Ontario Community Newspapers

Victoria Warder (Lindsay, ONT), 25 Dec 1891, p. 7

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nO or ail trolt th. businces e aYtomy it It à aP 4 tt in my kindaof hSe u oln" D ot no war btw.ta ep ein 054 neyreligiqu soceleres business, of flunte, n'a i wta, swes saoerblîy cf sud ju ..Ld w k. It gives ato iânoing to and t YwrtliutO the jîidâ ut, morerette lite *vii, 5,000 jute a n e Va&uIgs Iore In ~ta1s oindustry lim te Yen uay, "Thats4 (b hno, entisiar a more oc e You are payl»g thée lmva cannot 1~I the round oftk, Id, show ou1y hululon, very lut Z ld Y«. me hn'osoionesî %Wi bus beu ilvas a severe echool b ut a dep~1ldI~religion. worî it. You Iem a nuder liaI 1-eid#8trla1 l oaes «0,;, v 314.8 4111oceyou would net y tàccg 'p:producers, r«1 oesaw" traders.Producer8, suci s- ad I remark, m"s, liaI boosineslitéin a miniers. Manufacturera, asn oi t'w ie ho is<>i lfer lntegrity. Z'o u~iM cvi visA tufom rn to food, and wol i into 0hoeill dovwheàhein teiuPted. Tiiec re a pael.Tradr&,suc os a z 9" ti>usnds of *o!n aW* 4&î ,*éplt telirlin whick la preduoed anti A tmerelybecos t r*ç, aini buiite minu iy ballong 10* CI 0 ut. oanwu;ail gtîua f h of thescu a ant nt ne ,u etate etmaiemmnte ps a go. He vas 01 aîîy WtbýiW.en ic rl* e ~nmIdlalnglscd for bitihônesty, uefulnsas o! Fianethei ou licmarial Md U %nius, but bera ans year baid o as M the Zuusiw,.sld pbe. d h ad taie» out cf tie public funda %ddl0 libfo bis own privaI. use, and vas hurled aU es pi 14 U ot niof fRin dsgracé. Ditmguisied ot the sivages, ai fo r M4eb loe . Distlguihed for the Epres fotcrime aller. Youc oa slover tie naines t h la î î î e d à * . tl g o < o f m o n j u i t l i ke l i a I , i n v i e s e hi e s t forth juta th*%'lyeouhad complt. oonfidence, but piae bla lb. sarith eE 0& Lucertain crisesof tamptallon they vent iiuthe forhir aw, o.C verboard. laver &0 marly temptatians tc, undrmo alsin ase ov. Net a lav onthie faoulia wuthé .snI ai ute book -but hu a pinebook door imbone tht srapof-thét O Ibreugi vicia raacre cmteausacape. shgddy anidimperfîIltffl fl îehw mn do pi la the f.co la"d the lePnceW codeLnomuai plunderlug la commercial hrablyod te ben sAv 1 li a i f a an»lau&bout living a lii. cf brobl ae en mcc o t, comple.commero cilacuraoy tiers are trap brooekigasria No0grenea ad ia barness-nmtcrl t ïéWho, loyt eu anc ou i oneoccuatIofitact. More uced oi honssmty nov thon you i cm ccuptionI lu*verbefore, trled iouosty, comnplete bn cotinu togéc. Sne of ay mhoc0" adymore than l in s. limes wien bus!- But whtcvsre "s, and alks wero iks and mn nere ifl nto yatur 1hie tieras cornesno i: atybus atnuoyanceq andi perturbations as, velli êà Oh, vhb.a uOlof interl' bui perenittnge and dividende, if you Wre pur- nDe lifeli .Ifpou have ever heen tempteti suid fronti Monday. fleming until &tuiday t o oii nort rig eoeM n niiand froin January ta Januztry by lu. 1avaatageif you bave ever vakene up) la exiraboit llgatiaui andi duty, thonpo nae mre embarrument, anti aid:«"ýNov, I'11 a n srt qmao yuae nsnes r*1s tp à 1111e aide frein the righit path and veaund rny subject i% appropriate to 1 no ou.eviilkuow Il, anti I1 cone out al your <(><. ri lit &gain; il la only once." Oh, tiat Wse ctuner lte impression tualtiche oui'once huaruied tous ai thonsande cf moil and ttug of business '11f. are a piso mon for this 11e 'sud blated tisir soule for inécwliuh a niai.îuinîirîîet, or liaI t tlàetcrnity. Il luna' tremendous scicol, busi- au,,ttnequai strife whîere unarmeil a 'minnesus life, a achoci of itegrity. goes forth to conutenti. I shall show yen As I goc on lu this subjeat,, I amn lrpresssd tlibt business ihie va. inlmuded of Ood for. viti the imp~ortance cf our i&vîug more gîid and gloriauu education and disciplins, àsnipathy vith business men. Is it net a aittl if 1L t ,iIbco Iulpcd te sv ay "l tI 9 min tht vs la aur pulpitu do not oftener to ay, 1 illi mb nmorne ithe vrlaklbo f IpZch about their truggles, their trials entut of pur brow, and uualrap ome ofa anti their texptationa ? Meu who hoil l ill adrus f îoin yur back. I arn not 1.1k. witi their band are not apt te h. vers' à i b a traction. Though neyer hav- sympathetla vii thome who toil with tic lit bren li business 111, I kuow a&H about brain. The farmera vho r.ic tho corn ii mess inoti. sud théecaate snd the wlieat soinetirnes are the frnt place I remrk tiat business Iemptsd te thik tuat tie grain merchanlm li f q rteuded as a achool Of energy. bave aunsasy time, andi get their profits fù i VeUNl a certain amotut of raw ma- withaut glviug ny squivaleunt. teFut t fwhivih we are to isw Our char. Ws tlu &bout tie martyrs of tic Pied- ac' r. (hir.fsoultioa are lu be u et, round- ment vuflsv, sud tis martyrs ameng the t i mi sarpned up. Our yung loua Scatch Highlands, and themrtYrs at Ox- kuý)cgraduatoti irom mhool or college ford. Tiers are juil as oertainly martyrs îeed a i ber educatioui, that vicithe of Wall Street and StaIe 1Srcet, tuartyrs ai rail auti nd collision et every.day lit* iloue Fulton Sta'ceh and Broadway. martyre of tiR'. ftct:u neryia» i as .. , u Atlantic Street sud Chemînut Street, going ùt afi ie. f te a mn b bie ýir bui- trouhaoter firea, or iavlug theirDok teous aivity, to,îwenty, irly pesthils under sharer axes. Ti-en il beovea us #nurgy , ntaI le b.meauuredý'by viglite er tobanîie a&l fraîfulnusafrnni aur ivesiif piuînîittt c ladderm.TIare la noe til Ibis subýjeot b. rue. W. lokback ta lie it (îîo apae, sud t esla no-depî i Il lime vie» ve vote aIbahoal, and vs te- canot fitth na, sud theosin no Ootae It member tic ted, and ve remember the hard canîlot thi là~. iaka sud ve ceomplalned grlevaualy; but Now, iny Irother, wiy dld Qed pût y7 now we aelb vas for lie bet. Business i Lh<t .che1of enrgyf W&&s 14 - eely lUfe las& .qool, sndth* a ta sare hard, sud that yen nilit b.oa ardotlci 1tg Urtm hé a oallsenis somelimes are vsry grevl- loti, or a eeiyard ce velgi fnu#t .'WU cui<;but.do sol complain. The botter lie t neey t t you mugil be botter quafed fIre tic botlar tie reflniug. Thora arc mon .ach Îr, d iga ? M& e paclbeflatehée ltote oi Godti s day iu tri- l uii thai >cool of onsrgy hha lcu uiat umpi vin on sarli wsi'e cieated out ai bdovo lq) for cilatian w*dd fti ,e~ilgbtIhir coffin. They ver undevelop talent. ln thce elllauadtbey vr rplo o ot e chumelieoU 10-day were brought cul sd wve .throttled b1y constables viti s viole thorniîghi i arncmeedi, I balieve tieviole paci cf illa, lit e rson old cet of the vedW( a b. ooaverled te God ilu ashorm b arla, liths@ ne compromise viti thoir time ordltousap ad tomake asignmenta. hfoi lever idiers l in oua f Terdyfng houri vere sanoved. Vlîiuî * ndi for more Christs»ilon kerti Amna»&rome lu Fuiton Street praer. mnu w 1<,hall taiethie Mme .na yth&a# maciniat sl Iws bu1y fron Modsymonllift@ aludV.~btacknowiedge tb. gooduceu Of GMd. 1 vu tle putiziforth fo the 8411P'cmin j 1'slneUs trouble. I ' bad moncy ta psy, llvslhod or lie asthering 4of, 1 e~anti I hatine meue tapsy l and 1 aswum and on Sabbath d y4 put itlth-th; * ntemprefs Qnalip, and 1laid iAmvantU~e af Chr ist Sm M t - OrIbisr maler belotethie Lord, sud tlii.main. brngin i n n M lia Lod. D. v nI dv» Mon¶»oume oltbusiness inSuiW&014sw .5 ansmm h in l. a aneDt selin many yasrslait liertd a grat fortune. Th* iniu osid et. mie ma;auone »u aldbn». VWys him: -91 iad t. b. Vry busp for mââ gamo gat aeOlWllD V'a 'Yeitiiof nîy 1ite gettli*ig tfflii .,Moie mouey on aur bocks dus yen a «ccgod fier.smwiiii. ih5 a1101W So m& a" -ville but vs didn'l kuo* vire y ou vere, Wlei eftii c.*é lu c iiin rnsé. pundvs11i ese cRiS Oa.Si1 aGit utooUectig. Tice - inb. et anabeIuefe tô «-ïqW lubstem îw nhn. DOs. lO, 111Boer. vii ve tc psue et*a. ,0Tii.. l.tu y.eA.wMM-m. ca1ariilit 0( tfoitscrVdit rugnetý .<We O Y~~'.I~ IS i@pdlia hi the im teri, hseem. O PEE.bU> laIumme" am plots i ortan w t disrts tione r ac oi udb. Teu1»lsiàttâeet erA ?habwum, ees. u"a Vaa ta d ixyeesta e'.t.sb,ah.d luwoh îbe£evnesa - tawel euIa"at.lo nE Obfbee»eu i a , eai es, Au1 br ans w O fld oa ter . ig.Tinoi1 iecfarlco 3.0fo v EPw~,wurn0tn&Brm , asndoad lutii. inae lag are-c'ulteb. COe hrd,d HNOOE 'Ib* Wh u ste T b* da e ber u owin vthn abia "weuld ot iwle isd ta oerr e. t.1SLU 03105 as &s oe rvgt h 1h. ase f vi a esv r. vi frOm e or s ix otr iu. l u-. "p»B tb&t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~atrs Ibsya lavret fct .hpIfrsrIc uLt 1 ah.Oaodrn b ticBame ~,.»li ukwn = ifte hnrd huau oud f n e"igme oa db. o apl deon.w reut i btr ra day If i enîcu B i . Tss eob.pl tim c ryu o ce fr round. tr.laedca ptancte otdvi iihfcee stesadh .~ 10. 1 .TOE esrly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ mmlag uoig u ecc i.cnlso .ivdttm arcuiera ver nov con-asuta liaI lie fari ee ofisolan g wditunored efthe dnt ealged f brinn u rosis fU-.rerce a afl. twO *4 vasrews d te bcgh haea.I heir ci c'log.dte ane&mik or ter - tion. to r.ledaanig théay ostsb u i mkon eeiei1,vnedr au eil a. k for l'. sberibraicfor fsmervc I spae =ttt1g ,b e ein hne osofor ,- oIvtesae-m ai drin tioix summru- a30Tlto.OpoebocgbdTrkhe stile; ul Ilsaemd alc teb. ruc hat ould~uî grct dal c mony jRt be. an - borhred B e cr ake aedI.l obat s jur b. e vxa Ietof o tire. veeasa p cte auredtfarin o m d u oer. ~mon. ei ma t om iso a ppl ctIn ls tii v*i ad raitilothecaui n bP.evb. poli mtntime ai servicesowTcoe- lhe sains culant.Tc eta1~,*~-OLÂEDA XlnniLTS. suce siaulti b. sttaor te pure. sud Froi. Smuuitere tisa gave the détails ef a coed et, sud il ad b..» .thc ef- numbor ai experimentu directly colatérai frt oai hele ExerLuintIL FPari t e the braad inatter ai vinter daU*yhig. suist the fariner lts repect. Far For exampls, h. deait viitite tests v1icii several peara put large quaniti.. cf seeti ist bee» undertaken for tic purpose of au- hati beau ditribut.d thraàugbut lie Do. certaining the value cf Ui u utterfat aI minlon, anti in lia vay 10,8"fariner% hati different eriodm, rangllug item tirse te in» b.en reseoeti uring ,Ihe Putal Iv- peara menthem fthe isperiod cf caiving. H. lien vîti sampies cf nov vyAieîlcs of grain. The passeti on te show lic advsutagss riaing objeot vau ta graduafly Infuence ths viole out ai the nuse af tic Cetrifugaisparalars grain orop af liecooutrpyuMrly, sud au agaiamî tie ordlnsrymétiode cf 9lli. lins enable fare ta make their vork Thc direct abject efolui is ais h produc- mare profitable. Il vas explained liaI lion of gooti buttsr, snd tic exploit* in~ theso samplos vers sent td any fermer vie the British market vas te put dollars into migt apply for hbei vithoul ny cet lie pockets cf lie fariner&. Iu conclading vhatever. As a proaf cf lis extent of the un address of grenu luterest, anti practical dernanti, Il vas saidt liaInoine igitasu value, Prof. Saundera briefiy referre t tea tons ai grain voe requiredti asyear te renct tnptirougi several of tie Westsrn make u the nunibar ai three.pound baga States. th le courscf tiat trip islied asieti or. metsa large number of persons vi e ve exo S m»TMNG engageti as inatructoru sud otiervise, anti The Direolor tien referret ta ticesa. he vus able ta, fsirly compare lie vork 1teom ai secti testinq Ilu eration aI lie dons tiere viti tie wcrk tie.on t.ia aide Central Expérimental Farm, by viici of tic lino. He vas gralifieti te findti laI auj farmer, vitîxout s cent of couïtateaur lamrçars oefar n luatvance of lie himacifi, migit ascertain lie exact per- farmiers aithie Western States. He b.lieved coulageef bus seeti grain wvivimigit b. théierfmer& ai Canada, vwers thie expectedtel germinale unatio favorable cir- Iba informet, tic meal enlempising, curnatancea. Another clama of vori of con. a nst vers tie beat vomkers on iderable importance vas tint reiating ta tuas continent anti perbapse eqal te lie coss-fertiization. The abject was te pro. farmera of thie Old Country. Ho vas ire- duce sntirciy uew sorts viti a view tae bn quently.tlid by instructora that il wu5 tic lagthe ineueindviualgran tc = ~custem lu inte Western States te ciii atto- qoehri n niiualgrithu^ities of twa or more varietica. Bp thus tion bte eaupeier metioda in vogue lu pmoceesa seine eue hundred anud fourteon ucv Canada. Moreover. tic prices for am vaisties hati been produceti ai Ottava, andi producha vere considerahly botter than as the resuit of lut year's operatiun about those obtaineti acroas the line, andtihle eue hundreti mare variehies had been atideti. general reua v ere more satisfactory te Thia work would ibe prosecuted in the. the farmner*. Lack oetlime preventeti Prof. reastouable expectation cf praducing somne Saunders from euternug fully jutthle Q'Kt variettea which wili be.cf muci value ta tic tien of ensilage, as oe eof the meane vici fammers of Canada. iad been founti ta boit meet the demanti WINTU DAITINO for cieap anud suitabte vinter foddcn, but Tis mporant ueston a vine , d iehohmtly explaiued a large chart hung Theimprtat qeston f wnte dary upon the wali in suci a way that vas cal- ing vas thon taken up by Prof. Saunders. culateti te illustrate tie chiot pointa inu t Ho suid there hati been an agitation in many counectien. pafrts of the country fer the establishment _____- of a cream&-y with a view te dotermining nia Simple Sparrcw Tmap. hov tam it vould be profitable te the iarm- h rsd gis i nls crs Western cf Ontario te make butter ~ rsd gls i nis during the wiutom seasen. Our butter had' sparrlow te doveloplng a marvollous neot hitherto commandeti a very hilgipre amount et lngenulty. A cheap, effco- 1» n~and fr le rase laI vor fain tive, and unerring method et klllng evite clnid rt. e aoî thagti buttefr-the bird. hIsthe essentlal requlsite ta makor, an apinioan lwvhc ieh ci oten succesa In the new ludustry. atood alone. The commercial rssuits,' One litIle feilow on thue south aide iollowing upon lie gencrai methotis ai has solved -the probloxu, and has ai- butter makiug adopted tbrougieuit tic rcady brought la over 100 heads. He couirtiy, huti issu disastrous. As the ceom- explalned bis systom ènd the compara- mencement of remediai meamurea, Prof. tive menit. cf It and other systeme Robertson hîti realtd a ciese factory et t10 capt. Haywoovl. Weodatack, anti anather ah Mount ElgnYen soc," ho said, IlI didn.t hv for the purpose of caryiugr on vinher 'ne gun ner no meney te buy eue, an'" dairying. Thiose districts iad basa chou If I bad the pollcemen'd arrest me for a commnencemnent, because they wene for sheelin'. An' me mothor wouidn't capable ai supplplng lise quantilies cf let me poison 'cm. Suie sald lb was miii roquiroti for thu purpoe. RHa d cruel. Any way, yen couldn't nover just retaîmneti frein an inspection af thosetell whetheir pou gel ail the sparrersl creinmeies,,vith a report et mont gralif'y. ou poisonod. Bo I muat gel up a ing esulla. BSauco.uufuil ad been t2c 'cheme of my own, me an' anotber'boy oxpenmment, liaI durlug lieehast week or that lives an the street I do.' tva applications bati corne la frain aver Il"We made a lot of paper tunnels lvent.y chocs.factorles for information u ont of writl' paper 'bout liait as long toha h lsp ould turu hheir establisi- ïas a lead pouahl, the top f etcmluit mente into cramenrles for lie vinter. AI bg enough fer a sparror te get his Mount Elgin lisp woe getting s supply head Iu. We put blrdseod Iu the bat- of fromt evon le nine theusauti pounda cf tom aof'arn an' set 'em up lu the alley mik per day, sud tic butter product va- back cf aur hanse, whoro lots et tho lsd fronthtrce hundred anti fit7 10four sparrers cerne. The sparrera COrne ndroti Pound&. Tic miii brougit in peokin' reund an' flnd the birdseed In indicaleti an average of a littis oven four 'lem an' stick theîr he:îds iiu toget Il. nr cent. ai butter fat b p tic BabOack Weil, Il' dowu at the bottern, peu teter ; but in estimatlng lie reaulit b as know, an' no they mat push their necessary to ashow for aM addition ai ons- heads right In, an' Ithon bbc funnols sixtili, vilci vasrepresented hboy mul stick ta Ibeir headm. They can't fly, cunite f voter assei»le anti sait. At l"cause tbey ca't sec, an' bldea 'lb iislîotOrth le milk vaspaiti for lu pro- e'prlses lem go thoy tergalte ofly, thon porion tetie amaulât of butter fat il cou-vo corne right up au' catch 'cm. It's uied, vicie plan proolud th le'bsibilit lots of fun w*tîchln' lem flublerin' of aMy manipulatien of lias miii, anti bai'round trylu' ta get the tunnels off. lie dvatag cfglvng ic r jia The other boy badl hie tunnels marked tic feriner viïe. cova produ a wlth bis name an, I had mine marked tiohest mlii. Acharge ci lire. cents vitia mine no we'd know wbleh vas par Pound on ltaébutter vas made 'mine au' 'whieh vas his. Hoe onld't t0 otver liche utof niaiing sud me- <c<>e down to-day 'cause he'm bec» kotlag. Atlic eMd Of oaCi menth U&sd* ad iaela'hsa]p 0ni i seus prnwuti I o "i buteron v ie admother vouldn'b let hlm go ont Of thb 'esupraanoad fon thels att buttou a hou"e. Kiman, me lu ai»' wto U7 &W bun e.. frm bs «triutin o eae.he»Uh Spai» ssoisvsecau bnp milk. No furtier advansuvsmade un sicat ta go out l rdin'onthe la" e o t i utter vuas old 5Md thon thene 8Uuner.s"-OhlcQ Nva vroo e r. divided. PrO of. ____ffl_______ re to e bm.liaI lih uIler tinsJ&O fa s nuoe"suaual tle asboat Déna j ADg g Poe0.1. à ~Ivu «xpeathlaI lia Thrn la ng>lht ÙdIolticlthlm Pocnd, tu; tb e îw ast- .nUJ â0s j cg ii ýfp , = . lg z he a 1 f -dliselgli mArnteVdet09:8 làd qs m .lb.ho rody-orddwdrpm imaL h Thoroughbr.d BerkahiroDosa'. The thoroughbred Berksilre bear VICOOBI Oumii iiib.héept for service by the subbcriber ~II0193M Parowe4 FOI. 17. 1891; bred by Robuernue, Ida, Ont.; tud ovuer Tho. M ..,o Omume, Ont.; stre Prise Wlnoer [5571; dam Dlnsi (1U3j.'by Frankina 1754], Prlmrose 15751. by Comma- dmt [171, Bright Lady M3. hi' SurprI» 2 fMi U F MU M .leSSby inlght ef Glo'ster, i 904 2; er=m ,, 181. bh i'ndermere 114. BMO- «dýLI-bf. Oxford, daugbter of »ark Saille, by wibor; SmIlle hi' Otbelo1 Saille dth bi' De»e Boar; Saile rd by Duke of Gloucester Lud; ft111e lad bi' King Tomb'. Boer; Saillie lothi' Duke ofiQloueter 1Lut Terme 81, t10bc pult at time of servie. THOMAS FEM Omemee IP.O., h, i 10.-7.0 Bosar for Service. The, Caadisa Improved Yorkahire Boar "CO'UNT" WiII b. hemt for service during the nsson ou WEST BAIIT 0F LOT 18, lit 5=aCON. or FENELON. Farrowed Julv 16, 1889; bred by Ormsby & Chap- maIND, e rlngflldon-he4eaft, Ont., the properti' 0f David Evanu. Beaverton, Ont.; sire Rover [15]. tam Gran e aly e9, by Bol) well WoEdr.:2u4 1a(711) ltmp.)eCuna 9,17b ôlyeli Vctr (lp . f1, 4% lwsll1Vctoeau , (20)(,mp.) by HolyweilDuke (827) B1mlgh Sd,(340), by Sonb (141) Biemluh 2nd y9> ci Hly eiJlmmy ( ]C. va, by Samson Clii, lake0U1, to be pald at Urne of service. JOHN MARK, 10-8 Proprletor. Amrm For Sale lu Eldolk. Lot le ln the 9th Con. Eldoin, 112 acres more pr '1e9, about 70 scies clered. Prame bousse aud barn; good orchard; close b o hool and churck Appli' b JOHN TINNET, Valontla P.O. or to G. R. Ropking, Brrrister, Lindsay. October 10, 1890-ltl YOUB. fACE Tan Freckies, uRi I Puapcea, Black Specku, Bti chiu es , c- n be remoffl h Z7aa.lyby apP)lylng Tan & 1reckle Loton odfe, su- u aEffeotaL. 4'PRICIE 25C. FER BOTILI fld by &Al W-nggistal. Ci. J.HOYLE, CANNINGTON " &iways keeps a l uasortnent et HookiL ai evcrydeecription, ailki>dâ 01 johool r.aufitem, Berlin Wools, Fingerlnàg Woole ehrad leWoola, Tiasel aad Pwer leaves, eto., ~KuIaalIxatrments, Muao, silverwae, Albu, Bible ad loy Gooda ofevery du. GANADI AN PAGIFIO RAILWAY. "oiEuw=. Le., HearuaL...9.10 sin. 8.80 P.-. " Otbama.... 16Mar. 11.00 P.u. ou% jubeo...La 2.01iiau 800a rtPs.ý. &à30p.m. I 1 .M. Ue0M. mm*N.TwoutL__ .. .a.6m. ILIO16M. Pm omp 9 o...406. .0 ai id N. Teeou.. U.1 u.I0.1>.. 5.l >M w":.. & l.sl..&ML 1&1.3 p. Omo" ~ l .. 6.81p. 415a., 1Luam " Oawa . 5.4é p.m. 5.15.... le 007IMnd M"h hAlO TRUNK RAILWAYS Ir Ni Mos-.lIW b O i p 1 SP40TIoION WITZ TEý ENCY LqOPLDIA IREVISED ÂND AMENDBD. t; i k IT 18 YOUR FAULT tuat the. boy doeau't understandl the mening ot the woril hg has encountered, or knows nothing of the man ho oa bRen reading about. Yeu seem annoyed-beeause he bas interruptod you while you were resding the .paper. Dose mot part of the. annoyance arise froni the fact fiat yon don't knvw peursoli ? The whole trouble for both you and the boy wotild ho obviated if pou ouly bmd a good Eneyolgprndia in the houne.. Yeu can't afford IL. Bead our annouooomnt and yon will ses that yonceau, b. von everso0 poor. THE ENCYOLO)PJEDIA BRiTTANICA ]Revised and Amended, Io the mont complété and dlvçrsified librarv of entortairing and interestirng litt rature ever eseued from tb. press. Yûu w;I1 find nom éthing to nitrFct ard irterf- t îycu on every page. if vou are fond cf bistory, it contains tht, ,inest eLtcdicn cti bietorieo in the world, embraoing everi' a.atîzxÀ cf ancient antd rcderv itimts. Aie ýûu inter- eated in Scienoe? The. Encyclopoelit Brittanica Revised and Arnadeeul tI1tell pou, in eciar, udr~dLeE.4114É, bll ibGnct AL', scietce (u wn ih6.Ltu atucoy. Are yeou aurions about mechanical-inventionb? Agzpin the Enevolopoedia is resdà to peux baud; a momett'L trkLng of ifs pagec bririge the proptr liî-eiji g tc. Vour PYOp, and tbere before yon lies a ocnuplote anud exhaustive accouct of I4ho tinre sui j ect. Iu abort. whether yeoi want amuscment for an ie heur, solid inotructioD for m oré- sern- ene moments, or quick information about sny matter sa te wbicb 3 ou are in doubt, vou have the means in these books of gralifying 1 r ur dee.ire. THE WORK IS ILLUSTRATED It. moyen thonsand peuss are filled with fine picturos, and il contains ov'er 8,500,00 words. The informnion ecmpiled in ti "Cyclopeedia" repierentS thé cnrtt Ul wcrk cf 1060 ofthtii ablest writers of the nineteenti century. AUl other ',Cy cIok Sdias" are heom ive te twentv pyeara behind the date cf the iSbouocf this grand work, which was cornpleted -in 1890. H OW YOU MAY PAY FOR THE BOOKS W. offer to deliver to your address a complote llet of TH1E ENCY- OLOPADIA BRITTANICA, reyised and amended, together with TFHE VICTORIA WARDBR, for one year, at the fol1om,tt xg pricPs:- Encyolgpoedia bound in Cloth and Paper, for oie yenx $26.00, pay- able as follows: $2.00 on delivery of the firat five vo1urneýs, aid $2.00 per month for one year. Encyclopoedia bound in Full Sheep and Pa~per, for one year $31,26, payable as follows: $2.40 on delivery of the irst five volumes, and $2.40 Per month for one yèar. Encyclopeedia bound in Haif Seal Ivlorocco and Paper. for one year $38,80, payable as follows: $2.60 on delivery of the first five volumes, ana $2.60 Per month for one vear. Where Full Amount is Paid at Once. Where the full amounti pa.id at time of delivery an allowance is made-the Cloth set for $24.50 instead of 26.00; the FîiIl Library Sheep for .828.50 instead of $31.20; and the Haif "-'eal Morocco for $81.50 instead of $33-80. Advertise in The Warder F[The Cnadian Office & Sohool Su CAVE R L YPRETOIN, -. 01-4 TA R.10 la roa B O t s Dl Manufacturera o Offce, School, hurc, sd Lodg» suppli' j inlure. FURNITURE AND UNDEBTAKING A11 ln a&l Un.branchus. A full suppli' on band at aUl I tim. saving noirompletec My £BABSE I am reparedto 7uply' undertaking il U ai 11.branche&. A l supiily aPiurniture always on baud. Plctufo humebg dcii. as ueuaL -lu-hi 8.CAVERLY.i NOIRLANIDe House of Ail Nations for Blood. Rave beea Uronh he ic lut »W forbMM&d.Thee t bbuEesl.,«eMd me. IN aordsa uchi ubal"LIbocau.I1 i'b» '5!n TI0"PPEr Arrmzno Shool Dock I v tbave me R Pam neThoe l Des hà IbCompany' cannai b. excefled oumufLS. t Io e= lz r= ye Imm et' a1W ii1i vHs oma.v if- OUBU I-si- .f ApgidI~, I Sooe~

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