c oNSUMP1Pj IL hocd y te rompt S ,= o8 ! is ieZ, t* "I0* l wond rfUlyrlived bl IIS" n41 0~ "I hve "Àd.or'SCherry Pootess with lte" bCest 8evet Iin n p4ti Thtm wconderflprepartlOonceue *weati "as getly roedd, Bmh and give uby » hcsi u bottie and a h4l!cf théectora id ir e"-A. J. E$SoR, I. D., Mlddltl Tlennessee. "Several y eari goIv eesi U lte doctorisal In, 1 cuampigl and ltaIt they cauld do nothimng Me but advlmed moi as, a lai resot, 1tu .A yrli Cherry Pectoral. Aitez alu titis medicinO twb or three mou"ha3 was cured, and myhbealth t eMAlua900d to tho proet day."-Jmtee Bizochàrd, Darien, CouD. 41SeveTal yemriego, oa spwumffl'o from Caifornia, by water, I contra0ë so sevre a cold that fo oimone Affl 1 was confined to my tate.roorn, snd a 9 physiclafi on board consldered zuylite In danger. HapeigW1SOr'tl of Ayer's Cherry ]Pectoral, I used it Ireely and rMylunga vwer. Boon rutored to a ~ ealthy condfition. Since thon 1I b'ave invariab !recommendal Ibis pnep aration."-JkB.Chtandler, JunotIo3, Vs.& Ayer's Cherry Pectora, IDr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Loweil, Maiss. YBID&Y, JANUABY 8 1892. »Om e a o 1 arder. IL.-MIr5. Juo. M. bibuhalli. f wl Ioeprovlug af soi a six wvoohi lues.. She bas boem under th.écere ut Dr. Graham 01cf Peson Pale, sud our i lmbe mre that site mal Iîetover bhr ubual goed hgaltb. POLITIOAL exetOeet SI *iPOCtOd te commuence &bout telb. Otalmuswî ud It wout oesk.% amy diff.veo@cseuto th. jiste af lb. roade, tb.emmv l ronds of Mr. Sam» Hoghet are going te &et there overv lime. SoRooL MECTIN.-Tbiaunai publie ichool tn..etttig vas largly attended. Mr B. Wir4lsy ua cloted tro@We. Mr. John M. Marshall -balneg theo eidilu trustee, We bave no doubt but sh51 Mr. woîîley viliive orne prailical lesioni iu houw ta lower the taxes. WAi4TED about six Imceo sc mvgo thst farme-re eau get Into the Woods for fuel with aloeho. WE wiih la. Wà»aEDa shappyud prosperous New Yesî. JOLBUP VIA *.:<li go TA. Verdir. MR. D. 0. MoDougal, wbo taught mhool hor@, lbave, to teks obargeocf Breooin public ohoi. Mi. NeLean cf Cardon ie ta teaob boe. At thé lait e.aiaitiof bore twa of the youcg lady moholfrs, Miii O MoPheison sud Miès LîIIy McQlvarp, preoed Mr. MeDou. gai with s boeintifol parallel family Bibis sud a muiable a<drei. Mr. NeDougal wag takieu quit. bi surprise sud ho maide a suitablo reply. BBUOV"x. - Me. maignum MoPhorson r»oved f roin bore ta bis latin lu Tborah, be havii rented i. P1440 bere b lMr. John B4teman. We are veîy sorry te lame mgnon gool sihîslieauMr. Mephei. son snd bis fauily. T12. good Wlahem cf lte people bore te with lbo. WELDDINGS.-At te retideno. of lb. -brid' f.ther, bv th. Bey. Mr. Thomase, Mie& Ava, Jeudil, te Mr. John Batemien, ... O the 241h De., at th. î.idna eof tb. bride"@ tathei, by the Bev. Mr. Thamas, Mise May, the sîdeil daughter o! Mr. Heury M'alilot, te Mr. Keneit Drake af Bessrton. apao'eLt.oT2%6V~i. FOLLCJWING 18 the leelion Of officine for the e usiing yeaî 1892 of L.O.L. 113:- WU, Ju. Beatty; DM, Danlel Joue; obapisin, Rev B. Bamiorsb; Bée, 8oy, James Morris; Fin Beay. D W Stinson, Adm r. . W n lswso (1JohnWi3hlMO Ne bchage in the Mauvie ownah] cannailtIbis ye. iaEens udaounou lors r...lootud bi SiON»bIDe. Xi Sîtan cf Poqtvpooi vwu aomnl.atm fe * 2ad iop..re'c, lu oppoition te Mr- 30b Barnlaott, but te &&va thé oeil cfa élection r.stgmed. 118o dia J. Poi sud 11obaBoatai wbo veie nominals or con reîlit te oppose John Vaoéeai - John M.bood. B..v,. Kennedy gave vcry saeevrate mîtearent eo!tlb.ju prooeedtingo, r»aeh tethéo *alisfet of a large ouSb,ýr cf ,stepayom w ver. proent. Thon carne foîwsîd J., Preston, Sep..ie> y@,vho mde lb. ei for'» roa under the beavy loaid fta sud tigures wbieh Jo . rehsaamed cloquent styl--, wblah go to show that1 làuDmaim'slop la eaty sud mDnowi affaire. Thon Su1d op.îe, Jo Bsmniaott, spoke feraor tnlmes"di&& sM he houW lb kitboom* od by thé ll isevês. lobb Vmses vuathon uebi sud hit speeuh wuashort foteeua& I :monsa l .1v, tboulgb a W 'o g John lMahood s»Ohi Viii for qmbas14 oh. lu. lll410 boh e r., v L. W b * 4* letle âZu misnuete osuasim tnu mas * pftsain Ana abow lsmet v0.ug PeIMIDé t"methaeibeoe. T14»dut0( lvè vièh, ibeli8,anueleensW MeM , .oupio ouaihh thotitutus.he .U&sue Sêew u fou- Tooi yl.9.18 liarin Thurulais mu«. u mom« C Tma WAaauextoula 'osn.UOIW$b 1 suumie tse a* ci-sogleml t5~ Q *ibes U»ta i ebaiiesma pieu- b 0 bieng h a, Oua us"oo eoseil on Tuedsy, Die. ~vthin tlb.Y" of et epleIi ~d Al s esliem$ Nggu« 116vbP.e u wl"mp êP m ~. C Glibit, vasuolng", thepuits Otlâtsi à 0 this,5IUoditn, 5wdht "Otton balplsn.d splemmmt surprisei ihyseul ho uatey shlppéêdo1r i for bei. The tolovlug slddousvu imelbet moutha, lbais diàouilatMthil by mur Eflin MORAT..-obus« tulatempérature iI Dotoffeotthe Jan a K a Sertmer loucas lé vvs ne% hppulil op DUR IAC».- o,,thepopis -f 8WW @M.la lth * oh juit 8.8. g o u. -W&È ob, tlb. h pps e sil verthrop Sud à, hallmillion loes tuu8t NO. Maxlipin ouas, te i l P i . have beau mini srosethé oséasum -theb tuk n nlty et pues utlmi en w tbheoplehlof theitimotiet end1aI bave bee ' toke n et ieh mbroan p hw h le e 0pey asoeutl a N mou-for sloO a vbsb îu su bel by lite'»altasfor Sui. cîhero? 585fierel. POP"&éla. Dowh ev Ive u & si n 0 Tb@ Prie ef ePMsbueo th. pésl vom Oèm'».BR amnaiU asOui leaebei, sud by buasoua s h Ie botteribsu in pie. lb. grest intoreal Von teok in oui vol., in ii.wt ieospilo lare yoe a00oneele yelloumolt o shouf levélu lb thea, »btoo a Tho tiane for youî depailuri bas am 'gallohopttiei& e opmi nglrelavnlitii and lté lavîit doop feelings et ore sund cvtoe balêe.tmsntée&gsoiete regret titst va, sewbil yen taroeol.have mone o l ova m 0@x ts 6s bien, lhing you mucces lu overy walk eof rmlilieeml u»mi e lum se. imaoisih su Wou looinbs molle thelb.prediotlons et bi. albm a a ernrla, md vom ookug uinis, but thoy 411 mot do se, mueb et il, vili sometimes lblakmot pour vay. *0 the dimmue#fth b e ssizulsîs. A% s Ward, yul affectlobe upupls e of3. 8. amal vwestorn village, 01o Party sold s Wlmiig jon a moiti X'»assud si hippy domen *0 soother tor savon eomute, sud it Nt.w Faei.Sl«nd on bobtif&t e t a mollara ia svi sobool bjbougi rotl aib pieimithal prie.. Il MARY ELuN Molux. vasulaetytheplace st,ébat pes.Idot MARUL Waffect thebomarket. Tb@ People oetCOu. - bsé bave tbe intelligence aol enlerprisi PO"l teOOLel<> orh out hoir evu de mtllnv sud Il Speell i ~~ tIoYankees diduls vaut OMMUadina e Ox Dao,.22ad., st thé close et sobeal the Bridia people do. te pupils bon Lpreted Mr. J.* B. r- _11-n, U I.. noua amuu ha"u a11-u. - - tIre pumlsûrijeans, wih au oiganlY boaud bible sud hymnal. Fellevlngilu lt.e addres:- TO J. jB. tJackao. 1DEàaBTzàom»,-On Ibis, lb. ave et ycnr dopartar rin moui midét, sud the éoverîicget the baud exltiug belveen us au teseber and pupils, va leslie go ex- prose oui regtret that tIre lime bas como, in thc crder eft lingi, tbat vi muet seperatu. We look baok over the mémm yeersyu ave pent boreas oui lemoier sud vlth fond recollectbcns Sund thst udaiyoun .tulian, aithongià moi as attentive as ve onght le bave beau, vo bave made god proitrous snd titas jour labai Ibas beon grestly for car benoit. lieut aeured eai lescher, Ibal jeu bave a war'» pisse lu' ail oui besîta sud ve wiii @ver try te proit by thé lntruttloa isprtil. 'Mi nov, ilu cosim, bu ploisol te accpi aa siglgiokin cf îîlem aI oui bauds %bls bible and byma bookt, vi eau Ibimi ot mthing bettersas s meumete. Ire' lte formerI pou will lesin Goda HRoll Law, auI traibmth latter yen ou @êlog Him pimise, and, s jon do se, îhiuk kimdlv ofu as vo affectboaimtly remember yen, saud malyoyui pat thiont lits b., prasperaus ad happy. W. therefoeobld yen su affotionabe laievell. igasit on behtif cf thé sobol, KINMOUNT. a.eiffl te luVarW~. T- teth &anumi .ntertasim'»itl undel te ausaIces et St. James'Banda, uobool, v as bl iu Pym'm hall, ou Julday ev». m ing, Janumy lot, 1892. The tes vas ail IraI ce ouit b. dealred, &bite.boima plonli foi mlli aolwitmmdit tIbsithe.bail vas orowded te Its ulmoat oapssily .After tee Mr. James Wilson, superitln ij0O à tbe mbool took lte obair sud lad ordeî. 3ev. E. Sevard thona ave lte ). opnulg pr sudnmlé soul ahdeu to îth b hilârea of ith ebol.The sohool 1ibthn sang a chorus emtitltil 11, E pY New L. eu" folowed by lb. uboruim u oobh Muais by lteé sbmi.h oStil 1my, Tt ; Alpbabeot,' soci, "Thoe ek" vlibi in semg, "The Lest Somg,' b tuseChance; 3, ueccit, by the o Bi. En.bLuâi; reeding, @; ri. Gos. Rovhîàbb; boat sono, by olght EL lttie gtirls' dialogu. An wi lm mie y"t W soug, ' eis evn"by ise M. Graham; otstlom,"Thé Remues Wby' .1l by à Amuie au; &64.tOu m a olte s bv MIse et lMiam 5 ; alogUu m *'Tieti itume lr;" bonusbyDi nse mak es, "ABu&"lsh ubjeot I Waà IE Mr. A. Train;, duel, Boy130ard Md "F]or GdaHmo mal Nabtive LiaI. Why dos th.W.T.O. U. object tete Baîuîdsy aibih puiobasial? For varions reasons tbe Union objece t the ueedbs babil ef Baturday uigbl purobailm. Oui irai roason le, ltaIl tends ote .des@- oration-cf the Sabbatb. Thomi vite sue kept ont deliv oriatparcoesnlil midalgita caonuel seIlj eroe tu tu$*, beteue the *MITy boums. et the Babbatb, sud the obauoes are iboy viiirosi until a late heur andt hus be dealned Ire'» atteullttg MIy pluse cf weusip. Oui nuit roeaue la, ébtl hlidien vite are tee Young le heon ouafter dark vitout a guarduare sont te Malte puisoL &Parents May pesciliy tblnk IbsI no bari'» 'ay hefail lb.. viîle se min peopleaue ounlte stîveti, but ébat la vhe» e .hau'»le, Th.p se as1 hoat more lbits ta eaiy good. Anotbei iiso lu, l afferds a long asualore$ sre open sud purehasors oomlug sud golauag.iosfer vil sial to Iras posé..ObsIies Diokeu ais ébat lteé tri% ezeoinul revelation of ibi dry rot in smen, le a icmdexey la lurk sud louage. te ho ai bstocorners vitboul 1 itellgible teison. If thîes a s l be. S ous e nu 10mel eut at once bt a voil snob 1sa alamltJ. AmdI ubli mOUM re rosn,- W. btikthons vbe havi laboedil tum 7 r '6oicskoumMomlsy moing mmii 7 f o'olook on Saturd s igi$,t ,aenemitleil le 1 àlest. We o imu l ai7relm &Upui. b ohèsera $0 oomeuthlb.mattef, ïaimeébtha t # ml aisss !businus bu losed eily on 1 Baluudsy ulgiteHers vo migbl snggpst v det emploers vhs pu> on satuiday? 1 "uld de o it tuehang e corne tb e b o ingo.êaineu nlbe by2 temake ibeipuiebals lagod ; the. miss WuM*A' o onzaCL PuBII.- "Wbem Ivo aiea Muti heleo 00k lie eauoi bb'aeeu o, ittoidmnmaons e! eaoi t cîbi oinmi, notIe imeitéer alttude; 5f ti*il, Iuhs#eo, eas-~ teallon tleé»hi lie 1 1h. ravait mud Ibe dogme cf pohiui on the boul. Wben Ivo voineflmme, àgocmetl09 iWvi, InMeoulu eouiu omal eolusavnlaiwletlm te the gmumte Iby vhih k le .mbeflsbd ekeas o mli Promut t1h51 ieaso. à" f -lb. amoek!subdlioUot imhi with lIepnSffamril v m*«m wuus asluivol peu parl; le obhange lémagasouuultUàaselqui I vIrai ou 15Wmai helaitI, lov math braitma l,$ot te 1h.'ou lCbe probe teelbois bauis, e fl me! l.woo4-ltblàja ie IZ f social pmbvt, lusatios sud driss îfem. Wlteuge esoomu ber ol magl lte Judgo asklvi vb Ilu. aesuppoeu toim Jota, et Am, aunso,*dI atI ilomndodl, gos eli mame s Ex.,Eg luta, Mdl thea f11àdwo aim 'W. ami ie ehtmuol lb.»" ulid dl. is le *bis m ~Iwo [thee 10 14 aq vbonl etbeoineMilld 1 IN* I 1%4 d oréASflo .!lis&&ws ~pte u, I »vau *lot um ul. ~ i. L.A...â j&U.la m ai ta>Oa 'I t I .1 p 'e t, e s r i 1, vmut liome viii satialal vlth Iho ovemg' umeisi .imt, wàkih vu a s.s0 t l;vW&7. Tb* effomrsotil.Jmu Seg. da, e»d-lo be couguatlatil m thé 0mw vas vury buay atonal oui leva duâr. las the holIday.. go lmslathdtu couplas itavm io lhebi Mt We vich Wxai bas bmofetth* bleu bandI ?er0as boy% a, aais lau on.0. mae*%Mgd thrMborua. 'Wu :U te bs:L * metémnsctf 'OmeumoslOgm wà T hm t n ." laimà ame l bal m vusia ttM 'lIs "'puikat ~ ofmw tt~s7 loge, M 3..' *89 K. I. v~4 os~ ffi~W~Iwo Md%0 t ewmd -O htqild do te 118 Ms ite0WOUâ& Lad mp ot. et O~noi is pin teuta. 80 lu CDim .4l oo.k l Am uie vs. sud %tenlasshe voaeuybc4ovetinaIfvthe 10, it1, sd 12 .hu1 &Ivefà boIAS sadeta <gi d yOs nvbeue hte où obf lehyli e sthe.'cditai.enA eitaxmumlbof te - voman b mielo Lpeil oierel ai eueaIminsmsthe lur trmie i: "the oi obes. 'sID Boch. saIeno allialu is etsthvemer.I 10,c1 qustd12 ion I o ide1a poillol vutouapeoae l by yl forw lb th isoabt f Iylugillte.lbd&iein Levimti e olt tIreQ votddt smoi &une ilsieiaislto lini e àb nlquaz anste qeson lDÉa b.oemig oitaih qurl'aa.Ws a"looku or vard tel regard »aoos il Wn a sou gie.oet hoe doiaiin hopse Ld Sli s el e mo. suce oovby ELm, E .Sho 'nertson. Ofta llfi 1Y it.cors 891a4fotv t@U.the eld's muhrm ofga ri $,ars mafi l Boye dIviii wiu wa gréIalvo1sudat n thi vite et Bs. Hon. Lord Houry Butead I iarlo u8rcuet,seomd sm oft he Duku Duer SIMe-MY mother vaS faIllai Vary fut afttr titre. munîb'a îufloris nZL .droffl,, bang swolleu,fruni huA %iloot, bat dab» lad neusmebottle et jour flardaci Bleod Bttera iL vauromovd, sud abs folt quite wsU. W. thlok 1h.,. la no bstter zadjoins, a"mae "mmc frienda ta BB U0linLas Linia Taylor, 177 Jtmuon Ave., Parkdale, Toronto, Ont. -152. TUSTvwlî ewumany people affer vola whea etjsrodi, Of knowa and ttoaonffUot 1k. liagysid'a Yellov 011l e1 e t évaIery drugstore, te mot veryiet This passbin poln isootbing remody la a prompt and plusat cure for acre ibroat, croup. eolda, rhouinaitm, lame back, etc.. Primo U eeata-15 2. Victoria Osibolle Save la aàveadeiful huai. tue cotupound for enta, vonude, bruisse borne. scalde, beile, plou, pl*mpie, "-2-5. Titis diiesa may b.u risdta a vaiety o. causes, snob as constIpation, liver troubles iuproper teed$ etclo. Thin a ocure-Sur.. dock Blood iBltZer-vb&UM malbe shoroughly relîiedm o effect a puusoner. It as aunetiobstinst ass-et e o r'sesténdii- TEVICTORIA WAIWER LIIIDBAT, InT*@1 Job ?rbîtbg Son» la aods M alnMaimaiedo >lime. fIa Uor AUIWSNG. OII hul buma, .... , Mes Laitooiuultho se ses 40 le COMEEGIAL MBAL Novi%&N measraoui oinS.for s& bainir th jan paouw&UL Aà»& dI asasami, peu ...,..u .*U-v 41X lises s adi, Sm nrl.... .. . .... 5 aê iaqail"", ............ .. m hm r*çloetaà" ~.. ....0» - le 49S q"h NooaaIb F* mime bSn rp1qs1sdvith aU ines of Groceries ie- quàçddf« - 1nes pl al mties of RAISINS, N UTS, *»m" CURRINT% OONFECTIOXgrY, SUGARS, PEELS, etc. IRY OUR MIXED C.EKDLPS «Il10c. FER LB. -. ~ a-s t reoeived, a carload of AMERICAN WATER WHITE GOAL eteOIL of the highest grade, a"sobut brand of Canadian Goal Oit. ~ Ou Stook of Dry Goode, Twees Boots and Shoee, Rubbers __L. .M sudV naOverahces, Caps, Hardware, Crockery and Glassware., in nowv vey complote1 qq&L laý. "MxVi -Iv* v u e vo m*vaa or. oneohuy. lse. 0" Omo* l.ua ei" m- noua agâ È a~.s' I* e - nase, mi unos- lis mma T.m *9 UI~k~LjUmiyM 4.»mkDe - mmm alvqr velit, ms-K.Cltme M-sM. Mme a" iguld et Loof *MeyIlmu* tia M'se . 0. Ar r-n ui&m * . mms 4auusouLomautue av em me *0 SmN me MblailDmglosoe. tu MM' BR, MM Aibant miieneor. a vulbOo.aeam tu U, mesS l oum aorner mai aS ilia aftruotsou *t ca a"dmi ount Buamai It 0%"ook om. oo. Jem ati«; W. Amaow, suoratlBu au1. Lam" Fer Sle., TII sAndamedbave àa feu oi. AiSMam omn valmble TVPOWN URI5 la, ier "ou oi7iUi». ..NOV, THIE KLY TUS1IALTH, Unloeka oMfthe o616M4aeusymmcitlb. Eowels, Kidneyu uaid IverWa. ingof grad»ny ithoul weskeumgth sueaul the Impurities ana 'oI hu onf ithreeom aI lite MaM lime Conrentfl gAcdity of th Stommb, Smning Pilicumele, DYI eatbru O.a~a0~Drynu cf the8kM, Dropq DlnMtz.s o Vison, -audic= t Rhou c,-a. ]Deblity; ait ihe.andi mapy o, her imilar Complints iUtIO tGIO r'jviflumnce o! Real Esàrtate Agent MONEY TO LOAN a% bevag talet cilalarut FIRE Agr*lltu o, f Waertown, Otissua, cf Canada, Commercial nion, of Englendo oancf Englaado Oit utue, f London. AOOdce»" Wairou Zuin.Worka Co0, H.Eaid àSons' &ick Kahhulr e.slsband Qata, Pas ansd Buckwheat, fou, which highest market prices wili be paid. Fine Barrel Soit for sasle at Elevator and Store. HOGG Dec. 16t.h, 19-5 City Harness Shop, Lindsay, Natg nuSe vbuieal.latmoebln apuotumlo ME. JAMET .. i lO mi MdS t" g#od ailla hmbutm a o n o»V reiru. Iau1 aam te a g n almy odcustoiwn. and as mu »Wev - i avm m viiitbhir pairomagshailaoila ailorderu vlth wviiciI ma£ b.e etruiod. My Stock of Harneàs, Collare, Whips, Trnnks and Valises la 'ws iia.td uwuod m bao bn ny1ael ou aSud oli pcai JAMES ITTLE. Llnday. Dec. 11h. 1um-1Su& NBW, FIRESIISPARKJLINGT GOODS-AT1 Se Je' PETTYPS, FOR THJE HOLJDAYS We were neyer better equipped. Ou r stock is larger and. bettor assorted tha'n ever. Prices are away 'down, quality away up. Wo expect to Bee our old frieuds aud. mauy new ones, during the next two weeks. YOU WILL SEE NOT ETTER STOCK or receive more attention han from Next door to the Daley House, Kant street. Deaember 17th. 1891. ]PIANOS &ORGANS The finest stock of Organs and Pianos ever exhibited ini the Town of Lindsay wiIl be sold at~ wholesale prices. for one month to reduce stock. ORsi-UpmImAis a t e Bile i.Bcd sud Sho. Steve.-68-iy. Wholeslê and Botail deaier in aU klndm o! luuiber, Wood. oal. Lifme, Latb, Shingiese Tile. and Pire Clay1 Sewer Pipe ef best Amoricm mak.. Lamito e eery description, dry, droused, and ready for use. liaple, Birch and Ash Floor- lug. U a oii f ail hindi. Tisuber and Jointe of aIl lengts. Sitingle- of iii grades. Urn of! liteb quality lu stock, deliverol ta any part oft he lovnat s hort notice. DRY WOOD of titi itsiqllty te sny part cf lte town in large or amali qnaîititieF, promiptly. Telephone ocunsollen. JOSEP a MAUNDBR. Mmc and Yand-Vetolm Avcmueb, ntit efSylveebsiBics.' Worke. Ladiayr, Apuil SSd, I 489. -1 704.tf. Iam. prepared to supply pîirclis- ers with the very best X cut saws t in the market, Maple Leaf band, and others; narrow and wd e -,a,,,s, extra thin back, no ýet reqiirel. I also have a good se!ectlon ,.f the 'i best brands in Axes, new Stoce'l el sewhere B. A. ANDERSON. L SEiflthe WAB»* BROS,> LdIay Lfl~î Oy t2h. tUt a choquew impi ami dsay. SAY î,eu4 M 9,0000 ,60e o i The Jeweler, ià 8 LITTLE, m The Jeweler ýS. J. PETTYP LUMBERs, 1 COAL'- AND m WOOP-e anv