiom wsunn teBoy or Boalarc oordially invit.vd 10o silat =y oficu d loek oveu 02v liste. gaWorkiîg men, Mechautas sul Ohiiers g.upplisd weuh Hanses or Lote on the Inustaluueut Plan. à9oitITTO LOIN ou mortomagetah wet aur- lient raies. MONEYT 'O LOAN ou Aporovc Id dor dNotas et lotet raite, IIORTOAGICS nouGHT AX» SOLD. '&MAL UT T E boulit mand ml ou oommliau«. PROpIULTIES lieni.dmand Tenants procuur on eiort notice. PROPERTY FOR SALE. vacant lots frlAI nonu blocko r eno ut Stret, 90 beut fnintaws 1w 100 feut el-op, Wil)bu sod lu loti ta suit it a rtawoflblm pria., and ounusay terra o pay- ent, Vacant lot un the coruet otLlnd.ay and Ru mil Streu, 40%60, wili bte Iead foril1 yuars ttibuild- ing PrIvilvigos. vacant l.t% for prlvat* dwelliOgi lu Not, Soth and Saiti ards, aud mouey advauced fon building purpoues. S5Ç>Largutwa tory brick dwlllug tu the $45 North W4rd, wtb aDlmodem improve- MU14 1e are ut land tuilplantcd titi firit troc Md 'rnacnal shrubbary. $31 1 i Lrg.. to tory brick dwllnz ou JWavurle.ý Avenu, wth good outbulld- îa%., ' ,d.r on.lc.Ouoacreofland, bloc lawn, &a dgond veliétablu gardonm. $1 600 dOenvneno owolllWtit u trou Lnd ,brubburr good rd 1,5>2 tory uhîle brick-cottage, ulcu lawn $1,55 -nd good sardon. 61,00 . 0t1 W ilt. brick Gthlo rWoed 1,5a tory , brick dwlu, cnoe lent l owelaulatCre oa 0 ality. $1,200 dwelli hall sut 07Gthie o* $950 COnemand a bl toty brick veneerced 1$80D Ou @tory wtebbrick cottage. $300 deIllng. one-elghbun velot la Sra00 Prame dvuiluglaàUsaiWu&d J. H. SOOTHERANS SINGEu-tu O PJRY "*e OSes,ï ae. %kut,lda LOCAL JOTTINQS& bock store.-4ifL PEEoi..-Dn. A. M. Ecasrqi et Tor- ento. viii b. at the.DSOMMhoue, Llrdwy. saThurldy, 218 Jésr.-lO-.. XKMrÂuuLîouue,-J. Bd"las(cf Il. fins cf britica Broc&, jewel.nrs1 Uncay *Issus anantisse liae e 80foru e of Kent etret.-177011. ACouiuuT.-Oâ WeiRnssdy M. lass Glernny e Osamrneswhie threbeil itich trm, et Mr. Thomasa Wllooeascrn aio ECmily, Whadies arm tom fabove *a étbow. IIONTLy PRIM U 1BYe Am »GURA- Tii. '8unligt' Snap Ce., Toronto, noff« lié toilowhag prsme av" jmenth i lli tuuer no- tice, le boys d girls under 18, resdlrq nl lie Proie o f Ontario. viehoud lie gput., st aumbeg cf *'Soclight" vrapè e t. 10.1 0 2nd. $Ô;8ard. 48.* 4th, $I; thtiil4îta Xsndseme Bock - sud a pmisy pIdete fh huas Who»b ount lit isaIl wmpcu.m Sud vrspqçcIo"Uudi" »saep coli, 48 lSom St.q to. ot lèe a " loti of sué senti, sud saried aommctou;. alo ove fali Dae arsd?"&. ag1srnd bomber ai1veappere Wine nmé vilb. hlaisel tu Tir"u Mail on fluet Saturdabv la ssci mamh.-92.ly. Ditowmzro Acon>rnw.-rcm là@ Peler. banc gxamier cf Wednmday v. lai. thé flloun.:-"Oo Wmdadrov.ug a jouib rnaud Williasm Foute. agd 10 Imsm. eldul sonaof h. lots John y".hoteectoon v ii - sud dangiter, vers dnovrnte u l* Ji bl sommer, wvos akcs«in M M1thé, w bo cfiabot 18 yelum Ti vtubole m bses, Arn ulat his aien hievs ta « M Wh iur~ Bigu of the Mffi Bmws goumE 8101mur! 8UEW. AXES, AXE HAN DLES Oroas Out Save, Buck Bava, Platform Soales, Lanterna, Skates and.Strap , Guna and Âmmunition, Wnt.'r Mitte, Cow Chaina, Halter Chains, Bope HRalters, Scoop Shovels Carpet Swe.perm. English and Âmerioan Outlery et right prioes, iViLennan &Cofb Agente for lie oelebrai. SCRANTON COAL DeUàveuilai loveal PRIMO Llndsay. Nov. S&, l9l.-1é4ye PERsONAL-Dr. A. M. Rosebragi of Ton- Duie. viii be et tic Banne Rouée; Liadssy, ou ThLnday. Jeu. 21st-14. Ruu.àBr & Kaitit»Yrt u liag Corsons@ me, thb bet la tic marirttet 12 cuite pur l'Ai Ur. -Aill bo are uudubted te me by bmxi acouti othenvise, are rtquesied te pay p on or befors 25 h Janunvr, an conta viii b. [oirued. W. B. C'Âxanau< -16 8. PuRs-Ah nrepaîning a.atly sud qutily ans; Mua fuieauimtttions maie up lu the. tâte:% stylos. Misa WîNuaeV, 17 Albsrt strut, 4 doan@nanti cf Union scoti.-4.tf. ROYAL BoTuL RSTAuRANT, corunrcf Kent and Lîndeai etrels opmned lu full blest for bue tesson. A uic. bill af fans providtd. )votcre aooked inaevenv stlle a. demircd. Povîs of ailiuda lu ssea. T.gjMoOzrNLL proprietor. -1if.Ë Bits MoCRueoit for Chisteima preceuta Sootiuit new and feablonable. For a siik baudkeraiicf vs dovu tic tovu. Far Q)ovec MuflUrs l ubshare eud'al11, ilu etc. for peute ivu at t i ontolplace. au u. before yon buy.-18 ti. Oýncz AQAiN -Ibh.Fiai Jobit loSiga, &ir ao s ix yeam' tout cf thc torld. aud sing. nut before the kineand qosof Europe aud Aie, have natuîuud 1o Amerlos, and vili ilvu sue vsulug lu Lindsay tn the Camhrldgs et metiodist ahurci, januarj14tli.- 16 1. bave nuspoadmd ta out roque@% te psy up, ve utura tient.; vo hbave hovever ho lauimate baât a great mauy have ovsnloaked cun iludiy immindur, vici va. for ibeir good aveil a. îur~ ~ m cuei te n ob ua eva ould aay, nssd, noand suest soondlugly, lancie word,e sur* sud psy ibé prier. . o iLE L iA -l.'ond the lles.ouu.lmcandidat, lu Nanti usati vws leced ou Tiuredasy, tic lut dy of 1891, bv s m'.j-irlty of 481, uatvithetad toit tie elaquenus cf ithe Icigil ofthtirea aocd eield, Sirlihard Centnigitwic etamped tic nldlug la tavor of ths gnit eau. lidéte, Mn. Doviail. Ic aewciouNew Ysuser uig vas a goed begtrnlg for lie Simom uDua m-Cc l tîe ësieler of thic Luataisative Asemih died on Sundsy "ii fe ailtlausaof oaly ivo day.0O0 dew hoa ayicompiim cf s coldtui vwu forther comphuutsd h i a selsatiaci of Spanmola iai prenud fatal. (loi. Gilmor vu in ammaud of the Quus n , at Ridgevajin 18«0etth ime o. a lf tenlan dai, sued wu op t 0 laiol t - Li- eaive icmily of 0teOh nHo v&$ 80 jen cf aop et ti hm f i bs slia momber cfe hGrand oai Ari ObthAMasVeil a. thé MuR-onie <tande 'aMiges avus mima s membaeier o 1mb UPieleslani Denve lent Uoceei. ftoxTm lam TU TE Wur. -Thu Su. Ottvesud ov mu osier a >àm Cales for tic Pacifia uesceu% ts0 i bàbmru oslbaim etaMut lie dumgmis cf *0 vestei n trae, i lui M 'îl o lueit i red mutais.ermb&tM viii camloto qeatffl itiiiM e is.M 1 lu tié vual, but Wveau ail mv ii i.vol' mai orny hoid bic ewrn, butat tic peinte, sssosiiy lu lie buglucc la vhikho bu bai m"ai exclilent aiu. Mr.Mailàbeva viii ho. svglable sddStlos loti l e b aitasse, asé vuli abuê.lnm oes n aofTeuoeuv, snd his mmy fronds m iciveh hlm thaneaIm as- Mr et sucoe.-PherbeeoExmer. A Parts Momm u wLàw.-..Tis yongi lady rmarked a-,That gmc*msieuestier, la M m stisr's M.tin.iab.p Wiatte laàlbeu a.1h.youmg lady te'iêtsaieeaa1 Tas Quaniviii giy.s llM lci îbau %luasupiMt imfane Sbe SMee se iea worlug tic aboire problèe oiwecy. Ai élé. gent goli vatol forthe essni eemce»a aver; a China dimuir set fortbesiclii eoa Mauve; éauologilat mlIi eronpit ta feri ftenicnest enemr, m a 'W iel. ue prime, ilf e l iém P b meouem tue i. Jyuuau o f Tn QO$tý 'VthmMb mat aunves n eA *< 010àW betm pollho nabete th le Susth viiiayeuse Osmo lMWteVolone uretlfhi *0ballot ébd romseii.dafticilooket .sIl Kr Ly*, aoImvi veulu u.Jferbl". go voSder pd bu stillUWetoied»unjoti for lie. 341, vs i mtsvr elrs 004 11 , ia elbm l b10 On "r-u104e tic bellotpcp.eerOm aroilarm 194014 *it w -e mea hle.W& - aunom:*a uulestei uu m lia ~0.. 4'. ->41 i -4. ~Lrnull,7nuque 1 li mi~~oe am-"b.*4t ibis auletde l*ac, lut 84 iwusmdlabook us Whibetihsch Msd m iswcod.tué" ad 4 fi. blon&delivers duugaos l& et o.40 p4e"d a L. Tvflu n 00.»,-Byh'cIoek. peh mm «i lieOpfna Hou»asmbeEpTusiay, arnd Woduoedp. of noztm ekyouvlll ---eca Wi by tshé rtomsmue u ;il bos..ieànolimi"a nualber et isai- cnea ail pnsemta viiibs alvea aq. NOmau-AiI pers».. a Wb O* pelt Vi h W. A. Gocdvrn for rnn = dusin the junor an sd vie hatnot scelvs '=I" wau clCOUsud amet hm beonr ibm sud o et ls j , otierviesbey vill b. cold teathe. igiut Lîîder vitheut reserveor prejudice. W. A. Goonvu, dealc la maou r>r ptcturso%*'trae, arstistea oé à DoYÂNmA-Tor Chrlitmas tlie goX. Onimmon. w.aère. callin a troiquellty geute beaver coller sud caff for 010 prias $110, fiue cuaity ter coller and ouff for $27 prie@ 040. solu ad ouf. la buver, 1mb, ctte *tce. frou se aip. la cape W$ èese i.leaders. arsy persiu lasmbtheu ybhutqualiy for ta 25, reqular prio. 84 5. Susoui ohesp lovuesd nderverfor the. inluimu tado,-18. RBTINRG heMBusNuusa-Haviug aald out the. beai and @sa biatausc teliUmma Johauton Simoan. aIl moampa due lis fire. vheiher by -note or bock amaent, te rcquired te o .pud fotivith. -la solubsenesur. jnlinatom à&SBlan iii ireielle ey aid glus reipta. Ton a short ime I viii b. then, on Wedousdsya sud Saturday. This la tbe lut notte. Bryant & CJo. R. Bryans. mauager-16 tt. lIs Lnus r-In sother coluu a iii b. fouud the. aiaouasmuni cf a triait fies Prof. D.remvond cf lferont., the celebratud boit, geade mutio. Prof. D). bu joitrctand from au extensive tour of th. principal attise of Europe and te fally prmvared te show tic vony Istatt tyléet i. îgoode a. worm lu the leadince ntrat cftesieon la Europe and Amerlos At tie BMIucon Houas, orne, day onit, Baiuiday, jaaueryl6ti -là IL Wx. NoUxuà4, the o.mlgrstion, commis elouen for Manitoba Qov.rmne tailu lava. and vnii b. fi;ubd ait th Boumsn Houes, from time teo il., duriag Jauuwry and February. Min MoUilan hoabera to ua era infManitoba and vii b. gladtie omucior oaruapoud viti ail v11a purpose nmouing tien. tiii. apnlg. Ae he le apractlosi mn, aad VIII gn out vithorne of the spring exauraloin'. tuas la au excellent nnportunlîy te geisece M sd aivice.- le if. CEU CILUrs. inventer and petent»s of tinsses, sud applimsuasufor oiub.féci. spinal curvtiors, paralyse, w eakIlgeboy Ies sic.. tivii lîvPoerboro, Oriental Hotel, ou Sistendoy, Jamutry lOti. This opoortiaity of conaulting a Mai of ie. expenience Mid abllity perisoual? .iceuld net ho.miaitd, mbu le cnmpolled to limit his uaual visiteansd ai- tioad the tffonand factory in Torouto, vice ho moy b. foud dally excépt Baturdavs. R-omu1' the date, Batorday, Jsmamry loch -18 8. CoxT»ine N ToRouvro-Tbce lsollen la Toronto loi mayen ha. beau the kecasot aid bard fouit eontet suer vc beit.%ve beid in Ibo Qien City. Mr. Robert .J. letgboluir Ie.aî-d aven Mn. O0dm by a m.j.-rl'v of 50. As ibm folblo f ORgenres vii show tbe oubir candidates vcvm noviere in tii race: Fleminig 8612: Osier 8$172; MoUila 4748; Beaty 603 Tho. Bandai ce by 1ev wu aomplutoIv euovcd undor, thc votc boing, for 10817; agalet 14287 ThIfies txl; book@ in tic publie moboale reaelItd a botter fa'e asé h vasautitls la th, vote b.ing for 12436. agangt 7992. PIU5UTATi,.-Ur. James Hamilton.,ths peplar osite bulde, biàaplanent mur pria on Christmms eie bj betmg wvated on bj hla employae via prmeeucblil. viii a isudiome iii pluiàohair. somparld by s pleuairn addrées, ciormalue of the great ir. @pee ulh c oinld ansd ibm good.vill thaa; euuste b.tvca itbikses.employcesud employues. Aies vlshlg l toeev.p hum respecte and but visi...toes. RamIlton, seoopsulsd viii a bsutllul rmoes t able for Mr&. Humiltou, Mr. Hamilton, vie vu taken hl surpnla retrrrd bie tb»eismanhb. baif etfUMm. Usmilima. nd ilmuelifor tic addresoand prusante. iug aider ths parental roof. la LUadey.,MU. Gueniator lu tome a a"Que A atier à Coa establishment cf <Jhloago. Hie vile secm- pentes hUa. W. ha"e rocied a lattongerd owciien, relative te lie tiuow out. lîteffoci ahargod on a un pald on ou liii,%14vitok v. oanot publiai, lie initiecaittima te Si»~ Ousis Hanse,8 nigite omlj PlMuNMisud pnicaul. Saietuflo sud mcral, perfernenes viii a o.iy aay of iauda cpteuo u u uliven away Thé dates m eJaumiy 11 I, 1%, Th ii.moarl avec nadir lieenpose Lia1 O.Woc od e NO. 148 CIO. lai ti a hl, o.kvod, on Nuv Yoe o ali, ve flad ho emi vas sa eeos fis». oislly Mn.lehérirvce Ufr. Joniliiet.1opa, icà"0ase la t olover lut aeMmthelie Ild of hvui a.u1 baciseofor viSé be sclissi*01& Thià i boter tien ve atag l uaiteck, 4oui Infamant giviuip 20 area d the. «»»$ntrWalsed 8800. ur. taalej Aadu a, m a. uaseo, s" tir, Alla.Audinscubive bot ienictlne Mn. Oharlies Audmocf Oumercutain u»01% sud otier tinsn l t"aaltY Tie Messie.Aniersocé s m uiylatu SUli119781 Tic bei media sud ezPMO4s th ile Souef sldes u ogis Md la I on&mg Mad broachlsltobol me~Oij àies Cierr u " eirl eudg for 1% Ms&det liame.,rne Mnâ. brt an »fe au i, i vië nv brssder of Beahpgs se iMd Srp cis e ephaemdae srpeeeObl 19à. & onemie ouedl et Ageailusa MduAm ,ph"é i. hasfor lis pm m Imm viti cremi la hirnu ait m inntestlâbdhoep essathé pluoo.-leim . ceimmscli Pbuser wàâ là b&»b.lb mke ma osa"ti bagr i wke-lo n S~Film. <WoeWV~IW~1 AU(~1NB. .ve.y djpi* m ~ -«der t. Mao&ê k* aus mucheasposaible beforo. WNBlgBrelM l Fa N. avin irafs Big B,zoumain Tamil. Big Brpfii WTwee, sd Y«Uloou. U BUhP"ift uDb.. GOix *Thtee apeciallinasti, 10, md 2lcen&aper yard,,.wurth jitdoiibla. BIG BARGAINS IN OLOTHINCis -hm hIâa the boa »d I tok the Ar*t 4 dolit au;wu Iwo m une 'Y.h 1 ý d",M tm' 0 "Irecovezed W*4 . 1Thé ::four& doy-Ziat Ur i.h.dmi ai =mY 4petb. &*t oud food ix "two zuatbo. Buem dthft 1n '*have,;gt**àUs. g*teaz better and 4am now able to uiove about the. CIhous. Myi dcath wu dally ex- pectd ad m re eryhas been "the doctor. There eau be no doubt '<about the affect of Germait Syrup, CIas I had an attack j ust previous to "Its use. The only relief was ftar "Ithe first dose." J. R.I.ouGx.xD, Adelaide- Ausla Good tuaroWood uv ern t tus office Yriaibu c ystasaetiMm.B .Jeui Ur. L Malous, of 0,1111.. out hie New Y.ar hodday in Lirndaay. The. wutv'cldo, of my @tometuorut. Apply to drMI. Y. . J.wsi.-14.if. MieJan Laadn ofTronto, mutasf., daya in towa wih hua friande te ii.mics Pawrn. Ilci oursdin 30 mieutua by Wooltcrdos Sanitary, LoiIon.Sold by &E.regor. -1800 il. Ummr WellInein & Sh1j hava aisrt.d l i the bakilg business la tova. The. staff ef life oht tw b. pletilfal. Mr. G. 90Il, us thé terprdtg jeung tullor of Orilla, speut a few day. -uzder the. parental roofià Liadaay. Ufr. A. Dunlop, Oonmaiel K. P. P., for North Ruai uv, di.d aM Pembroks, Fatda, fro diabolos aller a we i lium. " ra. oobanc4 vif. of thé popular membr for Emt Northumberlaad, dedaet Brightorn, Ont, Tha"eay, aller a avèe "«&ame , Itle la .pated lt allumti"rne Ray oaInl. tullootual gt iliipaeu tbrougi ithe oraiume ai the. mmbc f the novcounaiL. Remember the performeaoe et the Opera Bout%, Monday, Toaday. sud Wednesdy ai nuit veek. lied progamme for partiuars Mise. lai. Haminlton of Persboro, @pont New Y»a' es ekvtaiî« bhr eoo.het blmea .Wallon, Durham stretut, 4Luadea,. Ufr. Aloi. MoArhur, ofithe Qoee, maie. a vfery agreabiobhast. Tiie bail »Ci upper held the, otier aight vas a vM yesjopable affalr. Ufr. John Simpeon. oftlit ovnan sd Mm. Boyoe, ofi Tenelon, ver. unlr.d la mariage momtaly. Tiey ha". the but w1ah.. of maay friand& . The. amai sale of perodmb and Devis papes i viitaks place ilahti dea os of tbe mohanio'e Iaet.tut% u n igay, Janoany lti, at 8 o'lock sharp.Terms e h. Ur. Frank ourtua cmles.more pleaaaaly than ever. Ttie Onriamea box premeetd tu hlm by is uswtmed vifs vu a t ue utile girl baby. Many ihappyntuurnaof lie 0006"e. REMNANTS. REMNAý-.[TS. We have a large accumulation of- Remnauita of Tweeds and Deu. Good, Maur de Cloth,, Flan neIe5 Shirting, Tlckmgm4 ôt., etc., whih, w. are offring at clearing pries regariess of cou t. Strike vhile the Iron i. hot and corne with tiie crowd. ms ve have stacks of ir teresting bargaina t*~ offer yon. WARNER & COM'Y The Great Bankrupt Stock Men, 76 and 78- Kent Street, J Two doors East of the DaleyHouse. - ~M . -- . - - qw FAtIR WEAIH ER & CIO - M . - MÂNU FA.CTURING FURRIERS, 'j -j Have opened a FUR STORE mext to Il. Holiorf's Furniture E-qtabli..hment, 2rud door from New Pest Office, Kenti Street, Lindsay. W. are thero .hewing a choice seloction cf Furs. wioh v are prepared to seoU at thei CLOSEST PRICES These goode are specially manufacturi.d fur uur uwf trade by oursalves snd com- prise the choicest Funs to b. found in the umuket. Our facilitios for parchasing Beaver, Otter, Mink.-Muskrat, Bear, Sable and ail other Canadian Furs are unsurpassed. Having consant relation with the. trappors and Indiana for procurlng mli kinds of fine Furs vo receire aib our doors the raw materisul DIRECT frnm thoosvirionti furtiher expense, tier.- by .aving middlemen's profits, commisions, etc. lin securing foroign Por vo have business connections with the -leading fur lieuse of Leipzig, Germany, London, England and New York, U.S. Oui aim ian nt only tu supply Furs of the finsL qualimiybu1t te aie HAVE THEU WELL AND PROPERLY MÂDEÉ, sud as we manufacture ail oui gooda on the pro- mines, under our supervinin, they are subbected te the clost scrutiny before being brought- forvaril for sale. Auj sr"il may bie returned if fit anid quality are nt u represented. EJ'Bv.irng and re-modelfing Fors a apecialty. FAIRLWEATHIER{& (3OMPA NY FURMRIES, PETERBORO and LINDSÂY. KIui.~, Duasmias ~Jib. RIS-ML NEIL McPHATDEN, Hoadauarliers for m Readyniade m Oiothigt We ame pr.pared to prove our right to the sibove naine by -the qti-an t y, qualUty. variety and prioeof our goods.. Yoz will sustsin ub> in this if you inspeot our stook. MEN'B ODV3ROTSi $5 to 41l2. YOUTHS s OVEROATS $3.50 to $6.50 BO«YS' OVERbCOAT s IYOUTHLS. BOYS' BSUITS9 SUITS» IS7U IT' ~5*$1 I $.5to $0I$2 t o& from $11 59b oit&1 $1.500 p~it' >$ys 1 l lieu' Tweed Pante 899 -oenta. Meu'i Ail- ool Tweed Overoata, your. choies of 100> at 4.50 eah. Men"k. Gmarnteed ÂU-wool Tweed Suit, your choie of Mt $5 acii. Ândisay. $3 te $6