proifptly - .NEW We have bolight OUt at a rate on the dollar, and offer the entfre stock of BOOTS & RUBBERS, OVERSUQES- & FELT GOODS at a big sacrifice. N'ow is the time to buy Feit and Rubber G-cods. Al .Winter G'ods must be out, Cail and see us. First Door East of. Daly HSousa, JOHNSTQN & 313301 Lindsay, January 7, 1802.-16.1 c a m e ft o C ta p om i he s u b s e rl b « . ler, L t B.d30,Undco DetasoM & bout the lot orf Nov. suber ou.TTAEIN4 t, »V. rner le te. 5 ~~~qussottaproveo et xeaaa i teI &Wrlght, Dmec. 01891-10.8 fromâtIC prome_ isse bunaulgasd, DORENWEN D'8a r*y odmoatm01 MWieo Prof. Dorenweud vill 1b.Met i Benson Blouse, Saturday, Jan'y 16,1 'With là fullitA of pamnplfrn or the lbiset styIlu aHait GOOde. omprisng Wlgu, Parisien Bangs, Wmvpm9, Switcltem, Frnritpeoe, Tnupees. etc., etc. Do »at mien Chie oppotuultv af «XifliDing tht lateut Mé-c Ynr-k and Pobie1ian Styles. R.membsw, aet BENSOq BOUSE, 15.2 8AI'URDAY, JANU ARY 16 , r n@mdey naiy. lSoientlito Americmu g Agency forla puwlibs 'IAâII, EMEY FIDAY NORNING F'or Informnation and ooeeHandboO1rwMlto MUNN &CO. 861iiROADcAr, Nd Oux Qldet bureau Ïor securing palenta In Amerlos mvery tatent takem oui by us la brougbl beone the publia by a notice givîn free 01 ch&ngsIlu li Lraie'rulatlou of n yscleutifi a pa In lthle cil. UIndle IIlusrated. No t mmliendbe tbotIL. Weokl e $sr 1.50 six manthu..dnm WUBE Sux. 361 a-i'New York. N'arm For Sle la Eidon. Lot la ln the 9th 0aC., aidon. lit acres mrj Illou, about 70 acre* clcared.- Prame houmesand br; 900d orohard; close tea achool and churoh Apply 10 JOHN TINI<EY, Vaonda PO. Or ta G. H. Hopkîna, BwrrltsrLlndaay. Octobor 10, For Bale. On ugnThrethilu Machine. mmnlumm b Jobàbll Oe (oyr II llbflt bymena; austn boréo paver. Oshawa. Ail lthe abovo maobuiln10 a toud running aider. WtII b. .old cheap for sither mou*ya- stack. Apply at Lot 8, Con. là. Naripom Frarn for Sale or to Unt lau ]for male or la rent, Lot Nu. 9, lot oI. Laxton oontann ýg 100 acr». 18 %re fall Ocagdou» F'or full particu lm ,apPLIt- the Prpri 0 al romlass, or by Imter 0 rroorols April li, 181. - VU. B. ALL au 0o eP.O. Imm for Sale la tbe ?owauWp 01 Ope. nes 1011= i21,a1ua17 famhpourtvbé h ThiI tanu cuitalus 80 aM1,%aulý*wm dk8,pi obuls cf cultivatlon. Thm uo are rawms-a oeafrleblé dllnt boum, a trams bun.iléie ma sheds. Tho fam l i so e h 4S --eue. la aitYsutuatsd four mfim 6i" Laayc no* famretrdtaoud e.ami pqlq& à a ?'11k on loas o i ore < tondel robés ouvsiont. l'or tutr um ,~aa t0 JAS. voRxISy, Kug1., Valll Fam fer U»Me or S th's 0muty 09 viterl100 emes eMMe da. h ho; 5fumda. Md =-, tco i 1 mbrlgo 81, Soltb of lDe Narket, uAn HUSUU, ED471% A» ?nomma. NESW iDrg55 TISDW(Ta. bepamabr SoiSaue. Ws lve a b"a.0".Ilracmafatrdb L D. Uainu,, or sIso. aiea. or hma= s poc. er.lspatha.apv Sep. 0, M1-I.t roprwalara Ta'11s. To, Park Los Uudvet5AJeItre a ecmelnI. ume ars.WIni b votei for à tvs ofJrs.M mu.y, oà a lefS JOUX DQUOLAUI 0 omtbOaikdaPort Eopa. ma.kmihshop. gr. Butor iOs»uI" esls 10noIE vhabu is. maaideMd e vlIad cio os be bum &# hhhob Âls3ike andPRed Clover BSeed, , 1 1o irhiW" Tor" M pien vIn b.Puot&et1 rlesC' VsýGro@omSIn 188 WEROOG mu. 'Es l . W Y Dm.. 311,eW-15-If M&MRnanua, mdm Vanay P.O. i3 ý 1er ~a9oal td ite ; 1 Mau itwo. ~~l boter u@mark@ that om b ema olalmim mus oupsuosaMd taes th E»Y xWAED EUTTEEOEtH Luzian, DOc&IB,18 9L- . istraàyed. Cme labth Re promoeaithe subscriber, Lot , Front 3" csomervle, about tlb mldle of 0to ber. àA BFneI4 CAtI, Yod oeier. The ocuer la n. quee. t provo propsrt1p&v expensseand taesit acavy. Da JANUIBUITOHELL Somerville, Dec. le. 1lui.-Id4 South Victoria The Ânnual Meeting d< lb Nmber.of lb0Soti aubse o 0 bCauat oof la t» Town of LMdaay, ai~~~~~~u Mds deotl batamo o bprm Uest a i osvu' r.. a8BUG- _________ VOlJIXVIou~mWho1e No. 1818 1~- I coudtton N . gturdo voM". et 0 l ono and womlls* *U 4it andifica omm e o £téRuAfiNo new 1«» ci, .L. or. J ci 'yer f 40Loe% MU& Ma.dy lit .PO.B~J5yb piewnlt h"0S bi« M t. bvet lb i,» u m f ood TLAýý à dlHaO l sp dtvto micas lm atg aeu mada outIborst fly adf vollsesla setMy u m 111teaustWho tinmsf lbsere *0 tsss l a Mfi'gla V«I atmu.lm 08 h. 0 aU. din-My omi tdt*mê mtj vu gsnoWb" tuone- mndla1 W e, l " y. bobommc usor be »tdnb lh*to tWer blie uvmei"um Wb asei for 1892 *dl i av, s42x mulra ~vsveDo, i-l aflto naltbrigi titre his mwmnbe.c anrauasMs. *gils1, La, Pu% TeevillNOMs$- Tlisy M.ssd IB".itestiAiMmietasà@i coierti for tRie- brt lime. * hFis bus- tu laa C buief.iLt ut tRievotaiglveu for sc ocnidth. North watt.. Fsher Dit.. 01 ............... 20 '................. s ................. 85 Obah lard- Dtve No.1l.............. 48 et 2 ...... ....... 44 9, 8 ............ . .e l8st Word- Div. No. l. ............ 42 2, ..............68 347 Forti Word kylie Div. No. 1i........... 6e 00 2 ...... ..... 6 la 8 .......... ..60 Scuh Wrd- Dlv. No.l.......82 2~ ....... ..... 59 . .... ......... 84 Bust Wrd- Div. No. I ............44 s...... .. ...... 80 584 OOUICDLLOEB Sçorti Ward-. Andcr., Fln. una. loy. DM .... ô 92 4'2... 23 90 * .21 95 50 276 South Wad- Armstrong1 Div. 1, ........ .51 .64 Rob. am. 107 81 106 294 Co»uiall 85 78 102 85 60 575 WalAme 43 49 67 52 si se 26 80 388 Touci. bum. 75 67 80 22 Wil. am 28 58 es 149 HeadI Lac 112 '98 73 501 84 651 kltR7 79 260 269 2131I JOHNNoEAI. autWrd- _____________________Pryans abul e Eu Mali O'ell TotheR1f......... 1 52 41 38 1 86 Oh liaI, y* zobil*Sm 15 8 106 126 97 To chat eau. Va III Mym The ouy coutin forohool truéte vasla For cicu héats lis Eut Warti chers Mnr. Waltm sthie retiulua nom lic iU,,m-dvey u el@" tib, aàuaeoricy ci 46. wlu aus ti isue&jiapi E LITIONti EiEWkARE. Andiv issl hune Mes FUNULON FÂài.Ls-ueve, J A Elii., by Wiest a lopsil à"oiaswap. (eematioa). Conne-i 11cr - Tise Austin,1 Thn cipbeldt lisTory huait TbeeBobov, Dr H M Graham nmsd Wilia Bes sesdp la the fine, MeEssea.1 Antiost jour vol.'galM ualBwa XMILv-Rs«e Selier Wm C 325, Mo. on l ithé slso*lu"dey. Quati.Tise H 817. Dipnty roive, Atiam&a W.n, (scclmett*a. comuilors - ScuUy' For HughsVont fayot YsukmsDeuts 860, Rse Jouso R 286, Asimare Ina Wiea'pour c eifas tet sui; G 259., Mitchell Joai 201. BanC Juai19u.. Andsti elRi oir poLclusfamwN-M fH Berkeley 201. D Brown N~o compromlae ie'il mais; 217. Ocuncllor-Currin 191. G,-ahm 188. Sol lo tie gi-cal espebifoMas. 177, Oxby 118, Palmer 161, Thuruicu Allq6egene sti viii tai; 19 But Britlihlac sud onde tis neyer dl forseke. BitxLE.-laevs, Johu Hou 84. Joph Tee $2. (Couuillor-Framk Cotagia 103, yW 'Fin u otld Toybaume Aiton 101, G L.aidac92, Peter Cemeron59., s Bse y lthle fray, BM l«x Ham d7. Anti a Tut vo6 'sla Woonvzu--eeve. D D Roma; conomulor on tb.eciséection sy TIM Pete kclatyte, Lofin Cte hil, tr Mo. Nad, eJacob Bre- The W.aboea ELON Tuwîemuw-ueeve, it D IcEeceru The esm8,U% liKme e201. Deputy reeve W & àgo"as270, A. JHakilus 169. Oouaolinr Re4port fort""là"'n "*" nbtChumeDàou)iald 277,, C N MoDouuld 188. Jeu. %, 1892, uxoi Lltsy o.,-. - - WM Dixati156. J Weelake lit, Mliecuh. Elgies ..,...l... 4 .. Oslmday ega 94.y rsv Lovee..... .4....Tiwly MDPU-iO isU yvFi5 Wereinsul dapimaof sit..... oouoios& D W.bbber, anti'W P koOrn- Coldeul" of 100.05 .. *ThMI&Wq mou.Local option temperamas bp-lac cariIc T'he ei of g%).29 1yea oer.ty off 78 w ~ Ors-BbmvE E H Bopiu; deputy tesys, D Grebet oi a nm ui ay0,8 etuip.Waeur asucilors, J 111%, W E11ev, A Ila u .o n 8da487& Getsa foid mnov lu 1 day LO Tridey. OvN..OWIlICoi4 Donalio, ud Same 1.11on 4 dly.. Silal1 TotaWtlain m tcduue. 0.M. Pammon'-Keyon, James Ienduy, Word Tao& Brixze EnS1lT ChiM LRW"ao Ev But; Ward No T 2EBradinra T Ïesiy à VBYoung. BO46Y seebm No 8 W FrgoA Devenu, B 01, ZUldi; Wad Ne 4 B MLDoaul Eo HA 'ies éuanelmee ofiOrnge ilatritXlctaWHMoli leigee cli b bh oTuesdq E4 IM,111 fAvUulr-CaOWN Yls ,F8 ing,m la, e WmWd 1te àontc fe m Jojo%, Dousunm ]OUIliaMouiDunan 111c mulu e ..L N. 81U TU16, y a nnl»Ut htiuat., a .80 CAwueTON-ltSvs, à T VÈ;y N onc1 lm "tt . M n"4 anlrlai coi 'Fi rg e-OfIt M .P. Sb .. 0, i 5,Oobsas 11 lts Rugi Md h bedlt ab li. ontiyd q~<~ aome@Civil. N,84t. oli su OPfme. hox4 s il. nbsptJm lsg se '~ ~ti ~ ~ comme (eolaua ma" seod ipuly, Wm hiSlhs~ut uuemdpse. i Obbeëomaolloalayei» irey oui dW. :OMM» O< bM Rom socâdt yub 34gO1w& &moïs eat *61157> 5 IUSI ie frmer nau ualmfts lu the. clicon oethe roîîowing genlemn; 'fýfwoteIm il fhv erit Reive, IL D. lMelbooeMa.Enq- formerlY o deci*&Unb is lIs h otRm und Ile.Es. niWudeu Of tie Couuty Dspuly le 0 dm>amm-àîamme" Boive, M. A. MoRne, aloa forme-ny M ts DnakgMnIMember of tihec'lnil, Counciboim IMMer ~ ni-a 4~s n iy e a Chas MoDonoi, C. N. MeawDant, WiiiD'xi. M"10# u-6 doq«O par rsb are@Mwpldm11 hors, ocirg te mciof isiglngviiblato be hopiti ill net blong -~ J~U*~8s gMexaM n% ter thée inger ,w 00u). s w a. employ M"distriebu. Of0110% A %è ille lunRapMl »tat i cen ombbuct ii As iu the foucet .Iee~aEile novu o' Laue's vmicni.kh0 0" i moit SHOES - '~f gom#te=s120ud hoe tfait verg o t10() Sm 0-0 tfi. usISuumset.09thm -tS."isi 51gain, hUje it could taie et liesnt800 k»« »Ms bpa dm= Vfr U pIvs.b"-i IPom#oflthecheper ktud to do thésasons sma Ibé . os&hM alL Whi dm% "tsas ok. " This ialtîmea freely mode endorms d fuam to*pullisl lbâtonsimlyl ie posîtilîlebCaIsuli a ptiameut on the teins MO he b G11lit o..vee« tahIt omltibo a diDiclthtou for tic political lm : oov mm -So at Thi a oulmete uIs »ths Peopleai tis ccuuly Am de big thlug ieslp ne s »Ma end believet he .fotodiu- offSylveater Brou., te rsply te ia.James Hamilton sud Gerge Ingle, voult is If poltisa w reapfflsieu, vonJ aujy ofs n mdchh eelt e aur couti y if they vers C'St Gl , tg sirtwualgumture-stIs publie se" lootet inluthe United lStotes. Thot la chat judas fniiljth. va,,@ of t:L pewoum& thlise as uovtrying te do iu regard te ths Aty mmu elli auopluunssome nlosi.baau. blnder tie inldustries. Thoy ahamld go and sdti. fl the.1 i people of Port Hop. thatt heir Ccvii AIL % M khateteam asya tW visGOre sud Canada voulsihibe boefitetijuat ne uuch Bsti veate t eloset traie rélellous viii ael iflhelbd»fac#ory Chers canin Rochester ber mcnieThis the Mtsort commereflillétéodeThe probsbilitv in that uiapatriotlc ustea eàkh qoua "a ieh ail eho b"e «roues 555 ould a@@n aicc-rate houp puais. tua edt malempire sud o unlltd peuple. -me h CIIb. ui. l cie fo sus nelu Adding S3weetneos to Life. fau Ny. 1111 5lijse né telai * The policy of tis D million Goierusat thee sZ&le ss.xsvo lked, he ie mêmeus ts lib.bulttou:a broati-guege principis, North Victoda lut sîscîkau. grestest number. By the remoyal cf the daty Hon. Thoum"McG-OesvudntiNiOholu anou tee uzar tie people ogenorally have rece. OouuI oys lhaesu oumittoti for Criion the îv.d a oecidod b*znefi, ai augar inauanarticle charge cf oaespiracy te defroudti h. publielisait by oerybudy-tteCtotal lors ne eit in thoir :îessury. 'Fh. lait amed ecouplahua bitterly esdtaraakitu'hrtod:vs Ch she pbrincipaeu have lmes-Ovea ildreu cM. fer it, Stili Cher. are nos.epet- Turhy Lbs]u Red oaiGesv av opti. cons, politicalîv oppobei to thie gaverumsent cf 'FisLibrs)Refrmi. ComerIal Uuou.course, vieo oternd Cat tsetauif should, Uuraetricted - EeclProcty.- Coutimeutal .Fre. have bien continued. Even thol brilliant Trade-Grab.all yuu-can.gsert ar"ema te b.eeniuin, Sir Richard Cartwright, statc-d lunpar. in a Tory mixe-i sudmuddled conditoliament chou tie change van announee dRal Il Il teks Che local Inadore about aIl Choir th. renioval cf the duty on rue sugar cas Uame Ca get themuelvea sorteti outinl deosut aothing mare tar le b-a u a preau-nt of about shape for tie @lec" n.tee million dollar@ a 3 e&ar ta S-nator Drnm- It vas su honor te 5oth Victoria Chat lMr. moud, "thiegentleman ne-me f beingin tereseed Falsinx vu inbvittd 10acse ejudge at faire in the refilnxng bobiness. But ih etrikes un in the NorthWeset and British Commbia t thatt he knight of the rue-fui coutsnance fali. Anti yeît i suso ta b. bitter gall ta eouid have anl ezîremely bard lime to mbke SMu Of hie Politicai Opponemias. chose coula msmy people in Caada belleve anything cof orb se conusnsptibîy smal that thers lanole a tie kinti. For a number -et yeara patit Grit apath ef geusroel or fairnmsailu h.. piper. have hovird about manoviie-,, claiinfg TRer. virae 1500 tous cf nickel ailver ors Chat monufacturera af aIl kinda verse wzing tain out cf the mines anier Sudibury in th e ealthy ont of the bard labor cf the agricul. Puat p est. 'Fils piaguifienDt depnsiî of mine. ,tural clama, but ineyer taticg Ibo ie bntflt rai eSalti migil ha"e remained aunovu for acciiing frein the impie-ment off b-bar Ir)aur many yiora but for the construction cf dis owv tliii-trp. It vas note-d tRial John Red- OanduPso atil ulay, chiai c.a tic vrork poli, tic ugir refluer, hall gane back to, of a lb.r.Connervaîîve Goverament Soilibi vth bis millions, sud erecteti a Tic debt cf Iths Province of Quebso is matasien then inu ehici ta paso the reet cf hie some thirt! fle. million cf dollarsudantomcdeys. True, hore reurne-d ta nis native land, malter chiai Party may got muso power in but hoi did net Cake hit- re-finerv wvnh hi.. Il lie coming Mardi lecîlti i! aeatll n-mains et Montreal, gving suead> couk bord tiis te managetlie ncseaucceasfulil a athonsanti or no0 bds sud cbeaper ingar Thrise shomiti b. a lmit te public indibted.ti: iO @ver te tiieipeoplie of Canada. If the nie. fre&o hscountry l Cc toraias sir-cano à Britlih mgbst cho viaited tis basiu ofai good deal at the mmail relurna uisy could tiho Rackeaui Biver coma rtime ego statueata gel for their labor. Ouly thec cher day a It lsa avait pettolsum field, amidalec thal liseîamlly man remaîrked -Iti -l fcantion-augar petroleuanfielda of OMCeunisaegrester in ex mcchoop. ud fleuroome r. "lu comarieu" tont tien thons of the. Unitedi Stea, Southîru Ch. e vusa ime, cithin esyrecallectiou Ruaala and Burinai combinsd. The naturel chou a former could bring iu Cea duzsn egga wealth of tis Dominion musns nbonadeti. anti exciange them for one Pound off brovu The fact liat North Lnank ithi. stooti hy angar, but nov i brings in ane deon andi the goverumenl viti an incroensmsjarity la gela tvc pouinda of nia. whiCs angar lu relur an evideace that th. poopis cf Canada atill for lieu. Il fa the»mrn uregard ta le%, have fui! confideuce lu tie abllity aud lots. chioh oam aoc b. purchaeedeallenuthan ans grity ofthe pressaI administatoncuaIOttawa, half the prios it could b. about fifucen Vemr nmonbstamding the, unsunteti abuse anti 89ag, cien thebIational Policy came miet alander chiaibasu icen hsspid upen it . eflect. Cotton snd wcoem ooda are all îe In bis course cf o couple of Years, bp the much lover in price. sud the geneeralîy cRispe-. deusluof the Lachine Canal, cu .t .- ng cf lth eeesarica of lite muet add to Che ski"s vi Sd Iheir voy te Toronto anti I etaeam cf living. >The people vil un- Hamltlon. Tis viii do aay vith the noeil1doubtetilvsantiby a goverrment chici axer. rit ofto3bpige Montreel. The cimia suai porterna1 e-ar.- are thir bebalf i lie Grand Trouni'.oppouition t heti. gvera- BOIjOOl 1NoteS. meut l inte lots eletian.- 'if r. Welters ia à michbtte temperence CÀmBRnU-Fifth claa.-Algêbra Marks mau lien Mr. Falrbairu," no soys a coirn- possible. 100-Frsnmk Wi-bater 65, Herbert pondent of the local Grl apen. Ys, pro- Roui 60. Win. Burton 45, Y, uri-Ariti- bahblp because Rie l mueh b=-but a pu. metta-Maîka possible, 100. He-nry DaubieRa Icheoa vili holti a goiti tisaimoie Ihun a ksi 84, Suais Wiliinumoî 74, Brunis Baigbt 64, 'Fis hlgly moral rtform Party, however,vW. Lii Jookaca b8, John Ocîna 53. Euily uAer be folisi emough t Ci te genial Chapuan sud Weetou Tomtkits 49, Neîhie Thomas Up se a temnerance candidate. Cbapman, Gumaie Cole snd Lydis C -ndenua, lu the. RateQuebec Lexialaturoen ens ore44,Aggie TomFkinm 40, Ida 'Fîipl 83, Maqgie 48 Libmnaleansd oniy 22 Consorvativea, sc liaI Sinclair 24, MarCha Cîark 9 Maud Cowiéeon CRie latter vill have tb regain itee ut let. 4- Tlird-Aritime-tic-Idaiks possible. 100. sids. holding tie ane bey nov have lu eider1 Edgar Chamerns 100, Htrbert Brokeusehire, teaioep tic uncrocueti king out ef power. Fred Ronfle-y and Joue-e Austin 97; William Mercier la apreslmvg Cc hie compatriote tu osoe Chambnr 92, Annie IMcKe.e 80. Lbzzi.- Jotei. ths Coasttutlca, wvii.tic nev ministrvià son 79. Lillie Jackson sud Athol Fti 66, eamavg upon the people te potctth in . oF&rquhar 59, Lîizs Austin 52, Sadie ttseàurv. Irviu 47, Caleb More 46, Amui Metberel anti Charles Thoma 42 LattueCole 41. Edith Sir loin Thompeoue, Mimister of Jusice, Chambiers anti James IdeFarquuar 34 Mary addreme e d entithute aaudience. et Shirs3.Jeu Owena 81. Maud Wood and Klugbuendi Almonte r.cally. Hi Out' Minacie Macro 16. Perey Rovan 15, William llaid go grand, progressive merc inlg Sbire 9. Samuel Burton sud Thea. Marshall mcdi by lie Dcmiuion under tis National 2. Junior departrnt:-Second-Compoel. Pcllcy antidenéounstoitrongly ith ienepu. lioni-Menu posible, 100 Est Lapp 99, table ontas of politicol oppocnta, chose label Brokenehire anti Henry Patte-n 98. J. o vivllification, eandmr anti Austin 96, Ida Toinpkine and H. Westcn 95. ml.eprelttatb. Lillie Irvin 92. Lizze Cochrne sud Bella Whou citim ept public afflouhy e li Mcetquhar 91. George 89, Cafty Cola lupedtobecame tlesenaente ci lis People anti Frank Routlip 88, H.-rman Oceno anud an to boh ne longer more partiune or allw fruk Holgit 86, Frank Taylor 81, Linda tieuselve.. w ha vned se Cole hy politcal 'W"lI80, Lillis Parsanu78, Fred Chambers partico. Yeb. Dr. Malloay, Msltrar of f es 75. John Sinclair 73. Notii Rie-hem 72. John iNgorlhnmienland, and ti her Outario officielsPatton 70; lernnut Tompkira 50, Wsley bock su active port te lis lut eieclioma ou be. Chambers 51, George CJham bers 50. Ida hall of Làuaelaicandidats@& Mr. Waltm hlm. rTo m& ins.Laa Wells. Nellie Rc Mah al